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>Check out the Shovel Knight hub on Steam >"Gender

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Thread replies: 267
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>Check out the Shovel Knight hub on Steam
>"Gender confusion in Shovel Knight."
>"Eh, I would appreciate the characters being homosexual by default. You're straight by default in soooo many games that it'd be nice to have that one little win, even though it has literally no bearing on the game."
>People complaining about Shield Knight being a "damsel in distress".

I want to get off of this ride.
People will never stop caring about things that don't matter.
Steam users in general are fucking atrocious when it comes to commenting. The older users tend not to comment at all so all you see now are the younger SJW-driven ones.
Why can't they just enjoy the game and stop being awful people?

>The older users tend not to comment at all
You're a god damn wizard. Should I try interacting with these things then?
The funny part is that are plenty more "damsel in distress" stories in modern indie games trying to cater to the sjw community than in the old games that were dominated by the patriarchy
What if at the end of the game you had the option of just letting her die instead?

I know it still wouldn't appease the SJW horde, but it would be funny.
>the old games that were dominated by the patriarchy
What the fuck does that even mean
It's kind of like how people think the earth is flat.
>you now realize every male in the millennial generation has been brainwashed into believing they have a feminine penis

I encounter more and more kids online who claim to be gay yet they sound like they are fucking 10 to 12 years old. You can't even begin to convince me that deviant fucking homos haven't been recruiting like mad from impressionable kids
>feminine penis
The fuck is that even supposed to mean?
>People complaining about Shield Knight being a "damsel in distress".
To be honest, that bothered me too, for non-gender related reasons. The opening cutscene sets her up as a cool adventurer, and then it turns out that her fighting style is literally just giving Shovel Knight a boost.
She's a shield knight, her entire persona is built around protection, like when she blocks the rapid fire orbs and guides shovel knight. What did you expect her to do?
I want someone to make the final boss some crazed flamboyant homo that you have to behead in order to win.

The publicity from the shitstorm would get the game to sell like crazy.
Of course that's what they've been doing. That's why Russia went as far as they did, they were tried of all the homosexual propaganda aimed right at kids.
Youd think theyd be happy with the gender swap thing.

But yeah, if you are expecting everyone to be happy about something, you are gonna be waiting for a long time.

Might as well get over it. Dummies will be dummies
She could have at least done some cool shield throws
Just play god hand, you get to beat the fuck out of two flaming gay niggas in the first stage.
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>She's a shield knight, her entire persona is built around protection
Yeah, after all, it's been clearly established that you can't use an unorthodox object as a weapon in the world of Shovel Knight.
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>deviant fucking homos haven't been recruiting like mad
Jesus christ alive. You sound fucking batshit.
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>implying shields are purely defensive
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>Mfw people still bring this up.
>Mfw OP's actually entertaining these thoughts.

Remember when people played video games just to play them? When it was just a series of problem solving methods?

Remember, it's suppose to be fun; not political.
>the game doesnt have her attack anything so that means she can't

YOU are the player character in SK. therefore, after saving Shield Knight, her job is to watch your back and shield you from all harm, and giving you opportunities to hit the weakspot. it's a tag team effort.

that said, I wish there was a shield Knight mode. would be fun
I remember that I was convinced that Specter Knight is female. It is sorta weird that Shield Knight is the only female knight, but I guess it works as foreshadowing.
It might just be a nod to Mega Man. I suppose we'll get our first female Enemy Knight in Shovel Knight 9.
Mega Man 2 improved on Mega Man 1 so much mostly because of the flaws in MM 1.

Do you think a Super Shovel Knight/Shovel Knight 2 could do similar?

yacht club doesnt want marvel's litigious, round dick thrown up their ass
Well there is gonna be a future patch (hopefully with the villain campaigns) that adds a genderswap mode.
SK will be a girl, Shield Knight will be a man, knights of no quarter will be women and the sorceress will be a dude so on and so forth
Marvel cant copywrite throwing your shield.
they sure can
The NFL copyrighted "Superb owl" and are so notoriously heavy handed with their lawyers the only way you can make reference to it is "the big game". Take notice next year that literally none of the commercials except the official NFL ones say it.
>The NFL copyrighted "Superb owl"

That's amazing. People fucking paid for that

No shit, Vikings used the shield as their primary weapon.

That is just.... a whole mess of needless work just to appease SJW twats
Its a title, not a concept.

Admittingly very dumb (I think even our church had to remove Superbowl from its party ads) but not the same as a concept or action.

Theres one game Im thinking of where you could throw your shield. It was like ancient greek setting but I cant remember the name
can't you just acknowledge that it doesn't matter to you and that it's fine if it does matter to others because it has zero effect on you specifically
Eh, I think its fine. Its not even that much work i imagine. Just slap boobs on the males and remove them from the females. Not too hard.

I think its alright and its not like the delayed the final game for it, they are just adding it later. Its what they wanted to do

No, because if these people bitch loud and long enough, developers are going to cave in to their demands and then it WILL matter to me.
/v/ does this stupid shit too. Just look at this thread. This is a thread about complaining about the SJW morons who talk about irrelevant shit in video games.
Instead most people are just talking about gender.
My point was if they're going to copyright something like that then I wouldn't be surprised if they copyrighted the shield throwing. Also,

>implying Captain America doesn't throw his shield
>implying that isn't one of his signature moves
>implying Mahvel isn't a bunch of greedy bastards
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How can they be gay when they don't even have balls?
That's nice I guess, but it would have been easier to just have a mix from the start, surely? It's not as if the gender of Mole Knight is of any great consequence.
>even though it has literally no bearing on the game

Guess there's no point in doing this then, huh, faggots?
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>tfw 50 years from now all art and technology will stagnate because you won't be able to make anything without some faggot millionaire siccing his Lawyerstein on you to sue you into oblivion over some perceived infringement.

>tfw I'll still be alive in 50 years
This is what has gotten us into the current mess with Anita Sarkeesian and the SJWs running amok in our once-fair industry. If you like companies pandering to a crowd that has absolutely zero interest in video games, then you can sit down and shut up if you feel like it. However if you're pissed off that people who have no right how to tell others what to do in an industry that they have no idea how to run, then the line has to be drawn somewhere.
You haven't been reading this thread.
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>I remember that I was convinced that Specter Knight is female.
Me too. I mean Specter Knight looks pretty feminine already, I'm not sure how the female version could look any different unless they give her giant tits and pigtails.
>Shield as your only tool
>Not unorthodox
>Works alongside Shovel Knight as his shield while he is her shovel
Also she's not the fucking player character so from a gameplay perspective, she probably shouldn't do anything other than support. She doesn't have a bow and arrow like Zelda did in OoT, so you can't really make an excuse like that.
Maybe it will get to a point where everyone comes to their senses and agrees that copyright laws as they are just don't make sense.
I sincerely hope the faggots who made this video got arrested for sexual shit with a minor.
How do you determine that every single person who cares about these issues doesn't have an interest in video games? Is that really a fair generalization to make?
Up until a revolution/revolt and the cycle starts all over again.

At least until we get to the point where the rich are able to indefinitely control the plebs.
>Its a title, not a concept.
Sega (I think) copyrighted floating arrows that point you to objectives.
And yet other games have them
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>Shield as your only tool
>Not unorthodox
Might want to have a reread
Sony also copyrighted ads that play during a video game iirc.

Just because a company copyrights something doesn't mean others can't use it, they just have to pay a royalty fee.
>At least until we get to the point where the rich are able to indefinitely control the plebs.

>Implying we aren't already at this point

Also, Specter Knight is my waifu
Namco copyrighted minigames during loading screens, and the only examples I can think of right now are in Namco games, like the Dragonball Z ones.
I dont get it
I think they hit the nail on the head then, if the supposed muhsoggyknee is in-line with classic games thent hey succeeded in being evocative of classic games.
Maybe it's because that minority is far more outspoken, but if I were a fan of the game as well as a SJW, I'd be talking more about the game itself than the 'social inequality' in a fictional world. That's just my view on it.
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Mario is gay.

He's a middle aged bachelor who never fucks the princess.

Are the freaks happy now?
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>Shovel Knight thread
>SJW bullshit
>implying they won't complain about Shovel Knightness needing to sacrifice himself after the boss fight
Pretty much this. When's the last time you heard Marxists complaining about Recettear? I'm willing to bet most people can leave their political ideas at the door when they start up a video game.
>a middle aged bachelor who never fucks the princess
>has to be gay
It's pretty hilarious that 4channers would believe this, if you think about it.
>>implying they won't complain about Shovel Knightness needing Shield bro to sacrifice himself after the boss fight
I should go to bed
The point is that people who make a big huff about "muh gay/trans representation" with videogame progatonists usually have autism, gender dysphoria, and other various mental illnesses and that their opinions and demands are fucking generally insane.
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The point of the player character is that YOU are supposed to deliver the blows. If shield knight could attack, the final battle would only have been an endurance match that you had to wait out. It's not as fun as doing the work yourself.
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But... most people ARE straight. Why is that such a contentious thing?
>Not bouncing on the thrown shield to deal HEUG DAMAGE

Tinker Knight's Phase 1 theme

Coda's Sub Atomic on the arranged
Mole Knight. But Plague Knight's level is really stuck on me.
Propeller Knight. No contest. It's godlike and it honestly feels like a classic Mega Man tune.

The crazy thing is that the composer streamed himself composing this, and it only took 3 hours. Guess he was possesses or some shit.

I'm going to laugh my dick off if female shovel knight talks and looks the same.
Goofy did that shit, and he never made the boss fights easy.
Because fags have a problem with this. They want to corrupt more people.
Wanderer's theme
All of them.

Also, who's playing Shovel Knight right now?
Then is she even attacking? What point is appeasing the argument "she doesn't attack" if she still isn't and you're reflecting the shield for the sake of doing the damage?
Oh wow, thanks for sharing that. To think I was going to buy the game.
Never support people that cave in.
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Stop bringing it up OP. Talking about them only makes them stronger.
>damsel in distress

but.... Shield Knight saved Shovel Knight in the end
King Knight's Stage

Easily this : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34SoVyQogPA

Though Tinker Knight's first half music is a very close second just because it fits so damn well.
>And yet other games have them
Yeah because they fucking paid Sega royalties to have it in their game.
Do you not know how copyright works?
Ignoring a problem doesn't always make it go away, Anon.

You need to confront your issues.
>using Steam as anything more than a game launcher and IM client

What are you doing? Just ignore anything that isn't the storefront, library, or friend list. You'll be happier.
>Just ignore anything that isn't the storefront, library, or friend list
>Just ignore friend list
>ignore friend list

do you not have any friends anon?
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Easily the campfire, or requiem for shield knight. The tracks are both so beautiful, dream-like, and almost guilty.

Here, have a remix.

Ignoring a non-issue being sustained by attention seekers probably will.
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It's like magic
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This thread, OP?
Do you have trouble reading?
Would you catch her?

Come on, Anon. He's a middle aged bachelor who works a blue collar job. He was probably living with his mother before going to the Mushroom Kingdom.

He's not exactly a swinging single.
I actually adore the village theme. Especially 1:22 onward.


It just makes me happy.

Ignore everything EXCEPT those things, dummy.
Yes, and that creature specifically.
>Shield Knight being a "damsel in distress".

The hell? Shield Knight spends 90% of the game dominating the shit out of the world. She also actively participates in the boss battle she's a part of. If somebody's calling her a damsel in distress, she's pretty damn far from type.

It always told me to catch her, so I didn't want to even try to drop her.
Isn't that a chakram?
Strike the earth
That list of things he likes is just awful.
Mario can be, insane, communist, gay. But he will never be a porn star
>Shield Knight spends 90% of the game dominating the shit out of the world.
Did you even play the game? The amulet is its own personality. The amulet magic even looks like the Enchantress even after the spell on Shield Knight is broken.
Holy shit the gender autism is strong in that image
Hey virgin, the kissing those little faggots are doing is sexual.
>a shining jewel ruined by SWJ crap
>gay by default
>a win

straight people distinctly never think about it as a contest. Most gays don't either
how big a faggot do you have to be?
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wait shield knight wasn't a dude? I thought he/she and shovel knight were best bros or something, haven't beaten it yet tho

They have straight consensual sex between a man and a women at the end.
get a room faggots

It's not called hating

its fucking called indecent public exposure of intimacy
>implying they couldn't have been best friends anyhow

I haven't beaten it yet either, but I get a huge vibe from the opening that the two were the best damn friends and Shovel Knight had a lot of feelings for her that he never got to explain.
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>/v/ false flagging SJW attacks now

Why? Are you THAT bored?
it's a tactic to keep them busy from what is really going on.
>tfw want to play shovel knight but I've played through it 3 times already

New content when
Okami, Devil May Cry 3
Don't worry, OP. By the complaint on Shield Knight being a "damsel in distress", you can see these people didn't finish the game.
>namefag didn't actually play the game, just read a plot twist spoiler
why am I not surprised
>literally not buying a game because there will be an optional mode that won't even change any of the gameplay.

I hate SJWs to death but something minor like this shouldn't let you from playing a game.

Why is Shield Knight so cute.

>Most people are straight

Yeah, and gays/transsexuals HATE this fact.
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I'm not sure if "noko" really counts as a name here. Same for "sage".

Who gives a fuck? Play the game and quite whining about the limp dick faggots upset about stupid shit
No, we must save the world.

The REAL world.
You are just as bad as the people who want to change the industry with their SJW infested ideas.
they have a feminine dick
Too late, everything is political now. Video games, music, tv, movies, books, living.
>even though it has literally no bearing on the game

Then why do you even want it you SJW fuckwad?

>tfw almost no art of shield knight
>giant tits and pigtails
I'd be down for that. Shame there's no way they'd do that.

Watch all the genderbent knights be flat chested.
It's only beginning. Prepare your anus.
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Clearly you've never seen the shovels they use in fucking military. You can split a man's head in half with one of those things.

Also, for anyone saying that Shield Knight should have attacked, her fucking official bio tells you that her fighting style was crushing her foes with her giant shield. CLEARLY that is not going to work so well against a giant magical manifestation of evil that can only be physically struck in its tiny head. Shield Knight can't jump high enough to strike the head with her shield, and Shovel Knight can't jump high enough either. In this situation, do you really think Shield Knight should be doing anything other than launching Shovel Knight into the air? Because that sounds like a complete lack of situational awareness and a great way to get everybody killed. Fucking retards.
I won't lie, I almos want to buy this game just for Butt Mode. I'm infantile like that.
>Portraying Shield Knight as your typical "d.i.d."
It's like these faggots didn't even play the game.

>you will never save shield butt
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Shovel Knight looks like he's yucking it up while Shield Knight's more or less mimicking to keep things from getting awkward.
So let's be honest, how many of you pirated the game?

How many of you plan on getting it?

I pirated it, and I'm thinking of getting it for the 3DS just so I have a solid platformer for me on the go. Mighty Switch Force 1 and 2 are the only downloaded games on my 3DS and I need to change that.
Tinker phase 1.

The level themes in shovel knight are great but I don't like most of the boss music. It's so damn busy in an effort to sound frantic that most of it just sounds like noise.
I don't pirate. Might get it for Wii U considering I've liked the music and it's supposed to get many bonus modes and shit, and I like that kind of stuff.
I might pirate the PC version but I've already bought it on the 3DS.
Just wait for the gender bending dlc you faggots. Now it's a dude in disress
It's not gender bending if you play as shield knight you double nigger
They're releasing a dlc where shovel knight becomes a grill you douchenozzel
Plague Knight stage.
The fight music is great too.
I love this track, how it not only follows the theme of boss battles being intense remixes of their stage themes, but it evolves into something grand during your battles and even works in the title theme to boot.

About Black Knight... so... do you think he's just some rival who's pining after Shield Knight and wants to surpass Shovel Knight, or is he like... Shield Knight's overprotective brother or something?

And he's one of three characters to use a shovel as a weapon in the game. Was there some order of Knights that used shovels that Shovel Knight deserted from in order to become an adventurer? Is that the source of Polar Knight's grudge with Shovel Knight? Or Black Knight's perhaps? Maybe Black Knight calls Shovel Knight a coward for more than just losing Shield Knight in the tower.
and here I was thinking that the ending to shovel knight was the devs trying to please feminists, by making shield knight sort of a hero at the end and her escaping and being okay at the end by her own will and control and not someone saving her, and shield knight having a man actually save him and take him to safety.

Polar knight's stage theme was catchy as fuck.
I was disappoint at the credits when you had the themes play briefly, and it didn't go into the main part of his song.
Don't read too much into it. They simply took the two common tropes, competitive but ultimately well meaning rival and old acquaintance lusting for power and gave them shovels and made them enemies.

I'd really prefer for them to leave it vague honestly.
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Meh, I saw the ending as a classic feel good sort of deal.

The world is saved, the villains/dungeons are rehabilitated for the common good, and in the end our hero is reunited with his beloved under starlight.
That last part was a dream
They missed on a few opportunities with this honestly.

>Dream after second boss
>"Don't catch her"
>"You catch her and she explodes"
>It's a bad dream caused by Plague Knight

I refuse to believe that and can think of no evidence that supports it.
It all makes sense now, why there were those dream sequences through the game by the fire.
>implying shovel knight isn't a strong independent black fishwoman

girl please

I thought those were just nightmares.

There was little to suggest the after-credits scene was a dream.
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>No, you have a mental illness because of your mental illnesses.
Shit man, that guy's still around?
trans troupple
>that art style

Lost City
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>this is perceived as an incorrect statement/grammar
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>An actual legitimate video game comes out
>People still up in arms over SJW bullshit

When will it end, /v/?
Seems a bit too much like a Batman "scarecrow" kind of twist.
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cant fucking believe I would see a shovel knight thread about SJW crap, I guess its really too fucking late uh?
it is

SJWs are everywhere now, whether they actually care about it or not
Poll: Should trannies be purged from society even if they don't want anything to do with SJW shit
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>About Black Knight
Shovel Knight recklessly enters the Tower of Fate out of greed, and Shield Knight dies because of it. Shovel Knight then becomes a wimpy farmer. Black Knight's got plenty of reasons to be pissed at his rival.

It's also why Black Knight never explained the Enchantress' identity: to him, SK's a washed-up has-been. SK wouldn't be able to help so he doesn't deserve to know.
I didn't give the best example, I just felt they were missed opportunities.

King Knight is the only boss that gives you a motive.

The rest of the bosses are just "in the way" because of the gates and they "supposedly" took over the Kingdom wrongfully.

None of the townsfolk really seem to be ill towards them other than witty banter/puns.

Then again Megaman was pretty vague also Since Dr. Light was the bad guy all along
i want you faggots to leave /v/

no one cares if you hate sjw shit
Spectre Knight had a motive. Enchantress gave him a second life. Treasure Knight's motive isn't too hard to figure out. Some of the others are perhaps more vague.
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>mfw Shovel Knight's dead

>not turning Goofy into an MP battery by removing all his abilities except for the one where he gives you MP and just equipping him with a ton of MP accessories

They are kinda useless in KH1 for damage purposes, but at least Donald and Goofy had my back with heals, Aero and MP.
No because i get mad when people care about things that i think are dumb.


i'm not a tranny you dumb fuck
You misunderstood man. He was defending trannies and sjw's, on /v/ of all places.

I suggest you stop replying to him because we both know talking to him isn't worth it.

no like I asked the question and the guy responded like he thought i was a tranny, even though i referred to them in the third person

i don't understand why no one on /v/ can read
Jesus, why is everyone so fucking butthurt that she didn't use her fucking shield as a weapon?
The game makes her out to be a protector from the get-go and towards the end.

And if that's not enough, it's great that she's a protector in an ironic sense because she's using her shield to shield. No shovel as a sword or any of that.
It's nitpicking for nitpicking's sake. Even if she had thrown her shield, they'd have found another reason to be upset.
that is not even close to what was said

whining about sjw only makes them feel more oppressed
it's not grammar that's the issue, it's the cyclical nature of the argument. It just goes in circles and doesn't make sense.
know what else goes in circles ??

ur mum and i when we 69'd last nite
There are people who wouldn't concede "gender dysphoria" is an illness. So it's not as cyclical as you think.
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Watch Me Dance

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You can't fight it on the internet, but remember to punch SJWs in the face when you see them IRL.
>sjws just ruined marvel
>now ruining everything else
Fuck this world
First post is always correct post
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>that one video where literal nigger jews punch that feminist to the ground and she gets arrested
>why would she throw her shield? she's supposed to be a protector!
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How did he refer to you as a tranny other than the word faggot which has basically lost all meaning here anyway? You realize in the same post he said "No one cares if you HATE sjw shit" as in "you should stop bitching about trannies because nobody cares"

Now how could he say he doesn't care if you HATE sjw shit WHILE calling you a tranny?

Yeah I don't understand the lack of basic reading comprehension on this board either mate.
now what if it were two girls kissing?
Did you hear about Cartoon Network?
I would fap to the video.
no tell me
I just got back from beating NG+.
What happens if you miss the final catch?
she just lands on the ground comments about not catching her
>That's why Russia went as far as they did

Elaborate please.
I thought the relationship between Shovel and Shield knight was great. The final battle shows that they really are equal members of a team, and don't shine nearly as bright when apart. The only weird thing is that Shield Knight is the only female knight in existence.
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Haven't you heard? Putin personally executed all the gays, except the gay women he found attractive
Oh you!
Made being gay illegal when it use to be legal
>a Kid
>Already knows he's gay

What the fuck children his age are still playing with fucking toys. How in the fuck did he gain enough maturity to know hes gay ?

Either he's been brainwashed by his parents or this is a CrookedLie
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There's nothing we can do about it now anon. Not worth getting bent out of shape over.
What does her back say? I can see "Putin" written there, but that's all.
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Just probably some incredibly bold yet simple message like "Fuck Putin" or something.

Here's the video from a pretty good angle;

You can see the exact moment at about 7 seconds in where the protester realizes Putin's admiring her tits and she absolutely LOSES it. Funny as fuck.
Man, those thumbs up are something incredible. You can see that fucker doesn't give a shit about anything.
She actively participates in the final boss fight and sacrifices herself because YOU'RE in distress.

Did these people even play the game?
It's basically "Go fuck yourself, Putin"
Better yet, if you pay close attention after shit gets crazy, you can see putin cheerfully grinning in the back behind all his bodyguards reking feminazi shit.

What's wrong with the art style?
>Playing games
>No Decadent Dandy
It would still be wrong.
Once I heard there was a death counter I didn't want to complete the game anymore. I don't know why.
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The Flying Machine is so fucking good. It's one of those themes that makes me feel empowered listening to it. It has such a feel good vibe that it's as if I can do anything. Feels good, brah.
i'm getting tired of those fucking faggots, fuck em.

if nobody knew, you can download the soundtrack for free, and the arranged one and you pay for what its worth.

This only brings dim hopes for the future for me.

But atleast she got what was coming too her. If they forgot that everyone has the equal rights they are "fighting" for, not just them.

This whole ordeal also makes me feel back for the people who actually contribute and work and bleed their asses off to achieve that for everyone. But soon they will realize it will always be around, just like Racism, Sexism, and all that jazz.

They have their head shoved up so far up their own asses that they can only make assumptions and not even back up what they say.
this is the one made by the composer of megaman right
Of all the games, why shovel knight?
Why cant they exclusively go after big AAA shit tha I wont enjoy.

After all, thats all they care about.
>Muh lack of gay protaganists, we just want one game.
>B-but I havent heard of that game where the protag can be or is a faggot.
Dont worry bro. Muslims will ake care of it.
I hate muslims, so I will proably be shot for not converting. But if you ask kindly, they will let you watch the fags and liberals be lynched too.
>B-but we were tolerant
>H-how did this happen when we aborted our kids and encoruaged gays. What does numbers have to do with war?

We lost, but given I hate both sides, it eases the pain.
Funny story.
Femen is no longer a problem.
They got funding from a jew, who cut their funding after finding out they planned to open a branch in Israel.

/pol/ collectively creamed themselves.
>femen dead
>See, I told you it was the jews
>it'd be nice to have that one little win
They only want a bite they say.
A little win they say.
Next time it will not be enough.
Every character needs to be gay they say.
You would think the SJW's would like the fact that Shovel would have been dead if it wasn't for his waifu
>Walking around with #yesallwomen on her shirt
>Instantly goes to rape and other buzzwords
>Ummm, ummm it's a spectrum (desperate bid to buy time, so she can think of an argument she started"
However, you missed the best part.

Watch it all until 3:00 if you want.

Or skip to 2:50 and watch till 3:00 for the best part.
>that last scream
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I have an image that summs this up nicely.
>N-no. We want the hetro character to be gay, not just the gay characters!
>Shield Knight is a damsel in distress

You mean the character who is the final boss, and when she finally regains her senses helps you beat the ultimate evil, not to mention flat out saves your sorry ass and THEN walks away from it to snuggle with her husbando. That Damsel in distress? Shield Knight is a fucking boss, these whiny faggots can eat 1000 dicks.
>Needed the help of a man at some point
Yes, she is a damsel in distress.
Only mary sues are ok.
I legitimately want source on this entire thing.
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Check out their FB if you have it.
Aahahaha, so he actually founded them just to fap to topless chicks getting beat up by armored men, and now he said fuck that when they wanted to go to Israel.
>Leviticus outlaws homosexuality
>New Testament overrules everything in the Old Testament, doesn't actually have reference to homosexuality or homosexual sex, simply men with loose morals and male prostitutes
>By this, Jews should be homophobes and Christians accepting of gays
>Somehow Jews are more accepting of homosexuality than Christians

threadly reminder that /pol/ has shat /v/ up more than /b/, tumblr and reddit
Because people.....people have changed.
He funded them to cause trouble in other countries, and cut it when it risked hurting Israel.
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You faggots acted like rampant idiots when Sera was gay and called Cassandra ugly (even though she's beautiful). Now that she's straight you're having a giggle at the lesbians for the SAME DAMN THING.

Well whatever, I'll get the game and have me some butch knight waifu, just like I did in FEA.

This. People dont perceive being gay as a mental illness when it clearly is.
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>Christians accepting of gays
Jesus said marriage was between a man and a woman.
Also, Christianity said no sex before marriage.

Jews just encourage it to fuck up other countries. Much like this
Or pic related.

They just want to fuck up anywhere that isnt Israel. Gays are just useful idiots to them.
I think all of those places had the same amount of effect on /v/.

Fuck it man. These retards are fine with it. Stop wasting your breath.
Actually no one cared about DAI.
A few people whined how the least hideous option was a dyke, but they were still mocked.
Cassandra is still hideous. I could probably store my inventory on that jaw.

>caring about DAI
>Buying it, or even wasting bandwitch pirating it
>believing what you read on /v/

it's no wonder /v/ is so easy to troll, a fucking google search shows all of one source called dailystormer
Jesus also healed a centurion's servant boy who given the time was also likely his lover, among other things.

Well because both you /pol/acks on /v/ and the SJWs are hating it, obviously it has to be good.
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Pirated it and finished it a few hours later. It was a fun little game, not gonna buy it tho it ain't worth the price.
>He had a servant boy
>Therefore he was gay
Given translations, you cant really prove it.
Also you are mistaking him not punishing him, for approval.
Typical of faggots.

Incase you didnt realize, Jesus spent a lot of time with sinners.
Which he probably shouldnt have done, given people are just twisting it into thinking Jesus was ok with that shit.

The thing is, the faggots who go on about Jesus not hating gays, dont even know a damn thing about Christianity, and sure as hell dont follow it. Suprised they even care.
Holy spirit is part of the trinity (basicly it's on par with Jesus) this then descended on the disciples at pentecost, allowing them to speak the word of God, even in other languages. Meaning the apostles words are also canon.
Sorry faggots.
It's on their fucking facebook. Just because mass media doesn't report it doesn't mean it isn't so.

HOLY FUCK. You believe media over a straight source from the horses mouth? How fucktarded can you be?
I did and don't care they made enough money from the kickstarter

I would buy it if I have extra cash though.
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Why does it always have to be a NES soundchip when it's "retro inspired"
I mean I like it but at this point can't we just try other things
He's from commiefornia as well. That does not surprise me.
It was a stretch goal they didn't cave shit.
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