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Didn't someone send an email to Nintendo to C&D this?

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Thread replies: 236
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Didn't someone send an email to Nintendo to C&D this? Look how that turned out lol, looks like they don't give a fuck just like with the Mother 3 translation
Christ this looks so tryhard.
I know why Nintendo's not getting involved-it would draw ATTENTION to this shit.
Itoi has stated that he is done with the Mother franchise and even went further to say the fans would have to make a Mother 4.

So that's exactly what fans are doing.
>b-but only Nintendo can make a good game
So they even refuse to translate Mother 3? Why?
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So from what I'm getting, you want a Mother thread?
I can't wait for the fan attempt try hard Giygas mindfuck final boss.
lol ur mom is the worst series
I don't know the official reason, but I'm willing to bet immortal transsexuals being important to the plot have something to do with it.
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I've been replaying Earthbound since people compare it to Mother 3 a lot and they really are quite different. As in, Earthbound feels a lot more like a Dragon Quest game, whereas Mother 3 is more unique by focusing more on the plot and narrative from the start, whereas EB's plot only starts picking up around halfway through. Which one do you guys prefer? I think I prefer Mother 3, but it's a difficult choice.
>this looks so tryhard
What the fuck are you on about? It looks like a Mother game would.
They saw that fans already did it themselves and downloaded the shit out of it so they just didn't bother
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>this looks so try hard
i fucked ur mother
The first Mother game went through hell with its translation. Earthbound met with lukewarm reception in the west. Historically, the series is not popular, and spending the money to release a translation of a game released 10 years ago is not a viable business move.
That's it.
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i fucked your earthbo- I mean mother 2
Corporations don't apologize unless they really REALLY have to.
Well you're comparing 2 games from 2 decades.

Things change. Menus stop lagging. Graphics transform. And now you have something to improve on rather than create.
That's the problem. It looks like a Mother game, but it's not "officially endorsed" by Nintendo. He plays games for the novelty of having an "authentic" experience, and not for fun.
i fucked your mother 3 official release
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My mother's dead
Hard to believe that Nintendo doesn't want to be involved with the mother series despite interest rising with the smash bros games and a larger following now than before,
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>not calling it Mother: A Fangame Subtitle
Ask them this and see what they answer.
the more /v/ hates this game, the more excited i am for it

>still viraling this shit

You would get better response being subtle
that only makes my penis harder
There is no Mother "series" in the west, there's a singular game, Earthbound. A game that came with what, an eighty dollar pricetag and was completely unknown? Gee whiz, wonder why it didn't sell well.
I'm not asking nobody nothing, but since you're telling me to ask them I'm sure they'll get mad or something I don't know.
Maybe they should've made Mother 4 into a FPS do it doesn't look so tryhard right?
>viraling a free game
I haven't played Earthbound in about 10 years. I know I should be pissed at the Platinum reward but at least I got Earthbound to replay and enjoy. I might play Mother 3 after since I actually haven't play it yet.
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And both games has different philosofies behind them, the big gap between those two also changed Itoi as a person, hence the difference in tone, setting and plot.

Both are amazing games, Earthbound has top notch gameplay for the time, Mother 3 is a really creative take on the turn system with the rhtyhm based combos.

For me, I prefer Mother 3 over Earthbound, but you can't really say one is better than the other
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who starmen.net here
The weird marketing is also a great factor why Earthbound didn't sell well, luckily, the game is the most succesful in the VC
Is that site still alive? I used to go there a lot in the mid to late 2000's.
I can't imagine it thriving as it used to with the mother 3 translation finished for years now.
I used to like the page, before it got run by technocolor horses
Jesus christ never again.
Isn't that site infested with ponyfags?
Earthbound also came out before the JRPG fever hit the west. Nintendo not translating Mother 3 was a huge blunder, and it's too late at this point, guess they just didn't want out gaijin-bucks.

I'd still buy it legit if they translated it.
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I only ever went there for translations and hacks.
I have no idea what the community is like other than https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSLlJ7oJ4eI&list=UUPXGGoCEEqniF1rbGii7HEg and a few let's players.
Because it was a Gameboy Advance that came out in japan in 2006, while the DS was already 2 years old. The GBA was already on it's deathbed at that point. Earthbound sold like shit in NA and never was released in Europe until Wii U VC. It's a massive game to translate, far more effort than lets say Kirby. It's basic business why didn't release it here.

That said, they could now release it now on the Wii U but it be a lot of effort to translated the whole game for something that probably wouldn't sell all that much.
Or they could due a bundle for all the games in the series on the 3DS to celebrate the 25th anniversary .
Literally nobody would care about this if they didn't decide to call it Mother 4.
>and it's too late at this point
Well, they did that joke in the E3 direct, and Earthbound was a massive hit in the VC, so there's a little ray of hope.

It was overrun by ponyfags, imagine /mlp/ but as a huge hugbox
Looks neat. I don't give a fuck if it's shit, I will play it anyway.
I think a good few would. I feel Nintendo could easily make a small bit of profit if they just translate it and gave it out on the eShop. That and Mother 1 since it's already done so it cost them nothing.
the real question is, why don't they put the whole series in English on Wii U virtual console? they paid for a translation of Mother 1 that they never released, EarthBound's already there, and Mato said they can have his translation for free.
hell, make it a "Mother 1+2+3" deal where you buy all three together for $15 or something (EB is $10 as is). it would easily make back any costs on their end just from the fans the series already has
>Not just Stepmother
>Well, they did that joke in the E3 direct

During a robot chicken skit.
Where they also promised not to reveal any more mario games, then announced 3 mario games.
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I'm just as excited about the fangame Eagleland, but nobody seems to have even heard of it most places. This one's also pretty far along.
And fucking Earthbound is the best selling game in that shit, they fucking know we want the goddamn games and we would pay for them
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Was that Mother 3 guide they published worthwhile? I regret not buying one.

Just went to check to see if they had any available, and saw this in the store.
>nothing in Antarctica or the North Pole
waste opportunity.
>GBA game from almost 10 years ago
>full of copyrights
>full of communist, antiamerican, homosexual, animal abuse and other weird propaganda
>mom is kill, bro is kill

Reggie hates it for a reason. The only people that wouldn't complain are ironically feminist because Kumatora is actually a strong character. These themes aren't suited for Nintendo, at least out of Japan.
What a terrible waitress, spilling beverages and glasses everywhere as she doesn't even fucking try to balance the tray.
They also joked about Star Fox, and Miyamoto confirmed a new Star Fox game is in development.
Well dude, at least they reconized that the fucking game exists
A "Mario game" would be something like a New Super Mario Bros or Super Mario 3D World, dummy.
Nintendo would never let anyone else translate their work. And they just don't care I feel. They can easily make a small bit of profit by releasing each by itself for full cost and no one would really complain (I mean we finally got it right). But Nintendo just feel there's no point. One thing is that they mostly just focus on Japan and think of us as an afterthought.
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>No BRs in Eagleland.
yeah I'm hoping the guy adds more to it but it's promising
And Mario Maker, a 2d platforming game starring Mario?
>I'm not asking nobody nothing
So you ARE asking somebody something?
>Nintendo would never let anyone else translate their work
That's why we have Xseed, we need those fuckers
>this looks so try hard
I'm not even interested in this because I haven't even played mother yet, but this is the shittiest criticism I have ever seen.
That's a stage editor, not an actual game with levels and stuff, but I'll give you that, since I totally forgot they announced it.
youre retarded
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Mario Maker doesn't really count as a game, or at least, not a new game.
Isn't it just a level editor?
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>world without the southern hemisphere

>it's not possible for anyone other than Nintendo to capture the concept of a proper RPG

Go fuck yourself, fanboy. By the way - Your post did not damage my gaming experience. You're only limiting yourself. It did not affect me in any significant way.
I assume you'll be able to share levels online, like Littlebigplanet. I'd say it counts as a game.
And you are right, there are some idiots going around here yelling how they hate the fact they are making a free fan game with the name "mother 4"
This. Wouldn't devs just stop putting EFFORT into games.

We don't want good games!
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>these threads every single time
This is a sfw board.
The biggest problem I have with this fan game is them calling it Mother 4. That is just INCREDIBLY pretentious. And you play the Mother series for Itoi's brand of charm. Even if they try to copy it, it would either be too different, too safe, or just plain shit. There are other much better JRPGs that you could play. Hell, there are better games made in RPGmaker that you could play.

I'm also convinced that this is viral.

>b-but you can't viral a free game!

They still want the attention, page views, and download numbers so they can have an ego boost, and also justify future projects.
Maybe but I feel we will never actually get it because Nintendo felt the games are over and any effort on them is pointless. And like I said they care about Japan and America as a afterthought...with Europe as something that's there but can't remember them often enough.

When will mother 4 come out?
except Itoi explicitly said he doesn't want to make a Mother 4 and that other people are free to do so
it would be pretentious if he hadn't said that but he did
Go away, Reggie.
nobody cares
Making an authentic game without the blessings of the creator is cancer, even if the game is fantastic. It should be C&D'd as hard and fast as possible and its developers sued into oblivion.
Literally the first biggest thing you see on the site.
>Making an authentic game without the blessings of the creator
But he did give us his blessing
"The fans would have to create Mother 4" is pretty much a blessing.

I just looked into it. It looks pretty decently made, but the names are awful. Ninten -> Ness -> Lucas -> Travis?

Meryl? Lloyd? Leo?

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>looked through the archive before /v/ was removed from it
>look through the archive now
>every thread brings up the same arguments and same central keywords
Baby's First Troll, people reply every time.
Whoever made this clearly has no respect for Itoi.
I would say that they shouldn't call it Mother 4 because if Nintendo released Mother 4 it would look wierd, but Nintendo aren't going to release Mother 4, Itoi isn't working on it anymore and without good old Shige you can't have another one.

It looks kind of good, I like the characters already.
I just really, really hate the name Travis.

ITOI: The feeling of, “I want a MOTHER 4 to be released!” is inside me, too. Even if it’s not something I need to do, I still feel that way. Still, there isn’t someone for me to watch over from afar anymore. If there were a fourth game, I’d want to be the player.
>Hey guys! Check out this game I've made 20 threads about today, even though there hasn't been new info in months!
>Expecting anything but a stream of shit flowing your way
it doesn't look that bad

it could be Much much worse
>tfw want to play the entire trilogy to celebrate 25 years or whatever
>Homebrew Channel/SD card decides to fuck itself and not show the emulators, or work at all
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>Still, there isn’t someone for me to watch over from afar anymore.
I don't see why. If a game is good and doesn't outright copy assets from other games, I think it should be allowed to exist.
It's because there's nothing to fucking hype about it. I don't get why people keep making these threads. It will catch it's proper wind of discussion when it comes out.
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OOooohh now you gotta do it

>his face when
Maybe he's asking something nothing?
Maybe he's asking nobody something?
>Nintendo too fucking lazy to ever lift a finger
>Fans have to create the next game
>/v/ shits on it because it didn't get the developers blessing

Fuck you're all autistic
I'd be more into this if it were made on a ROM or something I can could take on any of my devices.

Imagine Nintendo picked it up and ported it?
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This game looks fun
I think they said it's just a custom C++ engine now
>play earthbound
>get to cave in the past
>turn it off and never play again

I-I'm not ready yet ;_;
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>tfw you find a Sword of Kings
Nintendo can legally use the fan translation without even asking, as they own the copyright.
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>tfw when you get the mystical gloves and mystical stick on the same playthrough
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It's an obvious troll thread, I think the only reason why they get blown up so much is because people think they can just turn it into a regular Mother thread as if nothing's going to happen.
>aren't suited for nintendo
They published Conker and Perfect Dark back in the N64 days, and they're publishing Bayonetta 2 now. There really isn't much that isn't suited for Nintendo.
the fuck does that mean to me? it's still computer only
being a mother fan means taking things in stride and just trying to roll with it and have fun
Am I alone in that I hate the Mother 3 style change vs Earthbound's? Particularly in the heads/faces. Like in the OP pic, that guy in back with the creepy giant fucking head and pedosmile.
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I like the 2nd row best.
Are you telling me, that the company that published Conker's Bad Fur Day, and is funding Bayo 2, publishing Devil's Third and fucking Splatoon wouldn't publish Mother 3 because of it's themes?

And if everything fails, couldn't we just harass Xseed to publish the game? they published Pandora's Tower after all, and they have bought scripts translated by fans for Ys Origin and Felghana
What are the chances of Jeff fixing shit up at night?

Kill yourself.
I always thought the 2nd to last was better.

Mother 3 started development immediately after Earthbound was finished. The final script was finished around 2001, while the story (as we know it went into shape in 1995). I'd say it was pretty innovative for a 909's relic.
2nd and 4th row is bretty gud
Same here.

Itoi said he wanted to play someone else's Mother 4. You whiny faggots are so irritating.
It's better than the final row, I'll give you that

That fucking guy with the giant head though just freaks me out. It looks so goddamn retarded.

*1990's relic.
Why the fuck did I misspell that.

I really like the final stuff.
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I think it's just because he's an adult.
They're not exactly after something unless it's piracy. A fangame isn't piracy. A translation patch isn't either, trchnically.
Depends on which kind of item you're holding, and what is Jeff's IQ status, those IQ capsules? Save them all for Jeff.
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>Winter 2014

just SEVEN more months
>Earthbound sold like shit
>Mother 3 sold like shit in Japan and no one liked it
>The GBA was a dead console by Mother 3's release
>Mother 3 dealt with some unsavory topics that could insult Americans, death of mother figures, death in general, homosexuality, abuse and the Pig Army is pretty "american like"
>It had a plethora of in jokes and japanese culture references with some minor pop culture references

Yea, I wonder why?
So, if I just keep raising Jeff's IQ, he'll eventually fix everything? Alright.
See, none of them in Earthbound looked that freaky, as in your picture. It doesn't sit right with me and is why I still haven't played 3 yet
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>Itoi says the fans can make a Mother 4
>The fans make a Mother 4
I love the series but don't really care about this, doubt I'll play it. It is absolutely hilarious that people are actually getting MAD about it though.
Let me guess, that last character is the MCs missing brother.
>trying to C&D a freeware fan project
Hitler has risen
Yes, and keep a look out for the Broken Bazooka you find on the Fourside Sewers, Once Jeff fixes that shit it turns into the best item in the whole game.
You wanna do the math there, anon?
conker was like 15 years ago and bayonetta 2 isn't a nintendo franchise

I'm talking about first party games. compare mother 3 themes with mario, zelda or pokemon and you'll see what I'm talking about.
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That picture is from Earthbound, though.
Not him, but 1 word: "Soon™"

How many people make their deadlines? Especially fan games
>as in your picture
Read again, I was saying, like in the picture he posted, they didn't look that freaky.
Ah, my mistake.
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>By the way - Your post did not damage my gaming experience. You're only limiting yourself. It did not affect me in any significant way.

What the hell are you rambling about?

>Nintendo doesn't give a shit about the Mother franchise, when, if rebooted, in a more modern style would probably make them a modest million or two



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I hope they get a C&D. There was drama about the name since the very beginning. They seemed to get the wrong idea about Itoi wanting to be a player if there was ever another mother game.

It's like calling your game Super Mario Bros™ 5
You haven't played the best game in the series because the sprites look freaky?
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did Miyamoto ever say he has no plans to make a Super Mario Bros 5 and that he'd like to be a player?
what do you think "wants to be a player" means other than "someone else can make it, I'm not going to"?
>They seemed to get the wrong idea about Itoi wanting to be a player if there was ever another mother game.
What would the right idea be, then?
is this 2005
He also said our very lives we're living right now are Mother 4.
Perhaps having another Japanese company take on the role.

It doesn't really matter in the end, but I still think some subtitle or something quirky is a much better name than Mother 4.
Yeah, I'm sure pretty much the same thing has been made a bunch of times too, but the thought of playing everyone's levels is exciting. I also like how you can switch between classic and new (I wonder if that will change things as far as enemies though).

The best I've got with this sort of thing is playing a sort of shitty sort of fun mod of the Wii game.
2, 5, 4, 5, 4 imo
I dunno, Pokemon has been getting pretty dark.

Like how the villains in X and Y just wanna nuke everything.
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because the game has trannies and serious adult themes like religion and multiple family members dying, and it isn't going to be hugely profitable in america (according to nintendo), also when it was released the ds lite was about to come out so it would be silly to release a gba game when the gba was dead during that time in america.

all we can really hope for now is a virtual console release or some sort of "EARTHBOUND ULTIMATE COLLECTION" which probably wont happen
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>implying it won't be confirmed for the anniversary

Fuck Team Flare

Plasbad best team
Team Flare are meant to be Hitler and the Nazis, for pete's sake.
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>needing permission to make a non-profit fan game
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Maybe if they weren't done so poorly, people'd actually care about them, but I digress.
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I really liked mother 3 and would like to play another game like it earthbound wasn't nearly as good I probably shouldn't have played that second so I think I'll give this a shot when it comes out

Used to visit that site when Mother 3 was being translated. Once that was over, there wasn't really any reason to go there again.

Think I'll go check it out
Bottom is best.
Teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fNbJIl_Mkg
Such a missed opportunity.
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Why does anyone actually want an official English release of Mother 3 when the fan translation can't possibly be improved any more?
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filenames I can remember so I can easily search it you see

I really should organize my 4chan folder one day
People just want to support the series, it seems.
>Gary Stu main character obviously based on the game creator
no thanks
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>mother fans still thinks Nintendo will take down a fangame

also SMBX, Zelda - Parallel Worlds, any Kirby, Pokemon, or Metroid fan games, Project M or any Smash mods, and Cognitive Dissonance/Heroes of Mother 3

for the last FUCKING TIME! Nintendo doesn't take down shit unless the game is profited with the original design. But does Nintendo doesn't really fucking care? They like people doing there own game to tribute to them! Same for fucking Sega and probably Capcom!

and who gives a shit if the name it "Mother 4"? Itoi doesn't want to do a Mother 4, he fucking done! Mother 3 was a variation of how somebody else's Mother game be like! He even technically said that everybody else can make their own!

Nintendo isn't Sqeenix! You hate the fangame because:
>muh sprite style (literally mother 2 and 3 has the same shit)
>muh story
>muh title
>it not being made by nintendo
then fuck off, who cares? Nintendo isn't gonna do shit!

i just want a good mother/mother 4 thread on /v/ for once, but you delusional reddit faggots keep on bringing this shit up. C'nD shit ain't gonna work!
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I like how there's not a single complain in the comments about the name, only hype.
>i just want a good mother/mother 4 thread on /v/ for once

Do you also wanna talk about your favorite fanfictions and original characters? Fucking child
>that image
it's been a while
>doesn't want to talk about video games on /v/
>implying some people don't just want attention
They took that out long ago.
Mother 4 is real life.
>inb4 "but /v/ hates video games/everything" meme
>this stupid logic
i bet you only go on autism threads/the hedgehog threads, faggot
>the hedgehog threads

Been a while since I've seen one of those.
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>you Encountered with 2 Mooks
>focus all three on Mook B
>EVE attacks Mook B, kills him
>all three attack Mook B
>Mook B doesn't exist
>Mook A used PK Fire
Oh well then carry on asshole
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Conker's Bad Fur Day's themes and sales made Nintendo drop Rare like a stone.

Can't get fooled again.
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At this point, the only place where the name is really complained about it /v/, and that's only because it's easy bait.
>it's just /v/
no it's everybody else, the same faggots who tried to blackmail on shit because it's not made by nintendo

remember the URA Zelda project?
remember the Starfox fangame?
Or maybe they're not wetting their pants for an amateur game that lacks originality and piggybacks on something successful

But please, put your fingers in your ears and post another image from your reaction folder.
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It actually looks good guys
>remember the URA Zelda project?
>remember the Starfox fangame?

Those, as far as I'm aware, are still going, and nobody on /v/ (who isn't shitting on them by default) really cares. The few threads I've seen about Ura Zelda have been overwhelmingly positive
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>Kimmi and Officer Nasty
does Noill have a blogspot? last time he did something was the spaltoon stuff and kumatora's rainbow/spike gloves

I'm the "asshole" for not crying for a C&D? I'm the "asshole" for wanting these guys to go through with their vision?

People like you and the others in this thread prove that /v/ is full of manchildren who stomp their feet when people are creating things they don't like. Grow up, other people have access to the same pop culture you do, and they're actually making something.
I hadn't known this existed, but I'm glad I do now
Dude, when was the last time you heard of them? As far as I know Ura Zelda was dropped because Seth wanted to add all kinds of stupid shit in the game and Shadows of Lylat has been cancelled, and had it's source code released
im screenshoting this. this poetry is beautiful
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thanks for inflating the Earthbound carts, faggots
Nintendo doesn't even own this IP. It belongs to Itoi.

Mother 4 looks good even if a bunch of the team members are giant douches.

And Cognitive Dissonance is already a fun completed mother fangame rpg. It's just not called mother 4 so no one cares.
Probably to some other dev at Nintendo to take the helm and create the game
Essentially this. I used to post on that forum since it was chill as fuck and even added people on AIM. After it was gone though it was pretty much "fuck it" from there. The forum doesn't even exist anymore either, and neither do all the retarded theories about how and when the game would be translated.

Kept me hype as fuck for Brawl though I can tell you that.
I always wanted to try that game out, but I never get the chance to.
What exactly is it like?
>these guys to go through with their vision?

But it's not THEIR vision, though, and that's the problem.

If it was their vision, then great. Go nuts.
But it's not. It's Itoi's vision, as filtered through a bunch of fanboys with zero experience.

If they were making their own game, and billed it as a "Spiritual successor", we might actually have something, but the fact that they're actually calling it "Mother 4" shows that they have no idea about basic concepts like artistic integrity.

You know why Earthbound and Mother 3 are such amazing games?
Because the people making them didn't set out to make a good Mother game.
They set out to make a good game, and then tried to fit it into the Mother universe.

These guys have it exactly backwards. By simply giving it the name Mother 4, they're dedicated to making an "Authentic" Mother experience, as opposed to a good game.
It's going to be a "Heart Warming" story full of "Kooky" moments and "Crazy" enemies, and it's going to have really weird and catchy music and it's going to be done in a simplistic, high-saturation art style, and it's going to fail in every regard, save basic, surface-level appearance. Because those things won't be there to serve the purpose of the game, but because all the other Mother games had these things, so in order to be a Mother game, this one has to, too! Which is completely and utterly missing the point.
I know they aren't owned, but I'm confident Alpha Dream could build upon M3's rhythmic battle system quite nicely.
ayyy lmao

Seriously though. A lot of people have problems with it because it's called Mother 4. You can't call it that unless you have Itoi at the helm of it. Call it something else, and people would respond more positively towards it.
>These guys have it exactly backwards. By simply giving it the name Mother 4, they're dedicated to making an "Authentic" Mother experience, as opposed to a good game.

I agree with this.

Having it as a spiritual successor/inspired by Mother works better than naming it Mother 4. As developers, their priority should be making the game as good as possible and making it stand out rather than riding on the coattails of the series that they're trying to emulate.

Who's the black guy?
play mother 3
It was a long while back.
I did a google search on Ura Zelda just now, and I am sad. It's been officially cancelled. It's a shame, it looked pretty good!
Rare wasn't very good at that point anyway though. Not bad enough to drop all their series, but as I understand it it came down to a bidding war that Nintendo didn't feel was worth it.
It has an involved story like m3 but with more of a m1 atmosphere and earthbound exploration and graphics.
It takes place between m1 and m2 and connects to m3.
The combat system doesn't have scrolling bars though and it's the kind of rpg where every character has a bar that fills up relative to their speed before they get their turn to attack.
wait, dogs are african americans?
That's not a dog, don't be silly!
God damn it, I guess I've reached the point where I'll look up this poor guy's videos.
Alright, just finished Mother

Should I move on the EarthBound or Mother 3? I already beat Earthbound this year, though
He smells like a dog, and HEY you smell like a kid...
That anon literally said nothing about c&d, why are you so butthurt?
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>tfw noill is dead
fuck you tumblr, how i'm supposed to save all the original shit he did?
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Man, I fucking love the Mother 3 art style. It's so simple and pleasant. Too bad the rest of the game is mediocre.
GBA games run horrible on the 3DS hardware
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fucking nintendo. I knew this portable was bad news when they removed the fucking cartridge port,.
Well, if you already beat EB this year, then it should still be fresh in your mind. Just go for Mother 3.
Rare themselves published everywhere except Europe, where THQ published it
And to be honest, the file I was playing Mother with have been there since 2012, so by the time I picked it up again to finish it I was in Yungtown, pretty much near the end
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