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Skipping this gen club

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Who else is skipping this gen all together or at least waiting until 2017 or a later date ?

I'm hoping that next gen consoles are actually capable of at least 60fps and come fully backwards compatible.

Who no-8th gen here ?
Why do people even till buy consoles?
Honestly, I never plan to buy a console again.

I'm pretty sure we're moving into an age where every multi-plat is getting a PC release as well, and there are more than enough exclusives to keep me occupied.

As pathetic as it sounds, the only game I would buy a console for is KH3
No one cares, stop blogging
Was last gen 60 fps? Was the gen before that? Why does it matter?
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That's a waiting for greatness body bag isn't it?

Where do you actually buy one ?
Some YouTubers say so
GameCube and Xbox could do 60fps and so could the n64

Amazon. It's a top seller, jnsurprising . Lots of people with no games
Just elitist mustards wanting to circlejerk. Move along.
He's finished Bloodborne so he's putting on the dustcover, after all it's a long wait for another game worth playing on PS4.
there are like 100 games that run 60 fps on next gen, even AAA games like SW Battlefront, that's a recent 60 fps console game

>fully backwards compatible.

why would anyone want this? why would they spend money and resources they could be spending on making new games on bc? everyone has a ps3, everyone has a 360, everyone has a wii, play old games on old consoles
GameCube and Xbox could do 60fps and so could the n64

Amazon. It's a top seller, jnsurprising . Lots of people with no games and dusty ps4s
PC isn't a console. This is a console thread.
The only console I got this gen was the Wii U
Nothing on the other consoles really interest me, besides one or two exclusives that aren't out yet.
I don't really want to blow a bunch of money for those yet. If they came out as backwards compatible I probably would've picked up the PS4, at least.
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>keep toying with getting a PS4 just for BB
Fucking gothic settings and shit are my weakness
>being this delusional
Because people build libraries of games and want to play them on next gen.

Christ. Why are people ok with loosing all their purchases ? Everyone but Sony lets you be backwards compatible. Is this a sony fag deflection thing? Demand sony to be backwards compatible, you dumb corporate shill
Skipping this gen too.

I have a half decent PC
How long before mods 404 this thread?
You mean this blatant attempt to start a console war? Gee, I wonder...
Apparently I pissed off the sonyggers. So pretty soon.
There's a massive /int/ shitposting thread still up so this will be fine
I'll make sure to use an xbox image next time to keep this thread alive.

You hyper sensitive sony fags
>getting a PS4 just for BB

Don't cave in to corporate ransoms

Modern consoles have to hold games hostage just to shift hardware

God this is how fucked the gen is
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Its always been this way.
>why would anyone want this?

Why would anybody want to play things they paid for 5 years ago when they can just pay for them again! Amirite?

Fuck off marketeer
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Here you go faggot. Educate yourself
>PC isn't a console.
Sure it is. It's the Perfect Console, that's why it's called PC for short.
Stop being stupid. Pretty much every console can "do 60 fps". If a developer goes for something more intense than a console can handle the frame rate is going to decrease.
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>every other response is "le sonygger"
>not console war shitposting

But sure, bitch about me being a sony fag some more, even after doing nothing do imply I am, I know you really just want to release your frustrations in this thread and bitch about Sony. Knock yourself out.
>capable of at least 60fps

If you actually understood why games aren't 60fps on current systems, you'd also know why they still won't be on next gen systems.

Consoles have been capable of 60 fps for a long time, but developers are too incompetent to manage it. That isn't going to change no matter how powerful they make the systems.

If you're going to skip generations for 60fps, be prepared to skip many generations.
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I've seen 60 fps. That's not 60 fps. Did you recompress the webm or something
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It's real
>ever mention preferring PC

Instant 404

Happened to at least 3 honest threads last night as soon as the PC posters got a chance
ALL consoles can do 1080p60 easy peasy. It's just that consolefags are such graphics whores that they'd rather have a bunch of performance expensive graphics effects than better gameplay.
As long as this is the case developers will keep making their games run at 30.
I understand fps, I don't understand why it's a big deal. I'd rather have a good game with 30 fps than a shitty one with 120 fps. A bad game doesn't suddenly become good because it has a higher framerate.
Mustards can't grasp the concept of people enjoying something, and the way people find entertainment is apparently something that causes much frustration on this board.

simply there are no good games
I might not ever buy a console again at this rate.

Genesis was awesome.
PSX was awesome, my golden age of vidya.
PS2 was amazing, with a great library and significant leap from the last generation.
PS3 started slowly but eventually became pretty good.
PS4 feels like it hasn't really started, and I can't tell the difference between footage of a PS3 and a PS4 game.

I have my PC and nearly everything is multiplatform anyway.
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>item that covers your device from dust
>instead the dust is gather on this item
>which you need to either clean or replace anyway
who /skippedsince6th/ here
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Backwards compadability is just BACKWARDS

why play old games when you can get HD REMASTERED CLASSICS*AT 1080p 60fps ?
*59.99$ good guy fee**

** also for rent on psnow***
***200$ year****
**** requires always online internet connection
I feel like skipping life all together

Every single videogame sucks these days

Why live?
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To defend the good guys
>A bad game doesn't suddenly become good because it has a higher framerate.
A good game doesn't suddenly become bad because it has a higher framerate.
If you play on PC you'll play nice looking games at 144 fps.

And higher framerate REALLY makes a difference.
Trying too hard

why the fuck would I want bc? I have a fucking ps3 already, I want new games
Yeah and like ps4 doesn't need games. Why do they keep complaining. About games for ps4?

Ps4 totally doesn't need games it already sold like 500million. It doesn't need games
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Frame rate shouldn't affect your enjoyment of a game. A good game is still a good game (take EDF. The frame rate just takes a shit on itself when you blow up a group of insects at once but its seriously satisfying because if it). But in a lot of more action oriented game, a poor frame rate is actually detrimental. That's why fps try to lock the frame rate at a constant 60. And then you have games that have their physics tied to the rate. Games like Fallout and Dark Souls actually proform WORSE when the frame rate is too high. Fallout 4 has the game running on fast forward, DS has the infamous ladder glitch where sliding down a ladder with a high frame rate will cause you to fall through the world, and DS2 has the ever charming weapon durability bug. Just because a game doesn't have a good frame rate doesnt mean the game is trash, fuck what pkeks say. But to say that fps dont matter is just as wrong
Me, PC means I only miss out on exclusives that I can always go back from later when 8th gen is cheap
Why is it that both xbone and ps4 are literally just shitty computers with laptop hardware?
Older consoles at least had unique architecture
w8ing to see the NX
I did a semi-skip, I bought a 3DS for godly games like monster hunter, kid icarus, bravely default, m&l, etrian odyssey and such while playing new PC releases.

Hardware and games no longer sell consoles, it's all about which has the most beneficial memes attached to it in public media.
Probably cheaper than making a custom architecture
Yeah, but it shouldn't be the developer's first priority, it's just kind of a bonus. And it's not something worth blogging about and not playing games you might like.

I just don't see how. And do the animations in the games even have that high of fps, cause wouldn't it not even matter if the character animations were all done at 30fps or something?
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Who here didn't let /v/ brainwash them into not enjoying things??

Still enjoying 30 fps, still not getting hurt ass at 30 frames, , all I'm doing is just playing and enjoying games. No idea why someone would internally embody the 60fp meme, we get 1080p 60fps games on PS4 all the time but for some reason we don't turn into elitist, pessimistic negative assholes for some reason, strange that.

It's also weird that PC users don't think multiplats count on console yet they suddenly do on PC.
>tting game mechanics/assets to frames displayed per second.

it's a sure way to spot a shitty dev who have no clue how to make videogames
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What are the PC equivilents of these games?

What monster hunter dose PC have? Unique ip's like Gravity Rush? What souls game dose PC have? Modern jrps like persona? What about performers on the scale of RC, hell even tearaway?

What titles dose PC have to give these titles a run for their money?
weeb shit
Exclusives, higher portability when compared to PC, less expensive than a PC, etc.
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I haven't owned a console since 2010.
I'm buying a PS3 later today for racing vidya
The fact that you have to sell the PS4 so hard proves it's shit. The PS2 dominated and there was no need for fabricated images pretending 7/10 games are worth buying a worthless console for.

As for the PC, it can emulate one of the three best MHs so that's something. The Vita doesn't even get a port of the rest.
PC has exclusives? Like Undertale? And MOBAs? Is Valve ever gonna make a game again?

If people like you were the majority, gaming would be held back. Better visuals are much more important than better framerate. Plus, I can get 60 on my fucking PC if I want to.
Woah, the 20+ year old fat greasy video game playing idiot who mostly frequents a degenerate image board about video games in his spare time has extremely high standards and an extreme high sense of pride. What a surprise.
I don't really get the console hate on this board, especially the PS4 hate (though I guess the other two being dead there's no need to hate them).

Anyway OP, if you didn't skip the previous gen which was one of the worst we had, then there's no reason to skip this one either. Like in every gen there'll be tons of games who will either not be released on PC or will require a PC that cost 5-6 times the price of a console to run on.
Personnally I can't be arsed to keep and maintain a gaming PC up to date with current standards so I have a toaster for grand strats and RTS stuff and I play the rest on consoles.

It saves both time and money unless you plan to pirate games on PC.
Well it's always under scrutiny by fat neckbeards with no games memes and the like, and people feel inclined to defend what they enjoy so
I'm just asking questions man, I wanna know whats so great about this PC platform and what games people with $5000 PC's are playing because it's certainly not just for emulation which can be achieved on a $30 household pc
>skipping bloorborne

Shit tastes general?
>implying the next gen won't be just stream devices

It only gets worse from here
Bloodyborne is the game to buy the system for but there's still plenty of games to enjoy when you do get it.
Well I'm waiting for more good exclusives and/or price drop. I can't justify spending €300+ for a bloodborne machine. There are still so many games from last gen I haven't played anyway
>people with $5000 PC's

I love this meme
Be objective for once. I love the 3DS and it's brought me hours upon days upon weeks of joy but even I realize that if you're not into hardcore games it's basically shit.

"Enjoy" is the excuse of the fucking century, you can "enjoy" watching paint dry if you really love paint. How about games that are so good you can't live without them? Games that people will actively mock you for not having played?
Now that SEGA pretty much confirmed the Yakuza games are coming to PC I'm starting to run out of reasons to buy a PS4, the only ones being DQX, which I can live with the 3DS version, and P5, which might get a PS3 release.
So you make purchases based on concensus and not what you enjoy? Sounds about right for a PCuck. Don't feel too bad, I fell for the PC meme too.
I'm enjoying this gen after getting a PS4 a few months ago. Got 8 PS4 games so far, pretty good deal.
Same situation as you OP I'm also poor as fuck so I just bitch on /v/ all day

Kill yourself. If you care about framerate, get a PC. I want next-gen visuals, not next-gen framerates.
I JUST bought a wiiu this november, consoles were that lacking.

What games do you have? I only have NHL 16 to play with friends while drunk and Bloodborne.
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The human eye can't even notice and difference in framerates above 40 fps

classic b8
I think you let /v/ brainwash you into thinking like that since they clearly got to you. Even when spending a lot of time here I rarely see that stuff.

Get off /v/ for a while to cool that mad.
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I got no words for this kind of stupidity.
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>will be 28 in 2017

I have a PC and I regularly game at 60fps. If consoles did 1080p 60fps too my PC games would look much worse. No thanks.
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Same person

report and hide
>there are like 100 games that run 60 fps on next gen, even AAA games like SW Battlefront, that's a recent 60 fps console game

900p/60fps on PS4
720p/60fps on Xbone

Just pitiful.
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You're literally the dumbest person I've witnessed on this board in 6 years.

I refuse to believe that you're being serious. I won't.
>60 fps on console

Why don't they just include a low and a high graphics setting?
Just bought a PS4 so I can play Disgaea 5, Bloodborne, & Persona 5.

So what you're saying is, I should be more generous and allow for downgraded visuals as a means to enhance console framerates. Kill yourself, poorfag, or buy a fucking PC.
i've been skipping gens since ps2
can't beat perfection
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Im skipping this gen.

Softmodded my ps2 and am going to get through this list then I might have a look and see what's new if theres nothing then Ill probably mod my ps3 or just emulate wii and wii u games
I'm going to but two ps4s just to spite you. I'll give one to the homeless don't worry.
>I watch TB videos and cant think for myself
>Why don't they just include a low and a high graphics setting?

Because some devs like to like a bunch of post processing effects and blur on everything, so removing some of that combined with the increased responsiveness would give players a significant advantage.
I was kinda waiting for the new ff to get a ps4 but it looks like i lost interest so yeah op i'll probably end up skipping this generation and stick to pc. Its funny this will be the first playstation console I don't own.
I skipped last gen too. I've always had a PC for gaming, but I just haven't seen the appeal since PS2/Xbox/Gamecube era. I was an idort then and I think that generation was the last with a huge number of good exclusives. It may have just been I was a kid though and consoles appealed to me more.

>I parrot /v/ and can't think for myself
I'll wait until next christmas if there a lot of good games. Like I did for the PS3 and go for the buy 2 get 1 free specials.
The one logical post in this thread.
I'll never buy a console again.
Last one I bought was a ps3 to play some exclusives I missed, before I went pc I was on a 360.
They were all pretty unimpressive and the ps3 is now collecting dust in my closet.
Publishers are playing a silly game these days, they're taking advantage of consoles installbase and infrastructure and occasionally porting to PC to net a few more dollars but don't realize the fine line they're walking on.

Most publishers pushing console IP's can't compete on the PC platform exclusively and they know this, they'll just get swamped by the competition and the many studios would go under immediately or be reduced to husks of their former selves making indie software for chips. Consoles need to exist for their financial security and thus software also needs to exists for console but they're they're testing the waters and giving PC is having a field day.

Fair enough PC will actually get some decent software this gen that is thanks console adopters but they're not getting the full package, plenty of good software will untouched and that's the price you pay for the advantages of the PC platform I guess.

Nonetheless, I think publishers believe that by under-handing the PC platform behind the curtains with broken vita ports somehow redeems this shitty practice but mark once you piss away infrastructure of console support it'll be gone for every and everybody looses, including those on PC

Games are becoming more expensive to develop for and some games may very well need a bigger audience to break even but it's a double sided coin. I honestly think this is the end of console gaming and will be the very last generation. Many have permanently left for mobile gaming, nobody understands why consoles are incredibly fucking important and will gladly but unknowing participate in the destruction of good software to save a few dollars on steam, hell PC gaming is taking off like crazy now. It's already too late and there is nothing anybody can do.

*tips fedora*
>but don't realize the fine line they're walking on.

What do you mean by this? I guess I'll take you seriously since this probably the first non shitpost I've seen on /v/ in months
keep tipping cuck
So can the boner and ps4. Just depends on the game as it always will.
I'm not even sure what you're trying to say some of this. It isn't worded well. Anyway, if the whole graphics pushing shallow game market fell through then I wouldn't care and I definitely wouldn't call it important to what I value in games. The reason AAA console games are so expensive to make now is the arms race for better graphics. A better looking game will make you more money in the short term, but the pushing of that envelope means you need to spend more to do it again in the long term. This means in order to minimize risk on a huge investment you're just going to get bland games that take no risks again and again and eventually even the mindless masses start to see this. It's their own damn fault. Fuckem.
If they continue porting to PC it'll become comon sense to drop consoles all together and adopt a PC right? However with that goes consoles market share. Many developers and publishers will then be forced to compete on the PC platform, many won't even make the transition and just dissolve immediately, many that do will be faced with extreme competition, a much smaller and unstable installbase because half the console users won't migrate to PC or simply not quick enough and those studios will go under. The partnerships and backing of first party games will also cease to exist so that means no Bloodborne, Horizon, Halo and what not. Everything will just come crashing down and the industry will be reduced to that of mobile gaming within weeks. Consoles are hella important 2bh
I've not bought any yet and currently don't feel compelled to either, it's a good incentive to try building a pc since I doubt any of the future consoles will have free multiplayer. I might get the NX if its BC and a proper competitor to sony and microsoft.
Its still a simplification of what console manufacuters do behind the scenes. For example street fighter wouldn't exist without Sony saving capcom from near bankrupcy which also effects other platforms like 3DS. Kojimas new studio also wouldn't have been a thing without Sony. Consoles support much more than just first party titles and AAA games.
Since when do most people who own consoles operate on common sense? The only game I would like to see out of those 3 mentioned is Bloodborne and that's out of an entire console generation so far. If everyone did move to PC then there would be much more money going to PC and you'd see those games on PC anyway instead of consoles. I'm fine with not having them since the majority are shit anyway. Personally I don't think consoles are that important anyway, but I also don't think they're going anywhere. Say consoles just stopped existing and we only had PC. Well we combined still have about the same amount of money being made off games that was made in the early-mid 00s. Games were good then. I'm fine with that and PC is a better platform anyway, cost not withstanding. Competition is exactly what these companies can't deal with and that's why they are on console to begin with.
>If they continue porting to PC it'll become comon sense to drop consoles all together and adopt a PC right?

But that's wrong.

Console users don't want to spend more than 300-400 for a gaming machine. They freaked out at the 599 ps3 and then buy 700 dollar phones.

These kids and dudebros don't want to learn how to build a pc let alone buy the parts. All they want is fifa and call of duty at the lowest price with the least amount of effort put in.

That's why those markets will always be divided.

Plus any idort knows there's always that feeling of playing a console game where you wish it wasn't as blurry and ran better. Course some games run well and can't look better on pc so you don't care like say sfv. Or seeing those bullshots for games and then knowing every game could look that good if consoles just had better hardware?

DESU I'd prefer upgradable consoles but then the poor kids and dudebros will just cry it's not fair that I'm running games better than they are. So that's never gonna be a thing.

There's a lot of angles to the issues so in the end I'd prefer streaming services if it meant the steaming hardware was high end so I get my eye candy and stable framerate.
So to break it down you're saying that because companies can make their own smaller markets off of hardware(Even if it's inferior) based on brand recognition and simplicity more than anything that offers less competition than one larger market essentially stifling innovation they're beneficial to games by saving companies that can't compete even in these microcosms and that's a good thing?
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>street fighter wouldn't exist without Sony saving capcom from near bankrupcy
>Kojimas new studio also wouldn't have been a thing without Sony
sonyggers, everybody
Mine is seeing use and I don't skip gens for some retarded reason of 30 fps.
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