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F-Zero X is the best game in the series. The whole 80's/90's

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F-Zero X is the best game in the series.
The whole 80's/90's comic book style of all the menus and character art went well with the over the top speed metal. The tracks were fun and the mechanics were solid and completing master difficulty was brutal. Taking out other ships was satisfying and necessary unless you had godlike driving skills. X cup was a blast for having friends over and drinking games, speeding down randomly generated tracks trying to destroy each other or boost overtaking in the final strait makes for a great time.

>Nintendo changed the series direction with GX making the game have a more modern, Japanese and generally more camp feel as opposed to the over the top "metal" feel of X.
>No GX cup for super fun multiplayer.

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Is it me or is Falcon a lot more similar to his F-Zero X incarnation?
He looks a lot more rougher and angrier.
Too bad it falls short on the most important aspect: gameplay.

GX is the superior game.
I can't beat either game on the harder difficulties but it's likely because I refuse to use anyone but Pico in X. Does GX seriously come with an AX cup if you beat everything?
>60fps N64 game
The lack of any real graphic fidelity made it possible. Still a fun game regardless.
While Fzero X was an excellent game, GX is far superior.
I've only played F-zero and GX

did I really miss out?
>Taking out other ships was satisfying and necessary unless you had godlike driving skills.

Exactly. I'm glad someone else shares my objectively correct opinion on F-Zero.

I love F-Zero X, and I love you, OP.
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>F-Zero X is the best game in the series.

Good job being wrong, OP.
I recently discovered there's a Jazz Arrange of the F-zero soundtrack. Sounds pretty groovy.

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>that one asshole friend who would pick The Hand when playing multiplayer
Don't forget the guitar arrange of the F-Zero X soundtrack. That was pretty rad too.
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>The one asshole who falls off on the first corner and VS. slot machine is on
>shitty art
>shitty music
>inconsistant course designs

It's a fun game but there is nothing it did that GX didn't do better.
>shitty music compared to GX
Get the fuck out of my face anon.
>Having this much shit taste

Shotgun Kiss alone kills anything the X ost has to offer.
>shitty art
>shitty music
well, now you're just being a dick
also, taking out oponents in gx was terrible if you compare it to X. You can't engage anyone
You know it's true. The only good songs in X were remixes of songs from the SNES game.
How was the art not shitty? It makes Rob Liefeld look passable.
>The Long Distance of Murder
>Climb Up! And Get the Last Chance!
>dat credits theme
>dat title theme
Anon you need to kill yourself.

X art style and music gave it a very punkish 80s feel, GX is just more modern stuff
Oh, and last but not least,
>Dream Chaser
>Dream Chaser
OP here and you are a top nigga. I learned to play dreamchaser on keyboard and bass as it's one of the best songs on the N64, I'd go as far to say its my second favourite

Cheesy garbage

Yeah, I'd say it's shitty overall.
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what i would do for a new f-zero game would be all in the single player campaign. i'd go with a saints row / GTA style open world (without the adult themes and guns) where you would play as a custom new racer, free to explore big f-zero places like mute city and port town. you'd drive around in a sort of "cruiser" mode where in addition to driving models of famous existing machines around (purchasable at a garage) you would visit shops to create your own machine from scratch. you'd get parts by purchasing them at other stores with money you'd get from completing missions. you could also give your character new clothes and other customization options via shops as well. some missions would center around the main story but others would be sidequests not pertinent to the main story. you would interact with other racers all over the world and participate in races that change dynamically. results of races would be compiled to your nintendo ID to form a leaderboard system based on how many races you've been in and how well you did in them.

with this though is still the traditional "grand prix" mode, where you can race like past f-zero games, but you also have the option to import your character to play as OR even download a friend's racer and machine

what do you think, /v/?
>Climb Up! And Get the Last Chance! being underneath The Long Distance of Murder
Anon they're both good songs but Jesus fucking Christ are you a faggot
Holy shit those fucking pecs
The latter at least fit with the atmosphere of the game. The former sounds like something you'd hear from a long forgotten 90s anime.
If a new F-zero game used Cell shading to create a comic book atmosphere like viewtiful joe or XIII it would be fucking perfect
Sega made gx
GX is better in every way. F Zero X is good, but don't pretend it was the best in the series when GX is blatantly superior.

>b-but muh thrash metal soundtrack and comic book design :_;

GX had great (and arguably better) music than X. Cut your hair, "metalheads".
And that's why it's better.
What's interesting about F-Zero X in particular is that unlike GX or any other game in the series, it actually made me feel nauseous, in a good way. And I'm not the type of person to get motion sickness.

Not a lot of games emulate a dropping feeling in your stomach, as if you're on a roller coaster of some kind. And the level design of the tracks make you feel on edge, with less room for error, (since you don't just get carried back on course if you fall off like in GX.), and with less railings, high and low drops and wild fucking courses.

I think this game stands out among the rest of the series because it can actually make you feel something, it can emulate an actual reaction into you and make it feel real. Am I alone in this? Probably. But I guess it's just a matter of opinion.

Also, the soundtrack is WAY superior than GX's. The arcade-y, J-Pop-ish soundtrack didn't sit well with me at all.
I love metal but X didn't do anything for me in that regard.
>since you don't just get carried back on course if you fall off like in GX
wut, you can actually be retired in GX what the fuck are you on about?
>with less room for error, (since you don't just get carried back on course if you fall off like in GX.), and with less railings, high and low drops and wild fucking courses.

Did you even play GX?
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>since you don't just get carried back on course if you fall off like in GX
>people who pretend to like the original F-Zero
Stop, no one's impressed
I actually hate metal but think X's music fits better with its art at atmosphere.
Some of GX's music is great but the anime looking characters and "wow so futuristic menus with lots of blue like we are inside a computer" design choices come together to create something not as cohesive.
>and the fucking voice acting and animation in story mode jesus christ
>And the level design of the tracks make you feel on edge, with less room for error, (since you don't just get carried back on course if you fall off like in GX.), and with less railings, high and low drops and wild fucking courses


>Also, the soundtrack is WAY superior than GX's. The arcade-y, J-Pop-ish soundtrack didn't sit well with me at all.

How is GX's soundtrack "J-Pop"?
You get carried back on course. I swear to god, unless they're an option to remove it that I don't know about, that's what happens.

I'm so sick of this shitty nerdcore retro fad.
in multiplayer, yeah
It's the one I played the most...
You don't know a fucking thing, do you? Yes, you can still retire.

Also what fucking J-Pop is in the fucking soundtrack and how is an arcadey ost bad for an ARCADE-STYLE RACING GAME?
If you're playing splitscreen with a friend maybe. Not in the actual SP modes. Did you even play GX?
Not him but Digi-Boy had a pretty Jpop-ish theme. That's about it.

Did you play a single mode outside of Practice?
I played it a lot too. X and GX are both superior in every way. Each game is better than the last by a significant margin.
I had the first one so I played it everyday. When I had a N64 I barely had games, I played the entire N64 library by renting, so I didn't have much time to practice. I didn't get to play GX until recently.

I SUCK ASS at X and GX, but I'm pretty good on the original. But you're right though. X and GX are better even though I barely played them.

agreed. f-zero x just had much tighter controls and better, albeit limited, soundtrack. gx only improved the graphics.
The character themes?

Well shit, those cover all kinds of genres. Rock, metal, various kinds of electronic, even Christian rock. The actual soundtrack for the menus and the tracks is almost all electronic though.
It's very pop-y, not like American Pop, but very lively and energetic like Pop music, but "arcady" is more fitting of a description. I dunno, it just didn't sit well with me.

Also, am I insane? Because in every match I've played, I always get carried back by that little robot thing that carries you back. There may be a way to get rid of it, but I didn't see it. Maybe I'm just retarded and don't know what I'm talking about.
>Each game is better than the last by a significant margin.
You're forgetting two games came out after GX.
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>there will never be a new F-Zero
>not even an HD port of GX with online
Those little GBA spinoff games don't count.
Captain Falcon's back in SSB4, so you never know...
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yeah. why is he so mad though. reminds me of King Crimson
It's not like he was getting cut. Ever.
>handheld games don't count as games
>Also, am I insane? Because in every match I've played, I always get carried back by that little robot thing that carries you back. There may be a way to get rid of it, but I didn't see it. Maybe I'm just retarded and don't know what I'm talking about.

Have you tried any mode other than Versus?
I haven't posted in this thread before but

You are my tip toppest nigga

Dream Chaser is my favorite song on that game by far and maybe my favorite song on the N64.

Shit son


Check out this arrange from the official remix cd
>There may be a way to get rid of it, but I didn't see it.
It asks you every single time before you begin a race if you want it off or not. It's disabled for the cups and Story.

>Maybe I'm just retarded and don't know what I'm talking about.
You are.
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>new F-Zero game announced
>it's in the SNES/GBA style
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>playing F-Zero X using Falcon
>mom walks in
>"are you playing Sonic?"
how does king crimson work?

he's mad because he hasn't had a game in ages
>says Sakurai, with a shiteating grin on his face as he thinks up how he's going to bait Ridleyfags again in the next reveal
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Anon, you need to fuck some sense into your mother.
Falcon should always have his murder face on. He's fighting to win.

Or he might just be really mad about how bad he is in Brawl.
Remember the Futurama episode where time keeps skipping forward but nobody remembers a thing that happened in the skipped time?

It's like that but the skipped time is erased.
He just does!
Why is the racing genre so ded?
>>shitty art
>>shitty music
Shitty opinion
theres just so much you can add to it. even the man himself Miyamoto is having trouble thinking in what could they add to F-Zero
Meanwhile in the FPS genre...

Just give us F-Zero GX in HD.
it's not like other genres really innovated in anything, it's just the same stale shit in higher resolution.
New to GX, what is the meter for after selecting a racer?

Is it whether you want more Top Speed or more Acceleration?
Yes, if I remember correctly you never ever go for more acceleration.
yes, it high top speed makes your max velocity high but your turbo shit, and vice versa iirc
This, what the fuck?
What sort of lame excuse is "I can't think of anything so I won't do shit for twelve years"?

IT'S A FUCKING RACING GAME. You could literally make F-Zero GX HD with online and we'd take a dick up your asshole for it.

While you figure out how you want to LE INNOVATE A RACING GAME maybe you could just give us one in the meantime
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>not just playing Wipeout with F-Zero music
I tried this. It worked for a while, but it's just not as fast.
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What if Burnout style crashes with aftertouch takedowns?

Granted it may make the game easier, but still.

>not playing Zone or Phantom class
more like read
Someone doesn't know about Snaking.
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>Reflects a blade with his bare fists
>Smirking the entire time

Nigga, do you even Falcon? He's not fighting to win, he's fighting because it's fun. He's just incredibly good at it.
What do you think "Show me your moves" actually means? He WANTS you to give it your all and show him what you've got. If there isn't a challenge, then it just isn't worth his time.
Pico is a better character than Falcon
X was a lot more fun and better.

Everyone circlejerks about how "perfect" GX is, but it's not nearly as satisfying. There's no weight to it, so much visually cluttering the screen, and controls/camera so off that it just feels like the screen is autoscrolling without my vehicle moving, like how Audio Surf feels. The zero gravity sections weren't implemented well because a lot of them contributed even more to not being able to see ahead of you in tracks.

And the style and music of it was just plain terrible compared to X.
Why do people want a 'gta-like' F-Zero? What a dumb idea.
That sounds pretty boss. But consider that Captain Falcon is a bounty hunter. Why not make it that he goes around in the Falcon Flier to other planets, take part in races, catch criminals, and eventually explore the F-Zero Underground. The prize money from races and/or bounties received from criminals all go towards the upgrades.
Also, F-Zero U. It;s the only Wii U game where the U at the end actually makes sense.
I want a game in the F-Zero universe that's not just racing because they made it interesting and unique, with more or less every single character teased for talents and professions completely unrelated to racing.
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How is it dumb? Captain Falcon is also supposed to be a bounty hunter and the F-Zero universe has a lot to work with for other things to go on other than racing. It has the potential to be a really great game, and God knows, Captain Falcon needs another F-Zero game. Besides, F-Zero could become a gta style sandbox game with racing still being a central part of the game to further differentiate it from Nintendo's other racing games.
Mighty Gazelle was always my fav
Weaponized lag spikes
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>Getting a track in X CUp with a jump that all the computers kill themselves on
I'd rather have more playable characters than just Falcon.

A Pico TPS in the vein of Vanquish/Binary Domain would be baller.
okay so i've been playing f-zero x and gx lately and i've been doing alright for the most part but i still have some trouble going fast in tubes, on cylinders, and on half-pipes. can anyone give me any advice for these kinds of tracks?

>good metal
>not camp as fuck

you've missed the point of everything
Bio Rex

Fucking Dinosuars

favorite racer

Highest top speed

Toppest keks

He and I won a fuckhuge tournament and the final race was on phantom Road

To be honest I used Black bull and snaked most of the courses but that strat doesn't work on phantom's thin course

That said I was glad to roll out with my classic favorite BIo Rex and in order to win I fucking

on teh final corner

slammed into the opponent so hard he died

Dear Nintendo:


Seriously, I am jumping up and down and throwing my shit in handfuls at the fucking television in some impotent primal effort to get the thing to work. I have been sitting here trying to enjoy your product - YOUR PRODUCT, YOUR GAME, YOUR CONTRACT BETWEEN DEVELOPER AND CONSUMER THAT THE CONSUMER WILL ENJOY YOUR PRODUCT - but instead the damn thing's been crawling out of the console and taking warm shits in my gaping mouth. Swear to god, you should have just added a little door to the console through which a hand pops out and flips me off, because I am insulted that your QA or testers or whatever brainless shitstove three genes short of a monkey FAGNUT signs your games through thought that a person with more than a single fucking digit IQ could enjoy Story Mode Chapter 7. INSULTED.

WORK WITH ME HERE: The goal's simple enough! Come in first! Hey, that's fine, it's just like playing the grand fucking prix; not a problem! Only deal is your cross-eyed team of tongue-slapping wunderkind decided to give the game every single fucking advantage possible TO THE GAME rather than me.

How in the fuck does Black Shadow - whose car is the heaviest and lamest piece of shit next to the Crazy Bear - suddenly become SO FUCKING GOOD that he can stay in first without using a drop of boost? Huh!? Why!? You never see this shithead anywhere near the top fucking 20 in a normal race. BUT HO HO HO THIS TIME HE'S MEGA-COCK, THE FASTEST FAGGOT IN THE WORLD. 1.21 GIGAWATTS MARTY, LET'S GO BACK TO THE FUCKING FUTURE.
But it's not just Black Shadow with the magical powers, it's the entire fucking lineup of racers! THEY'RE ALL FASTER THAN YOU. AND DON'T REQUIRE ANY BOOST.
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But but but I of course, am still driving some piece of shit hamster-powered jalopy who guzzles it's entire energy bar in no less than four fucking boosts! Add to this the entire course just got shitted on by some retarded space tiki volacano god and you've got a course full of hazards that'll drain at least 1/4 of your energy bar JUST BECAUSE IT CAN. WHOOPIE.
HURRR, you say. THAT'S JUST THE CHALLENGE. IT'S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE EASY. Well fuck that noise, you lopsided frankenfaced fuckfurter.

Tell me, please, why does the GAME have to win? Huh? What happens when the game wins and I lose? Is there some huge fucking kegger waiting for it when it gets done? Is there money involved? Or perhaps the motives are more sinister. Maybe the game's family is being held hostage by another game and that game has it's cock in F-Zero's wife's mouth and he's holding a cell phone up to her and F-Zero can hear her pained moans and cries for help and the asshole game then says, "You beat that cock-sucking human, or I'll blow her brains out." I COULD UNDERSTAND THAT. I CAN BE SYMPATHETIC.

It's not any fun if I can't win, you faggots. I want to move on. I want to unlock that piece of shit clown car you have hidden away from me so I can start racing and get pissed off with that too. When your game prevents me from fully enjoying the product I have bought you have failed in your fucking mission to deliver a game. You lose! You break the contract! You contract the gay and fucking DIE DIE DIE.
Seriously. They were both campy as hell. That's what the series does, it uses its over-the-top universe in hilarious ways.
Sadly, casuals know Captain Falcon. They fucking love Captain Falcon, but they've probably never played an F-Zero.
If you base the story mode/campaign or whatever heavily around him, maybe it'll sell better.
Then again, GX tried that and it didn't work out.
he'll still be forever be my hero.

It's tough, GX is really good but some things feel better in X.
Holy fuck dude, are you me?

Honestly this is why I'd love it if a new game went back to the ways of X a bit. I'd love it if visually the game had a cell-shaded comic book art style. Japan has gotten real good at that sort of thing these past few years, and I'm sure it would look amazing on the Wii U.

Also I totally agree on the attacking, it felt like it was an important part of the gameplay and far more satisfying that the immediate *poof* racers do in GX. This was only achievable because the game was also slower, something I honestly didn't really mind.

GX is a fine game, but I feel it has a different appeal in some ways.
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>tfw I just got to that mission
One detail that really makes that post better is how he was talking about Normal difficulty.
>tfw last time i played i was in the prior mission
>can't play right now because i don't have it at hand
it's gonna be a wild ride when i finally get back
The good thing is that it's smooth sailing after that chapter. That is until you try hard mode.
I never even played GX but F-Zero X is on my top 10 "best games of all time".

I must have over 650 hours on that game back in the day, I think I beat all the possible courses with all racers multiple times.

Any of you chaps get the AX tracks using Action Replay? I was considering it once i finish up the game.
The whole "F-Zero AX is hidden in GX and can be unlocked with codes" is a dumb gimped version of the actual AX arcade game. You're better off unlocking them the normal way.
Nah man, GX gameplay only feels harder because the speed and the rubberband AI
X is more responsive and it doesn't have any glitch or bug
Nah man, F-Zero needs to stay away from the open world shit and your whole post describes the F-Zero games on the GBA, which were shit
>I never even played GX
Fix that as soon as possible.
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What the fuck are you trying to say? All I see are kek's and teh's. Its like youre trying to grewntext pr something.
>your whole post describes the F-Zero games on the GBA, which were shit

Eh, GP Legend was pretty good.
Is it out for the Wii U virtual console?
I might buy it just for that;
it was always a niche genre where nobody ever exactly got the game they wanted
>>253392141 here, isn't the AX stuff (tracks, machine parts and pilots) unlocked once you finish story mode in all difficulties, with the other method being insert your memory card into a AX cabin and download the shit? in any case i'm fucked because i don't have a action replay, and i doubt that there's a fucking AX arcade from where i live in Chile, and considering it took me a long time reaching fucking chapter 6, i think i'm gonna need some lube for chapter 7 and black shadow's megacock
>Any of you chaps get the AX tracks using Action Replay? I was considering it once i finish up the game.

u wot m8, they're fucking easy to unlock normally
Probably not, but it's worth buying a Gamecube for.
There is no Gamecube VC and probably never will be.

But you can play Gamecube games on Wii U, if you hack the Wii mode. Look up Nintendon't
Yeah nah
>Ships are super imbalanced, E turn classed can't move properly unless you break your finers while mashing L/R
>Levels feel awful, specially White Land's ice hazards
>Silly story
Where in my post did I bring up difficulty? At what time did I say it being hard made it better?

It's better because the game is so deep that no human has ever reached the speed ceiling the game has to offer. There are actually two methods of racing, Snaking and Max Speed racing. It's played on a better controller and has better graphics.

As far as responsiveness goes, exactly how much throw the N64 control stick have compared to the GCN control stick? There's a reason there's an option to calibrate your stick on GX. The triggers on the N64 are also digital-only input, so you don't have as much control over your side brakes. More responsive my ass.
you only had to do the grand prix in master difficulty and buy the circuits in the shop to get AX
>a more modern, Japanese
These parts are completely off base, you're pulling shit from your ass
>and generally more camp feel
That was the best part about GX dumbass

0/10, no effort. Captain Falcon will always be bound.
> F-Zero games on the GBA, which were shit

I hear a lot of people say this, but Climax was pretty great.

And for fans of X it had a lot of nice bits from it. Remixes of it's music (Best version of Dream Chaser), the return of Death Race in a mode filled with other challenge race types, it had a track editor like the expansion kit version of X. The artwork was even similar to X's.

Gameplay wise it managed to bring back the boost power-up from the SNES game while still keeping the meter based boost from X and GX, allowing for double boosts, boosts from Spin Attack, even triple boosts if you saved them up till the last lap. It also had a safe landing mechanic which was also interesting.

Some of it's elements wouldn't translate too well into a 3D F-Zero, but the game was still solid.
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>He needs Action Replay to unlock AX Cup

GX has no rubberbanding in GP mode. X meanwhile has Mario Kart tier rubberbanding.

>No glitches
F-Zero GX only felt challenging for this sole reason
Rubberband AI
Chapter 7 is the pure example of Rubberband AI increasing the difficulty up the charts
X didn't had this, Master mode only made the AI of the other racers to use Boost power when they have the chance and the level design is what made the game excellent, go ahead and beat X cup or if it's possible to emulate the F-Zero X EXpansion kit, play the EX tracks, they are superb
well now that gives me more hope.
man i really want to play it again
Grand Prix in GX doesn't have rubberbanding, so your point is worthless. Story Mode is supposed to be ridiculous and unfair, that's the charm of it.
While I prefer X to GX, X did have some weird rubber banding, although it was really manic.

At times the AI racer would just go 'fuck it' and shoot past everyone and stay in the lead for no fucking reason, and other times it would slow down just as I reached the finish line, almost letting me win.

Sometimes I wonder if it's because I've played the game too much, but really the AI wasn't perfect either. Still a fucking great game.
I was talking more of Story mode though

Then again, GX still has some stuff that feel inferior to X
To be honest, if Nintendo gives F-Zero a damn chance, they should remake X with the same speed from GX and ONLY NINTENDO should make them for this sole reason
AV and/or Sega are unlikely to make a new one because GX killed AV and the Monkeyball series[Monkey ball 3 was cancelled after GX and that lead them to their doom] and considering other studios that made the same type of games are dead, Nintendo seems to be the only ones
The only time i've seen X being unfair is when some racers are somehow faster than you at the first lap, kinda like how Black Shadow was lightning fast despite his ship is a damn turtle in chapter 7 on very hard but the last time i saw it i was playing the X Cup
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And /v/ accuses Souls games of artificial difficulty
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F-Zero AX was here.

Everything else is a pretty good game as well.
Nigga, that's a 2008 copypasta
>GX still has some stuff that feel inferior to X
The only advantage that X has over GX is that it contains this piece of music and GX doesn't
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Short answer
You forget the art-style
Badass AD2000 art-style felt superior to the animu style that GX had
>animu style
What the fuck are you talking about?
Oh yes, and that GX didn't had a recreation of a Rainbow Road along with a remix
X looked pretty Liefeld-ish.
>GP Legend was pretty good
Nothing close to Climax. Well, maybe it's a competitivefag disposition but Climax controlled much better technically than GP Legend.
I didn't saw someone being super out of place
Sure, everyone even the girls were muscular and bulked up but the style itself was more AD2000 than Liefeld
Compare Turrican's USA covers to F-Zero X character images and you will see a difference
I liked Climax but something bothered me about the way some machines handled. Some of them lose speed from turning and I figure out how to make use of them.

Shame too, because I love the Sonic Phantom.
>The arcade-y, J-Pop-ish soundtrack
Please show me one example of what the fuck you are talking about
Best track from X
>there will never be a new F-Zero

And this is coming from a gigantic fan of the series.
Yeah weird shit like this is what I meant, every now and then the game would act up.

Also X cup was all sorts of crazy, I loved the suicide tracks that would fuck with every computer racer, and maybe even the player if he wasn't paying attention.

Yeah X's did sort of come off as that, but like a more fun and competent version of it. The characters actually had feet and pouches were kept to a tasteful amount. (Also no dual katana/assault rifle wielding)
Yes and?
I was mainly referring to the shitty anatomy. Black Shadow especially.
All they need to do is make GX minus the bullshit AI and shit like boost throttling.
That shit came before Dark Souls
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You probably won't hear this from anyone in this thread, or even the fanbase, but if they do ever make a new F-Zero I really hope it's a sequel/remake of Maximum Velocity. The plot fast-forwarded 25 years into the future had a lot of potential. It had a cool lead too.
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>mfw I first read this pasta.
The series needs to stay away from the gp legends lore for a single reason
Captain Falcon dies and F-Zero is nothing without Falcon
OK so?

What? I don't see where you're going with this.
You know if you put me in the director's chair I could come up with 20 brand-new things minimum. It would be a waste to recycle GX when it had so much potential. F-Zero was a pretty underdeveloped franchise when it died.

It's like Miyamoto's imaginative mind is trashed out or something.
Rightfully said Gintoki
The autism has skyrocketed with this one.
It's not that he's not creative, it's that F-Zero was barely a B-list franchise and never performed that well in terms of sales.
Also, Miyamoto doesn't oversee F-Zero and hasn't run Nintendo for years.
We have F-Zero in Nintendoland, it's just as good.
Is the same person constantly posting this shit? There's no way you can be sane and write something like this.
my fault
i mean't GP legend
That Rick willer guy looked like something made by SHAFT or something, in general, GP Legend style looks meh, just look at Bio Rex, he looks like ass
But he didn't die. He survived and turned into Berserker in Climax.

Not to mention Ryu Suzaku taking his old title.
Yes, but he's been the only spokesperson for the franchise at all in recent years. How do you explain his comments about not having any new ideas?
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All three play pretty differently, especially SNES.
You can't tell me somebody couldn't like it more than the others.
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>new f-zero game
>it sells worse than GX did
Best F-Zero artstyle was in the first imo
Not him, but holy fuck no one would prefer SNES F-Zero to the later games unless they were a massive nostalgia-blinded retard. It doesn't even have the boosting mechanic that makes the series so great in the first place.
>That E1M1
>it sells worse than GX did
Probably not. It's a different market from 2003, even a niche Nintendo product can sell at least a million now.
Maybe GX shouldnt have been so fucking hard and the Gamecube sell so fucking badly.
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It is mechanically different, but that doesn't mean it's bad or can't be preferred.

There's are just opinions, man. SNES is fast in it's own right.
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>Maybe GX shouldnt have been so fucking hard
git gud
This is one of the things I don't often see people notice.

It isn't 2003 anymore, and it's been over a decade since the last F-Zero happened. I'm pretty sure people would be pretty open to the idea of a new one if it presents itself well enough without having to add too many new mechanics to it. Make the game fucking cell shaded to give it some pop, and because the Wii U is probably good at those kinds of visuals.

New tracks, great gameplay, no absurd barrier to content and a variety of modes is all the game would really need. Keep the ruthless difficult to Expert and Master ranks and everyone is happy.
haha XD
How badly could GX have sold? It got a Player's Choice title, which requires the game to have sold a certain amount.
Serious question.

Do racing games preform better in today's market compared to yesteryear's?

Though, I can easily understand that people more intimately familiar with nintendo more likely to buy f-zero these days.
>Expert and Master

>Do racing games preform better in today's market compared to yesteryear's?
All games perform worse now except for niche Japanese games. The industry is dying.
.65 Mil, iirc. Worse selling console F-zero.

something interesting to note, SNES F-zero was a launch title, and it sole over 2 million. I think F-Zero would be much 'safer' if it was a launch title.
Don't forget good marketing. Hype sells everything, especially in 2014. Hell you see what happened with Mighty No 9. Capcom intentionally starts neglecting Mega Man for years, Keija Inafune steps in and gets 4 million off Kickstarter. People are extremely unpredictable.

Nintendo is retarded for killing F-Zero. To begin with, the racing genre is one the most successful and highest selling the world today. GX was released in a time of RPG and Action-Adventure dominance. The Gamecube's failure didn't help either.
Nothing in GP Legend looked remotely like anything Shaft has ever done.
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It's an overrated thing to say, but an action beat 'em up sort of game starring Captain Falcon would probably sell pretty well thanks to the reputation Smash Bros. has given him.

How bad could it be, Nintendo? You took a chance with Kid Icarus and that had even less reason to succeed, yet it did anyways.
can't believe this song hasn't been posted
Eh ok, was there a higher GP difficulty I forgot about of what?
They were doable if you learn the tracks and machines, like any good racing game should be. That doesn't apply to casuals of course but they still need to have their fun in order for the game to sell.

With that said, were the fuck is the difficulty people glorify so much in GX? Is it the storymode, because that bullshit played by its own rules.
Climax is the best 2d F-Zero, by far.

I fucking love the track creator, here's two I made a while back.
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Seems like it.
Story Mode I think at one point may have been a tutorial, but then something happened and it ended up being harder than fucking everything else.

Personally, more of my trouble for the Grand-prix came from only a few tracks in particular
damn, why did GT6 do so well in europe?
Good taste.
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then explain this!
Europe fucking loves cars and racing, man.
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Hell no.

Back then EVERYONE would cheer and jizz over Gran Turismo 3 (15M), Burnout 3, Need For Speed Underground (15M) and such.

In today's world, racing games are laughed at.
>lol racing games
>fucking car fags
>oh god not another racing game

Mario Kart doesn't count because people buy that shit up regardless.
It's a European style game, lot of depth and less simple minded entertainment. Forza is an arcade racer perfect for Ameriburgers.
Cel shading in racing games is a horrible idea.

Remember Auto Modellista?
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I'm still baffled that Mario Kart Wii is the 5th best selling game of all time.
Nintendo take pleasure in screwing over Europe with high prices and lack of marketing + limited availability of copies.
Because Europe actually cares about high level racing. America thinks the only type of racing is Nascar.
Mario Kart is weird. It just remains fun somehow.

The formula is good.
Damn, makes me glad I'm not under NOE's reign
Because it was bundled with every console.
This is true, good marketing is a must. However considering the main audience would have to be Nintendo fans, it's probably a tough sell. Japan is pretty good at creating hype though through trailers and their way of revealing content, so maybe that will get them to buy something other than what they are comfortable with.

I didn't knew racing games were doing better now though that might have something to do with them using real brands, which people are really into apparently.

Same here on the GP, stuff like the Sand Ocean tracks were always hell for me.
But yeah story mode was fucking retarded on Very Hard mode.
Don't forget destruction derby and Ken Blockhead X-Games stunt driving olympics brought to you by Rockstar Energy Drink
>Same here on the GP, stuff like the Sand Ocean tracks were always hell for me.

Because of the AI?
Lateral Shift is super easy, even compared to Surface Slide.
Never played the game, whats so bad about it?
>GX with online and track editor
That's literally all you have to do, Nintendo. There's no reason not to. It could be a digital-only release for fuck's sake

Yurope, pls make your own thread
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Auto Modellista was great you shut your whore mouth.
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My one and only complaint with that is that so many people have already reached the skill cap with with GX.
I'm American to begin with. I can tell easily that Gran Turismo appeals to Europeans and Forza appeals to Amerifats.
The only GX tracks that I can't routinely beat on Master are Big Blue Drift Highway and Phantom Road. Mainly Drift Highway though, god that track sucks cocks.
Not him, but I don't think I've ever gotten 1st on Surface Slide on Master
Drift Highway and the Rainbow Road knockoff were fucking impossible to place better than 10th
>The dev for GX is long dead
>No analog triggers on the PiiU
>Hacking together a netcode to work at 2000km/h

I just want the Expansion Pack content to be released outside of Japan ;_;
My memory must have been fucked in this case, I seemed to assume the first Sand Ocean track was more than one. I didn't like the feeling of the track towards the end, the curved surface on the last turn in particular. That is not to say that it was unbearably difficult, I just never had fun racing on it personally.

I actually didn't like a lot of the tracks in GX from a layout standpoint, but I wouldn't say they were bad. Just a personal preference.

Lateral Shift was fine though.
Drift Highway is way too fucking short for this game, it's hard to catch up to first even on lower difficulties.

Phantom Road is pure bullshit, it's narrow and the AI are the most aggressive they'll ever get, you'll be slammed against the walls and left in the dust.
Yes, this is the best gimmick to do.

Make a really robust track editor.
You will get no such thing.
Extreme G
1 and 2

were better...just saying
>I actually didn't like a lot of the tracks in GX from a layout standpoint

I get the same feeling, the tracks are great to play, but I never really developed a favorite.

I guess it would be something like Casino Palace Double Branches, or Aeropolis Multiplex
They were good games son, but they weren't F-Zero.
what if captain falcon was your father
i could finally go fast
well when i was growing up my parents bought me video games so they wouldn't have to pay attention to me
so at this point, captain falcon pretty much was my father
I'd be Junior Falcon.
One of the best copy pastas of all time.
God damn it always gets me.
>Maybe GX shouldnt have been so fucking hard
Thats what made it worth playing. The balls to the wall challenge that requires getting gud is what separates it from being a boring futuristic racer.
>improved Death Race (dare I say make it into a Twisted Metal-esque mode in F-Zero environments)
>Track and Car Editors

That's really all you need.
>Twisted Metal-esque
I'd say that's going too far. If it were to add some sort of danger element make it so players can pop some sort of environment hazard that is avoidable, kind of like Split/Second.
Naw, it was just unenjoyably hard.
Not him, but I think he meant making large free roam maps. Not weaponizing the vehicles. Just the only attacks are the same as GX-style.

Death Race, as it was in X, was narrow as fuck.
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