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Why is there no MH clones for PC? Would you guys play one

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Why is there no MH clones for PC? Would you guys play one if there was?
raider z is the closest thing I can think of
i would at least try it.
Never heard of that one, is it shitty?
Isn't there some MH MMO on PC?
why isn't there any MH games on anything other than Nintenshit now? Does Crapcom hate money?
>What is contracts
its called hunter blade and its actually not bad for a chinese MH mmo
There is one being developed, if it ever comes out, it's only in China
>Acrid Hunter for PC

If only...
No MH for Vita or PS4 :/ it would literally be a system seller.

I might buy the Xbone if that MH looking game by platinum is dope.
Here's a video of it.

>what is fan translation
>This is what nintendo is holding back for monster hunter fans

I guess, but the lag would be horrible unless someone hosts their own private servers closer to whatever country you're in. Look how long it took to get a private server up for the .hack mmo.
Don't blame Nintendo, it's capcom at fault. They have always sided with the platform that has the cheapest production costs since the Ps2 games so that they can just reuse code and assets and shit.
so Nintendo and Crapcom signed a contract just so Nintendo would actually have an exclusive that's actually worth a shit and isn't Mario's Super Rehash Adventure Kart Melee
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You can get Monster Hunter Freedom Unite on Vita though
But Monster Hunter is on the PC.
It's shit compared to other MH games, don't worry
We have higher standards.
no, you don't. OP proves it. man, you're just not very bright, are you?

>Why is there no MH clones for PC?

Phantasy Star Online 2, which is even better than Monster Hunter


Vindictus, which is like a slower version of PSO2

Or because Capcom has no money and Nintendo pushed a little bit towards them so they could boost 3DS sales.
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What about Frontier? Or Dragon's Dogma?
>What about Frontier?
A thousand time more grindy than any console release.
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What ever happened to Monster Hunter Frontier?
It is the closest thing to MonHun on PC though.
I would be ok with it if they would actually give it a US release. I don't understand why Capcom hates its US/EU fans.
It sucks
>Phantasy Star Online 2
Maybe thats just me, but way too "Animu" for me, no thanks.
If only Double Fine would get their shit together


People actually like that shit? It's Grindfest 101 and isn't even fun.
Western fanbase is really small, no profits. It's not a overhyped e-sports game so America can't suck profits from it.
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Monster Hunter only isn't "anime" because you can't see much of anything in the games anyhow.
MH is too niche outside japan, they are literally just throwing an occasional bone.
monster hunter is on PC
>what is Frontier G
Its a relatively okay game with a lot of cool features that were dropped after DOS, everyone says its shit as a coping mechanism, frontier GG is pretty solid but needs a bit more.

now online
THAT's shit.
No US release yet, if ever. I would definitely play it otherwise, I tried BaS and the language barrier is too much of a wall despite how fun these games can be.
It sucks dick like all the other Monster Hunters.
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There's also, you know, the actual MH MMO that's existed for like seven years now.
I don't even care. I'd grind the shit out of it
They could market it to the Souls fan-base. Hell, even Soul Sacrifice did all right here. And from what I understand MH3U sales were pretty solid.
Weren't some chonese devs making a MonHun game for PC in Cryengine?

But I'd at least try it, maybe I only hated MonHun because it was on handheld
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>Monster Hunter
>Not Final Fantasy X/Dynasty Warriors levels of 'anime'
>need a VPN to get in
>And a social security number
>Players are rewarded for catching foreigners to get them banned
Not even close
The only weeb shit it has is the cats.
>Players are rewarded for catching foreigners to get them banned
We are in 2014 and this kind of shit is still allowed? Does WoW or LoL ban asians?
>Implying VPN is hard to do
>Only the Korena version requires SSN
Well lets compare, skimpy lolis flying in air doing 2000 damage per hit, with flying little pets around them, while GUI looks like glass. I'm not saying game is bad gameplay wise, its just bleeds my eyes.

>Emergency Code: Duel
Because for some reason whenever they make an MH on PC they think it needs to be an MMO and make a bunch of weird design choices that turn off fans of the series and newcomers alike.
>>Players are rewarded for catching foreigners to get them banned
Nip MH community is the worst community

>attacks literally the exact same as MH
>casual hand holding "hit here for body part destruction" crystals
>gay anime shit
>boss spends half the fight standing still so you can unleash your super cool ninja attacks

Looks like shit bro.
The grind isn't really that bad, unless if you're talking about HR, which you literally need to pay premium to get anywhere with it.

The point is, you're just arguing how much 'degrees' of anime influence the game has.

Its like those idiots who claim they won't play a Pokemon game because its 'too anime'. Then turn around and obsess over Metal Gear Solid for being more 'mature'. When Metal Gear Solid is a fucking Shounen anime and mocking itself.
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There is, Hunters Blade and it fucking blows.

If it was the other way around, we would be called racists for sure.
Shits just shitty, man. Gotta cope with the situation.
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Master Race can afford a top tier gaming pc but is too cheap to get a 3ds or even a psp.

More like toaster race
I hope it doesn't come out. I know there will be a bunch of faggots who claim it's better than the main series purely because graphics.
Man Japan is really xenophobic they don't even give a fuck I love it
there should be an MMO like this (minus the vpn and social security shit) where you patrol america's borders and hunt down mexicans and then a european expansion where you hunt down muslims and send them back to the middle east

>suggests weeb shit like PSO in a MH thread
>calls people who don't want to play children's rehash games "idiots"
>shits on MGS fans

Are you sure you're in the right thread?
I don't think that's the problem. I have MH3U on the Wii U and I love it, it's the only game I have and I have like 800 hours in it, and another 400 on the 3DS version. Thing is, only like 2 people I know have a Wii U, others with a 3DS but you gotta be on LAN to play that shit together. It's just inconvenient and I love playing in my comfy ass chair.
A shitty p2w game
Someone's getting triggered
shut the fuck up white cis scum or you will feel the wrath of me and my army of xirs an xhes
Thank to frontier
Now hunters have super powers like earthquakes
Monster Hunter is the grindiest piece of shit ever made. Why would you ever touch it?
I don't want to play on a tiny screen
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>if you don't like what I like, you're a weeb
>I've never played an MMO
that prototype was so fucking glorious, it makes me sad that they'll never put that kind of inspiration to good use through a kickstarter or something
>Players are rewarded for catching foreigners to get them banned
Well, yes. It's called Monster Hunter.
There are fucking MMOs
Fucking gay as fuck if you ask me
Im not too mad though because aside from 4 and 3U, you can emulate the rest better than the consoles can run it.

But its still a fucking waste.
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Because it's fun. And the multiplayer.
Why would I play a handheld game at home?
>not having a pizza party while you MonHun
>PSO being labelled a MH clone despite the latter drawing inspiration from the former.
>rhenoplos armor
I have no idea OP. I'd love a clone of MH or even a proper Earth Defense game/clone on PC.
I feel bad that PC friends got Insect Armageddon and not 2025
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when the fuck do i get to fight a deviljho im on village lvl 9 and still havent had the chance to hunt one yet

And yet a bunch of people including OP are bitching that it is 'too anime'. So what does that tell you?
In 3U? Complete Conquerer of Land and Sea first.
9 star? should've unlocked him by now
>Resonant Weapon
death by toxic was too good for him
The Crimson Quropeco in that one 6 quest calls him.
2025 would look glorious on us.

>asking for a game like Monster Hunter
>but without any anime influences

Sounds like PC fags to me.
is that the ivory lagi?
im going through 9star now
ive tried that hes killed the qurupeco twice now
You need to beat I. Lagi to unlock Deviljho.
So, yes.
Well, there's Brazen, if it ever comes out that is, it looks promising, but hey I wouldn't get my hopes up.
there was hunterblade or whatever it was called, but i think it got shut down
>Jojofags ruining yet another series
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fuck rhenoplos
bullfango are still the bane of my existence

Learn how to use this word properly faggot
>no goldenface

I'm surprised
Frontier is getting pretty close to knock-off tier at this point.
Slightly off-topic, but I am am getting a free copy of MH3U for the WiiU from the mario kart pack, can I play it with a clasic controller, or do I need to use the Wii U controller?
He is. People would buy the PS4 specifically for MH. It would literally be a system seller.
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im so sorry
I'm quite sure classic controller works.
Is there underwater fights in 4?
>literally system seller

No console will sell you shit. Consoles aren't sellers, they're not even humans
Emulate the PSP version.
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>hate consoles but want console games
''a cause of great distress or annoyance''
Because despite the grind it's fun
That sounds unfortunate for you.
>for you
4 u
He's a big guy though, he can handle it.
He never said he hated anything smartass.
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