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VALKYRIE DRIVE -MERMAID- Lady Lady is missing edition

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Thread replies: 414
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Previous Thread >>1988691

>Mirei's character song
>Lossy version

>Bhikkhuni's OST and Drama CD

>FanArt compilation

>Lady Lady's song Preview

>VDM Doujins for sale


>Mini OVA 03 rip+ASS

>Beat Magic
>Lossy version
>BD Booklets


>BD02 >http://www.mediafire.com/download/n6nksndxdxfnpad/VDM_BD02.rar


>Typesetted comics
I love nimi x noe
Cover for the 4th BD

And while I don't understand, the sheer intensity of the Voice acting makes Bhikkhuni's Drama track a riot.

The best part is Momo saying so naughty stuff that it has to be censored and Viola FREAKING THE FUCK OUT about it.
>The best part is Momo saying so naughty stuff that it has to be censored and Viola FREAKING THE FUCK OUT about it.

Is on the 18:30 mark
>Voice acting makes Bhikkhuni's Drama track a riot
What are you talking about?
The Drama CD included with the special edition. (you know, the link is in the OP) From what I could understand Viola is hosting the schools' radio show with all the other characters. She tries Momo to act "sexy" but Momo starts saying something that has to be censored.
Oh, okay. I have it but still didn't find the time to listen to it. Mana a fucking shit. Can't wait to wreck her again in the game.
I read somewhere before that Viola and Rain were fighting over J. Is that true?
Wait, what?
An anon here in 4chan said before that in the game (I think) that Viola and Rain were fighting for J. Could be on /a/ , not sure
Sit down Viola.
Is definitely not in the game but it might be a comment or something in the Drama (although keep in mind only the game's VAs are present) since I got a definitive feeling of it being meta at times.
Great, you guys sparked my interest for this drama CD thing.
Will put out a summary or something after I finished listening to it. I will do it after I finish summarising audio commentary 2. So expect it sometime this week.
Amazing. Thank you so much anon.
She could have just had consensual sex with another little girl.
Older Liberator thing stem from the fact that most of the girls power only manifested when they're 14 years old or older.
It's fingering joke. Hibiki is top and she got wild fingers.
Ohhhhhh, now that makes a lot of sense

>Hibiki is top
What's the deal with the awesome alpha lesbians being bottom to girly girls in this show?
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What about the alpha lesbian girly girl?
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Girly, compact and squeaky girls are the real alpha lesbian in VDM.
>episode 4
please tell me akira dies.

jfc who thought he was a solid character to have in this series.
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You have to try harder than that, Mirei.
Legendary faggy vespa.
I strongly suggest you stop getting emotionally invested in the show. I know that episode is infuriating, but ultimately there's no payoff to anything they set up, so you might as well take it in stride. Try to enjoy the lesbian sex and titties without really thinking about it or hoping for anything meaningful, it'll be a lot less frustrating.
I'm not even emotionally invested, and I'm still mad.
I get mad when a dude walks in when I'm watching what I thought was lesbian porn, too.

Actually, that's exactly what happens in valkyrie drive.
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I'm not sure if you're being serious.
Anon you've been watching too much 3dpd if you can't recognize Akira for what they are.
Well, that makes it better, but it's still not good.
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Just wait. Akira a best.
Who doesn't?
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>Audio commentary this time don't have Kaneko, only Izawa, Iguchi and Kubo for ep 6

That's disappointing. I was expecting Kaneko, Izawa and Iguchi would have very interesting commentary about episode 5, both about Nimi and Mirei and Mamori's relationship in that episode.
Just wait until you get to episode 7 and then read Akira's short story.
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Why the Mana hate? She just wants to win.

Also, noticed this merch. Cute

Why should I care? I want Mermaid stuff. Not curtains and bedsheets.
It would be neat to have a VDM furnished room though, if it was actually practical.
Same. I want some nendos, keychains, why would I buy curtains and towels.
bikuni is too hetero for me after mermaid. Dont care about it.
Hibiki = Shizuma = pervert
Everyone on Mermaid is a pervert except Mirei who is too pure.
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Reminder that Charlotte lost every battle but won at life, as for the rest

>her only love choices are a retard and a psychopath
>cursed to eternal bankrupcy because her friends are jobbers
>Lady Lady
>forced to babysit some dumb brats
>has to take care of a PTSD womanlet
>probably forced to an arranged marriage
The best thing about having sex with Charlotte is that you can be certain that she will always cum last.
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I still wish they hadnt made her eyes so gigantic, even compared to the other characters' eye-head proportions. It just contrasts so much with her personality.
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Best couple coming through
>almost destroyed the castle just to get Noe's V
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I only see one couple here, and it's not even the best.
Here, have an actual best couple.
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Well now

>In a recent online poll sponsored by Akiba Souken’s “Anime Portal” website, Japanese fans were asked to vote for their favorite yuri anime - anime that features an often-romanticized same-sex attraction between young ladies.

>The poll ran from February 01 - February 29, 2016, and fans were allowed to pick their top 3 choices from a list of 20 candidates. The top ten results were as follows:

>10.) Simoun. (71 votes)
>09.) Valkyrie Drive - MERMAID. (101 votes)
>08.) Yurikuma Arashi. (139 votes)
>07.) Kannazuki no Miko. (169 votes)
>06.) Sweet Blue Flowers. (173 votes)
>05.) Strawberry Panic. (212 votes)
>04.) Maria Watches Over Us. (264 votes)
>03.) Pandora in the Crimson Shell: Ghost Urn. (328 votes)
>02.) Sakura Trick. (1497 votes)
>01.) YuruYuri. (1672 votes)

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>03.) Pandora in the Crimson Shell: Ghost Urn.
This pleases me greatly.
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I guess nips don't like their yuri with fanservice overload
If they dont Sasameki Koto would be there, but VDM is there instead.
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Honestly I'm just happy VDM managed to get a spot. Quite impressive for a completely new IP in my opinion
>10.) Simoun

Japanese fans shit

Simoun top 3
Pretty much every series you'd expect is accounted for in here. Somewhat happy to see some decade old shows are still remembered, given the often novelty centric nature of these polls and the fleeting memories of the younger viewers these days

Not entirely surprised YY is at the top since it's the title that enjoyed the most broad appeal, and it's an unfortunate tragedy that Yuri Kuma made it at all.
I'd be pretty okay with this list if it was flipped upside-down
If Pandora is so popular I would have expected there to be more art for it and for projected BD sales to be better.

I'm glad too. As much as we like to complain about certain aspects, I'm glad we got an anime so unashamedly gay and that it got a nice fanbase despite being pretty different from what most people think of when they think "yuri".

300 votes anon.

That's not gonna turn any sales around and the odds of a dedicated artist among that number is pretty damn slim.
That's 200 more than VD.
Besides, for something quite so low-budget and niche the number isn't that small.
Any list with those.... things on it is a shit list.
Marimite anime is fucking great.
>I hate my genre's history
They're pretty memorable on their own as well.
Kill yourself.
Why nips are complaining about this list in the comment section?
Are you referring to this


>Sakura Trick isn't yuri it's GachiLes!
>Pandora would be forgotten in two months
>KnM is also a GachiLes show
And the best
>Where's Maria Holic?

Comment section is pure cancer.
What is GachiLes?
100% lesbian doing lesbian things like eating pussy and make out with girls and loving it.

Yuri is girl loving another girl, might or might not include eating pussy.
>Maria Holic is yuri
>ST and KnM are GachiLes

Okay, does that mean i've been a fan of the wrong genre all this time?

Where do i get more GachiLes?
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>03.) Pandora in the Crimson Shell: Ghost Urn. (328 votes)
Hopes and dreams
So a sub-genre?
No, it's just a thing in Nipland. Yuri itself is pretty broad, so there's no need for subgenre.
Care to tell the other 10 candidates, oneesama? If Madoka was there I'm eating a whole mahjong set.
>Pandora would be forgotten in two months

Two nukes weren't enough
Not necessarily, from what i understand, some people in Japan just consider everything (lewd included) girl/girl as yuri while others only consider pure, non-sexual girl/girl as yuri

It's pretty much the reverse from here, where some people only consider it yuri after on screen cunnilingus
Have fun.
God, good. Glad to see some old school stuff listed. And after all these years, hopefully Tamao fans are in peace.
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Mirei would destroy the castle too, but Nimi was so horny she just kept growing and growing.
Good one Rita.
>while others only consider pure, non-sexual girl/girl as yuri
But that's just called friendship and it's in literally every piece of media ever made with 2 or more female characters in it. Might as well call every romantic comedy movie ever made yuri because the female lead always has a female friend she doesn't have sex with.
Not like that, pure in the sense that they hold hands, blush at each other and then kiss at the very end

As opposed to stuff like Valkyrie Drive or Sakura Trick, which has girls making out all the time and also more sexual stuff going on
Elevens like their confessions of love and/or mutual feelings (in every romance genre) being acknowledged. As much as I like VDM it had neither.
Images where Mamori's tiny hands can't handle Mirei's huge boobs always get me going and I don't know why exactly.
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I like KnM. Marimite was boring though
I'm pleasantly surprised Simoun is in the list at all. It's a pretty solid list, not the order I would put them on but still.
>still no pictures of Mirei in-game
>no game about VDM girls only ever
>Mirei and Mamori are probably the only ones we'll be able to play
And yet I'll probably buy the DLC. I knew I should have played it on my Jap account. Fuck.
I'd prefer Takaki keep his waifufag hands off all the Mermaid girls, personally.
Honestly "hype" is the last thing that comes to my mind when I see Mamori.
Takaki is not the only director in Marvelous. But yeah, he mostly ruined Bikkhuni's characters with his waifushit.
>posting men on /u/
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Instead of posting pictures of a man in drag, explain why anyone should like Mamori. You must be that lonely anon who voted for her in that poll.
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Not him but Mamori is cute and makes Mirei happy. That's good enough for me.
Mirei's only character flaw is that she likes Mamori.
She's cute and optimistic, and like >>1996983 said makes Mirei happy.
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>she makes Mirei happy
>Mirei's life is suffering
Too much fanart imouto. Here's a couple who make each other happy.
Mirei's life was suffering before she met Mamori. Her suffering is a universal constant independent of Mamori.
No offense but Mamori is such a child in a bad way. I can't find her attractive at all, I would feel like I'm babysitting my baby niece if I was close to her. Plus she is dumb and annoying.
But apparently this is what nips find attractive for main character
Well you're not Mirei, so it doesn't fuckin matter, does it?
You're dumb and annoying.
It doesn't matter, but thank the side lesbians for saving VDM.
A show only with only MireMamo as the main yuri attraction? Yeah...
Not trying to offend anyone, just my opinion.
Not that anon but thank god I'm not Mirei, I don't like retards.
>probably forced to an arranged marriage
Then how do get along with yourself?
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You're all just jealous that Mamori gets to feel up Mirei's amazing bod any time she likes.
>any time she likes
She doesn't like it, though. When did she ever touched Mirei without feeling obligated or because their lives were threatened?
Because her character is the timid virgin, not an experienced pervert like J or Rain.
She didn't have a problem touching herself thinking of male-Akira though...
Not really, I'd rather be Rain, J or Charlotte.
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Reminder that the poll for favorite character ended up like this

>literally everyone else
>Mamori (1 vote)
Mamori defence one-man force desperately grasping at straws. Don't entertain him, neesan.
Me too. most of all I'd rather be J though. Rain is my best girl
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I want to be Rain. Let's fug babe.
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On my way onee-sama
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I'm surprised none of you talked about this.

That's a fucking lewd Arms Ange.
Well we already knew about the shibari thing since they showed it in the show.
The show show the rope outside her panties. It's definitely not the case here. This girl got a hell of a composure.

No wonder Charlotte wanted to break her cool persona.
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The easiest way to do it would be for Charlotte to propose to her.
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Mamori a best
Which would be more difficult Noe trying to please a gigantic horny Nimi or a girl with partner that instead of growing, shrinks every time she gets horny?
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Wouldn't that be the same?
Fucking inception. In the end it would be the same lol
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Based NinaRyo
Where are we supposed to insert the coin?
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Kaneko has this to say about MireMamo arriving to Bhikkhuni

MireMamo will get different underwear from the anime.
I'm okay with this.
Wow, that's riveting. Mirei and Mamori's default underwear will be different in Bhikkuni.
And that was the most important thing we needed to know.
Moveset? 3d models? Who cares!
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How they dare to change Mirei's glorious black thong?
People need to change their underwear.
It's probably the 9999th time I say this, but I hate this show's merch department. And I don't give a shit about Bhikkuni too.
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They're holding info to build hype, That is like marketing 101.

Speaking of merch, who ordered the figures? That poster is pretty cool but I think it was exclusive to Kadokawa's store.
I ordered Mirei.
Your opinion is shit
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Mirei will be lonely ;_;
Mirei x brown hair pigtailed girl to be honest. I hate how she's always the one wanting attention, Mamori is a lost case.
She would have been either way, since Mamori would have fuck off near one of my red heads figs.
>Mirei ask Mamori to teach her how to make them feel good together.
Nips sure are loving the first OVA.
I only bought Mirei too.
Audio commentary 2 summary

Nips favorite couple is MireMamo
Nips always like the MCs best.
>Nips favorite couple is a nonexistant couple
It's a ship, sourpuss. They ship Kasumi with Akira, so why not MireMamo.
Amazing anon, thank you so much for this

>They all went thorugh tape audition. When Izawa received the document she decided to audition for Meifon, because Meifon is small and she personally find her really cute. She recorded the audition tape in her Agency office. Besides Meifon, she also does Kasumi. Her manager told her to auditioned for Lady J too but Izawa thinks that her voice wouldn’t fit adult woman like J, so she decline it. So her manager ask her why not try audition for Mamori too and she did.11

J with Izawa's voice would've been strange

>Since the first she heard that she passed the audition, Izawa got lots of chance to talk to Kaneko about characterization, she said since that time Mamori’s character actually changes a bit. Kaneko said that Izawa was very diligent. Izawa said that’s because this is the first time she got to talk so much as one character.

People don't stop giving Mamori shit but Izawa's enthusiasm for the role is admirable

>The cast is full of women, and they only get used to each other and the show around third episode. They said the guest seiyuu that only appear for one episodes like Mamiko Noto were surprised by the episode development and sudden boobs appearance.


>They all said that Lady Lady outfit are dangerous. Kaneko said that the pair is the most perverted.

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>sudden boobs appearance

>Boobs appearance in VD
>Lady Lady the most perverted
Pure love is never wrong, Kaneko. I kinda understand now why they like Mamori this much kek.
Not even once. Hentai couple for the win.
>not having 7 identical pairs of underwear, one for each day of the week
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>specifically created to be a sex doll
Could be worse.
Whom, D5 or Momoka?
D5 is early draft Mirei with glasses, so you tell me.
Would you be Momoka's sex doll knowing she's just going to cast you aside as soon as she gets her waifu back?
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Of course.
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MireMamo for ants
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>two Mirei's
The second chapter of Siren's manga has been translated

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>lmao 2mirei
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By the way, I just realized the third mini OVA has been ripped, subbed and uploaded to Nyaa.

Thank you Momokafag!
Anti-Mamori fags are missing the point as badly as Tamao-fags. Get better at watching this medium and enjoy a pure Yuri love. No character in this deserves denigration so I won't do it, but Momoka just plain lost.
You say this as if people didn't already hate her before Momoka even showed up

It has nothing to do with ship wars, she is just a terrible character
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I don't mind banter from the couple of dedicated Momokafags if they think Momoka is better for Mirei and I don't mind jokes about Mamori being dumb throughout the series. I just think trying to seriously claim that Mirei and Mamori are not a couple by the end is dumb.
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You make it about ships, but the reality is that almost nobody liked Mamori even before Momoka (what's that to do with it anyway), both here and on /a/.
I remember that poll mentioned here >>1997097 and that one vote thing, but now that there's less people and all VDM has moved to /u/ I guess that Mamorifag and some silent ones have gathered their courage. There's not even 40 people here.

Let's not start or the couple or not, you can make it whatever you want because the show doesn't show anything that hasn't to do with actual romance. And for "couple of Momokafags" I'd redirect you to that poll or the threads frequented by hundreds of people who loved Momoka (and Charlotte, and the Kasumi poster, not to mention the LL flood) while nobody gave a shit about Mamori.
It's not about whether they were a couple or not. It's like this anon >>1997932 said.
Mamori character is plain stupid, with or without Mirei.
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>It's not about whether they were a couple or not.
It always is though. Just a couple of people who like to start bitching whenever someone posts something MireMamo related.
Because there's nothing like that in the show, people have to compensate with fanart depicting mutual love. I get it.

>Mamori character is plain stupid, with or without Mirei
Yeah. Basically everybody hated Mamori from the start, calling her a retard started from episode 1.
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Mamori repulses me and I only care about Lady Lady. What gives? I don't think MireMamo is a couple either.

Miremamofags here forget that she's always been the most hated or plain ignored.
Everyone focus your energy and send it to Japan to get us Akira momcest OVA.
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No. Her mother a shit.
>the Akira OVA is another solo fap
I'm not against it.

Better option.
Charlotte masturbation OVA + Kasumi masturbation OVA rules out an Akira masturbation OVA IMO. They can't have half the OVAs be masturbation.

The possibilities for Akira OVA are I think:

1) Akira x Torino
2) Weird boyAkira x girlAkira selfcest nightmare
3) Mamori dreaming about fucking Heelhold

Akira x Haruka is also an option but I think it's a long, long, long shot since most people won't even know who she is.
I want Akira and Torino to have a drink together at night and talk about their feelings.
Although that may count as fap material for the heart, so I don't know.
People keep bringing up the poll. That was run by /a/. I don't even go to /a/, so it doesn't have my vote.

I would've voted for Charlotte, but that doesn't mean I hate Mamori.
>Mamori dreaming about having a threesome with male and female Akira
Of course. Everyone knows that voting for a favourite character doesn't mean you dislike every other character. That guy just likes to post his poll everywhere.
You really need to bring up the poll thing, that poll is not credible in the least. I vote for Akira for several times through proxy in that poll.

>not even 40 people
Please, there are probably less than 20 people here. I have dynamic IP that changes daily.
Vocal trolls don't alter reality just because they post a lot. I enjoy the canon relationship of MireMamo as was depicted in this show, like the majority of fans.
I want Akira and Torino to drink from between each other's pressed thighs.
>99% of people hated a character when the show aired
>they must be trolls
>99% of people pull numbers out of their asses
>they must be right
*Need to stop bring up

Fucking hangover.
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The majority of fans need to fix canon with fanart and they're pretty honest about it. MireMamofags of this thread hail ninaryo as the biggest shipper when she herself says that it's unrequited.

The little western fanbase is insane.
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>mfw in a thread where 10 people max are posting the others don't realize that the Mamori posters are the spastic spic and Tsitzimine
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The show was pretty clear that they're super besties who fuck to activate their powers when needed. Mirei sometimes looked like she wanted to be more than that (but never did anything about it), while Mamori most certainly never did and would gladly jump on a prince's dick if she had the chance.

This doesn't mean you're not allowed to ship them or post fanart which depicts them as a couple, of course you're allowed to do that if you think they look good together. Shipping non-canon is perfectly normal and acceptable, we have entire threads for shows with zero canon.
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But I'm neither of them.
>mfw in a thread where 10 people max are posting the others don't realize that the Momoka posters are the spastic spic and Tsitzimine
>40 people
>no, 20!
>no, 10!
And next you'll tell there's actually only 4 or 5 anons in these threads, right?
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There's only 4 or 5 anons on this board, friend.
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>mfw there's only two people in this thread: me and you and we can't stop fighting and we can't have makeup sex
>makeup sex
Of course we can, where do you think you are.
It's actually just me. I just really hate myself.
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You'll just get mad when I tell you to put the red pigtails wig on.
Can't I put the blue one?
I'm putting the cyan one.
Well, looks like we're going for a threesome.
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It can't be helped.
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>Kasumi OVA came out a few days ago
>still no influx of KasumiXHibiki fanart

It might be just me, but I was left kinda lukewarm about Hibiki.
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Siren and Bhikkhuni mangas have been updated


Shit has gotten real in Siren and I think it has ended?


While here Rinka and Ranka have a lovers' spat.
Just finished listening to Bhikkhuni Drama CD.
>Viola and Rain were fighting for J
Confirmed for bullshit.

It's quite fun though. Worth checking out for seiyuu goodness. They also touched upon Ranka and Rinka backstory before coming to Bhikkhuni.
Echigoya is basically Meifon.
Momo don't talk much and always speak in monotone.
Will post the summary this weekend.
>Echigoya is basically Meifon.
Before I knew Echigoya's deal I was thinking that she might be sort of an avatar for Meifong

>Momo don't talk much and always speak in monotone.

Momo is surprisingly entertaining despite being some blue hair away of being a Rei clone.

>Will post the summary this weekend.

Awesome, thank you so much for everything anon
Because Hibiki is a lukewarm character. Sometimes Kasumi too
And how do you guys know?
Ok so next OVA is Akira? Confirmed?
Where the hell is LL...I've been waiting for theirs since Charlotte's...
I think Akra would be solo too. Unless we get to see her actual gf
Akira will give LL a ride on her faggy scooter.
2 OVA in one.
Akira, Lady Lady and Momoka.
They're all confirmed anon.
They better not. If they leave LL last before Momoka I just hope it's a great ova with just them
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>In b4 LL's OVA is them having wild sex in the boat.
Nice boat.
What is ninaryo?
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a role model
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A fucked up person.
That looks like a frog, not a person.
Probably the sanest MireMamo shippers.
Check your mammal privilege, shitlord.
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Nina Ryo is the gift that keeps on giving
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>her reaction to Kasumi's OVA
Literally me. Also posting my cute waifu.
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My kokoro.
What is going on here?
>I want to have Mirei's child too!!
What did she mean by 'too'. Mirei is too young to be a parent.

Kids these days.
>Mamori falls
>Momoka saves the neko
I hope that is for a doujin and not just a random doodle.
Mamori faceplanting makes me laugh stupidly even though it's really cute.
I'm conflicted because I really like this cute Mamori in comics and stuff but I don't really like her in the actual VDM.
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Mamori was cute in the show
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I want to see Mirei and Mamo's/Momo's children.
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too bad she was kind of annoying
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I think the only thing funnier than fujos being seduced by busty lesbians in VDM is the obsession with loliRain.
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>still no J and loliRain /ll/ art

Damn it Japan
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Eh, I still think this is the cute one. I'm not really a fan of canon Mamori but the fanart, especially these chibis, is disgustingly adorable.
Can someone replace Mamori with Akari in that picture?
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I did my best, anon.
/u/ are the best.
Akari bullying combined with Mamori bullying just makes me sad.
This makes Mirei look like a sad lonely woman with an imaginary friend.
>VDM director's cut with alternate ending where it's revealed that Mamori was just a figment of Mirei's imagination created to deal with the death of Momoka which was her fault
What if Mamori was her imaginary friend all along?
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Huh, character specific short stories were added at Bhikkhuni's website

Just to ask, would most of the girls from the island still go fangirl over Akira after finding she's a woman?
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Ok, I ripped the latest chapters of Bhikkhuni and Siren for anyone interested


And here are all the chapters up today

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In all the bath scenes, I can never tell if these are supposed to be partially-censored nipples, or just really pronounced shine spots.
Well, I hope you don't have nipples on your shoulders or the sides of your boobs like panel 3.
That was extra sweet! And I am more into Momoka...
I keep on hearing about fujos doing VDM fanart, but all the VDM fanartists I've personally seen so far are literally not fujos, they were doing yuri already.
I think not. Maybe some of them still, but the whole point of fangirling over Akira was because she was a he
Even if they don't it's ok because she can now return to her rightful waifu. She's also free to have fun with Charlotte now as well.
Would Akira be more dominate if it would come between her and Charlotte?
I don't understand the question.
Something like which of the two would be more dominate in bed?
If it came down to between her and Charlotte, would Akira be more dominating?
She'd be too flustered to be dominant. She's a sub, through and through.
Well going off her story, Akira clearly likes to be on the bottom in bed.

Akira has a strong will and so likely would not be seduced into bed by Charlotte the way a more traditionally submissive person would, but if for some reason Akira decided she wanted to fuck Charlotte she would let Charlotte take the lead once they were actually in bed.
>but if for some reason Akira decided she wanted to fuck Charlotte she would let Charlotte take the lead once they were actually in bed.

Charlotte owes her for that whole coup d'etat thing that gave Akira a lot of grief. Best part of a hypothetical CharlottexAkira sex scene is the height disparity. 4'8" top / 5'6" bottom
Well the ones that keep doing VDM fanart are yurifags but back when the show was airing there were a lot of stuff made by fujos
Takaki opened an English twitter account.
Now's your chance to tell him how much you like the yuri parts of SK and VD.
But the main target, aka waifufags hate yuri.
>VD Bikkhuni
It's even less yuri than SK. Pretty incredible when it's about girls fucking each other.
>It's even less yuri than SK

I don't know what are you talking about. Momo enjoys groping Rinka all the time, Ranka has planned her honeymoon with Rinka already, Viola wets her panties for Koharu and Echigoya is the sweetheart of the Principal
None of the girls are officially gay. They're always going "n-no homo", except for Momo and Ranka. I saw nothing really yuri in the game until now.
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While it's never stated outright, things get pretty yuri on the relationship events.
Waifufags are pathetic

anime girls. doesn't exist
You don't exist.
Bikkhuni have a good yuri
You can't say it's good when you have Mermaid in the same franchise. If it was a stand alone, yes.
You forgot your trip.
Anime girls. doesn't exist, OK. Waifufag stupid and ugly
>If it was a stand alone, yes.

I prefer Valkyrie drive Mermaid, but I like bhikkhuni
These two seemed pretty yuri to me.
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I like Yagyu with Mirai more. YagyuxShiki is my crack though.
My only experience with SK is the anime. I really liked this (love?) triangle.
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That's actually some pretty funny cosplay.
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Ranka is adorable
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We've gone too long without some suffering.


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Loli Rain strikes again.
Rinka says something that Ranka mistakes for a confession and she starts talking about her plans for their wedding
oh em gee. I need more of this story...looks like Sakasana's work
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Bhikkuni and Siren are mediocre.
Mirei is cute.
For those who are interested, Commie released their BD rips of Volume 1 recently:


Still have the few obscure americanisms?
Also OP
>watching memesubs when it's been released months ago
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Rain wants J to eat her buns, but not in the sexy way.
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>SUHMR Momoka version is in the soundtrack
Teasing or true?
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I wish.
>chibi lady lady

I'm going to die.
Death by cute, what a way to go.
So it's weekend now, and as I promised before, here you go. Bhikkhuni drama cd summary.


I just finish writing this and I'm pretty drunk now. So please excuse any mistake. If you found any mistranslation please tell me so I could fix it later when I'm sober. Also, I know nothing about Bhikkhuni game.
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Thank you so much for this anon.

>Manpukumaru notices her and calls Koharu, Shadow Moon-chan, because her name is Tsuki(moon)kage(shadow) Koharu. Manpukumaru also said that her name is cute, so Koharu let her call her Shadow Moon-chan.

Manpakumaru a cute

>Then Ranka cuts viola off by destroying the table. Ranka said she won’t let Viola tarnish Rinka’s reputation using petty tricks. And proceed to reveal Rinka’s real three sizes, 93-57-84, a H-cup. Her favorite food is bread with cream filling and her current dilemma is finding a country where she can marries her little sister. Her strong point is her cuteness and her weakness is that she’s too cute. Rinka ask Ranka how did she know the precise number of her three sizes and ask what’s this about marrying little sister. Ranka thought Rinka was embarrassed and tell her to just declare it to everyone that they love each other.

Based Ranka

>Ranka add that she and her sister discover that they both have the V-virus by pure luck and said that it’s a miracle that no one found out.

Yeah, pure luck...

>People that got contracted by V-virus and can’t control them have very high chance of going berserk and start attacking people. To calm down those people that going berserk from time to time, Rinka and Ranka Drive to fight them. Ranka said in hindsight it’s probably because they fought against those people that going berserk that allows them to control the V-virus.


>Koharu protest saying the swimsuit is embarrassing. Echigoya then proceed to have monologue about how she prepared micros camera to capture the girls figure and that the swimsuit she provided is actually is a melt-when-it-touches-water-swimsuit. Echigoya is prepared to sell the picture she capture today to whole world. First competition is flag competition.

Echigoya is totally Meifong, isn't she?
Someone's been watching Hidan no Aria.
Blond girl partner is...?
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The funny thing is that at the start of the game Viola wants to take down Koharu (who is the most powerful liberator in the island) and become the number one, but they start working together and Viola becomes smitten with her.
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No Virgin Road song links in the OP?
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Give me some damn chibi VDM merchandise already.
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Mirei as a wrestler is a great idea
Does Meifon have her head up Momoka's butt?

Anyway, Mirei's abs and powerful thighs are a miracle of the universe.
>そろそろマーメイド島から魅零とまもりがお邪魔しますtk…ビクニ島! とても可愛らしく肉感的なOPPAIキャラクターが勢ぞろいですので、よろ乳くお願いします。今度こそ、もう少しで落乳着いてプレイできそう… #vdproject
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Kaneko is such an upstanding guy

>みなさんのご感想を拝見して励みにさせて頂いております。これからもヴァルキリードライヴプロジェクトをいっぱいOPPAIよろ乳くお願いします~! #vdproject

Remember the couple of awesome MireMamo cosplayers?

He also had some encouraging words for them

>@aoba_08 こんにちは。いつも楽しく拝見してます。遅ればせながら、この写真とても好きです。まもりとおそろいになりたい女の子らしさ、また無表情の、感情を出さない魅零らしさも大事にしてくださって、彼女の本質をいつも表現してくださって嬉しいです。ありがとうございます~!
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Puppy Mirei once again 300% confirmed cutie pie.
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And Rain's suffering doesn't stop
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At least we know that Rain's suffering has a happy ending.
Whoever made this, totally cropped Rain's head into a photo lol. You can even see the white lines from the copy and paste.
What's this?
>やっぱ「奪う百合」って最高じゃないですか?「アンタの大切なもので、アンタのすべてを奪ってあげる アンタの…命も!!」なんですよね(ヴァルキリードライヴマーメイドBlu-ray&DVD好評発売中!)
It's Japanese.
I dare you to prove it, anon.
Ran through Google Translate gives this

>Is not it up to me I thought "deprive lily"? I'm "in the Anta of something important, also !! Anta ... life that I'll take away all of the Anta" What (Valkyrie DRIVE Mermaid Blu-ray & DVD Sale! )

So yeah
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Something about using someone most important treasure to take everything away from them is the best kind of yuri. Like that scene where Momoka tried to use Tokonome sword form to kill Mirei. Then advertising VDM.
>Something about using someone most important treasure to take everything away from them is the best kind of yuri

Nips are insane
Wow I really like Rain in that outfit. Always wondered what their everyday style would be outside Mermaid
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I guess you could take it to mean that having the kind of love where the risk of taking their waifu away is the worst thing you can do to them makes the best kind of yuri.
Rain needs to wear her leather chaps 24/7 to be a proper biker dyke.
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How come there isn't more fanart of OT3?
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Haven't these all been posted and translated before?
There's a good amount though. I had to make a separate folder for it.
>that Momoka smile
And I'm not even a Momokafag.
Really? Is there some Twitter treasure trove I'm not aware of? Pixiv doesn't have much VD fanart to being with, let alone of Momoka.
I have a ton of Momoka fanart.
And where, pray tell, did you find it all?
Some of us stalk Twitter but 99% of it gets posted in these threads anyway.
Professional Wrestler might be a viable career path for Mirei. I don't know what other job she might get to provide for her wives. They probably weren't teaching her accounting or something in soldier school.
Is she a face or a heel?
I don't think it's possible to hate Mirei.
I'm really glad the show was popular enough to produce these diabetes inducing fanart.

It gives my hope for the 3way relationship movement.
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Mirei is best waifu
I think relationships like that are hard to pull off and Mirei is pretty unique as a character in that she both deserves and has the sheer amount of love in her for two girls.
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But of course you have to watch out for her tag-team partner, El Lesbo Diablo.
Mirei is going to get poor very quickly if she has to stop every time she sees a doll for Mamori.
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Kasumi keeps being badass under Zunta

And hey, Zunta actually reads yuri

I bet he reads the rape yuri
I bet you rape yuri.
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Been a while since I read it but I dont remember Raubritter being particularly rapey
Hello Zuntafag
Hello fag.
Can't wait to see you whining when the scans will be available.
I don't give a fuck about the scans. VDM was just fine in anime and fanart. No need to read his crap
So you're whining even before the scans are available.

That's some dedication.
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Even if there's no scans available, I'll make sure to share the tank here. Just for you.
I'm not whining about the scans. I just mentioned that I think Zunta sucks for a yuri artist. I don't even bother with the scans. VDM has great yuri fanartists.
Oh I'm so triggered right now, I won't be able to sleep kek
Those are some delicious titties.
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That's Charlotte for you.
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>Zunta sucks for a yuri artist

How exactly? He draws vey attractive women and his experience with hentai makes for some very arousing driving scenes
I think that anon is just butthurt because he's made rape porn before or something.
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I'm not particularly interested in the manga either, but nosebleed Mirei is cute.
That anon is butthurt because Zunta added more details to Mirei getting groped by faceless men scene, and also covered J in some suspicious liquid at some point. Probably mayo.
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It is mayo, and that was an extra scene he added into the School Festival sequence
They're so best couple, how can anyone compete?
I still say we should have gotten a training episode where Lady Lady teach MireMamo to increase their couple power.
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Mamori would be wise to refuse that offer.
Lady Lady don't have pigtails so there's no risk there unless one of them puts their hair up during the training.
>implying Lady Lady need pigtails
I wonder if Lady Lady will end up taking the role of Mirei's parents since as far as we know she has no parents and Rain might feel some kinship as an orphan herself.
So Rain would be the cool mom and J the stern one?
Well J is the biggest (although Mirei is still young enough that she likely still has some growing left) so she can hand out boob smotherings as discipline like that comic.
That's kinky.
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>read kinship as skinship
>immediately jump to pseudo incestuous family

you did this to me /u/
It's funny that they try to hide the nipples for whatever reason but they have no problem with detailed vulva.
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If zunta puts something about Haruka in the manga it might be worth it.
He's gonna put a strap on sex with fake liquids coming from it
I don't have a problem with strapons that some people on /u/ do. The docking and licking described in the story would be sexier though.
I could see him making Akira's flashback longer
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For some reason Famitsu has just published an article detailing the event with the seiyuus that happened in February.


But hey, at least ends saying it will be at the expectation of new developments for the franchise and to keep an eye on its website

>さまざまなメディアで楽しめる『ヴァルキリードライヴ』プロジェクト。ファミ通コミッククリアでコミカライズ作品『ヴァルキリードライヴ セイレーン -ブレイクアウト-』が連載されていたり(連載ページは→こちら)、テレビアニメのBlu-ray/DVDが発売されたりと、今後も新たな展開が待っている。詳細はプロジェクトの公式サイトでチェックしよう。

And coupled with this tweet from Takaki

>It's just another day to work on #ValkyrieDrive and #Uppers to make them a long running game like #SenranKagura !


Well, I'm hopeful for the series future
I want a game with Mermaid cast, god dammit.
Only if made by an actual yurifag.
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Meifong ;_;
So never, then. Even the anime wasn't made by yurifags. Yes, I'm looking at you Kuroda.
I wonder what will happened in last BD commentary. Usually the seiyuu take charge and lead the talk but there's no seiyuu for BD6 commentary.
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I need a RPG where Charlotte goes on an adventure and all her gear and party members are comprised of the girls she sleeps with.
Translation pls
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Charlotte the farmer 01.jpg
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>Rune Factory: Mermaid
>Charlotte needs to raise the affection level for some of them and it will provide special attacks
>every defeated boss joins your harem
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>Charlotte is that one party member who keeps talking about hot girls all the time, even when shit gets fucked
>Only she's the main character and you can't avoid her dialogues
And she probably takes it very seriously instead of just joking around.
We Bravely Default now.
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>If you lose to a boss it's ok because Charlotte is at her sexiest while jobbing and will still acquire new girls
A Mermaid/Charlotte management sim game might be cool too. Keep the peace, partner new girls that arrive up with each other, send the adel out on missions, make sure to keep your power up against Akira/other factions, organise events and maybe rig them to win yourself etc.
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Uh, Mamori's VA started following me on Twitter
>Keep the peace, partner new girls that arrive up with each other, send the adel out on missions
All of those are Kasumi's duties. Charlotte just fucks girls and jobs all the time, I'm surprised she was a high-ranking officer. Literally useless.

Do you sound like a C-cup?
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Well at least some fanartists keep being on board of the VDM train.
Senpai noticed you.
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Well, I'll be damned. There's some stuff it wasn't translated here

Actually, only NinaRyou has stopped doing VDM fanart. All the other big fanartists like Saharan, 10_oz and Sakayama keep doing stuff. In smaller amounts of course.
The average VDM fan



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>Well, I'm hopeful for the series future

As long as they give us some fucking chibi merchandise god damn.
I had a think about how I would make a Lady Lady game while lying in bed sick last night. I'd probably make a shmup with 3 different types of levels.

Rain levels would be vertical scrolling road-based levels that play like Super Spy Hunter or Highway Hunter if you've played those.

J levels would be horizontal scrolling run and gun levels like Metal Slug or Contra.

Phoenix mode levels would be like your average vertical scrolling shmup where you control an aircraft.

And of course all the enemies would various types of transformed girls.
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