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Lucina with mask confirmed for alt costume, and Kirby with Lucina

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Lucina with mask confirmed for alt costume, and Kirby with Lucina mask confirmed for power hat.
It's a taunt
taunt puts it on and off
It looks like shit.

It just occured to me that Lunica would have a pretty cute alt color that was entirely pink.
>implying it can't be a permanent alt, especially now that colored auras are used for Team Battle mode
So why didn't they make Lucina an alt costume of Marth and put Chrom in instead of making her another generic swordsman?

At least Chrom looks different than Marth.
Because Sakurai thought Chrom wasn't interesting, and replaced him with a more interesting character (Robin)

>Chrom looks different than Marth

News to me.
Robin has much different mechanics, is a spellcaster, and is the real main character of Awakening.
I didn't say anything about Robin you retards.

Replace Lucina, that person who looks exactly like Marth, to the point where she was pretending to be him, with Chrom, keep Robin, and make Lucina an alt costume of Marth.

More different than Lucina. At least his gear and face aren't exactly the same.
Lucina is far more popular than Chrom. Plus we finally have a female FE character, Chrom would be yet another male blue-haired FE swordsman.
Sakurai's reasoning is literally "Chrom would've been another blue haired swordsman, and I wanted someone more interesting so I went with Robin"
I guess Robin makes up for Lucina being an "easy mode" Marth clone.
Who's chrom?
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Pic somewhat related.

Wait... OP, where did you get that image?
What do you not get about 'I don't care about robin."

I understand why he replaced Chrom with Robin, what I don't get is why he put Lucina in. Her moveset looked startlingly similar to Marth, she was literally pretending to be Marth in the game, and I get the feeling it might get a bit hard to distinguish between the two in Marth vs Lucina, I don't think forcing a color change between two different characters to make sure nobody loses who's who is fucking stupid.

Chrom's model would be a significant improvement over Lucinas, and Lucina fits better as an alt costume IMO.

Stop quoting Sakurai at me and formulate an opinion on what I'm talking about.
>no hair and tiara
If you can't tell the difference between them, you're blind. Especially when you'll have your color indicator or name hovering over them during the match.
Lucina is more popular and chrom getting in would cause more anger than lucina

Sorry to break it to you. Lucina was always the more popular one.

>Lucina was gonna me a marth clone
>Lucina had a fair amount of personality, some hitbox changes and even attack properties changed
>when these changes happened, Lucina got a select square on the character select screen


They literally said the taunt makes her put the mask on and off like Guile's sunglasses.
Lucina is still shit though

>Lucina is more popular and chrom getting in would cause more anger than lucina

Nigga the only reason why no one got mad during their reveal is because Falcon was in. Real talk, if Falcon wasn't there, that would have been the worst reveal yet.

Actually the reveal was awesome is because Falcon is in AND Gematsu was killed.
Nothing stopping them from leaving the mask on permanently, like Little Mac's pink hoodie alt costume.
That's a cool thing

For me

I don't see an issue here.
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>put Robin instead of Chrom because "another blue-haired sword user"
>put another blue-haired sword user anyway
Oh well

Sakuaris is not going to miss the chance to add another girl
More like Super Smash Waifus, amrite?
You realize the taunt could be a toggle on/off for the mask instead of it being an alt, right?
Robin is the FE rep. Lucina is completely extra in Sakurai's mind. At the very least, she's a girl so it's a bit different, and works better as a marth clone
Haven't clones ALWAYS been extra?
They're not taking up slots, they're adding slots that wouldn't be there otherwise
>only good because Falcon
A nobody who doesn't even have games anymore?
It's basically that and the fact in Awakening Lucina is implied to be the second coming of Marth and admires him. While Chrom is said to be different from Marth. Her having all of Marth moves can been seen as lazy but the basis behind it coming from the Awakening game makes more sense then Chrom. At the end of day it basically fan-service for those who want to play as her and to spread more awareness of Awakening,
I imagine clones are what they do when parts of the dev team end up twiddling their thumbs waiting for someone else to finish something.
If she pulls that off will she go back to the future?

That's pretty much it.

Sakurai said that the 6 clones in melee took about the same amount of time to make as 1 fully new character, and that was with his small crew.

he's getting Bamco help and I imagine Lucina was practically done in a day.
>Nothing stopping them from leaving the mask on permanently

>Squirtle is most likely out of the roster because of Sakurai freeing Charazard
>He could've had a taunt that made him put on those glorious sunglasses from the anime

I second this. Is it from that Jap magazine?
PM kind of does that.
>tfw glorious Squirtle master race
>watch replays from PM tournaments
>no Squirtle players
>everyone only plays alleged top tier characters
It hurts.

>Lucina is far more popular than Chrom

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I lost it
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What are you even implying with that image?
autism board is over here, you got off on the wrong stop.
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Did I hit a nerve over your shitty image that makes no sense?
Yeah not that guy, but I don't even know what you're trying to say?
You were never going to get Chrom, you fags. Sakurai's interview clearly states that he chose Robin over Chrom for the fact that Chrom was just another plain swordsman who wouldn't stand out from Ike OR Marth [even if he got his own moveset, which would still be too similar].

The only reason Lucina got in was because it was very easy for them to do it so the difference between her being just an alt costume for Marth and a separate character was about a minute, and Sakurai just wanted a character that was easier to use than Marth, which Chrom wouldn't have been, given his nature because they would have had to work extra just to give him his own moveset, and working that hard just to come up with a character that still seemed too similar equated to low payoff. With Lucina, it's low work for low payoff rather than Chrom's high work but still a bit low payoff, and they just didn't feel it was worth it to put in the extra work.

Besides that, Chrom had been decided to become Robin's final smash as a reference to dual strikes, so that left Lucina, and they certainly weren't going to just make another model when they had Lucina.

And the reason Lucina was separated was small stature differences that just wouldn't have cooperated as easily with Marth, such as any even miniscule slight hitbox variations.
I think you people don't get it, lucina wasn't supposed to be a new character, she was originally created to be an alt skin for marth, much like how wii-fit has a male skin, but at somepoint sakurai decided to change some small things about her and then he decided he can't have an alt skin have different statistics so he made her own character

robin is the ACTUAL new fire emblem rep, lucina is just a clone with minimal effort hence why her reveal had a question mark on it
pretty sure Lucina was created to be nothing but an altskin for marth, chrom was originally going to be the new fire emblem rep while lucina was originally going to be nothing but an alt skin so she was going to be in no matter what, it's just that at somepoint sakurai decided to scratch chrom for robin because robin would make a much more interesting newcomer then what chrom would be like, but also lucina was changed at somepoint too, but since her differences are barely different then marth then you might aswell think of her as just an alt costume

i assume they just kept lucina as playable because it's more interesting to have a female fire emblem character then yet another blue haired guy
Sakurai doesn't do different characters as alt costumes. The actual choice would be between clone Chrom and clone Lucina.

I'm glad he went with Lucina, I'll take a female FE rep over another blue-haired swordude any day.

Chrom still gets a lot of hate for being what he is and I think this affects Sakurai's decision too. Sakurai pretty much went with the characters that would piss off FE fans the least.

Robin for variety, Lucina for being the most popular Awakening character in the game.
>want to play project M
>Fucking PAL Wii release when?
I want to impregnate lucina with every single liter of semen
anon, she's Mai daughterfu, fuck off
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>Lucina for being the most popular Awakening character in the game.

You waifu faggots really need to stop claiming she's popular, she isn't. She's never been listed higher than Chrom in any character poll I've seen, and she's always behind Female Robin, Cordelia and Tharja in terms of favorite female Awakening character polls. Your waifu's a shit.
I have a PAL Wii and I can play Project M just fine.
He should've put Nowi in. The tears would've been delicious.
anon thats outdated

idk, i just downloaded it onto a usb stick and boot it up with a usb loader no biggie bro!

(ivysaur is sweet)
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>Not owning this book and looking at the popularity polls in Japan.

>Using a Famitsu monthy character poll not even Smash related for your argument

Post the poll. I wanna see where it says Lucina is higher than both Robin and Chrom.
hope you're ready for a granddaughterfu
i have an sd card that has the project M from the website downloaded, Brawl disc inside the wii, load up homebrew click project M press play, and it just loads up regular brawl any tips?
That just sounds like you're using the NTSC version of the game.
okay,can it be morgan
No, it's babby Vaike.

>Using a Famitsu monthy character poll not even Smash related for your argument

If she was the most popular character wouldn't she be on the poll regardless if it's smash or not?
thats not a grand daughter anon

What is being loaded from the usb is 100% standalone, you don't need to actually have Brawl to run Project M (well, not legally). Search for Project M torrents and you'll find people who've done the whole bundling.

Then just get it onto a usb with WBFS Manager and start playing the superior brawl.
wtf is this supposed to mean?
I'm thinking she will have her mask then when she takes enough damage it'll break and she'll loose some defense.

and your a retard if you don't agree. the evidence in there.

I have autism and i agree with you.

Can't seem to find a pic online, but I'll take a picture as a reference if I have to.

Favorite Male Character:

1 - Chrom (11.2%)
2 - Owain (8.9%)
3 - Gaius (8.8%)
4 - Henry (7.8%)
5 - MU (6.6%)

Favorite Female Character:

1 - Lucina (15%)
2 - Cordelia (10.1%)
3 - MU (9.9%)
4 - Tharja (8.4%)
5 - Sumia (6.8%)
That's probably a modified NTSC iso then. I assume the only reason the original guy asked that was because he wanted to use his PAL disc.

AFAIK pm doesn't work on PAL, but I've been out of the loop for a while.
babby vaike in a dress
>Gaius that high

For once they don't have awful taste.
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>Completely different categories

Thanks for nothing
I'm sure the amount of effort it took to take Marth's alternate costume and put it in a different box on the character select screen is totally equivalent to how much it'd have taken to make Chrom a unique character.
This got reflected in the Beach and Hot Spring DLC, where the parents and kids got dressed up.
Why the fuck does Japan like Gaius so much?
>could be
You mean is. OP is a ruseman, I've seen this thread before and it was pointed out then, too.
I want to eat Lucina's panties

You can't get a clear reading if the poll is separated by gender. But She's higher than I expected in the female category.

>wedding dress alt

pls Samurai
FE:A popularity polls:


Oh god this is too good

lucina was going to be an alt, he decide to make her a separate character so he can change stats. he didn't put chrom in because he used Robin instead. it was never a matter of chrom or lucina
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>Masked Lucina higher than normal Lucina

As with my original point responding to >>253628993, she is popular.

>Always behind Robin, Cordelia, Tharja in favorite female rankings.

And I showed proof against that.
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>Chrom is the landslide victor in every Fire Emblem popularity poll

Holy fuck, not putting in Chrom was a mistake.
only thing I care about is that kirby looks cool with it on
People like Robin though. Pixiv fanart seems to show that.
Japanese people despised Gematsu, and were overjoyed to see that it was bullshit.
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I agree.
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But Robin is the reason Chrom isn't in. He was picked over Chrom, not Lucina. Lucina was going to end up as her own character regardless. Sakurai saw her and Marth as different enough to warrant her own slot.
No one cared who I was until I put on the mask

Different gender categories.


Chrom is still higher. So Chrom is the most popular FEA character, yes?
Decision was probably made before FE:A popularity polls.
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Lucina would have ended up playable anyway. Adding Chrom would have left them with FOUR blue haired sword users.

How many polls are there?
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This poll was missing all the child characters I believe hence why Lucina is Marth.
They're the only ones I have sadly.
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>We could have had a Sm4sh with Mewtwo and Chrom instead of Lucario and Robin

Keep telling me this game won't be rife with the same mistakes as Brawl
>yfw Robin and Lucina was added because they are OTP and is officially licenced and approved by nintendo
What in the literal fuck.
At least Jewfu gets more love here, I guess.
>Cordelia is top 5
But she'll never love you.
Yes, because then you'd have 4 instead of 3.

How the fuck do people still not realize that there was never a decision between Chrom and Lucina and the decision was always Chrom and Robin?

For fucks sake it sounds like Lucina was always going to be in the game and Sakurai just decided to give her a slot on the selection screen instead of having you go through Marth to use her.

I wanna lick it
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Oh wait, I have a FE6 poll for whatever reason.
Batou is a pretty cool guy
>wanting blue haired lord with a sword over a white haired tactician with magic and swords
>tfw no Gaius assist
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Yeah but that top poll decided who would get the DLC costume things, top 2 adults and kids from each gender.
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>People actually wanted Chrom.

Why is it that people care about who the characters are more than how they actually play? Do you actually plan on playing this game or do you just want to look at the character select screen all day?

Magics for queers

>Wanting every character to fill an autistic niche instead of just featuring the characters that would be the most fun/well-liked

Fuck off.
Just boot it up from a USB Loader of your your choice with Ocarina\Gecko cheats turned on.
Odd, most of the magic users in the franchise seem pretty straight
>instead of just featuring the characters that would be the most fun/well-liked
So why did they add more pokemon when they aren't even characters
does anyone have the high res of both male and female Robin's official art? Can't seem to find it.
>Caring more about how well liked the character is than how the characters play in a FIGHTING GAME is autistic.

Jesus. Inb4 someone says it's a party game, point still stands. You're choosing aesthetics and popularity over gameplay.
STR fat pls
Official FE art or Official Smash art?
Is 26 Eliwood?
The hell are you on? Of course she is, like, by far, check the official polls.
Smash not the FE ones. I only got the Lucina one.

Post it.
>Sakurai doesn't do different characters as alt costumes.
Yes he does, hell he said Lucina was an alternate costume at first but in the end decided to make her a character of her own. He said that he considers male WFT and Wireframe Mac as different characters, and rightfully so since Wireframe Mac references the green haired, middle aged protag of the first arcade Punchout.
>Replace Lucina, that person who looks exactly like Marth, to the point where she was pretending to be him, with Chrom, keep Robin, and make Lucina an alt costume of Marth.

So you want Five fucking Fire Emblem characters. At one point does this just turn in to a Fire Emblem Fighting game?
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Hey it was.

Yes, because Smash is totally a FIGHTING GAME where characters only exist to fulfill specific play styles

Nope, definitely not marketed as a party game where you can play as your favorite characters or anything

No more than one swordsman, we already have Link

No more than one glove-wearing mascot, we already have Mario

>Show up for one chapter
>Only get mentioned a few times in game as the greatest warrior of your country and an awesome husband
>OP as fuck trial map unit
26 is still pretty high for a game with 54 playable units in the main story.
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thanks anon
So you like Falcondorf?
Look at the points dudes, there's only a few hundred people voting, this is by no means an accurate poll of popularity at all. This is just Famitsu readers.
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Lucina isn't part of this argument, it sounds like she was always planned to be part of this game in some way and the decision was on who would join her. At first she was an alt costume, then Sakurai changed her a bit and made her her own character. She probably took minimal development time.

Chrom would have taken development time, more than Lucina. Robin was chosen over him because he would stand out more compared to Ike, Marth and Lucina than Chrom would. From what we know there wasn't anything like "Lucina getting in over Chrom" because they are not in the same position. Chrom likely would not have been an exact clone of Ike or Marth(Like Lucina is) but he wouldn't stand out and be as interesting as Robin.

I hope you're not being serious.
>Yes he does, hell he said Lucina was an alternate costume at first but in the end decided to make her a character of her own.
Part of the reason could have been not wanting different characters as alts.

>He said that he considers male WFT and Wireframe Mac as different characters,
Ehh I really don't feel they're different in the same way Lucina/Marth is. Male vs Female WFT is just like the villager/Robin situation, and Wireframe Mac is just an alternate version of the same character, like TP link vs SS link.
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As opposed to not having Ganondorf in the game at all? Yeah, I do, what are you gonna do about it
Swordsman =! Swordswoman
What? You're really going to act like it doesn't count?
It's still a game, dipshit. It's not some kind of hall of fame where you only stare at the characters on the screen and don't actually play as them. Having more varied fighters is better than having a shitton of similar ones.
That's putting a lot of words in his mouth.

>With the Wii Fit Trainers, the male and female Robins, the Villagers, and Little Mac, varying their appearances and voices works just like selecting alternate color variations. However, whenever there is even a small difference in abilities, that character gets an actual roster slot. That is why you can select Lucina individually.
He was just talking about how they play in Smash Bros., not any sort of canon declaration about Wireframe Little Mac being a different person or not.
>Ask for official poll
>Get an official poll
What did you expect, a made up poll?
Robin is an infinitely better choice than Chrom you fuck, he's not yet another boring ass swordsmen like the other FE characters.
>Worst lord first place.

Alright Japan what the fuck are you smoking?
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>Lucinafags in denial
They always do that for main characters.
It's better to not waste your time explaining this. In each thread this has been explained along with the reason why Lucina even started out as a Marth alt for those who don't understand why her being a Marth clone makes sense. People will ignore your comments and still talk about her getting in the game as if she was taking someone slot in the first place.

So Marth is the most popular FEA character?
I like that, the attention to detail, too many pictures of Lucina don't have the brand.
Protagonists are generally first in most popularity polls.
>I never played FEA.
>Part of the reason could have been not wanting different characters as alts.
Which is baloney since he just said that he considers male WFT and Wireframe Mac different characters. He said he made her a clone instead of an alt because her sword mechanic is different than Marth's.
>and Wireframe Mac is just an alternate version of the same character
No it isn't, are you blind? I just told you he's the arcade Punchout protag who was a green-haired middle aged man. And again, Sakurai said he considers them different characters.

Are you even reading the posts you're replying to?
>Initially, I had considered including Lucina as one of Marth’s alternate costumes. After all, she has a close relationship with him in FE:A. In such cases, even if two characters’ names and voices differ, as long as they function the same way, I assign them as alternate costumes. The Wii Fit Trainers, Villagers, and Robin are examples of this setup

Point is Lucina not just being an alt has nothing to do with her being a different character.
You didn't actually play the game did you
>We will never have The Vaike and The Groose on Smash being bros...

Marth is Lucina.
>I'm gonna ignore what you said and insult you!
Typical. Let's just ignore the actual official polls, too >>253632575
>Lucina literally a 99% Marth clone
>That other 1% is a big direct upgrade from Marth
>There is no reason to even use Marth anymore when you can use Marth+
>Marth is Lucina
he's going to take this one literally and start sperging out about it
>roster slut
>not Palutena
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So is Chrom going to be the punching bag of the month?
>lucina is both third and second
>add them together and she has more than chrom

chromfags btfo
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>That other 1% is a big direct upgrade from Marth
>less damage potential than Marth
>"a big direct upgrade"
>not Peach

She's been cheating on Mario and NTRing Zelda this entire development cycle.

>All hope is void beyond this point...
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red lucina best lucina
Again, we really don't know shit about balance until we get our hands on the game. As far as I'm concerned, Sakurai's opinion about the balance of his own games is worthless.
You have that backwards, it's a big direct downgrade from Marth meaning there's no reason to use Lucina.

She's Marth but with no killing potential because Tipper has been removed.
This is the same as the old "Crit chance vs Swing Speed" argument
OK. I still feel the difference between Lucina and Marth is bigger than any of those, but I'll accept it.
>Lucina on top of weegee in the background
But it's not really about RNG. Lucina is definitely an "easier" Marth (her damage is the same for the entire blade) and thus will probably be more picked by newcomers, but Marth is still technically better.

>People actually taking that list seriously with Walhart and Henry that high

Then why did neither of them get dlc? And are both lower than other males in >>253632174

Why is Chrom higher in ever other poll than that one?
The poll in >>253631403 contains both 'Marth' and Lucina.

That's 286 votes. Landslide indeed.
Sure, if you are a perfect human being and hit right on the tip every time

I sure am glad those censor bars were there, otherwise that image might have been risqué.
It depends on how easy it is to do in Smash 4. It was easy in Melee.
This is an image board of Naga, can't have porn here.

>Having more varied fighters is better than having a shitton of similar ones

Unless it turns out like Brawl, and it's balanced so poorly that most of the unique inclusions turn out to be gimmicky to the point of complete and utter uselessness

Featuring the cookie-cutter default character template from a game where the entire point is to customize everything from his appearance to his class is not better than including the protagonist that everyone liked purely for the sake of variety, sorry.

Completely illogical that Lucina gets in as Marth alt but Chrom can't be the same thing for Ike anyway.
Which is why marth was a high tier in melee and still pretty good in brawl

You don't even need to be a tourneyfag to get good at tipping as any character. I did through the home run contest because you have to to get any good distance. Also learned catching items and short hops.

It also depends on the size of the "tip" hitbox. Since Ken just complained about landing lag because there's no bullshit l cancelling anymore, I'm assuming the hitboxes are relatively similar.
>>Completely illogical that Lucina gets in as Marth alt but Chrom can't be the same thing for Ike anyway.

You want 5 Fire Emblem characters?
>butthurt over robin
Robin is a great addition. A fucking FE character that doesn't just use a sword
Lucina on the other hand is just another sword user. where are the Axe, bow, Spear and mount character.

i would kill for some Green and Red heroes from FE.
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>where are the Axe, bow, Spear and mount character.

Don't worry, anon. Sakurai will give us a spear character soon...
>Marth clone 1 and 2
Literally the only fucking reason Lucina is in the game because she took minimal development time, so saying that some other character that would have taken development time to implement is pretty fucking retarded.
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> Henry being the highest ranked 'non-time travel bullshit' party member by a considerable margin

Fucking how?

I'm honestly just butthurt that Chrom isn't in, I finally really liked a Fire Emblem character and assumed he was a shoe-in but, instead got TWICE the usual amount of FE characters that I couldn't give a shit less about

It's the literal worst case scenario for us Chrom fans and we got blown the fuck out super hard
Clones suck regaurdless of how easy they are to make. Shit is fact. Chrom would have been a fucking Ike clone anyway.
Did Chrom even have character development? He only had "I trust you and hate everyone who had anything to do with my sisters death" going on.

Other than that every other character out shined him in personality and character design.
>Chrom would have been a fucking Ike clone anyway.
Based retard.
Chrom and Lucina fight the same. They state this in game.
Chrom would LITERALLY be a Marth clone, without the added difference of a vagina.
this is besides the point.

Saying shit like
>Why did Lucina get in over Chrom
>Why did Lucina get in over a spear user or axe user

Is incredibly retarded because Lucina is not in over anyone. If Chrom was in the game he probably would have given him his own moveset, he just chose Robin over him because he felt he would be more fun to play.

Lucina is literally only in the game because she took minimal development time, it's mind boggling how many times people need to repeat this and yet people still don't get it. She wasn't in over a user with a different weapon or Chrom, those characters were never considered.
And Ike isn't a modified marth clone?
>Did Chrom even have character development?
Yes, he had to learn to just go from being a battle hungry warrior to learn what it means to be a real ruler so as to live up to his sister's memory.
i'm not saying someone should have came in instead of her. I'm saying she just never should have existed in the game. No one could take her place for all I care. I just despise clones.
Chrom would be slower and harder hitting
Like a Falco, instead of a Dr. Mario
So every Fire emblem main character Lord ever?
Well, some people are happy that she is included and if she took minimal development time what's the harm? Just don't use her, there's plenty of other characters you can use.
She could have actually take far less time as well. by just being a Marth alt like Sakurai and his team were thinking about. No one would have lost shit.
>lie down
>try not to cry
>cry a lot

>Chrom and Lucina have 100% identical fighting styles in Awakening
>Lucina gets in as a Marth clone
>Chrom gets excluded because he "wouldn't have been unique enough"

I give up.
> Favourite guys are Gregor, Kellam, Ricken, and Vaike
> Favourite girls are Sully, Panne, Miriel, and Maribelle

That list hurts me in the heart
Nobody did lose shit
There was nothing to lose
She was that at the beginning anyway because we already know that's what Sakurai intended her to be. The only difference now is that he fixed her a bit to have her own slot instead of going over to Marth slot to change it to her. Nothing was loss.
Developers lost what little time it took to make her a clone. Could have used that little time for bug testing and balancing.
they made a marth alt, then changed some numbers around

they probably made her in a day

I'm assuming it's a visual standpoint.

Long blue haired lord with tits stands out more than a third short blue haired lord with a dick.
a clone doesn't take a significantly longer time than an alt

why would it
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Yep no chance of seeing Vaike, Ricken, Gegor, Sully, Panne, Miriel in Swimwear.
Maribelle at least got on the Beta poster
And yet nobody ever complains about trophies
They have models, descriptions, and even entire parts of the game dedicated to them
I like how people are arguing character popularity when Sakurai himself acknowledged that while Chrom is popular he made the decision for Robin over Chrom based on gameplay

So he'd be a clone with some tweaks
He is though. He is as far removed a clone as Wolf is to fox.
Clones killed his family and they are a common "trigger" for him, also remember he is a tumblrfag so you must use trigger warnings or else he'll go nuts and have Vietnam flashbacks

Right now he's rattling his tincan against an imaginary cage screaming stuff about Charlie clones
You are legitimately retarded aren't you?
>Invisible tits stands out more than an entirely different outfit
Are you legit blind and have only ever had the characters described to you
Do you have to dictate all your posts to your brother
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Are you retarded? I'm being sincere here. Are you a retard?
So Mewtwo is a Samus clone then? Because they have the same amount of similarities as Ike and Marth.
why is Kirby the best?

Wouldn't touch that site if you fucking paid me.
I just hate clones because they have no reason what so ever to be in any game. They were Alt character designs before Alts in Smash. they are a pointless addition to game only to generate fanfare and promote laziness.
I want the Kirby hat trophies to return in this so I can see all the glorious Kirbys at once.
Don't worry if clones bother you then you can take a breather with an extra hour in the ballpit
Mewtwo only gots a charge attack on Samus.
Ike and Marths B moves are the same with big tweaks to those same moves.

Still clones. You really can't prove otherwise.
yeah man
I also can't wait for the Kirby Amiibo
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I hate Smash threads so much.
Good on you. Do you have anything to actually say or are you just gonna be a bitch?
>Dude no they're totally the same
>Look at that recovery move man, they both go vertical it's totally a ripoff
Marth can double jump and has a recovery up+b that takes him upwards

Mario can double jump and has a recovery up+b that takes him upwards

Therefore, they're clones
At what point in time did people start to care more about whether or not a character is a clone or similar to another character or unique rather than caring about the actual character itself?
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Based retard
You know, im ok with this, I had hoped Robin would get in, but i did not think it would happen because Chrom existed. I now have another main and i am more then happy about it.
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She's so cute.
When they started actively looking for things to complain about rather than just enjoying games.
Yeah but Mewtwo is a clone.
And people always want him back.
It's stupid.
At what point does 'fucking with people' become 'actually retarded'
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>"I wanted to be sure to do away with clones in this game."
>Toon Link and Marth copy-pastes still a thing
>tfw he actually meant he's replacing Mewtwo and Snake with Mew and Big Boss
The last Smash@Xanadou had a squirtle player or two.
When people stop falling for it, maybe?
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>this entire fucking post
Lucina isn't even a clone in the way people normally use the term
She is literally the same character with a different appearance and one incredibly slight change
The fucking multicolor ninjas from Mortal Kombat are more unique than Lucina
>We could have had a Sm4sh with Mewtwo and Chrom
Thank fucking Christ we don't live in a world that shitty.
Dedede confirmed Kirby clone, then
Some sucking move
Some charging hammer attack
Some rise and fall recovery
Fucking hell Samurai GET CREATIVE
Ike and marth both have forward is a sword swing only ike's doesn't can't continue on into a combo as marth's can.
Both have a counter. Both have a upward sword strike for Up-B only Ike smacks down.
Both have a Charged sword attack only Ikes explodes.

Clones. Heavily modified. Still fucking clones. Fucking deal with it.
Well yeah the ninjas in MK don't play anything alike, that's not really an apt comparison.
Little Mac has a forward punch like Marth only without a sword
Little Mac has a counter
Little Mac has an upward strike for up-b
Little Mac has a charged attack

Little Mac confirmed for Marth clone.
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At least he'll be in SMTxFE
There comes a point where the distinction between a clone and a non-clone is so minute that arguing about it becomes pointless.
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Literally the worst threads. And I mean "literally" literally.
Is this a "Mewtwo is a clone of mew," joke or am I giving too much credit.
If only 1 or 2 moves seem vaguely similar. they ain't a clone. If every one of the B moves is the same only slightly different they are in fact clones.
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That would be mean anon.
"Where did you learn to fight like that?
"My father!"
>Fights exactly like Marth in Smash

Marth confirmed Lucina's father
How did Chrom team Lucina to fight when he died when she was like 1.
>Ike's Aether is a rise and fall akin to Kirby
>Marth's Dolphin Slash is a direct rise
>Ike's Quick Draw is a charged dash
>Marth's Dancing Blade is a three-button combination attack
>Ike and Marth both have Counter
>Ike and Marth both have charged attacks, Shield Breaker and Eruption, which are about as similar as Charge Shot and Shadow Ball
Fucking retard.
If it did I wouldn't have a arguement.

Ike, Marth clones
Lucas, Ness Clones
Fox, falco, Wolf Clones
C.Falcon, Ganondorf Clones
Mario and luigi clones in the first game
Link and toon link clones.
Arguments can be had about anything, that doesn't make them worthwhile.
Awakening's plot is riddled with holes and inconsistencies, don't think about it too hard.
Yeah, no. Nigga you in denial.

That is like saying Wolf isn't a clone.
>Ike and Marth are clones
>Mario and Luigi aren't
Space furries are more of a clone than marth/ike
I want you to google that quote and find an article that links back to Sakurai.
I think he died when she was older. It's never explicitly stated how old they were when they died.
But the kids are all around 16 so we've got that going for us.
Lucina is a very gifted child, anon.
>not a clone
He's "Fox but different" in the same way Luigi is "Mario but different". Not like how Dr. Mario is "Mario but different". Wolf Flash =/= Fox Illusion/Falco Phantasm due to the 30 degree angle rise. Fire Wolf =/= Fire Fox/Bird due to not even producing fire and having a multi-hit "drag" effect. Blaster and Reflector are fundamentally the same attack, just as the brothers' Fireball and Super Jump Punch are.
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