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Who is cautiously optimistic towards Nintendo? BotW and Spla

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Who is cautiously optimistic towards Nintendo?
BotW and Splatoon shows how good a product can be if the young minds take over
And the young minds are taking over (see: 'new' kind of Mario)
The younger people taking over development while the older chime in from the sidelines will give us many, many great games

Some great news:

About the specs of the NX, I suspect it will be around Xbone standards, which is good enough for both 3rd parties and the casual player. Full 1080p 60 Fps will be good too. 'we are not about the specs' statement is being grossly overreacted to. There are many meanings to that statement, and given the context, I believe that Reggie meant the NX will be weaker than the Xbox Scorpio
Bump, I want to know what you guys think
Reminder Sticker Star and Color Splash were both made by a new team of young people.
What will make or break the NX isn't its specs, it'll be the first party games. the fact that the Wii U didn't have an open 3D Mario, a Metroid, or a Zelda until its death really hurt it. I wouldn't shake two shits at its specs; it's not what you should be looking for when buying Nintendo consoles anyway.

Wait and see if the games it gets are good, then decide if you want to get it or not.
Nah, it was Tanabe
Who basically ruined everything
I have a feeling they are saving the goods for the NX
I mean, who wouldn't? No point in developing for a dead console

3D Mario has never sold as well as 2D and Metroid is a niche series. Zelda isn't really a normie series either. Most of the people who would have bought it already bought the WiiU for other things.
The only thing that really matters is if they can work with Japanese developers. There has been word of Nintendo talking to people over at Namco, Capcom, and SE (Nintendo has been shown to already have deep connections to all three companies). And it's been rumored that the big teams want out of the mobile market. And hope they can start to get Japanese players to buy consoles again. So if Nintendo can hook the Japanese again (Splatoon is right now the best selling console game over there) you might see more Japanese developers moving to Nintendo. That's really the only real way I can see Nintendo coming back. Since it's been shown that a only Nintendo game system has a limited market.
>around Xbone standards, which is good enough for both 3rd parties and the casual player. Full 1080p 60 Fps will be good too

How does this work when Xbox One has games at 900p with 30FPS?
>'we are not about the specs' statement is being grossly overreacted to
you're damn right there, there's too much shitflinging on either side going on. The statements mean absolutely, it's just PR talk.
This emotionalism in favour of considering the cold, hard facts needs to stop

Anyway, I really think Nintendo will hit it out of the park with the NX. I really get the feeling they understand what needs to be done. Their recent E3 showing is proof of that. The focus was Zelda, their new gem, and the trailer is about to become Nintendo's most watched video. The hype surrounding this game WILL be on OoT levels, enough to sell NX's at launch.

Combined with other NX titles that were obviously moved from Wii U to NX and we will have a strong launch going, exactly where the Wii U failed.

Will the NX outdo the competition? That's probably too much to ask for. But will it outdo the Wii U? Without a doubt, and more than doubly so.
>would be good too

Sorry if my wording was bad. I meant that that would be the best case scenario
>About the specs of the NX, I suspect it will be around Xbone standards, which is good enough for both 3rd parties and the casual player. Full 1080p 60 Fps will be good too.

You're suspicions are founded on NOTHING.

Also, if you were correct, it should be noted that most Xbone games can't achieve 1080p60, so how would a similarly specced underpowered piece of shit be able to?

Nintendo fucked us with the Wiimote gimmick.

Nintendo fucked us with the Gamepad gimmick.

Nintendo fucked us with underpowered hardware, leading to miserable 3rd party support.

Nintendo fucked us with region locking.

To answer your question, OP: No, I am not optimistic about whatever the fuck the NX is, because of the direction Nintendo have taken in teh recent past.
Its that cunt Tanabe. He ruined metroid and now paper mario


None of those games are system sellers.

The reason the Wii U flopped is because the marketing was awful, and the casual market who bought 100 million Wiis thought the Wii U was just some sort of peripheral and not a new console.

Nintendo made their bed by pandering to casuals with the Wii fad.

Now they have to lie in it because fads die.
Yes, they just need to fucking advertise the NX

They need a catchy catchphrase like 'Wii would like to play' or something
I don't care who the fuck does stuff as long as Monoltih Soft's working on more vidya.
"This console stinks! "

Think Nintendo will hire me?
>traditional controller with scrolling shoulderbuttons
> slighty better than ps4
> not way too expensive
> zelda edition

cooooount me in!

Fads don't work second time round.

The NX will probably fail as hard as the Wii U if it's simply a new console.

Nintendo can't compete with Sony and MS on market share anymore and people are tired of their gimmicks. We'll have to wait and see what NX actually is before making a call on it, but I'm not optimistic.

What I want NX to be:
>powerful enough to compete with Neo/Scorpio
>3rd party support
>Entire Nintendo back catalogue (including Wii U)
>Traditional controller
>Traditional console

What we'll probably get:
>Underpowered shit
>some new gimmick
>No 3rd party support
>powerful enough to compete with Neo/Scorpio
I'm all ok with power but competing with TWO giant tech companies in the arms race?
That's a shitty idea.
It should be powerful enough to look presentable and able to have many things on screen(s) at once.
I'd rather have high depth of field with shit graphics (unpolished diamond) than shit depth of field with pop-ins with decent-at-best graphics (polished turd)
Because at the end of the day, none can beat a properly built PC on the same price range when it comes to graphics.
Scorpio is unbeatable now
>I'm all ok with power but competing with TWO giant tech companies in the arms race?
>That's a shitty idea.

It might be a shitty idea to you, but not competing or matching a standard being set by other companies means that third parties simply won't develop games for the underpowered console, like what happened with Wii U.

It's not a good thing to not have 3rd party support on your console.

So no, it's not a shitty idea.
By the time it comes out, it will have been outdated by a year and a half. The Scorpio's specs are high end (not even max end) TODAY.

They also didn't mention what the CPU will be. The PS4 would be singificantly more powerful if the shitty CPU wasn't bottlenecking it up the ass.
Nintendo's really good at making games look and perform really good despite shitty hardware. Mario Kart 8 is still one of the nicest looking games of this gen
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Nintendo knows their consoles inside and out. And know how to squeeze as much power as they can. Unlike Sony who just threw in The Cell thinking how amazing it was but because no one understood the fucking thing no one could take advantage until are at the very end of it's life time.

Hell look at Mario Galaxy and Xenoblade on the Wii. Some of those games still look amazing.
The NX is more powerful than ____________
Its an Nvidia Tegra powered Android tablet.

>its gonna compete with the xbone guys!

You can't bump your own thread, OP.
S|A got confirmation that Nintendo ordered millions of new Tegra SoCs. They put the article behind a paywall. That isn't a rumor.
Nintendo themselves have in the past stated that NX is a platform which would run Android.

Its a Tegra powered Android tablet. This millions of shitposts that are guaranteed to follow the reveal will be one of the greatest things in this board's entire history.
The reason why Nintendo stated that the NX isn't replacing the WiiU is because it isn't. They're not releasing another home console.
>Nintendo themselves have in the past stated that NX is a platform which would run Android
They really haven't unless you got a source
>Capcom, and SE (Nintendo has been shown to already have deep connections to all three companies).
Gotta be careful with Capcom and SE. They used to fuck Nintendo over more than once.

If things would have gone different, Nintendo would own them since they bought Monolith Soft.
Apple II?

Personally it's not really the power anyways. Nintendo has been show to be able to work great with the specs they set themselves. Maybe not resolution but in just art design and color which last gen lost. Personally a lot of Wii U games look just as good as PS4 games. But mostly because I hate the realistic look. We are reaching the uncanny valley and no amount of power right now will fix that.
This would be the worst
Get with the times. If you're this clueless then there is no point in spoon feeding you.

Cry, whine, and shitpost all you want. I'll screen cap your post to add to the enormous collage I'll be making. I've been thinking of catchy titles for it. So far "The Trillion Toddler Tears" is at top of the list.
>If things would have gone different, Nintendo would own them since they bought Monolith Soft.
Didn't the Japanese government stop the merger? Saying it would case Nintendo to basically own a massive chunk of both gaming and anime?

Capcom right now seem happy with Monster Hunter on 3DS. And if things keep working out I'm guessing MH5 will be on NX. As for SE Dragon Quest 11 was said to be thought of being porting to NX.
I don't know if this is some weird bait, but I don't give a shit if the NX runs fuckin Windows Mobile, I'm just telling you that they never said it would run Android.
I won't be buying one unless a Metroid game is announced and confirmed for it.

I love Metroid and I assumed that the Wii U would get a brand new Metroid game during it's life cycle. Would it be 2D and use the gamepad? Would it be a new Prime game with amazing modern graphics? I was so hyped, and here we are years later and they never even so much as acknowledge Metroid's existence. Fucking hate how hard I got burned on that one. Every other Nintendo console I purchased had a good Metroid title except Wii U.
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welp RIP in pieces Nintendo
metroids a dead series fellow anon :(
We dont need young people we need Miyamoto
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>TGS 2016
>MHXG announced as launch title for the NX

I can't fucking wait
specs first, and then ill think about it

if it can run breath of the wild at 1080p at 60 (as it should) maybe.

I bought the Wii U and play TWO games, and while I sunk a lot of time into both of them, I regret it somewaht
>Didn't the Japanese government stop the merger? Saying it would case Nintendo to basically own a massive chunk of both gaming and anime?
Yes indeed. Bit weir´d that the government took it to heart.
>Capcom right now seem happy with Monster Hunter on 3DS. And if things keep working out I'm guessing MH5 will be on NX. As for SE Dragon Quest 11 was said to be thought of being porting to NX.
Yes and I hope it continue since they unfucked themselve, but the last time big things for Nintendo were announced, RE4 ended up on PS2 and SE started to limit Nintendo on what to localize in the early 3DS/Wii(U) era.
Well we stop mergers too here in the US. Monopoly laws are there for a reason. I do wonder what it actually would be like if they did merge. Either way Monolith seem to be really happy with where they are and Nintendo seem happy with the sales they bring in.

As for those two it really just matters on if Nintendo can help win back Japanese gamers. Since they are what Japanese gaming companies are really worried about. With all of them abandoning everything but 3DS for their phone. I've just heard rumors of them wanting to win back the Japanese market again. Hence why SE is diving back into the console market in a big way while the past 10 years they have been more or less quiet outside of Eidos which SE has been having problems with them.

the catchy title has to do with something about modern nintendo and their arrogance.

And yes, not being a console would make sense "get one while you still can" sounds weird as fuck to me.
For their new handheld, likely

And source on the android?
The irony of this post
>Hence why SE is diving back into the console market in a big way while the past 10 years they have been more or less quiet outside of Eidos which SE has been having problems with them.
Which is ironic since SE was huge on mobile since the early 2ks.
Got more pessimistic about the NX, it will be the Wii U all over again when the Neo and Scoripio comes out. And when Reggie made that statement about it not being about power you just know it will be shit. Xbox and Sony both have power and can make good games too.
>Bring Up My Post
I don't need a source faggot what are you stupid?
There is nothing wrong with the statement though
He is just saying the marketing point are the games
I hope this is ironic

Anyway what version of the Tergra soc chip did they order?

> cautiously optimistic

I'm not since I'm not gonna break down if Nintendo doesn't deliver. If I like something I get excite over it, getting excitement in spoonfuls ain't fun.
Yeah, I'm not going to listen to someone who constantly takes rumors as halftrue, and is friends with a person who claims they're friends with Losttrap.
I don't think Metroid is a killer-app for Nintendo
Nope they need third party to be relevant.

What if....WHAT IF!

The Tegra is the processor for the controller?
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I don't know what to say about this
But have a smug face for your effort
I have zero desire to purchase a "hardcore" gaming system for 10 year olds.

>look at these specs, it'll compete with the Xbone and PS4 for sure
>check out this new Mario

They are shit and they've been shit for years now.
How NX can win 2017:

There needs to be an NX Home and an NX Go. They share all of their software 100%

Zelda BOtW
Monster Hunter main series title
Splatoon 2
Mario Maker 2

All four of those need to come out in 2017 and all four need to be playable on both home console and handheld. Launch a HUGE marketing campaign for Splatoon 2 in Japan and make sure everyone and their grandmother knows you can splat on a handheld.
It could be the greatest system of all time, but it won't matter so long as Bill & Reggie continue to rape and butcher the games.
Are you talking about the PS4 or Xbone anon?
Yeah, it's ironic. It's basically >>341992024 distilled to its most basic form
He shows the statement from Reggie in that video so none of it is rumors.
mario maker and super smash bros will be ported
Nobody buys third party games on Nintendo consoles

The dudebros will always get a PS4 for the COD/FIFA shit
I mean, this is most likely bullshit, but in case this is true I can't fathom the how grand the the NX Ragnarök shitpost day would be.
He usually comments on NX rumors as if they were true. That's what I meant.
Can we stop with this "splatoon is good!" shit already? Its mediocre as hell. You play it for 2 hours and you have already seen EVERYTHING the game has to offer. Its another shallow neo-nintendo game. Seriously stop this shit.
I'm pretty sure the NX will be Nintendo's dreamcast.
The statement is taken wholly out of context by many
Then watch as the console one sells like shit.
Calling it now. NX will be roughly as strong as Xbone is currently.

NX will launch with Splatoon 2, Smash Wii U Port, Zelda, some Platinum exclusive, and some Retro studios game, most likely Donkey Kong. Dont forget the obligatory minigame collection.

It will come with the Nintendo Pro Controller and the "Stream" controller- which is basically a tablet with analog sticks. Stream is optional, but devs can make use of it. Allows you to access your NX remotely from anywhere and play your console games on the go. Stream has 32 GB of RAM and a Tegra processor, in addition to a sleep mode. It can load a whole game onto its RAM for you to play on the go, even without an internet connection!
I feel that. I think what they really needed at launch was big multiplayer stuff like Mario Kart, Smash, and Splatoon. If that stuff was at launch it would have been huge, since those games releases did cause a large impact on sales of Wii U, but because they didn't come until the Wii U had already existed for a year or two, it might have been too little, too late.
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There were rumours a while back that Nintendo was planning to go full mobile. We haven't seen the NX yet but how likely is this true?
Day 1 buy for me desu
They've barely started going mobile. Full mobile would take a few years.
He says posting a 2hu
HOW are you going to stream without an internet connection. Are you retarded or just clueless?
>play on the go
Anon I think he mean the controller is a handheld
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remember when speculating about new consoles were fun?
now its only about how big nintendo can fuck up this time.
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I'm having fun with that in a sad, depressing kind of way.
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Nintendo is a total wild card in this situation. But really you need to look at what will work best for japan.
It took multiple generations of the DS to properly work with america in mind and most even big games didnt work as well until later. Nintendos market is japs so it will most likely be really cheap. It might be an expansion on the current system or at the very least be backwards compatible.

Whats the Gimmick going to be?
Just more power? New controller? Modular? OS? Mobile and console shared library?
you load the entire game onto the RAM of the stream controller while at your house and before you go out. As long as you dont fully turn the thing off (aka- use sleep mode) or let the battery die, you should be able to run it with the RAM and the Tegra processor. Obviously the render scaling will have to be toned down, and certain other graphical features and filters will have to be dropped for certain games, but it should work fine.
Who will take Nintendo's place when they leave the hardware market? Apple?
It's just you two bitter idoits here
Some people are still having fun speculating ITT
What I meant was that the controller is literally just a cellphone\tablet but with analogue sticks and a fuck ton of RAM.
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It's cute!
The problem is Nintendo has always been weird with their consoles and we are at a time where video game rumors spread like wildfire.

Right now I don't really care about what anyone says. I just want to know what the console actually is and what 3rd party developers will be working with it. And I don't see Ubisoft and other big western developers count since they are just going to be multiplatform anyways.
No, it's just you two idiots who are actually excited.

The rest of us know better.
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>powerful enough to compete with Neo/Scorpio

if it's around ps4 level it should be fine, i don't think a lot of people are going to jump on neo/scorpio. at least i hope not. this industry is going to go down the shitter quick if sony and MS get retards to buy into that shit
I am not excited, but I am not bitter

Do I exist?
You underestimate the power of fanboys, LPers and germans.
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>Releasing in March 2017
>Likely somewhere between $300-$350
>Launching with Zelda and possibly a "new type of Mario"

>Launching Holiday 2017
>Likely upwards of $500
>Not a new console, but a means of playing your existing library better
>Above likely applies to the Neo as well

The gap between the NX and the Neo/Scorpio, the cost difference, and a strong launch library could very well give Nintendo an edge.

We'll just have to wait and see.
People would just get original PS4/X1s cause NX won't have any third party support.
You're not thinking.

So no.
Will the 1.5 versions gain any traction?
Somehow I don't think they will
> cause NX won't have any third party support.

and you know this because?
What if the NX will be console that can be simply upgraded with additional tech? Making it more powerful in a year and not as expensive as buying a upgrade console three years after "NX Basic" released?
I hope they flop hard and Sony/Microsoft never pull that shit ever again.
It'll be the same kind of people who got PS4/X1 at launch, even though there weren't many gamest that took advantage of the extra power, that'll be looking at neo/scropio.
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Not at all.
Like what Sega did?
I'm from the future, obviously.
cant wait for the next region locked system with no third party support and first party games that suck because they're designed to try and prove the worth of whatever dumb controller it has.

that they'll abandon near immediately if it isnt a huge success
Initially, probably not

But eventually, upgrade after upgrade, the difference will become clear to even the most tech-illiterate of consumers.

Like phones, basically.
Or like Nintendo with the N64 Expansion Pack.
It all depends. how successful it is at what it does. and how long it takes for them to make exclusives to it and what the market says about it
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>and germans
Do you trust Ubisoft or the president himself
Germans are suckers for Playstation and XBox.
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>and xbox

only britshits care about that thing outside of murika
I work in retail and Xbox One is not doing well in germany, at all.
Ps4? Sure but that counts for most of the world.

I myself own mostly Nintendo consoles due to mild fanboyism and lack of interest in Sony IP's and money.

Can't say I know many other Nintendo fans personally, but online there are quite a few.
Germans used to be big PC gamers. It's kind of amazing how Sony turned them into console peasants.
Gonna leave this here

my favourite exclusive for the Wii U is Rayman Legends. What a gem! Ubisoft really poured everything they had into this exclusively exclusive title
>Who is cautiously optimistic towards Nintendo?

Aslong as the Censorship-house exists, Nintendo is dead to me.
He's a retard who doesn't listen to other things going on.

Nintendo's new system is going to be lower end, probably only around or slightly above the Xbone because it's designed to run the same games as their new handheld and having a SUPER HUGE power gap between the two platforms would just make more work for developers.
There is so many wrong this with this
While you're right about fads, Nintendo really does need to step their advertising game up. Did the Wii U have advertisements? The only game advertisement I can think of off the top of my head is the Splatoon one.

People won't buy what they don't know about, you know?

>I work in retail and Xbox One is not doing well in germany, at all.
Really? I thought Bone was doing great. We've got quite the dudebros and sportsbuddies who should all over the Bone.
I also thought Europe is the house of normies
Well I also know someone who works in the videogames department at Saturn and he told me even there it's not really doing well.
The NX will be a WiiU in sheep's clothing.

It's already been confirmed that the controller will have a screen.

Like Sony and Microsoft - it's 8th gen version 2.0 rather than a new gen system.
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>Nintendo will surely do well THIS TIME

Will Nintendofags ever learn?
I will buy the NX if it's a portable Wii u

Otherwise I'll wait to emulate zelda
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>It's already been confirmed that the controller will have a screen.
Then explain
As long as they actually market it, the gimmick isn't too intrusive/off putting and it's powerful enough to run multiplats so cucksole-only crowd have a reason to buy it then I see no reason why it wouldn't be a good buy.
>The NX will also have Warband on it
The dick intensifies
to be fair mk8 did help boost wii u sales by a significant amount
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>Wii U
>14 million sales by March 2014
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The problem is the same problem Nintendo has always had - they release their console halfway into a cycle with specs on-par with the competition, but with the caveat of having nogaems. If you had to choose between the three, there's no way you would ever choose the Nintendo console because you don't get as much bang for your buck. Same thing happened to the Wii U.

They're chronically on catch-up. Worse, they miss a ton of releases that would otherwise be on every platform, the devs of which are now occupied on other projects so the ports will never come, or will take a long time to come.

Also, I'm never buying another Nintendo console again after seeing all that dumbing down and removal of vast swaths of content their 'localization' department does on a regular basis.
oh two people can play this game anon
Would you buy if it is region-free?
>I hope Sony and ms keep desperately trying to keep garbage hardware alive with shitty games that are too technically ambitious for their platform
He's speculating but it all makes sense
Keep in mind Carmack is not referring to a flat double performance, rather, it's if it's tailored to the platform.

Multiplats are never optimized and expect 1:1 (PC:console) or worse.
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>Wii U lowest selling Nintendo console to date
>3DS lowest selling Nintendo handheld to date
>Wii U has the weakest first party library to date (One non exclusive Zelda and Bayonetta 2 with some 5 hour long cookie cutter platformers)
>NX has less hype behind it than the Xbox and PS4 1.5
>Nobody even knows what the fuck it is and it's releasing next March
>Not even showed at E3
>likely has some gimmick
>Wii U not even seen as a competitor to the PS4 or Xbox One
>Smartphones taking up that handheld market
>Iwata literally killed himself due to the disgrace that was the Wii U
>Nintendo will finally die in your life time

Feels good
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Who cares about 1 game that did better than was initially thought?

When you release 1 game every 4 months it's bound to sell well.
>NX has less hype

I'm still not counting the fact that half your posts are speculations about the NX
Abandon thread, it is becoming a cesspool of console wars now
You can't get hype about something you don't know about
not like we know anything about scorpio and neo either
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None of it makes sense. The only reason the Wii U even broke 10 million sales was because it released with zero competition.

See >>341998757

Nobody even knows what the fuck the NX is and it's less than 1 year from release. It's going to flop hard as fuck like every Nintendo console (outside of the outlier Wii) and it will flop even harder than the Wii U because it's actually going to have competition.

The Wii U released when the PS360 were at the end of their life cycles whereas the PS4/Xbox One (going by their "upgrades") are only half way through theirs (especially with the PS4s upcomming exclusive library).

Thinkings the NX will do better than the Scorpio/PS4 Neo is just a overly optimistic speculation from Nintencucks
>Full 1080p 60 Fps will be good too.
Even a game with 2D graphics can be 1080p/60FPS
Except the Neo and Scorpio is supposed to work together with the PS4/Xbone, you will still play the same games with the dev ambitions.

What a waste of hardware.
I'm about this close to just hacking my Wii U with Loadliine

I dont play MK8 online anymore and its dying. Playing smash 4 with /v/ is stupid to since they all suck ass hair. Pokken was just fucking shit and all the nay sayers of it being dead got btfo since there are 0 discussion on it.

Then again I own every game worth a fuck for this system.

Is it possible to pirate N64 games from the e store to?
The mystery and discussion makes people more excited for the news
And now that we have a reveal date the hype will continue to build
>I hope sony and ms set a trend to make it okay to upgrade your console every 2 years
They just have more powerful hardware

PS4 will keep obliterating the competition
>Nintendo fucked us with region locking.

Was there ANYTHING worth importing for the Wii U?
>0 discussion
I see you only browse /v/

Matchmaking is still fast in my experience
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We at least know that they will be consoles and not gimmickshit like 99% of Nintendo consoles

>HURR, NX HAS......

Every fucking time they fuck themselves over.
No, because a PS4 is region-free and probably has 5x the gaems the Nx, in both quality and number that the PS4 will ever have.

Not to say that I'd necessarily buy it anyway. More likely to pick up a Vita soonish to play my weeaboo games (and a few simpleish untranslated ones) because that has actually built a substantial weeb library.
>The mystery and discussion makes people more excited for the news

That only applies to the stupid Nintendrones

In the real world, nobody gives a shit.
cartridges and mini discs were just bad design decisions, not gimmicks. the consoles themselves were fine
>What will make or break the NX isn't its specs,
It will if developers have grievances.
And why would the neo or Scorpio be successful?
For one, the Scorpio is overpriced. $500 is ridiculous
If I am not wrong the NX releases in March, while the other guys get released in the holidays. The competition will be lessened by then

In fact, releasing it with competition will get more attention, with sales wars and whatnot

Now they just need to market it
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>There are people on /v/ who will buy the NX after how bad the Wii U's library was
Do you retards never learn?
>Wii sold 100+ million units
>DS sold 150+ million units
>3DS sold 60+ million units so far
>People still think Nintendo is going to fold anytime soon
>Complaining there's not enough hype for an unannounced piece of hardware

Sonyggers manage to outdo nintendrones every time
And Imma need a source for that familia
ah yes, I also remember when the Wii flopped, selling less than even the Gamecube.

And N64 cards where brilliant with almost zero loading times. Too bad people preferred watching movies even back then
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What are Nintendo thinking? Why didn't they show the NX at E3?

It's meant to release in FUCKING MARCH. Why are they so fucking bad at marketing?
I'm sure Pokeautist still play it doesnt mean it isnt shit.
I hope no one is stupid to buy that piece of shit at launch. At least wait a year or two.
Dedicated directs would gain more press converge as many many things are revealed at e3 at once

So it's an okay marketing move.
every time i see nintendo news on facebook there's a ton of people talking about it
Star Fox Zero had TV ads, movie ads, a promotional anime (that was also livestreamed), and a Gamestop promotion
-Cartridges put off developers
-Minidiscs wouldn't be a problem if developers were still using CDs
-Waggle wasn't a problem by itself, However a standard controller wasn't packed in with the console, which limited developers. CCPro happened because of MonHun3
-The gamepad screen isn't bad in on itself. It's the part about it sucking up system resources that spells trouble.
>moving goalposts
You said it's dead. I said people still play it

And about MK8, the online is still fast. You would know it if you have the game
>latching on to the Wii that released before smart phones were popular

The Wii filled the casual market and they've been on the decline ever since. Just look at your own figures.

>3DS sold literally under 50% of what he DS sold
>Wii U sold literally 10-20% of what the Wii sold

If that's not a sorry sight then I don't know what is. The Wii U is shaping up to sell less than the fucking Gamecube and N64, it's a complete disaster. The Gameboy advance sold more than the 3DS.

>b-but Sony

Every time

>3Ds sold under the best selling handheld

1. Not revealing anything for the competition before they show they shit.

2. Not showing anything before good number of games are ready.

3. They're going to make a own event for it. Maybe even Spaceworld 2016.

4. No showstealers by Sony and MS that way.

The Scorpio won't be successful, but it will be more successful than any Nintendo console, you can bet on that.
I thought the Mobile Bubble was close to popping over in japan?
because the DS and GBA didn't have to compete with the market shrinking due to phones, you're not going to see DS/PS2 numbers for anything again at this rate
And I want to hear why you think so

It sold under their worst selling handheld, the Gameboy Advance.

Try reading my whole post next time kiddo.
>good product
When will this finally end?
10 years of underpowered hardware and gimmicks have stolen optimism for this company from me. The only thing I'm watching for from them is the new Zelda, and thats just to see how and when they fuck it up somehow.
I got my money out of the Wii U.
>Making a shitty girl protag
>>3Ds sold under the best selling handheld

3DS sold even less than the PSP
>Announce console at E3
>It has to compete with literally everyone else
>Announce console at a Direct during a slow news draught
>It's all anyone hears about for months

PS4 is already outperforming the PS2 significantly at the rate it's going.


see >>341999613

Nobody even knows what the fuck it is and Nintendos Wii U wasn't even close to as competitive as the Xbox One this gen. I'm going by past performances and outside of the Wii, Microsoft has been Nintendo 2 out of the 3 Generations they had consoles.

Original Xbox outsold the Gamecube
Xbox One outsold the Wii U (despite releasing later)

Scorpio already has more buzz around it than the NX from what i've been seeing. Nobody even knows what the fuck the NX is.
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>We stop mergers too here in the US. Monopoly laws are there for a reason.

You guys don't stop shit and your monopoly laws are a joke
>3DS sold even less than the PSP

is 80 million suddenly bad or something?
I know I'm going to get an NX eventually. They would have to fuck up massively for me not to get one.
>What are Nintendo thinking? Why didn't they show the NX at E3?

because they can have their own event and have all the attention on them instead of competing for it with other companies at the same time.
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I can't wait to hear the


Posts when the NX flops

But you know that the handheld market is shrinking quite fast

If Nintendo release another handheld. It will sell less.
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Wii U was worth it after 2-3 years but if you bought it at launch you're undeniably a retard. Same deal with NX, it'll have droughts just as bad if not worse.
I'm sure the NX will

>be underpowered
>get a decent library of Nintendo exclusives over its life

So I will just wait a few years and buy one when it's cheap and has games.
Well I still don't see any evidence

For me more people are talking about the NX

/v/ is a good example of that
Ooh, I can do that too!
>PS2 sold more than GC and Xbox COMBINED
>PS1 first system to cross 100 million units
>PS3 sold 80 million
>PS4 at 40 million and counting, also more than Xbone and Wii U combined

Sony has never had a failure in consoles. Even that horrible PS3 start didn't kill it. Meanwhile Nintendo has had 6 generations, 5 of which were competitive and lost 4 of those. Of the 4 losses, they were in last place...4 times.

You want to keep playing numbers, kid?
>ever going region free
The day they do a region free console is the day they won't shit on 3rd party devs.
Guys. GUYS!

Wii U games remastered and decensored for NX!
But the specs will fucking make or break the system. Nintendo is under a lot of pressure here. If they decide to stick with their PowerPC architecture, they will retain backwards compatibility with Wii U, Wii, and GameCube games. The big downside is that they will lose a lot of third party support since all mainstream gaming platforms like PS4/Xbone/PC use a x86 architectures and porting games to PowerPC takes a lot longer and uses more money, combined with the fact that third party games usually sell worse than on Playstaion or Xbox, third party developers have very little incentive to port games or make them exclusive to Nintendos console.

If they do decide to use a x86 instruction set in NX similar to PS4/Xbone, porting games from those consoles including PC will be a lot easier and also the hardware potential can be better than what Nintendo is used to. The biggest problem for Nintendo though is that they will lose over a decades worth of native backwards compatibility. They can always use a software emulator like Xbone does for 360 games, but then the list of games for backwards compatibility support drops dramatically due to emulation issues. Games refusing to boot, audio desync issues, graphical glitches, etc.

Basically Nintendo has to decide whether they want to keep a niche audience or cater to a bigger audience.
Just like Overwatch but people still play that.
Read the op idoit
>Wii U games remastered

I know you're joking but this is actually very likely if it's not B/C

They'll just port over Smash and MK8 instead of making new installments
Pretty much this

I will get a NX when it's cheap and has a good library of exclusives

I got my Wii U for 200$ with 5 games, I'm sure as hell i will do the same.

If i want to play multiplats, i will play them on PC.

If i want to play exclusive Japanese games, i will play them on PS4.
there are too many people just talking about specs.

graphics are already great enough. image quality is everything the next nintendo console needs.

diminishing returns in graphics are real. everything on ps4 and xbox looks the same, has the same color palette.

"cinematic" walking simulators are fucking shit, uncharted sucks. open world games are ok, but they are all the damn same and will forever stay the same.

fuck fifa games and cod. its the alsways the same shit. battlefield 1 is the same shit again.

fuck all of this. specs are already good. if nintendo nx has xbox one level of power - thats enough. developers just have to use this kind of power to actually make amahing looking games like mario kart 8, splatoon and bayonetta 2. little bit more color and unique artstyles and gameplay mechanics.

mario kart 8 just needs better image quality. its already 60fps. lack of anti aliasing sucks.

so stop this bullshit with specs. xbone one level of graphical power in the hand of nintendo EAD would be enough to wow people graphically, just like mario kart 8 did when it came out and that was programmed on waaay weaker hardware (wii u).

so fuck off you fucking graphic whores.

on internet forums, there are too many people who follow the console wars just like sports fans, without even playing games themselves. for those idiots the only measurment to compare consoles is "graphical power". jesus, it's not the 90s anymore. graphics look good enough across the board.

gimme great fun games with great fun and FRESH artsystles. thats the only thing thats important. current console tech is absolutely enough to deliver that. it's just up to the developers to do it.

so fuck the stupid teraflop discussion. it's fucking pointless.
>towards Nintendo
Setting yourself up for disappointment my man
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>DEcensor something
>Does a Direct
>Every gaming sites talk about it all week or longer
Every fucking time. Nintendo stopped giving a fuck about press years ago. I'm shocked they are still at E3 when they shown to do better away from those type of shows. And when they do a Direct EVERYONE tunes in.
The PSP sold exceptionally well. The DS had proportionally less of a lead over it than the PS4 does over the Xbone. Now if you compare the best selling 3DS game (X&Y, 14 million) to the best selling PSP game (Monster Hunter, 4 million) you see which would pull in the money
if you don't keep your old consoles around, oh well. you can emulate literally everything up to wii and DS right now if you wanted, who gives a shit about backwards compatibility. it's time for them to move on
Oh yes, i know that DS sold the most hardware and software. My point is that the handheld market is shrinking very fast.

I wonder what's gonna do Nintendo

A cellphone/handheld hybrid?

Specs matter believe it or not. Not just talking about graphics but how software development works at a hardware level.
>Breath of the Wild will be on an android device

Yeah, fuck off.

>still don't see any evidence
Know what, what evidence do you have that the NX will even be competitive to the Scorpio and Neo?

What of this current generation shows you that Nintendo is even capable of being competitive with MS and Sony?
>Ever buying a console at launch
>Dressing your Lyn the same way I dressed mine

She best be wearing ass hugging jeans.
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>yfw Nintendo eventually tries brainwave controllers
>who gives a shit about backwards compatibility

The people who didn't buy a Wii-U, I guess. Going to be a little weird if the NX launches and NX owners can't play Smash or Kart for years while Wii-U owners still can

I agree though, fuck it. Nintendo needs to cut their losses and keeping B/C just to please a few people will bite them in the ass.

Nintendo needs to go x86 or go home basically
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>fuck all of this. specs are already good. if nintendo nx has xbox one level of power - thats enough

Nintendocucks will never cease to amaze me. They literally settle for mediocrity. I own a PS4/PC and even i'm willing to admit that the PS4/Xbox Ones specs weren't acceptable even at release, never fucking mind in 2017
>Literally nobody bringing into question whether Sony was profitable or not
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ps3 was literal cancer that cost them billions of dollars despite how well it sold
They've fucked up each console since the N64 in some way. If they didn't learn before, I don't think they will learn this time. Nintendo's higher ups have too large of an ego, and think they can do whatever. And I own every console produced by them.
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So how's the NX going to be revealed?

Media blowout? A major Nintendo Direct? Both?

BOTW and some titles like Splatoon and Mario Maker have given this company a handful of positive perception the first time in like 6 fucking years

I'm betting they'll show the thing in the next 3 months, guessing August/September
he didn't create Metroid Prime, anon.
Nintendo could always pull a Sony and ductape Wii U's hardware inside the NX like how they included PS2's hardware inside early fat PS3's to achieve backwards compatibility.

The major downsides though are that the system will be bulkier and the price will be much higher.
...like most multiplayer games?
Total shot in the dark, but I'll bet a major Nintendo Direct in September
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They'll show it 5 months prior to release just like they did with the Wii U.

4chan will be glorious, the salt, the Nintencuck wojacks, the goldenface.

It will all be magnificent

A reveal conference in September like they did with the Wii U.
Not to mention they'd also have to include a gamepad or at least something with a 2nd screen

It'd be a clusterfuck. As much as I hate the idea of the Wii-U's library being lost to time, the NX needs to be its own thing and move forward with the times.

Any association with the Wii-U will probably just hurt it

I'm so sorry Iwata
People have been shitposting bout the death of Nintendo since the SNES. It's not happening any time soon kiddo
>I'm betting they'll show the thing in the next 3 months, guessing August/September

Why then? You realize September is a terrible time to announce anything? E3 should have been their time to announce the NX, they didn't have to give full details, even just a Skorpio-style reveal would have been better than nothing. There's barely any info released about the Skorpio and yet it has a lot of people talking.
If nintendo has been studying anything they will realize they can release Smash Bros 4 Remastered. Remastered versions of all the WiiU titles.
They could even do a nice package of NSMB U + Luigi U + Mario Maker.
they said WiiU's goal was gonna go after the Wii audience again, and they were right.

And they have been dead since the N64 era. Their irrelevance that is.
The scorpio could already be more powerful than it could be right now let alone one year from now on its release.
>Remastered versions of all the WiiU titles.

They really only need to do Sm4sh, MK8, and that bundle you mentioned. MAYBE Tropical Dong. Games like W101 and Bayonetta 2 are going to be lost like tears in rain unfortunately. In the case of Star Fox Zero, that's probably for the best.
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>since the SNES
"nintendo will never release anything on mobile phones!"

he didnt say it was doomed, he said it was shit but the idiots would buy it because of marketing

he was right
Nintendo - When censorship makes pirating/emulating the ethical choice.
The fact that Zelda BotW doesn't use the Gamepad, and still makes you scroll through items to select what one you want to use, makes me believe the NX will actually have those scrolling shoulder wheels from the patent from a long time ago.
Could be quite interesting if they can get something like Bayo 3, now this time with the ability to switch weapons using those wheels.
What's there to even "remaster"? Changing the internal resolution from 720p to 1080p and then calling it a day? Why would anyone pay $60 for something a emulator can do for free?
You can if you do it when it's on page 10
They honestly cant win another generation until they can manage to have 2 interesting and good consoles to gain more followers. Even if the nx is perfect, I don't it will sell as well the ps4. At the most it will sell a good enough amount to show they have their shit together, but at the moment it doesn't sound like they do.
That's my plan, as much as I want the new Zelda I'm not going to buy a new console that lacks third party support.
All I want from the NX is

>no gimmicks
>be the ONLY Nintendo platform
>have decent specs so they can do something with it

I don't want Nintendo to spread out their games across two platforms anymore. I want them to bring everything they got to ONE solid device.

I want every Monster Hunter, Pokemon, Mario, Zelda, Pikmin, Mario Kart, Smash, Donkey Kong, Metroid etc. on the same damn platform.

Then we have way less droughts in games.
If Nintendo uses region lock on NX, it's over. They are so behind with the times.
Considering they merged their console and handheld divisions a while back and put them all in the same office, that seems likely

They can just keep selling the 3DS with its current library for 5 more years no problem
PS3 gave Sony a JUST amount of losses since the 7th gen

literally the Don Mattrick of Playstation consoles.
>wanting 3rd parties
>when they port to PC anyways
PC + Nintendo basically covers all the games you need to play
[spoilers]except kimoi otaku kusoges but then again, kusoges[/spoilers]
I don't know ask PS4 owners. But apparently someone buys these things.
Still most likely it would be a combination of 1080p, all DLC available, + some sort of bonus to the game. The most viable easy options would be
MK8 with more characters and vehicle parts
Smash 4 with all stages from both WiiU and 3DS available.

Mario Maker with real luigi perhaps?

You know just small bonuses to entice people into rebuying games.

If it's only around Xbone level, that's pretty sad. It'll be like Wii U again where they advertised it to developers as being very easy to port Xbox360 games to. Coming in years late and then expecting third party down-ports is a really sad strategy.
yeah all the 12 people that actually import games instead of bitching on the internet about it will kill them for sure
Nintendo is good at optimization (smash 4 is 1080p 60fps) so as long as specs aren't absolute asshole, we shouldn't be too bad
>Zelda isn't really a normie series either.
Your joking right?
Well I've been waiting for the neo since the ps4's release. Never bought a current gen console cause if there was anything to be learned from last gen was that the slim or later versions are completely superior and more unlikely to die a month or 2 after using them.
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The things I would do for a new Monster Hunter on an actual big screen in good graphics with a real controller

Oh man

Even MH3U, despite having been just a 3ds port, was so much fun on the WiiU
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>good at optimization

Is that why multiplats run better on PS3/360 and Wind Waker HD (Gamecube game) is 1080p @ 30fps with dips?
Smash 4 is a fighting game. For all the nice backgrounds and everything, it's still just a few characters on screen in a contained area.
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>tfw I sold my WiiU to a friend after the supreme censorship faggotry and moved on to real vidya

Feels good meng
>"real" vidya

such as?
It's not even that, it's that region locking your games and eshop in 2016 makes no fucking sense other than to jew your consumers.
>nintendo is good at optimization
>brings up multiplats which aren't developed by nintendo
Anon, don't go full retard, please.
I agree with you on them fucking up on WWHD though.
>nintendo is good at optimization
>mention multiplats

Pretty much everything but Nintendo. Mostly Master Race though.
There has been a slew of weeabo gamge being ported to the PC so I'm not to sure about that.
Sounds like you play cinematic experiences
not developed by Nintendo. pretty much every Nintendo dev goes through a shit ton of optimization for the shit console
>wind waker
probably just too much for the GameCube I guess. also a shit ton is happening in that scene specifically
yeah you are right, but as long as the games aiming for 60 can hit a constant 60, it's pretty good. mk8 is 720p 60fps iirc but I don't really mind

At least they weren't censored tho.

I don't play CAWADOOTY, any uncharted or anything made by EA so no.
I can say theres tons of 3ds games worth importing that havent come here yet
I'm expecting the controller to be something like
>based on the Pro controller since Zelda uses pretty much every button
>gyro since they want to keep the Splatoon players
>scrollablle shoulder wheels for menu management in Zelda

hasnt nintendo said they arent competing with sony or MS?
>Wii U didn't have an open 3D Mario

Either did the Wii and that was generally agreed to have worked out well for them
>Smash 4 is a fighting game.
but every Smash is a popular

i like "character action game" better than niche "1v1 action game" (aka "fighting games" in general)

Which is why they will NEVER find sustainable success with the core and hardcore crowds
There had better be a fucking Xeno X port on the NX

Why would you want Censored-X?
I'm expecting NX to be Nintendo's Dreamcast.
Good console with a decent library but past mistakes and piracy will ultimately kill it.
Yep. Not competing is why they're getting fucked hard

>popularize console gaming
Sony fuck a them
>popularize mobile gaming
Apple cucks them
>popularize motion gaming
Mobile cucks them

Nintendo constantly reaching for their blue ocean is retarded, and rarely works nowadays
they didn't fuck up as hard as sega did
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Well he doesn't play Nintenshit anymore, so no.

The Dreamcast sold faster than the Wii U.

>10.8 million in 2 years

Wii U
>12 million in 4 years
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Technically it is the specs that will make it or break it, not that I give that much of a shit about graphics as long as it's done well and fits the game, but, nor do I necessarily think the game will be worse off for it.

But when it comes to sales, we've just got to face the fact that a large number of people are graphic whores that care more about pre-rendered clips than gameplay. I mean fuck, just look at E3.

I can enjoy Prerendered trailers and such too, but what convinces people to buy games a lot of the time nowadays is graphics, cutscenes and pre-rendered stuff. I do think though that it would be enough if NX was as powerful as PS4 or beyond that, we've started to see a stagnation when it comes to graphics.
Not financially, but Dreamcast was actually selling okay. It just wasn't anywhere near enough to save Sega's hardware division.

Nintendo is sort of reversed. They are finding ways to keep the revenue stable and the costs down, but they are losing a war of attrition in market share. It may get to a point where they don't see any reason to release a home console, not because they can't afford to, but because the potential return would be inconsequential.
Not to mention that was nearly 20 years ago when the video game market was much smaller.
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I doubt they would do that since Monolith Soft is working on their next project. I'd rather have a sequel than a port.
the dreamcast wasn't a bad system, it only died because sega went full retard before they released it

i don't see how people are still comparing the situations, nintendo and sega aren't similar at all
Sega lost a lot of third party support to Sony, Nintendo is suffering the same thing right now. Sega decided to use hardware for Saturn that third party developers hated, Nintendo is doing the same thing with Wii U and PowerPC.
>when the video game market was much smaller
Talking only about dedicated game consoles, the sixth generation was quite a bit bigger than this one is shaping up to be.
>TloU is only 4 hours
>Bayo 2 is 60 hours

>I do think though that it would be enough if NX was as powerful as PS4
That's the bare minimum I want but I have little faith in Nintendo to do even that.

Would a console with the same specs as a PS4 be that difficult to make and sell?
Yeah. Why would you want No Boob Settings X HD Edition?
This, what people are forgetting is the awful drought at the release of the Wii U console. This window was supposed to be filled with 3rd party games but then they bailed on their plans and only delivered broken ports and other garbage.

I'm hoping Nintendo says fuck you to third parties who are afraid of "competing" with them by releasing their game in the same month as a big Nintendo game.
>it only died because sega went full retard before they released it

I'm sure the GREATEST SELLING CONSOLE OF ALL TIME coming out a year after the DC had something to do with it...
It sold so well because of piracy. Software sales weren't as hot and one factor Dreamcast failed.
I'll be the single WiiU owner to say that I didn't like Xeno X

The biggest reason was the shitty combat. Second, minor reason was the fucking awful music especially in New LA

But yeah I just couldn't get into it, even though I truly tried.
And I usually lap up any game like that
AMD is releasing an RX 460 card that's around ~2 TFLOPS and will probably hit retail for $99 and use <75W. If Nintendo can't be assed to go for even something like that, then they really ought to get the fuck out of hardware business.

>confirmed as female or gay, definitely not both
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Probably not, I imagine that the parts to get equal amounts of power to PS4 is fairly cheap by now and the recent strategy of Nintendo has been to try and make a fairly cheap console, both for themselves and for the consumer.

In the end, it depends on what they are going for. If they really want to gain new consumers again, they would need to make something powerful.

But at the same time it'd be a very risky move since Nintendo already has a reputation and even if they had a very powerful console, you'd risk having graphic whores ignore it anyway "'Cause kiddie console" and distancing yourself from the established consumer based which are already used to the cheap price of new Nintendo consoles.

Or that's how I see it at least.
The console market was much larger then, what are you on about?

It took the ps4 2 years to get where the ps2 got in 1
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Nintendo has learned ABSOLUTELY NOTHING from the Wii U.

I have lost any optimism I had about the NX.

>We made a console no one gave a shit about with no games and a really retarded Game Pad gimmick. Keep buying the Wii U though, the NX will be supported alongside the Wii U platform.

>What? It's only sold 12 million? Near the same amount as the Dreamcast and it's had 3 years when the Dreamcast only had 2 years?


Pretending something isn't fucking dead is Nintendo's worst problem. They had a hit with the Wii after lackluster showings from the N64 and GameCube and they went right back to their bullshit.
When should we expect the earliest reveal? October?
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What Wii U games do you think are getting NX ports?

Willing to bet Super Mario Maker and Smash


what the fuck do you want them to say? don't buy any nintendo products until next year when we release our new shit?
I dream of a Smash Bros for NX being like an Official Project for 4U with loads of extra content and shit
The Wii U has sold 12 million consoles. At this point, even talking about is just damaging their reputation even more. The system is totally fucking failed. I think it may have pulled a very small profit for them, but honestly, if Nintendo wasn't fiscally conservative and the Wii hadn't sold 100 million consoles, Nintendo would be fucking dead right now. They were dying after GameCube. The literally crashed and burned and the Wii was their saving grace. The Wii U has put them in a worse position than they were with the GameCube.

Nintendo's final hour is at hand and championing a failed console is not doing them any fucking favors. They fucked up, big time.
Did they have good joggle pyhsics in the japan version?
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Post your top 5 dream launch games for the NX

>Zelda: Breath of the Wild
>Super Mario Maker port with new content
>New Monster Hunter game
>New Metroid game
>F-Zero with good online play
If NX flops like Wii U, do you guys think Nintendo will go mobile only?
Smash NX
Maybe Splatoon if for some reason they aren't ready to do Splatoon 2 yet.
*Official Project M

I seriously think Nintendo has plenty to gain hiring the PM Backroom guys
You can alter your boob size on the latest firmware now.

I'm not really a fan of the combat but I like the game for the world and all the side quests that are more interesting than the main story.

I won't know until I can emulate a translated hack smoothly. At the current rate of progress it should only be about another 9 months or so.

But what about all the religious censorship?
>Super Mario Maker port with new content

say it is now "Super Wario Maker" which included more than just Mario being like Warioware DIY and it is bundled with NX
Splatoon with all DLC content and hyping up for Spla2n: Splat Harder

I'd love to see Bayonetta/2.

Also I expect Kong Dong Cuntry Returneth 3: Electric Bananarama with DKCR 1 & 2 in a Konkey Dong Country Returns: Expanded Trilogy Edition.
Which religious censorhsip?
There are many quests that deal with gods, including one where one girl is being manipulated by a Definian into believing she's talking to God itself, and ends up killing a bunch of Manon that way.
Unless you're just one of those shitposters who believe changing Testament to Reclaimers means the story was butchered.
First of all: No

Second: Nintendo isn't developing Smash

I don't see why they would port any

The games weren't good enough to make people buy a WiiU, why would they buy an NX for games that weren't good enough the last time?
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Zelda BotW
3D Mario like 64
Console Fire Emblem that moves away from Awakening and Fates style
Paper Mario that's good again
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it was mostly Tanabe

fucked ruined Metroid Prime and Paper Mario, 2 Cult GC classics
There was none. As someone that played 20 hours of the Japanese version before 100@%ing the English version, the script is incredibly faithful
>You can alter your boob size on the latest firmware now.
What about the outfits?

Is that the same guy who was in charge of Project Hammer? Is he the Tanaka of Nintendo?
I mentioned Wii U and that guy who's seriously overweight went crazy
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>Name changes that happen all the time in localization are now censorship
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It is if it's to avoiding upsetting over-sensitive groups.
Star Fox Zero had cinematic experiences too
LOL 3rd parties are more likely to say fuck you to Nintendo and it's shit fan base than the other way around. Devs don't need Nintendo they can make their games for other systems. Nintendo needs Devs though because games are the only reason people buy Nintendo shit consoles.
>Name changes so that the names actually reflect what the different divisions do rather than being fancy English the Japanese put in for no reason besides MUH CALLBACK
>implying people bought or kept that shit
just pick up 643D, KI:U, Splatoon, or S&P2 on VC and call it a day.
the NDS didn't kill DC though

be specific
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Try again
NDS is a handheld, not a console.
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>mfw when WiiU on that list
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>vita sold less than the fucking game gear

shame because it's actually a good handheld, why did sony just abandon it like that
>Wii U selling worse than Vita
>BotW and Splatoon shows how good a product can be if the young minds take over

>literally no evidence whatsoever, game is still 6+ months away
>being this much of a Nintencuck
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>The fucking GAMEGEAR sold better than the Wii U
these posts reeks raunchy "wishful thinking" autism

lurk in the modding community sometimes
hours and hours of gameplay demonstrations disagree. Too used to cinematic trailers and scripted "gameplay" now, are we?
Genesis sold much closer to the Super Nintendo in NA and dominated in Europe.
>bone, vita and wiiu at the bottom
all is good in the world
wishful thinking? nigga I know is never going to happen
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>Is that the same guy who was in charge of Project Hammer?
no, that was someone else, pic related.

Tanabe back out of MACHINEX/H.A.M.M.E.R. after realizing the game's development is beyond saving. (and he's usually the same guy who loves working with NST on certain games.)
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>Shita outsells Wii U
>cautiously optimistic

people who use this phrase deserves to have all their blood drained from their body.

Why is this a suprise? the GG sold very well in the EU and Brazil.

Just look at how many Asterix games were out on it.
>opinions are facts

Fucking kek. Keep shilling, you're only building up to more disappointment
Are you ready for FFXIV, XV and VIII:Remake for NX, /v/?

>younger minds in charge

Isn't Anouma in charge of BotW? For that matter wasn't a "younger team" in charge of Skyward Sword, a game that he criticized and wasn't in charge of? Splatoon I'll give you though.
they have a better chance of appearing on xbone

>implying Prime ruined Metroid

superbabbies kys
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>VIII:Remake for NX
>inb4 smash kids/buttblasted K.ucks and their fanfiction about how Cloud got in

But Force Fed Metroid isn't out yet.
XIV's director in interested in a NX version and Cloud in Smash pretty much confirmed the VII remake.
Why are nintencucks the only fanbase that defends censorship?
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don't worry, i got it handled

redirect them to this post if they try
>implying i said that
was pointing out that Tanabe wasn't a big deal during the development of the very first one.

he was under Miyamoto, Sakamoto, and Retro's leash at the time. (when he wasn't shitting up anything.)
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>another floptroid
>ruining anything
>that last quote
man, if only everyone in /v/ agreed with this...

They would rather censor you then explain.
XIV director also said they were in talks with Microsoft of porting the game to Xbone. FFXV is already coming to Xbone too. FF7 remake is a timed exclusive and will eventually be released for Xbone too.

XIV on NX depends on Nintendo removing region lock and letting NX players play with PS4/PC. XV on NX depends on how well NX sells as well as if NX will be using a x86 architecture or rehashing PowerPC. Same with VIII: Remake.
I bet you don't even see the irony in your post.
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>Cloud in Smash pretty much confirmed the VII remake.
just like MGS4 on Wii, right smashbaby?
The Wii U handles 1080p 60fps, so there's no reason a Nintendo console as strong if not stronger than an Xbone could do it
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I'm not optimistic at all.They finally lost my faith last during the last year.

Maybe they will do something worthwhile, but I'm not counting on it.
>Top left picture

Isn't that used in the FGC groups picture?
>the only fanbase that defends censorship

You're crazy if you think this.
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If Nintendo wants to gain any traction with the NX, it has to focus only on their core audiences, Japanese, casuals and kids. I have a hard time imagining them going into a spec war this late in the game, so this is what I predict what's its going to be after the small bit of information we've gotten.

I think the NX is a low spec hybrid device where the main draw is the handheld/controller. It's probably going to be a tablet with hideaway controls on the side and an ARM processor to maintain compatibility with existing android mobile games and apps, think a 2ds with a horizontal screen. The other part of it would be a Vita TV like mini console or a Fire Stick like device that can be stored into the handheld, however I think the main draw of it would be for 4k video streaming. Something like this could easily shit out more power than the Wii U, but it would also make sense if they dropped backwards compatibility.

With that, they'll appeal to Japs through portability, casual though having a tiny streaming box and a neat controller for it as well and to kids by having a primarily touch focused device that can already play their favorite games.
>getting angry discussing vidjya

Literally a virgin.
Anyone who bought a Wii U and is excited about the NX is clearly delusional.

Oh boy, got fucked over hard with this console, can't wait to buy the next!

When these people grow up, they'll look back on how stupid they were.
>and letting NX players play with PS4/PC
Isn't that Dragon Quest MMO doing that? Was released on Wii U at least.

>just like MGS4 on Wii, right smashbaby?
Sakurai is friends with Kojima. Metal Gear series was already on Nintendo systems and we got MGS3DS.

Jokes on you, I never played Smash 4.
Seems like omeone has to suck a bag of dicks and crows now.
>getting trigged over neo-Nintendo and all their success

rofl 2bH
>Zelda isn't really a normie series either
wew lass
>Sakurai is friends with Kojima. Metal Gear series was already on Nintendo systems and we got MGS3DS.
still not because of Smash anon.

also, see >>342010227
holy shit nintendo fans are mad af right now literal suicide squad watch lmao
ya seem a little butthurt there son
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>suicide squad
You what, Anon?
Thankfully I didn't buy a Wii U, so I'm good.

Can't even imagine what you must be going through right now.

The PS4 is selling much faster than the PS2, nigger what are you talking about?
Can we talk about launch gamr expectations?

I feel like they're going to go all out;
Breath of the Wild
Pikmin 4
Smash Bros 4 NX
"New mario"
New Super Mario Bros. NX
Bayonetta 3

Theb over the next few months release:
Something from Retro
Something from Good-Feel
Mario Kart 9
Hopefully more niche games like Battalion Wars and Endless Ocean
DQX has crossplatform play, but the game is region locked to Japan. XIV lets you play on US/EU/JP servers on the same client, but with Nintendo's stance on region lock this may be a problem.
It's over the sales of the NX will be lower than the Wii U. People who play games on consoles have no reason to buy what Nintendo is selling because the vast majority of the games that they like are on the PS4/X1. Even if third parties are dumb enough to attempt to support the new machine with DX versions of every game they release going forward, nobody is going to buy them because the people that play those games in general don't buy Nintendo consoles and the people that buy Nintendo consoles don't play those games. Simple as that. And a bunch of us who buried our reservations and dived in with the Wii U are done with their underperforming shit. NX will continue with the downward trend that started with the n64
No, it isn't. Update your talking points.
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Why don't Nintendo fucking learn?

>less than a year away
>still don't even know what the fuck the NX is

They're making the exact same mistake as what they made with the Wii U and now they'll actually be competing with consoles that aren't at the end of their cycles. Scorpio/Neo will fucking stomp the NX.

Why can't they just make comparable hardware to the competition and have a normal fucking cycle?
If they make the NX an arm machine without porting Wii u games that would be a huge mistake
Yes, 4 years is a good upgrade cycle. It was never good for consoles to stretch themselves thin for as long as the last gen did
suicide squad watch af (as fuck) 2bH (to be quite honest) family-member.


That's from October 2015 and has been the general narrative since the PS4 released, not a single report has came out to suggest that it has slowed down.

Back up your talking points.
>being wrong

It is, stop being so mad about it.

Outselling PS2 at this point, Sony going HAM.
Aside from the report that they're already replacing it. Pretty weird for the greatest selling console of all time.
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It's all so easy, but it won't happen because Nintendo.
PS4 NEO>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NX.
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yes Treehouse is the sole reason FE: Fates selling like shit :^)
And how do they deal with the fact that they're running essentially on brand loyalty at this point? Nobody is making 3rd party games for them because the audience is too small because there's very few 3rd party games. It's a cycle that's perpetuating itself and killing Nintendo's home consoles.
At this point people are buying consoles because they have loyalty to the company, and Nintendo fucked up big and couldn't translate the Wii's success into lasting presence.
>and people are tired of their gimmicks
I don't actually quite get this. I can easily understand people being tired of or even outright disliking Nintendo. But truth be told Sony and Microsoft are being gimmicky as fuck too. But for some reason people always single out Nintendo.
>Sony and Microsoft are being gimmicky as fuck too

It's not the same. Yes, they're doing gimmicky shit too, like VR. Big difference is, that's optional. Nintendo FORCES you do put up with their dumb shit. Wii remotes, the fucking tablet, etc. It's built into the system, not optional.
>Nintendo FORCES you do put up with their dumb shit. Wii remotes, the fucking tablet, etc. It's built into the system, not optional.
But you don't need to use the gimmicks. The Wii U has the widest array of available controllers of any console. And unlike the Wii there is essentially no waggle bullshit. And there are only like two games that forces you to use the gamepad screen.
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>Nintendo FORCES you do put up with their dumb shit
not every WiiU game is Star Fox Zero anon.
don't forget the censorship and butchering jap games in the west
>>Smartphones taking up that handheld market

How is that a good thing?
NX is a portable device of some kind, so it won't do as poorly as Wii U.
honestly wish that post iamge had a "image.jpg" on it so we know it's a stupid phoneposter
>It's meant to release in FUCKING MARCH.
Watch the rumor of production being delay be true, and it won't release until that Fall.
I'm holding off on all opinions of the NX until I see some games. Once they show me what they want to try and rope me in with then i'll give an opinion of whether or not I want it.
'New' Mario is fucking shit and BotW, as fun as the gameplay seems to be, looks shallow as fuck.
>$0.05 has been added to your Bethesda account
Thanks todd-sama
If they ever consider going with one platform in the future, it won't be a stationary unit.
>Cloud in Smash pretty much confirmed the VII remake.
Do we need to go over again how flawed this logic is?
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