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Why I hate Kotaku

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I know you all probably have a laundry list of reasons why you hate them but for me personally? It's because Shenmue is my favourite video game series of all time. It finally gets a third entry and Blotaku makes posts about how shitty they think the placeholder box art is in the rewards section. Could they show even handed journalism by later making posts mentioning that it was the most successful videogame kickstarter to date or that they have a slacker backer campaign after that? Nope! Just stupid bullshit like "boy this new car sure looks like Birdo amitie gaiz?" That was my final straw for them. I will never give them another cent of ad revenue.
At least they're not Anthony Burch.
No one actually likes Shenmue. It's the biggest hipster game I have ever seen in my life. I am an oldfag I played both 1 and 2 they were repetitive shit with glitchy ass fighting mechanics and quick time events. Everyone remembers it either with rose tinted glasses or because it's "cool" to like the idea of a sequel. A sequel that will be considerably cheaper. Fuck this game and fuck you hipster fans.
No you sound more like the hipster as opposed to tens of thousands of people who show enthusiasm for something they love as opposed to you who thinks you're too cool for school "god, you guys isn't this so lame? right? guys?" shut the fuck up and go comb your moustache
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>they love
What do they love? What exactly makes Shenmue so good that it warrants the hype it gets? I'll answer that. Idiot manchildren who played it as kids and were too stupid to understand how garbage the game was. That or hipsters who never played the first two but are jumping aboard the "Shenmue is cool we need a 3rd one" hype. Seriously read the KS comments most donators never played the first two nor ever will because there is a snowballs chance in hell for a rerelease. Face it you are a trend whore. Even when I was a kid shit like pic related blew my mind but as I got older I realized how garbage it was. Grow up.
It's an open world virtua fighter with likable characters and an interesting setting that was left on a cliffhanger ending for 15 years. What's not to understand about people being excited to finally finish it? Now please stop, your pre-pubescence is showing.
came here to watch spergs fight
me too bro this is good stuff.
i mean did you really make a post to cry about kotaku making fun of a box art?

is you're life so fucking sad that you got triggered by them saying it looked stupid?
Please put quotes around open world because it was very basic and the fighting was retarded broken and hard. The story also was generic as shit I must avenge my father nonsense. Literally nothing special in the game and it was the father of QTEs, one of the most cancerous things to hit gaming. Fuck off.
No it was because they then failed to mention actual newsworthy points like it being The Most Successful Videogame Kickstarter Ever or that they were continuing a Slacker Backer campaign.
ohhh I see.. Hey I understand, if something is hard then it's retarded. That's why you love how new games have to give you an on screen tutorial prompt on how to walk. Hey maybe you'll master that whole walking thing IRL somedav too champ.
why are you even visiting Kotaku in the first place?

Why must you lie, you dumb fuck shill.

>this is still happening
Hard as in buggy and the controls were shit. I don't mind a challenge as long as the challenge isn't shit game design.
>6 posters
>15 replies

The bait has worked
I'm not lying, on Kickstarter it earned more than any other video game kickstarter ever, beating out the previous title holder of that not-castlevania game
even if you're a shenmue fan that doesn't mean you should turn a blind eye towards how fucking retardedly the kickstarter was handled
>I'm not lying
Yes you are

It plays exactly like the virtua fighter series which maybe doesn't have automatic fatalities for newfags of fighting game engines like yourself but somehow it's considered one of the best by real gamers anyhow
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Kotaku thread?
>Star Citizen
>$93 million
>still selling $50k ship packs

These niggas are rolling in money. How much more funding do they fucking need? Doesn't this shit have as much funding as some AAA games?
No you're just bad at internetting son



Eh meant journalism in general but close enough
>it's just like muh virtua fighter ; )
>all dat shit hit detection and teleportation.
that is the most shameless thing I have ever seen
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>consumers and developers must work together
>everything sucks and you are at fault

Oh, Polygon. :3
if it's on YouTube then they're probably playing on an emulator, just another one of your failures in life.
Just curious, did mobile gaming ever have a "golden age"?
>most funded kickstarter game : )
>yet other games raised more money

You really are a dumb fuck.
Notice how all of the ones above Shenmue III are either
A) not on kikestarter
2) not a video game proper
III) only partially raised on kikestarter
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shenmue 3 deserves all the hate it can get.

fans are excited over a game that won't have anywhere near the funding the first two needed.

not to mention they got the fans to pay millions for a fucking concept trailer with no gameplay.
The #1 game was on kikestarter
Game Boy Color to Game Boy Advance eras
>someone l-likes something I don't like *sniff* I'mma gonna tell my internet on you!
> Of the total amount, $6,238,563 were raised on Kickstarter and Roberts' own website on November 19, 2012.

how do I into reading

Shenmue III for reference btw: $6,333,295
For developers.
>Facebook boom
>FarmVille not at peak popularity yet
>pre-Angry Birds

For users?
No. It was a cash grab from the start. There was absolutely nothing before Candy Crush and Angry Birds came out.
>for a fucking phone screenshot

anyway, what exactly was the "Golden age of mobile gaming"? the era of Angry Birds? The dawn of Candy Crush and King pushing out game after shitty game
good impression of shenmue fans
Nice cherrypicking you stupid fuck. That's a special boss fight that's supposed to be strange and hard as fuck. Also far different from a regular fight. It's like it you sent footage of Diablo 2's cow level and saying wow what a shitty stupid game.
>er making posts mentioning that it was the most successful videogame kickstarter to date
they have already done that.

You fucking baby.
>how do I into reading
poorly since you said none of those was on kikestarter
>fucking phone screenshot
yeah, tons of phones have better resolutions than your shitty monitor
you mad bro?
desu baka senpai
>Nice cherrypicking
>shit gameplay is cherry picking

Ok I take it back you are of the 2nd group who never played the older games got it. Literal cancer.
link or stfu
I never played it on DCemu like the guy In the video, that's for sure
slightly senpai, I have .4 down so I'd rather not have to wait 20 minutes to read a screenshot

you think that the phone would shrink the screenshot down a bit on saving since when do you ever need a screenshot to be full rez?
the original anon said it was the highest grossing video game kickstarter. Nothing you have said has refuted that. Star Citizen as a kickstarter did not make more.
suck my dick bitch no other enemy in the game plays that strangely.

I have US Shenmue which is the Japanese release of Shenmue 1 with English voices, Shenmue 1 US, Shenmue 1 JP, the Shenmue Jukebox, I have the special What's Shenmue demo, TWO copies of Shenmue 2 Xbox, and a copy of Shenmue 2 Dreamcast PAL.

I also donated $700 worth of money to the Kickstarter and PayPal. I'm gonna have a special message in the guestbook in-game so FUCK YOU BITCH.
post a pic with your collection breh
>no other enemy in the game plays that strangely.

Like I said you never played these games you fucking hipster shithead
that would make a good guestbook message if only that anon had the courage to namefag
did big bad shittaku rustled your shenmue jimmies?

Get over your fucking self
whatever smartass that's the other boss fight who is Izumi's friend. I forgot about her but seriously fucking stop your bullshit. I'm hiding this thread so dont even bother reply
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No, it's one of my favourite things ever. People can shit on the flag for all I care about this country but if an allegedly professional gaming blog takes time to tear into something so petty without acknowledging it's extraordinary accomplishments then complain I will
just wait until they hit the 100mil mark. they might give us all a free 'thank you'
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>ssssss.....stop showing everyone how shit Shenmue is


Jesus fucking Christ what a dumb hipster bitch you are.
That whole thing with that faggots dislike with Dragon's Crown was one hilarious watch.
Shitaku is purely clickbait.

If they think it will get them more clicks, they will throw their own readers under the bus. Hence the reason why they were part of the time Gamers are Dead bullshit from a year ago.
>maybe if I call you something three times, it'll magically be true and then I can finally call myself a pony
>I know! I'll just insult you and dodge this way I don't have to defend these glitchy as fuck fight videos!
>it's one of my favourite things ever
And majority of humankind doesn't give a shit.

How do you live, how do you breath knowing this painful fact?

Why aren't you going to Africa evangelizing the gospel of Shenmue to kids who have yet to know the perfection that is Shenmue?

>wait, I'll just copy how the Shenmue fans post so I can finally be a pony and be cool like my mom says during visitation hours
>look I am still dodging those videos! Maybe he won't notice God I hope he doesn't notice....

This article represents modern gaming journalism.

They hate their jobs. They hate video games. They think all video games is stupid. They get preview access to games they fucking hate and are there only because it's their job. They write their articles like they are bloggers.

It boggles my mind how they are considered journalist at all. These are the people ruining video games. These are the people giving a soapbox to sjws who also hate video games. They are why GG exists at all.
>god I hope he does notice, notice me so bad
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Wow, the spergs are out in force tonight.
>this info is so trivial, I have to dress it up to sell it
Sign of the times, desu
Ok well I showed how your game is shit you dumb hipster and you did nothing to refute it. You are nothing but a bitch to trends with no free will. No better than those Mighty No 9 faggots, a game that even they admitted 50% of its backer base hasn't even chosen what console it wants for digital downloads meaning they don't give a shit. This will happen to the hipster Shenmue faggots as the hype goes away and they focus on the next shiny trendy object. You are the cancer killing games.
SJW trash like Gorilla Hernandez. It and Polygon are just venues for eternally-offended faggots to trick the gaming industry into thinking people want "2DEEP4U" indie trash like Gone Home.

I've been playing vidya for over twenty years and this is what happens to it? Fuck this industry.
Maybe they didnt because this crap wasnt the most successful kikestarter?

Mighty nr 9 and bloodstained were far more successfull.

Face it cakeboi, no one cares about shenmue, it was a shit game back then and it certainly hasnt become any better right now. If you love QTE's so much, go play the order or something, faggot.
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> can't find any room for argument
> starts calling it "trivial" and other bullshit

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Fucking kek.
You showed me how it's shit on an emulator, congratulations. You have proven only that you are a full blown retard. And I don't understand why you keep calling us hipsters if we got on some bandwagon. I bought the original day one by driving an hour out of town to the nearest gamestop for a system most people didn't have just because I've been a SEGA fan since I played after-burner at my local beach arcade. I guess being ahead of the game makes me a hipster if you want but so the fuck what you normie
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I remember when tons of gaming journalist praised the fuck out of Sim City before release.

Then they double backed and changed the scores after it came out and was a complete mess.
How do Kotaku and Polygon still exist? Who is giving them money?
we all are whenever we load the page, that's what I'm saying I will do no more.
My comment was directed towards the shallow, contrived nature of the content in the link you posted.
There is so little to say about the latest Rock Band that it must be dressed as a blogpost to get clicks.



To be fair, can you really hold them responsible for not knowing something the publishers deliberately kept from them?
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Remember when most fans hated the ending of Mass Effect 3? Gaming journalists all over shat on the fans and praised the ending like no end.
To be fair, they did play it in it's buggy state, so there's no fucking way they could of missed out on the countless bugs in it. But not a single one of those corrupted fuckers bothered to talk about how buggy it is.

Well Kotaku is Gawker but isn't Polygon an astroturf? Aren't they funded directly by the industry?
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> over 20 articles claiming gamers are dead in less than 24 hours

There is no greater proof that there is indeed a place where all of these corrupted gaming journalists all come together and discuss what score they should give each game or what article they should all write about.

It's a hivemind. Disagree and you lose your job.

>only polygon is astroturf
They all are, anon. Just fronts for different butts.
When it comes to games journalism, for me, I can forgive some of the shit that goes on. Journalists knowing or being friends with game developers doesn't even matter to me (as well as to most game developers) because the industry is small enough that everyone basically knows each other.

Where I draw the line is when journalists give their friends special treatment, specifically when they don't make their connections clear in their articles. Pretty much the exact things Kotaku and Polygon do, writing good reviews or generating positive publicity for their friends with absolutely no mention that they know these people. It's insulting and shouldn't be allowed just because some woman got harassed on the internet.

What really gets me with places like Kotaku and Polygon is the pure unfiltered lack of professionalism. Shit like >>315348191 and >>315355447 or the ridiculous amount of opinion pieces (often delivered as fact) are insulting not only to readers but to game developers.
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>the industry is small enough that everyone basically knows each other
>I'm OK with critics and creators being friends

You should give this more thought, anon.
Much, much more thought.
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The last man in the industry who dared to give a fair review instead of shilling lost his job for being honest.

Gaming Journalism is corrupted as fuck.

Isn't Polygon different?

My understanding is most of the sites just get "bribed" (I think it's more accurate to say most of them are being extorted, or at least it started that way) but Polygon was actually set up by the industry and their job from the beginning has been to be sympathetic to it.
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Polygon was set up by Microsoft. So they always give microsoft the edge over sony in multiplatform game reviews. Also often times shitting on sony exclusives.
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I don't follow gaming news anymore, so I dunno.

One rotten apple spoiled the batch for me, desu.
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gaming journalist are bullies
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post yfw when youre not the biggest kek.
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>Biggest hipster game
>Not being made by double fine

I don't even know who that is
He's a Gawker employee. Same company that owns shitaku.
ah well soon to be former employee after the Hulkster gets through with them so I shall promptly forget his name again.
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>this new car sure looks like Birdo

Almost as bad as this
It's a casual videogame news site for casual fans. I get that you're probably not in their target audience, but there's nothing especially wrong with them.

I'm not sure I'd call Sam Bindle a gaming journalist. He's basically a professional troll. He'll post stories about whatever's controversial at the moment.
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I'm rooting for Hulk!!
Wow, really surprising that three different journalists can have 2 different opinions about a game.
There really isn't much that can be done there. Game journalists talk to game developers, it's their job. Sometimes they become friends, sometimes they inadvertently get along better than with other people. I've become friends with people before even knowing they're journalists, and I've known journalists who go on to become game developers. One way or another, it's going to happen.

There will always be some level of bias, bias which doesn't even need to be related to the a journalist's relationship with developers. I'm sure you've seen journalists base objective decisions off of personal politics or other such methods. The solution is to look for and challenge this bias, to try and discourage it as heavily as possible, not to essentially tell all journalists to break all contact with game developers. An unethical and unprofessional journalist is going to be that way regardless of whether or not they have friends in the industry, and a good journalist won't let their personal life get in the way of their professional life.

Cases like this >>315356851 are not what I'm talking about. This is a clear case where the reviewer should have given the review to one of her co-workers. But Chris Remo was a game journalist for longer than he's been a game developer, it's ridiculous to think he wouldn't have friends who aren't game journalists, and it's ridiculous to say he should just break all ties with his old friends. The problem in this case wasn't Chris and Danielle being friends, it was Danielle using her status as a senior reviewer to write a clearly biased review for her friend.

I want to stop this shit from happening, but I think we need to attack the root of the problem, which is that journalists are abusing their positions, not that journalists know people. If you're in the industry, you have to know people. It doesn't matter what they do as long as they know the people you want to know.
Nice. Thankfully mook doesn't give a fuck, so we're allowed to discuss this now. Be prepared for newfags to call you "human garbage" and a "goober" though.
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do sports journalists go party with athletes? If so then alright but back it the claim if you have one.

Your own picture points out that the problems were mostly on the server side, which means they wouldn't have been apparent to early reviewers. They weren't paid off or unethical or anything, they simply reviewed the game they were given. Not their fault it was a mess when it was released to the public.

This is why I have gamergate. To them, a gaming journalist can't fart without it being "shady games journalism".
>people actually pretending they:
>A. Owned a Dreamcast
>B. Bought both Shenmue games

Wipe this meme off the face of the earth.
>Your own picture points out that the problems were mostly on the server side, which means they wouldn't have been apparent to early reviewers.

At the time when Sim City came out, there was no such thing as single player. Same for the reviewer's copies before the game came out. So early reviewers could only play the game on server side.

In fact, the developers claim it is impossible for any single player for Sim City (despite hackers modded it with single player just two days after release) until months later when they finally patched in single player.
I did both. You're a normie.
>Game journalists talk to game developers, it's their job.
>Sometimes they become friends, sometimes they inadvertently get along better than with other people.
There is a line of professionalism that must never be crossed. They can never be friends or even on friendly terms.
Creators should respect and fear their critics, not wine and dine them or congratulate them on a "job well done".

It's in *your* interest that they do not.
If you're going to be retarded about protecting yourself, that's your problem, but don't try to rationalize your laziness and tell me it's fine.
This is what I'm talking about, who are you trying to impress by lying?
>What do they love?

I think they love Shenmue.
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You've got the right idea. The best option would be an outright cleansing, everyone from Kotaku and Polygon, or even the blogs themselves, fired and closed down. The shill their trash friends and don't even like videogames beyond social posturing to look like they're euphoric pro-feminists or whatever new angle Anita's feeding that week.

Opencritic recently launched, and the ability to pick reliable sources as part of a score rather than including Polygon and Kotaku which will inevitably dock points for inane shit like womyn being oppressed by fantasy misogyny is a great way to kill off the social justice garbage feeding off the industry, and get back to reliable reviews and gameplay-oriented critique. Even stranger is how you have a balding neckbeard like Kuchera whining about diversity and his company employs majority white men like him. These people can make their progressive art bullshit if they want, but they and their pampered brats in SF don't deserve more coverage online than any other dev who works hard.
>Early reviewers had played the game on a private press-only server, and were not aware of the issue

They played on a separate server, which obviously didn't have the same problems. Probably because there were so few of them playing.
What exactly does this have to do with this thread about shitaku and journalism?
It wasn't an article on those things though. It was just a quick little thing about the box art.
Lots of people outside America did, idiot. SEGA had quite sizable followings in Japan and Europe.
They didn't do articles on those subjects at all though they are more newsworthy than many of the things they do feel worthy of disseminating to the masses. Instead of being a professional and balanced news source they decided they were against the project so only slandered it
>even on friendly terms

This is too far.

Are you people seriously demanding that gaming journalists and developers be kept in total isolation from each other and the only relationship that should exist is an antagonistic one?

That's just retarded.

Gaming journalists and developers are allowed to know one another and they are allowed to have amicable relationships. Gaming journalists should be professional enough to be able to preform their duties despite these relationships and developers and publishers should be professional enough to not penalize journalists for doing so.
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A critic is supposed to be objective in their assessment of a product's merit, not a personal friend of some rich brat with pink hair who's going to get a 10/10 review for their 5min pixelshit trash while devs who work much harder are ignored because they're not inside the clique.
>Just curious, did mobile gaming ever have a "golden age"?

It did for the developers. In the begining, even a shitty game like Angry Birds could make millions, because it was new and had close to no competition. Now, you can't throw a stone without hitting a new mobile game, all clones of each-other, so whether or not they make any money is a total crap-shoot. Making a mobile game is like playing the lottery. It doesn't cost much, there's a large chance you won't get anything, but if it works, you're rolling in casth.
>They played on a separate server

1. Even if they did, it should be almost exactly the same server as the normal server
2. There's no proof they did, in fact there's no point in buying two separate servers just to dump one after they played it. I believe the servers was exactly the same one for both early reviewers and retail.

> which obviously didn't have the same problems

Considering it's all using the exact same coding, it's hard to believe it would not encounter the exact same problems.

> Probably because there were so few of them playing.

That may be so, but don't all online games nowadays make sure they do stress tests beforehand? Besides that, the bugs in the game weren't even a lag problem. It was much much more buggy than just a internet speed issue.

Plus the fact that they closed the server for a entire two weeks after launch despite the fact that it's a online only game...
If creators don't fear what critics have to say, they won't try to impress anyone.
They'll make shit, critics will approve it because they're friends, people will buy it because they trust critics, and standards will drop as they have been.

Do you ever wonder why anything below 8/10 is regarded as "shit"?
It's because there are so many subpar, unplayable games from the last decade that scored between 6 and 8, which are the lowest scores money could buy at the time.
Now, you can buy perfect 10s if you "support your fellow game industry worker" and buy ad space on a journo's site.

Soon, you will have "10" and "not 10" which would be euphemisms for "paid" and "not paid".
I agree with that but I don't agree with the fear part. You know what fear does? Fearing your critics is what leads to Oscarbait, making every aspect of your work pander to the critic's sensibilities so they give you a favorable score. I can't agree with that.
>implying criticism is or should be handled by a centralized agency
Do you normally have such an ignorant view of the world?
Are these what you were looking for?
Or this?
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> linking directly to shitaku
> giving them free clicks
Would you rather be Anthony Burch or Rusty Brown?
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>Gaming journalists should be professional enough to be able to preform their duties despite these relationships
Except they're not doing that. There's no qualifications or standard in videogames journalism. They're the bottom of the barrel, they're trash, the overwhelming majority have no journalism degree or something comparable. They threw public tantrums and keep dragging their heels for even including disclaimers for personal conflicts of interest, shilling their friends and then having the audacity to moan about the industry not being accepting enough; They're bloggers squatting on the industry that isn't taken seriously because it's seen as childish, and yet you have studios and devs suffering because these idiots are playing highschool drama games by blacklisting, not covering, and dogpiling anyone who doesn't drink their progressive koolaid. Who on earth cares if a videogame has a woman in a bikini? It's a pointless non issue. Those two trannies in pic related? Compensating ugly men who only have a position in the industry because they're shilled as special snowflakes with connections, rather than having worked for anything.
>creators make "critic bait" to gain approval
>all critics buy into it, despite having different tastes and opinions
That's not possible. There is no "oscars" of video games.

There are numerous small critics who have different and overlapping audiences and vastly differing opinions when they aren't paid to tow the line.
However, because they're small, they're easy to buy and readily enjoy the benefits that "friendships" with publishers entail.

He specifically said video game on Kickstarter. The other video games above it on that list received additional funding outside Kickstarter after their campaign period.

Not that anon's fault that you're a retard with poor reading comprehension.
And yet with these blogs throwing out accusations of misogyny and racism just for clickbait, studios constantly risk coming under attack for not obliging these SJWs, the fear's already there.
>Gaming journalists should be professional enough to be able to preform their duties despite these relationships [...]
Yeah? Well, they don't.

It's okay though, right? Let's all be friends.
>That may be so, but don't all online games nowadays make sure they do stress tests beforehand?
Obviously not, which isn't at all the reviewer's fault.

>Considering it's all using the exact same coding, it's hard to believe it would not encounter the exact same problems.
Breaking news: Games play differently when a server has a bazillion players than when it has a few dozen. Not only are they slower, but sometimes, they're buggier.

>Besides that, the bugs in the game weren't even a lag problem. It was much much more buggy than just a internet speed issue.
Server overloading can cause a lot more than just lag.

You're starting to sound like one of those 9/11 trutherers here man. There's no giant conspiracy to give the game good reviews. Just a game company who fucked up building their game in a way that was only apparent when a massive amount of people were playing at the same time.
>There is no "oscars" of video games.
This is exactly why these shoddy journalism practices are still allowed; gaming is not seen as something mature enough or worthy enough to warrant serious review. I don't really care about that, but as you can see, it opens the door for people to buy reviews.
And why wouldn't I? I'm not a major fan, but they don't rape puppies or anything.

Fuck sjw bullshit. Fuck gaming journalists. They are slowly corrupting everything from vidya to comics to scifi novels to programming languages to fucking EDUCATION and even SCIENCE itself.

Fucking parasites whom claim to be victim when they're given everything they want. It's time the world stops catering to these bullies and monsters.
Here's a good article on it, not necessarily on parties but on the relationships journalists and athletes have.
>Well, to be honest, covering sports for a living can be hard because you will undoubtedly really like or really hate the teams and the athletes you cover. It is just human nature. Some athletes will blow you off one hundred times and others will be more than accommodating even in the face of a crushing defeat. I have been fortunate to sit in press row or the locker room and cover all of my favorite teams at one point – a dream come true.
Rule 3 on that article also does a really good job at explaining how far you shouldn't go, and my personal thoughts on the matter reflect very closely with it. It all comes down to separating your private and public life, which is why things that make that harder (ex. dating) are generally discouraged.

There's definitely a point where a journalist should be careful how far they go with personal relationships, but becoming friends with someone doesn't immediately create a doomed situation.

>If you're going to be retarded about protecting yourself, that's your problem, but don't try to rationalize your laziness and tell me it's fine.
How am I protecting myself? A lot of the people I know think I'm an extremist or misogynist GGer because I don't want to put up with the bullshit journalists do, and I don't need justification for the things I do. If I really wanted to protect myself, I'd get all pissy at anybody who mentioned game journalism ethics or GG and come out of the closet so I can get my privilege card.
It was never a connection issue. There were tons of bugs like save rollbacks and unintelligent AI of cars and various other shit. And yes those bugs also existed in the single player patch. Even after 9 months, they didn't fix most of them.

Most issues have nothing to do with the servers.
>programming language

ha! I'd love it if there was an SJW themed programming language kinda of like how lolcode is a lolcat themed programming language
Because giving shitaku clicks is exactly what they want and how they are funded. They get money for every time you give them a click.
Right, but i'm saying why should I care if they get money?
Nigger I know you aren't talking shit about Blue Stinger.
They aren't intelligent enough to make their own programing language.

Instead they browse github for other people's language and if they don't agree with something, they report it to github as sexist and then github nukes the programming work on their site without telling the owners who worked so hard on it.
but Anthony was actually not shit when he worked at Destructoid
>lol guys i just learned ocarina is a REAL instrument!
They were garbage over a decade ago.
If you want to fund sjw bullshit, that's up to you. I'm not going to spend my time convincing you not to. Just know that you're part of the sjw cancer by visiting that site regularly.

I bet you go there over a hundred times a week.
>variable declarations must be gender neutral
>all ints must be equal
Oh no
>syntax trigger
Every news article I can find says the problems were due to the servers. Your own picture says "due to server issues..." Show me something that says otherwise.
>RTTI now determined by emotional state of objects
>reflection must always indicate the intrinsic beauty of every type
>messaging systems must check privilege before global dispatch

wew lad
>I'm not sure I'd call Sam Bindle a gaming journalist. He's basically a professional troll. He'll post stories about whatever's controversial at the moment.
This is the kind of shit he writes:
> Instead of burying Americans in graveyards we should drop their corpses on ISIS strategic positions. A Hellfire missile costs $75,000 apiece, a JDAM bomb is $25,000. A dead body is $0. It’s a win for the American taxpayer and a loss for the Islamic State, because getting a dead body dropped on you would be very spooky.
> Every news article I can find says the problems were due to the servers.

The biggest issue was the fact that the servers were down since launch date for like a entire fucking month. Since this came out as a ONLINE ONLY game... nobody could play it despite paying for it on launch date. That's why it's the biggest news out there for this game. Hence why most news articles only comment on the server issue.

However besides that, it has tons and tons of bugs.

Object Oriented Programming, due to its objectification, is inherently a tool of patriarchy
This looks like a few, easily ignorable bugs that shouldn't ruin your game experience, and I can absolutely believe that a lot of them weren't found by reviewers. I get that, ideally, a game wouldn't be released until it was bug free, but a couple of bugs doesn't mean the game can't still recieve a good score.

It all comes back to this: There's nothing to support the claim that reviewers did anything shady by giving the game they played a good score, even if the game we got didn't deserve one.
Other than reviewing a version of the game that the public would never see?
Yeah, they sure did nothing wrong.

>we have to get early access to this game to our review can be out on time for the embargo
>it's totally not shady that I have to wait to inform the public of my opinions until my publisher overloards tell me it's OK
>it's completely OK that I'm reviewing a version of the game tailored specifically to me while enjoying creature comforts provided by the publisher
what a bunch of keks
They didn't review a version of the game the public would never see. They reviewed the game while a few hundred people were playing it. Any reasonable person would assume that EA would have their servers set up to provide the same experience for everyone once the game went public, and EA assured everyone repeatedly that they did. What were the reviewers supposed to do, rate it a 5/10 on the off chance EA fucked up ? Hate EA all you want, but the reviewers did nothing wrong.
>What were the reviewers supposed to do, rate it a 5/10 on the off chance EA fucked up ?

How about waiting until it's released for a review so these fuck-ups don't happen?

>b-but they need exclusive early access or they're irrelevant!
>you are stupid enough to defend this practice
>How about waiting until it's released for a review so these fuck-ups don't happen?
>These fuck-ups
This is literally the only time I can recall anything like this has ever happened.
>this is the only exception I know of, which means it's still okay
>my anecdote clearly defines their innocence and that this practice is healthy for me and for the market

>being this retarded

You can have this thread to yourself, I'm done with it.
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