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You remembered to marry best girl, right?

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Thread replies: 506
Thread images: 150

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You remembered to marry best girl, right?
tell me more
Of course.
No.. because Im gay so I married the gay
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>Loves you so much that, when you disappeared, she trained like hell to get you back
>Legs that seem to go on forever
What's not to love? Hino a best
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>He married a gold digging slut
Ok taste
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I want to brush Velouria's big, fluffy tail!
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No, I married best boy.
The cutest.
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I want to rub her fuzzy ears!
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Damn right I did.
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>Not even best imouto
Fuck off with that Hoshido trash
>playing as the boy
Literally why?
>Not doing 2 playthroughs, and doing tons of save scumming to fill up the support log
W-what? Where am I? Who are these people?
FE fates?
No, I married Scarlet for some reason and was left with no option but to marry best girl off to Jakob
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I'm sorry
I don't play homogay games.
I'm waiting for SMTIV Apocalypse.
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Corrin was already bad enough as a girl, playing as a male so naive and idiotic that still gets that amount of dicksucking by every other sibling would drive me to suicide.
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I didn't really play it for him, I self inserted and ignored his shitty dialogue
I sure did
>sleepy all the time
>writes poetry
>mild bully tendencies
>her dad is a cool guy

Mitama a best
>Ryoma breaking Femui
Where is more of this?
No because adult Tiki isn't in the game.
She's not that bad, all the same. I guess she must have reminded me of someone. There are so many better girls, though... Like, they're all pretty good.
I have no idea how to choose between Camilla and her. Who is better? Can I be a lesbian with Hinoka?
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>Adult Tiki
>Not adorable loli Tiki
>Not a manakete with a tender heart and a fertile womb
You literally like Tiki because of her giant Tikis
>those hips and thighs
>Can I be a lesbian with Hinoka?
No, there is only one lesbian option in the game. As for the first question, Camilla kind of shits on Hinoka.
I married Rinkah I'm sorry Honkers
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Course I did
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>He married fake abs
>He didn't marry real abs
I'm sorry, anon
How so?
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Sadly there's not enough of this.
>being a pedo
End yourself
>But 6000000 years old
Manakete age =/= human age.
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Great choice anon
Why the fuck did they make her have such terrible strength? I still don't understand
I had to stop playing this game because of all the incest. It was creeping me out. I would rather be the random stranger again
IS's balance
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She's about Tharja's height, so at worst it would be hebephilia.
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The only incest that can possibly happen is with Azura, who is your maternal cousin. None of the Hoshido kids are your siblings, your real sister is actually a dragon/fish thing
>it was creeping me out

You probably don't belong on /v/ if something so mild (and completely optional) makes you uncomfortable to the point that it ruins the game for you

Her job is to be a tank.
I know that. But why would you make what's clearly supposed to be a fighter character with no armor and muscles a weak speedy tank?
The patricians choice
I had to stop playing and go fap because the incest was turning me on.
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Why is she so fucking shit this time?
Even after promotion she can't do any damage.
She's a general rather than a berserker. Sucks that so many fucking enemy units use magic though. I'm completely roadblocked on Chapter 23
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Of course I married the best Milf
She doesn't have the benefit of Awakening's broken 2nd gen growth rates

Come to think of it, all three of the Awakening poll kids are really hit or miss. Laslow and Odin's growths are coinflippy as fuck and Selena's stats are just mediocre. Shitty personal skill too.
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Staff~ Staff~
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Of course
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I'll never play it before Citra is complete, so not yet.
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Best sister
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Of course I did.
Mitama is my favourite character, good taste.

I didn't marry kamui to anyone because I don't really care for the marriage mechanic and don't care about unlocking kamui's kid.

Just out of curiosity, how important is this marriage stuff to you guys? And does it matter if there's an "avatar" character, or do you treat kamui's pairups the same as any other character?
You've given me a bit anon. That's hope enough.
more like worst girl
I didn't play the game but fuck I want camilla to suffocate me with her rack
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I always like how daytime Fates threads are Hoshido and nighttime threads are Nohr. That aside, Camilla is superior in every way and the game acknowledges this repeatedly.
French kisses with your little sister!
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Did any of those Camilla doujins ever get translated? I scoured the Internet looking for some a while back cause I can't fap to something I can't read.
I want to get this, but I haven't played Awakening. Is she actually a nice character?
Only if you stop posting those pictures of your scat fetish.
I want to see Camilla treat her like a sextoy.

This is also how I wish to die.
why would they tease my penis so?
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oh i have quite a bit, my folder for him is quite big
People say Hoshido is biased country wise, which is true, but they really make out the Nohr siblings to be a lot better than the Hoshido ones.

Xander apparently reached the rainbow sage by himself and even when you beat him in Birthright you just get a "lol I was holding back" while Ryoma is actually beaten properly

Camilla keeps insulting Hinoka but I don't really remember much past that. I don't like how when you choose Birthright she goes full crazy, she's a big bitch that route, wish she would have died instead of Elise

Leo is supposed to be one of the greatest mages and tactical minds in all of Nohr, while Takumi is just a dude with an inferiority complex

And Elise apparently loves you so much she betrays Nohr even in Birthright
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In every support except yours, it's pretty much implied that her husband is nothing more than a replacement for Chrom. So no
although she will never love you ever.
>I'm waiting for SMTIV Apocalypse.
Good man
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Of course I did.
I almost wish you could have gone full Eirika/Ephraim and married her, but that never would have flown for NOA
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Cordelia and Severa are pretty much the best girls desu. Cordelia is definitely the best first gen waifu and unit.
>Best girl gets least fan art

Why is this such a common occurence?
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>Tharjafag is back frequently in /v/
>Changed his trip because he was getting filtered too much
>Meanwhile Effie
I can't unfortunately, she's stuck in a shitty game.
Cordelia is boring as fuck and I have no idea why she's so popular. She has no personality beyond being talented and being obsessed with Chrom.
>giving it attention

Anyone who replies to him is an idiot, but he will probably just samefag anyways
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Her fan art is getting stuck in traps, of course
Autism has never been cuter
Loves another man and ever will.
The ultimate cuck waifu.
Minor character with little to no importance, plus not super widely appealing with the cast of fates being so huge. I like her personality but her lips are weird.
I would love this image, but one of her single thighs is thicker than her torso. If that was fixed, but still had thick thighs, it would be literally perfect.
>not appreciating DSLs
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Holy shit what the fuck? Why does H-material paint a better picture of Hoshido than the game does? I would have killed to see something gray from Hoshido like brainwashing, but no.
nah I think DSLs look like chimp lips
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This ship is pretty hot.
I wish the game had more same sex couples.
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>You will always be second to chrom
Literally the only good thing about her is that she CAN'T get Chromed away from you.
For that matter, she can't even fucking support with Chrom at all
>I would do all this and more just to be with him
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Yes I did.
Post it?
Just about everyone has had better ideas about what should have gone down in the game but didn't.
But in every single support sans Fredrick she gets over Chrom fairly early in the support and admits it's just a childish crush?
I would've married her but she got absolutely horrible levels in my playthrough so I had to bench her.
Also her dub voice is shit
That's just NoA rewrite, she's not that chromsexual in jipang, only suicidal.
Please, please share anon.
>she can't even fucking support with Chrom
>tfw installed the gay hack in Awakening
>finally get to pair Cordelia with Chrom
>don't have to deal with that unrequited love nonsense anymore
>get some dank eugenics out of it as well
Although Lucina nor Severa will get Vantage, which sucks
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>Ryoma x Femui is mindbreak/rape
This is why Nohr will always be the superior royals.
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The only thing I can say is that at least Hoshido's story was better than Nohr's poorly put together afterthought.

I'm just glad Ryouma's crazy side comes out in Conquest.
fuck off already
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Agreed. There's lots of females I wanted to go with Camilla.
Can you put that armor piece on her, or remove it from the big wing thing?
Everyone's saying you're just to replace Chrom, but why would someone who didn't actually love you do something like this?
Somebody explained it to me once, basically her character is composed of a bunch of fetish tropes, which consequently gives her a wide appeal

>fills a class representative/team mom personality role
>NTR fetish, or alternatively "helping a girl get over her other crush"
> a prodigy who's uncomfortable about being a prodigy and wants someone who loves her as a person and not because of that
>people can relate to having an unrequited love or a oneitis and want to make her happy
Nigga please, I've seen mindrape with Xander too. It just depends if you want it with steak or fish.
>Ryouma's crazy side comes out in Conquest.
For like half a second. They pretty much make him to be just as noble around the time he decides to fry.
>I haven't played the DLCs
I especially likes the one where Selena sets up a date between her mom and Chrom, cucking her own father.
you're an idiot, please stop posting
>Kills his imouto trying to get to you, his adopted sibling
>Throws himself onto your blade because he can't cope
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>Doesn't like DUDETRAPSLMAO dub

Get out of my face.
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Actually now that I think about it, how would break Corrin worse? Xander or Ryoma?
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I'll treasure that half a second forever.

I really enjoyed that one lewdfic where Xander rapes Kamui into coming home.
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Ryoma since he's more aggressive. Xander is the type of guy for gentle and vanilla love but Ryoma is the guy if you want break the headboards sex.
>they really make out the Nohr siblings to be a lot better than the Hoshido ones
That's because they are, you doofus.
>I really enjoyed that one lewdfic where Xander rapes Kamui into coming home.
I'm seeing a lot of telling and not showing in this thread.
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Should a marry Hinoka or titty ninja?
Well, come to think of it, I only really married Mitama to begin with because I wanted her growths on Kana. Then I started learning what her personality was like and I fell in love

Also why wouldn't you just marry for the pairup bonus stats?
>tfw I still haven't found a perfect picture of Camilla
Anyone have perfect pictures of her?
>Xander is the type of guy for gentle and vanilla love
I feel like Xander is the type to let some of his issue build up and release it into sex. We already know he does that when he trains.
>Ryoma is the guy if you want break the headboards sex.
Some of the best sex.
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Reminder that in Kagero's ending in the IK route she spends more time with Ryoma and Saizo than with you since she decides to keep being a ninja so you don't get to spend time with her since you're busy doing king stuff
Titty Ninja.
Cowtits > Flat chest any day of the week
I was just about to post this. Are you me nigga?
>Implying Kagero hasn't mastered the art of covert dick sucking.
She's always with you when it matters anon.
Why are these guys crossdressing as my waifu and a slut?
>Ryoma, stop getting criticals, you're hurting me!
>I'm sorry Kamui, it just keeps happening!

And then he procs Astra and it's all over
My older brothers are sexy.
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OUGI sex?
Titty Ninja. Hinoka is shit.
>inb4 legs
Legs mean nothing to me without an ass to top them off
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You mean the one where Severa gets over her complex and admits that Cordelia will still fall for her father even if Chrom did give her the time of day.

I'm not a fan of Cordelia at all, I think she's massively overrated, but they went completely out of their way in the DLC to show she's loyal to Robin if she married him.

And, speaking of shit taste, anyone who prefers the Nohrian Royals is literally retarded. Leo is fine and Elise is cute, but Xander is a crazy bloodthirsty asshole fully prepared to kill Corrin in literally all the routes.

And Camilla is literally just a pathetic self righteous bitch. She's dumb as a post (see the Niles support, literally cannot keep up with the conversation) and everything she does only revolves around her and her selfish, childish need to be loved. People talking about marrying her, did you even read her supports with Corrin? She literally talks over him and ignores him the entire time, she couldn't give less of a shit about anyone else, only about making sure people love her, so she can finally feel validated.
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i'm okay with an onii-sama thread
Thank anon.
You think Camilla invites her retainers up for threesomes and foursomes with her and Corrin?
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And best of all
Flat chest without being a shitty loli.
Are you that guy who goes into FE threads to start wars and switching sides every time?
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There's someone who does that?
>Xander is a crazy bloodthirsty asshole fully prepared to kill Corrin in literally all the routes
That's not how you spell Ryoma anon.
He has to argue with himself because no one else is willing to.
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Yes and I was disappointed. Marriage interactions were shit, and she was barely in the story at all.
Stop talking about Fates. It's awful. Awakening is so much better.
Bout to start Birthright, who are the top tier waifus? I kinda like the look of Felicia, is she any good?
he doesn't want to kill you in birthright
>switching sides
It's just the retarded hinokafag attacking Camilla every time.

He does a damn good work though. I hate Hinoka with every single fiber of my being because of him.
Wew lad
Yeah some guy admitted to being a serial shitposter in some thread, he apparently goes into threads and tries to initiate version wars between FE games and Pokemon games. Last time he did some crusade to provoke people who liked Ryouma and boosted up Xander to get extra (you)s. It was weird because he changes sides purely to incite anger, he doesn't actually care about the characters.
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I sure as hell did.
You already ruined /feg/, don't ruin /v/.
Yeah it's not like cuckposting ruined /feg/ or anything.
Naw, he just wants to fuck you and Scarlet in that one.
How did he ruin /feg/? It's been shit for a long ass time. Especially when you got fuckers like Tharjafag still running around.
It's rare to see someone actually admit to purposely shitposting.
It's that retarded namefag? I guess he had to drop the name since people were recognizing his shit. Still made me hate Hinoka too, after his posts I always see her as a cardboard cutout with no character.
Shitty personality as well.
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Sure did
You can't ruined what was already dead.
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It was a confession thread I think. Might still be in the archive.
Yeah that's the one.

Even yaoi can ruin the dead.
I thought I was alone in thinking Yaoifags and husbandofags were the worst.
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Him too. Weirdly enough I felt like the game shipped Ryoma and Scarlet together harder in Revelation more than any other route. I think they would have been a cute couple. Oh well they can't support and she dies 2 out of 3 times. So I guess someone had to win.
Thats not forrest
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not only that, her rank with axes is E so and clubs have shit mt. The devs hated her.
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Cordelia is popular because Cordelia has ubermensch genes, Galeforce, and she's probably the best 1st Gen unit in the game other than MU.
What makes them any different than waifufags besides the genders? Or is this a case of you don't like it/it's not aimed towards you so it's "the worst"?
You're an idiot if you think cuckposters are better.
The crack pairings just piss me off, at least waifufags don't make shit up and give characters new personality.
I don't know. They just seem so much more annoying, constantly going on about how they want to be overpowered and railed by macho men. Maybe I am just a biased waifufag though.
I want Charlotte to dominate me with her obscene strenght.
You see crack shit with the waifus too.
wasn't paying attention to what you guys are talking about, but what's a "crack pairing" in Fire Emblem? Every character is about as dimensional as a piece of cardboard and if they're of opposite genders they can fuck 80% of the time.

How does shipping even work in Fire Emblem? "I really like [X trope character] with [Y trope character]"?
just visit /feg/ m8, no one talks about the guys there, it's headcannon central with waifufags.
This >>342548794 seems like the same kind of shit to me.
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>Everyone hypes up Great Wall of Takumi as being one of the hardest levels
>Just beat it, wasn't even that hard

I had more trouble on Sakura's level than this one.
Her face doesn't look that good in this.
Generally it works on how people think the support chains mesh up. I know a lot of people dislike Ryoma x Camilla because of how their supports are. I like it because I think the sex would be hot. Too bad it gives Shiro a terrible hair color.
>motherfucking spy puppets
that level's not hard at all, I beat it on the first try in Hard and Lunatic. The one I always struggled with the most was Hinoka's.
>beat Sakuras level on the first try since I went sneaky mode and went through the mountain on the left
>was doing really well on Takumis wall first attempt
>fucking Oboro luna killed me
That bitch fucking wrekt my shit about 4 times in a row. At least I didn't lose to Takumi when I finally got to him, I would have just quit. Hinokas map also wasn't that bad either, only took me like 3 tries after getting used to the where the fliers came from.
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Must be him. The posting style and the stupid reasoning is just too distinguishable.

I kinda like Hinoka before because I have unhealthy love for short haired girl and give them free pass no matter how bland/shit they are, but that fag ruined her beyond any repair.
The level itself is the easiest of the ruote, but Takumi fucked me over the first time, I wasn't prepared for those broken skills.
Why do you act like people want to know what you have to say?
Don't forget her depression over her dead friends and helping her get over that
Back in the olden days you could only support certain units with each other, and there wasn't even any marriage, so most pairings actually made a lot more sense. Certain supports, if you reached A rank, would have special endings together. Keep in mind each unit could only have a maximum of 5? support conversations total. Something like that.
Nowadays since marriage is a thing and you can pair anyone together supports overall are way weaker just because there are so many of them. Still, some pairings make more sense than others, but yeah a lot are really stupid.
Honestly they really need to go back to the older system and not basically every male and female unit be able to fuck each other. Quality over quantity.
You are, because waifufags are 100x worse.
>bait her and teleport her ass outside of the wall
>surround her and kill her with long range attacks
Wew that was hard.
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Kagero is actually stronger
>no discussion allowed
I don't think I had any entrap staves, I just kind of brute forced my way by continuously taking Xander up and down the stairs to kill a few Snipers, then brought my whole team up to kill Oboros group before she could kill me
But there wasn't any.
Cordelia could actually be a somewhat interesting character if she was in a game that cared about character development.

Not that I blame IS or anything, you can't really be character-focused when you have like 80 goddamn characters. Plus FE always has shit story anyway.
Is this b8? Are you acting like posting guys is what ruined /feg/?
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Make way for best boy.
>short hair
aye, tis good. Sad that Hinoka was so terrible (and attracts autism for some reason) because I also love redheads
No, I only played Conquest, the other two "games" are for casual babies.
Who loves Takumi?
We can have discussion without you.
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Man I loved the wolf-ogres, both in combat and appearance.
This thread contains no true FE fans, only lonely FE FAGS who could never get a girl to S Rank IRL.
You filth are why Nintendo censors shit, they let Tharja slip through and now look at all you fuckers drooling over a fucking children's strategy game.
What the fuck is Orwain's problem?
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I like Takumi. Sure, he's an absolute fucker in Conquest, but he's pretty cool in Birthright and Revelations. And he's cute. And his son is cute.
I really thought he was gonna turn out differently personality wise when they previewed him. I hate the fact that trash makes up 90% his and his daughter's personality.
Have you ever known a drama kid in high school? He's like that but in the Fire Emblem universe. Kind of like Bastian in 9/10 but less poetry and more 'acting".
Cancerous female players with no self respect, apperently.
I fucking hate how Awakening brought in all these FE secondaries who only care about waifus/husbandos/whatever and probably play on Casual like the true filth they are
>Fire Emblem 13 / 14 fags
Fire emblem was always shit anyways.
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Danganronpa has better waifus
>Legs that seem to go on forever

I wish this game had fanartists that cared about her legs.
I've married Velouria in Conquest and I'm still unmarried in the other two. Thinking about marrying Selkie in Birthright in order to achieve full furfaggotry.
>tfw enter thread hoping it's not 100% waifufagging
>hope to talk about how to steal the FUCKING BOLTING in Radiant Dawn
>it's 100% waifus
When the whole world has gone to shit, your parents are dead, and the things that killed them could kill you any day, you tend to go a bit off the rails mentally.
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>people are not supposed to discuss the most recent installments to a series

well shit
You really couldn't tell how this thread was gonna go going by the OP?
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I'm only here for the waifus and I only play Lunatic/classic.
What now, faggot?
>tfw hate furfags
>can't help myself from marrying velour because she's so fucking adorable and I love red hoods
Selkie is really meh though, I'm sick of seeing so many fox tailed girls.
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I used to think this statement was full of shit because I'm an awakeningfag who doesn't care about the waifus until I saw that girl streamer who got the game early play. She literally judged her attacks based on their face expressions and relied exclusively on Ryoma to win as she went on and on about all the hot guys in the game.
Holy fuck man.

Someone post the webm. I know someone must have it.
Fuck you 6-10 were fine, certainly a lot more entertaining story-wise than Pokemon or Advance Wars
Dat Booty.
Yeah but hoped there would be at least a tiny amount of actual discussion, there usually is.
How come cutest girl is in the Gay tier?
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>Accepting Corrin as the canon character instead of just self-inserting yourself into the story when Corrin talks
I can't believe there are people that do this.
You're pretty much gonna have to make a thread more dedicated to that. I suggest starting off with something about Ike himself. That usually helps.
Have you played Danganronpa
I don't play shit games.
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>Self-Inserting on a character who isn't a self-insert
Why are you in a Fire Emblem thread then
>How come the cutest girl is in the Gay tier
That's not the Meme tier
Marrying Velour or Selkie isn't really being a furfag, at least not to the degree of true retardation.
They're basically just humans with ears and a tail, everything else the same outside of transforming.
>being in denial
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Nah I'm going to sleep soon anyway. Good luck in finding a decent FE thread though anon.
Neither are technically girls
I like the girls.
Good night anon.
You are a shit game playing liar son

>Self inserting on quite possibly one of the dumbest characters in the game

If I was actually Corrin, Ch. 7 would be Anon kills the shit out of the king instead of invading Hoshido and everyone lives happily ever after.
I don't marry either of them, I'm just noting.
Well ok then. I just love Velour a lot, she's so cute.

shes a good unit when she gets the flame shuriken and shes cute too
its a win win
I want to brush her fluffy pubes!
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Camilla is for
She's 100% totally shaven senpai.
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That's Panne and Yarne, though.
That's not fluffy, it's silky smooth.
the dumpster

I never said there was pedantinigger. You know that slut would still have fucked you if you were blood related.
but muh bone hole
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friends who do stuff together!
It's alright anon. I know it hurts.
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Girls who shave should be euthanized.
Girls who don't should not even be considered as such.
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Her friends, I hope.
I wouldn't mind either because if I had the opportunity to be around her it would mean she's real

It should, Corrin is hung like a dragon
i bought the edition with all of the paths. should i only worry about pairings, skill grinding etc in revelations?
I still don't know who to marry in Revelation. I've got Jakob's S support available since Chapter 8 and still haven't decided on Chapter 21. Should I just do it?
When you beat the final boss in any route you can choose five units to send to your unit log (this can repeated as many times as you want). From your unit log you can rebuy skills learnt from that certain unit and pass them to that same unit in another version, meaning you should always grind for as many skills as possible no matter what. Hope it's clear, the system is a bit convoluted.
And even then only if you're playing Lunatic, I'd say.
MU and Lon'qu are the only characters with good supports with her.

>fredrick s rank support
Personally, I fuck the Royalty.
If you don't marry a child unit, a female will remain unpaired, two if you marry a first-gen.
and stahl
>everyone talks about how chapter 10 is the hardest chapter
>not chapter 19
Kitsune are an abomination.
Also if you're interested into skill hunting watch out for Aptitude shitters. Aptitude can only be learnt by Mozu and any second-gen, so if any non-Mozu first-gen has the skill it means they're hacked trash.
>haikus during sex
I'll just marry Mozu's kid, then.
Holy christ that chapter was so annoying. Basically Don't miss or be killed: the chapter.
thank you all. im happy that it has some carry over between games so that i don't feel like my time will be wasted when i change paths. im finding hard mode fairly easy on birthright should i opt for lunatic on revs/conquest?
>you can't attack right now, wait until we attack you guys
>why'd you kill us it was just a prank bro
I fucking hated Kaden so much because of that shit that I permabenched him in Rev.
That's an excellent choice, even if Mozu's hair color is a bit lame.
For me it was just a lot more tedious than hard because for my group it was difficult for any character to have a guaranteed hit, most of them having somewhere around 80%, maybe even 70. So it would get to a point where too many attacks missed and I would just be fucked and had to restart.
Birthright Lunatic = Conquest Hard

Revelations is basically Birthright with half the units being useless so pick w/e.
But I already put my dyx in Nyx
>ftw the only other hinoka doujin hasn't been scanned
still haven't finished it

story is god fucking awful

stopped at chapter 19 in conquest and I couldnt take it anymore
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Ryouma > Xander
Leo >>> Takumi
Hinoka >>>>>>> Dumb Cow
Elise >> Staff~ Staff~

My non blood related sibling of dark complexion
I want that one artist who drew the Hoshido royals x the Nohr royals to do more. Leo dicking Hinoka down was the best part.


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>Friend tells me the kitsune chapter is really hard
>Mfw I beat it first try

Sniper Mozu with Hunter's Bow + Master Ninja Kaze with Hunter's Knife = Easy-ass chapter
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damn sure
Beast Killer Effie is even easier.
get the fuck /tk/
i married the best maid
She's not even in love with him, simple psychology.
wew lad yu want him to make his own board?
I tried that too, but she never had >50% hit rate, so she was pretty much useless. Also, both Mozu and Kaze had double attacks on every single enemy, which made them even better.
You mean /Traditional Weapons/ is not a thing yet? What a pity.
Forrest, yes?
Fuck Gunter, he's a bigger ass than Takumi.
Could anybody please explain this "Candace is best girl" meme to me?
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I've seen one person so far who married him. He was hot as fuck when he was younger.
She's retarded. What did you expect?
Careful with the spoilers fammie.
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how does this make you feel
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I actually married her in Birthright and Camilla in Conquest simply because at the time I felt like they got screwed over in the voice department. Of course now most people seem to be fine with Hinoka's voice so I guess that was pointless but still.

That said Camilla is my favorite.
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How about this
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That artist went full fucking retard right there.
I choose to believe that's satire.
It took me too far to realize that Cordelia is literally best girl
I spat my drink.
Fuck off. Nobody care about your shit waifu or your damn rent-a-kids.
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Fuck you for making me laugh anon
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He sure is!
Fuck you in general.
jesus fucking christ
no bully please
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You married best man, right /v/?
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I have some okay Camilla pics, but I know what you mean, nobody has drawn her perfectly yet.
God the My Castle/Live 2D shit is so bad looking.
Yeah some of the characters look fine but others look really bad, mainly the men it seems. Also Felicia being way bigger than everyone else leads me to think she was the first one or something.
Felicia feels like they put twice as much effort on hers, she looks amazing.
No, I threw him to Camilla because I want Luchador Justicia to be good.
I need more of this
They probably did put more effort into her's than most, given how hard she was advertised early on. That said Camilla, Azura and Setsuna also have great ones.
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Taking username-related requests. And it's futa!Femui
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>she's holding it with her fist
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I find they frequently fuck up on her face and accidentally make her look like that blonde on 30 rock like in this one here >>342544686

This is probably one of the better ones I have saved.
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>still not having 4chan X
No anon, YOU'RE the retard.
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No contest.
Who said that I wasn't using 4chan X or that I didn't have his new trip filtered?
>YOU'RE the retard.
Take it down a notch Tharjafag.
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Let's list all the characters who's supports with Kamui aren't COMPLETELY shit.

I'll start.
You start.
You clearly don't have 4chan X because if you did you'd know there's a "Make everyone anonymous" option.

Stupid bitch.
Might as well get with a dude then. No thanks.
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Oh Tharjafag, I know it's hard. But all you have to do is not be an ass and everything will be okay.
>Stupid bitch.
Oh he's upset now.
Hinoka isn't really muscular. Athletic, but not muscular.
Well that'd be a fucking stupid option because then I could still see their posts.
Is her nose bleeding?
As flat a character as her chest
why does she wear the corset?
To be fair none of the Fates (or FE for that matter) cast has that much character. She just suffers more than some because she was something of a late addition.
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I like his outfit, especially his cape. Plus he's got a nice ass so all is forgiven.

Not gonna lie, any grievance I had with him is probably just Fate's lower quality of writing, because I didn't have this problem with him in Awakening.
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You got further than I did. I gave up a few chapters in. Fates' story and characters just felt bad. I went back to play Awakening to see if something was different and it was. And now I'm replaying awakening for a 2nd time since giving up on Fates.
Honestly he's a bit worse in Fates than Awakening. He was a bit more down to earth in that game.

Because she actually has a chubby belly that she's trying to hide, which is my fetish
You wouldn't know it's them you retard, so there no difference whatsoever.
His daughter is better in every way
The entire point of being able to filter tripfags is that you don't get to see the stupid shit they post. Thank god tharjafag puts on a trip so I can filter him or else I would have to put up with his bullshit indefinitely.
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There is that too, yeah. But I also like his sense of morality, and how he would drop his facade whenever he needed to be serious, like how he reassured Lissa about him having a mark and about how much it always bothered her.

He doesn't really have a really good character to play off of either, so his antics got more grating than they should.
accentuates her boobs
Oh no, you caught me anon, you're so smart you deserve a cookie.
>Not having something Tharja/Rhajat related in the trip.
You tried.
If you don't know it's them there's literally no difference, the only reason you hate tripfags is because they're tripfags you dumb shit.
That's the joke you coon.
Do you not know Tharjafag's history or do you normally tripfag in other threads and feel some sort of way about it? Either way, people could tell it was Tharjafag before he put the trip on in threads.
Would you please fuck off already?
If you're gonna be indignant enough to put on a trip because someone accused you of being a tripfag, you could at least go the extra mile.
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I just like to mess with dumb retards such as yourself, nothing personal.

Won't bother with doing that just for some petty joke.

Threads dead, I'm abandoning ship. I suggest you dumbasses do the same.
Is this a modified form of "I'm just pretending to be retarded"?
He's not pretending
Well he was pretending to be Tharjafag, so yes.
I love Selena, people hate her ass but she's the type of messed up character you can call Good Garbage.
I think she's ok as a character but she's an awful unit. I like redheads.
What can you do with her to make her combat viable?
that endless faceless chapter and fugas wild ride was fucking nuts
i cant beat fugas wild ride on lunatic. I might grind a few paralogues when I go back to playing it
Feed her a shit ton of stat boosters. Not really the best idea regardless since she'd be decent but comparably weak to a similarly boosted character, such as Effie.
Nothing much, really. Her growths are average, so she either turns out mediocre or you luck out with good stats. She can get Axebreaker and Shurikenbreaker, so she's very useful in Conquest lategame, either way. Her speed, at least, is good.
I mean more like good classes for her.

Is she the best in the Nohr Awakening trio? La'Slow is the worst right?
Laslow is much better (at least for me), you're only risking him to turn out slow. If he does, you're screwed, but the ninja class helps him a lot with that. He got tons of speed level ups for me. I'd say Odin is the worst of the three.
I'd say maybe Bow Knight or some class that benefits from her speed and isn't detracted from by her weak strength. If she got samurai from Kamui or someone on revelations that's decent for her.
Make that nigga a ninja. Fixes his speed problem and gives you another dagger user. Severa's probably the worst considering her only utility is speed and access to pegapony. Owain is fixed by going samurai and giving him back his sword hand.
Laslow is slow and has pretty bad Def, which sounds terrible to me. Usually if you lack Spd you should at least be able to take hits (Effie, Belka, Xander, Silas, Leo) and if you lack Def you should be fast and able to double (Elise, Niles, Kaze, Pieri, Charlotte, Felicia).

Selena has Str and Skl problems but she's fast and has good Def. I feel that Bow Knight will hurt her Str even more so Hero sounds better. Odin is slow but has serviceable Def and good Skl. His biggest problem is coinflippy growths that makes it hard to decide if he should go magical or physical.

I've seen people with slow Master Ninja!Laslow. Selena at least is fast and defensive. And Odin is a hit-or-miss because of his 50/50 growths.
>fe fates best girl thread
>one mention of oboro
>it's an anon crying about getting rekt by her

is her dub voice shit or something, i played birthright undubbed intending to marry Tharja2, but Oboro was far too cute to resist.
Her english voice fits her image perfectly, imo. I don't like how squeaky she sounds in japanese. She's my favorite non-royal.
Surprisingly ok actually.
Oboro is easily one of the most popular girls worldwide, if not the most well-liked overall along with Elise and maybe Felicia/Femui.
Her, Elise, Femui, and Camilla were popular enough to recieve a theme with just them on it. I think the guys got Xander, Leo, Takumi and Jakob (since Mamui wasn't popular enough).
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Yup, just squeaked out by the butler. I find it amusing that all the Nohr royals are in the themes but only worst boy made it from the Hoshido royals.
Well I didn't mention Camilla because, at least in the West, her popularity is shaky. She seems to get just as much hate as she does love, as compared to characters like Elise and Oboro who almost exclusively get love.
Zero should be higher than Ryouma. He's so boring.
People don't like her voice and some are mastrophobic. I like her anyway because of her hair.
I liked Zero, his bantz are good
Why isn't Hinoka on the guys side where he belongs?
He gets too mean sometimes but always apologize for it later, which is good. His biggest flaw I'd say is being assumptious, which he gets called out for in some supports. Though I agree that most of his supports are very entertaining. He's my second favourite Nohrian male after Marx actually.
also has an eyepatch so extra points there
Kind funny that he has low Skl as well. Must be because of that eyepatch kek.

My top 5 Nohrian females would be Camilla > Flora > Elise > Belka > Charlotte

For males it'd be Marx > Zero > Benoit > Leo > Harold.
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>What's not to love?
She's in post-Awakening garbage.

Superior waifu coming through.
Top tier taste m8. Well good night, enjoy his bantz
Well no, to be particular people don't like her in general. She's the unholy trinity of busty, revealingly dressed + clingy girl + yandere (although she's not actually all that yandere). She's also a very flawed character, which many people don't like. The way the localization handled her really didn't help, aside from changing her solo ending, though I doubt that was done for that reason.

You are alright by me.
Do you like her?
What people are you talking about? Some autists on 4chan?
Night, anon.

What about you? Rank your Nohrians, m8
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Felicia is cute!
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Whoa! Even better!
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sure did
I was just trying to take something of a neutral stance on it as best I can.

But to answer your question, she'd rank up at the top in Nohr, along with Charlotte and Flora I guess..

General observations from lurking various places. Keep in mind I'm just saying why people wouldn't like her, not that no one likes her at all if that's how it came across. I'll mention then that people might like her for the same reasons as others dislike her.
Who? Color me interested.
What kind of wars did he cause?
good taste
I get what you mean. Localized!Camilla notwithstanding, I don't like that she's too emotional. The fact that she was willing to betray Garon in her first Birthright fight just because Kamui (who has deflected to the enemy's side) said Garon wanted to kill them. She is very much someone who acts according to her emotions, which is a pretty significant flaw.

She is my second favourite character (after Xander) but they both have pretty major flaws, which is why I like them so much I suppose.

There's a Hinokafag who keeps on shitposting in Fates threads, both on /v/ and /vg/. His posts are pastas where he praises Hinoka to high heavens while shitting on Camilla. It's very likely he's a known tripfag who removes it to shitpost.
It's weird, I see a pattern: he posts with his name, until somebody criticizes hinoka. Then he stops posting, probably his autism kicks in with "HOW DARE THE INSULT MUH WAIFU AHHHH" then he removes his name, all of a sudden one hinokafag starts shitting on camilla and praising hinoka to the heavens shows up and shits up the thread. then that guys stops posting and michlan suddenly shows up like nothing happened.

It's very suspicious.
My mind may not believe she is the best, but my heart chose Oboro. I'm still fairly new to the series, but I seem to be on a trend for falling for the spear/lance girls.
He does it gradually and will start by a post saying something like one character is better than another, usually contested ones like Ryouma and Xander or Lunaala and Solgaleo. He will then proceed to defend that character and refuse to accept any criticism, intentionally trying to make himself look like an ass. Every thread he switches to a different "side" and does the same thing. He said had some sort of fetish for being insulted. It isn't the Hinokafag either, he said he only has done it with the two brothers and the little sisters so far, and this thread was last week.
I don't particularly dislike that aspect of her in itself as much as I recognize that such a trait can cause some serious issues. It's kinda funny how you use the argument of her being too willing to defect to the enemy's side, since I think most people would dislike her for not doing that instead of feeling betrayed.
He stopped doing that when people started using his name against him to say Camilla is better and he's seen the light, etc. I thought it was hilarious, he had little tantrums whenever people did it.
Michlan still posts on /v/, I saw him in the "lets make rules" thread last week.
It doesn't make me dislike her though it is one of her flaws. Like you, I too find it to be a trait that can give her trouble.

I would not like her as much as I do now if she actually joins you in Birthright. I mean I know she's pretty much in love with Kamui but they did betray her and the family who raised them all their life. If she's that weak-willed she won't be that high on my list.
how cute
Yes I married Anna
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Which unorthodox classes have you put your sisters through, /v/?

Mine is Chieftain for Camilla. She did pretty well I'd say. This is how much bulk she gained after going back to Malig Knight.
Camilla went Hero for me
did ok too
Hero wouldn't fix her bulk issues though. HP maybe but not Def. At least she gets Sol I guess.
yeah I was trying to get her Sol without using castles

Swordmaster Sakura
She'd like Axefaire from Zerker too. Made her a Zerker in my first run. Not much Def patch up but at least she got more HP.
Huh, maybe I'll snag that next time then.
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I have a very strong urge to do a run where I make as many siblings as possible paladins or at least horseback units. Riders of the apocalypse and all that.

>those arbitrary gender-locks on amiibo classes
Give me my femIkes ISIS
She makes a great Zerker if you're going pure Str and Chieftain if you're going hybrid.

How did that go? Should be good since Sakura has pretty good Str growth.
Probably going pure STR. Thanks m8
Maybe try GK if you want more bulk and still keep some Mov.
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Not the best to do with Sakura, but funny nontheless when you mix and match skills.

She does have the speed to pull it off though.
actually yeah that sounds better, she got ohko'd a lot as a Hero and I don't imagine zerks low def would help that.
Which class do you plan to end her in? Why is her Skl so low though.
Yes I remembered to marry Camilla
Damn that's pretty bad. She should definitely go GK then. Lets her train her Lance rank too if you plan to end her as a WL. Armoured Blow gives even more bulk on EP.
aight. Probably stay GK because then all the royals will be mounted again, g'night m8
What are some good skills to have for a skill-spamming Corrin? Do they even stack like that? I want to do a +skill Hero that procs all day every day.
Hoshidan Unity, Nohrian Trust, and Quixtotic comes to mind.

Priestess most likely. Yeah got a bit RNG screwed, which is why I didn't use her as much as I liked.
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Hoshidan Unity from H.Noble adds 10% to the skill activation rate Nohrian Trust from the N.Noble adds your pair up partners activated skills (like say Vengeance on Ophelia) to the skills Corrin might proc just because. Quixotic from Basara Best class adds 30 to you and your opponent's hit rate, and another 15% to your proc rate.
So Hoshidan Unity + Quixotic makes all your abilities have a 25% chance of going off minimum, while Nohrian Trust means you don't even have to have the proc abilities likes Astra on Corrin, so you can just use general good stuff and maybe Dragon Fang.
At least it'll be hard to kill her because of those survivability skills.
Would Camilla do well as a Master of Arms?
What's the best boon? Luck?
depends on what you want. Usually the best bane is -luck but if you're going physical corrin then +str or +mag if you feel like going for a mag classs
Str/Mag > Spd/Skl for boon, Lck bane. I like +Mag -Lck the most personally. Good throughout the entire game since you need Mag early on for Dragonstone tanking and magic weapons are always good. Plus MU always have good Str growth.
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Literal perfection. Loved by many.
Popular to one and all.
This is retarded. How the fuck would you kill the king when he's so goddamn strong and your siblings are in your room?

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>have lil problems through most missions in conquest hard
>late game ive only lost 3 units feel pretty good
>that hans and Iago level
>all the generals and berserkers
>hans has fucking COUNTER
>end up losing 3 units on that mission alone
jesus fuck /v/ why did no one tell me?? also whats the point of entrap staffs if you cant even use them on bosses? i wanted to take out Iago early so he couldnt debuff me with his "hurr unlimited range durr unlimited staffs"
Pissed as hell I chose FeMc for nohr and I have no options to marry another chick
Do yourself a favour and install the fag hack desu.
is that a Senjougahara edit
Just marry Forrest famalam.
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She isn't flat. That's a misnomer.
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you don't need +skill for that. also consider master ninja instead of hero since shuriken are broken and i believe the skill cap is similar if not higher than hero
>hoshidan unity: +10% to skill activation
not great unless you're using low-proc skills like aether, astra and lethality
>nohrian trust: can use support partner's battle activation skills (vantage, sol, luna, aegis, miracle, etc)
this one is necessary so you can load up on passives
>quixotic: +15% skill activation and +30 to hit rate for both you and the enemy
i don't really care for quixotic since it fucks over your evade, but it's certainly an option
>-taker skills: add +2 to the designated stat on enemy kill up to +10
you can only use one of these at a time, so go with str, spd or mag depending on build
>-blow skills
these are filler for whatever you have left. death, darting, and duelist's, and certain are the offense ones
+7 free damage when you attack
>lifetaker: regain +50% hp on enemy kill
great once you're on the higher hp spectrum and helps mediate rng
>awakening: +30 to hit/avoid/crit/dodge when under 50% hp
great in combination with vantage

way I have nohrian trust abuse set up is +str, -luk master ninja kamui with hoshidan unity, nohrian trust, awakening, strengthtaker, death blow then lasward in s rank support with aether, vantage, lethality, aegis, astra. ends up with 45 skill with statue bonuses, so 32.5% chance for activating aether and astra. those skills specifically because they build dual guard meter very easily and lasward because i need female kamui for awakening and he can get all of those skills naturally with a samurai secondary class.
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breast sister
Not like she has much competition in that department.
Sure I did!
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>posted in thread without reading it
>proceed to read it 20 minutes later
Wow.. just wow. There are people who pretend to be me. I did not know that.
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>Who are Charlotte, Orochi, and Kagerou
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my other wives
Granted there was that whole rumor of how Kagero was the original idea for the Hoshido big sis.
Oh man, that nose. Those lips.

Still not best girl though, not even close.
I really think Severa's Awakening outfit was so much better, why did she have to change it?
I dont get this meme. I leveled her up a few times on chapter 10 conquest (lunatic, mind) and she's wrecking shit. If i pair her up with Arthur and give her a STR buff from the mess hall, she one shots low DEF units.
i agree people should let go of the retarded "selena is a shit unit" sentiment, but i'd just like to point out any unit can be good if you abuse the kitchen and pair up buffs.
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Because she discovered better tastes in Nohr.
And by that I guess you mean "Outfit that she thinks Camilla would like better"?

Treehouse will probably change their DLC convo though.
Who should I pair pineapple-hair with? Oboro's taken.

By me.
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what's her name again?
No, I think that's just the stock outfit given by Camilla, she wouldn't willingly change it. She looked so cute in it. Really bought out her breasts too.
All about that gambeson.

It's silly that they didn't have her Hero pallet by red as well. Severa had both red in Awakening.
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best girl
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But that's wrong
Source for this?
One of the Awakening comic anthologies, there's two of those that have kind of short mini chapters(all disconnected) and a book of 4koma(4-panel) comics as well
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>He bought Birthright
That is legitimately terrifying. Where is it even from.
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>He bought the localization at all
>He didn't pirate then undub/fandub
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is Aversa
>pirated all three routes
>had equal amounts of fun with all of them and ain't a version war autist
Feels good man

3DS emulation or modded 3DS?
back to /feg/
Modded 3DS, putting CFW on a 3DS is really easy to do now, and most consoles can do it unless you updated to 11.0
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>the person who's probably suffered more than the other party members from plegia's assraping
>can team up with aversa and gangrel through spotpass
>and doesn't have any supports, scramble convos, or special spot dialogue with them
>even though aversa is also a pegasus slut and FE normally loves supports between same-class characters
this is bowl shit
The latter. It's not like you have to pay anything for it and it isn't even hard.
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I love me some nobility.
If I had a 3DS I'd totally be down with that, but I sold mine. I definitely regret it.
If you buy yourself a New 3DSXL now you're guaranteed to be on a hackable firmware and you'll be masterrace since the current CFW setup is essentially brick-proof once you've finished it, and you get a bunch of bonuses like wireless video streaming and you can also play older games like gba games or old pc-engine games without a flashcart. I'm pissed I only have an old 3DS XL, thinking of upgrading honestly.
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Ojou-sama is my fetish
Did this game have Eugenics and breeding like the first one?

That was the only part of the first game I liked.
Yes, but the kids themselves, even with eugenics planning, have been nerfed considerably from the way they are in Awakening so they're not as OP as you'd expect.
How do you hold a bow? I've never seen one used outside vidya.
If you get them late enough they completely overclass the parents they come from, Avatar and Royal males aside.
Is this Elise
What have you done to her?
Isn't that really only if you've been ignoring the parents? And you'd have to get them really late(I think it's like literally before the final chapter) for the child seal to rocket them up to near max level. And even then it might be a better idea to try your luck and just level them normally instead.
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Pieri is a good unit! I love Pieri!
You can start grabbing kids after chapter 20 or 21 so that they will be around level 10 promoted when using the Offspring Seal, which gives them D-rank instead of E for the secondary or tertiary weapon.
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Rude, Maribelle is more than technically an adult.
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I want Maribelle to crush my dick with her heels while calling me a disgusting perverted pig.

Also gloved handjobs desu.
Chapter 25 is probably the best moment to get them, the seal brings them at level 14 and you still have time to grab some skills before level 20, all this while having perfectly functional stats.
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I admit in full that I've never played FE and wanted to get Awakening and Fates exclusively for the waifuing ...but haven't actually bit the bullet yet.

Plz stop.

keep going it makes my penis hard

You and me both anon
How would she react if she was putting on her gloves one day and found out you had jerked off using one of them and cum inside it?
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