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VALKYRIE DRIVE -MERMAID- Stalker Momoka Edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 373
Thread images: 111

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Previous Thread >>2011375

>Links of Interest


>English cover of Overdrive


>Mermaid Manga Raws

>Final updates for Siren and Bhikkhuni mangas


>Drama CD tidbits

>Radio extra Summary

>BD3 commentary Summary

>Siren manga Ch 03 translated


LadyLady Song



>Instrumental Lossless

>Instrumental Lossy
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I finally got the BD04 and here's the scans for the booklet as usual


Also, here's the Lyric Sheet for Lady Lady's song that was asked for in the last thread.
Thnks a lot anon!!
Hope translator-san can work on it
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Lady Lady spin-off when?
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Akira is such an insane cutie pie.

It's a crime we still have no SD merch.
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Never ;_;
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Charlotte, or more like Kasumi in Paris part 5.
Previous pages :
Next page tomorrow.
I'm really glad you're still doing these, but it needs more Charlotte.

Although I guess that could be said about pretty much everything.
Oh, don't worry, there'll be plenty of Charlotte for the next pages.
Are they fucking in the bushes behind them?
You're amazing anon. Thank you so much for this.

Kasumi and Hibiki is such a god tier couple. I'm so glad they're getting something.
Yeah, there's a couple at it.
Anon-san, since you are here, any chance of Redy Redy?
But thanks for your contribution nonetheless
Finally, thanks anon.
Do you have twitter or blog? This is a great chance to show VDM staff that they have overseas fans too. I think they'll be very happy to know a gaijin love their show enough to make a comics about them, even if they cant read English.
You can take the girls off the island, eh?
I don't have any but I was thinking of making a twitter account to share it on the vdproject tag.
That would be amazing. I bet Takaki and Kaneko would love it
If Mirei and Mamori get married, where does Momoka fit in?
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Literally doing this.
I'll probably make one after finishing the next page tomorrow.
In Mirei's polyamorous harem, of course.
Pretty good as always
link LL song please
read OP please
I love Kasumi's face in the last panel.
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Reading through the interview with Lady Lady seiyuu, I've found few interesting things. I would translate them 'eventually' but for have this.
>Lady J's seiyuu Asakura Azumi have troubles telling her family about her role as J. In the end her sister found out about it and only then she properly tell her parents.
>Rain's seiyuu, Oonishi Saori still live in her parents house so sometime they see her practising for the recording. She make sure they don't see BD5 OVA because they're too lewd.
>Both of their favorite character is Akira and only love her more after ep 7.Superb patrician taste.

I tried to translate the lyrics but the result is pretty bad, so I'll leave that one to others. If anyone wants a transcribe of the lyrics tell me.
>She make sure they don't see BD5 OVA because they're too lewd.
Oh. OH.

Lady Lady once again confirmed best.
>>Lady J's seiyuu Asakura Azumi have troubles telling her family about her role as J. In the end her sister found out about it and only then she properly tell her parents.

I hope her and her sister acted out the part together to properly demonstrate what they're talking about to their parents.
Imagine their parents reaction when one of their daughters rode another like a motorcycle.
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Jealous J a qt
It's interesting to note that when Rain kisses Mirei she keeps her eyes open to show it's not supposed to be a passionate/loving kiss but more of a challenging "let's see what you can do with this giant gun" kiss.
>She make sure they don't see BD5 OVA because they're too lewd.

This made me more excited for LL ova.
Imagine how weird it would be if they are practicing the moaning parts in their room. People would think they are masturbating kek
Yeah I noticed that too. Was thinking, the people who wrote the LL parts sure knew really well what they were doing.
Also the small detail where J put her hand on Rain's head after Momoka blew them up in the air.
2 minutes will be so short! We need at least 10 minutes!!!

Is it wrong to wish for a episode of Momoka and Mirei?
Yes, to both.
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They'd be crazy not to have an A3xC7 OVA be the last one.

Or based on the other ones, Momoka masturbating while thinking about Mirei.
Too many masturbation OVAs honestly.
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It's almost flagrant how they've firmly avoided having made the couples themselves the centerpiece of the OVAs. I guess cost, scope, and effort is a concern too, but in the most yuri ecchi series of all time, you'd think it'd be more of a priority.
I think it's fair to say that it's mostly a budget thing. It's not like they've tried to hide that they're lesbians by having them masturbate.
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We got the only couple that matters though.
Literally who? The Lady Lady OVA is in the next BD.
Anon means MireMamo kek
LL dressed as maids in drama cd?
Drama cd available when? ;_;
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All couples are equal before YuriJesus.
Literally who?

I'd check Yahoo Auctions, maybe someone will sell it.
My father used to do this weird jump while sitting when playing Super Mario Bros.
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Oh great, this meme has come to /u/.
I'm guessing that Lady Lady are hosting a maid cafe at the festival in the drama CD.
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My heart
If only real kids were this cute.
WE need fanfictions!
I found the Kasumi OVA pretty hot though. Hibiki must be a beast in the sack despite being a moeblob.
In the second track, Lady Lady are Mirei's senpai in school and they're helping Torino with her Oneesan Cafe. Both are bad waitresses and call themselves Sister Sister. J is quite mindful about expiration date for food. And she has never taste a real fruit, Rain has, long time ago. Both are very weak to alcohol.

According to the people that have listened to the cd, Asakura Azumi use her best Ikemen voice for J. Also Rain seem to have bad personality and they said she tried to pick a fight with Kasumi once.
>And she has never taste a real fruit, Rain has, long time ago.
Kek. The tone of these CDs sound like the perfect level of goofiness for LL.
I always thought J was very neat. She gives off that "good student" vibe.
>Also Rain seem to have bad personality
For some reason I like this
Translation pls
End of this part. The next one will be full of Charlotte.
Nothing to translate, they're just introducing themselves with the original thinking how cute they are. Only instead of Lady Lady, the mini version call themselves Baby Baby.
Kasumi is so pent up it's not even funny.
>Baby J
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>H&F proposing a foursome with Kasumi and Hibiki
Fucking sweet

I wonder if someone is making a compilation of the comic so far
Any translation for this? >>2023452 , >>2023460
Sorry If I'm asking for too much kek
>Nobody will go that far in the bushes
Should be 'this far'
>I knew this travel was a bad idea
Should be 'this trip' or 'this vacation'

Yes, she really needs to get herself into Charlotte's bed.
Thanks, I'll correct the mistakes.
See >>2022978
There's an imgur gallery.
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Without the mistakes.
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>Baby Baby

Stop before my heart explodes.
I love you.
Artist-neesan best girl.
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>Lady Lady
>Sister Sister
>Baby Baby

So when they finally marry they're going to be Wife Wife?
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>Wife Wife
Will Lady J rename herself to Waifu J?
Wow, Kasumi must be on the rag.
You think J carefully folds her clothes while Rain just chucks them in a pile in the corner.
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The new GOP chairman of Travis County is one of us, apparently.
Way to get that youth vote I guess.
Does he know they're gay?
Jesus christ, it's like /a/ and /pol/ had a baby.

I cringed, what the fuck is he doing.
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What the fuck

If Trump comes out as aLady Lady supporter then he gets my vote
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Hello beautiful, what's your favorite dinosaur?
Lesbosaurus Sex
Amazing. Thank you so much anon, you're the best.

Hey now, she's only in need of a good fuck fron her pervy girlfriend.
oh, fu...
Here >>2022978
when did OVA3 take place?
Why was Kasumi alone?
Could be literally any time before ep10.
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A marathon on NicoNico?
>「ヴァルキリードライヴ マーメイド」ニコニコ生放送にて一挙上映が決定!!
04/11(月) 開場:18:30 開演:19:00

Whatever is, got NinaRyo excited so I guess is good


I'm afraid this is a ship I just can't support.
Apparently he likes big boobs. Lady Lady is not safe...
Those torn stockings. whew onee-sama
Nah, OVA 3's timing makes about as much sense as the DBZ movies.

Considering Kasumi's monologue, the implication is that Hibiki liked to get physical with her in the past but something caused Hibiki to stop. Knowing the story and given that the OVA ends with Kasumi crying, the best explanation for this would be that PTSD is in PTSD mode at the time of OVA 3 and Kasumi is reminiscing about the past.

However, the flashback of Hibki and Kasumi together shows Kasumi as she does now, with short hair. From watching the series, we know that Kasumi didn't cut her hair until after Hibki was in PTSD mode.

This means that the OVA had to happen when Hibiki was in PTSD mode, but the flashback had to happen AFTER Hibiki recovered.
It's not a flashback but rather Kasumi visualising Hibiki in her head touching her as she touches herself.
Still laughing. Made my day
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>laughing at health & fitness' misfortune

Wow, rude.
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I wonder why J's getting drawn as a doggy now.
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Is that the release date for their doujin?
No, she's saying there's going to be a full stream of the show on Nicovideo.
Sometimes I forget that most Japs don't pirate anime.
They don't need to. BD/DVD rental is still a thing there and most of rental store have great collection for anime BDs. The store usually only stock the BDs once the last volume released though.

Showing full 12 corrected episodes on nico before they finish releasing BDs is not very common. So yeah, this is something to be excited about.
>Showing full 12 corrected episodes on nico before they finish releasing BDs is not very common. So yeah, this is something to be excited about.

Hmmm, I wonder what prompted this decision
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I really like Mirei in sort of gender neutral casual wear. Really suits her more than more girly clothes.
I disagree. She's best suited for badass feminine clothes, a.k.a. something along the line of her school uniform. It's both handsome and sexy, instead of boring gender-neutral typical dyke outfits.

I'll agree that she doesn't look good in a casual dresses, or skirts that are longer than midthighs.
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Except for the skirt, Mirei's outfit is unisex anyway.
The skirt made all the differences. It will give a completely different image if she wear that top with pants.

You might as well say all male clothes are unisex.
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Well, they are.
I want Mirei to be my prince and I her princess.
>tfw no fanart of prince mirei
There are plenty cultures, both in the present and in the past, where men wear skirts/dresses. So skirts and dresses are actually unisex too.
I want to be pregnant of Mirei
These casual clothes are surprisingly fitting.
Especially since Mamori is dressed as an overgrown dork.
Also of course Mirei is the muscle, Momoka is doing shit and just sucking on her lollipop and Mamori is window shopping.
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There should be a comic where they run into another lesbian street gang.
>Mirei: I'll break your bones
>Momoka: I'll jump your bones
>Mamori: ... bones?
This mag will have only new posters right?

>『VALKYRIE DRIVE -MERMAID-』メガミマガジン2015年12月号表紙イラスト「処女まもり」


I thought that was like an anthology of previous months' stuff or something.
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I can't even parse this honestly. Rain is carrying a bunch of mini baguettes or something.
The Drama CD is on Yahoo Auctions JP.
Gotta feed the wife
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Are baguettes better than peaches?
Aren't those just her gloved fingers?
Zunta can't into hands so it's entirely possible.

Anyone planning on buying the drama CD or should I do it?
If you have the money to do it why not.
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It's this pose I guess. I still think it looks like baguettes though.
Alright, consider it done.
You're doing god's work anon
I've just been lucky that they put it on jap ebay. I think I'll get it next week.
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Bless you. Hope you don't get bidsniped or something.
I think it's just the rough shadowing. Would've been better if shadows weren't that black and sharp.
From Wikipedia

>Hibiki Kenjo (響見城 Hibiki Kenjo)
>Voiced by: Ayaka Suwa
>Kazumi's friend and partner. She has been so traumatized by her experience at Mermaid that she refused to leave her room. She decided to join the fight at the very end with the purpose of not letting anyone else suffer the same way she did, apologizing to Kazumi for leaving her fight alone the whole time.

Is Wikipedia pulling this out of their ass or Hibiki's name is mentioned anywhere?
I'm more surprised with the "friend" part.
Wikipedia edit
Lady Lady said her full name in ep 4. She also appear in ending credit and they have a thank you message from her VA in VDM website. Anon, please pay attention. At least you should listen to every words Lady Lady said in the show.

It's wrong though. Hibiki name is in hiragana, ひびき, not kanji.


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Pulling this out of their ass.

The fuck's that.
What's wrong with Wikipedia? 2liberal4u?
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>not being in love with and having sex with your friends
Hibiki a cute
Best couple
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It's a shame the show focused on the main "couple" and gave little to no attention to the girls that are actually in love with each other with LL being the exception
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Hey now, MireMamo is the best

Remember when everyone though Hibiki was a loli? good times
She did look it though until she got her tits out.

The idea of Kasumi being a secret pedo is still funny to me.
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Well she's a womanlet so there's not much difference

Remember when Mamori almost killed Hibiki with a plan no one but her knew about?
>MireMamo is the best
The best what?
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For me to cheat on!
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Based Takaki
Reminds me I need to finish VD Bikkhuni. Mana a fucking shit.And if Uppers is localized, I won't buy it right away then.
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I wouldn't buy a Vita for it, but if they did a PS4 port I would strongly consider it to play as Mirei.
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I'm pretty sure I almost had a stroke.
I need that boxset. Time to buy the whole series again or what?

I think that means it's part of the first print bonus?
Yeah, it's limited edition bonus. Pretty unusual since boxes are usually store exclusive bonuses.

Also the last OVA is gonna be certainly interesting, Kaneko wasn't fucking around with his New Year pic.

And that MireMamo picture reminds me of the one Ninaryo did (I don't have it but I remember), is it possible that they took inspiration for this from that, and the 3P too?
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>And that MireMamo picture reminds me of the one Ninaryo did (I don't have it but I remember), is it possible that they took inspiration for this from that
That cheeky motherfucker.
I'm actually not a big MireMamo fan but that's a nice boxset, I needed that for the BDs. And a lewd OVA is pretty much guaranteed if the cover is anything to go by, likely a 3P with Momoka in the middle.

And of course the drama CD next week.
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Threesome special confirm.
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Hairpin swap again
>if the cover is anything to go by
Remember that Torino x Meifong OVA? Me neither.
Yeah, but we know that there's a lewd Momoka OVA for a fact since that seiyuu event.
Momoka OVA is 100% confirmed though.
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>sandwiched Momoka
>inb4 another solo OVA

I'm not asking for full blown threesome. I just want to see Mirei in her short brown hair again.
I wonder if the BD6 booklet will have dark hair Mirei's design drawings in it.
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Is Mirei licking Momoka's tears here?
Also that hand on her waist. I want that threesome OVA goddamit.
Ninaryo and Ayaneiro lost their shit on twitter after the reveal
>Is Mirei licking Momoka's tears here?
Yes. Still no hi res?
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Courtesy of nishidaken who's analyzing this to death and losing her marbles.

I'm looking forward to those two spoiling Momoka, even though I'd like to see brown short hair Mirei too.
I really like how much this fanbase is crazy. The good kind of crazy, though.
>No tongue
Which is better, licking tears or kissing tears; basically same with licking only with lips instead of tongue.
She's kissing her cheek while being smuglewd.
I'm more worried about the wandering hand. Save yourself Momoka, you gon get raped.
inb4 you can't rape the willing
All Momoka's hours of nopan were waiting for this moment.
Would be neat if they gave her back her nopan in the last episodes. Episode 9 is the only one where she's going commando.
>金子ひらく @negiosyo
>ヴァルキリードライヴ・マーメイドの6巻&BOXの紹介です! BOXはお任せだったのでコレしかない!とパシャリ。6巻は時間をもらって考えた上で「やはり…!」と変更させてもらいまして。照れた百華にも小突かれまして

Last minute changes to the box and the jacket confirmed.
The first draft wasn't gay enough or what?
My completely unfounded guess is that the original plan for the cover might have been Momoka + D5 + E9 or maybe Momoka and Mirei fighting angrily or something and they decided after seeing the fan opinion to change it.
>D5 and E9
>Not being forgotten entirely
Pick one.

Original was probably same but with small difference here and there. Kaneko probably change it so that Momoka look happier.

The box illustration doesn't have any change though. He already decide what to draw for the box since the first time he got the order.
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I made the image bigger with Waifu2x
NinaRyo knows her stuff

>Going straight for her waifu's ass
Calm your shit Mirei-chan you are still in public.
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OT3 OVA confirmed? please?
I can't tell from machine translation if she's pro or anti-tux but I really want tuxedo-Mirei personally.
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Either the pantsu are incredibly tiny or it's nopan.

I don't think they expected people to like Momoka to be honest.

I'm partial to a tux myself.

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What a lovely group of friends
But everyone loves a bad girl.
>somehow Mirei managed with a lot of effort to get Mamori in a wedding dress
>"Mamori-san, some day you will need it so let's take your sizes beforehand"
>Momoka discreetly helps her because threesome sex
>they organize wedding in secret
>Mamori shows up at the appointed location
>"So this is where they're holding that cosplay contest?"
>Mirei commits seppuku
It hurts because it's true.
Ditzy Mamori is funny as fuck and accurate.

Also, I won the auction for the drama CD so it should be here next week. I'll get the OVA subbed too, I've been kinda busy lately,but you already know what happens so it's not really that necessary
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>Also, I won the auction for the drama CD

The good news don't stop coming. Thank you anon!
I was surprised to find one at all.

First track (夢で逢えたら) is 16:53 minutes.
Second (海百合祭にかけろ, the festival one) is 13:35.
I fucking love you anon.

this fandom is everything I'd hoped CA would be at one point. Thanks for staying awesome.
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I love this fanbase
Mini ova 6 threesome
Forget entirely about that shit, it's not worthy.
I'm gonna rip the cd as soon as it gets here.

It's the last one so hopefully they saved some budget for that.
>they saved some budget for that
I hope you're right, and that it won't be a 1m22sec zoom out on a still image of Momoka crying herself to sleep while masturbating.
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Mirei's hands have a mind of their own.
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The real question is when are we going to see Mirei dualwielding
Wait, if the OVAs are canon, and if the OVA is a 3P, when would it take place?
Could be between the final battle and getting on the boat.
>dual wielding
she has to learn the secret ambidextrous double fisting technique first
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They should draft Nishikaden to make merch for the series

Fuck me dead, time to start following Valkyrie Drive again.

What's happened since episode 12?
Uh, Mirei's Daki is having a re-release

If they noticed OT3/MireMamo wedding maybe they'll notice all the keychain mock-ups.
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Nothing much. Got few 2 minutes OVA, some character songs, and more fanarts.
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Don't forget the Drama CD
Unless some brave soul are willing to translate them it's not really something we all can enjoy together. Though if what I heard about them are true then I think that's not really a problem. No one need translation for moaning and kissing noises after all.
I want to hear boob slapping/docking noises.

Where can I find the first two mini OVAs, Charlotte and Mirie?
It is cute but I was a bit confused at first because I thought Mamori was teleporting to the right to swap hairpins and then teleporting back to the left before I saw it was supposed to be Mirei's hand.
Same place as usual.
Where can I find Mini OVA 4 with subs?
Only raw and rough script. Not sub yet.
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Did somebody say "raw and rough"
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Let's play spot the lesbians
Well, that truck is pretty gay.

Thanks to Micheal Bay, explosions are starting to be gay.
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>Listening Virgin Road
>Mamori says "oji-sama" on the first verses
>It gets replaced by "hime-sama" in the final ones

People should stop bullying Akarin, she's right there.
>canon OT3 after story
Thank you you crazy BD cover artists
Princesses can, too, be dashing badasses who ride on a white horse to rescue damsels in distress.

It's not a change in Virgin-san thinking Mirei is cute and fragile instead of handsome and badass, but in accepting that she doesn't need a dude for her ideal partner.
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Tokonome a cute
The hair is weird.
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Yeah, Bhikkhuni could use more hairstyles.

I found funny that Mamori with Mirei's hair look a lot like Hibiki
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Mamori and Momoka each grind on one of Mirei's thighs and each suck on one of Mirei's nipples while Mirei reaches around and squeezes both of their butts.
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Why is Meifon so shocked?
She doesn't have anybody to get comfy/lewd with.
But Torino is right there. She's even drunk.
Torino is gonna fall on her.
Lucky she's got airbags built in.
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Let me guess, Ranka pulled the Chastity Belt joke
Looks like she's saying Tokonome is a strange name and is asking how it's written.
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Mirei should know by now that there's an easy way to deal with that problem.
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She's working on it
How do you think Mirei proposed?
By making her beloved orgasm the exact moment she asked.
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Rain bubble butt
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Swords can't consent, anon.
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Is Saharan planning a Redi Redi dujin?
I don't get it, other than Mirei being the big dog.
Well, Momoka and Lady Lady can talk in their arm modes. Mamori just needs to learn.
Mamori can't even talk in her human form
She can squeak
I don't fully get it either but it cracked me up Ranka and Momo getting jealous at Mirei
Mirei is just too good at attracting women.
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Seems to be the case.

Also, she's gonna kill me with cuteness overload
How does such a cute kid grow into such an outrageously lewd lesbian?
Well first she kills with cuteness and then she kills with boobs..I mean lewdness
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>you wake up in the middle of the night with this staring at you
>in a whispered voice you hear "hello mirei-nyan..."
What is going on with NinaRyo? She kind of moved on from the show and now she seems it's spokeperson with how hard is she promoting the NicoNico marathon.
>休憩のあとはいよいよ元カノ襲来ですよ! 【ニコ生視聴中(201分経過)】 ヴァルキリードライヴ マーメイド 全12話一挙放送

>After the break is finally ex-girlfriend invasion! [Nikosei during viewing (201 minutes elapsed)] Valkyrie DRIVE Mermaid all 12 episodes at once broadcast

Ex-girlfriend invasion?
>using google translate
There's no "girlfriend" in that sentence.
Clean your eyeballs.
Isn't Momoka arriving on Mermaid the ex-girlfriend invasion?
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The reception to the marathon I think?

Is encouraging the way the way the #vdproject exploded over the marathon.
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A best
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At least 4 fanartists seem to be working in new doujins. Awesome
Hopefully some who haven't already were encouraged to buy the BDs.
Mirei needs to get some new lazing around the house clothing.
Holy shit that is lewd
I can just feel it in my bones that ayanero is just inches away from drawing the lewdest VDM doujin ever.
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Two more weeks for Lady Lady goodness

AmiAmi better don't fail me with the firts print bonus
I don't want to hype myself up too much so I don't get disappointed.
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What's so lewd about candy?
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What indeed.
Everything with Lady Lady in it can't be dissapointing. Although I wish it was at least 5 mins
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This is a fucking tease holy shit. If someone doesn't rip the soundtrack I will. Also
>Inspection & Packing !
about the drama cd is triggering me.
>Inspection & Packing !
What does that mean? In custom? Still in Japan?
Japan. But once they ship it, it's here in max 4 days.
So, is it reasonable to expect it to arrive on Sunday for best case scenario?
Is there anywhere that actually gets mail delivered on sundays?
Mail doesn't get delivered on Sundays here, it could be during this week or at the beginning of the other.
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Good point.

Alright, got it.

I only ask this because this Sunday is the last day I can go online and maybe post full translation for drama CD.
Work requires me to go help our sub-contractor in the middle of nowhere. Can only access internet for work during that time.

Anyway, just want to let you all know that I probably won't be around to make draft sub for Lady Lady OVA or to summarise the audio commentary and the drama CD.
>フィギュア企画、色々動いてます。どれもクオリティ高いです。#閃乱カグラ #vdproject




Seems like more figures for both SK and VD are in planning stages
Well shit, see you space cowboy.
I want a Momoka and a Charlotte one. Pretty please.
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Well damn. Be safe out there anon, we'll hold the fort until your return
Drama cd valkyrie drive where I can download?there any link?
Just hope it's for Mermaid and not Bhikkuni. I'll buy any Mermaid girls, but Lady Lady are my biggest desire. And nendo Mirei, unlikely as it may be.
Did Mirei and Momoka do something naughty behind Mamori's back while they were supposed to be exercising or something?
Mamori's going shopping and tells them to mind the house, Mirei tells her to take care and Momoka to buy her ice cream.

Weird looks and Momoka tells C7- well, Mirei, to say something funny.

Maybe they're embarrassed when Mamori isn't around.
I guess things might be a bit awkward when they first set up their household, but they can get over that with some tender sexsu.
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>somebody drawing prince mirei

It's about damn time.
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Mirei looking badass
I still think that fight was really cool and it's a pity we didn't get more fight scenes.
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Lady Lady that fall off after condescendingly introduce Akira. Meanwhile, Akira is worrying for their safety because the wind is pretty strong up there.
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If there are planning more than one figure, I can see them doing two pairs: Lady Lady and the Kagurazaka sisters
I can only imagine how much plastic they would need for J's boobs and Rain's butt.

I have to wonder though how big the fanbase for VDB that would buy figures is, since it seems to have sold okay but there's only a fraction of the fanart. I don't know if there actually is any correlation between the number of people obsessed enough to buy figures and the number of people obsessed enough to make fanart though.
For some reason I have this image in my head that Lady j's breasts would inflate like a balloon to slow their descent as Rain hangs on.
I wonder if we'll get news about the series' future soon.
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If they have plans for something new I doubt they'd be talking about it before the final BD is out and the 2nd manga volume is out.
Okay, it's pretty much confirmed that I'll get the drama CD next week. Saturday and Sunday are a no go here.

I'll get the OVA subbed between tonight and tomorrow morning, the delay is embarrassing but my free time is next to zero these days.
Don't worry about it anon, you're doing plenty for us already.

Thank you
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>all that smug
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I don't know how feel about this one
>Mamori, when I'm with you baby the earth moves
Mirei should have pulled a Sakuya and stood in for the table to protect Mamori.
Mirei is too pure to pound Mamori in the butt like that
It's fine. Thank you.

Got Audio commentary for BD4? I'm done translating Lady Lady seiyuu interview from booklet. If it's possible I would like to release them together with BD4 commentary. I'll be grateful for just the audio file, no need to attach them to the ep 8.
Didn't I post it in another thread? I don't remember now. I'm ripping it in a while if not.
For BD3, yeah. BD4 not yet. Thanks
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Setsuna is growing on me
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Here you go.


I really hope you're back for Momoka's OVA.
I like the boots and latex dress but can't get invested in characters I know nothing about
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I just know she's pretty gay
I just realized you uploaded the special already. Thank you
Do her boobs get bigger when her heart goes dokidoki
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That is how you know is true love
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>Mirei is tired of your shit
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I really wish we'd get a figure of enhanced Mirei too.
Are you guys reffering to Akira's translated OVA? Or is there something else?
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I don't understand at all.
That one.

An enhanced Mirei would made for an awesome figure

A super robot joke?
Akira's ova took so long to be translated..I wonder why

Crosses fingers for LL ova
Because it was so underwhelming.
I wouldn't say it was underwhelming. It offered us a different perspective about Akira and made Haruka relevant.
I gotta apologize to BDAnon, I said I'd release the commentary along with Lady Lady seiyuu interview but until now I'm still not done with the commentary. And because I still need to prepare for RL thing I don't see me finishing those soon.

I'm sorry.

I hope I can be back in time for Momoka OVA too.

Anyway have this.

VD BD4 Booklet Interview TL

Saite wa midare chiru made Lyrics Kanji&Romaji
You're great, thank you so much. Take care, I hope you come back.
Thank you so much anon, you're amazing. Be safe out there and I also hope you'll be back in time for the final OVA.

>While watching I also thought of this “so this is how it looks like beyond that great light”.

Lady Lady not only got the best scenes, they also get the best seiyuus.

Spinoff when
>--Besides that, what else do you find to be impressive from Valkyrie Drive

>O: I heard that this show have quite a lot of female fans too, so I was pretty surprised.

>A: I have received letter from viewers that know me and watched Valkyrie Drive. There’s also plenty of female fans among them. They’d said things like “I love Mirei-san and Mamori-chan combination” or “I love Lady Lady”. No matter how you see it this show is definitely intended for male demographic, but in Valkyrie Drive, not only you can see a friendship between girls, they also depicted a romance between them. So perhaps female viewers found this approach to be refreshing and that’s what draws them to this show.

>No matter how you see it this show is definitely intended for male demographic
And yet they failed at this as much as Kuroda failed at making a good scenario after episode 3. I wonder how the anime could have turned if they did aim for the female audience.
Thanks anon, you are great.

The highlights for me

>the voice I use for her were far more feminine than the current one

>I actually thought that J-san is like a watchdog for Rain-san

>she also seems like a jealous person to me

>for Lady Lady Mini OVA in BD5. Those are so sexy/lewd that I always make sure that I am truly alone before practicing for it

>Rain-san and J-san actually can DRIVE without kissing, and yet they still do it.

>Its kinda make me think that even though its like Rain-san that usually look in charge, maybe J-san is the one that actually hold the Rain in secret.

>The OVA turned out to be something amazing
They would probably make it more like Sakura Trick or Yuru Yuri. So less nudity, more Mamori-like characters.
>more like Sakura Trick or Yuru Yuri
Complete nightmare. But I do hope we'll have some news on the franchise's future after BD 06 release.
>And yet they failed at this as much as Kuroda failed at making a good scenario after episode 3

You can't really blame them for this. That is on the average japanese male needing some way of self inserting in the show.

>I wonder how the anime could have turned if they did aim for the female audience.

If the whole thing with Momoka is any indication. I'd say they've caught on and have shifted their approach accordingly.
Sexually active lesbians can't attract otakus. Which actually makes it pretty surprising how the whole project was greenlighted.
In a perfect world, Momoka would have been introduced way earlier in the anime, and Mamori wouldn't have turned into a retard. Still glad they caught on Momoka's popularity.
Honestly, I'm surprised that there was not more male insertion in the anime to be honest, as it was targeted for males. Getting only the sand niggers scene and the tentacles could have escalated really higher than just that.
>Getting only the sand niggers scene and the tentacles
And these scenes were the doing of the same story-boarder, who only did these 2 episodes.
>And these scenes were the doing of the same story-boarder, who only did these 2 episodes.

Is that a fact?
You would know if you pay attention to the ending credit.

Yes it is. Different animator for sure, but same storyboarder.
Takashi Yamamoto, only worked on ep 04 and 12.
>You would know if you pay attention to the ending credit.

In my defense, I don't know moonrunes

Well that explains a lot
No wonder they want to pander this to yuri fandom after they faild to pander it to mainstream male demographic.
You say that as it were a bad thing
Well, it feels like they now want to sell something that was not entirely yuri as full blown yuri. Just look at that cover of Mirei and Mamori in wedding dresses. They are not even lovers in the anime.
>not entirely yuri
Every girl besides Mamori is a lesbian.
Stay safe in the Siberian tundra or wherever it is you're off to, anon.
Don't forget Marianne. The less deserving of Charlotte's harem.

Actually it was just life kicking my ass and timing, subbing, encoding, typesetting and all that shit is tiresome even if it's a short.

Since our TL won't be here (thanks for the LL bits) I don't know if it'll be quicker with the next OVA. I know enough to translate but it's one more thing to add to the pile, hopefully there's more sex than talking.
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Nah, the series was always gay as fuck. The difference is that now they're focusing more on the romance than in the sex itself.
>A: If Rain-san partner was Meifon instead of J-san, her bust would have looked much bigger than now [laugh]
>O: But don’t you think it’s unthinkable to have Meifon as a partner [laugh]. In episode two, their exchange showed that Lady Lady and Meifon are just business partner. At first I thought that maybe they have pretty dry relationship. So that’s why I think that Rain-san partner can’t be anyone but J-san.
>A: I don’t anyone else but Rain-san too [laugh]
>O: I’m glad.

Do you think they kissed? Purely for practice of course.
>I tried to be careful so that they don’t see me practicing for sexy/lewd scene in Valkyrie Drive. Especially for Lady Lady Mini OVA in BD5. Those are so sexy/lewd that I always make sure that I am truly alone before practicing for it

This is gonna turn out to be the lewdest of them all, being a LLfag is so good.
Not until we get Lady Lady figures it isn't. And chibi style keyrings.
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