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> TLoU will have option to switch between 30 FPS and ~60.

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> TLoU will have option to switch between 30 FPS and ~60.
> Fans pretend this is some high tech shit.
> Praising it for innovative on a console
> Forget they shit on PC gamers, not understanding their consoles are practically made from the same hardware.

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>people will never ever stop complaining about framerate one way or the other
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>adding an option in that literally makes no difference to how the game looks or plays

The human eye can't see past 24 fps, this is why film is 24 fps. 60 fps is a gimmick. If pressing start and select turned 60 fps to 30, I could press it while you're in the bathroom after playing 3 straight hours, when you get back, you wouldn't even know.
Why would they give an option to run the game less smoothly if the hardware can run it at 60 fps? What's the fucking point?

implying ps4 can handle 60 fps

Honestly if you can't see the difference between 30 and 60 frames you're fucking bullshitting.

nice try -1/10
Would it even be 60 FPS or more at a steady 45 FPS?

I'm pretty sure the Tomb Raider version on PS4 promised 60 FPS and was more like a constant 30.
this is the least significant thing to complain about jesus christ

it's good to have options


>implying ps4 can handle 60 fps

~60 =/= 60
Some people genuinely don't like 60fps, or find it dizzying. God forbid they're given the choice
Why don't you limit your video games to 24 fps then? You'll save your computer some work * heat
It still doesn't make a conceivable difference gameplay wise. It literally just looks slightly smoother, which actually makes a lot of games look plain fuckin weird
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>mfw a space after the memearrow
>mfw gaymers
>mfw MFW
No one actually believes the whole "the human eye can't see past 24fps" thing. Anyone who says it is just baiting for replies.

No one is complaining about options. Just pointing out the hypocrisy. Y'all niggers need comprehensive reading skills.

you're only saying that out of resistance to change

there is no fucking reason why anyone would like 30 over 60 hz given equal experience with both
I heard they made the ending dependent on how you treat Ellie or something, is this true?

there's no hypocrisy

people are praising nd for providing the option in addition to (ostensibly) hitting 60fps in the remaster

both good things

stop stirring shit

Because it's *definitely* the exact same people voicing those conflicting opinions, right? I mean, /v/ is one person after all.
If anything the gameplay is what's effected the most.

The most drastic example of this was Crysis 3. I thought it felt like shit, delved into the settings, and found that it was locked to 30fps. Turned that off, didn't even get up to 50fps and I could feel the difference. Not see it (well, I could definitely see it), but FEEL IT. The game controlled much most smoothly. That 20fps was such a drastic change to the gameplay that it made me like a game that I had previously disliked. That's how much of a difference framerate makes to gameplay.

Having options like that IS innovative on a console since consolefags don't usually get options like that. Hell, you can't even rebind buttons 90% of the time.

I think the only other console game to give you any kind of graphical options is the first Bioshock game where you can turn off vsync to improve your framerate at the cost of screen tearing.

Still, good on Naughty Dog for giving people options instead of just locking the game to one framerate or the other. I'm a firm believer in options, that way you can please both people on different ends of a controversial debate.
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>I'm a firm believer in options

No one is disputing that. Consolefags have always used the excuse that games don't need options on consoles because it's basically "insert disc and play". No need to get "technical" ( eventhough it's not 1995 anymore ).

Just find it hilarious that these people start to understand the goodness that are options.
I'd rather have 30fps than screen tearing.
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>options to make framerate worse
>on consoles where framerate is already shit
>PC has options to make framerates better than 60 and past 120fps
For what purpose?
>sonyponies will defend this

i pressed it and nothing happened

what's supposed to happen

>Just find it hilarious that these people start to understand the goodness that are options.

that's extremely condescending and short-sighted. the vast majority of people who will have actually argued *against* options would be trolling or at least vaguely facetious. ease-of-use is still a thing.

That's not how it works though....Screen tearing happens when your frame rate isn't in sync with your screens refresh rate. That's why it's called vsync. You can even get screen tearing at 30 fps.
ugh, ew.
And yet you are replying.Good job feeding the troll dumbass.
Options only make sense when all of the options are useful in some way. Having the option for the game to run smooth or choppy is pointless, 60 fps is a direct improvement over 30 fps. Unless it doesn't actually run at 60 fps, there's no reason to have a pointless option to downgrade the game.
>that's extremely condescending and short-sighted. the vast majority of people who will have actually argued *against* options would be trolling or at least vaguely facetious. ease-of-use is still a thing.

It's not condescending or shortsighted just because you can't believe people genuinely come up with shit like that.

I don't believe that at all. Either way, that's not why they're including it. It's for people that want a steady framerate because they couldn't manage a constant 60 without frame drops.
>a first post that actually gets it right and people gloss over it because its not trolling
Super Charged PC
Final Fantasy 14
>60 without frame drops.

In the end it's still higher than 30 fps, even with the frame drops. Options are great, but like mentioned before it's rather pointless.
That only happens on PC for a legit reason, running a literal PS3 game at 1080p is not a legit reason for frames to drop.
Jesus fucking christ I wish people had to pass an intelligence evaluation before being granted free speech
DAILY REMINDER that is your a console peasant then you either have no respect for yourself as a consumer(xboxfags because of what Microsoft pulled at their console announcement conference), your willing to buy the same game cause its REMASTERED(well you guys are all guilty but sonyfags your in the spotlight), you pay for online twice(xboxfags and sonyfags), and lastly all of you are willing to buy rehashes every year(cod, kill zone, halo, and Mario)
Graphical fidelity on 30
Smooth gameplay on 60
What is there not to get?
Yeah and none of them gives a shit. Why do you?
that's because framerate is actually important.
Slip inside the eye of your mind!
Human eye is technically able to see around 10^7 to 10^12 FPS, depending on how large chronon is.
How do you know they don't a give shit and how do know your not one of those fags trying to do damage control
I know some console ports to PC have that option because 60fps can fuck up certain things if the game wasn't written with that framerate in mind (for example traffic cars driving at double speed in San Andreas), but I don't understand why they do it when the game's perfectly playable at 60fps.

On the other hand, it's better to have freedom of choice rather than be stuck on one framerate or the other.
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>Some faggot at uni said Flies have fast reactions because they see in 150fps and we only see 60fps
On PCs there are frame limiters to get a more stable framerate, or to prevent it from going too high so the GPU burns out (STALKER main menu)
Either TLoU: RE can't achieve a stable 60fps on the PS4, or this is the streaming vs. torrents debacle on /a/ all over again.

hahaha Told.
Wait, some people prefer streaming to torrenting on /a/?
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>binding game physics to FPS

why does this exists?
He is actually replying to the replier
My parents have watched me playing games at 60fps and they both find it nauseating, and can't watch for more than a minute. Granted they're pretty old, but the *average* age of gamers is 33. I'm sure older games would appreciate having the option

But no, instead let's all complain that there's an optional setting aimed at people who aren't us
>people fall for this

daytime /v/ = worst /v/
It's easier to implement.
>How do you know they don't a give shit and how do know your not one of those fags trying to do damage control
Write this again and in proper english.
>Graphical fidelity on 30
are you implying graphics get worse at 60fps?
I guess they're trying to avoid the problem DaS caused on release when it was 60 fps. Namely, things going at double speed because the whole damn game was built around 30fps.
The graphics are the same on TLOU 60fps and 30fps
>DS2 tied weapon degradation to framerate
On consoles
Just look at insomniac's Into the Nexus and a Crack in Time
I was waiting for that link
>all those adventure games that linked enemy AI to processing power
>all those chess games that are now nearly impossible because the computer can now think ahead five moves instead of the one it was on release

Actually no.
To have your physics fixed to a certain time steps not only makes it more stable, you can skip some multiplications (with delta time since you can precalculate it, cause you know, it's always the same ). Not because it's "easier". In the end you still need to apply your linear alegebra.
>chess games slowly get smarter
kinda spooky if you think about it
But can it play TLoU in 120 fps?
This is so bullshit.
They even said PC was the lead platform, why bind something so important to gameplay to 30 fps when you know 1/3 of your userbase will play at 60fps?
Revenge of the 16 bit wars
Makes sense, since it's the objectively better way to consume animated chinese animations
Some people prefer 30fps to 60fps. People that intentionally prefer something worse do exist.
It's the default.
games update every frame.
special functions are needed to calculatefor varying framerates
They just said the 30fps is their to give a feel the same as the PS3 version. Nothing about better graphics
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>Turok for N64 actually had a graphics option menu where you can choose fps over graphics
>Sonyggers think this is innovating on consoles
I always thought that HD remakes were for old games from the N64/ps1 era.

>We will never get a Jet Force Gemini remake
I see no difference.
>he actually believes n64 was the first to do that
And where do sonyggers think this
>striving to achieve 60fps, which is exactly what /v/ want
>including the 30fps option for people who prefer it / if 60fps isn't stable

Why is this a bad thing? Why are people complaining so much about it? I've seen no console babbies talk shit about PC because of this development, and nobody is acting as if it's some revolutionary thing.

Stop making shit up to complain about.
What? All they did was double the speed of 30fps. Thats not how 60fps works
Because Sony is evil
>he actually believes n64 was the first to do that
Where did I imply this? Im just mentioning a "very" old game
Are you seriously retarded?
This pasta is so stale
60fps is literally just a better camera. like if you're playing sonic generations zooming through it just makes it so the visuals look like they're going faster.. movies are at a low fps because we see 16 frames per second, our brain molds them into motion. But anything above 10 fps will appear as smooth motion this is because it takes 1/16th of a second for a picture to fade off the back of our eye... high fps movies also make it really unrealistic, so in a way that applies to games too.. higher fps may be relevant to shooters because there is no stuttering
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Oh shit, i remember how Killer is Dead tied QTE's to framerate. And made them impossible when you actually change it to 60 fps.
>if 60fps isn't stable
But that's the problem. If the damn console can't even get stable 60fps, why trying anyway? Why adding the option of reducing to 30fps as a "feature". As a fucking feature of all things.
>60fps is literally just a better camera. like if you're playing sonic generations zooming through it just makes it so the visuals look like they're going faster..
Oh this actually makes sense
>movies are at a low fps because we see 16 frames per second, our brain molds them into motion.
Oh never mind.
>high fps movies also make it really unrealistic, so in a way that applies to games too
this is not true what so ever, the reason high fps film looks bad is because of exposure times
which is a non issue for a virtual "camera"
please learn things before talking about things.

No because this is NintendoGaf.

They pulled a Hitler (Nintendo) against Stalin (Sony). Do you remember Sonyntendomination? How the goddamn Xbots (France) went in hiding for fear of their lifes? Now it's Nintenyearolds bashing Sonyggers, So I would say that the evil ones are Nintendo Fanboys and Sony to a certain degree, I haven't seen one of them talking shit for 3 months straight (apart from the people that are pretending to own a PS)
Even Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep let you choose if you wanted a higher color bitrate at the cost of FPS in some areas, which you could compensate by enabling the in-game option to overclock the processor at the cost of battery duration, which you could compensate by plugging the charger in.
I could be somewhat more okay if the 30fps option offered more graphical fidelity, but in this case it seems to be there for the sake of just being there (other than appeal to artsy journos who want their videogames to be art movies)

captcha: dfinni speed
I'm just tired of these console wars
I was being sarcastic anon
I know the deal
I haven't liked sony since the PS2
quit trying to latch on to me sonygger
The console war will never end.

It is what drives the competition between the companies that make the consoles. That and the non existent exclusives, but also exclusives.
You fags said this last year
Isn't it actually a good thing for them to lock the game at 30fps? They're going for the whole cinematic experience thing and the controls for the games are sluggish and weighty for realism. The game would be a bit too easy at higher fps too.
you're borderline retarded.

yes that is true, sorry you're an idiot. 24fps looks natural on movies.
"An Unexpected Journey complained that the scenes were “too real” — the 48 fps recording rendering the action so lifelike that they had trouble remembering that Middle Earth was supposed to be a fantasy. Other viewers missed the languid feel of traditional 24 fps movies. Unconsciously, we’re also used to 30 fps and above content being “made for TV,” and are accustomed to feature films showing at the lower 24 fps rate."

if you want to get technical, it was settled long ago as a good compromise between image quality and usage. please don't look down upon others when you're in fact the retarded one.

I know, I know

But there are people that actually believe that and are gonna shit up the board some more


Epic trole boy, daddys proud of ya
>TLOU has it because console hardware is already out of date and can't handle 60FPS consistantly
>PC has always had it because it can go way over 60FPS and create screen tearing on 60hz monitors
Remember Vista

that in no way says anything about 48fps looking 'unrealistic'.

unless you're saying that it drew more attention to the imperfections in set design, makeup, vfx etc. in which case, ok. but that just means that the standards of those things have to go up to match the improved viewing experience.
nigga there is a difference between a real camera and a digital camera.
real cameras are effected by time exposed to light among other things that digital cameras are not effected by.
Saying that real cameras=digital cameras so 24 fps in a game is okay is down right stupid.
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Come on anon the framerate HAS to stop somewhere
>you're borderline retarded.
Nice argument there
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I don't think it is. Caught a bit of Rise of the Guardians on a movie channel the other night at my cousin's place and the motion looked really odd for a movie. I thought it was a game at first with how everything was moving onscreen,
What games 'break' when the framerate gets to high? i can only think of dead space at the moment
>dark souls forum post.jpg

>But anything above 10 fps will appear as smooth motion

where do people get this shit from
>they had trouble remembering that Middle Earth was supposed to be a fantasy
Where these test audiences a fucking kindergarten class?

Dark Souls
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Dark Souls
the devs reported that dead rising 3 gets weird if it's set to 60 fps
I never understood the whole statement of "cinematic experience" in video games.

I mean why are you trying to make a video game like a movie? I thought video games were supposed to be designed to challenge you. Not to walk you through the game like a movie.
I'm only angry because of that guy's fucking face, not your weak trolling which is in every fucking thread that mentions FPS

they will one day.
The image would look a lot better if flipped the face horizontally. There's a weird perspective on it at the moment
Cinematic refers to camera angles
dark souls
who the fuck code acroding to framrate?

i know it's cancer but at lwast you get to laugh at how bad the game is
No, I just get to close the video and wish you'd never posted that.
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On consoles, they can often put fancier effects in by capping the framerate to 30 and lowering the resolution. It's good for screenshots, marketing and the back of the case but it's why console games are aliased and choppy as fuck.
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144 is the current cap for competitive gaming although many people play at 120. After 144 it becomes interpolation like with 240hz TVs.

>currently playing stalker on 120hz monitor
>Why wouldn't the 'purists' just play their PS3 copy? What in the flying fuck.
That doesn't make any sense but okay
Because they don't want to plug in their PS3 every time they want to play TLOU?
>what is a Frame Limiter
how does it not make any sense? some people like 30 fps its their preference
The ps4 isn't backward compatible?
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>There's people out there who bought a PS4 this early
>And unplugged their PS3.
No. The gap between console power levels is too great, and using a hardware emulator in the PS4 would make the price skyrocket.
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>tfw when my PC can play more playstation games than Sony's latest console
Can it play PS3 games?
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>PS3 Geams
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>ps3 games
Go back to Tumblr, mate. Or your shitty ironic forums.
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>PS3 games
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kill yourself
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>buying a next gen console
>buying shovelware and movies and rehashes
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>PS3 games
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Thread images: 26

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