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>want to get off /v/ and actually play the vidya >see THAT

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Thread replies: 146
Thread images: 46

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>want to get off /v/ and actually play the vidya
>see THAT thread

what's her name?
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Vocaloid threads.
Can't be missing one of those.
>Want to play vidya.
>Waiting for Fairy adventure thread.
Dragon Quest
Arthur threads. Those are always fun.
Autism, dragon thinly veiled otherkin threads, THAT KID, and storytimes
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paper mario/mario & luigi/mario rpg
This. It's always the same shit in the thread but i fucking love creepy/"deepest lore" secrets or shit in video games so i have to lurk these threads every time i see them
cisquistion threads
husbando threads
star fox threads

sorry for fagging up /v/
Cisquisition threads are by far the worst cancer currently afflicting this board. Kill yourself.
generic lewd straight furry slippery slope bait
webm, Miku Mondays, WoW lore.
any thread that might have porn
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webms are a huge offender for me
also suggestive vidya webms
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>that guy in miku mondays threads who sexualises the miku
Civil Zelda threads. They're so nice.
Deepest lore threads
Cringe threads
LOL threads
Game threads (draw this and other people guess it)
Any thread with bullshit comments that I know are legit as well as full of shit.

If it's something blatant like someone explicitly stating they're from Tumblr and are disgusted with us yadda yadda I ignore it, but when it's someone saying something stupid but plausible I go for it every time. I usually post with this pic, though.
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>Civil Zelda threads

I hope you don't mean the ones with that one faggot spamming the same wind waker shipping fan art
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And of course the Captcha ate my pic.
This place has cursed me

I died laughing
Civ threads are always entertaining, especially when we have OP playing through a game.

Kingdom Hearts threads that aren't taken over by the gays can be pretty good too. It's just too bad they barely happen anymore.
>Best tier:
/v/ does something creative like cards/sings

>Great tier:
Serious discussion about games/game design
Favourite vidya + darkest secret
Guess the game threads
Hidden gems thread

>Okay tier:
Everything not named in other tiers

>Shit tier:
LOL threads
Non-vidya threads
My opinion is better than yours threads

I most likely forgot a lot, feel free to fill in
Funpost threads
>about to play New Vegas
>see New Vegas thread
I actually enjoy them more than the game itself
Smash threads.

As stupid as this board may be, I can't help but discuss about Smash Bros.

And yes, I'm a tourneyfag.
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Kirby and Megaman threads are always GOAT

I love Zelda, but those threads are fucking awful
Sonic threads, Tales threads, character design threads, and just some nice art threads.
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I gave up on new vegas threads a long time ago. You aren't allowed to talk about it without the same old FO3 vs. New Vegas flamewar every single goddamned thread.
Husbando/gay threads (not trap bullshit)

I just can't help it, I love the manly dick too much
Metroid threads. Even though I know I'll be disappointed, hope won't fucking die.

mostly this

almost every thread has the same old shit but there is usually 1-2 new posts that make it

Those threads are awful if you are not talking about dragon dildo threads

>It's a wyvern
>What are you talking about?
>6 limbs
>The game calls it a dragon
>This chinese dragon is a dragon, everything from the west is just flying lizards
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a Mario Sunshine thread

but is mozart still alive?
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Rare threads that show up for some god tier ancient game like SMAC or Suikoden 2 or Xenogears.
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steam friends threads
job and NEET threads I feel I learn a bunch from them
I know you fags are gonna hate me, but threads arguing about the latest sequelitis. It's really interesting to watch people actually argue the finer points of Ocarina of Time instead of just "I DONT LIKE IT, IT SUCKS" or "IT'S THE BEST GAME IN EXISTENCE, DEAL WITH IT".

I know his video isn't that good, but it sparks good debate on /v/, when they don't get into the e-celeb side of it.
I'll admit it

LOL threads.
Threads about personal Gregor stories
too bad they're almost always deleted in 1 min
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Webbums, vidya music, miku mondays, drawthreads, and splatoon

>that first week of back to back OC and speculation
I was going to leave and then there was this amazing thread about the little things in OoT and I couldn't. I just couldn't.
It was so beautiful.
you mean lol vs dota threads?
this plus spongebob quote threads
I wish we had more vocaloid threads on days other than Monday. Like it's nice to have consistency but it's rare to find them outside Miku Monday.
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I think he means this
kisekae threads
thank god they're not around anymore.

also, glitch threads.
Club Nintendo thread, last night

Items revealed at 2am, was banned and not lifted until 4am
Elaborate please.
I can just imagine the shitstorm

What was it like?
Smash threads that aren't filled with rosterfaggotry.
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I feel the same way
It's literally the same thing over and over
>rofl ugly characters
It's incredibly irritating.
/v/ is the fucking worst when it comes to Smash or any Fighting game for that matter. I don't see why you even bother.
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Came in here to say this. We've been having some really good nightly Zelda threads lately. I friggen love seeing people's reactions to shit they never knew was in OoT and even I learn something new on occasion.
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Wrong pic
Yep, but every time I see

>How does /v/ afford their vidya
>NEET here etc etc

even tired gamer generals, because they tend to still talk about jobs, hobbies and shit, I can't help but click it, when I have nothing to contribute I'll usually let it go on on another tab, when I see it was deleted I come back to read the whole thing... help?

We are all gonna make it bra
any thread with anything lewd in it.

also, Final Fantasy
Any and all variations of 'why do you play as a girl?' threads. I want to be the little girl and I like finding games that let me be the little girl. Bonus points for 'are there any games that let you play as a slut?' and finding games, single or multiplayer, that let me live as my inner whore.
Steam friends/contact info threads, too. Especially if they're lewd and thinly veiled ERP threads.
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Whatever you say tumblr.
I'm not him but some of the melee/PM threads on here have been really good.
Mostly the netplay ones.
Any opportunity to talk about Jesus &or platform games that are not Nintendo.
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>not the webm
>Serious discussion about games/game design
>My opinion is better than yours threads

Same shit
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Collection threads. I love seeing big collections of games and limited edition stuff all neatly arranged on a shelf. Bonus points when they're actually good collections with minimal AAA flavor-of-the-month trash.

I also enjoy Resident Evil threads and the GOOD Sonic and Zelda threads. The bad ones are intolerable, though.

I used to like Smash Bros threads, but now they are completely intolerable. Too many retards spouting nonsense and legitimately believing pure bullshit, too many people arguing over tourneyfaggotry, and too many morons shouting "BTFO" all over the place.
That ain't tumblr.
You should save phrases like that for people who actually deserve it.
you'd love 4am threads
Lots of anger, pretty funny, typical trolls saying people spent $600 just for codes

Missed out on DKCR3D because you need 2GB free, even if you enter the code

Getting career advice from /v/ let alone 4chan is one of the worst things you can do.
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those threads are ok sometimes, but only by accident when people start ignoring the topic.
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i only go to smash threads for ridley and k.rool

just few hours ago, the ridley fans already debunked this shit. it's was a fake but a perfect ruse to us
No it's pretty tumblr. Getting mad at people making fun of the shitheap that is DA3
/v/ actually plays those games?
I'm not getting mad at them because they're doing it, you idiot. I'm sick and tired of them making the same fucking thread and saying the same fucking things over and over and over. We get it. The game is going to be total shit and pander to SJW retards. Can we shut up about it now?
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Kirby threads are best threads, though its been a while since we had a big one, I guess summer just doesn't know the power of poyo

Alternatively peacock, er, i mean skullgirls threads, but then I do end up playing vidya once we set up a lobby

do not think of interview questions as questions, but rather opportunities to start conversations

tell them what skills you bring to the table, not what you want from them

dress for the job you want, not the job you're applying for
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Industry threads
Oh I love them, but lately I've been trying to wake up early, to get my shit together like I learned from the threads ;_;

Career is already decided, I just love to see people who could make it, and the general advice that comes along.
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>I'm not getting mad at them because they're doing it, you idiot
Some people actually getting good too.
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Rosalina threads, especially those that last almost an entire day.

Japan time 2.0 threads


and new shit is still being found on occasion

>uploaded 4 days ago
Strange, by eating Peacock, Kirby becomes suspiciously like the kinds of villains he faces off against.
A faggot justifying not owning more than one system in every possible way other than "I'm poor" or "I'm a brand loyalist defying logic".

I need to stay and argue with him for hours on end. I consider it a victory when he stops replying.

If the thread 404's and I got the last reply, I go play videogames.

If he got the last reply upon 404, I search the catalog for a couple minutes hoping someone made a continuation the thread, then I go play videogames (I won't start one).
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>all this honest to god autism

remember when people tried to hide their shitty opinions on here
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Groose threads

no because that never happened.
Basically any offtopic thread
But what if someone doesn't want the exclusive on a system?
They did, it was called lurking more
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>Meanwhile in ________ /v/
Every fucking time.
Stone age is always the best
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Creepypasta threads, best of threads and husbando threads
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>a civil SSB4 hype thread pops up
And then I don't play video games ever again.
You're the only one hiding your shitty opinions, what are you afraid of leaving your opinions exposed? Oh noo someone will call you autistic? booo hoo better call everyone that and keep yourself safe because you care about internet opinions
You didn't even reply to any of these shitty opinions you refer to, you seem really insecure, your post is worthless

Advance Wars thread.
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"post your collection" threads
anything related to Lightning
any 5th or 6th gen survival horror game thread
>remember when people tried to hide their shitty opinions on here

Are you retarded?
>a smash bros thread pops up
and then someone ALWAYS starts the shitflinging and everyone falls for it or jumps in with their own shitflinging until it is only shitflinging
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People always told others to "lurk more." But that's not evidence that anyone really did it.
spooky threads, filename/webm, hasubando, sleepover threads, and any thread where op lets us play his shitty video game for him
I've been around here since late 2005 or so. It was an October. I remember because of birthday hats on /b/.

It's changed a lot, some for the worse, some for the better, some more or less neutrally.

There is one main thing I noticed that started around the 2009 timeframe that really changed 4chan for the worse.

People stopped lurking and started posting for the sake of posting. It used to be, if you weren't sure of how something worked with regards to 4chan culture (And yes, culture is more than 4AM threads and the like) you didn't post regarding it until you found out. Even anonymously, on the Internet, it was better to shut up and be thought a fool than to post something and remove all doubt. Furthermore. If people had no interest in a thread or didn't like its content, they didn't post. They ignored it and if necessary reported it. There was no hide function, no filtering for tripfags who annoyed you, nothing like that. The only "filter" was having enough fucking restraint to reply to a blatantly obvious troll.

Now? Why wait until you're on the same page as everyone else when you can either ask and have someone spoonfeed you, or you can look up everything you need to know about the subject on some "Internet Culture Shit Aggregator" like Encyclopedia Dramatica, etc.

Nowadays people post for the sake of posting, whether it's a case of someone else being wrong on the internet, or getting one's jollies by "trolling" people.

Basically, everyone's gotten used to this idea that their posts are somehow more important than someone else's by the simple virtue of being theirs, and as such they never know when to just shut the fuck up and let something go.
Same here
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Persona threads, Smash threads around a reveal, Vocaloid threads, 4am, and though they're really rare Azumanga Daioh threads.
/v/ is the single worst place for fighting game discussion. Half of these people still think crazy expensive arcade sticks are required to even break into the scene. Protip: The reason the majority of top placers for fighting games are using a stick is because they grew up playing them in arcades or still go to arcades. It's not about the controller it's the about the player.

They offer an extremely minor advantage, but guess what? So do controllers, but in a slightly different way.
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>that kid thread
>[username] has joined the server
>vidya comic/humour
Have you considered thats what people are doing because it's fun?
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Graphics Porn
Dork Souls
Cyberpunk General
i feel truly sorry for people like you and chicken, unable to find anything better to do in your free time than talk about video games as you grow older with the rest of the board's users stuck in the same highschool level demographic
Have you considered you fags actually do need to lurk more? Because that shit is copypasta.
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Usually metroid of megaman. Deepest lore works fine too.
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>Injustice: Gods Among Us thread
>Skullgirls thread
>Filename or webm thread
>Star Fox thread
>Binding of Isaac thread
>Civ thread
>Left 4 Dead thread
>Vidya Comics thread
>Japanese Indie Horror game thread
>Resident Evil/Silent Hill thread
>Paper Mario thread
>Threads where /v/ gets along with /ck/, /co/, /tg/ or /a/ instead of shitflinging at them as usual
>Civil threads without shitposting (rare)
Yeah I pity them too, they should move on to more mature sites for discussion like Reddit and get a life instead of spending their free time talking about video games. Such children.
>someone saved my picture

This is the greatest feeling in the world
>implying I'm not just responding anyways.
That would've killed anyone with a dynamic IP, why did he even reply.
I mean holy shit even the winner of SF4 EVO was using a fucking PS1 controller.

/v/ pretends to act hardcore with games like Dark Souls but when it comes to fighting games they're casual as fuck.
Dragon Quest, always Dragon Quest.
It's a little hard to do KOF moves with an analog stick, and the dpad basically rapes your fingers if you didn't already grow calluses.
Non-shitposting offtopic threads (nostalgia, porn, intrusive thoughts, deep sea etc.), KH threads, FF threads even though they're usually just retards claiming that their favourite game is the only good FF, Mega Man threads, Souls threads, anything that gets derailed by an Ito comic, etc.
Forgot to mention MGS theory threads and drawthreads.
>Creepypasta threads
These threads are usually fun. It's a nice mix of creepy video games, experiences, and stories. It reminds of /x/ before it became complete shit.

I had a spooky dream last night that was like a video game. I haven't had a nightmare in years, but my dream almost became one.
it looks like her right eye is slipping off her face.
>cannot display empathy in understanding that the character's eye's are that of their own.
what the fuck am I reading.
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Every fucking off topic threads that comes from boards like /co/, /a/, /vg/, and /b/ with 500+ replies
with always the multiple jackasses saying shit like
>"Muh sekret club"
>"b8, we had off topic threads back then so that means we should keep making off topic threads now"

Then some threads later

>Why is /v/ so shit, where did all these shitposters come from?


Makes me mad every goddamn time!
>that kid
>sleepover stories
>early Silent Hill or MGS threads (non 350+post shit)
Collection threads. I like see the games people have to see what I might want to get myself.

Also vidya toyfag threads.
>sleep over thread
>starts out relatively tame
>later on someone posts homoerotic sleepover activities
>thread slippery slopes into nothing but gay stories
I haven't seen a /v/ingo thread in a while.

Bring back /v/ingo
I only post in quake threads and deep sea threads.
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monster hunter threads
I secretly wonder if people notice I always tend to be in them. I'm the guy with like 700+ bow usage and almost nothing else

Knockoff vidya is my favorite
>wrestling threads
>one piece threads
better than any thread on /sp/ or /v/
i like your style mate, good wep choice
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Husbando threads, theyre always cutting into work time.
Thread posts: 146
Thread images: 46

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