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Seriously, fuck this. How am I expected to get better at fighting

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Seriously, fuck this.

How am I expected to get better at fighting games if none of them even attempt to teach me basic mechanics? Am I supposed to know everything before entering? And why doesnt street fighter have any matchmaking system that pairs me with people my level? Im going up against people with thousands of wins and I have exactly 0. Dorf fortress is easier to learn than this
git gud
welcome to modern fighting games.
Who gives a shit? Fighting games are just a huge circle jerk of autistic try-hards. Let them wallow in the shit they've created and play something better.

That is exactly whats impossible to do.
Is it so fucking hard to figure it out?
Fighting games are a simple concept. Try not to get hit and try to hit your opponent as much as possible.
Different moves have different speeds and reaches.
That's fucking all you need to know
get with the times grandpa! the fight scene is evolving past your geriatric asses.
I've heard Blazblue is a fairly 'casual' fighting game, if you wanted to start there.

You're supposed to know what moves your character has and what the enemy character is capable of, just like any game really.
The basic mechanics is just punching and kicking. And there's youtube and guides and all that fun stuff.

They did have a good matchmaking system, but nobody plays any more, so they matched people with really good records vs complete newbies.
Jesus do people really think this?
Guess that proves that smash is a real fighting game
Get into the community for a poverty game, they are more receptive to new players and are usually happy to explain stuff to you.
Which one did you play? Skullgirls has an amazing tutorial, KOF has a basic tutorial, KI has a great one too

only SF4 doesn't have one.

also git gud
Pick a character and commit to that character.

Memorize the attacks you have, learn how each attack can be used, (poke, anti-air, etc) learn the mechanics specific to the game, (bursts, focus attacks) learn how to deal with other characters while playing as your character.

Use Challenge mode if there is one to learn how your character's combos work and use those as a framework to create your own combos.

Use training mode to practice and synthesize all of the above.

That is how 2gitgud.
Im playing SF4. Honestly, the problem is more the horrible matchmaking than anything, although a tutorial would be helpful.
but SF has hours upon hours of bored dudes on YouTube teaching every fucking voodoo witchcraft bullshit combo possible
I mean, sf isn't hard, you just have to be patient and learn a bit
I played drunk off my ass tonight and won like ten matches as fucking T Hawk against a myriad of akumas, kens and onis
>wanting to play against other people when you have literally no clue what you're doing
Learn the basics of the basics first. Watch some tutorials on youtube. Don't even bother playing online until you know the bare basics.
matchmaking is non existant in most fighting games, you have to find people yourself or join communities. there's quite a few tutorial vids and shit on the net, look up vesperarcade's SSF4 playlist on youtube. It's not for ultra but it explains the basics of the game.

honestly as the biggest game in the genre, sf4 does a really bad job at bringing in new players
Its simple dude.
Play a easy as fuck fighter. like Blazblue or Jojo ASB. now once you have mastered your execution you can learn how to combo and shit.

then you can move on to harder fighters since its all the same, just sped up
That wouldnt be a problem if it paired me with individuals in my position
>I don't put any effort into learning the mechanics of one of the most complex genres in existence?
>Why won't this game give me free wins?

Maybe spend a day or two in the training mode before going online. Most people who would consider themselves good have spent thousands of hours practicing moves, links, combos, and learning frame data and spacing. Its not something you can just pick up in a fucking day.
are you american? I'm surprised you have a problem with getting other beginners in your position.
You dont learn anything playing people at your skill level
So you can mash buttons against eachother? If you knew the basics, you would understand why you are losing this badly to everyone.
Watch every single video.

>free wins

I just want to not get pummeled by people with thousands of hours of play time. Is that a fucking free win?
You don't get better being double perfected either. He wants a fair challenge, not a cakewalk or to be stomped.

learn to block
those are so hard to play because they are so fucking slow... it throws my rhythm off
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Stop your bitching.
I spent about 2 weeks straight trying to get better at fighting games and it's finally starting to pay off.
Just keep trying and look at videos of fights.
tl;dr GIT GUD
Subscribe to this channel and watch every video that gets uploaded.
Yea, but the fact that they are slow will help with execution and how comboing works.
It worked so good, i even made some combo videos for jojo asb

Now i'm just getting back into P4A and i managed to beat my friend who was a lot better than me like 2 times out of 10.
You have a few options. Do all of them.

Watch the videos posted above.

Pirate Skullgirls and play the EXTENSIVE tutorial.

Read this: http://shoryuken.com/srk/FightingGamePrimer.pdf
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fighting games, the perfect casual filter

you even have it easy, there are fucktons of guides on the internet and you have unlimited practice mode and arcade play in your house.

back in the day you had to GET out of your house, WAIT for people to let you play an arcade, PUT a coin at an arcade, and get a chance at playing A COUPLE OF ROUNDS, there was barely any internet guides, and you had to settle with buying strategy guides.


into the trash


this so fucking much, fighting games reward you for actually learning and practicing.


there is an actual way to improve on this, set the enemy CPU on the hardest difficulty and try to beat arcade mode a fuckton of times until you actually get some experience in your combos and defense, most fighting games have a decent AI to keep you entertained for a long time before facing real opponents, if you ACTUALLY have talent or a couple of brain cells and know how to learn combos, frame data and matchups, it should take you about a week of doing this to give you a fighting chance against humans who have been playing fighting games for years.
>reading that shit

do they actually expect new players to read that fucking manual? We aren't trying to operate complex and dangerous machinery, we're trying to play a video game for fucks sake
>spend 2 hours reading about mechanics on srk
>realize it will take me 20+ hours practicing in training mode before I can even play the game at a low level
this is why assfaggots are more popular than fighting games
I found the Wii version of XX Accent Core for $2. Is it any good?
this is why assfaggots are mainly played by children*
Get XXAC+R off JP PSN store, or even just get XXAC+. Or other option is to get #R off the internet somewhere and learn stuff before XRD.


shit controls, you can emulate GGXX accent core pretty well anyways

or you can wait for GGXRD, everyone is jumping to that version soon.
because children hate piano lessons? I wish I could play fighting games but fuck spending literally days of my life practicing pushing buttons in order.
It's like a sport. Practice makes perfect. If you want to get serious you're probably going to make the game your hobby.

Several people have answered your question, and you're still acting like an angry toddler. Either you're willing to make the effort to learn something difficult, or you aren't. Complaining won't change anything. Git gud or get filtered; the thread has explained how to learn, the rest is up to you.
Learn to do specials consistently.
Google your character's preferred normals/ BnB combos.
Quit pressing buttons all the goddamn time.

Congrats you are better than most people at fighting games.
even the fat kid in gym class can dribble a basketball down the court
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fighting games are not about practicing for hours, its about learning the rules for a couple of days, and then playing real people and becoming good.

eventually, you wont even need to go to practice mode.

hell, MOST good tournament players barely even use practice mode, they get good by playing other people (which is actually fun)
Yes. Just like a scrub can look at the screen and understand how to not get hit.
even an autistic retard can mash buttons and walk across the screen
I'm pretty sure pic related was me the first time I ever played a fighting game.
You can play street fighter online without knowing combos beyond cancelling a normal into a special. I agree combo practice is boring, but that's just to maximize your damage. It's not really required at a low level if you know how to anti-air, block, throw, and predict when the opponent is going to do something stupid to punish.
I play anime fighters and wanna get into Street Fighter, but these links are killing me. I haven't even bothered trying to do one-frame links. I can barely do 2.MP 2.MP 623.L with Ryu.
Is there some sort of flowchart thing to choose a character in Ultra? No idea who is good at what.
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Stsrted playing last week, just spending days in the training room with Sagat and Ken and dabbling in some Cammy trying to get these FUCKING links and shit down. I'm killing myself trying to dash cancel into ultras and all this shit, how the fuck? Should I just start playing online? I'm also thinking about getting a cheap stick instead of using the dualshock
>miss every link
>get dp'd
wow so fun. that's like telling a beginner chess player to play without a queen and just focus on fundamental concepts. maybe 1 in 20 people will keep at it and learn but the rest will just get frustrated and quit.
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>learn basics with a pad / keyboard
>tutorials for your character are only in HP / HK combo strings
>maybe 1 in 20 people will keep at it and learn but the rest will just get frustrated and quit
sounds like teaching chess in general

MOST links are absolutely USELESS and only get into play once you are playing REALLY good people, (and even then, you should stick to easy links instead of the hard shit)

learn combos that WORK for you, forget linking with ken and just do something like low medium kick into Shoryuken, learn stuff that works FOR YOU, try to do dash canceling into ultras from BASIC stuff (close HP into tiger uppercut, focus cancel dash into ultra, for example)

also dont go to practice mode, try CPU on hardest,fighting something that moves should help your reaction, blocks and combo landing and get more confident on your actions.

once you actually feel confident by crushing the CPU and being able to block > punish or general footsies, then you can attempt online ( you may still get rekt, so I recommend playing real people more, its much more fun)
what if you want to play a divekick character? how are you supposed to play seth or rufus if you can't convert off of jumpins?
I feel the exact opposite

I get my ass kicked constantly, but every time I noticeably get better, I feel a rush I can't describe

shit, I nearly came the first time I realized I was able to tech throws fairly consistently

I actually don't recommend fighting the CPU as all it usually does is just teach you bad habits that won't work against people.
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Lose your first 50 games as quickly as possible

most people need a middle point between practice and humans, CPU provides that.

unless you want them to play pants-on-head retarded humans, which gives the same habits

CPU works well to give players confidence in doing even the MOST basic of stuff (landing an ultra against something that moves)

deleting the bad habits taught you from the CPU can be very easily done after a couple of hours of playing decent humans anyways.

I guess thats true. The absolute best thing though would have to be someone thats slightly better than you though, and if this guys matchmaking is as bad as he's made it out to be, then CPU would have to be his next best thing for the short term.
I'm always impressed when I see those japs play fighting games on niconico. How they can consecutively block stuff that has maybe a 0.3sec animaion blows my mind
0.3 is actually quite generous.

Can you abuse iframes in Dark Souls? That's more or less 0.3sec when fatrolling. Not all that hard, right?
do you plink
Be honest /v/, how important is linking combos? I have a decent sense of rhythm but I can't even figure out Ryu's first link in training mode.
Don't play Japanese fighters, anon. That's your first mistake.

Second, and I know I'm going to get some flak for this but these arbitrary contrarians can all dine on my unit, but Killer Instinct on the Xbone is, bar none, the best choice for your first fighter, and I say that because of it's very comprehensive, simple to understand, dojo mode.

After that can't go wrong with Mortal Kombat, or Injustice if you feel like abusing the shit out of interactables.
There's only one problem with your advice on Killer Instinct.
He would have to own/buy an xbox one.
In SSFIV AE, I just used Cammy a bit and learned how to Instant Cannon Strike and to do a couple combos. Most scrubs that use Ryu/Ken and other Shotos just Shoyruken most of the time. Avoid that and fuck shit up.
I'm not following.
very important to do at least easy ones, otherwise you'll struggle forever
If you're not going to play Japanese fighters, the only worthwhile fighter left is Skullgirls and divekick
Are there more of these?
Yeah, but pressing the iframe button at the right time is a lot easier than anticipating your enemy's attack, choosing the appropriate block/counter, and using said block/counter. And doing it consistently, several times a second, is another story altogether.
You could always try Smash. The basic mechanics are very simple and the skill cap is still decently high.

Your experience won't carry over to any other game though.
So don't learn? People play fighting games because they enjoy them. You sound like you're being willingly sucked into bandwagon/crowd mentality by jumping on the fighting game competitive scene hype instead of taking on a hobby and its challenges for personal enjoyment.

If you think it's bad now, Street Fighter II didn't even have a command list. At least games like BlazBlue and SF4 have tutorial modes that teach you combos.

If this is how you feel, simply don't play. You already don't sound like you're deriving any modicum of enjoyment from fighting games and if your attitude in the face of adversity is "fuck this how does anyone expect me to be good without telling me what to do" then you will never, ever make it past even intermediate level and begin to understand why people play these anyway.
The purpose of practice mode is to craft your technique, and yeah you can bet almost every pro player fag spends hours getting their technique up to par in tournament mode, and even then they still drop combos.
Not at all important at a beginner level, very important at an advanced level (probably). IMO just do easy cancel stuff until you've got a lot of games under your belt and a solid knowledge of strategy, then you can work on doing more damage with better combos. In my experience, being obsessed with combos as a beginner will just make you bored of the game and then frustrated when you're playing online and focused on trying to do your combo but not learning the actual game. I'll admit it's also frustrating to play people who can do more damage than you off a confirm, but personally it's more fun to try to win with fewer tools than to spend hours practicing on a dummy.
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