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http://mynintendonews.com/2014/07/1 7/sakurai-explains-why-c

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Thread replies: 557
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>Smash Bros creator Masahiro Sakurai says that he cut Chrom from the roster because he lacks any unique characteristics. Sakurai explains that he thought long and hard about adding Chrom, but he decided that Chrom would just end up being too similar to the other sword-wielders like Marth and Ike.
>“Initially, I had considered including Lucina as one of Marth’s alternate costumes. After all, she has a close relationship with him in FE:A. In such cases, even if two characters’ names and voices differ, as long as they function the same way, I assign them as alternate costumes. The Wii Fit Trainers, Villagers, and Robin are examples of this setup.”
>“However, even though Lucina shares her physical stats and techniques with Marth, the characteristics of their attacks differ. When two such similar characters function in an even slightly different manner, I give them a separate spot on the roster since that will affect battle records and whatnot. In that sense, you could say she was very lucky to join the fray!”
Oh god dammit.
She took no "spot" and is just a lucky bonus, what is wrong with that?
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Great. Another character to fucking slog through Classic and All Star with.
That means that Gematsu was never BTFO in the first place.

Take that, anti-fags!
Nothing wrong with that, just that the Gematsufags are going to take this as proof that they were right.
>Chrom lacks any unique characteristics
>okay so let's use girl marth

Are you stupid? MU got in instead of Chrom. Lucina was gonna be an alt for Marth either way, but Sakurai tweaked her a little and gaver her her own slot
still stupid

>okay guys no clones
>Lucina is a literal clone of Marth
>the only difference is the sweetspot on her sword (which is all of it)
I can't be too mad about Lucina. She could've been made by a bunch of interns in the course of a week. It's not like it took a lot of dev time away from making other characters.

He never said no more clones. Try doing some research before you cry bullshit

I don't see the problem. There really no difference between making Lucina her own character or making her a Marth costume, except that it tingles your autism
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>b-b-but he can replace Ike because he fights exactly like him

Thank God. Chrom would have been the worst reveal ever
making her a costume would be accepted because she's not taking up a fucking slot as a clone.
>taking up a slot
What makes you think the amount of characters is limited by an amount of slots rather than an amount of development time?
>muh hard limit of slots
The number is flexible based on what's being added, you duck.
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>Lacks any unique characteristics
Yeah, he lacks the waifu crap. Fucking Lucinafaggots.

Plus, it's really fucking gutsy by Sakurai to say Lucina has unique characteristics when all she is are a 1:1 Marth clone both in the Fire Emblem games and in Smash.

Are you really that stupid?
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What a BORING character. Wish we got someone interesting.

He doesn't even fight like Ike. Sakurai would've made up an unique moveset for him but realized there's nothing that makes him really different from Marth or Ike and he'd feel like a mixture of both
Because they're going to stop at a nice round multiple of 5
>Don't be retards, Lucina isn't a Marth clone.

>She was going to be a Marth skin.

>Main difference now is sweetspot.
>it's really fucking gutsy by Sakurai to say Lucina has unique characteristics

Where are you getting the idea that Sakurai ever said that? Sakurai has said multiple times that Lucina is exactly like Marth, hence why he planned on making her Marth's alt costume originally
Because Brawl had exactly 40, right?
So we got another melee clone situation?

m-muh autism
The creators of the game probably want to keep the game's roster from getting too large. So although there isn't a predetermined number of "slots," Lucina's inclusion makes every other character ever-so-slightly less likely to be included.
she's so bland. I can't even waifufag because there's nothing to her.
What if she has a different final smash? What will you fags say then?

>The creators of the game probably want to keep the game's roster from getting too large.
Why? A larger roster is a better thing for them, remember that each character will have an Amiibo?
They decided which characters they wanted to add at the start of development anyway. Anything after that is a bonus.
She'll probably have Critical Hit, but with Awakening's face slide-in and "I CHALLENGE MY FATE"

No it doesn't
If it means we get a bigger roster than we expected then I'm fine with that, I don't mind clones.
You really think they said "Okay, even with the budget and time when we hit THIS many characters we're done. Nobody could possibly want more characters than this."

She's a last-minute lazy bonus, but it was her or nothing in her place. Stop acting like [your character of choice] was dropped in lieu of her.
Shit, that sounds pretty cool actually.
>yfw Lucina will always be the first character to be cut from smash 5 roster predictions
>yfw she's even confirmed before Marth
>yfw the butthurt of Japan Time 3.0 will be so enormous it travels through timespace and you can feel it even now
Didn't Smash already have enough swordsmen? Just because this one's a girl she's unique? I don't think Sakurai knows what the word unique means. There are a lot of female swordsman in videogames.

>the main characteristics of their attacks differs
Not a big enough deal to put her in as a seperate character.

And some blind Nintendo-worshipping fanboys will still defend this shit.
>Chrom doesn't have any unique characteristics, so he doesn't get to be a character at all
>Lucina is so similar to Marth that she was almost an alternate costume, but they decided to change a sweetspot on her sword so that's enough to make her an individual character
I'm just glad we got Robin.
>There are a lot of female swordsman in videogames.
Not in Smash though
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You know what's cool? This

>Let's start with Lucina (first image). She has the exact same set of special moves that Marth does, but like the game's director Masahiro Sakurai explained, the main difference between Lucina and Marth is that the former's moves will do the same damage regardless of which part of her blade hits, whereas Marth's attacks will only do maximum damage if the tip of his blade brushes the opponent.

>One very important detail that both the character reveal trailer and Sakurai left out, however, is that you can actually start a match as Lucina with her mask on. In fact, Lucina has a taunt that lets her put on or remove the mask, in a similar fashion to Guile's "sunglasses" taunt in Ultra Street Fighter 4.
5 in Brawl if you count Metaknight, now 6 in Kerfuffle, 7 if you count Robin who is half swordsman half Harry Potter
>Just because this one's a girl she's unique? I don't think Sakurai knows what the word unique means

Holy fucking shit, are you guys retarded? When Sakurai talks about the unique character he's talking about Robin. He's directly emphasizing that Lucina is exactly like Marth
That actually is pretty cool
Remember when Nintendo characters were fun and goofy and likable? Then we have this forgettable piece of shit clone. R.I.P. Creativity

dayum dat Kirby
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>When two such similar characters function in an even slightly different manner, I give them a separate spot on the roster since that will affect battle records and whatnot. In that sense, you could say she was very lucky to join the fray!
Is no one else reading this and wondering how many more clones there are? Or is he talking about the series in general and its many clones?
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Marth wasn't even that amazing of a character, this bitch is just unnecessary and lame.

Dark Pit
Casual babbymode Marth

Perfecr for grlgaymers
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Why can't Roy just come back?
Just like Fox, Falco, and Wolf do right?
cause he's fucking shit
What a unique, exciting and original character. Her character design and attacks just has so much personality and uniqueness. Never seen a character like this before!
We already know of Dark Pit,

so if I had to guess, I'd say Metal Sonic, if we're lucky. He was a skin for Sonic in SADX
The only other clones are Toon Link and Ganon who have the same deal as Lucina
Roy was a Marth clone that was only there to advertise the Fire Emblem game released closest to that version of Smash.

Lucina is the same thing.
I would gave prefered Roy back over Lucina, at least he has fire in his attacks.
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Nobody likes Roy
Everyone bitching about Lucina is retarded

ROBIN Was the new character reveal
Lucina is just a marth costume that got edited enough to become its own character

Moaning about cutting Chrom for Lucina is dumb, because he wasn't. He was cut for Robin
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>waste everyone's time with this slut instead of putting in a good character

fucking Sakurai

>yfw the small difference will be what makes Lucina SS tier and Marth B tier
>yfw all former Marth players will use Lucina
>yfw nobody plays Marth anymore
>yfw Lucina stays in smash 5 and Marth is cut
Dude can get his choice of 6 girls for his ending. Nigga is a pimp.
But identical to Marth's.
The only time wasted is everyone bitching about it on the internet.
Everyone bitching about people bitching is retarded. Because they're double the bitch.

Stop being stupid


jesus christ. Don't even dump the gamblers fallacy, whatever fallacy issue, it doesn't apply.
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Roy > Lucina
But isn't that Robin's job minus him/her being a clone?
they changed it to be a single round slash in 4, I think. Lucina's is 2 to the front, one to the back
I just hope shulk is in

Wolf, fox and Falco all play completely differently

All of them having a blaster as a neutral B, a reflector as down b, and fox and Falco sharing their side/up bs doesn't mean they're the same character
I like Roy. Way better than boring waifufag-pandering Lucina
>Character meant as a self insert is the same as the Lord of the game.

Bro, come on. Think a little.
>Chrom would be too similar to the other sword-wielders
>Put Lucina in
>She's a clone of marth
Sakurai is an idiot.
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not when you have growths like this
I would take Roy over Lucina anyday
>Fallacies don't apply because I said so
That's not even a fallacy, that's just retarded.
At least he gets a good promotion!

at the end of the fucking game, fuck Roy
Character ? No.

Moveset ? Yes.

I like Lucina. Way better than boring husbando-pandering Roy
He never said he cut Chrom at all.
If Chrom was considered he still would have been cut by mid-late 2012.
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>mfw marth from melee isn't a girl
>mfw they add female marth to new smash
No, Robin is a unique character that will likely stand the test of time just like Ike, and remain as Smash's resident tactician representative of Fire Emblem.

Unless they start making customizable self insert tacticians as playable units with their own story and character a thing from now on, and based on Awakening's popularity that's actually pretty likely.

Those are actually decent growths. He's just shit because he doesn't promote until the last chapter and is a useless shit throughout the entire game because of that
But Marth is already a boring husbando-pandering character so you're just contradicting yourself.
basically this >>253590664

sakurai basically said she was a reskinned marth with slightly different move variations.

Falco in Melee probably required more work than she did.
All I want is Ray 01. Stop being a little bitch Sakurai
>hmmm these miis fight I wonder what we should call them
Honestly can't even pretend to be hyped for this. the character itself is not only a clone but looks generic as fuck

Pro tip: Only two moves are shared between the move sets, and that's fox and Falco's side and up b moves

Everything else is different between the three

If they had the same move sets they'd all play identically. When in reality good players recognise how different they are

You'd have to be a brain damaged retard to not see miis coming
Why would they do that, anyway? Wouldn't it make more sense to give him a normal promotion to use in the main game, and then give him a second special promotion at the end like that?

And Falco is probably the clone that took the least work. That's why he returned for Brawl
So he's just serving both jobs, pushing the newest game and being an original character who will remain like Ike.

Lucina's existence really just has no purpose.
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Smash just gets worse and worse.
I honestly think that he just said something like

"Palutena, Pac-man and the mii fighters will be annunced at E3"

He could have said

"Pac-Man, Miis and Paluetna fighters will be announced at E3"

He's just lucky

And Roy is only wanted because of "Muh melee"

As you can see in the thread, most people that have actually played the games he was in don't like him because he's a useless piece of shit
>One very important detail that both the character reveal trailer and Sakurai left out, however, is that you can actually start a match as Lucina with her mask on. In fact, Lucina has a taunt that lets her put on or remove the mask, in a similar fashion to Guile's "sunglasses" taunt in Ultra Street Fighter 4.

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I dunno
Roy is supposed to be weak I guess. In the game they say it a lot that Roy is not the best swordsman and that he can't wield the legendary weapons.
I like Chrom's colour scheme better than those red and blue lords being added right and left to SMB since forever
White cape looks good
Why isn't Chrom an alternate costume for Ike?
Neither Lucina nor Roy belong in smash.
Robin will stay. About Lucina I'm not sure. She could be downgraded to alt costume status anytime
The press kit said they were mii fighters.
We can all agree on that.
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So basically,

>I didn't put in Chrom because he was boring as fuck and Ike/Marth are more interesting/important
>I put in Robin because I wanted an FE character who could use magic and represent breakable weaponry
>I spent five seconds making Lucina her own character so people wouldn't bitch about either of Awakening's lame MC's who weren't self-inserts not getting a slot

That makes a lotta sense. Sakurai is a smart dude. I'm still maining Ike, but the inclusion of Lucina makes sense now.
>all star
Someone should break it to this poor guy
Didn't he say those characters last E3 anyway, along with Villager, Wii Fit Trainer, and Little Mac?

Lucina is a highly requested and popular character
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why is femu such a qt?
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Captain Falcon punched Chrom off the roster

Other than being both a requested character and an easy to implement clone that was originally intended as a skin?

>Falco shouldn't be in game because he shares a couple attacks with fox and Starfox doesn't need 3 reps
>Ray 01
You imply that he'd be a good addition to the roster but I can think of no real reason to add him.

Why should Sakurai add a character who has size issues (and he's said as much), is from dead franchise, is from an IP that is not old enough to be considered retro yet not new enough to be relevant, and has a very, very small following worldwide? He's fine as an assist trophy but there's no reason he should be playable, and Sakurai understands this.

I think asking for Geno, Skull Kid, and Ashley is ridiculous, but asking for Ray is even more out there to me, right up there with Saki.

Ike has a different stature than Chrom
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This is a joke, right? I know waifufags are gonna like regardless but wow they got lazy. Super fucking lazy

>size issues

Fuck you, olimar is a fucking inch tall in his game
All of the conflicts would have been avoided if Sakurai just replaced Marth with Lucina instead of adding both of them, just thing about it:

>No tears from the autists that complain about "clones"
>This would please the tourneyfags because she would be the same as marth
>Pandering to the waifufags that wanted to play as her

3 birds with one stone, and marth isn't even relevant outside of smash anyways.

>including a bonus character noone expected is lazy

Oh you retarded entitled NEETs on /v/ are amusing

Requesting more smash comics
I love these

Anyone got the new one with the newcomers and c.falcon
Could have made him a skin instead of part of robins final smash

Marth fans would be butthurt. And honestly fuck the autists who can't see that there's almost no difference between Lucina being an alt or her own character.

Olimars power level allows him to change size at will
>Implying there wouldn't be an uproar about Marth being replaced by "waifu-pandering"
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Ray 01 would actually have a unique moveset and would really benefit from the custom movesets.
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Sakurai has no problem sizing Olimar up, but he thinks that Ray should still be small because he's a toy. Call it silly reasoning, but that's just the way it is. Ray is not making it in.
>"no u just retard!!1"

Wow, it's like I'm back in 3rd grade.

Considering Sakurai's comments about making characters into costume slots for others, now, what if we get Fox and Wolf, and Falco becomes an alt. 'costume' for the former?

I was completely opposed to the idea of different characters being costumes, but considering Sakurai's latest comments it's almost possible.
>Ray 01 would actually have a unique moveset
So does every newcomer but Lucina. Not exactly a compelling argument.

>and would really benefit from the custom movesets.
We already have Miis and Palutena. Even that aside, there are too many other obstacles to his inclusion.
better than what's happening right now

>people are actually complaining that they gave an alt costume a few unique attributes and a character slot

>they would seriously prefer her as just a costume

How does this make any sense

I'd take a clone with slight diffrences over a fucking alt costume any day.
Very lazy, Nintendo. Very LAZY

Sakurai's reasoning makes no fucking sense either way.

>I'll make characters into alt costumes if they play exactly the same.
>But I'll also make Lucina slightly different from Marth.
>So that's why Lucina is her own character.

>make a retarded statement

But it's nice to know that you were a stupid kid, too
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>Ike uses Two hander swords.
>Marth uses one hand sword.
>Fights the same.
My inner /tg/ is raging right now.
>Strength base fighter > Dex based pussy acrobats.
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>Unless they start making customizable self insert tacticians as playable units with their own story and character a thing from now on, and based on Awakening's popularity that's actually pretty likely.

It was a FE12 thing first.
>and marth isn't even relevant outside of smash anyways.
He's the main lord who has appeared in the most number of games and the "face" of the series unless you want to argue Anna.
how does that not make sense?
By that logic each character should have clones in the roster instead of alt costumes. Still, the tryhard fanboys would defend Sakurai's stupidity.

Why is Skull Kid or Ashley ridiculous

Ashley would only be the second warioware rep, and she's probably the most popular character from the series along with Mona

Skull Kid would be nice. Just cause I think Zelda's big enough now to deserve a 6th rep that was a callback to older games

Right now every character is based on designs from TP or WW

But that does make sense

Pichu was just as small

It could happen
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Why do people care if she gets her own slot?
I don't understand you guys. How is that a bad thing?
sakurai is a troll and a moron

I like Titty monster FeMU
>with their own story and character
FE12's avatar didn't really have that, Robin was a lot better.

I thought Falco was gonna be an alt of Fox and Wolf was gonna stay a seperate character, but now with the inclusion of Lucina I believe Falco will also be a seperate character
I did. Late promotion aside, he wrecked everything in his way.

I liked Eliwood less.

But Hector is better than them all.
Generic and lame character. Doesn't deserve to be in Smash. Marth himself wasnt all that either

muh slots
>Casual mode Marth
>ebin balanced damage all throughout
what the fuck
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You can say it's unlikely, but don't say he wont be in until he's deconfirmed.
He will always have a chance as long as he's not deconfirmed. He was an assist trophy in the last game, that only puts him close to being in.
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Whenever I see this Marth clone I just think of one word.
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They had character and a story, it was just very, very bland.
Sakurai confirmed for waifu/Lucinafag.
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Why don't they have axe or spear characters, like her sister.
>Canon sister and best sister decision.
The mii fighters even have "Brawler" "Sword" and "Gun" types, was having "spear" and "axe" types really that hard? Ike's character is already have way there for axes.

>Two handed sword works like a battle axe.
I said close.

It's basically Roy
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i hope everyone who bitches about this actually follows up and refuses to buy the game

that way they'll get to spend the better part of next year just watching as everyone else has shitloads of fun with the game, while they sit in their basement with sore asses because of ONE new clone
>Why is Skull Kid or Ashley ridiculous
Because people want Skull Kid just because they like Majora's Mask yet they can't even think of a moveset besides a final smash. People only want Ashely because they're lolicons, I very rarely see people wanting her in and actually proposing a decent moveset. Mona would make more sense seeing how she's been around longer.

Pichu was also from one of Nintendo's best selling franchises and didn't have tiny limbs that would be impossible to see on a 3DS.
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Why is Kirby the cutest thing ever?
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at least Eliwood gets a horse when he promotes
They didn't cut Mario in favor of Dr. Mario, did they?

Ike can use Axes. Might have them as custom moves
She's shit.

Pikachu is actually meant to be tiny too for that matter

The one is smash is like a giga-chu
>ecause people want Skull Kid just because they like Majora's Mask yet they can't even think of a moveset besides a final smash

What? Thinking up a moveset for Skull Kid is incredibly easy
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He never said there wouldn't be any clones. Chrom got kicked for Robin, which is a good choice, and Lucina is just a glorified alt costume that took five minutes to make. Get informed before you get mad like a retard.

Also, your game is probably shit.
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Like Father, Like Son.

Still can't hold his own fucking sword properly and gets doubled by everything if he uses it
At least this reveal got me to pick FE:A back up.
>Completely opposed to the idea of different characters as costumes
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I just hope there would be more diversity in trophies for FE. Having only Path of Radiance and just one lyn trophy because of the assist trophy model was such a disappointment
She's just so...nothing. So bland and nothing. Meh
You're just learning that now?
Have you been under a rock?
Guts =Ike
Griffith = Marth
Casca = Lucina
FE7's weapon weight was very fucked up.
>Dark tomes weighing more than Axes
Expect truckloads of them from FE:A and nothing from anything else.
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If even fanart fails to make a character look likable, you know there's a problem.
>Posting best waifu.
You, I like.

Seriously. FE characters deserve a lot of representation as assists. Now with the inclusion of Lucina and Robin I hope for a lot of FE assists
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bitch please kirby is adorable
>FE characters deserve a lot of representation as assists

Why do they deserve it more than all those characters from other Nintendo IPs?
cross generational incest?
I'll buy the game.
They obviously ride in the carts. Ether that or they ride the horses, and when combat starts they unmount because they don't have the right feats and would be massive penalties.
Can someone give a link to /v/s archives please I wanna look something up
>By that logic each character should have clones in the roster instead of alt costumes.

Uh, no? Lucina was altered slightly from Marth. Lucas was a slight alter from Ness. If DK had a slight alter of himself, Sakurai would most likely put it as its own character from his own explanation. But he does not; he's got costumes.

What's not to understand about that?
Lucina and Chrom as a FS took maybe a tenth of the effort that a fully playable Chrom. And yeah, he's not unique enough. I'm glad the new FE rep that isn't a clone is Robin, that's far more interesting than what we usually get.
Bacause the lastest fire emblem sold a fuck ton and its really popular on japan

>People just want Skull Kid in because they like Majoras Mask

People want skull kid in because he's a well likes character
Same for Ashley. Try to spin it any way you want people want them because they want them in, not because of the reasons you imply

And we don't make the movesets, Sakurai does

>Hurr how would rosalina fight
>Hurr how would villager fight
>Hurr how would wft fight

It's fucking easy

Skull kid has flight powers
Chuck in some dark magic bullshit and a floaty style like mewtwo, maybe a move where he can stun people by turning you into a scrub for a couple seconds
Final smash he brings down the moon

Ashley's a witch
Let her fight with that little Red Devil dude
Couple magic spells, throws potions at people, easy
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They're really running out of ideas. This is pathetic
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I just really hope there's another Sothe trophy
Who's Robin?

Because they have a lot of different characters and there are more characters than the main lords that are worth showing off.
Also it's a franchrise with 13 games
Holy fuck, Sakurai never said there wouldn't be any clones.

How often are you insipid fucks going to continue shouting this outright lie?

How the fuck would this prove him right? He's still not playable. And now they have three seperate characters that he failed to guess. And once again, "an x/y pokemon" is hardly even worth counting.
Please elaborate on how or stop shitposting.
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Lucina is just way too boring. such a shitty clone
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Batman's sidekick

You are aware that melee had six or so clones instead of ONE new character, right?

Clones don't take slots. At least not on a 1:1 ratio. They're practically bonuses, and I honestly wish there were more.


I like both the art and the character
It's Nintendo

W-wonder red?

64 had 12 characters.
Melee had 26 characters.
Brawl had 39 characters.
Where the fuck did you pull that shit from?
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>There are people who seriously believe cutting one clone does make enough time to create a non clone newcomer
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I don't hate Sakurai. He's just a pretentious idiot with shit logic and has shit taste in characters.
Is Captain Falcon supposed to be Kramer?
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Or you're just an idiot who's too fucking stupid to read
Character choice question

>cut Chrom from the roster because he lacks any unique characteristics.
I don't even like Chrom and this is complete bullshit? Lucina is unique? How the hell is she unique? She is a cardboard cut out of an female Marth. They would have all been shit. Ike is the only decent FE rep.
at least put in an exciting new character instead of this bullshit
Why the fuck can Robin use Nosferatu?
I'm really getting sick of sakurai's "uuuuuhhh no characters as alts" bullshit. Because of his stupid ass we probably won't get a protoman alt for Megaman.
>you will never read a lewd magazine about your waifu while she is next to you
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>and has shit taste in characters.
Okay, who do did YOU want added, then?
You know I actually like the idea of every character "having a clone" of themselves, or basically being able to slightly alter any of the characters.

Make a stronger hit Mario, but trade up speed or health. = Dr. Mario
Make a stronger Ganondorf but give up power. = Captain Falcon

I wouldn't even need them to be alternate characters, maybe just have the ability to change them on selection.

I love the new alternate move idea, but I know tournament play will end up having everyone pick the "right moves".

Why the fuck can Ness use PK Fire?
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Wow Lucina? How pathetic can nintendo get? Did they leave their brains at the door? NO ONE likes lucina she was the worst part of the entire game.
Ike uses one hand swords too.
If something, Chrom can also use lances.
>ridley and isaac
my sides
>I decided not to put Chrom because he is a lot similar to marth
>Lucina Looks similar to marth but i put her anyway

Just say it Sakurai. You put her because she has tits.

If he wanted a female Fire Emblem most unique character he could put Lynn or one of the current non-Lord characters.

And besides, we already have Robin, Wich is already unique, And Ike, and Marth. Lucina has no purpose at all in the game if she will play "slightly different" to marth. Ike already plays "slightly different" by being slower and stronger.


You answered your own question.
The dev team for smash decided who they wanted before they even made mario in the new game They planned out the characters and their movesets and then started on them. Chrom was never going to be a character from day one. Gematsu is wrong and fake. Accept it.
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Fuck your shit
When's Rayman
>I'm really getting sick of sakurai's "uuuuuhhh no characters as alts" bullshit.

Technically his position is now "no characters as alts if I randomly decide that giving them minimally different characteristics is worth making them separate".
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Are you too goddamn retarded to read? Lucina was gonna be in anyway as Marth's costume.
The character that got in in favor of Chrom was Robin. It was either gonna be Chrom and Lucina or Robin and Lucina.
How do you not get that?
so he put a female mixture of them
Lynn would have actually been cool.
>says that he cut Chrom
He can't cut what was never there to begin with.

He played with the idea of adding Chrom but he decided against it.
"Chrom was too similar to Marth, so instead we added chick Marth."

What the actual fuck?
I believe joke is "nigga you gay"
because riley
This puts another hole Gematsu leak. It sounds like Chrom was considered and cut early on so even if the leak was outdated - he shouldn't have been listed on there. With Lucina originally a Marth Alt and declared as "lucky" to get in means that she wasn't even planned originally.
It was always Robin vs Chrom and Robin won.
I think the gist of what he's saying is, chrom didn't have anything to offer as a full new character so they cut him in favour of the more interesting Robin.

Lucina was being developed as a Marth alt costume, due to her intentional similarity to him in awakening, but then it was decided that they'd just put her in a different slot and she'd get some unique properties but she still wouldn't take up much extra development time.

No. Lucina is nothing more than a Marth skin. Lucina's inclusion has nothing to do with Chrom not being in
Jesus Christ people. The logic is simple.

He didn't put Chrom in because he's another blue-haired FE swordsman and he preferred Robin.

He DID put Lucina in because she was so similar to marth that it would take practically no work at all to implement.

He's a lazy fuck but you can't say he's not thinking.

Now will the autists on /v/ please go home?

>Accusing Female Robin of sleeping with Chrom if she's not her mother.
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Daily reminder than my waifu took the spot of your most wanted newcomer for smash and there's NOTHING you can do about it.
If you like Lucina, fuck you, fuck yourself, and go fuck off you are killing the genre.
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Which genre, party games or strategy?
I think Lucina is a super qt and I'm glad she got in.

entirely possible that the leaker just didn't understand that Chrom was a final smash.

I'm not watching all that shit. Put the time in the link.

And meanwhile he forgot to mention Robin at all?
Now you're reaching
I don't even care about the fact that she's a clone, or that there were enough Fire Emblem chars. I just wish they would add someone that is GREAT. Not BORING.
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man the shit Chrom has pull with is just hilarious

There's no concert evidence Chrom was ever legit considered
Sakurai could just be answering everyone because everyone thought Chrom was gonna be in because of the faggot "leaker" stirring shit up
disregard then, totally slipped my mind
It's prevalent throughout their whole conversation and only not during the end.

Everyone thought Chrom was going to be in, leak or not.
Wow what a boring character, I'm fucking falling asleep her just looking at her god FUCKING TRY NINTENDO YOU STUPID FUCKS
I really wonder if Nintendo will eventually get wise to the SRPG franchise and make an SSB SRPG. Preferrably almost exactly like Disgaea, par grindan.

>Every character gets three special skills, two passive abilities, and can use multiple weapon classes
>Potential for dozens to hundreds of good guys and bad guys without the need for intensive art assets
>Set up your teams for various engagements
>3DS Spotpass auto-fights between your two parties
>Amiibo support will learn how you fight and will try to focus your team around that style of play
>Sprite-based unlockables throughout
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Or maybe the leak isn't real at all and was just lucky guesses.

Chorus Kid and Shulk will still be in but that has nothing to do with Gematsu
Whatever. The only character with a lot of AWESOME from FE in Smash is Ike anyway.
Smart enough to predict the Wii Fit Trainer but stupid enough to confuse a final smash? Please.
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>You will never watch Lucina porn with Lucina
I don't really care about Lucina or Chrom, I wouldn't have lost any sleep if neither of them had made it in. I just don't understand the logic of "X character was too similar to Y character, so we added Z character whose just a gender-bent version of Y character."
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>Some assdemolished samefag keeps posting things about BORING in this thread like it's going to make Lucy go away

God you're pathetic.
Just like he said Villager was too peaceful to fight
Right. So nothing unique was added to the roster.
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Micaiah is pretty awesome. I would have liked her more than Robin
Waiting for Blood Falcon.
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Or you can just do a great movelist with support characters like in the game itself:

>Neutral B: Robin cast a thunder spell (charge)
>Up B: You climb on the back of Sumia's pegasus
>Forward B: Frederick rush with his horse and lance
>Down B: Olivia dancing behind you allowing you to be faster for a short period of time

A true Lord.
Don't even play FE but seriously, what a bland character.
What's the point of complaining about her being in when she was getting in the game regardless of getting a slot or not. Nothing was loss in her addition. No character was cut because of her nor was any time really loss.
iunno, it's kinda hard to pass off a leak that was this right, especially when predicting ridiculous characters.

Not really defending him here but shitloads of people thought Chrom was playable after watching the trailer and Nintendo even had to clarify that he isn't. If he just saw a screenshot of that part, it would be very easy to assume Chrom is playable.

because you're a stupid fuck. If you actually bothered to read, Sakurai was explaining why ROBIN got in over Chrom. Lucina is just a bonus because she was supposed to be an alt costume of Marth, but instead he tweaker her a little and gave her her own slot
Yeah he's lucky to have mentioned WFT, that was totally guess-able.

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It would be neat to get alternative costumes.
>Felt like going full Incest Emblem once
>Married Chrom to Olivia
>Robin married Emmeryn
>Morgan married Inigo
>Lucina married Owain

see >>253597307

>Include character
>all his moves are other characters
It's a different thing though. Chrom was another blue-haired sword lord that they couldn't think of a unique moveset for so they developed Robin instead.

Then the Lucina alt costume that they were working on for Marth got separately worked into its own thing, but as a clone character that takes much less development time
>"an x/y pokemon" is hardly even worth counting.
Actually it is, because Sakurai himself said at e3 2014 this was the name of Greninja's spot before Pokemon X/Y came out and that they decided on him based on concept art because they thought he looked cool, meaning Sakurai himself confirmed the leak, as if Wii Fit Trainer wasn't enough proof.
I hate clones but theyre inevitable the least they could ahve done was give the slot to someone interesting.

We already explained why you can't have shitloads of character models being loaded on the fly as a fighting game moveset in another thread. Remember how long it took to switch between Zelda and Sheik in Brawl?
All this shit about the roster could be fixed if we had an actual character creator.
I just want more cartoon looking fighters rather than more humans

give k. rool
Not to mention Chrom has access to Archer, Sniper, Bow Knight, Cavalier, Paladin and Great Knight. Plus Dread Fighter. And he can also use lances in Great Lord.
I'll never get my mainly robin with short hair and a scar, but I'd like an option to play as robin with the hood up
He never predicted Rosalina and was inaccurate about Lil Mac's reveal. He also said that Shulk would be revealed on Monday.

This dude has supposedly inside information - that doesn't equal to glances at screenshots. Considering that he got the names of Wii Fit Trainer and Mii Fighters correct.
This came from tumblr, didn't it? Leave it to the landwhales to not know Ike's personality whatsoever and shoehorn whatever headcanons they come up with.
They're 'companions', not married, dude It's all innocent.

>muh slots
You do know those modes are back? They were shown in the Smash bros direct with a fuckton of other modes, one of which looks like adventure mode without the cutscenes and multiple-path taking.
Pretty sure that time was just for game balance
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Ike is only good FE rep.
remember how little time it took in melee?

>implying the sword tip takes any skill to use

against competent opponents your nog gonna land hits with any other part of the sword anyway.
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Making Morgan marrying her uncle is just so weird but so fucking hilarious.

Like Miis?

Melee also had much less detailed models than Brawl.
Where's Rosalina, Chrom, and Shulk then?
>He never predicted Rosalina
Rosalina was shown before he showed his second leak.
>and was inaccurate about Lil Mac's reveal

What? He predicted Little Mac.

Dude the guy predicted Wii Fit Trainer, the absolute un-guessable pick because that character didn't even have a name nor did ANYONE EVER even think of her.
>All those people who can't read mad because they can only think with "MUH SLOTS" in mind

Lucina didn't steal a slot, she wasn't going to get in anyway. She was going to be a costume, then it was decided that they might aswell make her her own character and change some numbers since the model and everything was already done.
Stop thinking that there was an X number of characters that Sakurai worked toward to, and Lucina was picked as one of those.
What happened is that they picked the characters, making a roster with X characters, and then Lucina was added.
She's a +1, a bonus, a "just throw it in" character. She didn't take much work time. It's a freebie, it's not worth getting mad about it, she's not why Waluigi or Isaac aren't playable.
oh please. A bunch of fags made up Marth and Ike's personality before they ever played their games. Awkward Zombie is guilty of this.
Yeah, silly cencorship. I circumvented that once by having Olivia! Lucina! Morgan marry Chrom! Inigo.

Considered husband/ wife.
All i want is Short grill with eyepatch, and big scar guy with pink pompadour.
On dolphin zelda and sheik switch almost inmediately. Very useful for using the better recovery from zelda
No, not like the miis. The Mii thing is sorta limiting, ya know? I mean like a character creator from the ground up.

Seriously. How does a large portion of /v/ actually have trouble understanding this? It's not rocket science
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Ike x Mist Doujin release when?
Brawl was run on a shitty gamecube with motion controls, which is why transformations like bowser-giga and wario-warioman took longer

The PMBR made Project M max out allocated ram when being run, so transforms take less time. If characters are all loaded (having a shiek and a zelda on stage already) the transforms are instant, which brawl would never do.

The Wii U might not be selling as well, but it's not the potato the Wii was

>fucking girls
>Where's Rosalina
Uh, she was confirmed in December. If you're talking about why the leaker didn't mention her it's because she was shown before his second leak so why bother mentioning her?
Sakurai just told you he changed his mind regarding Chrom in the midst of development.
Nothing confirmed yet.

Really, you people are going to pretend him predicting Wii Fit Trainer wasn't enough proof already? Why do you people have such a black and white mentality?
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>Lucina gets in
>Sakurai literally admits she's an extra character added because she wouldn't work as an alt
>Has a neat taunt that changes the model slightly, very creative
>Would appeal to Awakening fans, tourneyfags pissed about Marth's nerfs, and players who want an FE grill
>Smash players boycotting the game just because of Lucina
How autistic can you dipshits be? One "wasted slot" for a character you don't like doesn't make it an immediately bad game.
Watch Ridley get revealed and you autists make a 180 into "GOTYAY BASED SAMURAI".
I didn't really care for chrome other then keep his ass alive.

3DS tho

He threw in wild cards so then people would expect crazy characters, he probably guessed the other ones so then everyone would be thinking "omg wii fit trainer is gonna be revealed" just like how he through in chorus kids because then everyone was like "omg chorus kids are gonna be so cool" His wild card was lucky and every other one was an easy guess

he said chrom was in and he's not, and that's not something you change midway the roster is pretty much set in stone early on

Also mii fighter is pretty generic, he didn't mention mii gunner or mii swordsman or whatever the hell it is.

gematsu is finishedu
But they have a gorillion characters to pick from, what's the issue here?
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I'm hoping we get alternates because generic Robin is the worst shit ever.
My Robin was this manly looking motherfucker.
And she was a girl.
Ike only has eyes for Soren
Like Chrom for a fucking Final Smash?
>Sakurai just told you he changed his mind regarding Chrom in the midst of development.

Oh we're already starting to make shit up again and putting words into Sakurai's mouth?
Dipshits, Lucina was supposed to be an alt costume in the first place, absolutely nothing is lost simply because she gets a slot because nigh-zero effort was made, just like an alt costume.
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model quality is under gamecube level and the 3ds is a portable gamecube so i wouldn't be worried
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But I don't even like Ridley.
>One "wasted slot" for a character you don't like doesn't make it an immediately bad game.
But there is more than one weak addition. In fact, practically everyone who isn't Robin, Villager, Mega Man, or Little Mac.

Or the Megamans
Ike is a shit character, so shitty that he only managed to not be sleep inducing when they announced him as a completely new design where he actually looks cool.
>Not liking every new character
I feel sorry for you.
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anyone care to translate this?
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>He threw in wild cards
Dude, WFT didn't even have a name, and he guessed all of them right sans Chrom.
>and that's not something you change midway the roster is pretty much set in stone early on
Because you say so? Sakurai just said that Chrom was considered at first.
>Also mii fighter is pretty generic
Why not just say ''Mii''? You're really grasping at straws.

Just stop, you very well know it was impossible to guess WFT, a thing that wasn't even a character but rather a fucking mannequin sillhouette in a fitness game that you're supposed to imitate and had no name or anything, nobody ever even suggested her before the leaker.
My waifu/husbando > Your waifu/husbando
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>That, I don't give a fuck I'm already in here face.
>censoring the name

It's a fucking singleplayer game.
>Naturally, I considered adding Chrom to the roster, but the decision wasn’t easy by any means.”
Also Lucina started out as an alternate costume and ended up taking her own slot.

Yeah, less detailed models that perform a pre-canned animation and don't need as complex skeletons as the fighters.

And you can easily mask loading times for final smashes with the animation. It starts loading when Robin does his pose and calls for Chrom, then a lot of sparks fly around THEN he appears. Mega Man turns the whole background black with the black hole bomb and then loads the other characters in pairs.

I would really like for Robin to be like Villager, where every color was a different robin, but i doubt that would happen since Robin is alot more detailed than Villager.

If they did put it in, all of them would probably stay the default height with just different hair/accessories.
Looks like the scene with Hitler having a fit from that one movie I can't recall.
>and that's not something you change midway the roster is pretty much set in stone early on

That thing looks like it has about as many polygons as Link's bow.
No. Chrom was cut before Robin's moveset was even made. This quote implies it.
>At the end of the day, Chrom would just end up being another plain-old sword-wielder like Marth and Ike. Compared with other characters, he lacks any unique characteristics.
Conversely, when the idea of including Robin came to mind, conceiving the character was so easy that I immediately saw how it would work. From standards to specials, grabs to throws, all aspects of his moveset just fell into place. Not only did he possess characteristics unlike other fighters, but he also captured the essence of the Fire Emblem series.
The leaker said monday morning that Shulk would be the reveal.

Lil Mac and Pac-Man was in his first leak. He had plenty of time to mentioned Rosalina especially if he knew that Rosalina's reveal date.
He said that Lil Mac would be shown at E3.
Not only did Pacman get in but also palutena and lucina? The roster is already lame enough.

It's actually a pretty good movie.
>female version of the male face of the series
>bland, no personality girl with a sword
>obsessive waifu fans

Is Lucina the Lightning of Nintendo?
Frederick trophy when?
>But there is more than one weak addition.
So it's a bad game, amirtie?
Play the vets you like, you got a good 25 to choose from right now.
>In fact, practically everyone who isn't Robin, Villager, Mega Man, or Little Mac.
And there you go, 4 characters you like, you got 29/36 to choose from, give or take the vets you don't care about.

I'll bite the bait

Not impossible

and it doesn't matter his list was proven wrong

even if you claim "sakurai changed it last minute" or some bull shit like that then his list is unreliable anyways because sakurai can just change who's in smash then, if he took out chrom what's to stop him from taking out shulk and everyone else that was on that list? An unreliable leak is worth shit


because you don't waste time and resources building a character all the way up and then going "nah even though everything is done let's scrap it" also read above

Notice how he says nothing about "midst development". He considered Chrom naturally because he was the protagonist of Awakening. But he decided against him because he was too boring. That's it. He wasn't cut from the game mid devlopment, he was never gonna be a character in the first place
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Okay, I'm gonna lay this out. Fucking screencap it because I'm tired of fucking saying it.

he fucking MISSED Rosalina. Any leaker worth his fucking salt, especially on SMASH BROS fucking knows who she is.

>B-but he thought she was a peach skin!

No he didn't, he never said that. but i can see, you're gonna use that as fact. All right, I'll hold you to it then: his leak consisted of seeing PICTURES.

>Pokemon from xy
not this shit. Hey, you know smash bros is coming around, they will probably bring in a pokemon from x and y. DO I GET LEGIONS OF FOLLOWERS NOW?!

It was a kindergarden guess that anyone with a brain knew would happen. He would have credit if he had said the name or even just "fog/ninja frog", but he didn't.

>B-but Sakurai said he picked the pokemon before it had a name!

yeah, SAKURAI did, the LEAKER revealed it 6 months AFTER THE GLOBAL LAUNCH OF XY.

>B-but the leaker saw a listing of the names!

INCORRECT, you argued earlier that he "botched" rosalina because he thought she was a peach skin, and yet here, you're saying he had a page WITH ALL THE FUCKING NAMES.

You're backpedalling into deep shit.

Aside fro mthe fact your fucking "leaker" claimed 100% that it would be SHULK revealed, NOT Chrom, Chrom was not only confirmed to NOT be playable, but Robin AND Lucina were.

3 fucking bigass failures. ANYONE who still believes this shit wasn't just guessing is a fucking faggot who gargles cocks.
>Is Lucina the Lightning of Nintendo?
No because Awakening doesn't have a sequel about her yet and even if it did it wouldn't be something new for the FE series in general. In supplementary materials, you could make that case.
No, I'm pretty sure Roy took the least work. They never bothered giving him hitboxes to match his rig.
>So it's a bad game, amirtie?
No. But the weak newcomers are kind of a turn off. The gameplay has been improved from Brawl but still, half the reason to play SSB, or any crossover game, are the characters.

>Play the vets you like, you got a good 25 to choose from right now.
My main has been cut.

>And there you go, 4 characters you like
I never said I liked them, just that they weren't weak additions and I'm not going to complain about them,
>Chrom was cut before Robin's moveset was even made
He said that he considered Chrom, as well as Lucina being an alternate costume, meaning that the ''roster'' at that point was not the one we see today, same with Greninja's spot being ''pokemon from X/Y'' like Sakurai said at E3 (and conveniently what the leaker had said).
>He had plenty of time to mentioned Rosalina especially if he knew that Rosalina's reveal date.
Why? He had two different leaks, why are you acting like he needed to have revealed everything at first?

Come on dude, none of your petty reasonings are gonna deny Wii fucking Fit Trainer, you can't guess that no matter what.
>I'll bite the bait
How the fuck is that bait at all?
>Not impossible
It is impossible because SHE DIDN'T EVEN HAVE A NAME.
> or some bull shit like that then his list is unreliable anyways because sakurai can just change who's in smash then
We're not talking about that, we're talking about the fact that the leak was legit, that's all.
>because you don't waste time and resources building a character all the way up and then going
Why are you acting like a roster can only be changed when a character development is that advanced? Why not early on?
>chrom is dull with nothing special about him
news at 11
>>bland, no personality girl with a sword
But she does have a personality, she's obsessed with her dad and is willing to kill Robin just to protect him because she saw Robin kill Chrom in the future.
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But Robin is already in the game
>Smash Bros creator Masahiro Sakurai says that he cut Chrom from the roster



>I played all the way through FE:A and really wanted to include a character from that rich cast in Smash Bros. Naturally, I considered adding Chrom to the roster, but the decision wasn't easy by any means.

At the end of the day, Chrom would just end up being another plain-old sword-wielder like Marth and Ike. Compared with other characters, he lacks any unique characteristics.
they need to at least have chrom as a costume for Ike, come the fuck on.
How do you know he wasn't part of the roster till he was cut? ''Considering'' can mean a lot, like a pre-roster, you know, how Sakurai said that Greninja's slot was actually ''Pokemon from X/Y'' at first? Meaning the initial roster was not the final one but a draft, and it just so happens that the leaker said ''Pokemon from X/Y'', meaning that what he got was said draft.
I wonder how many Smash fans who have no idea about Fire Emblem are confused how Lucina can be the same age as her dad.
Chrom isn't cool enough for that. And Falchion is a toothpick compared to Ragnell
>The gameplay has been improved from Brawl but still, half the reason to play SSB, or any crossover game, are the characters.
So just play it for the gameplay.
Make new favorites.
How many people you think went "LITERALLY WHO" over Captain Falcon back in 64? Now look at him, he's one of Smash's most popular dudes, similar case with Ice Climbers and G&W, though not as big as Falcon.
>Is Lucina the Lightning of Nintendo?

Why are Nintendo fans so autistic with this shit? This is why I'm embarrassed to like Nintendo. Its fans create and push retarded shitposting like this.

Stop claiming that Sakurai said that he was cut mid development is my point your retard. You're no different than the guys who went all "hurr hurr Sakurai said he won't make other characters alt costumes of characters"
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>rich cast
>Fire Emblem Awakening
What is Sakurai thinking.
He thought about Chrom. Did you even read the quote I posted? He said that he thought about Chrom and then about Robin and realized that Robin had better moveset potential and was overall better FE representation. This implies that Chrom was never put on the roster in the first place.
The leaker should've put 'Character from FE:A' but instead he listed Chrom.

He listed Lil Mac and Pac-Man early on - considering that Pac-Man didn't get reveal until this past E3. He had enough time to mention Rosalina or even update his information by switching Chrom with Robin when he emailed his second leak.

What matters is that information that he stated and backed was incorrect. Period.

That' shitposter is obviously anti-Nintendo
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If anyone here actually played awakening, you'll find out that what Sakurai says is actually true. Chrom lacks any sort of interesting anything about him as a Lord character. He was as generic and dull as they come.

No. He's Wonder Jackass.
>Of course, it would be really easy to make a game by churning out a ton of similar characters, but that's not how I produce games.
>but Lucina and Toon Link are still in
Fuck sake Sakurai.
No, he's probably not. That thread yesterday about "Lightnings" was filled with people bitching about Rosalina. It was coined BECAUSE of Rosalina and tons of people use it unironically. You fags probably know jack shit about FF13 anyways and just used her because "hurr, she's a female character /v/ doesn't like, right?"

Even his special skill is just rehashed from Ike.
People think Sakurai is some master troll, I think he's just a hack to be honest. This game is looking to be a pile of shit.
Then why not just call it Rosalina?

No, Lightning is infamous for being her creator's waifu and showing up in all sorts of Final Fantasy games all of a sudden and getting a game all about herself that ends with her coming to Earth so Toriyama can delude himself into thinking she is waiting for him out there while he humps his Lightning pillow.
Chrom is truly worse than hitler
I dont even like fire emblem. I just think the character looks cool. I play as Ike so I would like for him to have Chrom as an alt.
>No response so you just shitpost
The characters I can see the appeal of, but they're by no means rich. They're incredibly shallow.

>So just play it for the gameplay.
The gameplay is better, but you also have to consider in a crossover game that the characters are important. I just don't want to play it when half of the appeal is gone, and if I really cared that much about gameplay I'd still be playing Melee.

And you're assuming something that isn't the case, the problems I have with the roster have nothing to do with a character being unfamiliar.
It's not even a fucking word, people just don't like Rosalina and are trying to give it some kind of term.

There was someone in that thread yesterday saying it was justifiable Lucina and Palutena was in the game but not Rosalina, are you fucking kidding me? Do you not see how hypocritical that is?
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Dear Gematsufags,

If the leaker only had access to an early roster list, then he could not have been so up date as to know Shulk would be revealed on the 14th. If he did, he would have corrected his Chrom mistake.

It's bait because you ignore my arguments and facts and restate things

>hurr durr game from wii fit and she's a personal trainer what could her name be

and the fact that you're making up bull shit in the first part of your post makes me think that she did have a name in the first place anyways

What the hell do you mean we aren't talking about that? you argued that he got chrom wrong because it was changed through development, assuming that's you're retarded and wrong last bastion of defense then ANY character that was put on the list has the potential to be swapped out making his leak useless

and if he has such a reliable leak then why couldn't he have informed him it was updated and changed? oh because he was someone who made educated guesses and got one really lucky guess

and chrom was never even considered, and again since his information is so ancient how do we know everyone else on his list wasn't scrapped?

it's dead his leaks hold no weight anymore he just got some lucky guesses, I believed the leak up until the video but you're a brain dead retard if you believe it now
People say this like they know how to make a video game, I find it hilarious.
She was the protagonist of two games and showed up in FF spinoffs that every FF character shows up in.

A Lightning is a female character you don't like being put in to a fighting game. It would be a lot easier if people just admitted that instead of calling everything a "Lightning"
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So let's get a list of all the things Gematsu got wrong
>called Villager "Animal Crossing Guy"
>said Little Mac, Mii, and Pacman would be revealed at 2013 E3
>missed Rosalina
>called Greninja "Pokemon XY"
>called Mii Fighters "Miis" until just before E3 2014 conveniently when the press kit was leaked
>claimed there was debate about Lucas or Ness being cut 3months before the game would be released even though later that same day Sakurai said that the roster is set in stone and decided upon before major development begins
>claimed Shulk would be revealed on July 14th
>not only was Shulk not revealed but Chrom was outright deconfirmed
>didn't predict Robin or Lucina
And now let's look at the not so obvious things he got right
>predicted Wii Fit Trainer being playable and her name (funnily enough failed to mention that you could choose the gender of her and the Villager)

And yet Gematsu cultists will still defend this and claim it's the word of God
Yeah, Chrom was pretty dull. I didn't really understand why people liked him, he just wasn't interesting at all.

Easy. He didn't read a magic document that details everything Sakurai wants to do with the game. He got the roster information from one source and the Monday reveal from another, which turned out wrong.

You don't seem to know who Lightning is
Considering Lucina got her own slot for being slightly different from Marth, there's no way they could make Chrom a costume.
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>I dont even like fire emblem. I just think the character looks cool. I play as Ike so I would like for him to have Chrom as an alt.

Average chromfag ladies and gentlemen.
People don't have to have made a game to know when one looks bad, Sakurai.
>She was the protagonist of two games and showed up in FF spinoffs that every FF character shows up in.

She got her own entire quest line in FF14 that rewards you with her or Snow's outfit. She even says "these monsters are nothing like what I've fought in my homeworld".
So to make up for that, we get Lucina, who is LITERALLY a clone of marth. Makes total sense.
>last panel
chrom lacks any unique characteristic
>lucina is a marth clone
>marth without tipper
So she's fucking useless?
>running out of ideas
>game is filled with a ton of creative ideas already, many of which not possible in early versions of Smash
>called Villager "Animal Crossing Guy"

Sal Romano did in his initial gamefaqs post. That doesn't tell us what his informant called him.
I do, it's just the definition people have for "Lightning" doesn't actually fit Lightning.

This is the third time now someone bitched about a "Lightning" getting in to a game. Obviously a Lightning is just a female character you don't like getting in to a fighting game. That doesn't even fight Lightning, she's in Dissidia but everyone is in that.
if anything Marth got nerfed up the ass in Smash 4. He's now Roy speed

It's a shitty forced meme
Making up bullshit to fill in the blanks? How like a Gematsufag
I don't know how to cook five star meals but I know when food tastes bad.
This post right here is exactly why Sakurai is so based.

He doesn't cater to the retards who don't actually play nintendo games, he caters to those who are long fans.

Lucina is a Marth with training wheels. She's girlfriend mode.
I'm not the average chromfag. I don't like chrom as a character, nor do I care about him. I just want the costume for Ike.
>Needs a Fire Emblem representative
>there's mostly guys with swords
>they try to mix it up
>they add a girl with a sword, and a guy/girl with a sword and magic.
That's a completely unfounded claim with nothing to back it up.
That's not how they pronounced it in the trailer. What's the right way?

So is the assertion that he just guessed everything.
> he caters to those who are long fans.
Oh man, I wish.
If that was true he wouldn't have put Lucina in the game as a clone.
Who cares if she's a clone or not. Why would you play anybody other than American Mario?

>one of Marth’s alternate costumes

Now this is interesting. Does it mean he might get something other than recolors?
He didn't. That's why the leak is false.

Have you watched the Japanese trailer?

I pronounce it Lutshina
The discussion was between Robin and Chrom, Lucina was not part of it. Lucina likely could have always been in the game, just as an alternate costume for Marth. Sakurai instead decided to tweak her a tiny bit and give her own picture on the character select screen, that's fucking it. Between Robin and Chrom Robin stands out more compared to Ike and Marth then Chrom does.

Would you rather have
>Light guy with a sword
>Middleweight guy with a sword
>Heavy guy with a sword

Or the Light and Heavy guy and a caster?
>So is the assertion that he just guessed everything.
Do you seriously think those two things are on par.

Care to explain why? Lucina copying Marth is her entire shtick.

But maybe you're part of the retards who don't actually play nintendo games category
Pray that the next main lord will be a green/red/black/everything that isn't blue haired lancer.

>he decided that Chrom would just end up being too similar to the other sword-wielders like Marth and Ike

So then why didn't he just cut Ike
because Smashfags would complain
Except again the x/y character was built around Lucario's inclusion in Brawl.

Pikachu since mascot
Lucario due to movie/that gens mascot
Oh its going to be some x/y character.

This is brawl all over again. Brawl's guy admitted to being lucky. Notice how gematsu is very vague on confirmations. That be like saying that an uprising character will make it in. That now leaves the door open to anyone outside of pit.

>FE:A rep
yeah no mention of gender even. Throw in Kellam and he is still right.
I'd say lucky but a given since namco has a hand in this.

Chorus men is based around some stupid video showing a stage that was already revealed in gameplay trailers(and an NES based one so it is very easy to fake). Going back to Palutena's leak, the images were fake but again was a lucky shot.
Seliph alt for lucina when?
instead we got light guy with a sword
a clone
heavy guy
and literally who
>Implying he's not just too ashamed to admit that he has a waifu

they're already complaining

You're arguing like a creationist.

>How can fish come on land, they'd just suffocate!
>Well that is true, but maybe a species of fish living in shallow muddy waters evolved a way to breathe air as well as water and gradually got less dependant on....
>That's a completely unfounded claim with nothing to back it up.
Quick question. Why isn't Professor Layton in SSB? Isn't he a Nintendo property?
How about you stop throwing around ad hominem for 5 minutes? Just because I don't play fire emblem doesn't mean I don't play nintendo games. Lucina should have been to marth as Sakura is to Ryu. She's entirely too similar gameplay wise.
>and literally who

If you know who Chrom is then how the fuck do you not know who the Tactician of the exact same game Chrom is from is?

>Literally who

Why does this matter? Do you seriously prefer a less interesting character you recognize over a more interesting character you don't?
He was going off what his informant had said so it he probably did call him that
I think the trick with Ike is he isn't a normal sword-wielder. His attacks aren't based around quickly raising the % but instead knocking you around
His waifu is Palutena, that's literally the only reason she's in the game at all. He owns a framed picture of a BBW Palutena.
he never was. Level 5 publishes Layton games in Japan. Nintendo just helps publish it in NA and Europe.
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If Link and Lucinia fucked, would it count as yuri?

wait guile has a sunglasses taunt

That wouldn't have made any sense. But you even admitted you never played the game so why the fuck are you complaining.
For FE:A fans Lucina is a perfect addition

If you were posting your roster prediction you heard from some random email chucklefuck in a gamefaqs thread, would you say "Villager" or "that guy from Animal Crossing"? No one would know what you mean if you said the first one.
No you are, you fucking tard.
Occam's razor you ignorant prick. You're supposed to favour the simpler answer, which is that he made it up. You're MAKING UP a story so that the Gematsu leaker can be true. There's NOTHING that could falsify the claim for you, because you'd just make up a story for it to fit. Just like creationism.

The burden of proof is on the LEAKER to get things RIGHT, it's not on everyone ELSE to prove him WRONG.
We already went over this the other day, it's a poor mistranslation.
because he isnt a character?
he was an avatar
we do not need another avatar in super smash
mii animu version thanks for fucking nothing
But that's wrong, since the that's what the evidence actually points to.
No, because Lucina is a man.
The only mode confirmed to have been cut is Subspace Emissary
>Occam's razor you ignorant prick. You're supposed to favour the simpler answer, which is that he made it up.

So God created the world in seven days, got it.
Ah okay thanks for the answer
Why does Sakurai have such a hard on for FE all of a sudden

there's almost as many reps as the pokemon/mario guys
Going by this logic Link shouldn't be in the game either because he's an avatar and a "mii animu version"
I don't see him with Aether when he promotes or caps in all stats being 40+ range (Except magic but you're retarded if you're using a levin sword with lucina).

Roy's promotion is utter horseshit in comparison.
HP: 60
Str: 25
Skl: 25
Spd: 25
Luk: 30
Def: 25
Res: 25


HP: 80
Str: 40
Mag: 30
Skl: 42
Spd: 44
Lck: 45
Def: 40
Res: 40
Sword: A
Lance: A

Higher stats, extra weapon type, procable skills. Roy a shit. His only talent is attracting women who are better than him to do all the fighting.
the burden of knowledge is a heavy one
Stop acting like Lucario's some special Pokemon that they just shoved down our throats. They tried to replace him with Zoroark, people complained, so they brought Lucario back. His popularity isn't artificial
you cant change link s look
yea nah
He should have honestly just kicked Marth and replaced him with Lucina or Chrom. If Chrom's a bland character, then Marth's a fucking cardboard cutout. I can understand them keeping Ike, since he's a likable character and the way he played in Brawl was so fun, but the only parodies and fan content that you ever see about Marth poke fun at the fact that he looks like a fag. Hardly anyone even remembers that he was in a video game franchise besides Smash Brothers.
marth = fox
lucina = wolf
ike = falco

i can deal
We were gount to get either

>Marth, Ike, Robin, Chrom and Lucina as Marth's alt


>Marth, Ike, Chrom and Lucina as Marth's alt

But we got Marth, Ike, Robin and modified Lucina because Chrom is boring as fuck. Don't see the problem.

It's impossible to argue with retards like you
Yeah but a Book should not weigh more than a legendary thunder axe the size of a man,
I'm sorry, who crafted a completely new scenario from thin air, and who used the known information to come to a logical conclusion? Take a step back really think about it. The evidence is currently stacked against the leaker, the same way it's stacked in favor of, eh I don't know, evolution?

At least I don't believe in an invisible sky wizard.
No you were going to get Marth, Swole Marth, or Shit Lord Marth that isn't isn't Roy Marth instead you got Marth, Swole Marth, and Female Marth.

If anything it's Marth = Fox
Lucina = Falco
Ike = Wolf
Is it actually written anywhere that there's a limited number of spots for characters? I'm not 100% sure what the fuss is all about. I guess the idea of resources being put into a clone is wasteful to some people but other than that isn't it just another character for fans of the game?

Marth is the main Lord and face of the series appearing in more games than Ike, why would he cut him? Is like cutting Mario just because Luigi is more likable
Is this some fucking bait?
Why does that matter?

Link is a character you can name, you don't have any choice of what he actually does but he's still supposed to be the "Link" to the player. He's also anime styled just like Robin from Fire Emblem.

Yup, Link shouldn't be in this game at all. He's way too much like a Mii.
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>easy mode marth

Aw man and i was hoping to be as complex as marth in terms of swordplay
>So many tomes~

Source? PLS

*Fedora tipping intensifies*
I'm so mad there isn't an axe character in this game yet.
>Oh shit, he caught me in a web of my own stupidity
>Better just get him riled up and not argue anything
There is no limited amount of slots.

It's just retards fearing that their favorite character won't get in.
6 Clones=1 Character in terms of resources and time to develop.

Also characters take up almost no room. Most of it is audio that takes up all the data. As far as limited spots for characters, Sakurai already said not everyone from Brawl would be returning.
>Yup, Link shouldn't be in this game at all. He's way too much like a Mii.

Don't forget that Toon Link even kinda looks like one.
I beg to differ. There are Fire Emblem fans that I know that are up in arms about Lucina being in and her being a clone. I'm complaining because she is a clone character.
This is for you >>253602836

So what? Female Marth is way more interesting than Shit Lord Marth that isn't Roy.
>mfw Roy gets in as an actual alt of Marth and Chrom is still unplayable
Anyone else think that Lucina's 3D model isn't nearly as cute as her anime look? Her face looks so bland by comparison, and she's got shark eyes.
You're right! Let's get rid of Link everyone. We should petition Sakurai. No more Avatars in Smash!
How close are we to, "IT WAS MERELY AN ACT" at this point?

Everybody would love that actually
Villager because Animal Crossing guy is vague
Not we were originally going to get Marth, Lucina as Marth's alt costume, Ike and Robin with Chrom as his final smash

Instead we got Marth, Ike, Robin and Lucina. Nothing more, nothing less
>"Her physical abilities are identical to Marth's--it must be in her D.N.A. However, where Marth's power is concentrated in the tip of the sword, Lucina's attack strength is balanced throughout the weapon, which might make her easier to control. She's also a little bit shorter than Marth."

>"With the Wii Fit Trainers, the male and female Robins, the Villagers, and Little Mac, varying their appearances and voices works just like selecting alternate color variations. However, whenever there is even a small difference in abilities, that character gets an actual roster slot. That is why you can select Lucina individually."

Lucina confirmed making Marth her bitch.
It's probably not finished.

Or it is finished and Sakurai is just going to leave it like that. It sounds like she only recently was made her own character. Perhaps Marth was originally just going to wear her clothes.
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1: That's not the simplest explanation that fits the data because geological and cosmological evidence tells a different story.
2: It's not even clear it would be a "simpler" explanation anyway because the exertion of an omnipotent magical force over seven days could arguably be a lot more complex than natural forces working for billions of years. You have a child's understanding of simplicity

You have NOTHING like scientific evidence to back your claims, don't be such a fucking brainless retard. You literally JUST have the leaks and the stories you are MAKING UP. Both the explanation that he is full of shit + your story fit the evidence, except that the latter adds a bunch of other bullshit on top. You have no third point of evidence in this equation, like the thousands upon thousands of pieces of evidence we have for the formation of the earth. You also have no falsification state, because you will literally bolt on any story to fit the theory, so it would be inadmissable as science in the first place. Falsification is a REQUIREMENT.

Do not compare literally hundreds of years of scientific endeavour, lifetimes of brilliant people spent dating rocks, measuring the movement of the heavens, discovering the nature of light and the background radiation of the universe to stories you MADE UP in an afternoon you mouthbreathing drivelling uneducated dimwit.
Call me back when Lyn is playable and both her and Ike are S-Tier.
I agree, but we wouldn't have had Lucina as an alt and Chrom in the same game. Sakurai would not allow such shenanigans.
She looks just as cute as every to me, besides she almost always has shark eyes when she's fighting.
>appearing in more games than Ike
He was the lord in two and appears in FE:A, just like Ike, and both of the games are older than the people they're trying to sell this fucking game to.
He's also not the face of the series in the same way Mario is the face of his. Fire Emblem has separate, unrelated story arcs, and the one that most people actually fucking like is that of Path of Radiance. I'd call Ike the franchise's face before fucking Marth.
He doesn't need any other weapon than the super sword.

Roy was clearly a gameplay experiment to see what works. The fact that last chapter promotion is never used again shows they learned it doesn't.

I really don't know what they were thinking giving him such a bland personality.
>every relevant

top kek
But Kirby looks adorable in that image.
Who cares if she was a last minute entrance and lucky to get in, she's in, it's amazing, deal with it.
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S-she's relevant, damn you!
About as relevant as King K. Rool at this point, which is not relevant at all.
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All this bitching over a mediocre "fighting" game. All you fags are gonna buy it regardless because you have Sakurai's dick so far down your throats you need it to survive at this point.

And people don't actually think Geno has a chance right?

I am counting remakes and Smash Melee too.
I'll buy it because I actually love the fact that Lucina is in it, new main confirmed.

With that said,

>wanting Geno instead of Mallow

Get a load of this fag.
Wrong in every way.
Ike actually plays nothing like marth and lucina.
Wolf only shared B moves with fox and falco.
>still having hopes for Roy when fucking Lucina took his spot and killed him off for good
Roy is the worst lord he sucks shit. At least Lucina gets shit done.
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>Lucina and Falcon having an epic duel
>that faggot comes in and casts his pansy magic and ruins it
uhhh no one invited u m8
in fire emblem, magic users can't combat hand to hand, Robin is the strange exception.

Path of Radianca being the favorite was before Awakening, right now the favorite is Awakening and Marth is more relevant thank Ike in this one.
Falcon was straight up about to murder Lucina though.
>Implying Eliwood isn't worse.
>Sakurai doesn't give a shit about clones when they have sweetspot differences

Why should you?
>epic duel

You mean a 2-hour porn scene where Lucina gets fucked hard while Chrom is watching.

>what are Dark Fliers
They're both equally shit.
well one of 'ems gotta die

Eliwood is better because you're not forced to use him in every chapter.
Roy is just a shitty unit you have to hope doesn't die at any given moment
>implying justice would let that happen

Link would jump in to save the day if Robin hadn't, and then Palutena who is lusting after that Hylian D, and then Pit who is still butthurt about it, and then Lucina and Palutena are riding that Hylian D, while Captain Falcon fucks Chrom and Pit in the background.
If only
Lucina was a better choice than Chrom by miles. Lucina is a better choice than Marth by miles.
Robin is a better choice than Chrom by miles.
Robin is a better choice than Marth by miles.

They should have just removed Marth, never even considered Chrom, and had Ike, Lucina, and Robin.
All those options are shit.
Add one for "characters who have the potential for a unique and fun moveset, regardless of what series they're from", and we'll talk.
>not voting for waifus

Can you show me where all the other FF Characters show up in XIV? With their own questlines? Shantotto at least made a little bit of sense but there was ZERO reason for Lightning to show up outside of pushing her into another game.

You sure don't seem to know what you are talking about at all.
FE7 also had more lords to use. FE6 just had Roy. If he had a brother or best friend that was also a lord with different chapters it would have been better.

In fact I'm sure that's why you had multiple lords in subsequent gba games.
You only have two Lords in FE:A and they don't suck as much shit as Roy. Hell you can just use Chrom as the lone Lord and he doesn't suck as much shit as Roy.
>implying the captain wouldn't fuck them through link
>Three FE reps were needed to give Falcon a challenge.
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