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Thread replies: 505
Thread images: 98

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>Shitty poorly done gimmick.
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Far Cry did it better
>fire doesnt affect the environment
>enemy doesn't even react to the fire
truly the greatest, sony wins again
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don't make me say it, anon
Where c an I see gameplay? Can I play it this year? Ive been basically AWOL since Iwata and came back to the surprise of e3 and a shit ton of webms.
>fire doesnt affect the environment
not him but it does, just visual though

it didn't.
>Where c an I see gameplay?
ALL of E3. That's all they've shown is endless Zelda.
>here c an I see gameplay?
ur fuckin dawd retarded mate and no oyu can't play it because yiur so dum
It's a multiplat. Sony doesn't even get to claim ownership.

If anything, it's a PCuck franchise that consoles stole from them, since it was born on PC then moved to consoles with 2.
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>People who don't realize that the TECHNOLOGY is the enemy AI
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where's the gimmick? what gimmick? show me gimmick
one (1) game
No encuentro el streamo
Oooh, there it is! There's that word again!
Wind Waker had fire clubs m8.
>See fire
>Put its weapon in it
Fuck off, nobody will give a shit about nintendo until the NX is its main focus
If this shit was in the Witcher you would have shouted to the heavens that it was the best mechanic ever.

Unfortunately enemy AI in the Witcher is utter garbage. >>341600183

What can you identify about it that is "shitty"?

Be specific please.
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>that draw distance with the rocks
I always said that the witcher games are of very low quality, but nobody ever listens.
>that fire effect
Weak as fuck, shit looks like he threw some red dust at him or something

>dat pop in

Can I lower brightness in this game?

Or do I need to get out my CoD gaming sunglasses?
sure makes you lot insecure

>sonynggers insecure at it
>kokobombo fanboys insecure at it
>now nintentoddlers insecure at it

And I remember you lot being mad jelly even when only the first game existed, I honestly will never understand but then again I enjoy games unlike you mentally sick lot
Name one other game that does that, smartass.

> pop in

Don't make me pull out the Horizon webms.
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The fire rod is going to be a lot of fun in this game.

Don't dismiss the pop-ins here simply because another game has pop-ins.

We're talking about zelda. Keep your howaboutisms out of here.
Is no one going to mention that Farcry 2 Already had this mechanic ?
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No, it's the fact that the moblins react to the fire stick and they light their own clubs on fire.
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>enemy doesn't react to being SET ON FIRE
>blatantly stands around while his flesh melts

Even if it was a dumb creature, I don't think it would stand in one place while it was on fire. It would either run into the water or run towards the player in a desperate attempt to catch the player on fire. That's just animal instincts.

Witcher everyone!
Did you even watch the webm?
We are also talking about a E3 demo of game that isn't coming out for another 10 months and will more than likely be delayed.
Wait when were they showing off the fire rod?

I don't remember that during the presentation two days ago.
That you can't get
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Some people got to play and found a hidden fire rod. It's just a normal item laying around.
Then we cannot make the assumption it will be GOTY.

Look at what happened with The Division.
I can emulate it soon :^)
Did you even play Far Cry 2?

Fire Propagation was really impressive back in 2008
What? No. The witcher series is simply a very low qualty series. With invisible walls where you cant jump down and you have to take the stairs although it's 2 feet tall, geralds pathetic jump animation and overall movement animation in general. The pathetic lack of details of any sort. Hell, i remember the first dragon encounter on witcher 2 at that bridge where you had to run through those sheds till you get to the other side, i died for what seemed to be no reason, and then i realized the fucking game doesnt even have a "You've been burned by fire"-damage animation. Thats how low quality of a game it is.
If i started playing video games at the 7th gen, i guess it would be a pretty good trilogy, but it isn't. It's just a work of amateurs in comparison to devs that have been around for 3 decades.
Again, did you even watch OP webm?
I know about the fucking fire propagation in Far Cry 2, I bought and play that shit day 1.
The Division never had a demo of this scale.

I think it's fair to assume for now that the game will trade its enormous size and lack of loading screens between area for a relatively short pop-in distance for items. It may improve, but as it is, it's not a deal breaker for me.

Xenoblade Chronicles had similar issues, and I still loved it.
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I love how this game is basically the original Zelda, a wide open world with a shitload of different gadgets that can fuck enemies up if you wish to use them. I hope the dungeons are amazing, that will make this game a true 10/10.
so dark souls 3 is shit because it has invisible walls like environments where you cant jump over minor obstacles?

face it - its your opinion and it cant detract from the fact that its the most awarded game of all time
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Yeah, the fire spreads, we get it, this isn't anything new, Far Cry 2 did this back in 2008 and back then it was impressive.

And back then it wasn't just their weapons that would catch, whole people would catch.
The Fire speading wasn't the point of the demo.
It was the fucking moblin or whatever Actively seeking out the fire from the dropped torch to light his club a flame. The was the technology.

The Enemies do shit akin to f.e.a.r. enemies. Like run from bombs because they know what they are. Chase after boars for food. Pick up dropped weapons from slain team mates.
Again, did you watch OP webm?
Specifically the part where the fucking goblin light his stick with the fire Link throw?
Not the first fucking goblin, the second one.
post a non preview one where enemies catch on fire
IT isn't the fucking fire spreading that we are talking about, faggot.
Jesus Christ you're stupid.
It's the fact that the moblin reacted to the fire and decided to set his own club ablaze.
The first one is also impressive as just throwing the stick at the goblin light his club on fire.
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see pic

And again in Far Cry 2 not only their weapons would catch and subsequently magically stop at the weapon, the fire would spread to the whole person and then that flaming person would spread it to everything around them.
> its your opinion and it cant detract from the fact that its the most awarded game of all time
Fuck, ive been baited. 6/10.
It also didn't damage the Moblin because the stick only hit the club.

Both good AI and Physics are in place.

Anon, I think you might be a retard. They are talking about the NPC seeking fire to turn their weapons into fire weapons like a flaming torch
God you're dumb.
And good hitboxes.
No anon, I did NOT ASK for a flamethrower picture, I want you to prove that in the final FarCry2 release fire propagating itself on foliage sets enemies on fire

Because it doesn't
Not sure why you come to that conclusion but I guess being mentally ill makes you incapable of dealing with different opinions.

Just deal with the fact that I enjoy games ;)
You are fucking retarded.

We don't give a fuck about the fire numb nuts
We give a fuck about the act of the moblin seeking the fire out to enhance his strength.

We are talking about the AI being pretty damn nifty but you can't pull your head out of your ass about the fucking Fire spreading.
dropping fast.
And it's not impressive, all of this and more was done back in 2008 in Far Cry 2, and back then it was impressive.

Like when your enemy first threw a grenade you threw back at you, it was impressive then, it's not impressive now.
Oh no. It's retarded.

We're talking about enemy AI that seeks weapon when it doesn't have any and actively sets its own weapon on fire to give it an advantage.

The whole nature catching on fire thing is cool, but it's a side-note to the superior enemy AI we've seen.

The best part is that this isn't a scripted event. A large amount of cool shit we've seen, like this and the fire rod, wasn't even in the Nintendo panel itself. Things are being discovered by people playing the demo completely by accident.
>actually being this mentally ill

Take a break from /v/ m8, you fucking need it
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Fuck off levy
Were Far Cry 2's dungeon puzzles as impressive?
And if it's so damned impressive, why does it never happen anymore? Why don't enemy AI react to changes in their environment anymore?
Not him, but I would assume most enemies would be smart enough to stay away from the fire.
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>why yes I did preorder the new Zelda
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Fire propagation fags just got BTFO by Far Cry 2 a game from 2008
And again, we aren't talking about the that.
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>mfw sonyfags will never ever get to play zelda

cant wait for this to go full witcher 3 with awards
>shifting the goal posts now that you're btfo
But the PC Master Race will.
The goalpost was always set on one topic, the fact that the goblin lights his club on fire.
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Not before 2027 though.
Was totally expecting it to jump into the water.

This is embarrassing is this the best they could do? Why even make an rpg without real world interaction and physics. Leave it to fucking Nintendo to pave the way I guess.

you nintoddlers are pathetic

so predicatable
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>paying 4000 USD + tip to emulate a shitty zelda game

at least you aren't a ps4cuck
Shhh, don't ruin his fantasy. He's trying to MAKE the argument about the fire so that it's easier to "win" the conversation

>shifts the goalposts to the Fire instead of the Enemies Seeking Fire
>accuses others of shifting the goalposts

You're pathetic.
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dude, i can buy Zelda+Wii console cheaper than a PS4 game at any moment. Cuz console itself is worth 30$
>Throw lit torch at a Bokoblin's club
>Bokoblin's club gets lit on fire
>Other Bokoblin stops chasing you and goes to the torch in order to light its club

I don't even own a Wii U.
>15 yo technology finally found by nintendo
>we're going to emulate this game that's being designed with new hardware in mind

Sure, and it's going to run at 8fps until the year 2030.
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>implying ps4cucks are allowed by their sony overlord to buy another platform

no you will play bloodborne until 20120 when you get a second game
We are playing football.
You were playing softball
Both have balls but that wasn't the point.

No goal was moved.
You just found a different one.

From the fucking start we were amazed at the AI being smart. You were caught up on the right the whole time.
The glitcher 3 is the far better game for many other reason, it's combat is shallow and shit too, but it's the better game.
Cemu is actually coming along pretty nicely

Shit will probably be fully playable before the end of the decade at most.
>Not realizing we are talking about the AI and not the fire
>30 fps
>on a console nobody gives a shit about
>won't look as good as you see it at actual release anyway, and that's saying something since it looks shit
lol fuckin console babbys.
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>ps4cucks have such a lack of game they have the time for poetry

its like pottery
they probably just toggle the AI off via the console, but I understand that you own an xbox

or maybe this is bait idk
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Days Gone
Son of War
Spider man
Last Guardian
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name one more memorable game from this years e3 than zelda
>Climbing Trees
>Climbing Buildings
>Climbing Cliffs
>Shooting Animals

Why do you despise it again?
I don't know who """won""" E3 or whatever, but I do know that based on the extended gameplay they showed on this game, it's one I'm eager to sit down and play around with because it fun. It'd be cool if other companies did longer play throughs of their games. Seems like the best way to showcase a game.
>30 fps
>on a console nobody gives a shit about
>won't look as good as you see it at actual release anyway, and that's saying something since it looks shit
lol fuckin console babbys.

Come to PC and stop living in the past
I was talking about the AI in Zelda and the dumb fucking Farcry 2 fire fag.

Good job not paying attention to like half the thread.
>fire doesnt affect the environment
At least witcher 3 has an environment amiriteguyz?

Seriously this zelda looks like complete fucking ass. It's sparse as fuck. There's like.. one or two trees every square mile (EXAGGERATION BEFORE YOU GET BUTTHURT)

How fucking amazing do you think this game would look on not-shit hardware? Nintendo needs to go multi-plat already for gamer's sake. No more shitty hardware gimmicks. No more underpowered consoles. No more forced motion controls. Literally everyone wins, including nintendo themselves.
>enemy doesn't even react to the fire
Nigger are you blind?
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>not one game

ps4cucks everyone
I can already tell aiming with a bow is gonna be a bitch because of the wiiu's terrible joystick input
but the G stands for gimmicks
Spiderman by Insomniac
Pretty much the only other thing I cared about.
Because I wish for a good spiderman game again and that Insomniac doesn't pull a Overstrike/FUSE on this.
Which other games do this?
Why the fuck would any game even do that?

Seriously, why? Fire would just make your fucking weapon worse. Last I checked, burnt wood isn't the most solid of structures.

I mean it's neat but it's not so mind blowing TECHNOLOGY that other games haven't had equivalents. GTA games are full of shit like that.
>first game in history with unscripted procedrual burning

Go back to your Tower Simulator 2000 or moviestation4.

No, it's actually just a bald-faced lie.

Fuck off.
Considering they're making this game with the NX in mind and that Breath of the Wild doesn't have any ham fisted motion or touch controls, it gives me hope that the NX is a gimmickless system.
>first game in history with unscripted procedrual burning
I don't know if I'd go that far
>unscripted procedrual burning
Far Cry 2 m8.
Fire updraft looking like regular wind and not smoke triggers my autism.

Apart from that it looks great. I hope the NX won't suck because I ain't fucking buying a Wii U.
>enemy doesn't react to being SET ON FIRE
Are we not watching the same thing?

Because he flails around patting himself out pretty fucking obviously.
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>tfw 27 years of age, enough money to support myself + buy all the consoles and video games i want

If you can't afford to be an idort, just quit gaming if having exclusives makes you that upset.
Ruggerell, fuck off back to your IRC
>Falseflagging this hard to validate the Far Cry fags in this thread
which other game does it?

its a video game sperglord logic does not apply here in case u can't keep virtual and reality apart..... now say what other game does this.
It's in farcry 3 and 4 as well. Like, entire buildings burn.

Do the trees and shit burn in zelda as well? What about the towers?
this. I'm not even that big on idortism (never had a microsoft console) but fanboys of pc/ps4/nintendo have ruined /v/
Because it's neat. That's the whole point of TECHNOLOGY, it's little details that are specifically important to the game that show the devs care about small details. Why is the water draining in MGS2 important? It isn't but it's neat to see the devs put that kind of physics into the game.

In this case, it serves an even more practical effect. Link can use nearby fires to give himself fire arrows, but certain enemies can utilise fire too to cause extra damage. Even fire dropped by Link, so you have to be careful.
wait a minute... that pop in
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That's just an animation. The AI doesn't react in a real way. It plays the animation, takes damage, and dies when it runs out of health. Instead of running away or even attacking, it just stands there.
what is a pop in
>you will never play as a Bokoblin
>you will never play a fantasy where you play as any kind of goblin
Why don't people realise that goblins are the best already?
>mechanics are gimmicks

You fucking moron.
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Has it been confirmed you can do this yet?
Don't feed the Farcry 2 faggot.

He still thinks this whole thread was about the fire spreading and not the AI seeking ways to enhance themselves or keep themselves safe.

Why does it look so fucking bright? Like the brightness is turned up way too high.
>games a decade ago
>enemies stop and pick up a better weapon
>just a standard mechanic
>games now
>enemy stops and pick up a better weapon
>Look at this GOTY tier TECHNOLOGY!

The biggest difference? The ones a decade ago didn't have pop-in after 3 meters, despite even being on the same hardware as well.
faggot, look at this shit. The trees clump up and are sparse as fuck. For the vast majority there is just nothing there.
Shitposter Wojaks and frog posters have ruined /v/

Only posts I ever see people replying to and they start this console bullshit all the time.
Nice gimmicks anon
Man, I remember all the MGS2 hype because they kept showing gun fights in that one room of the tanker

>EVERY object on these shelves can he shot at! The bags of flour will pour out where your bullet hits! TECHNOLOGY!
You know you are looking over the "plains" of hyrule right?
And form a snowy mountain no less.
platform wars were already a big thing before falseflagging was a thing
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No gameplay.
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This is my first time seeing anything from this game. Why the fuck does Zelda look like a girl? I thought they changed the main character first.
Games haven't done that shit in decades.
that just means the game is getting better and better
Putting in the gimmicks that people liked and wanted to stay.
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right, sure.


How fucking retarded are you?
its not shilling though , its because nobody respects your opinion faggot
Found the guy with autism.
Yeah actually. Was like that in OoT. I don't see why you are bitching.
probably your monitor
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NX better have gyro controls, which due to various factors should no longer be referred to as a gimmick, so we can play Spla2oon the way god intended.
Go outside on a sunny day......

you: WTf how turned up the brightness wtf shit graphics
so what they immediately run towards the torch and light their clubs on fire

big deal, that's not impressive AI

You're not impressive AI.
whats the point of all these gimmicky items and situational methods when you can just beat the shit out of everything with a sword?
Did it better almost a decade before this meme game
This is what a group of trees look like. This shit looks worse than fucking old ass RTS games. Sure you can claim "MA STYLE" but this clearly isn't a stylistic choice. Shit is just sparse.

I live in the midwest. I know what the great plains look like. It's either fucking nothing for miles or areas with open fields flanked by dense trees. This shit just looks bad.

> Was like that in OoT
Ok I'm done here.

Zelda wiiu looks good compared to an n64 game.

Because beating shit out of things with a sword requires you to get into close range, and it's been shown that enemies can really wreck your shit in this game. Also because it's fun.
>Games haven't done that shit in decades

Maybe if you haven't touched a game outside of the Wii U library. Meanwhile, the Xenomorph in Alien Isolation actively learned what the player was doing and grew to fight against it. It remained arguably predictable, but nonetheless it remains a much better example of smarter AI than just basic weapon swapping, and this was little over a year ago.
I like The Witcher, but it's also pretty empty. Are you implying that as long as you add lots of brush and trees and make it look full when it's actually not, it's okay?

It would not spread into enemy weapons, but in Medievil you could put your club on fire.
>everybody blowing a nut over fire being fire and a simple ai routine
Zelda is saved guys.
Because all the weapons that we have seen so far have low durability, at least the ones that enemies have and the ones you find in the wiold, so that means you need to manage better your weapons, considering there are enemies with much more hp.
You are seeing 1/30th of the game packed into a E3 demo that won't be the final version of that 1/30th until march 2017

There is obviously other biomes in the game but you haven't been paying attention and they only really showed like 3 in the demo.

Your killing the game for yourself because of you cynicism.
So what they immediately swarm towards the threads and light their memes on fire

Big dig, that's not impressive shit posting.
Cool naming one game.

Can you name another?

All I can name off the top of my head was FEAR1 and it's expansion.
They run from bombs. avoid large fires. chase after boars for food. Pick Mushrooms for food. cook. Pick up disarmed or fallen team mates equipment.
So far they smarter than most AI I have seen in games lately.
They know how to do so much yet they don't know how to fight you very well.
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Zelda Cant Cook.webm
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>Sure you can claim "MA STYLE" but this clearly isn't a stylistic choice.
You're right, it's partly because fun, and also partly because the game runs on a neat physics engine where everything is an actual object, even the food you're cooking. That kind of physics puts heavy strain on systems, which is why shits like COD and Assassins Creed avoid it.
You want to know something fun about northeast Iowa?

The natural terrain is grassy cliffs and bluffs with occasional trees.

Im sure you are going to say that Iowa isn't part of the Midwest or something now though.
Name one other game that does this...

Also, from a programmer's perspective.
>AI determining a dynamic, player-thrown object is fire
>then deciding whether to light their shit or keep fighting (enemy seems to pause when considering if Link is too close to safely light his club)
>then pathfinding to again, the dynamic object
Is pretty impressive shit. If it were a static fire I wouldn't be so impressed, but that's player-created fire, an object that can be thrown and roll around anywhere.

opinion discarded
Cool, so no other games do it, then. It's not about the fire spreading, it's about the AI modifying their tools. The Bokoblin was coming for Link, but went over to the torch when it was thrown to light its club.
you are incredibly naive to think this isn't representational of the rest of the game.

Again, just look at that parts that ARE "densely" forested. No undergrowth or variations. Just the same thick ass trees copy and pasted.

The rest just looks like a shit planet from the first mass effect.
I'm sorry you have never experienced it before.
Sorry that you don't play video games to have fun and enjoy yourself.
I'm sorry the industry is now geared towards people who don't want to have fun.
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If you didn't want to deal with it, I did use a spoiler tag.
This is so cute, my new favourite cooking animation, surpassing MonHun now.
Is there any gameplay at night?
>No undergrowth or variations.
Someone didn't see the segment where they dug through undergrowth for mushrooms, and used grass and tree's for stealth.

>Just the same thick ass trees copy and pasted.
Someone is literally blind.
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>northern iowa
You have never actually been outside, have you?

Even in treeless sections there is more than just one type of neon green grass.
It is not a "final" representation of the game.
It is a representation but you are just as naive in thinking that this will be a 1:1 representation of the game when it is released in 10 months. with the obvious delay they will pull
Oh wow, you're actually retarded. You know you can't just lie to a bunch of people who've literally seen footage proving you're full of shit, right?

People are going to call you out on that shit. How about you just fuck off and save everyone the trouble of having to ignore your intellectually dishonest ass.
You still used it faggot

Nigger you don't know the first thing about what fun really is. You dilute your self on half ass, uninspired games with cheap gimmicks rather than games that are challenging, require God-Tier reflexes, and beat your ass if you fuck up. Games where you learn to play them rather than them playing you.

Real fun is making a hard game your bitch.

Can you burn the trees though? Because here you can.
You know that there are places where tree are actually sparsed like that, right?

Just because it doesn't look like a speicific place you know doesn't mean it is shit.

At least wait until we actually penetrate an area called "woods" before complaining.
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Yeah, we mostly just see skeletons come out to play, they have a pretty neat mechanic to fight; they can swap skulls, and the bodies don't die until all of the skulls have been crushed, also pic related is a weapon.

Maybe there's some temperature change as well, who knows.
>Sure you can claim "MA STYLE" but this clearly isn't a stylistic choice. Shit is just sparse.
You mean, sparse as in some places where trees are sparse like that? you know those exist, right? you complain make no fucking sense.
I pity you. Thinking that there is only select few ways to have fun.
yeah i'm sure a bokogoblin is carefully considering the long term results of his actions while facing an enemy that canonically hasn't lost to any size group of bokogoblins in a fight

how dare they make such an oversight
I pity you. Never getting out of your comfort zone because you need your hand held.
The AI is tied a very short leash. I have accidentally rolled out of the combat area many times.
>moving the goalposts

The devs themselves often go on to reinforce the point that the AI wasn't particularly smart, and that it was due to level and weapon design that the game felt fun as a shooter. Any TECHNOLOGY can be reduced to just physics with the lighting, albeit impressive as it is.

MGSV still had some pieces of TECHNOLOGY and AI, albeit toned down compared to other games. While there was the obvious adaptation that IMO wasn't done well, such as progressively just putting on more helmets if you sniped a lot or changing patrols depending on you taking down singular targets, but there were also smaller, unmarked things such as enemies pulling out a knife and attacking you if you held up people a lot. You could play recordings in outhouses to prevent them from searching the area. The Water Gun, while a joke weapon, had its uses against electronics and distracting enemies with shots to the face. It still had tiny pieces.

The newest HITMAN game is also taking strides to have smarter NPCs that react more realistically, ranging from better definitions of who can detect you and keeping track of who you've been detected by, to a wide arrange of different effects depending on what outfit you are wearing around who and where. Not to mention how they adapt to your escalating exposure within the level.

Then there's the upcoming Mankind Divided and Dishonored 2, which in trailers have shown many more ways you can trick and sneak past your enemies and how they adapt to you. Overall, there's been games that have been keeping up adapting AI very well with more to come, and it's all much more fun and impressive than a simple weapon swap routine.
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>You're not having real fun
Oh shit, I guess I was tricked this whole time. That fun was all make believe.
This shit is going to be so fucking rad.

I don't want to wait a year for it.
>AI changes behaviour midway battle

C'mon movements like that have been done before and you guys know it. It is not a crazy programming stunt. In any warfare game enemies roll or fllee if you throw a grenade near them. The bokoblin thing is just that AI order reversed.

But you won't accept examples because it is not 100% the same situation, right? You guys still will ignore the amazing pawn AI in Dragons Dogma or discard it because "NOT THE SAME, THOSE ARE NOT ENEMIES".
They confirmed that temperature changes at night. I'd imagine this is especially severe in desert areas, being really hot during the day, and freezing cold at night.


>Even in treeless sections there is more than just one type of neon green grass.

Which is explained by this being a WiiU title. Even if it looks decent it is still on the weakest system on the market.

Nice goalpost shift after I pointed out the terrain wasn't unrealistic though.
Reedus Feetus
>thinking when I meant I only played casual games
>while I pitying you on "Only" having fun with intense skill and reflex based games
How about you get out of your comfort zone.
I know how to find fun in more than one type of game.
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Fuck outta here, fag.
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Well you can surf on your shield at any time, so it's soft confirmed.
Too bad the game looks like garbage and the open world meme is cancer
>He doesnt have superior bloodborne
Kek enjoy your rehash faggot
>If you're not excited for every game leave this board
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>Dark Souls is the best game to ever exist
You don't even have to like Dark Souls, but that's you. That's what you sound like.
Can't see shit captain
If they weren't very smart why did they push over tables, try to flank you, get angry when a team mate dies, throw back grenades and freak out when you did the slow mo shit?

Most games wouldn't even put a fraction of that level of work into the AI of their games.

>wanting to walk through dense woods

Enjoy your Lyme disease
Remember when blatant flamewarring was bannable?
>how to spot a retarded marketer
There is actually a lot psychological research on this. The idea is to make a game mediocre but then add flashy bells and whistles and it tricks your brain to thinking it's super fun. This is why mobile garbage has flooded the market.

>>thinking when I meant I only played casual games

Then you should be able to tell me that making a harder game your bitch is a much satisfying feeling than having your hand held.

I'm not saying it's not fun, I'm saying its not as rewarding. If you played a game that required a LITTLE more brain usage you'd be 100x happier.

Try something more along the lines of Quake or DMC. Dark Souls is too easy imo.
This game looks good.

It's hard to believe Nintendo is even doing something different with one of their franchises that isn't some stupid controller gimmick. Has Nintendo finally learned?
>frying a whole bass and a butterfly

Reminds me of Taste T. from Paper Mario.
it's a multiplat, contain your paranoia.
>nintentoddlers in charge of knowing anything about gaming
Too many "experiments" have failed in the last year.

They knew they had to get one right, hence the delay.
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What's with all the comparisons between Zelda and TW3?
I mean I get that they both have bug worlds but one's a narrative-focused RPG and the other is a dungeon-crawling adventure game.
If anything it makes more sense to compare Zelda to Antrim.
Especially since Zelda's director made it clear that that's where he's getting his inspiration from
You can aim with the game pads gyroscope controls which are actually quite good.
>disagreeing=hating criticism
People are not supposed to join your opinion just because you express it, you know.? You can be wrong too.
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>some other game has pop in so it's ok for this game to have pop in
god, are you on nintendo payroll? you don't do this for free right? no one can be this much of a fanboy.
>stands in fire
>doesn't lose health
Because all of that is actually very simple. It's all controlled by variables flipped on by switches, and it doesn't take much to actually do. Enemy gets upset that his buddy just died or shouts "HE'S TOO FAST" during your slo-mo, that's just the simple variable for that line being active. They never really panicked or changed their behaviors.

Same thing goes for pushing over tables or trying to throw back grenades. It's all just variables being within range so an AI routine goes off that tells then to interact with an object in this certain way. It's very simple reactions to the area without doing anything complex.

Then for flanking, it's just pathfinding. Granted, this goes back into FEAR having top notch design for the areas you fight in, but all in all it's just simple routines. The AI never changed its fighting based on any particular situation. They never stayed back if you had a large shotgun in your hand. They never tried to close the gap and make the assault rifle you were aiming feel unwieldy.

What defines a smart AI in most peoples' books would be an AI that accurately adapts to the situation in an in-depth way. It changes it approach considering based off a innumerable amount of variables instead of just activating a voice line for one or picking up a weapon in its radius for another, which is why the above webm isn't very impressive in and of itself.
I think he would've, it just takes a second. You can see the temp gauge max out.
Not him, but I don't think a game shouldn't be played just because it has pop in. Not just Nintendo games, but any games. It sucks, but it's just not deal breaking for me. I'm not a huge stickler for graphics, so that could be it.
Oh please. They've been "Doomed to fail" for 20 fucking years by your reports.

Also "LOL IT'S GOING TO BE SHIT :^) :^) :^)" isn't criticism, it's just shitposting.

I can understand being on /v/ for too long makes it difficult to tell the difference, but maybe try to pull your aspergersy head out of your ass and think if you're not actually just full of shit.
>actually sticking to his "Fake Fun" bullshit

Go away. Nobody gives a shit about your garbage opinion.
It was also in Call of Juarez
>still talking about how I somehow only play Casual games.
Beating a game on the hardest difficulty or just plain hard games is good fun but I can get that same sense of accomplishment and fun from a puzzle game or creative game. Why limit yourself to one thing?
So basically Japanese slaves working 9 to 9 program nuttso amounts of shit in the game
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Sony man need not be here. Local Nite-ndo tribe will behead so-nyp-ony.
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What drives people to be company drones? I've been an idort all my life and have never had the need to protect one company with my life over another.
It's not fake fun man, it's just a lesser, cheaper fun. It's like why do weed when you get a much better high with coke. Why fuck some random slut when you can make sweet love to your woman you've been through thick and thin with. Again, it's about being rewarded with effort.

And you are assuming I only play hard games. I do play easier ones and I just don't feel the same sense of happiness unless the game has a killer atmosphere or soundtrack. For example I love the fuck out of Persona 4; is it a hard game, not at all but the music is fucking amazing and I like the campy anime feeling. But its a much lower feeling than say learning how to do a difficult combo in a fighting game or precise jump in an FPS.
>can't complain about a feature unless it's deal-breaking

There are few games out there that are 10/10. Almost all that people will play will have some flaw; however, that doesn't mean it's instantly deal-breaking. In the same vein, the game being good overall doesn't excuse the flaw on principle. At the end of the day, unless it has a genuine excuse, then it's still a flaw, and people will complain even if they enjoyed the game.

And it's definitely a flaw that Nintendo
A) Released a console with hardware a generation behind
B) Was unable to optimize their game to the even the same level of the games of the previous generation
Considering the WiiU is essentially the same hardware setup as the Gamecube and Wii again, it's not too surprising
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>Water gun fries electronics
Oh shit I need to try that out

>Try to use water gun in the burning man fight
>doesn't do shit but gets unique dialog
It's always the little touches
I'll give you that. To be fair, though, the game still has another nine to ten months of development. They may even release content load in patches like Xenoblade Chronicles X did, considering the overworld is made by the XCX team.
They're all just marketers arguing with one another, and sometimes shitposters join in too.
how were you an idort as a child, or are you a spoiled cunt
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Not that anon, but I always just got Nintendo systems while my cousins had Sega stuff and my best friend got Sony stuff
So basically between the three of us we got to play everything
It's called nonwatered down colors, something the 3A turbosellers and cod clones lacked
>you had friends
don't ever reply to me ever again
My parents were divorced. Gamecube at my mom's, PS2 at my dad's.

Before then I only had an N64 and SNES, but I was too young to know of the Internet and other systems. I couldn't argue with people if I wanted to.
>which are actually quite good
You are acting like this is an unexpected surprise. Of course the input that has more responsiveness is, more responsive.
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Hey, you.

Yes, you who are reading this post,
You gotta know something: every single time someone expresses appreciation for something you don't like or aren't interested into, it's a mindless drone shilling his shitty game. No one here has genuine opinion other than you. You have the right to insult them, say the thing you like is better (it's not shilling if it's you doing it!) and even shitpost to shut them down if you are in a tight spot, they don't deserve respect, empathy or your time really.
You are the only worth poster on this website.
Yes, just you. It's a heavy burden, but you carry it because you are the hero we all need.
Keep fighting the good fight, you are in the right.
It has been in games since forever. I remember it clearly in Caesar 3 and I think it was also present in Sim City 2000, probably earlier city building games too.
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>all these shirtless Links
GOTY indeed
Holy shit you're that Horizon autist from last night. This is the exact same filename.
>game mechanics are gimmicks!!!
Nah. But everyone posting a Wojak or pepe is a fucking shitposter just trying to start console war bullshit.
Thanks, I was worried.
Oh wow you're even using your nifty little witcher nickname from last night too.
they see companies as their friend, probably because mom and dad did nothing to raise them and vidya taught them more than their parents ever did.
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Anon, anon, anon.
You can't just ignore your calling.

Your opinion is the right one. They are wrong. They all deserve to die by your hand, but due to Internet limitations making their browsing experience hell on Earth will do.

You have to embrace your destiny.
Let the shitpost be your sword, the samefagging your shield, the ban evasion your shining armor.
Smite them until they cry, laugh in their face for expressing their ideas, smash their skulls as they expect you to share your truth as if it were something as insignificant as an opinion, those ignorant subhumans.

Genuine desire to discuss videogames is very like a newborn: innocent, untainted, weak, useless, smelly, foul, deserving of being stomped.

Now go and spread your dominion over this foolish world.
>Nintenkiddies cling to enemies getting set on fire when fire hits them

Just fuck my fanboy up senpai.
The webm is pointing out the second goblin walking over to the stick to intentionally light its club on fire
>Fort McMurray Simulator
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We have been over this already

For instance Horizon does wonderful things with its rope mechanics from capturing creatures to laying traps in the world where enemies pass through the string and an interaction happens (most basic one being the trap explodes at both ends of whatever it was attatched to) It also has a wider range of destructability.

Thing is, people who are going to play Horizon already played a plethora of other open world / sandbox games and are aware most of those mechanics have been done before in some form, so they dont use hyperboles about the CRAZY REVOLUTIONARY Horizon TECHNOLOGY. It's only Nintendo-only fans who live in their own bubble that haven't touched an open world game in over a decade that get surprised at these Zelda details.
And no, it's not just Farcry2 that did fire well, Dragon'sDogma also has a lot of interactions with fire and what it does to specific enemies and even specific parts of those enemies, not just fire but also every other element.
>Burn them all, Link
The difference is that only Nintendo and very few other devs have an acceptable level of polish when implementing these features.
>people can only own ONE console
>He thinks this represents radiant IA rather than just a scripted sequence triggered by his club being lit
Good fangoy... enjoy your """"""""""innovation""""""""""
So is this FIRE the game? Cause that everything i'm watching since the E3

Also for fucks sake dude nobody cares about the fire but you. It's the AI's reaction to it, which is relatively uncommon in games and hasn't been seen recently.
On the whole, Nintendo console buyers play mainly Nintendo first party games, yes. The SNES was the last desktop console where Nintendo players were also interested in having an extensive third party library.
I'm calling bullshit. Everyone I know who owns a Wii U, including myself, also owns either a PS4, and Xbone, or both.
SJW detected.
>implying I don't like a good number of games on the left
I actually played Just Cause 3 yesterday for some comfy wingsuiting
>There is actually a lot psychological research on this.

Neat, post some.
Nah. From al the people I knew, the only to have only one console (either Nintendo or Sony) was because they were poor. Me end everyone else had more then one.
You're exactly like that nigger that wanted to claim Nintendo fans dont play DaS.
Get fucked son, most of us own a PC capable of playing Far Cry, Dragons Dogma, Just Cause and GTA. Like almost everyone on this board does.
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I actually don't agree with platform wars and I find them pretty damn cancerous.
But damn those wojaks are funny.
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Finally someone gets it, well except the wojaks.
They do. For example, in MGS V they react to things out of place, like a box or missing containers.

It just isn't impressive what Zelda is doing, sorry mate.
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I just find them a funny source of OC

>Nintendo finally doing something different

>By coping other games everyone has already seen/played a hundred times before

truly, the New Nintendo shall rise out of the ashes like a phoenix reborn with this new titular title!
Nothing is new anymore. You just have to find the most interesting combinations now.
when it's by Nintendo they are, just look at Star Fox Zero
The AI in FEAR seemed more impressive and the AI in TPP also protects itself and reacts really well to the player. Hell, the AI in PES 16 is also really good.
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>"haha, i use this fire to kill them"
>enemy doesn't react to it
>you can clearly see that the other one turns around and lights his club on fire as well
The AI in Zelda as we have seen so far seem smart enough to fend for themselves and run from danger as well as attempt to strengthen or recuperate losses (acquire lost equipment)

but since they are just Moblins we have been seeing that have to be brain dead enough to not take on Link to well.
they have all these little quirks about them but they can't fight for fuck.

I want to see the AI behind Stalfos and the larger more actually menacing enemies.
You're absolutely right, it's not impressive. What people find remarkable is that it is *thoughtful*. Someone cared enough to make the bokoblins do that.
>platform wars were already a big thing before falseflagging was a thing
This is impossible, as false flagging happened before video games.
He was talking about Witcher 3.
The enemy AI has to be stupid though, or else you can't bulldoze through them and go on your testosterone-fueled power fantasy, with no creature in that world mightier than you.

It's casual trash for fucking normies.
never seen someone shitpost this much on v/ have fun playing.. mount and blade? team fortress 2? ....
I can't wait to see the boss AI.

Considering all the major items and abilities are found in the overworld, I'm expecting to see bosses with actual intelligent design and not like "USE THE ITEM YOU GOT IN THIS DUNGEON ON THIS BIG GLARING WEAK SPOT NOW".

>can't cut any of them down
>can't set them on fire

There will probably still be big glaring weak spots.
Just now you can hit them from a distance with your melee weapons by throwing them.

Did you noting the thing crawling around Death mountain?

You are going to have to fight that.
>even the food is censored.
>Link's disappointing
snow should be banned from games
It's a weird Japanese joke in pop culture. Like something looks so gross that they need to censor it. It's not a very funny joke.
Japan does that with food all the time in anime.
it looks and smells so bad that it is a offense to the sense and needs to be censored.

More of a joke than anything.

The real joke is that if it is so bad why does it still heal you and not inflict damage. And can I throw it at enemies?
is it just me or are there no rupees?
There's a rupee count at the top right of the inventory screen. They talked about trading in goods on the stream, so people speculate that you don't find them in the grass anymore and the only way you can acquire them is through merchants and trades.
Well there's no shops in the demo to spend them.
>mfw nintendo won e3 by showing actual gameplay for one okay looking game

how the mighty have fallen lads
>Days Gone
I honestly dont get the hype for this at all. Are the people excited for this legitimate shills or something? I actually don't see any reason someone would be excited for it.
Reacting to a box or reacting to a grenade is not the same as lighting their weapon on fire. The Bokoblin takes a second to consider whether it should light its weapon on fire.

In your example, the AI reacts to things to preserve itself or because it's something out of place in the area it's programmed to patrol. In this, the AI stops and considers if it's more beneficial to go after you right away, or if it has time and ample room to go back to the torch and light its weapon on fire to deal more damage to you. It changes its tactics to fight you better, not just tries to stay alive and reacts to things in its way.
Why do people want a dense forest? What can I do on a dense forest?
I can't even walk properly on a dense forest. Only reason why I would want trees everywhere is for a horror game
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>Sonyggers went from hating TW3 for stealing BB's thunder, to sucking its cock as soon as Zelda was shown to look really fun.
time are tough
It gives the illusion of the world being full and lively. That's it. The only reason why devs would want to do it is either create ambiance in a horror game because it really hampers your movement, like you said, because it fills the world quickly and easily with little effort.
So this game is coming out on the WiiU and the NX right? Gonna get it for the WiiU, will the performance be about the same?
>...like you said, or because*...

Didn't mean to leave out the "or".
30 fps 720p no AA on Wii U
1080p 60 fps lots of AA on NX

Maybe a few other graphical improvements such as shadows and lighting for NX, but I don't imagine too much.
>1080p 60 fps lots of AA on NX
Hard to say since we know nothing about the NX, but I'd imagine it would run smoother on it.
Honestly I don't expect it to hit 60 fps, but just not suffer drops. 1080 with SOME AA I could also believe. Probably something to fix the draw distance since that's being a problem.

If it comes to draw distance vs AA, I think they'll drop any AA improvements though.
I can't think of any, because like Breath of the Wild, any games that had fucking pointless features ended up being shit and not worth noticing.
The overworld in this game is developed by the same guys who did the world in XCX, so we can probably expect similar preloading packages to deal with pop in like we did with that game.
The NX is currently speculated to be around PS4 levels of strength, at least Xbone levels of strength.
Considering how much more powerful even the Xbone is to the Wii U, it's not hard to do what I described.
The NX is speculated to be:
>A handheld
>A home console
>A hybrid
>Digital only
>Use cartridges
>VR ready
>For Core gamers
I agree.
I forgot
>Not a console at all
You forgot
>it streams games
>kinect 3.0
>a phone
>A phone
Can you imagine if this actually happened?
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I was thinking about what Reggie said in an interview. He said it will recapture the Wii audience, which is the casuals. The thing is, all the casuals are playing on non-gimmick consoles like the Xbone and playing shit AAA games, so maybe Nintendo's goal is to make a non-gimmick console to appeal to them.

Just because they want to recapture an audience doesn't mean you have to go about it the same way.
They'd finally get to copy that Apple business scheme.
>this time with amiibo
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>"Th-They're learning!"
Where did Reggie say that?
I only heard Ubisoft saying that.
Sorry, that's what I meant. I knew someone said it, I just forgot who.
We know damn near nothing about the NX so Its pointless to even speculate. for now its best to assume it'll be 30fps on both consoles with the same performance until we get information to the contrary since 30FPS is standard for zelda it seems.
>one (1) game
>enough to win E3
how to know when the other conferences were kinda bad
Don't Nintendo and Ubisoft have some sort of beef with each other after Rayman and Nintendo refusing to use Uplay as their main online interface? I wonder if Ubisoft would intentionally try to sabotage their new system's image with fans.
>cool TECHNOLOGY moments everywhere
>empty open world

So it's MGSV 2.0
Sony's was ok but it was pretty much all trailers. We got a release date for TLG but we still dont know a damn thing about the game so I dont get why people are hyped for it except for the name attached to it. GoW is getting a change in direction and Im currently cautiously optimistic, and Horizon looks like it might have potential but Im not impressed so far but willing to give it a try. also people are hyped for the Kojima game but we already know they havent even decided what engine they are going to use yet so I dont care at this junction. Best thing they showed Was Spiderman by Insomiac Games and I hope to god its at least half as good as Spiderman 2.

also we saw the death of Crash.
I love how both sides think you're retarded
>Sony's was ok but it was pretty much all trailers.

That's what I want.
I don't need some fucker spouting buzzwords and blowing smoke for 20 minutes after each trailer.
They never say anything of substance, just spout marketing buzzwords.
There are towns and NPCs, but they were removed from the demo because most of their either trigger story events or spoil small things about the story, and Nintendo wanted to keep the story a secret.

I find it funny how "But towns!" is the default response to calling the world empty.
Every open world game ever has towns or something equivalent, and still they are nearly all empty lifeless worlds.
Far Cry is a good example. Any ubisoft game, really.
>zelda cant cook
You said it's empty, so I'm just saying it will be slightly less empty. It's all we can reply with because that's all we know about it so far. Unless you want us to pull some bullshit out of our ass, that's all you're going to get.

I don't know what you want from an open world, though. When you go outside into a field in real life, there really is a lot of nothing. At the very least, you can interact with everything in this game and collect tons of shit that actually do stuff and don't just inflate your inventory to make you feel like you've achieved something.

What is it you want from an open world game that would make you think "This is it. It's no longer an empty world"?
>wiiu's terrible joystick input
is this a joke? i use a pro controller on my pc and it works fine
>zelda isn't just going for OOT2.5

that's the more impressive part
>amazing pawn AI in Dragons Dogma
now this is shitposting
>implying this game isnt gonna be a huge success
> this game is shit
>it should come out on ps4 instead
I really don't understand you. Wouldn't it be just as awful on ps4?
Because it would have more trees. That would make a better game because
They're smarter than shitposters atleast
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Sonyguy here

Looks like a really neat game. I like that you can dynamically effect the world.

what a terrible shitpost

you call yourself a sony fan

9/10 got me good
Nintendos version of 1080.
You know if you play on a difficulty other than babys first the enemys charge you like a mother fucker and time their attacks non stop....
>Try something more along the lines of Quake or DMC. Dark Souls is too easy imo.
/v/core as fuck
>he Bokoblin takes a second to consider whether it should light its weapon on fire
>he actually believe vidya AI is real AI
>Dat draw distance

W00000W, immersion broken. What a deal breaker.
Game doesn't really look that interesting. Only reason people are jerking it off is because "OMG ZELDA".
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What is it then? Artificial artificial intelligence?
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>nintoddlers up in arms over MUH TECHNOLOGY that'll end up being a bunch of useless fucking gimmicks that look better in writing than they do in actual gameplay
oh man this reminds me of when everyone was circlejerking over MGSV's "technology" that turned out to barely effect the game
You're right.
there were 5
Regardless, Nintendo won E3.
>takes a second to consider
Nigger, he didn't even look away from Link. The torch dropped and he made a fucking beeline for it immediately.
10% reddit
30% people calling it shit
>real artificial intelligence
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>oh noes
Keep bumping these threads though.
Well you can burn a patch of grass, use the hot air to gain elevation with your glider tingy and change into shield surfing mode in the air. Close enough imo.
>I don't know what words mean

As expected from nintendrones.
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>good game design is a gimmick
>Seriously, why?

Oh, I don't know. To do damage AND damage over time effects? So you know, improved damage in general? Stupid.
If it's not in the game I won't be playing it.
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>Sonyggers are so devoid of fun they have to deny such a thing exists.

Holy shit my sides.
Well we dont know how burning works in the game yet. We see freeze damage being a multiplier though, in one of the gameplays i think chiko got frozen by an ice keese then took follow up damage.
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>fading in assets

So this is the power of the NX...
>Anon teaches what fun really is.
FC2 has some great fire, useful for gameplay too since you're often forced to change position because of it or can use it to flush enemies out
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You can't spell Sony Computer Entertainment without "no Entertainment".
>The whole nature catching on fire thing is cool, but it's a side-note to the superior enemy AI we've seen.
It's neat and all, but it honestly it doesn't seem that impressive to me, you just tell the AI to set their weapon ablaze if they detect a fire source within x distance
trees can burn and get exploded.
It's impressive that if it's so easy then why other games don't do it.
>chatting shit AGAIN
You people make it too easy to spot the bait
So why doesn't every game have that if it's so easy?
>no fire propogation in webm
Fucking retarded
>AI seeking ways to enhance themselves or keep themselves safe.
Fucking bethesda AI does that, come on now.

so this is the power of shitposting
>Days Gone
>Son of War
In which fucking game? In every Bethesda game I've ever played, the enemies just rush you.
stop acting like you've seen the whole game you fucking retard
The AI in F.E.A.R. actually is a lot more clever than most games, it's just not AS clever as people give it credit for.

>MGSV had technology
Mon hun is that low?
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>Trying to cook a fish and a butterfly together

Nigga what the fuck are you doing
>boring open world meme

Try again with your single game next year nintoddlers.
>There is actually a lot psychological research on this
I own a Wii U and a PC.

they care more for CoD and FIFA id imagine
Who fucking cares if this game doesnt meet your perfect graphical preference. If the forests were realisitically dense the target audience (kids) would probably get lost or something.

It's zelda. We play it for the sense of adventure. Not it's fire physics or geographical details.
And mind you, the game isnt out till 2017, quite a bit could still change.
Gotta do what you gotta do to survive man, and he still thinks he has to eat since he can't remember he's a robot.
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the fuck he tried to cook a fish and a butterfly. that's hilarious.
Fallout new vegas, enemies try to grab weapons on the ground.
>live green grass lighting on fight instantly
>Enemy just lets Geralt set it on fire three times in a row and dies
That's some pretty poor AI design.
>Witcher shitposters are trying so hard to stay relevant that they have to compare themselves to Nintendo games

How sad.
don't you know how forest fires start?
The saddest part of all those fire gifs is that no one actually appears to have understood that the point of fire is to create updraft for the paraglider.
Dry conditions with a lot of dead underbrush? Can you dig a fire break in the new Zelda?
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God this game is bringing unprecedented levels os butthurt and shitposting.
thrilling gameplay
Regardless if it's implemented or not, that would be a very likely mechanic. It's dumb to ask why. He was just grasping at straws at that point.
>unlike Just Cause 3, now that was epik xD
makes me wonder how viable it is to style on enemies like that
That's how you know it'll be good
It's because it stole the show and autists can't handle the bants.
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we know everything about the NX already...
Shield surfing looks fun as fuck. Cant wait to climb big ass mountains and ride down.
Seriously, the WiiU can't even keep some shitty ~50 polygon boulders on the screen?
something people that only have a PS4 care about
do you memer's come from reddit?
Fucking styling
Just Cause 3 was great, fuck you. It should be mandatory for all open world games to have a mode of transportation even half as fun as the wingsuit
Considering what I have seen so far, especially Battlefield 1, this looks like the best product.
It really is. I went into this with the lowest expectations. I was fully prepared to see a game once again following the OoT formula, with all the same flaws as games like SS and WW, just this time with an open world.

The fact that the first thing they start off with is voice acting, an opening that isn't two hours long, and equipment beyond different variations of the same tunic, all within the first couple of minutes, made me wonder if this was even Nintendo developing this thing.
Was the DRM even cracked? I didn't see the game at all, anti-piracy just kills gaming
I don't believe so. It's rather dreadfully ironic, considering the name of the antagonist faction is the DRM
>that subtle mystery of the druids
It's a huge shame that land can pop in from such a close distance. I can already tell it's gonna cause problems where you want to glide somewhere and are already committed, but then some land or tree pops in late and causes problems you couldn't foresee because it wasn't there when you looked before you jumped.
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>get exploded

How is Rosetta Stone English going for you, lad?
lol at the rocks popping in
lol at your love life popping out
Good for you.
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>tfw PCfag
>despite bad graphics in some areas, game looks really fun

I honestly don't know why people care about graphics so much in a Wii U game.
LOD does not affect collision geometry.
It's only visuals.

>this assblasted
I think he means something along the lines of a tree suddenly appearing in your flight path while gliding, forcing you to change course at the last minute
I don't understand why you repeated what he said.
What do you use to connect the pro controller to your pc? Just a bluetooth dongle?

I've been using the xbox 1 controller, but I'm a big fan of the wii u pro.
There's a potion in the game called Drowner Pheromones that makes those types of enemies ignore you.

Try to play the game before looking at a webm and making conclusions
And western pigs still wonder why people call their games shit
Asshurt weeb who's mad his games don't sell for shit spotted.
>link can be moved by objects he's magnetizing
speedrun shenanigans inbound

Now we just need to know if he can ride objects he launches from stasis.
That actually looks quite interesting
>Last Guardian

Come on now, you guys have been saying that since fucking 2009.
Why is this suddenly a witcher hating circle.

Witcher 3 is a great game I'm playing right now, Zelda looks to be a great game.

Did I miss the part where Aonuma said if you play TW3 you can't play
he can also be hurt, ehhh
im still hype even if we dont have tao shenanigans at least we have tony hawks/1080 skateboard sim
It actually has a hard date this time. I forget what it is exactly. But I think it's October 16th this year?

In any case, they're showing more commitment to a release than ever before.
>the feel when you
>light a deku stick
>get din's fire
> the bomb medallion
> the fire rod
>fire arrows
>for the first time
Witcher is not a great game, that would require at least good gameplay. I agree on Zelda though and I haven't owned anything from nintendo since gamecube btw.
>Kick chests without boots on and you'll take damage.

Lord I hope this is real

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I'm afraid of what's going to happen to /v/ when reviews are out.
No damage, but unique animation.
There's a video of it out there, it shows an animation of his toe hurting, but he doesn't lose any health.
I really doubt your shield blocks damage from below you while you're riding it.
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> A game is bad for doing something literally every other game does
because no one cares?
Then why does it make people so angry?
Apparently not since it's gotten people talking about this game so much.
If it's 8.8 I'm pretty sure something will explode.

I just want to play it.
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>/v/ being this upset zelda was the most talked about game at E3
You are a fucking retard, you can clearly see by his UI that he doesn't have that potion on. If YOU had played the game you would have noticed that.
>all these people collecting massive (You) energy by only saying one sentence and replying to someone
How do you guys do it?
who's angry?
yeah combat like girl trying to kill a spider with a broom . fuck off fag
I've only seen people talking here, and usually /v/ gets overly hyped over the smallest things
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haha ok
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Well crap.
Everyone's BTFO then.
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Epic, epic for the win!
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You seem awfully mad about something so trivial. How about you calm the fuck down
My normalfag friends have been talking about it, can't speak for anywhere else since I only visit 4chan. There's also this.
Wait, is Link topless with just some tight shorts?
I can get behind that.
>being this ass blasted and trying this hard
kek dont you know the sort the popular game by descending order
You can equip different armor/pants.

Or you can just run around in your little booty shorts everywhere.
are you retarded? or can you not interpret my changes?
GET OUT this thread is for NINTENDO O. N. L. Y.
The AI is glitched. Drowners never ever stand in place, they charge like fuckers.
10/10 GOTY.
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>that webbum quality

captured directly from a piiu
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>All these gameplay elements working together in battles
>Enemies are in vast areas of nothing
>Enemies die in 3 hits
>Enemy AI is incredibly forgiving if you just spam attack anyway

Why are they doing this?
o shit my bad, gow is GOTYAY, Nintendo BTFO, NINTENFAGS ON SUICIDE WATCH
I guess it's not surprising, Zelda is one of the biggest series in gaming. I just think people should avoid being overly hyped for games in general. I can't see these features being useful in the game aside from solving puzzles. As long as it still plays like a Zelda title all you will ever really need in combat is your sword, everything else is just fluff.
fuck the polygon direct feed footage is so good

Anyone got more long direct feed vids? I saw gamexplain's.
i wish i was that skeleton hand
I'd prefer gameplay, honestly. Trailers are just as meaningless because they show very little of the actual game.
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le open world meme game
oh, so retarded it is. got it.
Thank you, Nier and The Last Guardian look great too.
That's fair since it often leads to disappointment. In another thread people are thinking that the overworld might be one of if not the largest in vidya history, so those people worried about empty open worlds probably are right too.

Personally, I love open worlds in general so I'm just really excited. The interactivity is a huge plus too because fucking around is something I can do for hours. I know in a couple days I'll be back to normal, and soon /v/ will be too. We just need a little time to digest all the stuff we were shown, I think.
Shitposters gonna shitpost.

I mean, I can agree that the popups are annoying, but otherwise it looks nice enough and has some interesting mechanics. Cautiously optimistic about it. It's certainly very promising.
same to you
dumb frogposter
>Nintoddlers still confusing TECHNOLOGY with an actually good game
The buggy physics look terrible, but also seem to be the main reason everyone loves this game. Guess its the same appeal as all those crappy simulation games on steam.
In what way is that buggy?
>CoD and all the modern shooters
>enemies react to nades thrown to them
>they run away screaming or throw it back

>your allies replace their guns when they find superior one around

>AI reacts to everything from footprints, sounds and objects

>Half Life 1
>those giant green worms being blind and attacking sound sources

its nowhere near being impressive when AI decides to light their clubs to fire when there is fire around

I honestly dont get why everything this game has is glorified endlessly

I am not a fanboy or anything, but game looks pretty bad on todays standard and some group of people here are freaking out on any insignificant detail

Enemies might start switching to ranged weapons when you run away and its the 2nd coming of vidya jesus
>I honestly dont get why everything this game has is glorified endlessly

Because the franchise it's coming from has been stuck in a rut for 15 years. This feels like the first major step forward for it since OoT brought it into 3D.
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>All Nintendo threads are Zelda threads
>still defend nintendo incompetence for showing 1 (one) game on a console

How pathetic , even Sonyggers and PCucks aren't that retarded , fine, this new Zelda it's a good game no doubt but it won't be even close to be a GOTY candidate, at least for what I had seen.
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>but game looks pretty bad on todays standard

This shit again.
Graphics-wise maybe, gameplay-wise is a fresh as ever. Did you watch the streams?
Can buildings made of stone burn to the ground?
Legit curious here
I havent watched everything
but so far, game looks bad due to old platform most likely and has pretty mediocre animation

no towns or anything on shown version. I have seen shield skiing and paragliding. Looks cool but hardly makes the game. Cant say much about combat system and story so far
The fuck is going on here?
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