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ITT: Times Game Grumps genuinely made you laugh https://www.

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 525
Thread images: 112

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ITT: Times Game Grumps genuinely made you laugh
I still like them
Nope, just sounds like some average kids talking shit whilst playing vidya.
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>Looks like you're the science guy now
That one was actually good
doing the lord's work.
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>your face when the thread is deleted
Sure, I'll link all the videos that I found genuinely funny:

There you go, enjoy the laughs, friends!
First 30 seconds are already funnier than most Game Grump videos. Based Grant.
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Get ready for the tinfoil.
>let me report this vidya-related thread that belongs on this board because i personally dislike the topic

fucking plebs


i only watch the old videos with jontron because i dont like danny that much

A lot of the Sonic 06 series made me laugh pretty good. Too many examples for me to pick one right now.
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Can we fedorajack this thread?
I stopped laughing when that happened.



I actually believe this is habbening.
I know, he fucking ruins his own joke, its infuriating
Sonic 06 is gold until Sonic's campaign ends, there's some good moments in the other characters campaigns, but Sonic's is hilarious.

>Complaining about celebrities
>Posts a celebrity

The early videos with Dan, now he's more annoying than Jon was.

I still can't tell if he was actually angry about that or not.

>implying the great white fedora is a celebrity
>implying anyone knows his minor role on freaks and geeks
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I'm sorry to tell you this, but according to the rules, e-celebs are allowed.

start at 5:30
I do, he was the guy with the condition that made him chronically stinky. Gordon Crisp. BAM
no fucking way

was he that fat dude with the smell bad thing

no fucking way

only part that matters
Well, I don't browse /v/ 24/7 but I've noticed a significant decrease in Grumps threads since Jon left. And when there are Grumps threads it's mostly Jon nostalgia.
Maybe they are viraling here but you'd have to be a pewdiepie fan to find most of their comedy good.
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>video game culture
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>and replace "is gay" with "is Fred Flintstone's friend"
What is vidya about these threads? All you guys talk about is drama.
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Arin and Dan work beautifully together.

JonTron is just too loud as evidence in their Sonic 06 review:

JonTron and Arin should never have joined forcies. Their both too aggressive. They need appropriate power-bottoms to better compliment their personalities.

No fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck your eceleb bullshit

Why is this youtube cocksucking allowed

What has happened to this fucking plaeave forever
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Fucking Jon

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>Weeb cunt
>Thinks Dan works better with Arin than Jon
I think he's just a good actor. But the ambiguity makes it hilarious.
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That's why it was funny.
Jon was so unconfortable doing live stuff and had no idea what he was doing, Arin wanted to seem smart but Jon was mostly just screaming.
Their personalities didn't work and their struggle to keep it funny and interesting made great jokes.
Now Danny is completely different, he's passive towards Arin, so Arin can say whatever bullshit and there will be no confrontation.
Danny has also a lot of experience with improv stuff so he plays it safe and only mostly makes lame jokes.
Also THEY NEVER TALK ABOUT FUCKING VIDEO GAMES, Jon and Arin talked about the game and mechanics and analyzed it, even if sometimes they used stupid terms like ''Game Feel''.
tl;dr you're stupid
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Been trying to find the episodes that Jon makes Seinfeld impressions, they're fucking perfect.
If someone knows what episode it was please spoonfeed.
>Some good moments
Nigga, their best moment is in silver's campaign.

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I don't know what's worse. The fact that people are replying to this thread or that people find this stupid shit funny.
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>Talking about random shit that isn't games casually is funny
>Arin & Danny being 100% chill is funny

Danny fucking sucks. He's unfunny & he tries so hard to be a "kewl nurd". Ninja Sex Party is really unfunny & he just doesn't do anything special on Game Grumps.

He might be a decent guy in RL, but he should stop trying to be an "internet comedian".
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I don't know what's worse. The fact that people are shitposting on this thread or that people actually have the time to shitpost.
I have never honestly laughed during DannyGrumps

He's not funny, he doesn't actually like video games, and he's fucking boring to listen to
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>WAAAHHHHHHHH people like what I don't like! /v/ is full of plebs!!!!!

Fuck off. Retards like you are the reason this board has gone to shit
When I heard the Steam Train theme song. They really went to shit, and Game Grumps was already shit.
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Here's why Jon was good

He brought the excitement.

He made Arin excited by being excitable himself and you actually felt like it was two bros playing video games and having fun with them

Arin and Danny are just fucking snoozeville
>tfw you only like steam train because they play king quest and space quest
fuck man
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This thread isn't breaking any rules, and you just bumped it.

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Never, because I'm not a degenerate underage drooling retard who spends his days on youtube watching dumb as fuck let's plays
Hey Arin, did I ever tell you of the time I did something TOTAALLLLY KEEEEWL instead of playing video games?

Yeah totally
No. Instead, you're a degenerate, underage drooling autist who spends his days shitposting, obviously.
i agree, i bet these loser nerds dont even have an anime waifu! *brofist*
The entire grant kirkhope episode is their finest and you know it.
What was that episode with 'The Dick Club' or something where they sword fight?
If you find the shit linked in this thread funny then you'd probably also laugh at Tosh.0 or Dane Cook

Basically, kill yourself
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>Being dis mad over noting

How about when they played Nickolodeon Guts, that first part was so good.Who did you guys agree with? Jon or Arin?
The problem isn't Danny. Its fucking Arin. This attention he got from gg is making him a ducking clown

Danny is cool and so is Jon but Jon kept him in line and Danny is too chill.

>the new Jordan vs bird video
Just look at that. Arin is doing this fucking stupid grape joke for more than HALF the FUCKING video and Danny is trying to make him stop but he just doesn't because no matter what people will find it funny somehow.
He no longer needs to protect his online persona. He just fucking gave up
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it is the only good thing they do.

all other games they plame are shit indies like goatmeme simulator epic fahnny.

ross's taste in games is awful
nice burn bro you got em good i bet these losers dont even play my favorite video game (they probably dont like it because they have shit taste too)
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This nigga knows what's up.
I've watched that episode at least 10 times, and laughed my ass off every time.
Grant is great.
technically, jon was right, but he was being a dick.

end of argument.
Jon probably should have told him, but Arin got way too angry.
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Would you a Danny?
>Jon will never come back
Kill me ;-;
Not being able to pick up on obvious sarcasm is a sign of autism.
>tfw we could've had more game grumps with jontron if arin wasnt a huge jew
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>Insecure to the point that you are pissed off about the kind of things people find funny

You are pathetic.


>Still using "kill yourself" as an argument

>Skinny twink jew

Arin was right and it was hilarious.
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This sounds about right actually, guy is a dick for posting it on the internet though.
Do you have that linked picture with him and Jon?
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This was the last time I laughed at Game Grumps.
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Your image made me laugh more than any Game Grumps episode ever did.
"Look at all these blacks"
>no Drakkhen

This entire episode was comedy gold


Is this guy a manlet or is Jon tall?

The joke was funny for about a minute... Aaand they kept it going.

Thanks OP for reminding me why nobody should ever watch this shit.
What beer is Jon holding right there?
Shame that it is forgotten in favor of Jew Grumps that get half a million view per shitty episode, this deserves way more views than the shit they put out now
Spot the retarded American
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>watching Game Grumps
>finding that shit funny
>being autistic
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>/a/ faggot thinks he has something to say about being autistic

So is this story legit?

I've been burned way too many times. (at least i think this was fake)

>game grumps went from casual racism to trigger warnings

Why did they have to pander to the SJWs, just fucking why.
> What's this? A thread about something I'm not interested in? The people in this thread NEED to know I'm not interested in this.
> ITT: Times Game Grumps genuinely made you laugh

Certainly not that grape shite
It'll come back to bite them in the ass. Just look at what happened to the Cards Against Humanity guy.
Yeah, it was just Arin doing a Marc M impression with the same line for ten minutes.

They still make racist jokes dude. Especially Danny.

Game Grumps is never funny.

The only interesting thing about the entire channel is the autism and weird looking gf.

It's like watching a car wreck on the side of a highway.
In all fairness, they've probably turned it down because if they do it too much their videos will get flagged and they will automatically lose views because of it. It's not like they're actually being SJWs.
Lots of people are trying to drama it up with stories like Arin slapping Jon's GF, or Suzy being a cunt (which is most likely true, but probably didn't have much to do with Jon leaving) but in all honesty, that story about Jon leaving because Arin wanted to change too much (hence Danny and Steam Train coming right into the picture as soon as Jon fucked off) and that Arin was an asshole about Jon being a fan, this is all probably true.

It would explain why Jon left suddenly without any prior knowledge, and also explains why Jon and GG never even mention each other
>Posts reaction pic of anime girl
>Not autistic yourself
I've seen Goof Troop series and the Grant episode. Anything else worth watching?
pokemon emerald
Sonic 06
The gameshow games are great, especially with Jon.
Any1 got any hawt pics of suzzie lol?
The Sonic campaign of their Sonic 06 playthrough.

As other anons pointed out, that shit is gold and when it ends the Shadow and Silver campaigns are only spotty with the humor, although still good.
Ow, the edge
Remember to report and hide
I'm so fucking tired of you guys liking what I dislike. IT ANGERS ME SO BADLY I HAVE TO TYPE IT OUT IN THIS THREAD. Stop it. I am better than you in every single way! I'm an atheist, straight B student with atleast 2 girls who just happen to be my friends! I feel SO MUCH COOLER being a hipster than just ignoring your opnion no matter how shitty or appropriate it is! My mom said you are all a bunch of losers and that you should listen to me! She is also about to bring me some Oreos and Milk (shit is so cash!). I hope she doesn't see that I'm cursing on the internet. But whatever, I'm so freakin cool on the internet for HAVING A DIFFERENT OPINION!
the majority of this video.

>This chicken is so black, it tried to steal my bike

That was from Shovel Knight
Mainly any time with jon
Do people still not realize that Jon move to NY when he left grumps? He was gonna quit the show anyways, so why the fuck does it matter if there was an argument between him and Arin anyways?
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jesus that face
>Danny's laugh
Oh god I think I might be gay now
Oh shit it's this guy.
I actually enjoyed the "How to NOT play Wind Waker" video more than any GameGrump videos.


Danny allows Arin to be as retarded as possible, to the point where it's almost endearing. JonTron is too correcting. Arin is also too correcting. They don't compliment each other's jokes either. A lot of the times, they actually talk over each other like the Lion King review because they're both trying to be funny (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31H1cYkeL48).
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Entertainment for children, everybody.
You niggas have shit taste, no one posted tis master piece

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>Forgets/ignores that he even played Mario Party 8 with Jon
>Meets up with Grant Kirkhope despite having no connection to Grant like Jon does
>Brings people onto the show who know nothing about games, even less so than before
>Likes Metroid Other M
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castle my asshole
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>Dan grumps

Oh boy.

OT: I remember really laughing at the "beautiful little moment" sonic 06 episode.
Megaman 7 is good
Can we all agree that game grumps is fucking terrible since jontron left?
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One of the RunawayGuys replaces Dan, who do you pick?
It's fine, it's... it's just not the same.
>wanting to get rid of Danny
I want to get rid of Arin
It's considerably less funny, for one thing, but there are a couple of good episodes like the Mickey Mousecapade and Shrek Forever after video
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Fuck me
which one is chugga?
The only one that sticks out to be was when Jon did an impression of Knuckles from the Awesome Chaotix video, only to have arin ask "whats that from it sounds so familiar"
>people have been posting moments with Danny
>ask them if they agree the show is shit ever since Jon left
What answers are you expecting?
Never because they fucking suck. I never understood why people praise these e-celebs.
Left is ProtonJon, middle is Chuggaa and right is NCS

>Not wanting a 30 something year old wizard on your show
VIDEOGAMES fuck all of you underage faggots
They're ugly and should kill themselves.
CALL 9-1-1
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japanese spaghetti
It's definitely less funny. Jon and Arin actually had comedic chemistry, they would work off each other's random bullshit to make something funny.

Danny and Arin is just
>One of them makes a humorous observation
>"haha, yeah totally dude."
We will never have Jon and Danny play together.
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It objectively improved.

JonTron's presence is too commanding and Arin doesn't thrive as a wingman. (he sucks at expanding dialogue, his ego doesn't allow it)

He's substantially better when he's the main voice because it requires the least brain work and most reward.

My ranking of the quality of GameGrump episodes.

>#1 JonTron alone
>#2 Arin + Danny
>#3 Arin + JonTron
>#4 Arin alone
Arin throws constant setups for jokes or observational humor and Dan just goes


Jon went all out so it gave something for Arin to react to. But now that Arin has to be the funny guy who sets up every fucking joke it doesnt work out.
Whenever someone says Danny just repeats "yeah totally " is how you know they saw one episode buy talk like if they knew what is going on
Yeah, totally
i like the chilled out groove game grumps has now. i know half the fun of jongrumps was the conflicts they would get into but i think it's somewhat more fun to just watch two dudes be buddies and play video games together.

also, danny is cute as fuck.

Danny doesn't do that at all.

He actually follows the joke and tries to make it even funnier. For example, he took Arin's observation about the "cracked out grandma" in Wind Waker and built on it. The guy is completely egoless.
90% of his observational humor is sex, drugs and something he did at a party or some shit.

Arin and Jon could go on and on about a thing and not always talk about the same topic, and Dan is too afraid to even spout racist shit constantly like Jon did cause hes a pussy. Which suits him, he loves pussy and he is a pussy.
Danny doesn't follow a poop joke. Good for him
>you are fired

The fuck are you talking about. He keeps making black and Asian racist jokes all the time

If you haven't watched more videos then I can't blame you but don't act like you have
In many videos, Arin says a word like oriental or makes a joke about blacks or how a character is acting and Dan gets all defensive about it.

But no its ok when Dan makes the joke right?

Cause hes a silly jew who can make fun of other races?
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>there will never be a Jon and Danny grumps
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>still using Windows OPsolete

You'd better have that in VMWare.
What are you discussing now nigger?
We were discussing how Dan does or does not use racist humor and now you bitch about Dam being "allowed" to do it?

Are you tumblr?
I didn't make the screen, just reposted it

It sucked watching Shadow of the Colossus

>What's that?
>Christian Bale shouting at that guy

Every episode. It was barely funny the first time since it was so outdated.
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Anybody else watch the Super Empire Strkes Back playthrough?

>That moment where Arin remembered the health sword bit and Danny had zero fucking clue what he was talking about

Game Grumps is dead, its just hobbling on like a beaten horse at this point.
>They talk about cooking and Arin says "Gook it up, with a little thyme." and then stops

He still remembers
>Jon and Arin's Super Star Wars playthrough
I miss it

I just came back from not watching GG for a while and decided to watch their Godzilla videos, and holy shit things have changed.

Also, Arin thinks Desuturoia is a girl, what the fuck?
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Jon seems like a nice guy who didnt realize his idol would treat him like shit and just wanted to have fun playing games with a friend he had good chemistry with.

At least he still talks to Grant on twitter, but i never see him tweet Arin ever.
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>People unable to accept different people find different things funny

Remember that Disney game he played with Danny?

He said Cillerenda like twice I think.
You're wrong.
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>Jon is dating female Arin.
I hate you fuckers so much

Why did you have to infect /v/

Why couldn't you stay in whatever eceleb-cock suckig shithole you came from
Do you think Danny knows that it's a reference to pre him being on the show and just doesn't touch it?
As if milking Barry wasn't enough

He's gonna make a "call 911 pizza alert" joke soon, I'm calling it
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Keep crying bitch nigga

if you truly miss jongrumps, i'd recommend giving this a listen

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oh damn

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>everyone has left to watch the new Jontron episode

>Arin is so fucking bad he can't figure it out

>bring in more people to have to split the money with

I don't like him that much either but that doesn't make sense
Whoa, is that Famicom alright? I know Nintendo makes resilient products, but is the Famicom water-proof
This is a GameGrumps thread.
You know, laughing at LPs is pretty much the opposite of autism.

Autism would be not getting why it's funny, because autists typically have a problem with understanding social norms and human interaction.

>Sunk boats DLC

I dunno why but I laughed like a motherfucker
The only time I ever laughed at a game grumps video was Jon's rant on mike matei.
I don't know about you guys but I think that a Titanic game would be tons of fun

You walk around the titanic, have 2 hours to complete the game, events are scripted but the side missions not, and you can get multiple endings
You literally described the 90's Titanic 3D adventure game in the beginning of Jon's video

I played it
I know, but this time the game isn't a point and click, it's a sidescroller, much like SOS on the Super Nintendo
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>GoW steamy car sex minigame with Kate Winslet.
Barry font
easy way to tell you are underrage
A music video called "For You"
what do you find funny then?
Greatest remix of the greatest playthrough by the greatest grump:
This thread is allowed but a thread about the new JonTron video isn't? What the fuck?
He's Jonathan Electronics, not Jonathan Gaming
The shadow of the colossus was GOAT. My favorite part was when Arin was screaming lol
People still make these?
Did didn't do a lot of that, actually. It was mostly him encouraging Danny, while Danny proved that he's the better gamer out of the two.
Also him totally fucking with Danny's emotions and building up Agro right before his dramatic "death" scene.
What are you talking about? Arin screamed every episode, every colossus fight, and it was hilarious. Best part of the playthrough.
When I remembered they will die in my lifetime.
Really? I must have filtered it out. I usually find Arin screaming pretty annoying. I like when they're just calm and shoot the breeze, though.
I just watched an episode of Pewdiepie trying to beat the Capra Demon. Holy shit, you people were serious when you said he never shuts up.
>another world
>not the best
Everything with Jon. I couldn't keep watching after Jon left, he brought a sense of reality to the show where now it just feels disingenuous and like I'm watching another pewdiepie.
Arin screaming and Arin rapping was 90% of SOTC. I don't think you even watched the series.
Watched the whole thing, and I loved it, but most of what I remember of it is Danny playing like a boss, Danny singing, Arin getting Danny lost constantly, and Danny being really fucking confused by the geckos.
Where were you when Arin told it like it is?

>mike aruba
For fuck's sake, number one: it's not funny, number two it's Matsuba. Number three, they sold T-shirts with that, that disrespectful, Eric Chahi would be disappointed.
"Welcome back to Squidward."
>it's Matsuba
I think Eric Chahi has something to say to you
A very good example of how changing the music in a scene can actually change the tone of a conversation, actually.
Also the animation is pretty good for a TF2 GG recreation
Everyone that linked Game Grumps with Dan is fucking retarded. Jon was the person who made that show watchable. Not only did he bring his own opinions to the show, but he also questioned Arin when he was acting retarded instead of enabling Arins ADHD ass like Dan the Yesman is. Also the humour was actually funny compared to the poop and dick jokes GG has devolved into

Example: http://youtu.be/W1ElAY59DLU 11:30
Jon was fine, but you just have to get over it, anon. The world isn't a stable hugbox. If you don't change yourself to suit the world, the world will leave you behind.
Is Arin even a fan of games in general? He come off as a giant tool to me.
Skip to 7:10

I feel betrayed.
He probably loves games, but they're a thing you do when you're relaxing and when you want to.
Imagine if you were given a game you didn't feel like playing, and you had to play through the whole fucking thing, while being filmed, with some asshole screaming on the couch next to you.
He's biased as fucked about a lot of things, so you can get that feel from him, and is also a hypocrite who complains about being told what to do, and promptly says "BUT W-WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO HERE? I NEED A GUIDE!"
>we live in the universe where Jon stopped doing GG
>There is one right now of them still together
>You will never be there

He like games but not so much playing them

Jon however loves playing vidya
He has ADHD, so I understand him because I do, too. I don't think he medicates, though, which is probably best for filming because he'd be boring as fuck on robos.
But ADHD makes your personality extremely inconsistent. Your tastes shift constantly because the second you've done something, it's old news and you rarely want to do it again. Boredom is enhanced 100-fold.

In some ways ADHD is fucking great, mostly when you're out of the house doing shit, or when you're doing something you really love and it lets you hyperfocus like a machine. But when you're doing something you're not 100% into, oh god it's like torture.
Its already been said countless times but New Grumps just feels fucking forced. Like they are just doing it for the cash instead of playing video games for the fun of it


Look at Arin and Jon having fun and then watch a new Grumps, its like night and day
You know, you've got a point. They're kind of at the beck and call of their fanbase.
Well fuck. It would have been funnier if he'd (jokingly) made a really angry video chewing them out for screwing up Matsuba.
That's the feeling I got. He seems to have a sizable knowledge of them, but he never seems to really enjoy playing them. Maybe he's a bit burnt out on them, like a lot of people on /v/ are.
They're occasionally genuine-feeling. Mostly when Danny's playing. But you're right.
Ultimately all monetized "hobbies" become about the money, due to a peculiarity of human psychology.

Look up "intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation" to see what I mean. One always overtakes the other, and it's really unfortunate that we're built that way.
He seems to love playing vidya, but I so rarely see him actually enjoy what he's playing. Even when he was playing Banjo Kazooie, his supposedly favorite game of all time, he wasn't really into it.

I think he's more into broadway than games, honestly, and I think GG/JT was just an easy way for him to break into "showbiz" of some sort.
Do they still call their series Game Grumps ? Or is it Steam Train now.
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Holy shit, this so much

At least there's a Jon and Danny NSP.
That's almost as good, right?

It's both.
Game Grumps is Console/Handheld, Steam Train is DOS/PC.
Danny is the fucking person dragging down GG now.
>Not Jon and Barry
every episode without dan
I think he's the one holding it up, actually.
If Arin went back to playing the straight man instead of the buffoon, it might be the other way around.

I like Arin when he's not screaming and acting like an ass, but wacky Arin is just not fun.
You think he wants to be like the next Adam Sessler or something?
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>Jon and Dan grumps
>nonstop singing
Oh god please let this happen
Maybe, but I think he's actually more into music and musicals/plays than he is games. He said at one of his con panels that post-Grumps he'll be transitioning away from video games and probably making an album soon.
When asked about the Album he said it would be "real music, not joke music about silly things like games".
I still don't know what Dan looks like.

My musical nigga.
Also, Jon + Danny wouid be the perfect storm of racist jokes. It would never end, and they're like the most sophisticated and funny jokes on the planet.
Oh shit, didn't know he had those kinds of aspirations. Does he play instruments, or is he a FL studio kind of guy?
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Well today we found out that the love for game grumps on /v/ is pretty much 50/50. Expected as much.
>People like Jon more despite the fact he was even more obnoxious and sucked at videogames

Game grumps is shit and they were both faggots.

Seriously, what kind of mouthbreathing mongoloid game overs on fucking Donkey Kong Country?
Woah, have you never heard him sing?
He's a Broadway kinda guy. As in Les Miserables, Phantom of the Opera, etc.
He has a really good voice, too.
That one story Dan told when they were playing Metroid about how Dan and his buddies got jailed for having alcohol.

>ya boys fackin' srs?
>there will never be a Story Time with Papa Sexbang sub-grump channel that's just Danny playing NES games while telling awesome stories
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Fuck off Dr. Doom.
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Anon I didn't want to feel today
Y'wanna know why Jon left? Watch the very first DKC episode, it'll show you the entirety of their relationship front to back. Jon tries to share something he loves, Arin tears it to pieces in the most passive-aggressive manner possible because he's a contrarian douchebag. Lacking valid reasons, you can hear him strain and reach for an excuse to feel superior about not enjoying a piece of media (kinda like /v/). The LTTP series is even worse about this, at least at the beginning. Arin is such a shitty friend, you can really hear Jon trying his damnedest to make it an enjoyable experience for the two of them, but he just SHITS on it.
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>that one with the self-sucking and lesbos

I'm really glad people animate these.

So he's an animator, voice actor, plays games, and he can sing? Sometimes I wish I was artistically talented. I used to draw a lot when I was younger, but I got discouraged when I saw some of the shit other people my age could do.

Who would be in charge if Arin ever decided to leave Game Grumps?
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I prefer Danny to Jon, and this even bummed me out.
In a perfect world, Jon would have stayed with GG when Danny+Ross joined, and it would have been a big happy family like it was intended to be.


>who would be in charge?

Barry. That motherfucker does EVERYTHING for that show.
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The only time I laughed was when John was around.

If you suck your own dick, does that make you gay?
Well he's modest that he tried to suck his own dick. Atleast twice. Mad respect for that.

Depends how you feel about it. Technically you're just masturbating, but you've also got a dick and cum in your mouth.

I think it's gay, but that's just my opinion.
Does masturbating make you gay for giving yourself a handjob?
How should i get into Game Grumps?
Preferably pre-Dan era.

>being able to swap Arin with ProtonJon


ChuggaaConroy is alright but NCS is the worst LP'er on Youtube
Okay, oldfag question. who started Let's Plays? I don't necessarily mean on youtube, just the idea in general.

Was it Tim Rogers back in the insert_credit days with his stay up all night and play final fantasy videos?
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>Arin saying Cillerenda throughout the Disney Princess game is now sad instead of funny
It was before the internet, if you want to get specific.
Um, God's not real.
This joke is the funniest one ever.
goof troop
Fairly recent one.

Dan started off okay, but now it's a chore to watch them, I can't stand Dan's fake laugh anymore, and I don't. Only occasionally watch Steam Train during Sierra playthroughs. I'm actually surprised how not retarded Ross can be. Game Grumps died few weeks after Dan told his every Dad story.
Kirby Super Star, Goof Troop, Megaman 7 and Sonic 06.
Good tier
>Jon/Arin, Danny/Barry

Meh tier
>Danny/Arin, Ross/Barry

Shit tier
>Ross/Danny, Ross/Arin, Arin/Suzy

Prove me wrong
>JanGrump face plushie in the background
No AronGrump :(
The last time I watched it felt like Arin was fucking dead. Like, no emotion at all.
This and "look at these blacks"
Indisputable facts:
>OP is a faggot
>Gamegrups are faggots
>Jontron is not funny
Danny/Barry, Ross/Barry weren't funny at all. Ross/Danny is meh. Ross/Arin is shit. Arin/Suzy is God Have Mercy.
>look at these blacks

gr8 b8 m8

I liked Danny/Barry, but I can see why you wouldn't like Ross/Barry.

Ross/Danny is kinda shitty, their chemistry is terrible.
Welcome to the future.
Well, to be fair, Game Grumps isn't fucking Interplay, that wanted to replace the whole game's soundtrack with new stuff by some guy and re-do the whole game, at least when the game was being ported for the other systems, 3DO Another World was everything the original game wasn't trying to be
StarBomb blown the fuck out
Well, that's true, but Danny/Ross is sufferable during Sierra games. It's actually kinda cute how Danny reminisces over them and Ross experiences for the first time.
Yeah man, that's why it would have been funny. Him losing his shit over a single word pronounced incorrectly when other people have fucked with his entire legacy.
>That fucking sound effect when the bag drops
Fucking perfect
Did they always look this autistic?
Damn, 12-year-old me had pretty bad taste in LPers.
I saw a tanooki mario, but not a jongrump plush
>Woah I'm in Space Cuba plays at the end
Jon confirmed for God Tier tastes.
Are you looking forward to school starting in a couple months? I've heard high school is intimidating, especially for freshman.
The years match up though. I'm like 18.
>not vidya
>301 posts and 64 image replies omitted. Click here to view.

go to reddit or some shit im sure they have a subreddit for every retarded little letsplayer out there
Didn't Danny make a song for the Starbomb about Pokémon even though he admitted he didn't know anything about pokémon when they started playing it on GG? That smells really jewish to me
Yeah, he said he spent a few weeks researching Pokemon on the internet while sitting in some diner or something.
Gotta do what you gotta do to make a buck, anon. They're not here for your enjoyment, there here for being able to pay their rent.
what a bunch of poopy ass-dicks.
There was an episode of DKC2 where Jon and Arin make fun of shitty LPers the ironing that was pretty funny.
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> mfw dan is my favorite part of grumps now
> mfw arin gets more insufferable by the day

I wonder how long till Dan gets sick of his shit
Two cats? Why not three?
Dan needs to do his own show, maybe something like a variety channel with music and skits.

Wait, he has NSP. Cancel GG and let Arin rot while he still rides his "fame train".
In a perfect world gamegrumps would be danny and [spoilers] stamper [/spoilers]
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>tfw you enjoyed Jon + Arin
>tfw you enjoy Danny + Arin
>tfw you enjoy Danny + Ross
>tfw you enjoy Ross + Arin
>tfw you enjoy Tableflip (in spite of Suzie)
>tfw you don't deprive yourself of fun things just because they're popular
So you guys really think suzy was yoko?
NSP is good, but Danny should have a variety show of sorts.
Hell, let Danny host Guest Grumps. That would be fantastic.
What if we, like...y'know don't think Danny is funny?
I think Jon just wanted to move on and focus on his own work, and Arin didn't want him to go, and there was an argument were some harsh things were said on both sides, and their contracts had to be arbitrated to the point that they're not legally allowed to speak about it.

Pretty common when two friends go into business together, honestly. The friendship rarely lasts.
Suzy is the worst thing to happen to game grumps, and especially the worst thing to Arin. I guess she's all Arin could manage, or maybe he stopped trying once he has a fish on his hook.
I mean that's fine and all.
But I don't understand people who have such small senses of humor. The proof of a refined sense of humor is finding as much as possible funny.
The less things you find funny, the worse your sense of humor.

For example, if I say the word "cheese" and you don't at least smirk? Your sense of humor is damaged.
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Best vid in thread

A stamper show would blow everything else out of the water. I love his skits with Oney.
>tfw you enjoy Tableflip (in spite of Suzie)

Suzie pisses me off with her forced mediating

>Guys riffing on each other, making jokes
>Suzie getting clearly annoyed
>Guys are you done?...It's your turn Ross

What a cunt.
>I guess she's all Arin could manage
Are you fucking retarded.

Jon's bitch was yoko. What did suzie do other than appearing on Steam Rolled? is this about her and the way Jon's girlfriend doesn't seem to like her?
While you're a faggot for not being able to spoiler, I agree with your opinion. I just really love Stamper. That episode of Table Flip with him and Corey was awesome.
I don't want to defend suzy but in those types of situations when you have what may seem like strict rules it just keeps the videos or games moving along and stops them from being 40 minutes circle-jerks that stopped being funny
Even so it's weird that jon is open to talking about grumps while arin is silent on the matter
Suzie is an extremely hideous girl with a horrible personality who hides behind makeup, fashion and a "sugar and spice" persona.
>I guess she's all Arin could manage

Arin could probably get any shy geek girl he wanted at this point.
Jon's always been the super-honest type. By which I mean he's a sharer. He likes to say whatever he's feeling.
Arin's the opposite. He bottles shit up inside until he pops.
I get the vibe that she gets upset because she thinks it's her show and doesn't want them taking it over, even though they're clearly way funnier than her.

It's also odd how Barry rarely does anything on there ever.
yeah, being a shoddy animator with triple chins is such a babe magnet.
Get, yes.
Hold on to? Ehh.
He's an okay looking guy (arguably quite attractive when he's in shape), and he can be a lot of fun, but managing a person with ADHD is a full-time job most people can't handle.
see >>253614946
it would explain it, because Arin don't want people knowing he was an asshole.
Well Barry wasn't some eceleb before all of this. While he seems like a cool dude, I don't think he's really got the personality for being in the spotlight.
A bunch of fat and or ugly tumblr rejects, sure. Other than that maybe some obsessed crazy girls.
Yeah I see that sort of resentment in her eyes.
Still her jealousy keeps the show going,
honestly, do they take drugs before hand to make them laugh more?
this isn't even funny
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That hit me with way more nostalgia than I expected.
I fucking miss Jon and when the community was just starting, man. I still remember that exact moment where the announcement video went up and two of my favorite YouTube celebs were gonna do fucking let's plays together. It was so magical. I want it back.
Have you ever lost your mind laughing with a bro playing video games anon?

No you havnt because you don't have any friends and you're the type of person to post in these threads about how unfunny they are
That's what I meant, I could never see him holding onto anyone worth keeping because you can tell he has a really shitty personality. You can really see it in one of the panels he did with Jon. He has this quality of being stuck up.

Probably why he's stayed with Suzie, because oh how similar they are.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees that. Every once in a while on the episodes where the rest of the Grump cast is on, she'd get this quick flashes in her eyes.

>These guys are ruining MY show!
GameGrumps is owned by Disney. Having a studio is a drop in the bucket... They each make more on each video than your average brain surgeon makes a week. If you think they're starved for cash you are a thick idiot...

>surprising lack of failtron in the thread
Thank GOD.
I feel like he's mellowed out recently, though. He seems a lot more humble, and a lot less full of himself.
Maybe it just took him this long to realize what a dick he's been in the past. Maybe he's still not fully there yet.

The day will come when Arin and Jon reconcile, though it will likely be behind the scenes and there will be no outward sign of it.
They'll never work together or collaborate again, though. That ship sailed a long time ago...
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That entire episode had me laugh non-stop, but then Arin said
"Oppa trampoline style"
Then my laughter got slaughtered.
I miss when Jon was there to counteract with Arin's horrible fucking skill in vidya and thoroughly kicked his ass in every VS video while being a funny mother fucker at the same time.
If only he was still here to siphon the jewery.
>GameGrumps is owned by Disney
What really?
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>joke is too mainstream to be funny so i stopped myself from laughing because I'm above it
Get over yourself, anon. Embrace the silly.
eceleb cancer please go
>tfw stamper is infinitely funnier and a better rapper than Arin will ever be
>post Jon Game Grumps
Disney owns Maker Studios, and Maker Studios owns Polaris, which owns Game Grumps.
GG is a subsidiary, but not directly controlled by Disney.
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It was stupid and unfunny.
Suzy should just stick with HER show. Although, if she wanted to take over GG for the price of leaving Table Flip, I'd be 100% OK with this. Let Danny, Berry, and Stamper play board games, and let Suzy and Arin fuck each other with their shitty let's play.
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By a banner, Grumpfags
So when you're joking around with your friends, and everyone's laughing, and one guy says something that's unfunny, do you just stop laughing and get all bitchy?
Because a sandy vagina is no-one's friend, anon.
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He is adorable... I need a name.
He's 12 you sick fuck.
That's pretty far down the chain, I think it's you that's overestimating what "owned by Disney" would mean to GG's funds.
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Get bitchy? More like just stop laughing because that ruins the joke.
I want more of him. I want to buy him a new iPhone and some expensive clothes.
Is he on instagram? Does anyone know if he does NSFW?
Anon, in a social situation you keep laughing because otherwise you're ruining the mood. You go with it, even if your friends say something unfunny, and pretend that it was funny.
You sound like a really unfriendly person, honestly.
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>comparing treatment of people you have relationships with in real life social situations to watching a video on Youtube
Are you seriously trying to argue that if you're watching a Youtube video that isn't funn you should still fake laughter so as not to upset the youtubers you are watching? Jesus Christ GG fans confirmed for having no fucking friends.
For people like you who require surrogate friends? Yes.
It's good practice for you, champ.
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so it turns out arin was the REAL jew after all
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If I'm in a group of friends and some guy says something funny and everyone else stops laughing and says they ruined the joke, yes I stop.
If I'm in a one on one conversation and a friend says something unfunny I pretend to keep laughing.
huw much punto is in american minutes?
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But you're literally the only one arguing you should laugh at youtube videos you don't find funny. Now you're making fun of that position as if you didn't argue for it.

You don't even know what you're arguing for, do you.

I'll tell you what though, I'm laughing at the thought of you trying to seek the approval of youtubers you will never meet as if they are in the room with you. So good job, you're better than GG.
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>non-ironic game grumps thread
>thinks the same rules apply in social situations as when watching videos ALONE
>literally thinks you should "laugh along" with a youtube video
Literally autistic
Disney would never let one of its biggest money makers fail. If they want a recording studio, they got it. If they want a new 4K AMOLED TV with a lifetime subscription to HBO, they got it. If they want the Pope to give Ross a fucking lap dance, they fucking got it. They make PewDiePie, Bieber, and the fucking Kardashians look like retail workers.
So it's basically if Drake and Josh got rid of and replaced Josh?
Oh, so you just do what everyone else does.
Nice to know you're the gamma of the group.
You almost got me
So why aren't they recording from the moon? I really don't want that to happen, just to spite Suzy, but I guess Disney COULD do it if they wanted to.
Yeah, more like if one of the Olsen twins replaced the other one with Lindsay Lohan, Hilary Duff, and a strong out Macaulay Culkin.
out of here leddity kiddie
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I'm just a follower when I'm in a group of people. Which is why I do terrible when it's just me and some other guy.
>Likes Metroid Other M

To be fair, it's probably easier to like Other M if you find it impossible to follow a story.
landwhale cunt detected and confirmed, please go back to tumblr with your cancer cuntie
Do you think Grant asked about Jon when they ran into each other?
>youtube video
>social situation

literal preteen fatty whore
It wasn't even good before they replaced him either. People just use it as an excuse for liking shit entertainment in the past.
The problem isn't Dan making racial humor. That's fine. Go for it. The problem is he's a hypocrite about it.
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>been watching Ego since 2007
>been watching GG since the beginning in 2012
>watched every day, loved it
>Jon left and was replaced by Danny, felt bad
>grew to like Danny
>met a grill last August and we bonded over GG with Danny (dating ever since)
>tfw finally getting tired of Arin

I seriously wish they would make Grumps weekly. Then they could focus on doing the things that made us like them in the first place. But GG just puts money in their pockets now and I feel like they're really losing traction
hide your age when posting anon, it will end up giving you a ban if they see you are a toddler
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>bonded over GG
So she's mentally handicaped or a landwhale?
Honestly, I think she's just carrying it over from real life. She's basically their kindergarten teacher.
>>met a grill last August and we bonded over GG with Danny (dating ever since)
That's got to be the most pathetic thing to bond over that I've ever heard
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Trigger warnings. That's when I stopped watching and actually started hating Arin and those fucking jews.
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>tfw there will never be gamegrumps with jon and chrischan
not funny. just dudes making stupid youtube quality comments.
What video had the trigger warning thing?
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>>met a grill last August and we bonded over GG with Danny (dating ever since)
>Times Game Grumps genuinely made you laugh

Is this a trick question anon?
>tfw this is more entertaining than GG
There's a reason they've pretty much redacted all existence of that fat fuck.
>pissed off arin when he wanted to play more variety of games
>pissed off barry when he wanted to do longer episodes with slower footage edited out
>pissed off suzy when he didn't think she should get a share of the youtube money (despite her having her own channel but that's besides the point)
>pissed off everyone else when he objected to expanding the channel
Good riddance.
>no more failtron
>channel more popular than it's ever been
And this is based on what anon?
Oh yeah nothing.
suzy plis
More popular, but still shit. With Jon, the shit was barable, kind of like smelling your own loaf after dropping it in the toilet. Now the shit smells like an outhouse that's been left for the whole summer.
Hmm? How many subs did the show have when failtron left? ~900,000. Care to guess how many it has right now? 1,646,108. Let that sink into your fat head for a minute.
Want proof for the other stuff? Look at the writing on the wall and use your brain... failtron was holding the channel back. Fuck him.
suzy plis
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>implying the channel wouldn't have grown anyway due to time
You actually can't be that dumb right?

>Look at the writing on the wall and use your brain
hahaha okay anon whatever you say
suzy plis
Suzy, fuck off.
>no Jon

Feck it.
They actually had over a million. Then they dropped to 900k because of unsubs. They have more subs than they used to, of course, but the rate of subs is way, way down from what it used to be.
Anyone know if that last game is just a reskin of something else? It looked pretty playable.
>the channel wouldn't have grown anyway due to time
Subscriber growth had slowed to a crawl. A near stop almost. Everyone was tired of ECH ECH ECH and DINGLY DOODLE BOPPER. How sad is it that pretty much all of failtron's worthwhile experience came from Game Grumps? He was going to hit his plateau and he did... Everyone in the channel right now has been in the scene and lived out their own exciting lives; bringing more to the table than failtron ever could or ever did.
And for fun, how about you take a look at his channel? How about that sub count and all those views? lol...
Who cares about the show? I'm just here for the drama.
damn thats pretty nicely animated
That time in the DKC vid where Jon analyzes the contrast between DK and Mankey "Rangotan" Kong.
Someone post some hot Suzy please
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I'm pretty sure you're retarded, but anyway when you provide me with the proper graph showing the view/sub count slowed way down while jontron was on the show I will be able to believe you anon.
But making random claims hoping retards will blindly agree with you is fucking dumb
Holy shit when did Winslet get stacked?
i kinda miss how they used to get mad at eachother
theres no way arin would yell at danny like that
suzy plis
I need a guy like you to just write wonderful analogies for me.
Why do slideshows like this call themselves animations?
Must be an older lady thing. Gaining age weight and it's going to her tits first.
Here you go anon suzy is so hot here

There probably is, but there's no way Dan would dare to say anything negative. Ever.
There's always that one guy you know that makes amazing analogies and you always wish you had that ability
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Look at this chipmunk-ass face
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It's like when you're Suzy and you're jealous of your husband's "show" where he "plays video games", and all you do is talk about makeup and shit and piss all over everybody else.
Can someone link that facial abuse scene with her?
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Why are you doing this to me anon
okay and what was the exact date jon left
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This is even better than the Gregzilla Trailers. Holy shit, that timing, that pacing. Beautiful.
You avent got a chance
Sometime in June 2013; I don't think the guy who posted the graph is the anti-Jon shitposter.
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Before you asked

Yes I have fapped to this more than once
Lol, he's talking about Jon, not Arin.

Have you fapped to this?
Fapped to what, you imbecile.
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Yes, any time.
oh LEL this

Why is this thread still up

Make it stop
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that new jontron was fucking great
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It's the end that gets me...
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What, you mean breaking a million subs, and getting at least a million views every video?
I think so, Penguinz0 showed a game just like it but it was Harry Potter skinned
Suzy was the reason Jon left. She's the Yoko Ono of Grumps
yes please

taking it to the limit
I just noticed jon has a picture of alf framed on his wall
E-celb containment board when?
One of the Disney Princess ones
Its not video games its eceleb shit. Most if not all of them suck or you idiots talk about drama shit not video games, or just post a fucking video and no discussion just to advertise these losers. You don't talk about video games in these threads.
Why even come to a videogame board to shout at people discussing videogame personalities.

What is having down syndrome like?
Some Disney Princess one after they were talking about jizzing on a little girl.
So people with down syndrome would hate kids' TV shows? I'm confused.
Definitely the Sonic 06 snowboard moment. You know the exact part I'm referring to.

In fact, it was so good, I showed my non gamer girlfriend the clip, and even she was practically wetting herself laughing.

I can't watch Game Grumps now tho.
>likes redditor e-celeb shit
>calls anyone cancer
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Anyone else feel that Jon's older stuff is better than the stuff he's been putting out recently?

Like, in the older ones he's a lot more silly, which is where I think he does best. He's good at acting like a fucking baby, ech'ing, "gross", etc.

In these newer ones they just seem so...forced, or something. I dunno, it's not the same silly JonTron, I mean there are times where he tries to pull it off but it's not quite the same.
no where in that post did you talk about games, shut the fuck up.
When you can play the commentary over anything and have it make as much sense, it isn't video game related.
no where in that post did you talk about games, shut the fuck up.
Curse of increased production values. You cut off the shittiest bits but also lose a little sparkle.
Wait, they actually cut out the shittiest parts? How can you tell the difference?
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report and hide, a jontron thread got deleted earlier.
mods are awake.

No way. I prefer Jon's newer stuff because they aren't filled with stupid LE REDDIT MEME FACE shit.

I feel like he's found his style now. I genuinely chuckle at his videos now, where as I'd rarely laugh at his older videos. I guess he's more sarcastic now.
That one sonic '06 that sonic is using the snowboard and he starts going uphill, I nearly died laughing, someone post the link

I think it was down to how today's episode only used one or two different camera positions, so it all sorta meshed together a bit.

It's different from when Arin was physically holding the camera. The writing might be of similar quality, but to the viewer the humour won't have as much impact.
Sorry for having fun and talking about videogames, asshole.
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you're talking about eceleb shit, this is not videogames.
fuck off to reddit where you can talk about this shit
>implying there's anything wrong with reddit
>implying the 4chan and reddit userbase doesn't overlap 95%
Sure is bandwagon today.
Jon's best video of all time wasn't even about a game. It was about that "Food Fight" movie.
God damn I still go back to watch that every once in a while when I need to bust a gut.
I enjoy Game grumps, but damn reddit is a shitty website, and you sure as hell don't speak for 95% of us.
How is this shit not trashed and banned?
game grumps are youtube celebrities.
This girl does some good stuff
>speak for
No, anon. I was just sharing some enlightening truth.
*tips fedora*
eat a cock
It's a dude. The gif of that girl bouncing up and down on his tumblr is based off his gf.
Game is right there in their name, and 100% of their content is video games.
That makes GG secondary, which is permissable on /v/.
JonTron, which does videos about things that aren't games on occasion, is sadly tertiary.

this was pretty funny even when it wasn't animated, but with the animations, the final five seconds of this shit is gold
No, I think his new stuff is much better.

I agree. And the Goosebumps Halloween video.

He needs to drop the video game thing. It's a dead format now anyway. I guess copyright is the main problem, but he's just better at talking over film / tv
I bet you don't even have a shred of evidence to back that up.

"tips fedora", just grind that phrase into the ground too, gotta use them memes.
Lack of mic hum.
>can't see the writing on the wall
Open your eyes, man. Wake up and smell the coffee. Catch onto this.
Most posters on /v/ talk like redditors. Reddit memes are reposted on /v/ on a daily basis.
/v/ is just a reddit dumping ground now.
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then go there, and stay there you piece of fucking shit
we don't go to your faghole web to talk about shit
kill yourself, just fucking get a rope and do it.
hang yourself and choke to death you fucking disgrace.
>tips fedora
shitposters comfirmed for reddit users, go eat a bag dicks
100% of their non-live action visuals is video games. The bits where they talk is, what, 2% video games? 5%? Just slightly higher than Arin talking about his shitting status.
keep going, if mods won't delete it we will shit it up
>we'll never get another "PLAY THAT BACK BARRY"
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Yeah, stop shitposting anytime. I win, last response.
Good. I hope this place burns to the ground.
Keep going with what? What are you even doing here?
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>Alf picture in the background
not videogames, report and hide
Put some eyes on a burger barry, I'm out of stories.

>thread already over bump limit
>still doing this

give up
you lost
Did I miss something? Since when did /v/ allow this e-celeb bullshit?

Keep hoping redditor.
just report and hide, it will get deleted soon but keep your reporters ready for more shit like this
We had a sticky about it a while ago to explain it to people like you. It basically said what was and wasn't considered on subject enough for vidya discussion. Anyone have that image still?
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Jon Reaction.gif
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Guys, stop. This is really pathetic.

>no D Club
don't forget to report and hide these and all the threads with eceleb shit.
there's a place for this and it's called reddit
Announcing reports is a reportable offense, you retard.
i'm not announcing anything, learn to read.
I come to these threads to see all the autists get mad as fuck and actually take time out of their sad lives to post in here

I've got one for you.


The irony here is that you were autistic and mad enough to post here.
just like what you do, lol
you're as pathetic as them
Posting in a thread you've reported is against the rules.

Learn to read, retard.
asshurt autists detected
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