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Yandere Sim: Be a Yandere girl, stalk and kill the girls who

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Yandere Sim: Be a Yandere girl, stalk and kill the girls who flirt with your Senpai.

Today's update is about the Yandere Meter and the "Dedicated Creepy Laugh Button" that was suggested by an anon here a few months ago.


A femanon with a cute voice provided the laughter!

More at the blog: http://yanderedev.wordpress.com
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Can i choose the gender of the person i am stalking? I want to go yuri yandere.
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Glad to see you're still working on it
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>that laugh
Well, I'm slightly frighten. The light giggles is what gets me more though.
Been looking forward to this, hope it's good thread yanderedev! That laugh is amazing.

Its weird how her cloth is soaked in blood but her skin is not.
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Nice progress anon
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>that laugh

You can make wondrous works of art with all the school girls' blood. Ooo, I know, tell your senpai how much you love him by spelling it out in gore!
>the lightest laugh

Sounds fucking shitty
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While I was play-testing the game, stalking Senpai, and snapping pictures of him, I felt a little uncomfortable. I thought to myself, "I feel gross stalking a dude. This feels a little bit…gay. I can't relate to this experience. If it was a girl, I would feel more comfortable."

The idea of stalking a dude / winning a dude’s love might be gross to a lot of male players. I've been heavily considering the possibility of allowing the player to choose Yandere-chan’s sexual preference at the beginning of the game. First I want to make sure I know all of the changes that would need to be made to accommodate this kind of feature. As of right now, I think it's definitely realistic to plan a "Yuri mode" option.

This isn’t an attempt to make the game more "tolerant" or "inclusive" or "SJW friendly", this is all because I personally feel uncomfortable stalking a guy, thus I can see how appealing a Yuri option would be.

(Side note: Making Yandere-chan a lesbian would automatically turn every girl in the school bisexual.)
Coming along well OP guy, hope progress goes smoothly for you.
>dedicated creepy laugh button
You have my attention.

I hope there is clothing damage. I want to drag some bitch and tear her clothing apart. Look all dirty and beaten up. Makes the yandere thing more satisfying and evil.
Aren't you the guy MikeZ made fun of?
so is this gonna be an actual game with actual shit to do or is it just XDDD JUST LIKE MY ANIMOOOO walking simulator?
I mean, if it is, whatever, but if it's an actual game with things to do other than stab anime girl character model 1-5 and drag their bodies around then ya know...
story? stealth gameplay? detection system? story? story?
I dislike Yandere anime and stuff, but I like the effort you've put into the game and stealth games are pretty cool.
>that Drakengard 3 blood meter mechanic

Good to see you're still at it. Keep up the good work OP!
Well that there is CLEARLY a tech demo.
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>being this new
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dat laugh

nice to see more updates

Thats fantastic. I hope its added to the game.

>Stalking some cute girl who is in love with another guy
>kill his man and take her for yourself
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Whoops, forgot to put on my tripcode.

I don't want to be a tripcode user, but when I was still posting as "Anonymous", this one anon started impersonating me and saying weird crap like "I'm going to make this game paid early access" and other damaging stuff like that.
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>dat full on crazy laugh

boner achieved
My dick is upset that the artist never wants to draw porn
When is this game coming out?
I REALLY need it

A few days ago at a party a "friend" of mine kissed my crush, and I ever since I want to kill her.
>kill his man and take her for yourself
This arouses me greatly
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Good to see you're still at it as always. Loving the laughing, keep up the good work.
all the links in the webm gallery are dead :(
>That laugh
This game is looking great.

Have you played Artificial Academy 2 yet op?
the lightest laugh sounds dumb but all the ones after sound great
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I hadn't considered it until now, but it wouldn't be too difficult to add.

Fuck you, you yurifags ruined this game.
>dedicated creepy laugh button
Game of the Year Every Year All Year Forever

Where do I send my money?
Eh? Not him but context?
Soooo can you write messages in the blood of whores for your beloved? Or is this just a spray demo?
Do you take donations?
Good shit. Not enough yandere love out there.
Look at him and laugh
Been a while since I've seen this posted here. Can't wait until we get a playable demo. Good to see people are still interested too.
Keep up the good work.
I'd probably be more interested in this game if my junior high/high school love life hadn't have consisted of being stalked by multiple violent yanderes.

yuki pls

Aw, you're kidding me...not again...ugh...

Check that gallery again, I've re-uploaded the webms.

Yeah that looks good enough.
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Ok you can't say that and NOT tell any stories.
Forgive my newness to this development progression, but I have a question.

Will this game have pornographic elements or is it simply a game?

Why not have the gender selectable,
so instead of forcing all the girls to be bisexual if you chose lesbian, have it so you can be a girl stalking a guy, or a guy stalking a girl.

A yuri option literally adds nothing, it's a waste of time.

This game could be potentially MGS levels of technology and fun, but you're just trying to turn it into fetish shit.
We're all ears, Anonymous-dono.
>that laugh

That's the stuff of nightmares.
would clothing damage contribute to the scary motherfucker level if you're covered in blood or holding a weapon?
a lot of people disagree
still 404 not found
Read the thread before being a shit anon
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Posting YandereDev's origin story

It's like watching the birth of a super-villain
Any chance of some Kagero Deception like traps or maybe beating a rival about the head with a baseball bat then taking her to the basement to take her out Corpse Party style?.


Might as well put in a gay, loli, and furry option then.

If you're that worried what people would find it gross.

Cause we all know you can't possibly roleplay.
Those models are pretty shitty to me.

I'd like to imagine a unique artstyle, I'm not talking about indie-shit, maybe something in a more slightly realistic setting rather than trying hard to look animu.

I'm just ranting here like a fag
>literally adds nothing

It adds the ability to not feel like a homo.

And it takes no time at all to just make the dude a chick and change some dialogue or whatever.
looks cool

would play
If I steal someones Cell Phone and leave it on the body of someone I kill, will they get arrested?
He's already surpassed that dude. I don't even know who that faggot is nor do I wanna know.
oh shit son
I knew he was based since he's making this game and not accepting donations
but not this based
keep on dude I want to play this one day
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But there's no enjoyment out of being a yandere guy. You just don't get it do you, anon?

Name one reason why it's needed.


>I can't possibly play the way the game was intended because I would feel gay

You probably are gay then, if a joke game makes you question your sexuality.
So who was it
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We've all got your back, YandereDev. I BELIEVE.
No, I don't believe he has.
>Name one reason why it's needed.
That would be a waste of time
You could use that time to add more content instead

There won't even be H-scenes so what does it matter if you are stalking a dude or not

No, I guess I don't, sorry.
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>that laugh
>dedicated evil laugh button
OP, I love you.
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I'm going to post what I wrote in the last thread:

>I don't want to accept donations. If you donate because you think the game will play a certain way, and then the game turns out completely differently from what you expected, then you'd be disappointed. And if you donate, but I never finish the game for some reason, then you'd have thrown your money away. Also, if I accept donations, I'll be accused of being greedy.

>So, I think I should refuse to accept donations.

Feel free to screenshot this and spam it if I ever get greedy and start begging people for money.

(With that said, I think it would be reasonable for me to start allowing donations once I've developed a fully playable demo, so people can play the game and judge it for themselves. Only then could I allow people to donate with a clear conscience. I don't like the idea of asking people to donate for an "idea" or a "plan".)

Who the fuck's MikeZ

What about a yandere yaoi guy?
Clearly, that was the asshole's plan all along. Inspiration through asshattery.
>play the way the game was intended

The dev himself feels the exact same way, fucknugget. >>253371292

Name one reason why it shouldn't be implemented, bearing in mind it just means one additional character model and some dialogue tweaks thus wouldn't take much time at all. Go ahead faggot.

Nah, no porn. It's just a game.

The game was never intended to be sexual, if you really think this would be gay, you probably are gay.

The entire idea was just a joke game, crazy yandere girl stalks boy, kills people who she thinks are after his heart.

Adding yuri just makes it fetish shit.
there i0s no downloadable thing we can try?
Looks neat, but what's the point of the Yandere Meter when you can reset it at any time with the press of a button? Seems to undermine the mechanic.
So are you just spawning a prefab every X units the model is moved?

Actual fluid dynamics when?
good, get out

That's not the dev, idiot.
>Name one reason why it shouldn't be implemented
because its gay


Made the fightan engine.
Well, the game is basically School Days: The Live Action Motion 2D-3D Picture, so it ain't getting better for you.

I've been there, man.
i'm guessing evil laughter attracts attention, so laughing is probably not a good idea when you're standing on a pile of corpses
this please
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I dunno, that might just make it look like Student A stole Student B's cell phone, then got murdered by Student C. It wouldn't implicate Student B of the murder.

But putting the murder weapon in Student B's locker would do the trick.
are you an egg or a jap?
Will this have superior limb based combat?
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>Last level

>Senpai comes over to Yandere-chan's apartment

>He tells her he has called the cops

>"You need professional help, Yandere-chan, I'm doing this for you, for us"

>She kills Senpai in cold blood

>The cops arrive

>Level is like the final mission of Hitman Contracts and Red Dead Redemption

>Yandere-meter is full and the laugh never stops during the whole level
>playing as a homicidal, murdering psycho female
>yeah I think the idea of stalking a guy is sort of uncomfortable
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>I know more about the game than the dev himself, and his words on the matter based on his actual experiences testing the game he builst himself are less important than mine, based on nothing

>Name one reason why it shouldn't be implemented

More time to work on shit that actually matters instead of pandering to your fetish?
I'm just picking up on this now so forgive me if this had been done over before. But why would all of the girls be bisexual if player-chan is or is a lesbian? I don't know the endgame or even the aimed mode of play so again correct me if this is a major inversion of some open-stalking system.

Why would the unsolicited romantic and/or sexual advances of a psychotic girl onto another girl who is totally unreceptive to it not already be a predetermined element of... y'know stalking?
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Day One pre-order
Are we going to be able to give our character a name?
And our crush a name?
And the sluts-I mean the other girls?
that's good
It's relatively minimal effort, and doesn't effect the gameplay whatsoever. Not all of us like dudes, anon.
Why am I getting Azula vibes from her? Also, her mouth should go crazy wide occasionally.

The dev never agreed to yurishit.
Can you imagine what regular people would think of a game where you play a guy stalking a girl?
They would flip out.
you're supposed to fuck him first then cut off his head

you raise his son to be your new love
You got to speak up now, if you back down everyone's gonna think you're a liar or a pussy.
>not wanting to add lewd because m-muh portfolio

ayy lmao
How much scripting would you be willing to do?
Anyway, have you got a public design document we can take a look at?
Guy who suggested the laugh button here.
I saw in the video how you have clothes changing, but the shoes stayed bloody.
Can we expect many trips to the school's footlocker to swap shoes with other girls?

Yeah, I guess you're right
Yes it is you fucking retard.
Start talking, Anon-san. We want creepy tales of bitches who tied you down and fucked you violently with threats of mortal danger.
>or at least I do
YandereDev should make it so when you laugh out that gives you a special ability like regenerate health, increased strength, etc. until it drains to zero.

Again, it's not about gayshit, it's a fucking joke game.

How the hell can you possibly be so insecure you can't play as a murderous girl stalking a guy, just because it would be gay?

Do you think that would make you a murderer too?
That's actually not a bad idea at all.
I'd totally be up for doing the male VO, if that's cool
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I'm sorry, not yet. I'd like to develop the game further before letting it loose into the wild. I wouldn't want people to play it now, when a bunch of important gameplay features are still missing.


While not demonstrated in the video, the evil laugh is EXTREMELY suspicious and can be heard over a large distance. You've got to do it somewhere with no students (rooftop for example).

Until you relocate yourself to a place with no students and diminish your Yandere Meter, you will alert every student who lays eyes on you, since you will very clearly look like a psychopath.
>Sequel to the game has the son as the protagonist and his mother in jail.
Or maybe it alerts the "guards", like MGS wall-tapping.

Where's his trip?
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Yeah, you caught me.

It's going to work that way while I am testing out "student has spotted some blood" and "cleaning up blood" mechanics.

I'll think about improving it after the core functionality and important gameplay mechanics are implemented.
I think Yandere-chans mom should still be alive but her dad is a skeleton in the basement. yandere-chan is actually a 2nd gen yandere
>This isn’t an attempt to make the game more "tolerant" or "inclusive" or "SJW friendly", this is all because I personally feel uncomfortable stalking a guy, thus I can see how appealing a Yuri option would be.

I Hate how we've gotten to the point where we need this disclaimer. Yuri used to be fun and now people here whine every time we find out a character likes carpet.
can you use the laugh to scare people you are stalking?
He forgot to put it on. >>253371760

Read a thread before replying nigger
I would play the shit out of that.
>she is into mother-son incest
>it's a stealth hiding game that plays like Assassin's Creed multiplayer.


wtf and im not even a gay
>Fucking joke game
Dude fuck you, this game had soul and is the spiritual successor to Hitman since Hitman has gone the way of the fucking dodo since square-enix raped it with Absolution and then next one they are planning might not even have Bateman as the vo.

Maybe because it has no place in a game like this, so it comes off as pandering?
Oh yeah I think that was the laugh's original intention.
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You have my full support Yanderdev.

Let your hatred flow through you until it becomes a thing of beauty.
>You can't be yandere for the same sex
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I like the way you think anon

There's still nothing that proves that's the dev.

He never once said anything about adding yurishit in threads before.
When the game is done I'd really like to see unlockable costumes for completing the game on different difficulties, unlock sam fisher/solid snake/hitman outfits etc
Ok, how about this:
>Steal Student A and B's cell phone
>Send threatening text to Student B From Student A
>Kill Student B
>Place Student B's Cellphone in Student A's locker
It might seem like Student A planned on deleting the text.
Would that be enough circumstantial evidence? Maybe be for murders that don't have a weapon?
Fine by me.

Just so that you know though, I'll probably fap anyway.
ah ok that makes sense then better to make sure its all there and working before letting others see it
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In this game, you are given specific targets. For example:

Target 1: Senpai's childhood friend
Target 2: Senpai's incestuous sister
Target 3: Senpai's busty milf teacher

After killing his childhood friend, his sister falls in love with him and tries to win his heart. After killing his sister, the busty milf teacher falls in love with him and tries to steal his heart.

But if Senpai is a girl, then that means the childhood friend is lesbian / bi, and also the sister and the busty milf.

You're killing females who are in love with your Senpai. If Senpai's female, that means all the girls you're killing are lesbians.
What if Yandere chans mother was also a Yandere who tries to steal your man at the end of the game? Last level is in your house on a rainy night where you have to fight your mother to death while your husbando is all tied up watching in horror.
It's not a deal-breaker to stalk the dude.

It'd just be an addition which would make the game a little neater for some and would require no effort whatsoever. I don't understand why you're so against this.
The last 2 times I saw him he said he's been entertaining the idea of yuri
Do you have a test demo anywhere?
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Are you even listening yourself? Did you even read what you just typed out?
Your lack of stealth is making you delusional, stop it. It's a game being made by a random Anon, alone.
Then make it an all-girl's school when you switch to Yuri-mode.
It'll play out like School Days crossed with Love Lab and Yuru Yuri.
better ending than most games.
can there be a 'color picker' for the blood?

I just want to stab a cunt and have chocolate flow out for once
He clearly states that thoughts about the yuri option came to him whilst recently play-testing.

It's the fucking dev you retard.

Yeah, but when people think roleplaying as a girl makes them gay, so you take time to add a different option for the minority, it becomes a problem.
>Target 3: Senpai's busty milf teacher
N- no...
Every guy wants that.
I can't do that to Senpai.

Fuck it, I'll fucking neck the bitch if the game tells me to.
>Can't stalk a straight girl and kill her boyfriend so we can be together forever
This is the only upcoming game I'm hyped for.

Don't let me down, YandereDev.
post a vocaroo audition, faget. It'll be fun. Say yandere-like things.
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>The sequel is a prequel
>You play as Yandere-chan's mom
Dat laugh
Is this the evolution of clown porn?
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>I'm in a similar situation, but in a different field

I wasn't planning on it. It's not that it would be difficult to implement, but I wanted Yandere-chan to be a specific character, not just a blank slate to be named whatever the player feels like. Also, if there's voice acting, I'd want the voice actors to be speaking Yandere-chan's real name during the dialogue.
That cat probably has a serious infection and that's why his eyes are like that
While I'm unsure of this, I think I know who the guy who did this was. And if I'm correct, OP had already made a better game by default.

I don't know if OP wants me to say who it was, but I think someone in the thread said it and was right. If OP could say if he wants me to shut up or keep talking, I'll do what he says.

I will also say I refuse to buy the game that made that dude famous, Yanderedev.
What a fucking dickhead, jesus christ.
wow wee if only more people thought like this steam greenlight wouldn't be full of shit

Because it's fucking pandering garbage nobody at the idea stage wanted.

Yurifags hijacked it, and forced their opinions down our throats.

It makes me sick to think the dev may actually change the game for those assholes.
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>Yandere-dev standing over Asshole-dev's limp body, bloody scissors in hand.

>"So Senpai, what do you think of my game now, huh? I think its fantastic! Don't you?! AhhhHahahahaha!
Not to be that guy, but what about people who wanna donate because they just wanna support what you're doing? I personally don't have much interest in playing the game, but I think it's awesome to see a dev working so hard on something they're passionate about and not only updating but listening to the community and implementing changes based on user suggestion. Also because fuck "your hero".

I guess I just think you should consider taking donations with a heavy disclaimer.

But since you probably won't, you're awesome and I wish you the best of luck with this and any future programming you do.

Holy shit sauce on image?

What do you mean by scripting? Code, or story/dialogue?

I haven't really got a firm design document, but all of the posts on the blog pretty much amount to that. I'm still very open to suggestions and changes, based on what kind of feedback I'm getting.
Well shit man, I play SG and if Mike really did all of that without in the least bit being helpful, fuck him. The guy acts like a total chode in general so I never really liked him anyways.

Yeah, because nobody else could possibly claim they playtested the game.
Does it start with an N?
Well I suppose in that context merely having the player THINK that 3 individual ladies are each in a romantic rivalry with them is too farfetched.
Options are bad

Hi, Ubisoft. I bet you're the type to get mad that Nintendo is wasting resources making models for both genders of a particular player character.
Sorry man its just Hitman Absolution was fucking horrible and there has not been a good stealth game in fucking eons.
Just desperate is all.
>yuri has no place in a game populated almost entirely by anime schoolgirls
exactly how high are you?
Holy shit this is getting 100% cuhrazy.

I wouldn't even be surprised if someone makes a fan made manga or comic and YandereDev eventually cuts a deal for Yandere Simulator: The Animation
Have senpai be Bi and change the gender of of the first two.
Or maybe after killing the first 2 senpai releases the other gender is dangerous and sticks with girls from then on.
Changing target 3 would be creepy though.
OR it could be a flash back mission or something like that.
She can be the most hardcore yandere of all. I also think yandere-chan and yandere mom should act like he's still alive, talking to him and what not.
>What do you mean by scripting? Code, or story/dialogue?
Code. Seems like you're gonna need to do a whole fuckload of shit just to get hald your ideas off the ground.
Granted, your ideas all do seem practical and fun. I just think it's gonna take a lot of effort.
OP regrets posting his story in the first place. It would be best if you just drop it altogether.
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you may be on to something
this please
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Shoes are only bloody for a specific number of steps.

Each time you tap the control stick (or the movement keys, if you're playing on keyboard) the game registers a "step".

So, by quickly flicking the stick 10 times, you rub off all the blood and clean your shoes.

This is kind of sort of an exploit of the way the game counts "steps", but it's analogous to shuffling your feet in real life to rub off something stuck to your shoe, so I'm deciding to call it a feature and leave it in.
man i hope your still planning all the alt routes and such. manipulator, trap maker, passive win(hell a hard), hand-to hand. so many ideas in past theads.

also how about a young hot police rookie working with a detective to stop you, before you face the final boss, the other yandere. I remember the school staff was interesting but outside forces could be cool too. though going to another school might be too much. (neighboring school enemy )
MikeZ, a faglord who made a dead fighting game called skullgirls.
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Good luck Yanderedev, I wish the best on you and your project.
Have a picture of a ferret.
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Step up your yandere expressions, Yanderedev sempai.
Add a Cadberry feature?
he's worried about what he finds gross
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Nice! Yandere-anon! I remember you!
I just want to offer my support for this game. While I enjoy yandere themes, it's really just the gameplay of this that really appeals to me. I know that I, like many anons, have been yearning for a real stealth game that's less about quicktime events and action shots and more about careful planning.

I don't expect the game to be graphically amazing, nor do I expect amazing voice overs and the like. Just keep progressing with the game. I can't wait to see a finished product!
Nigger, it's not your game. You being involved in one thread in which OP was taking ideas doesn't make you an integral part of the idea stage nor does it mean anything being rammed down your throat matters even slightly.

The fucking dev himself has said it'd be a neat idea, a conclusion he reached after play-testing the actual fucking game, and you think you know better than him? I can't tell if you're retarded or just a cunt. It would require minimal effort and be an option you can totally ignore. There is no problem to be had here aside from your making of one.

Because that wasn't the original idea, just like kickstarter projects.

I had hope for this game before people started handing out their stupid ideas, and he took them with no questions.
It's okay, but you can't place all your chips in on one game which might not even see the light of day, you'll just disappoint yourself further. Remember Duke.
Threadly reminder, yanderes don't kill their beloved senpai's. That's Yangire.
This will be the new post in "Technology" threads, right next to the melting ice and shooting radios of MGS 2/3
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I would play this game for a hot Sensei to kill, no lie. Isn't it already creepy you're a fucking psycho stalker?

Why can't you roleplay as girl without being grossed out?
That's actually pretty clever.
You might still want to make it so that the number of "steps" still goes down every actual step even if you're just holding down one key though, so that you don't have to shuffle your feet EVERY TIME unless you need to.

I don't know if this has been discussed or not, but have you thought about adding ways to affect other girls that doesn't include murdering them? Since you're thinking of adding clothing that gets damaged, why not add some type of mental bar on other girls, as in being able to beat them up or humiliate them to the point you mind break them, or maybe some kind of hypnosis or I don't know.

Because I sure would love to knock a bitch down, strip her naked and stomp on her until she submits or tricking some bitch into giving me her clothes and then leaving her butt naked in school. Yandere isn't all about murdering, it's also about being a complete cunt to every other woman!

Love the work so far.
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Or hot pink blood.
what if you have a home base where you can go on your computer to look up your target on facebook or some shit to see what they're doing and you can have trophies from the girls you kill and eventually senpai chained up and naked with a dogfood bowl
It's an option. You're actually complaining about an optional mode to change the main character into a lesbian. You can still play the regular mode where you're stalking a dude. Stop fucking bitching.
Ha, funny but it works.
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The giggle is meant to be used as a way to attract the attention of an NPC, like knocking on a wall in MGS. You giggle and they're like "What was that noise?"

I suppose it could also have contextual use. If you see someone get bullied and you tap the laugh button, the bully is encouraged to keep going. Or if someone is scared / paranoid and they hear your giggling, they get even more scared / paranoid.
How's hiding coming along?
Will the game have Bully type hiding where you get next to a locker/trashcan/bathroom stall and hit the action button and hide in it?
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Godspeed to YandereDev, an inspiration to men everywhere

if this game ever gets put up for sale I will buy 10 copies

Again, that wasn't him.
This is some shit you can't just post without telling any stories.
you could always have a wipe feet control. could make it interesting for just forcing people to act civilized for a certian ending. wipe feet before entering tomboy's dojo, she respects you, then you can turn her into your enforcer and make her believe that her target is too good for her, so she will do you biding and gatekeep
Yeah man, not to mention the horror show that was thi4f with its non stop leather belt wearing action.
Fucking stealth is dead.
Have to stick to nostalgia stealth.
Oh man, I haven't seen a thread for this game in months, I thought you'd abandoned it. Glad to see you haven't, though. I wish I had the same amount of resolve you had.

I'd totally pay money for this, OP.
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O-Oh it's ok... It's not like I was planing on living a real life fantasy on that game.

I guess I'll just pretend my real name is "Yandere-chan", my crush's name is whatever that character name ends up being "???" and the girl at the school have the same names as the girls at my school.

Lol, but really, if you plan on having voice acting, then I guess its understandable, I also like how she is called "Yandere-chan"
>Yanderedev adds this
>Girls can bleed rainbos
>/v/ accuses yanderedev of pandering to Bronies and "The SJW"
>our game
>has never tested or really ever had any input on the game except maybe having an anonymous suggestion adopted
Would it be possible to have an animation for rubbing off the blood from the shoes? It might look weird if the character's just trying to walk repeatedly.
>that laugh

My dick can now cut diamond plated diamonds.
Are you going to make a specific animation for wiping off the shoes like that?
Basically it would function like chun li's lightning legs.
Mash walk to get shuffle.
Twitch walking animations always bug me. I fucking hate how you can basically hover around in certain games by tapping forward
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>That increased laughter intensity
My boner is a rocket and each stage is the countdown.
But it was you dense piece of shit,
Hope the Yandere girl dev expand the gameplay adding the Senpai mode, where you actually have to run and look out for your anus.

I get a hard on with the thought there is a murderous girl wanting to stab me because she wants to love me tenderly
I think I remember last thread he talked about being other ways such as getting the girl another guy, I forgot it there was more though
>you can no longer enjoy rainbows without being a ponyfucker or a faggot
Goddamn it.
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Them fucking feels.

We believe in you, YanderDev, and we got your back.

Please don't go Notch on us.

Sorry, but I don't want shitty gay options because some people want their fetish to be in every little game.

It's nothing but pandering garbage, I bet you complain about SJWs pushing their shit into games too, you hypocrite.
I think everything looks fine. It does look like the average anime game, but I think that's part of what the game is about. right now he should be focussing on coding and implementing the gameplay elements. then level design. After all that I'm sure he'll touch up the models and make everything look as good as he can.
>implying the male equivalent of a "busty milf teacher looking to take advantage of the student" isn't a pervert old teacher looking to take advantage of the student
Fuck off nigger.
>make the models neon color
>make the blood neon color
>hotline yandere
I'd take 10 copies.
Why would Yandere-chan ever kill her beloved Senpai? If anything she would murder herself along with him so they could be together in the afterlife
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Get your ass ready for this speech.
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>I just want to stab a cunt and have chocolate flow out for once
so, why does the blood only get on her clothes and not her face or the rest of her body?
has it just not been implemented yet?
What is it called when you want to be killed by your beloved?

He never even once thought of adding it until yurifags made that poll.
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>My boner is a rocket and each stage is the countdown.
>that jittery drop prompt
Depends how well he can do AI, but sounds like a cool idea
in before sempai is gay all along.

Why hasn't he said so then?

That would clear this all up.
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What the fuck do you even think yandere is to begin with? It's a fetish, numb nuts.
I love these updates. Keep doing what you're doing!
That doesn't mean that you should act like it's your game.

THE DEV decided to make a poll
THE DEV decided to use the results from the poll to implement features users actually wanted
THE DEV decided to do whatever the fuck he wanted and YOU are getting butthurt about it and acting like he betrayed you

It's not your game
It was never your game
It will never be your game

He can do what he wants and you have no right to complain about it because once again, it's his game and not yours.
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That logic definitely works. I'll consider implementing this when I'm adding in the cellphone-related stuff to the game.


I remember loving shit like this in Goldeneye 007 (paintball mode, DK mode, etc) so I'd love to include things like that in my game. Probably accessed by inputting the Konami code at the title screen, or whatever. Not enough games have cheat codes these days.


I've actually been entertaining this idea for a while now, although I'm trying not to plan the prequel before the game is even out.
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Took me all lunch to think that one up.
Fuckin' nailed it.
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i hope this game crashes and fucking burns
He's too busy replying to posts about gameplay and shit to bother spoonfeeding your retarded ass.
Not everyone is gay?
>This video is not available.
>Not enough games have cheat codes these days.
I like you

God damn it.
Why doesn't he just get inspired by the dude who is making overgrowth. Hes way more impressive.

This was never intended to be a fetish game though, it was joke started from a thread where people thought of an MGS like yandere game.
MikeZ get out
that is cool as fuck
So will this eventually become a free to download game, or do you plan to make it a fully-fledged game and sell it?
Sucks to be you, Europoor.
Excuse you

"A pervert teacher in his 30's 40's, good looking with a great set of abs and pecs, trying to take advantage of his students"

I know my teacher-student fantasies
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Nah, I'm good as far as code is concerned. I don't need any help on that front. I also prefer to be the sole programmer on projects, because in my experience, a project gets exponentially more complicated the more people are writing script for it. You gotta worry about other peoples' code having bugs, or worry about breaking their code with your changes, or waiting for them to get online, etc...(I mean, you can also avoid that by black-boxing, but the point is, I just prefer to work solo.)

Thanks for offering to help, though!
How else can cheat codes be gained? Completing more objectives? Finding notices of them throughout the school, like I don't know if this would work, but like scrap pieces of paper lying on the ground, or writing carved into desks or walls or lockers?
>Why isn't anyone buying Skullgirls anymore?
>God what I am going to do without my artist
>P-please buy skullgirls
Okay Mike.

>Playing as a girl is gay
>Playing as a gay girl isn't gay

Now I've heard it all.
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>that laugh
Figured it'd sound gross but that's surprisingly really good!
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i'm not mikez
just some anon bitter about a decision by the dev
My nigga.
Then why are you getting so worked up about one aesthetic change in a joke fetish game?

Do you hate the yurishit too?
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>game becomes extremely fucking hard since victims can defend themselves with instakill attacks and requires fast reflexes and timing to overcome them.
>end level carry back sempai in a delorean like Jacket did with the hooker.
Holy Fuck I want this as an after release addition or some shit. Still gonna love the shit out of the base game though.
Nigga do you have a tumblr?
that's part of it
will you be able to hang people?
this is important
>(Side note: Making Yandere-chan a lesbian would automatically turn every girl in the school bisexual.)
But why? It'd be much more fun to stalk a straight girl and terrorize her with your lesbian agenda.
I want to stalk a straight girl. I want to break up her relationship with her boyfriend and watch from a distance. If either of them try to get back together, I want to kill him. Then start stalking her/showing up at her house/etc
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I wasn't planning on having any police investigation sub-plot going on...but I do like the idea of a hot young police rookie, especially because Japanese female police uniforms look so cute.

She's the sort of character who I'd consider adding in post-game through a patch or expansion pack or DLC or that sort of thing. (She wouldn't fit into the narrative of the game if the player is using non-lethal methods to dispose of the rival girls, such as social sabotage).
I hate yanderes and games about stealth and murder but I just wanna say good luck

>Not enough games have cheat codes these days.

I assume this means you're going to have big head mode.

Honestly I get more sad at the fact that not enough games simply have hidden shit of and substantial value these days.
Ooo I like the desk and walls thing, maybe written on the bathroom stall and only certain desks toward the back of the class and only read up close with a button that doesn't use a prompt to use

Samefag detected. I really just don't understand why you're upset? Is it because he's not specifically tailoring the game to your tastes? because that'll never happen. In like any aspect of your life. And you're either really naive or really deluded if you think it will. Why not just appreciate the game for what it is?
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This game has to end with her trying to kill and eat her senpai.
Was it the decision to capitalize correctly?
>cut off his head
>not his dick so you can keep it as a trophy

Come on, son.
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Okay okay

>Last level

>Your only female confidant or whatever comes over to Yandere-chan's apartment

>She tells Yandere-chan she's Senpai's new girlfriend

>"You need professional help, Yandere-chan, I'm doing this for you, for us"

>She kills her in cold blood

>The cops arrive with Senpai too

>Level is like the final mission of Hitman Contracts and Red Dead Redemption

>Yandere-meter is full and the laugh never stops during the whole level

>Objective: Kill Senpai and then commit sudoku

>police investigation sub-plot

Is this going to be the Breaking Bad of anime?

Because I don't want OP pandering to closetfags who are so insecure they can't roleplay as girl unless she's a lesbian.

They were never EVER the main people who wanted to play this back when were tossing around ideas, but now that this game acting to got past that phase, they're demanding to have this option because the regular game as it was intended from the very beginning doesn't suit them.

It's like SJWs complaining, but it's actually working.
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Not going to blow smoke up your ass and tell you thats the greatest thing I've seen, I understand its early, but that god damn passion is outstanding to hear.

More power to man and god speed! Give that fucker hell!
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Have you considered adding a taunt mechanic similar to Source:Hidden?

Have a preset list of voice recorded taunts that can influence the AI (similar to what was posted above) and it could add some characterization to your final product.

The only issue I see would be if you intended to have voice acting in the final product.

I'm also curious as to what your intentions would be for voice acting. Would you have it done in English? Japanese? Whatever your native language is?
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Is that fan art?! Please say yes! Every time I see a drawfriend thread, I want to beg for fanart of my own game. I don't even care if you just draw a generic schoolgirl stabbing another schoolgirl.

If I could be allowed to make one selfish begging request, it would be to see fanart of absolutely any kind.
Sounds like someone has relationship problems
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you're literally 12 years old if you care about that at all
i also like crazy wide-mouthed yandere psycho faces.

>Objective: Survive
Speaking of that Anon's post, are you going to have rankings at the end of levels like Hitman does?
>Konami code
>not inventing your own cheat codes that make sense for your game
IJWTSACAHCFOFO for colored blood I just want to stab a cunt and have chocolate flow out for once

>implying it isn't always the reverse when the teacher is a hot dude
>Playing as a girl trying to get a guy is gay
>Playing as a girl trying to get another girl isn't

If it bothers you faggots so much why don't you make your own game lel fuckin homos

The last two weren't me.

Some people can hate the fact OP started becoming a LGBT pandering asshole besides me, not everyone is a lesbian like you.
Yeah it's fanart, despite it being rushed. I would've used that "edgy" design from other threads, but I don't think you finalized that anyway.
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Well, stripping her naked and stomping her isn't an option, but possible options may include:

1. Stalk a girl and learn her secrets until you know what type of guy she is interested in / what other boys she is interested in. Set her up with another boy, Cupid-style.

2. Trick a girl into breaking the school's rules and getting expelled.

3. Make Senpai hate the girl. (The girl makes a bento for Senpai, so you put a cockroach into the bento, Senpai opens it and thinks that she's playing a prank on him, Senpai decides that this girl is bullying him and ignores her from then on)

4. Absolutely ruin the girl's reputation so that everyone in school, even Senpai, is disgusted with her (probably results int he girl committing suicide, though, so not a true no-kill run.)

5. Kidnap the girl, keep her locked up in your basement (hardest to accomplish, almost like a novelty / personal challenge than a feasible way to play the game).
Damn, this makes me feel like I should get back to work on my game. Except my problem was that I keep flip-flopping between Q1's engine, GoldSrc, and Source.
Holy shit...
Is there a person who wants to play a yandere simulator who DOESN'T have relationship problems? Christ, man.
So I hear Yandev talking about stalking the guy and everything, but I haven't seen anything of the sort in these threads, save for one incredibly early camera demo.

When do we get to stalk the boy? What is the purpose of it in gameplay terms? How much time can we spend around him? I just want to know how he fits in the game, because I only see murdering other girls in these threads.

>Playing as a murderous girl makes you a murder

>No Senpai final boss fight
There always has to be one or two of these faggots in the thread.[spoiler[Meaning you.[/spoiler]
>LGBT pandering

You sound like a literal faggot who's mad straight men might want to play it now.

Well, NPCs can tell whether or not Yandere-chan is in their cone of vision, and whether or not Yandere-chan is obscured by geometery (hiding behind a wall / behind a corner) but right now there is no context-specific hiding, such as jumping into a locker / trashcan ala Bully.

It wouldn't be difficult at all for me to add that into the game, I just haven't been focusing on that. And it would probably need specific animations, and I don't have a 3D animator yet...
If you were at all educated it would automatically be second nature. Obviously you dropped out because school is hard.
Are you going to be able to only kill girls?

How about guys? Maybe Sempai can have a best guy friend who is very close to him, might make you doubt about his sexuality.
Maybe this friend starts to get suspicious about you, starts to connect the dots and tries to keep Sempai away from you.
So will season's be implemented in the game? All this stalking seems like it would take up a lot of time in the story.
He said roleplay, not just play.
It's not gay from the players perspective because I get to take creep shots of another womans panties rather than a mans bulge.

Are you retarded? The avatar on the screen doesn't fucking matter.
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>why don't you make your own game lel fuckin homos

Because OP is already making it for me. I won. Next is furry implementation.
Make sure to make her smell like shit after hiding in the trash.
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Hey guys remember how you had to play Through the Fire and Flames during Guitar Hero III's ending?

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I wouldn't, IMO. It's better to play this like a Vincent Price film, where the police only come in at the end because they're incompetent.

>"A bunch of girls have gone missing? Must be a prank or hormones or something."
it's fucking 4chan who cares
Incorrect, gays hate yuri.

Source, you
How is he pandering? In what ways does he benefit from deciding to implement this feature? More users will enjoy the game? Are you seriously getting mad about a dev trying to create a game that people will like?

He was never pressured to do any of this. It's not pandering if you decide you want to implement a feature. Jesus fuck how do you not get this.

ctrl + s dumbass.

Also, a good number of people were pissed by his pandering.

Me and few others argued with a guy for an hour over why yurishit was needed, and he couldn't give one legitimate reason, besides just "having it".

Like all games should have yuri or something.
what about sabotaging the other girls grades so that her parents send her to a more rigid boarding school or something


I can't wait until OP adds loli and /ss/ options.

Maybe some scat and guro too.
>Kidnapping the girl
>She is locked in the basement
>Your dad's skeleton is also in the basement
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I haven't seen these threads in so long. I thought the dream was over. I'm so glad you are back
make your own game then

You have a great deal of work ahead of you, take your time, learn from the experience and make a game everyone will love. It took the banished dev about 7 years to complete his game and it came out great. Just stick to your convictions, keep studying and try to get everything you want done into the game.

Good luck!
>Also, a good number of people were pissed by his pandering.
>Me and few others argued with a guy for an hour over why yurishit was needed, and he couldn't give one legitimate reason, besides just "having it".
>Like all games should have yuri or something.

I take it you like the cock and have autism. It seems to be the winning combination in /v/.
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>you will never have a violently loyal yandere gf that will love you for ever
nigger, if you haven't noticed, YOU are the minority. Everyone else is ok with the option to be either yuri or straight. Something like this would take no time at all to implement. It wouldnt detract from the amount of things yandereDev implement in the game. And you can just fucking choose the straight mode, so why are you so assmad?
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If your reputation at school drops too low (everyone knows you and hates you and possibly suspects you of being a murderer) then Senpai will think of you as gross / creepy and would refuse to date you.

This triggers a Game Over, which is a playable sequence. During a Game Over, all of your objectives vanish and you receive two new ones:

Kill Senpai
Kill Yourself

The Yandere-meter becomes 100% full and nothing can make it go down, and maybe you are perpetually laughing, unable to stop, until you and Senpai are dead.
remember bro,this is /v/.
don't get too pissed of he's an fucking idiot.
That sounds great, it could start with innocent things like "setting up a date" or "making senpai hate her" and as the story goes on you can then kill them or kidnap them.
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Foolish YanDev,

Salt drives the FGC. It makes them stronger Now it drives you

Why is a yuri option needed in a game without sex?

Answer this simple question.
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Isn't giving too many ideas for YandereDev going to make the game harder to make? I mean ideafags are what killed Broquest anyway.

How about we discuss level design first, and how we play around it second? That is what the good Hitman levels seem to be designed around.
>changing clothes
Does that mean a disguise system? How will that come into play when everyone is already wearing the same thing?
Fuck. Kinda wish I didn't read this. Would have been cool to discover on my own.
shut the fuck up you raging queermo
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YandereDev, a serious question:

What do you intend to do for music/bgm?

Because I wonder what kind of soundtrack a game like this would have.

Keep up the good work also. I have faith in you.
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I looked all over your blog for an email or contact and found nothing.
All I know how to do is art, but my specialty is setting the mood for horror type games like this. Especially if you are the killer, that adds a whole new dimension you don't see often. I really really REALLY want to fucking help with this. I also write short horror stories so I can help with writing any character sub plots you have in mind if any.

Seriously, I want to help with is, this shit is my shit. Please senpai!
also cannibalism scene please
That's some spoiler tastic shit right there. How the fuck you spoil your own god damned game son?
go back to wherever you came from
>Playable game over sequence
Take my internet funny money
It looked more changing into clean clothes so you don't tell everyone you're a murderer by running around with bloody clothes.
Thank you for this.
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>playable Game Over
fucking fantastic, you are a true hero
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> Kidnap the girl, keep her locked up in your basement
>my face when the trophy system ,like that one scene in sin city, was denied for being too unrealistic, yet keeping a living breathing person in captivity is just fine
I have that storage cabinet model made for just such an occasion.
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This is me: >>253371292

And this is me: >>253373396

My tripcode fell off when I switched Internet browsers, sorry.
It's not about being so insecure that someone can't roleplay as a girl unless she's a lesbian.

It's just a minor addition that would take no time to implement that'd make things a bit more fun for some.

I can understand raving against people who are screaming for it to be implemented and drowning out the voices of people making worthwhile gameplay suggestions and such. But that shit hasn't happened in this thread. Some anon brought it up, OP said he's been thinking of similar ideas after actually having play-tested some things, and you're blowing up like everything's now ruined. Calm down.
Because it adds depth to the game. It also will increase immersion for some people and replayability for others. He's not making it exclusively yuri mode, he's adding a yuri mode on the side.

You're one of those people that are against gay marriage aren't you?
>tfw no male option to stalk cute senpai
>tfw no male clothing damage

You keep claiming it's so easy for him, there would need to be a lot of work besides simply changing the model, depending if there's a story.

Also voice acting and other shit he would plan to add.

It's the same cancer that killed all /v/ related fan games.

Too many ideas swallowing each other.
hans zimmerman or virt
Thread posts: 364
Thread images: 80

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