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Winter ball thread

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Thread replies: 359
Thread images: 82

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Every year 4chan has a winter ball where each votes on which board-tan they take, then lewd pictures are drawn about that couple.
So far the confirmed pairings are.
/pol/ and /o/
/c/ with /s4s/
/fit/ and /lit/
I know /cgl/ has shown interest in us and they're a cute board.
/cgl/ is our board, we should go with them
Definitely try to get /cgl/.
/cgl/ all the way, anyone remember who we took the last times?

Also, I think /tg/, /vp/ and /his/ are confirmed to go an a three way group date
I think we went as the twins to stalk the other f/f couples.
Didn't we go out with /c/ and /cgl/?

Anyway, I vote for /cgl/.
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I don't think /cgl/ has their shit together but I drew this for you guys and then realized /u/ has two tans so my bad.
enjoy it anyway I guess
It's lovely, onee-chan!
>Let's all conveniently forget what happened last time
Yeah no. When /cgl/ isn't schizophrenic then it's a possibility. Let's just avoid going altogether
Why don't we go with /y/ in a platonic way.
This isn't a terrible idea actually.
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/cgl/ or /c/ could definitely work.
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/c/ or bust
Maybe /lit/? All things considered, I think their tan is a girl, while the more cartoon-y one is a Steinbeck knock off or something.
A vote /cgl/ is a vote for handholding! Let's go for it.
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Also voting for /cgl/, but I imagine they'll probably end up wanting to go with /fa/ again.

It's cute! Yuu is a good stand in for the twins in situations that are difficult with two characters.
/cgl/ is already making art and there's a poll going on, why don't you come to the ball with us?
/ic/ is asking /fa/ out as we speak. /cgl/ is divided between /fa/ and /u/ in the poll, but we go art for /cgl/ and /u/
oh my heart

/fit/ and /lit/ are going together
>/fit/ and /lit/
Fucking what, this is a surprise. Ah well.
>/cgl/ still can't make up their mind
Why should we even care, every time we put in an effort they flip and go "lel jk we want incest".
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Don't be mean.

It's not like they flip so much as every year there's a group that really wants to go with /u/ and then they get outvoted by the /fa/ side.
Still flipping since we're treating them as a singular thing for the board. Who knows, maybe something will distract the effay people this year for them but I don't feel the desire to use a bunch of effort just to have it go to waste at the last second.
If artist votes counted for more we would go with /u/ for sure because most of the /fa/ side are just lurkers that don't draw.
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Dear /u/,

We have spurned you in the past, but that was because we were afraid of our intense feelings for you. Can you forgive us? Would you come to the ball with us? W-we can cosplay Utena or just wear cute nanchatte seifuku and maybe hold hands or play otoge or something...

Please come to the ball with us.

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To be fair it's similar on /u/. We don't have a ton of drawfags.

/cgl/ is cute.

>tfw /c/ and /jp/ will never get together
Why must you hurt me so.
Alright fine, I'm willing to give /cgl/ a chance since they're putting in a modicum of effort to pursuing us, but I still think we should be a little reserved and expect to end up dateless.
>we should be a little reserved
That was my thought as well. The thread seems generally amenable to the idea of /cgl/, do we want to call it a soft yes while they figure out what they are doing?
Decent enough or maybe undecided but leaning. Nah, soft yes is more firm even if we're fully expecting to be left alone. again.
Atm the poll says:
21 /u/
18 /fa/
Hopefully they can stick with it.
Meanwhile our lurkers can come to an agreeable consensus.
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/cgl/esbian here, the gay side of the board want to go with you while the straight side wants /fa/ for all the fashion art.

We do have two tans in a way (one lolita, one cosplay) so if something should happen, perhaps a compromise? I know the cosplay side would love to go to the winter ball with you in a couple cosplay.
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But which one is cutest?
Cosplay solely because we don't mind getting lewd in our costumes while Lolita doesn't want to rumple their $300 burando.
I checked /cgl/ and they are going with us
How does Cos-tan feel about going as Chibiusa while Lily goes as Usagi and Shizuka is Ikuko?
Coming from /cgl/, will /u/ create OC for the winter ball? Last year it seems /fa/ won because some guys came over and wanted to start a discord, drew art, and did greentext blogs, etc. while there was little reception from other boards.
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cosplay-tan is cute but quiet, most drawfags outside of /cgl/ combine them while /cgl/ drawfags draw the EGL side because it's more fun to create her outfits.

>we don't mind getting lewd in our costumes
hold on there, cosplays can cost way more than brand, and be more delicate.

unless you mean like cheap Chinese cosplay or meido uniforms, in which case yeah let's get it on
>discord, drew art, and did greentext blogs
Dunno about the other stuff, but I will draw things. I know we have a pretty solid population of dorks who write about girls holding hands.
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We'd go as Usagi with two of the Sailor Stars.

Taobao cosplay and Bodyline meido all the way. Don't forget these either.
I might attempt a bit of writing if I can get some examples of the tans personalities and an idea or two.
>Sailor Stars
Wew, and I thought taste couldn't get bad because of fashion. Do you really wanna go against the natural hair colors they all have?
>some examples of the tans personalities



The art is pretty good for gauging personality and tendencies.
>based on an older previous version of /u/-tan's design.
That's cute that they think that. Wow it's like I read a mix of the /tg/ wiki and the older one. That has to be updated for the /u/-tans.
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Nah, the hair color doesn't much matter. All of /cgl/'s cosplay art has her normal hair just adjusted into the style of the character.
Reasonable. Is there any sort of rough height for cos-tan? Could do Hotaru then for one of the /u/-twins.
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But which twin will cosplay and which will wear lolita?
Yeah that's around the time from when the twins got finalized. There's older art where /u/ was just two women. One with long hair and one with short hair.
Roughly I'd say no taller than 5'4"? She's canonly petite and has to use heels/platforms to be almost the height of some other taller boards.
Nice history notes, m8.
Oh goodness, that's just too adorable. Even better if her anger gets a jealous tinge to it.
I fixed the entry to reflect the actual source.
Thank you for that.

I prefer Yuu though, to be honest. There's a lot of situations where one girl works better than two or two just doesn't work at all, and it's weird just choosing one of the twins and not having the other.
All things considered, the board could probably get away with some excuse about how whenever one/the twins are seen the other/twins are curiously absent. I'd also disupute the bit about /u/-tans not being aware of /a/ being a trap but hardly any one cares about the relationships for /u/ when it comes to the tans.
/cgl/ doesn't have any alt name besides seagull, right?
Nope. Just "Lolita" and "Cosplay" if you're doing them as identical twins.
Might just do Cos(m) then since that was likely the one to be going with Yu/u/ or the twins.
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there is Cos-tan and Egl-tan sometimes, but whether they are 2 people or a split personality seems undecided.

no one has ever mentioned them as being a split personality, but there are also no official sources for them both existing. Cos-tan seems to have been dreamed up by artists but never really settled into an official look, i dunno. the bag dude is outdated and never used anymore, though.

>>2188676 is the most recent example of EGL-tan and COS-tan. i would expect them to be twins and that many people think they are the same person. the potential for splitting the board is a hot topic, and though it is unlikely to happen and they are both connected by shared interests and meetup sites (conventions that have cosplay also host lolita events and bring over major brands), a lot of people would prefer the two sides to be separate.

ANYWAY /cgl/ is talking about doing EGL fashion with one u-twin and pure cosplay with the other, depending on which would go for what.
Yeah, Seagull started out as flipflopping between cosplay and EGL and then they just got split into two unique designs (sailor outfit/maid vs seagull coord) so it's just more practical to have identical twins that fight over the bathroom and the sewing machine. They squabble a lot but in the end they're both as salty as the other and bond over lolcows and itas/bad cosplays.
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yeah that sounds right. looking at drawfag art, they have an intense and dramatic relationship in a petty/tsuntsun kind of way.

what is the relationship between the /u/ twins like? they seem to get along well
some may say a bit too well
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Thank you /u/ for agreeing to go with us to the Winter Ball.
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It feels like the last Winter Ball was a month ago. Where does the time go?
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Bless you, anon. This is glorious. Be sure to crosspost it on /cgl/!
How big of a difference in numbers is there between the two sides?
It's pretty much decided we're going with you and announced, just a few sour people every now and then wanting /fa/ or someone else.

Latest poll update is 37 votes for /u/ and 36 votes for /fa/ but 95% of posts on the topic are for /u/ and all the new art being posted is of /u/ and /cgl/.
Alright. Sounds good to me. Thanks sis
Even the women pretend to be women!
I did come here and ask what needed to be updated back when I was putting that page together over a year ago.

It's nice that you guys take an interest in getting the information nice and accurate though.
You did? Shit I don't even remember last's year thread. Might've been buried. Only thing I feel like correcting would be regarding /a/. There's no real confusion regarding /a/-tan's gender, and maybe change the /d/ bit up since /u/ tends to have threads that touch upon /d/ territory but tan-wise they don't really interact. So like cordial, /d/ seems like a nice enough tan to understand that if she's going to rape up she should do it as a drider or monster girl that's all girl.
Yeah, I asked last year and also back when I was making all the board-tan pages, which was back in April of last year.

Information on the board-tans change very slowly, but still, by the time I become aware of the changes they might have happened months or years ago. It's hard keeping that all up to date since most boards lack archives these days or have broken search features, or just me being lazy or busy or not thinking to do it.

As for /a/, there might've been one point in time where the /u/ twins weren't aware of him being a trap (they didn't like him even when they didn't know), but I think they'd be aware of it by now.

That could make for a funny story if /c/ was involved.
I think /c/-tan is the only one who still doesn't know the truth about /a/.
The entry is the way it is precisely because /d/ can't not drag futashit into everything. Also, there really isn't much overlap. The parts where they do overlap are parts that barely qualify as /d/ and would probably be (or are) perfectly fine on /h/.
I can't see /h/ having monstergirl threads or much beyond what could count as vanilla for the internet. Though you make a reasonable point, however monstergirls have kind of been attributed to /d/ territory because feminine monsters. Either way the twins/Yuu don't really interact with /d/ beyond probably being cordial.
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So this is probably very egregious so forgive me if it is. Will most likely post it in the /cgl/ thread after I take a break and read over it again.
i liked it
/tg/ here, yes that is the confirmed pairing, with Herodotus, Teej, and Vanille. You guys probably won't have much interest, but all the same, we wish you the best with /cgl/.
Very cute and quite lovely.

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Hey, /u/, /d/ here. We'll freely admit to being big fans of futa, but aside from that, lezdom, bondage, monstergirls, exhibitionist girls, and applying our considerable fetish power to lesbians everywhere is totally our bag, too. We're gay on both sides of the fence.

Obviously it's a little late to start getting to know each other well enough for the ball, but any time you want to hang out we can put our dicks away, at least for a little while.
/c/ is with [s4s]
/int/ is left in the dust

its kinda sad desu
Monster girl x human girl is one of my favorite themes, but one that I feel is relatively rare.

The series that picture is from is absolutely top shelf.
What if we go with /y/? And spend the date sperging out together over our love of same-sex-ships? No romantic stuff between us and them, of course, but we can bridge the gap and be bro-tier
I don't dislike the idea of /u/ being /y/'s fag hag, but I'd still much rather go with a cute girl board like /cgl/. Besides, I think it's pretty much confirmed now that /cgl/ is our date this year.
We are already going with /cgl/.
gull here, this gay stuff is all pretty new to us and we're a little nervous. will /u/ be patient and guide us through this as a knowledgeable onee-chan? we recently started having cute gay lolitas threads and they were really successful.
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Of course, /cgl/-hime, that's our job after all.
Speaking of being good onee-samas, which twin is going with who? It seems like /cgl/ likes the idea of Lily and Egl while Shizuka and Cos go together.
That seems like it's probably the natural choice, assuming they are actually twins and not just /cgl/ having split personalities who think they are separate.
We did

/c/ went with pol and cgl went with /fa/
The year before, 14, we kind of borderline did /cgl/ and /c/ but then /cgl/ became schizophrenic and everyone between /c/ and /u/ lost interest.
Well considering how the one writefag used twins and one of the artists consistently switches between all four twins I'd say it's fair to go with actual twins for /cgl/. It's just they never use both in their art most of the time.
and we are very sorry about that... this year we have data to back up the fact that most of us are queer, so it seems like whatever str8s would whine about not going with /fa/ are less vocal and letting us have our fun.
What would a date be like between the tans/twins?
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Yes of course, there'd be forced hand holding. Surely there'd be more though.
We can connect through our love of monster girls, bro tier relationship.
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Worry not, /cgl/ hime. Relax, strap on your goggles, and enjoy the gay girls.
Is Lily the taller of the /u/ twins?
Turning str8 girls into lesbians through corrective sex is our specialty. We'll be gentle.
Is there any good fashion manga we could bond over?
Being cosplay as well, what are some yuri manga with neat designs as well?
Can't Alice Quartet qualify for one to bond over? not sure about cosplay since most /u/ stuff are obscure oneshots or some series.

Though it's not to say it wouldn't be interesting to see someone cosplay Yurika
There are a million touhou doujins in both ero and non-ero flavor.
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And Kancolle I suppose, though I'm not a big fan of the character designs for most of the non-abyssals.
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I thought that artist looked familiar!

/cgl/ might like Iono-sama's royal outfits.
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Not really making this as a very serious suggestion, and it's certainly not a yuri manga, but I can't really think about yuri and clothing design in the same sentence without thinking of Tomoyo.
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We can get drunk and complain about it and then have teary drunk sex. My heart hurts thinking about it. ;_;
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Gull from the lolita side of things here. Just letting you know there was a recent collab between Card Captor Sakura and a big lolita brand. Not the best of dresses but it's official. If any of /u/ is looking for examples of lolita stuff for art check out the Lolita Updates facebook group, not all of it is precious Japanese burando so just go by the Japanese brand tag to see what we like.
Girls Friends is practically a fashion manga for the first bit.
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Wrote another thing involving the /u/ and /cgl/ twins. Well one half of them since it's mainly about Egl and Lily. Made me realize I shouldn't stay up so late and that /cgl/ deserves some retribution in some manner.

I was thinking more confirmed yuri things.
Touhou is nice but that's all shipping stuff and wouldn't be as easy to tell immediately whats going on.
Yuru yuri uniforms are amazingly cute though
Egl is adorable. This is great, thanks writefriend.
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More tomorrow.
Isn't Strawberry Shake Sweet about two models or idols falling in love while hijinks happen? That fits right?
It was great.
The manga in general or the fashion parts?
Oh hey, yeah! That's perfect.

SSS is actually one of my favorites. In fact, I think it's the first yuri series that I actually read start to finish. Couldn't put it down.
Gull here, just started reading the manga in between classes. It's so adorable and they're wearing actual pieces from Liz Lisa which is still pretty popular with the jfash crowd.
>tfw no spunky gf to give me a makeover
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1. Nana. There is even a lolita character with a crush on the jrocker, in addition to Nana x Nana.
2. Utena. A gull designed an Utena print that was really popular on the board. Seeing artists bring it to life would be great, and anons who like Egl in ouji would cream themselves over an Utena prince outfit.
3. Madoka did a collab with h. Naoto, but the board mostly did not like it. Punkygoth street-fashion tans would be badass, though.
4. The jfash side loves magical girls and fairy kei or yume kawaii involve a lot of soft, girly weeb elements like magical girl merch.

pic related is the most current design for the print by Utena-anon
i realize instead of answering the question i listed jfash with manga/anime references, sorry. got off on a tangent there
Now now there's no need to be sorry. We're talking about fash that's inspired by manga or manga that got some brands. That covers the EGL side. Though not sure how Cosplay feels about going into non-canon territory of things.
Game by Takemiya Jin comes to mind for cosplayers.

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>Tonari no Robot

Where is CXC Scans?
>Punkygoth street-fashion
Do you have examples of this, /cgl/-hime?
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It's nice being a small board that goes unnoticed.
I'd say we go with /e/.
We are already going with /cgl/, why do people not read threads?
I just wanted to give my opinion, no need to be so prissy.
/e/ is cute, but not as cute as /cgl/
That's fair, maybe next year we could take /e/ though I'm not even sure /e/ is going this year. However, it's kind of moot since we accepted /cgl/'s heartfelt invite.
It has its perks.

I think the only consistent funposting we get is anons from /v/ that occasionally drop by to start Red Alert 2 threads, but even those aren't awfully common.
this is the official art for the collab
and this is h. Naoto models in the clothes. it is fashion, not cosplay, and the models are not cosplaying as the characters who inspired the outfits - but even taking that into account, /cgl/ did not much like the collab.
They are... strangely disappointing.
Talking about iconic /u/ design, I think you can't beat Luka x Miku 'Magnet'. It's so mainstream that even non-yurifags can instantly recognize it and associate it with lesbians.

Some other stuff that is either less iconic or not considered lesbian by everyone (but still distinctive enough):
- Marimite
- Yuru Yuri
- Symphogear
- Black Rock Shooter
- Valkyrie Drive
- Madoka
- Kannazuki no Miko (despite its iconic 'miko embrace' pose, the outfit itself is just generic miko)
- Utena

If you're just in for fancy dresses, anything from idol anime such as Aikatsu, Im@s, Love Live, etc. Though I don't recommend it because these are all subtext shows and the dresses don't have any distinguishing characteristic. It would look more like you're going out with /fa/ than /u/.
Forgot sailor moon but, might be better if we just go with themes? Egl would probably be content if she had minimal work that worked with one of her brands while complimenting the theme.
If we have to then /clg/ but I really rather not merge plus Yuru yuri,keion God tier
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this is my ultimate fetish
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Another gull here, I'm also really enjoying it! I love innocent love stories like this, even if they make me sad.

Yes yes yes! I wasn't able to properly draw this idea on the gull side so I'm glad someone else also thinks this pairing works.
Clearly masterful cosplay, just look at dem wings
Don't forget to cross post unless all the gulls that cared about the ball moved here.
Do Cos and Egl both have pink hair?

I think I saw one picture that had Cos with brown hair so I'm not 100% sure what the official designs are.
As far as I can tell from the various pictures I've seen and what >>2188690 posted, they would both have pink hair if Cos and Egl are being used. I'd imagine Cos might be somewhat willing to wear a wig or do something if she felt like getting into character more. But from everything I've seen, Cos or cos/cgl/ doesn't change the color but does change the length or style depending on the outfit.
off topic-ish question from a /cgl/esbian, who actually makes up your board? it seems like half the threads are cheesecake-y yuri porn (nothing wrong with that, but it seems like mostly male fetish bait) and the other half are genuine discussions about media that seem like they are lead by actual queer girls. it's just a little all over the place

>mfw I came for the ball and stayed for the cute recs
Better to not really know or care, since it hardly matters when it comes to 2d fiction lesbians. The thread content is largely that way because of how the board grew, though what isn't as obvious is that outside of discussion threads the board is very slow. A month and a half ago we mourned the lost of an almost three year old thread.

Also saging is mildly valued here since it's better to not have something constantly on the first page. less attention is better attention sometimes.
Based on numerous polls over time, our board population is fairly evenly split between men and women but I doubt there's much of a correlation between sex and thread types. We've had men post about just being here for romantic, cutesy stuff, women post about being here for porn, and vice versa.
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Third time seems to be the fucking charm, since I got inspired once more. Hopefully I wrote Shizuka well considering it's the first time the pov is from one of the /u/-twins.

Basically this. It's a 50/50 split, but people who come here just for the porn tend to be annoyed that all they can find are walls of text.
This is lovely, onee-san. Thank you very much for the story, it's excellent. I was just going to give it a glimpse and then killed a whole bunch of time at work because I had to read it all.

>>2190793 is pretty spot on.
If you look at the catalog, it seems like it the board has a fair amount of porn content, but in reality we just don't make a ton of new threads and are a pretty small board. The majority of traffic is in the discussion threads, /u/ is basically a combination of /a/, /co/ and /vg/ with a general focus on girl x girl relationships, subtext, etc. Things also vary pretty heavily by thread, some are almost entirely ship discussion while others are very plot focused.

And this.

We have the occasional person who tries to get into the whole yuri content for lesbians/not-lesbians or by women/men, but they usually get shoved towards /lgbt/ pretty quick because most of us don't care to get into it, we just want to enjoy our hand-holding.
add bows to those birds and that is an excellent reaction image, kudos for sharing, anon
All this talk of fashion has made em realize that we're missing one very crucial pair. Cereza and Jeanne. They're like real fashionable right even if it's more style than outfits.
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CGL is already discussing kinks. This is good right?
/cgl/ is super adorable.
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/u/ twins cosplaying as LadyLady when?
Shizuka doesn't have tats fat enough to be Lady J. Lily could pull Rain off. Better question is when will /cgl/ cosplay as Charlotte.
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Very lovely. I'm now just a teeny tiny bit curious to see what /cgl/'s outfit would look like with pastel pink accents.

but wasnt it christmas cake in the story?
Control yourself.
>Shizuka doesn't have tats fat enough to be Lady J
It sure is good that her date knows, or should know, a lot about padding that area.
Are the /cgl/-twins that flat? I figured that they were average bust-wise.
They seem to be, but I'm sure one or both of them have cosplayed as a titty monster at some point.
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A question I should probably pose to /cgl/ but I could see it being Egl with the way she dresses. Makes it easier to hide. Shame about her hide giving it away that she pads.
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What was life like before multiply.
Monochromatic, thank you.

but wasnt it christmas cake in the story?
See >>2191229
>read about what would sex with the /cgl/ twins be like
I think Lily and Shizuka bit more than what they can chew.
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Also I just finished reading Girlfriends and I'd love recommendations for more manga like that.
>Tfw you're straight but wish you could have a pure yuri romance...
Yearning is how it begins.
This one's pretty good. Maybe more comedic than GFs but it's nice. Completed as well. Then again it's like ten years old.
If you like long series, try Aoi Hana or Sasameki Koto. The former is a bit more dramatic and the latter is a bit more comedic.
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Don't forget ____________________________AANGST for Sasameki.
/cgl/ anon here: EGL is flat to fit into burando because their dress bust sizes are usually very small. Cos is the busty one to fill out her cosplays to attract her legions of male photographers and fans.
But then who would be dressing up in Ouji style? EGL or Cos?
It's not yuri without a generous amounts of angst.
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EGL. That's the one who was drawn kabedoning before. Our weakness is kabedon and being spoiled.
Cos on the other hand.. couple cosplay and fanservice!
Oh hey, I should've looked up the definition before. That would be a much easier way to explain how Shizuka trapped EGL in that one scene. Here I was thinking it was the fine zport of gidls groping another girl's ass. Though now I can't stop laffing at EGL trying to kabedon Lily with that height difference.
Those are Arellano girls in the picture right?
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Those are our patron saints of kabedon, Triple Fortune. They make high quality lolita headwear and will pin you against a wall if you ask nicely enough. May heaven have mercy on your soul if you tell them no limits.
I suggested it on /cgl/, but why not cosplay /fa/ and /fit/?

It would be quite fun, /cgl/ on /fit/'s workout clothing, Yuu on /fa/'s "stylish" ones, maybe even kabedom. What ya'll think?
I feel like since they're twins, they should have the same bust size. I think Cos probably stuffs the fuck out of her bra in cosplays and has total chest envy.
I know it'd be more convenient, and indeed general consensus seems to be moving towards, having /cgl/-tan as twins, but now I kinda want a situation where it turns out that EGL and Cos are really just MPDing after all and doing it so skillfully and unwittingly that nobody is any wiser.
oh damn that's cute as fuck
Maybe they were seemingly identical twins as lolis but puberty hit and all the fun Cos had lead to a nicer figure. Meanwhile EGL'S bitter and jealous 'tube fed into keeping her Lolita measurements. Or EGL could always have just a ass. Probably won't really come up in art.
Potentially quite cute.
So they'd be cosplaying a genderbent gay couple?
pls no /y in my /u
same anon i read that wrong mb proceed
You could have just deleted your post.
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>tfw so many couples cosplay ideas and so little time.

Have we talked about what's actually being worn to the Winter Ball proper?
We haven't even decided who's going to wear the suit, or if a suit is even needed.
Nope, though that would depend on two maybe three things. Which tans are going? Yu/u/ and /cgl/ or double date involving the twins or /cgl/+twins? Then we could talk about the dress, though I think one of the things floating around is that /cgl/ or /egl/ would be wearing Ouji fashion if they did.
Would the twins go double ouji suit if /cgl/-tan requested it or would /cgl/ be in the ouji suit? These are the questions that should be asked.
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I don't want to speak for the thread, but I'm of the opinion that /cgl/ should be spoiled rotten and whatever they want (Yu/u/+/cgl/, twins+/cgl/, double date, Ouji, coords, etc) is what should be done.
Pretty much.

Since /fa/ is quite -may I say- queer, it'd still be gay. And /cgl/ -while in ouji- is quite the Dom, it makes sense in my mind.

And it be cute, cgl in loose shirt, headband, trousers or shorts with a Dom attitude would be amusing with the recluse Yuu blushing under a cheap scarf and covering-all-the-body black clothes as she seduces her.
I'd have to disagree just tiny little bit with the notion of Yuu being so easily seduced or so readily blushing.
I like to imagine Yuu would be panicky from anxiety about what's going on in that scenario. She's used to pure 2D, not all this 3D happening.
I like this.
Alright I can see that, but to comprise I'd say that /cgl/ is blushing up a storm whenever she tries to smoothly hit on Yuu leading to Yuu doing a recovery while having a blush of her own.
My heart goes all doki doki every time someone in this thread says that /cgl/ is cute. I'd kabedon you all but I'm too shy. I'm glad we're going with you instead of /fa/
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every time they say they'll spoil us my knees go weak. bless
Right??? I wanna be spoiled, get kabedon-ed, and hold hands. It feels like I'm reaching Sugary Carnival levels of sweet even though I'm a classic lolita.
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I'm having quite a bit of fun trying to mesh the board's varying content into Lily and Shizuka's tastes and personalities. Though I feel like I should tone some things down just a bit. Forgive my fuck up, I forgot something.

eh, /cgl/ is a pretty cool date, cute as fuck and doesn't afraid of anything
It seems /cgl/ is talking about EGL wearing a pirate hat, I'm not sure how I feel about that.
i'm /cgl/ and i wish we were leaning less towards us being OTT ouji...

...i just want to be pretty and spoiled by /u/. but if it comes down to us being the ouji, i'll do my best to kabedon! even though you're taller...
You got to give it some time. It seems like they're more stuck on the hat idea currently than ouji, and if some of your flock is willing to go with a different hat, one that is more viable to holding a bird's nest. It will then be easier to slowly convince that a dress would allow for a better hat to hold said bird nest. Besides, it always sounded like you girls wanted to be on the kabedon receiving end than doing outside of comedic events.
Push come to shove, the idea of EGL kabedon-ing Lily or Shizuka is a very tempting scene. She'd probably refuse quite adamantly to not look up, so she confesses to the twins' boobs.
Egl-hime would look radiant in anything.
Or nothing
I don't agree with this
With what?
Don't reply.
Technically, we are shipping characters who are personifications of our respective boards. It's mostly an excuse to chat with anons from other boards and make some cute OC. I've learned quite a bit about seagulls and their board culture over the past few days, it's nice. Plus, getting to know each other is one of the purposes of dating.

Besides, this is hardly as odd as a thread about shipping personifications of chemical elements. But I think the metall/u/rgy stuff is cute too, so who knows
Well, it'd be cute to see the delicate cgl kabedom-ing Yuu. She is shorter and shy, so she would be blushing a lot as well as not trying to make eye contact. It should have been difficult for her to not do so, now the two are blushing and not making eye contact, cgl in ouji (or fit) and Yuu in lolita (or fa).
See >>2188586, admittedly though it was before they learned more about Yuu and our the twins in general.
>Tfw you're straight but wish you could have a pure yuri romance...

I have something to tell you anon
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My goodness, that's quite nice.
Missed this the first time around. Great work!
Good taste in cosplay anon.
>Iosefka outfit with threaded cane
>adorable catgirl Cos
>punishments for breaking ruels


Should clean up some of the typos and stuff though.
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toppest tier
We're enjoying being /u/'s dates a lot more than a lot of us thought we would.

I think a few of us want to keep dating after the Winter Ball
Damn, looking sharp
I ship it, I really do.
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It is a pretty adorable pairing.

The main problem would be that /cgl/ is heavily divided when it comes to board-tan stuff. I think we (and the seagulls who always suggest /u/) got lucky this year because /fa/ was really slow about getting involved in the Winter Ball discussion and didn't even have a thread up. Even then, the vote was still fairly even and some gulls seemed pretty bitter about ending up with /u/. I can't imagine they'd take kindly to a more continuous arrangement with the tans.
We might as well fight them. It's for /u/ after all, thus is a battle worth the effort.
some people are bitter, but they can deal. it's not like /fa/ is never going to interact with us again...

we should just start a continuing gen board tan thread so we can fuck around with /u/ and still have antagonistic arguments with /fa/
The only people who want /fa/ is because we always go with them just because we have no other prospects and it results in funny art. Us dating /u/ doesn't change that because /fa/ is still our onii-chan. They should be content with that since it doesn't change anything.

Could you imagine /u/ having to ask /fa/ for permission to date us?
We used to have a continuous board-tan thread here, it just fell into disuse because there isn't a ton of content except for /co/ stuff outside of events, so no one bothered to remake it after the last one fell off the board.
It wasn't exactly 'continuous' rather than 'took a number of months to die' as things typically go here. I think that thread was created after the last Ball.
There were at least a couple in a row.
Oh, well, I'm thinking of that board tan thread that lasted a while. I may be wrong.
I feel like /fa/ never really cared about being our date, pretty sure most of the OC between our tans was made by gulls. The fact that you guys really wanted to go with us made me swoon. If any draw anons are still around, can I request more Kamikaze Girls cosplay >>2188883 ?

does /u/ know how gay Kamikaze Girls is? Pls be the Ichigo to our Momoko
>/cgl/ not cosplaying Tsunetsuki or Matoi

>Tsunetsuki or Komori

...I've just got stalkers crowding out everything else in my brain today, apparently.
>Tfw you're straight but wish you could have a pure yuri romance...
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Top pleb
Come on, at least spoil this filth.

I will level with you, imouto. This is how my favorite zetsubou girls breaks down:

Matoi > Komori > Abiru = Chiri

I didn't want to do Matoi because Shizuka was already in a hakama, and Kiri's blanket would have covered most of her, which seemed ill suited and lazy for someone really into cosplay. So I went with Abiru instead. Also bandages are moe.
>We're the /u/ in /cgl/'s gull

Fuck that's perfect.
>/cgl/ + /u/

That's... actually impressive.
It is the will of the yuri goddess.
alright it's about time someone asked:
What's the story behind the "seagull" name?

I'm sorry about your brain problems, nee-san.
It's what it sounds like when you say the board name out loud without spelling it out. See-Gu-L
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... Sweet merciful madoka.
This is the ultimate happening. So much good art.
I got something I want to bring up.

These pics of /cgl/ with the /u/ twins are nice and all, but I feel /cgl/ is being too submissive in them. She's supposed to be really fussy and catty and bitchy at times. Maybe the /u/ twins try to initiate sexy with her and she kills the mood by pointing out all the problems with their outfits, like loose threads, patterns that are just slightly off, the outfits not fitting JUST right, or something like that.

I dunno, that's always been a core part of /cgl/-tan's personality that I feel is being glossed over a bit too much.
You've got a point!
But well, I think that that part of EGL/Cos' personality isn't really shown on the pics we have so far because it's hard to convey that in a single frame. I mean, it isn't impossible - just hard to do without text, but still doable.
Haven't really got a good idea on how to do that properly, but if we were speaking in terms of 4koma manga, I can imagine that /cgl/-tan pointing that out would cause the /u/ twin present to unclothe and tease her back,
V. Nice
I feel kind of bad because it's mostly the one drawfriend doing all the work, as good as it is. I need to get off my ass and try to make something too.

I guess they enjoy it though.
The twins outnumber her and have the means of shutting her up. So I fail to see /cgl/-tan having the chance to kill the mood.
das cute
So something like, /cgl/ sees them in fuck around clothes without realizing it and flies into a rage. Proceeding to tear their clothes off and selection them on style and cooords~?
Yeah. I've been trying to think of how to avoid it, which is part of why that earlier pick ended up with Lily as Nonon.

Part of the problem is that the /u/ twins are yuri incarnate, so it's difficult not seeing them as the ones pushing.

Maybe I'll do more Yu/u/ stuff based on the idea put forth by this imouto. >>2192043
There's actually another Cos/Shizuka couple cosplay idea I had with a fussy Cos kabedon'ing Shizuka, but I've also been trying to balance between the four characters and right now EGL-hime is getting pretty neglected art wise.
Aren't /u/ and /cgl/ making their dresses?
The one /c/ planned for [s4s] at least.
>the /u/ twins are yuri incarnate, so it's difficult not seeing them as the ones pushing.
Half of yuri is the other girl being pushed, so I don't see why the /u/ twins can't get into that role from time to time.
I always thought of the twins as a prince and an onee-sama in my head. Maybe it's just me.

Yeah, this was sort of my line of thought as well, not that I'm opposed to change.
They could be both, couldn't they? Shizuka's personality fits being pursued and acting all shy while Lily fits the pursuer despite being an onee-sama
Despite being an onee-sama? Onee-sama is always a tachi.

I suppose they might turn riba to amuse /cgl/.
I could see either of them being shy after developing serious feelings, if all they are used to is each other and teasing/flings with other girls. I could also see them being surprised into shyness by one of the /cgl/ twins doing something particularly adorable or affectionate. Lily in particular.
A lot of the /u/ artists probably don't know that much about her and just likes drawing aggressive /u/ (especially since /u/ typically goes with /c/ or the like where it's natural).
It was more about how onee-sama tends to be the object of desire and the one to be pursued.
I like that idea. Lends itself well to the fact that the board can be super jaded and pessimistic.
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In a single frame, expression is everything.

Yes, like that.

/cgl/-tan is able to very quickly shift moods (usually from petty jealousy to smug superiority), I think the abruptness of one of her mood swings would be more than enough to catch the /u/ twins off guard.

Well it's good we're bringing it up then. It'd be a shame to just lose that part of /cgl/-tan.

I think one of the earlier pics for this Winter Ball with /cgl/-tan directing Lily in sewing captured /cgl/-tan's personality pretty well.
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Working on something for this.
Das cute anon
That's old.
You have my eternal love, anon.
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Fucked up the eyes.
Will Lily have to surprise her by posing naked on a bear skin rug while a fire's going? Thus leading to Lily looking at EGL before saying "I'm sorry."
Include a few bags full of burando and she might be forgiven.
Oh dear.
What if it's jewels and just money. You know like enough to censor herself. Enough to buy them brando bags after they slept comfortably on them.
Oh, dang Lily, you fucked up.
Thank you for all the lovely images, draw-oneesama.
Jewels? I don't know about that but money? Hell yes.
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Can't Egl just toss that dress in a washing machine instead of starting an apocalypse?
>putting burando in the washing machine
Would probably require going to the cleaners all things considered. It's also probably the equivalent to /u/ encountering misuse of the yuri tag for something that is just two girls being in the same picture when there's more going on showing it's not yuri or whatever else serves as a punch to the tit for us
I feel like there is a vanilla frosting joke somewhere here with all this cake business.
When Lily bakes cakes she often stores the frosting in some maids' pussies until she needs them.
that is quite literally the dumbest thing ive ever heard


the frosting would get to warm and start to melt up there and start running when you apply it to the cake
So I take it you don't drive a dodge stratus? Also maybe they have Yuki-onnas in a walk in freezer that have their cunts full of frosting that warms as Lily removesit.
She's right you know, it would get awfully runny.
>washing machine
You're just asking for death, aren't you?
I feel like too much lewd is being pushed onto the twins given the lack of nsfw activity on the board.
Nothing yet has been particularly lewd, and Anon was just making a referential joke.
The depiction of the mansion in the pastebins has been pretty lewd.
We ARE kinda a red board after all. Not saying the mansion is a 24/7 orgy but certainly there are parts that don't allow children.

Unless they're into oneeloli, in which case all doors are open.
I can't tell fine clothing from my own ass tbqh, even with all the gulls around.
Cute! Nice job anon.
It's also usually in the background outside of that one instance of Lily being a dom.
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Adorable, love the angle of the drawing.
Great job anon.
A salty anon from /fa/ is talking shit about the art for the winter ball this year but as a gull I want you to know that I really love it

I had to break up with my gf recently and I lived vicariously through the cuteness in your comic
/fa/ here, the art's cute.
>A salty anon from /fa/
Could just be one of gulls who wanted to go with /fa/, there were a pretty even number on each side in previous years, weren't there?
I think so. Either way we, as a board, aren't really bothered by it over here.

Happier thoughts though, does anyone think that Egl might try to boss around Shizuka or something Shizuka and Cos could bond over?
Different anon from drawfag, but I personally don't mind about some people salty. I'm sure the others don't either too. I just hope that /cgl/ will have a fun year with /u/ and whatnot. We have a few drawfags and we're a relatively small board, so we cherish anything we get.

Thank you drawfag for your work, it looks amazing.
>Egl might try to boss around Shizuka
It seems likely, I don't know how well it would work.

>something Shizuka and Cos could bond over
Probably anything involving traditional Japanese clothing, historical or sports anime, survival games and the dressing up involved with that. I could see her having a bit of a complex about how much more feminine Lily is, and secretly being interested in dressing up in pretty costumes.
>how well
I would think it would depend on how Egl does it. As evidenced by that story, Shizuka seems pretty willing to snap back at Egl. Lily probably takes a softer but firm way of speaking when domming Shizuka. Unless of course, Egl gets her into a competition where things are on the line.
Survival games though is a pretty interesting choice of words. Makes me think RE6 Helena and Ada. Of course, then I realize Ada is wearing pants instead of the dress she wore in 4. The complex is an interesting idea, not quite sure about it overall but it's interesting.
Shizuka being who she is will indeed "toss the dress into a washing machine". Egl will explode and hard dom Shizuka.
Hard dom being code for murder.
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Gee sisters, I'm disappointed, you two know far too little of our ways!

how is this the first time seeing this?

still saying it wouldnt work on a cake
I know it, but it is true.

I checked the archive. You can find the whole thing here: http://archive.loveisover.me/u/thread/2098765/
>you're watching the food network

thank you anon, my life is more complete now. that was amazing
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Seconding this anon over Shizuka and Cos. We haven't really seen much of them so far but I like that Lily and Egl are the prime focus because their love is so pure while Cos is sort of the fun-loving wild child who can't be tamed which sounds perfect for Shizuka (from what basics I've gotten so far).

Shizuka would be Cos' best friend if they could bond over traditional Japanese clothing since we do have regular kimono/yukata/etc topics on /cgl/ and we do have historical and sports related stuff as well for cosplay.

The day Cos could get Shizuka to cosplay Sailor Uranus to her Neptune would be a day of pride. Also Shizuka would be an utter goddess to Cos' legion of fans akin to Monthly Girls Nozaki's character Kashima who has a harem of fangirls wherever she goes. Together if they did photoshoots they'd have noses bleeding left and right.

Heaven help Shizuka though if she steals the spotlight away from Cos because then Cos would play dirty to stake her claim on Shizuka in some crazy yandere way. Jealous that she's not getting the attention and also that other girls are trying to cosplay with HER partner. That sort of thing doesn't fly with cosplay couples and Cos would likely make out with Shizuka right then and there just to stake her claim.
/r/ OC of /int/ and fe/m/ doing lewd yuri things in front of a cucked /r9k/
Try the drawthread, anon. Or a different board.
It will sound like murder but it's Egl using Lily's tools on Shizuka.

They do call it "the little death" after all. And poor Shizuka will go through a lot more than one.
But who would be their Hotaru?
Sounds more like Haruka and Usagi or maybe playful Michiru and Haruka. Though Michiru's casual style would likely fit Shizuka better. She'd be a great casual Rei.
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I am glad /cgl/ asked /u/s to the ball.
Does Lily and Shizuka's cynicism ever come up?
Whenever there's the possibility of males being involved, or the potential that a girl giving off lots of gay subtext is probably straight.

Like so.
Two posts made by probably one anon does not /u/'s cynicism represent. You'd need a couple hundred posts straight of arguments and bitching for that.
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I didn't mean to imply that. I was just citing an example of the sort of view I was talking about with regards to suspecting things won't end up favorable. I could see the twins taking a stance like that, where they probably assume, for instance, that most young girls who express an interest are just going through a phase and will decide they are straight later.
Perhaps they're internally wary most of the time when it comes to things outside of their control?
Makes sense.
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My heart just doki'd.
Cos still wore it better
Muh kokoro
I never know that our boobs are quite yuge
Comes with being an onee-sama
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Hot off the /cgl/ presses. A bit to weeaboo for my taste, but cute.
>posted on a weeb board on a weeb site
Cute and cuter!
We gonna have another thread that's a more general board-tan one?
Can just make a board-tan thread that's Winter Ball edition.
new thread
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