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ITT: Cool attention detail in the vidya >in resident evil

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ITT: Cool attention detail in the vidya

>in resident evil 0 when you load a game you see a message that reads something like
>are the faint sounds of foot steps survivors or...
>if you go to the main hall and turn the music all the way down you can actually hear faint foot steps
post more res sluts
If you go to the ruins of Lordaeron in WoW and stand in the throne room with ambient sounds on and your volume up, you can hear Arthas killing his father. In the little alley or hall or whatever right in front of the throne room, you can hear the crowd cheering at his return.
The local term for this is TECHNOLOGY. Note the capitalization.
this artist does 10/10 feet.
digusting. Let me shit on your chest.
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This thread is about to take a dark turn...
Artist name please
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Do you mind if I rip that off from you for future refernce
Super Mario RPG: If you stand on Frogfucius's dining table and talk to him, Frogfucius will tell you to get off his table.


Everything in MGS
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>please talk to me from across the counter if you want to buy something.
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If you wait too long in Knuckles Chaotix Metal Sonic attacks you.

can you imagine taking jill into a room and having your way with her, the world is going to shit anyway, why not play with her feet a little ;)
That's not TECHNOLOGY you dumbass, TECHNOLOGY is related to gameplay and stuff you can interact with.
post lewd jill please, she's my favorite
>if you go to the main hall and turn the music all the way down
That doesn't count?
No, that's an easter egg.
I actually here them with the music playing
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Okay, that's still not TECHNOLOGY.
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This shit right here

I can just imagine the kind of total aspie game dev that decided to add that to the game
Why are you being such an aspie about this?
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You're wrong, you got called out on being wrong and now you're calling the guy who called you out on being wrong an aspie.

If I'm an aspie then you're a fucking retard. Stop using the wrong words you shitstain.
He is being an assburger because you are entirely wrong retard
fuck off you disgusting subhuman piece of shit.
who are you to declare it hurr TECHNOLOGY and not?
Well, explain to me you fucking retard, what's technologically impressive about playing a fucking sound file?

Go on, I'm all ears.
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Roguelikes. Pick any of the big three. Nethack in particular is 80% tiny details and the devs thinking of everything.
You actually are retarded.

A sound playing in an area at all times really softly is not technology.

If you want technology, check out the ice bucket in MGS2, realistic ice melting physics in a videogame for no other reason than Kojima is a lunatic
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Nice try, too bad your just wrong
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what the fuck
i actually browse with an ipod as well, it is actually pretty good for this site
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In Metal Gear Solid 3 if you shoot someone in the head with the SVD he will die
It works better than an android phone for actually browsing the Internet, that's literally all it can do though.

There used to be some good *chan apps too
If you shoot someone's radio it will break and they will run off to get help instead of calling in an alert
Will Resi make a comback?
I mean i was disappointed last gen but tlou kinda filled the void, here hoping for a resi revamp or TLOU 2.
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Here's a little fact, Red team is always better than blue team in every game
if you shoot a dog the dog will die thats another neat one
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JJBAASB has tons.
If Dio KOs Jonathan with his Space Ripper Stingy Eyes, he holds up his hands like he did when he got hit during his honeymoon.
William Zeppeli does his water walk when he moves backwards.
Dio and all vampires can't fight in areas with sunlight unless they equip the Red Stone of Aja.
Jotaro can reduce the damage he takes from DIO's Road Roller special by performing his own Time Stop, and they have different effects, with DIO's being a yellow haze while Jotaro's being a black and white filter.
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In Ground Zeroes if you shoot the US flag the game ends
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>mfw accidentally shooting Ocelot's beret off during the fight
In Viewtiful Joe, if you use Slow and then hold Mach Speed, Joe will run as if he's in regular time.
You serious?
>Ground Zeroes
That game was so bad and so good at the time. Fucking weird game.
It's biggest flaw was being too short
>johnny tusk act 4 on valentine
>that glorious scene of him breaking dimension

it's magical!
>incoming tf2 fags
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Battlefield 3
>some guns have longer trigger pulls like revolvers
>some have shorter ones
that is if you're playing on the 360 version. feels wasted though
That sounds cool
>1. Your penis
this is now a TECHNOLOGY thread
>82) Missions can be skipped if you fail them a few times in a row.
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>playing rayman origins
>trying to get all those pink balls
>fail miserably
>screen asks if you want to skip
>continue failing
>same screen again

you have no idea how much this piss me off
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>Missions can be skipped if you fail them a few times in a row.
Is this the most TECHNOLOGY in one game? Not even MGS comes close
I didn't even know that.

The game was really easy, so I never saw that screen.
You can't beat Nethack, anon.
The developers thought of EVERYTHING.
gotta love GMOD
all that porn ive made already
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What about Dorf Fort?
and so much good ones ruinned because they have to stick a scout on the background...
Can't stand that fucking shit.
Dorf fort is a different sort of detail. A bunch of the wonderful stuff that happens is mostly unintended. Nethack, meanwhile, has responses for things that will never happen without modifying the game. (i.e. should you eat a flint stone, which cannot be done by any creature in the base game, the game will respond "Yabba dabba doo!")
that's SFM
gmod is mostly static because making animations on gmod is a pain in the dick
>if you position Ashley in RE4 right above you and try to look at her panties, she'll call you a pervert
>if you try it in her alternate costumes when she's fully clothed, she doesn't say anything

>you can harpoon fish after the giant fish fight and sell them
>some of the merchants have yellow eyes from being infected, and some don't
>you can destroy the nest when Ashley gets kidnapped the second time, avoiding the entire fight afterwards
Still true

RED > BLU all day every day
Dwarf Fortress is the opposite, it just happens due to toady code being hilariously broken, then it's a feature
>in pokemon x and y when you are talking to a little kid your character bends down to talk to them


>in gta 4 in the mission where jacob is smoking weed in the car, if you break open one of the windows smoke starts coming out (though i'm not sure if you drive past cops they catch you for this)
In dwarf fortress 40.01, if you commit a horrible act of cruelty/witness something horrifying and then check your inventory, sometimes your adventurer will have tears in his eye slots.
Can you really do shit like that in Dwarf Fortress? Shit THAT specific? Or is it mostly just a roleplaying thing when you're going into such territories?
Yeah, you can do shit that's that specific. But growth doesn't work that way so the last part about invincible giga-dwarves is unfortunately false. You can, however, burn all the skin off a still-living dwarf and keep them alive as a meat sack.
>Shooting at a blank wall in Bayonetta will have Bayonetta create a heart in the shape of bullet holes.
In theory, if you injure a dwarf with shallow flesh wounds enough times and then close up the wounds with adamantine thread they'll become extremely durable even unarmored. But I've never actually tried it.

If your dwarves get disemboweled during a fight they'll start trailing ~~~
Dorf fort is crazy deep, and it gets deeper with every update. This last one added tons of depth to adventure mode and combat, wrestling specifically. It's possible to sneak up behind someone, disarm them, break all their limbs, steal all their shit, and sprint away. You can grab beasts by the tail and throw them. Hell, you can latch onto their THROAT with your TEETH and RIP THEIR THROAT OUT BY SHAKING YOUR TEETH AND TEARING APART THEIR NECK.

If you're strong enough, you can punch someone so hard the body part you hit just explodes. Literally, it's said it "explodes into gore". You can blow up someone's head from hitting it too hard. Or collapse their lungs. Or stub their third right toe. It's insanely specific.
How often random NPCs change what they say in EarthBound and Mother 3.
toughening up kids by pasturing them with animals in small areas and dropping food to them has a very long thread on the DF forums ("Dwarven Child Care"). It can be done and makes for tougher kids, if they reach adulthood. Dwarves have been known to have their fat melt without killing them in proximity to magma and some players can and have done it intentionally.

In any case, I'm pretty sure occasions of unarmed superdwarves ripping demons in half ended with the 2010 version.
Sounds cool as fuck. Now I see why you guys rave about it so. I'm new to the master race and I think I'll pick this up.

Is there any mod or whatever that makes the game a bit more...aesthetically pleasing? Sorry If I insult with my question.
I remember seeing somewhere a monster punched the dorf so hard his brain popped out of his head
because it was a regular occurrence before that. Skills also had no level cap, and a hammer blow would knock a goblin flying couple of screen lengths.
You can install custom tilesets that turn the letters and symbols into little icons and pictures. I'd recommend playing DF2012 since the newest version doesn't have good mod support and using the lazy newb pack. You can also use a 3D visualizer like Stonesense if your computer can handle it.

It's still not going to be easy to get into, though. DF has a famously high learning curve. Just fuck about until you get the hang of it, if you lose that's alright because losing is fun.
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>Arma 3
>Playing campaign where you have to avoid dozens of enemies armed only with a 9mm and one mag
>Kill a patrol of 2 soldiers, pisses every other soldier off in a mile radius
>Die over and over because bad save placement and 1 shot equals ded
>Fuck this, reload 5 saves back
>Character says "What the... this doesn't look right"
A meat sac that is completely immune to fire damage due to a lack of body fat to burn
My favorite part about the new update is that if you slice something hard enough, it's described as "cloven asunder" and you basically just cut it in half. That glorious feel when you sneak up behind a goblin and cleave his head asunder

There are some different tilesets, but nothing huge. Be prepared to work pretty hard at it at first to learn everything.

Tilesets are pretty common, just download the NLP and the utility can let you change them around on the fly. Everything pre-installed.
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because a game for children that weeaboo manchilds on /v/ play is so hardcore

I prefer BLU for some classes because I think the team color goes better with them. Same for RED
Don't forget accurately modeled water pressure allowing you to do all kinds of crazy bullshit. In one of my most successful forts I had a high pressure water trap that would shove enemies out of my main fort entrance, through a gauntlet of traps, and into a room that was one big trap door above a pit spanning about 50 Z levels.

If the enemies could swim, I had another lever that did the same thing but with lava.
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>mfw this in xenogears
I had a good chuckle when the shop keeper said this
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