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Nurse Love Addiction | HakuAi - 白衣性愛情依存症

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Game is out on steam.

English Trailer ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRzNe2WV9x4 [Embed]
Visual Novel Info ► https://vndb.org/v16610
Steam ► http://store.steampowered.com/app/485040
Japanese Site ► http://hakuai.kogado.com/
Youtube Channel ► https://www.youtube.com/user/kogado
Hakuai Twitter Account ► https://twitter.com/KOGADO_STUDIO

Steam version doesn't have the medical dictionary, so no explanation of iPS babies here.

Previous thread >>2069237
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Drama CD

Bonus booklet and short story RAW from anon in previous thread.

More after stories for Nao and Sakuya written by the scenario writer.

http://hakuai.kogado.com/blog/961/ (Nao after story)
http://hakuai.kogado.com/blog/863/ (Sakuya after story)

Also posting Akira Hayase countdown HakuAi original release from twitter.
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Kiss Day.
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And I'm done.
Someone please translate the after stories, the vn ending for Nao ended too early.
Eagerly awaiting full translations too.

Bits and pieces from the Drama CD thread:
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So much bonus art, Hayase Akira or not, that I want to see properly scanned.
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>Itsuki stew bowl

I am also done.
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I'll scan the story book later if anyone wants it.
I am not very pcsavy how do I run this thing?
run virus.exe.bat
Was enjoying sakuya's route epilogue and got a kick outta seeing their daughter only to find out that the daughter is sakuya reborn then it implies that asuka is now in polygamous relationship with both her wife and her daughter. Also was anyone else wishing this 18+ so they could the impending hate sex between kyoko and asuka?
Download the archive form the Google Drive link and decompress it. Then register on the forum to see the attachment in the post below the one with the file you just downloaded, and download that too. Decompress and place the files into the game folder, then run Smartsteamloader.exe.
Way to cash in on one of the darkest moments in Yuri.
Please do.

I love those bonus feelies like artbooks, soundtracks and extra stories. I tossed in 23 entries into Degica's giveaway https://gleam.io/fOfiR/nurse-love-addiction but with 20k other entries I'm probably not landing one of the three grand prizes with the artbook, short stories and picture book.
Hopefully one of /u/s wins.
....I wish I never saw itsuki's bad end, words cannot describe how fucked up it is
>went to steam, to check dank reviews
>2-3 reviews said "visual novel is not a game, stop refer it as a game, etc"

not sure whether /v/ shitposting or unironic neckbeards
Could anyone translate the epilogues, or at least give a rundown?
Would be greatly appreciated!
just totalbiscuit fans freaking out, ignore them as usual.
/v/ shitposting is quite funny desu
just look at the metal gear styled review
VNs don't have enough FPS to be games!
Is that Sakuya or kyouko?
So I'm at the part where Sakuya is in the hospital. There are three choices, one is about us becoming either her senior or failing the year, the other is about visiting her and the last one is about cakes.
What do I need to choose to get her BAD end?
Bad end should be easy to get. Even if you fluke the good ending, just change your last choice.
Well, I didn't know I was knee deep in Nao's bad ending until she appeared all BDSM'd up.
>>2103807 here
Nevermind. I got what I think is the bad end.
She married Sakuya's corpse, didn't she?
Yep at least its not like itsuki's bad endshe ate itsuki's dead body
Anyone else think nao is the character? Also is there a harem route?
Yes, but I'm a sucker for yuri incest stories. Yes, I know. Still

>harem route
No. I think.
>Also is there a harem route?
Yeah. You can get it by ______________________of course there isn't.____________________
I'm just really happy that there's a lot of kissing scenes in this particular VN. I'm a sucker for those.
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I would've liked Asuka hooking up with Nao less if they really were sisters. I still don't like how they pretend they really are even after Asuka remembers they aren't.

While I'm not necessarily against Itsuki x Nao, I gotta see it to believe it.
I gotta ask is shirokoi as mind trippy as this game was?
Not quite. People seemed to like the trippy things that shirokoi did have, so in Nurse Love Addiction the devs really ran with the crazy.
ShiroKoi is a bit different in tone, with HakuAi being kind of sillier and ShiroKoi more realistic.

However, HakuAi's supernatural elements mostly have precedent in ShiroKoi, and HakuAi having crazy twists and bad ends is due to ShiroKoi having them.

The most twisted heroine in ShiroKoi is creepier than the yandere characters in HakuAi because her abusiveness is more plausible.
I still want Nagisa, Kyouko and Kotomi (solfege) to have a get together
Nao had the best route, Itsuki was the best girl and Sayuka had the best ending. Sayuka's was so fucking happy after how heavy it got that I felt like laughing and crying at the same time.
ShiroKoi's bad ends in brief:

The heroine suffers an injury that leaves her depressed she can't fulfill her ambition
The heroine makes Kaori her sub bitch
The heroine seals Kaori's personality
The heroine becomes a baby and Kaori takes her to raise
The heroine dies so Kaori joins her by killing herself by walking out to sea with her body
The heroine keeps Kaori captive and she eventually dies from drugs used to keep her weak

ShiroKoi also had "normal" ends, making the good and bad ends harder to get. The normal ends always have Kaori heartbroken, in most cases with the heroine having decided it's better for Kaori to break off contact with her.
i thought shirokoi and hakuai are down-to-earth in term of story, turns out it got some crazy bad ends

even aoishiro bad ends aren't that crazy
There seems to be a button missing. If I recall, you guys said that button explained a lot of things, like the meaning of iPS and stuff. What do I need to do to unlock it?
Also the "Messages" part is completely untranslated. Did I fuck up somehow?

>Sayuka's [good ending[ was so fucking happy after how heavy it got that I felt like laughing and crying at the same time.
>There seems to be a button missing. If I recall, you guys said that button explained a lot of things, like the meaning of iPS and stuff. What do I need to do to unlock it?
>Also the "Messages" part is completely untranslated. Did I fuck up somehow?
Dictionary and Messages weren't translated.
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GJGE localization company.
that's too bad. I wish I could read some of that stuff.
From being a sex friend, to BDSM'ing your own sister, to marrying a corpse then EATING a corpse

These bad endings don't fuck around.
Fucking hell, I have to play this game.
Well, it's not like one of the good endings wasn't also kinda weird.
Someone please translate Sakuya after story
Or maybe just give summary
There's an after story?
Did you read the post the guy responded to?
Something about Kyoko trying to stabbing pregnant Asuka... I think.
It was Kyouko who was pregnant.
Oh?! Damn you Google Translate!
Summary for Sakuya After

That's a story from the bonus booklet. The one on the developer's blog comes after it.

Spoilers for Sakuya's good end.

One day, during the year when Sakuya-chan entered middle school, Sakuya-chan and Kyouko are having an argument over Asuka in the dining room of their family home. Sakuya-chan declares that if she can't marry Asuka she's willing to disappear from this world (i.e., die) again. Kyouko tells her to feel free to, as she's insistent that Asuka is her spouse and she won't give her to anyone. They've had similar arguments ever since Sakuya-chan's personality and memory emerged, around when she started kindergarten.

Asuka is reading a manga by Sawanouchi Moe (a ShiroKoi reference) and trying to stay out of it. She mentions Nao has gone the route of becoming a pharmacist instead of a nurse. Nao meets Asuka once a month, but apparently meets Itsuki more often (though Asuka doesn't know what their relationship is and whether they get on well or not).

Kyouko comments that tomorrow will be their anniversary, but it's not their wedding anniversary. Sakuya-chan asks what anniversary it is and Kyouko tells her it was when she (as Kyouko herself) and Asuka first kissed. Asuka recalls that it's also the second time Kyouko almost killed her. Sakuya-chan's expression makes it obvious she wants to know what happened so Asuka starts telling her, rather than leave it to Kyouko to give her version:
The start of their marriage was stormy, with Kyouko having no affection for Asuka at all. Asuka would visit Kyouko in hospital while she was recovering from organ transplantation and they'd argue everyday due to Kyouko blaming Asuka for Sakuya's death.

Nao called Asuka an idiot for what she was doing, but supported her in doing it. Asuka begged Nao not to suggest she give up, as she felt she might if Nao were to. Nao asked her whether it was all for Sakuya's sake and Asuka tells her that's no longer all: she doesn't want to lose to Kyouko and has grown to really hate her (the subtext being that Kyouko herself now holds emotional significance to Asuka).

During another argument with Kyouko, Asuka tells her she hates her. Kyouko replies that she hates Asuka too and suggests they break up. Asuka resists as she had promised to Sakuya she'd dedicate her life to Kyouko, so Kyouko challenges her as to whether she could kiss her. So there was no romance in it, but Asuka, rather than back down, and while expecting Kyouko to stop her, does kiss Kyouko.

And Kyouko takes the opportunity to try to stab her with a boxcutter she had hidden, but Asuka manages to dodge it. Asuka's tsukkomi: after a kiss, can you not resist stabbing?

Asuka finishes telling the story of that kiss to Sakuya-chan. Sakuya-chan asks her to carry on, so she does:
Asuka and Kyouko's relationship carries on like it had except Kyouko never brings up annulling the marriage again. Asuka graduates and gets a hospital to work at. She suggests to Kyouko, who had been released from hospital and moved back to the home of her late adoptive mother, that they start living together. Kyouko calls her stupid repeatedly but accepts and uses her own money to get a house. And then tells Asuka to sleep in a doghouse she bought just for the sake of tormenting Asuka like that.

Even living together, they keep on verbally fighting whenever Asuka isn't busy working. But when Asuka meets Nao after a period without seeing her, Nao remarks that she's looking beautiful. Then, after a year or two passes, when Asuka has settled into her job, Asuka suggests to Kyouko that they have a baby.

Kyouko, who had been in the middle of cooking, reacted by nearly stabbing her again (according to Kyouko later, that was more just an emotional outburst than actually trying to kill Asuka). After Asuka managed to restrain her, Kyouko told her they'll name the child Sakuya.
At that point in telling the story to Sakuya-chan, Asuka breaks down crying. Deeply upset, she begs Sakuya-chan to never talk about disappearing again, not wanting to hear it even as a joke.

Sakuya-chan apologizes and says she'll settle for being their daughter, but on the condition that for one day a month she gets to be treated as though she's married to Asuka. In return, to get Kyouko to accept the deal, she says that on those days Kyouko will be treated as their daughter. Asuka is shocked, whereas Kyouko (after a long pause to presumably imagine it) says it's not bad.

It ends with Kyouko raising the issue of special days such as Christmas, as if the swap day falls on them she still wants to be the wife, but they resolve that by agreeing that when that happens they'll both be Asuka's wife.

Asuka closes the narrative glad to be living happily but nervous about what lies ahead and hoping they'll go easy on her.


Jesus, Kyouko's still insane.
I said I had to see Itsuki x Nao to believe it. >>2103978

I believe it.
Doesn't exactly show how Kyouko and Asuka started falling for each other, but it'll do.

Do Kaede and Itsuki have after stories too, or is it just Nao and Sakuya?
Kyouko and Asuka sounds like belligerent sexual tension that eventually bloomed into an unstable love relationship.
get in here
What the fuck onee-samas, that was the wildest ride I've had in a long while.
How come Nao said she had no name when Asuka met her for the first time? Is she a clone? Is she otherwise an artificial human made in a lab by Haizawa? I'm into that shit.
>Language fix update 3 days ago
>S no longer opens the definitions menu

They've just hidden the definitions menu instead of bothering to translate it.
[Spoiler]the lab imprisoned her for so long that she forgot[/spoiler]
Spoiler fail
They all have one in a bonus booklet.

Nao and Sakuya have additional stories on the developer blog.
Finished reading this a few days ago, Nao and Sakuya's routes felt like the more "canon" ones, if anyone's planning to play this I'd recommend going Kaede>Itsuki and either Sakuya then Nao or the other way around. Nao best girl by the way.
Summary of the Sakuya after story from http://hakuai.kogado.com/blog/863/

It's a kind of follow on from >>2108071 >>2108072 >>2108074 >>2108075

Kyouko insists that she will be the one to have her and Asuka's baby. Asuka is concerned because of Kyouko's weaker healthy due to the transplants, but Kyouko just keeps repeating "I will have it" until Asuka relents.

Initially things go well and Kyouko seems happy, patting her belly even before she's got a bump (and offering Asuka a go for ¥1000). Nao and Itsuki send them stuff for pregnant women, diapers and a duck shaped potty (Itsuki teasing Asuka that with her blood it may be a kid who will wee anywhere).

However, things get hard as soon as Kyouko's morning sickness begins. Asuka knows she's in terrible condition because Kyouko can only wildly swing her knife instead of her normal precise attempts at stabbing Asuka.

Asuka tries to offer help, but Kyouko doesn't want to accept. Asuka has to find ways of helping while not being direct about it. She takes time off work, but pretends initially that it's due to injury. For Asuka it's like living in a cage with a wild animal and trying to take care of it. At one point Kyouko barely missed when swinging a knife down on Asuka's head while she was napping on a sofa.

Things eventually reach their worst point when Kyouko tries to stab herself in the belly. Asuka was sitting in the same room but too exhausted to think straight and act. Nao turns up at the last moment and grabs Kyouko's wrist.

After a bit of verbal sparring with Nao, Kyouko faints. Nao cooks and tidies the house while Asuka sleeps on the sofa. After Asuka wakes up, Nao explains that it was thanks to Itsuki that she had turned up. Nao had thought Asuka would be okay without help for a bit longer, but Itsuki warned her Kyouko wouldn't last as long. Nao leaves before Kyouko wakes up.
Before they eat the food Nao had prepared for them, Kyouko apologizes for her behavior earlier and says she will apologize to the baby too. When they've finished eating, Kyouko, in a quiet voice and while hiding her face with a salad bowl, asks Asuka for her support, apologizes to her and tells her she needs her. Asuka is moved to tears.

Asuka had been telling that story to Sakuya-chan, who is now in her 2nd year of high school, as she had come to Asuka's room and asked to hear about when Kyouko was pregnant.

Sakuya-chan takes it that that occasion would be when Kyouko's "dere" period started and Asuka hesitantly agrees. Asuka says nothing dramatic happened for the rest of the pregnancy.

Asuka is now a head nurse. Kyouko is out drinking that night with Itsuki. Sakuya-chan says her main reason for coming to Asuka was to show her something: a form about her intended progression from school. She hopes to go to Teito Nursing School. Naturally that sets Asuka off crying.

The story ends with Asuka suggesting she could try to become a teacher at Teito and Sakuya-chan turning that idea down.

Steam cards came out earlier this week so that means some 1080p art came with them.
>Steam cards
>1080p art came with them
Holy shit, didn't know you could blow up those pictures to full size before. Nice.
>never bought VN before, just used torrents on /u/
Is that the normal price for a VN? How long does the VN run?
About 20 hours, maybe more, less if you know what choices to make
fairly normal price for a fully-voiced VN.
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I think I need some help, I just noticed that I didn't get this CG, did I miss something? I have been trying to unlock it but no matter what I choose I can't get it.
This cg appears when Asuka tries to make a hospital bed in the beginning of the game. You may not recognize it because they censored the bed in game for comedic effect.
Oh yeah I remember that, I just thought I was missing an event where they actually show it like that. Thanks.
I'm not even sure what fetish you would be thinking of. Nurses? I don't think it makes much of that potential angle.
Nao is really creepy. Like really fucking creepy.
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I think you meant really fucking cute, even in bad girl mode, AsukaNao OTP btw
She's less horrible then Kaede. Jesus Christ what a bitch. Most evil character in the entire game. The bad ending just shows how selfish, and horrible she is. In Itsuki's, she dies to save dummy girl, and keeps her morals, while Kaede manipulates her into becoming her own sex slave, all the while cheating on her girlfriend, and emotionally abusing her poor student.
I liked that one part where she ate her girlfriend.
Wait who the hell is this "Kyoko" ?
Sakuya's twin sister, Sakuya died in the facility fire.
Oh shit, you just gave me a reason to finish her route. Thanks anon.
>AsukaNao OTP btw
No, Sakuya her one true love
It's obvious anon
"every end can be a true end" VN's are my favorite for this reason.
I feel bad about breaking up itsuki and sakuya in their respective routes, plus Nao needs Asuka more than Asuka needs anyone else, so let's agree to disagree.
>Nao needs Asuka more than Asuka needs anyone else
Sakuya needs Asuka, too. She just doesn't let it show much because she wants Asuka to be happy.
Sakuya and Itsuki weren't as happy together as they first seemed. And Nao gets shipped with Itsuki quite a bit in the Asuka/Sakuya route.

Sakuya's ending was just too bizarre for me, Nao's felt perfect and everyone was happy in the end.
But it's pretty obvious that they were meant to be the "main" heroines, regardless of your preference.
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it started getting unstable literally because asuka reappeared, messing with sakuya's emotions, don't get me wrong, i actually liked all the good ends in that Asuka fits pretty well with any of them, but for me AsukaNao's togetherness is just too strong.
Asuka didn't grow at all in Nao route though. In Kaede route she buckled down and study like mad. In Sakuya route she properly graduate and even become the head nurse later on. And in Itsuki route she have sex on campus.
Didn't Asuka's VA say Itsuki's her favorite?

I can see why, she's the best character in the game. A trickster, whose better morally then the rest of them.
Yeah. Itsuki route is also like the old school romance between a delinquent and a timid girl.
With all the backstory Nao, Itsuki and Sakuya/Kyouko have with Asuka, isn't Kaede's route a bit too tacked on?

Also, the extra stories translated WHEN?
It's probaly the most horrible route too. All the other bad ends were very tragic. Kaede's just makes my blood boil.
Well yeah, Kaede route is kinda 'the new beginning' thing. It's also the most straightforward route and weirdly the most sexual one.
>Asuka didn't grow at all in Nao route though
>And in Itsuki route she have sex on campus

So if Asuka choose Itsuki or Nao then Sakuya die anyways? Cuz she's remains for the second year and just like in her route she tell it's because of her family (which is not true) and etc.
And only in "after school ending" they all alive and well and graduate from school.
Or am I wrong?
I didn't pay quite enough attention and can't remember it well enough to be clear on whether this makes sense or not, but was Kyouko's body already definitely in need of a transplant before the fire that happens in Sakuya's route? She was certainly unwell but maybe Sakuya would have been able to survive if that fire didn't happen.
Asuka is still the same Asuka from the start of story in Nao route, she accepted her past and let bygones be bygones. In Itsuki route she become a deviant like Itsuki.
Finished Nao's route. What a completely selfish, little monster. She dosen't deserve Asuka. I was really hoping to see Itsuki clock her in the head in the bad ending, but instead she became Askuka's sex slave.
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Nao is a selfish little shit, who dosen't deserve Asuka.

Sakuya's selfless love for Asuka is so strong, she can break divine will, and reincarnate to be with her and her beloved twin.

Nao has nothing on Sakuya. Whose just a little selfish creep.
Well aren't we just a lovely little ray of sunshine?
seriously though, no need to hate on others preferred OTP's.
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Just finished Sakuya's route. I don't really have words for how I feel, except that >>2104031 sums it up very well.
Also, Kaede's bad ending made me so mad I actually tore off a large piece of skin from my pinky after hitting the keyboard from pure anger I guess.
I don't know what to think anymore, but I am so glad I am playing this game.
I like to imagine after Kaede's bad end, Sakuya/kyoko and Nao find out about Kaede's manipulaetion and proceed to go !team-yandere for Asuka on her.
i just came here to find out if i was intreptin itsukis bad end correctly jesus this is fucking dark
It what you think it is. Apparently, Asuka's VA was so shocked, she couldn't eat stew (which is her favorite food, and Itsuki her favorite pairing) for a few weeks.
I'm in the middle of playing Hakuai right now. But I just have to know. is the girl we think of as Sakuya so far actually Kyouko? Some of the time? All of the time? They just revealed that she had an identical twin, and I just want to know if I'm actually dating Sakuya in the Sakuya route.
Just keep reading, nerd.
I already finished by the time you responded but thanks anyway..

What the fuck is up with the good end?, I mean her good end was nice but I would have preferred Kyouko and Asuka had just fallen in love and had a normal kid together, not this reincarnation shit.
They aren't blood sisters, but they've lived as sisters so long, and Asuka genuinely believed Nao was her blood sister for so long, that they may as well be.
Itsuki said when she got together with Sakuya (tried to rape Sakuya) that Sakuya had stabbed her with scissors. But maybe that was Kyouko? Given her track record.
Don't really know, I can actually see Sakuya doing that haha
How the fuck do we know Kaede isn't keeping her ex as a sex buddy on the side in the good end?

I really liked Kaede's route, so I just pretend the bad end wasn't real or possible.
I just finished Hakuai and I have to say it was really good, one of the better yuri VNs out there for sure. Nao is best girl, but I ended up liking all the girls, even Itsuki

My only complaint is I wish they explored the backstory route.
I want to know more about Nao's backstory. What was the deal with the founder, how was Nao treated, what is the nature of her powers (and the others powers) how did she become such a broken shell of a human being? Asuka's memories of the facility and the fire were so traumatic Nao thought it was best to erase them, but we never get to see her properly deal with the buried trauma, except that one time with Itsuki when she remembers the fire and panics.There was an incident where Kyouko had to kill the guards to protect Sakuya and Sakuya managed to use her powers to set the facility on fire, and they completely gloss over it. Itsuki's lab could have been expanded on a bit more too.

I would have liked to see Sakuya and Itsuki use their powers at least one more time too, all we get is that scene early in the common route.

Sakuya route also needed more Kyouko.

Overall though, it was still a really good VN. The plot was engaging and surprising, all the girls were cute and had good romances, the nurse shit was interesting, and I really like the dark places the story went to. I just feel like if they had a higher budget they could have expanded it so much more.
how long until this gets a decent discount...
Define decent. The earliest I'd expect would be the Steam Winter Sale. Otherwise it might not get discounted much until sometime next year.
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