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What happened to YouTube, /tv/?

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Thread replies: 315
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What happened to YouTube, /tv/?

Everything wrong with the Internet can be traced back to these two things.
pretty much this.
Yep google is the most cancerous thing on this Earth.
Both content creators and youtube itself wanted to create a platform that people could make a living from.

stupid people found out about it & poor people could finally afford the internet.

early 2000s was internet kino only rich upper class people & a bunch of internet chat rooms where everyone was 13/f/cali
Ads brought money in. People realized they could make dough from this so they started manufacturing "artificial" content instead of just sharing videos with passion.
The entire net Pre-2009/2010 was like that and it was so much better. Now everything feels so scripted and monetized.
i wasn't allowed to shitpost on there back then
They banned Buffalax.

Looks like you forgot to log in; that's all.
>poor people could finally afford the internet.
and with $15/hr for flipping burgers, they can afford going to the cinema too!

>What's #1 at the box office?
My loony bun is fine Benny lava!
Minor bun engine made Benny lava!
Anybody need this sign? Benny Lava!
You need a bun to bite Benny Lava!
Have you been high today?
I see the nuns are gay!
My brother yelled to me
I love you inside Ed!

My loony bun is fine Benny lava!
Minor bun engine made Benny lava!
I told a high school girl
I love you inside me!
Id love to see you pee on us tonight!
Id love to see you pee on us tonight!

You fill me up with doom.
Quit looking up at me!
you got a minute girl?
The puppy had a fee!
Dont think I do love her
Were looking in a pill!
Were looking in a pill!
All of them like the bun!
Now poop on them Oliver!

OOOO Daddy! Just say it!
You know the hole to put it.
Just sing it! You Love me!
Your Pundit got armor!
You send me Offended... You know the hole to put it!
Just sing it! You Love me!
Your Pundit got armor!
Who put the goat in there?
The yellow goat I ate!

My loony bun is fine Benny lava!
Minor bun engine made Benny lava!
(I like to swim in it, I like to swim in it, I like to swim in his beeeeeeeeejayyyyyyy!)x2


A nerd to punk a nerd
Im Bleeding fricking A!
That stuff is pink colored!
Some day I sell DNA!
The boar ain't very cool.
You need a Hindi yew!
Got into Seattle.
Ill lay a friend of yours!
I fought a barber man!
We know whats in butter rum!

A jet pack operationSend him the crazy Hindu!
Whatever! My Sadist! All backed and cooked alive!
I lick you BelindaThe ninja made a movement.
Tell Donna No collarIll do what body loves!
I put papaya there.
You love me inside there!

My loony bun is fine Benny lava!
Minor bun engine made Benny lava!
Anybody need this sign? Benny Lava!
You need a bun to bite Benny Lava!
Have you been high today?
I love you inside me!
Benny Lava > Girly Man = Le NTR Man
Where my mexibros at?

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one guess
Normies don't spend 4+ hours on youtube, they go out and socialize
Wrong. They watch YouTube together, they share videos via Facebook. Normies run YouTube
Yes. Back in 2006.

At this point everyone posts on Facebook and shares videos on YouTube every time in 2017.

The Internet is the new "I'm watching TV because I have nothing better to do" for the 2010s.
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2007 happened.
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>and youtube itself
>become a youtube partner
>tfw you can never go back

Shills with

>muh normies

YouTube is censored as fuck. Fact. And they changed the ad revenue system so they can control exactly who gets paid and how much.
Google ruins everything they touch. They are trying to control the internet by censoring.
Please. YouTube ad revenue system is not transparent at all and is really there to control who is getting paid.
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People stopped having fun, the internet use to be a place for just doing random shit and being creative

Now its a platform used to push politics and other normie shit
Completely fake disinfo.
but it wasn't there from the get go. Both youtubers and youtube wanted people to make being a youtuber a job.
I'm not against people entrepeneuring into a living but much would have been different if someone attempted to find a different solution for paying youtubers for making videos.

Instead you now have to be family friendly and wholesome or else you get demonetized. The youtube partner contract states that a five year old have to be able to watch your content.
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Not really
Now saying nigger will result in you losing your job.
Nigga everybody on YouTube is complaining or has complained about it. They've already switched to trying to subside on patreon.

Stop lying. The new system is designed specifically to restrict and control the amount of money that can be made.
watching URBAN NINJA now, thanks for the nostalgia, shit was cash

Your conception of normalfaggotry is stuck in the mid 2000s. EVERY cunt is glued to their phones these days. Ever been to just about any social setting in the present? Even if someone is talking directly to another person, they'll still both be on their phones.
Ex youtuber here, used to make stuff from 08-12, it was monitization and big streamers that drove the creative types away. When entertainers and money came in nobody was interested in the little art projects anymore.
hey, been trying to meet you
I don't remember Twitter existing before 2009
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People turned to patreon when being a youtuber alone didn't make enough money.
How am I lying.

Let's take 'ASMR' as an example. I've followed it since the very beginning.

When Whisperinglife made her first video because she liked whispervideos, there was no way for her to make any money on her videos, that came later. Neither was there a system were people could pay her.
She started the whispervideo trend, that eventually when youtube discontinued 'youtube groups', started the ASMR trend with gentlewhispering.
Around that time the first people that stopped calling it whispering and started calling it ASMR became youtube partners.

Nowadays you have people making click bait ASMR and asking for money on patreon while not even having many subscribers.

My whole point was that from the very start people should have found support outside of youtube for money, instead people wanted to make money from youtube and youtube wanted people to make money from youtube. But once the top was made, there was suddenly not enough money to be made from youtube so then people started looking outside of youtube for support.
We need to make a normie free internet, I say we call it, "The interbutt"
This is so true.
I don't disagree with this. But your initial point thst YT and content creators want a platforms where people can make a living is still total bullshit.
>mfw any youtube account you create now has to be set to your personal phone number
Why tho
I was there for the dun goofed moment
Everything is ruined by becoming popular. Quality are enjoyment are inversely proportional to the number of people participating.
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>video responses

this never should have been removed
Does early youtube stuff make anyone else feel this sense of grief from nostalgia? It happens to me every time I see a video that I saw years ago.
I'll put in some nostalgia/feels stuff that gets me good in here

Nintendo ON Hoax (actually got me back in the day) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zX2smM87r14

The Ultimate Showdown - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WgT9gy4zQA

This is Sparta Techno Remix - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvYZRskNV3w

mcroll'd (UN Owen was her, but with Japanese McDonalds commercials) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ssh71hePR8Q

4chan gif compilation (old memes and an everytime we touch techno remix) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxgdioir-zg
It almost was the entire purpose of youtube, and its where the "x reacts to y" meme of today came from.
>this was seven years ago
holy shit
First video I ever saw was this

What was yours lads?
Oh so we can have Lauren Southern threads on /tv/ then, swaglord??
Either a Weird Al music video or a Line Rider tutorial
jews happened to youtube

the head of youtube is now a jew
the head of google is a jew
I only have nostalgia for Molly

The final episode of Kamen Rider Black.

The hour long college meetup where The Ultimate Warrior says "Queering doesn't work" to a bunch of angry liberals.
>there was a time when people were scared of 4chan
>now we have a pony board and rëddit normies flooding in

Worst timeline.
I never saw this back in the day, but I definitely got nostalgic feelings nonetheless. It just feels like an early youtube video

Also, /tv/, you can't tell me you wouldn't
Lmao your thread got deleted BTFO
>there was a time when people were scared of 4chan

I too remember the glorious times when we were legion. Hahaa.
>deleted that quick
Troid or Iamabec or whatever must be modding
IRC logs coming
The first iPhone didn't even have 3G
YouTube was in its prime in 2007 though. Actually correct me if im wrong but the screenshot from OP looks like its from around 2007.

I've seen this image too many times and each time a bunch of oldfags try grasping at straws trying to claim everything went to shit in 2007. It didn't. Your life just started going to shit around that time.
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James kino
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>Kung Fu Bandito
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You should be grateful for reddit
You wouldn't be on /tv/ today if it wasn't for them and people like swaglord killing off the old userbase for ad revenue

It was and thats when Google bought them in late 2006 early 2007. That graphic is spot on though but its more about the advancement of cell tech and phones simulatenously. Before 07 people were still using flip phones that had very rudimentary internet capabilities. In other words you had to be mildly able to use a computer to access the internet. After 07 any hick with a cell contract could get online.
Well you were only about 3 years old back then.

Obama used it a ton during his 2008 campaign.

is that still your steam avatar, /v/edditor
>You should be grateful for reddit
t. reddit
It's infested with children and its content is geared towards them.
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Look at what's at the top trending nowadays.
nah man, barely anyone used youtube on the 1st iphone. the app was too limited. youtube was still more of a computer and laptop thing. id say ease of access only started coming into play at around the time when ipads became mainstream coz they pretty much replaced laptops and computers for the people who didn't know how they worked (which was most people really) it was also around the time when things started becoming more and more accessible on the iphone and thus spawned the influx of internet users which destroyed the youtube community and many other communities alongside it.
I remember that Girlfriend song by Avril Lavign having like 30 million views and thinking how absolutely insane of a number that was. It was a simpler time.
Yes. I hate phoneposters.
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You should otherwise you'd still be on /v/ or whatever garbage board you came from.
Like a lot of things that go downhill: It started out as a nice community that was mostly white and shitskins turned it into the ghetto. Same thing happened with Twitter.
/r/blackpeopletwitter is really funny though

Jewgle happened.
So far I'm not finding any. Post an example.
My feet STINK
Begone newfag.
Fred was a mistake.
>unironically calling people newfags

spricket had a kid and stopped uploading
Nothing important for this board. Don't mind the reddit historians calling you a newfag.
Maybe not for the board but that was the beginning of the backlash against "cyber bullying"
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Which one are you, /tv/?
Newfag, 08
Being this new
A quarter of 2016 should be in reddit
Star wars 7 brought in a whole bunch of them too

I found a way.
ITT: /r9k/ cries about their normalfag boogeyman
Technically a newfag/oldfag cusp. I was a refugee from something awful.
(((They))) took over.
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>m-muh safespace!!!
my fucking sides
underage detected
i been here since 2008
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What's his endgame?
Oldfag. Feel threads and first wave rage comic threads mostly.
Again nothing important for this board

Illustrating the superiority of the white race over others. He can do in hours what abbos and sub-saharans havent managed in 40k+ years.

>people now watch other people play games instead of playing thenselves. I will never understand this
>old /tv/ was /lbg/
Stop posting that because it's already a thing.

>look guys im using le epic meme parentheses do i fit in now
Weirdly enough I'm an oldfag, but 4chan made me feel like such a newfag that I......I never knew.
Eh I usually have a let's play of a more autistic kind of person instead of the usual screaming normalfag playing in the background when I grind for shit in /v/idya. I like hearing what other people have to say about games I like and/or seeing/hearing how they do certain things in certain /v/idya. Also, podcasts are good for just listening to while I do other shit.
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Fuck off back to your anti art board tourist piece of trash
I've been going to /v/ and /tv/ since 2010. Safe to say, these two places are my home.
Came here last month from Reddit.
^ This place was created specifically to combat Google and it's partners. Give the site a whirl, it enables direct downloads and runs on a player that allows faster streaming with no ads and no more annoying autoplay.
>check out trending
>all women and trannies doing makeup garbage
There's gotta be an extension to block this shit from appearing?
It became profitable and corporated and then it became a lame, braindead safespace. Same thing that happens to every part of the internet that gets big.
Trending is a trap. It features low-view videos that they want to get views rather than actual trending videos that are getting view due to organic interest.

YouTube is a joke.
This would unironically be labelled 'reddit' nowadays
lurk moar
I feel like only people from there use that term when they see shitposting.

'09 newfag.
No worries
Some of these people have been on /tv/ since game of thrones first came out and are still holding reddit sensebilties. Love baneshit and all other post 2012 memes and you'll fit right in
kys faggot
It only took me a couple of days to figure out how things work around here, so I'm already calling people newfags.
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the internet will never be the same again right ? i mean before 2007. internet become such a shit show after 2007, after gay social media, advertising faggots, let's play cancer on youtube, and twitch. Why everything go wrong, why ?
Sad but true
It started along with LiveJournal (the precursor of LJ Drama and ED) and Something Awful. MySpace was already cancer by 2007 but it instead spread through Facebook.
tbf this also applies to /pol/
I remember when Youtube had 10 minute per video limit. I wish we stayed that way. Now those shitheads have to produce a minimum of 10 minute video to cash in.
because now you have to be behind 25 levels of cynical meta-post-irony to be cool. There's never gonna be a time as sincere and innocent as that screenshot again. Everyone has grown up and their cynicism is going to have a lasting influence on new kids coming to this site. So every subsequent generation here is just going to grow more and more pessimistic. Pretty sad desu
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its about money to, i mean before people want to have a good laugh, fun, and shit like this, people don't care about making money then on the internet or being a attention whore.
i really want to go back.
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This, Google is pure cancer and everything they touch turns to shit.
2014 kek
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>that video/channel you forgot to archive before the creator deleted it
06-07. On a side note my friends cousin still claims to be the one who found and posted the original Jessi slaughter vid to the /b/ yryl thread that started it all. He has no proof of course but he was the embodyment of the classic 4chan neckbeard and was an originalfag so I could see it.
>old video of sexy girl
>"surely she'll never delete this"
>This video is not available
I straddle the line between oldfag and newfag. I first started browsing in 06, so I can claim oldfag status. I was around when the habbo hotel raids were happening, but I was too much of a newfag then to participate.
Between newfag and cancer.
YT barely existed for a year before Google bought it, and the peak of YT didn't happen until several years after the fact.
t. butthurt israelite
Retards need to stop posting these bullshit images. The iPhone being launched/big bang theory starting/social media starting to become popular didn't immediately change the entire culture of the internet, it takes a few years for these things to really take hold you know. It wasn't until 2010+ that you began to really saw the effects of it everywhere, most people didn't have smartphones until around 2010 and it was still perfectly normal to not have a facebook account until around that time.
Of course it didn't. They didn't immediately implement the YouTube Partners thing, monetization, or advertisements on every video either.

It's a gradual path to suckage.
Oh look, another "i was born in 1995-2000 and have nostalgia for the mid-late 2000s" thread.

Marketors made it a soulless cesspool. It used to be a genuine place for people to share their hobbies and talents.

Times change.


Google is literally cancer. The will stop at nothing until they own everything in the universe.

The US government should have stopped them a long time ago.
Get a load of this grandpa.
Do you even know people ?

Noone watches the televised jew anymore except for old people.
Chick's binge netflix while dudes watch youtube and twitch.
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>I wonder how geriatric1927's doing
>Sad, what about renetto?
>Barely scrapes a thousand views now
>Remember that these are your average youtubers now
>didn't immediately change the entire culture of the internet

But it gradually did. Being hung up on that little detail doesn't change the fact that they did have an impact on making the Internet shittier.
gonna build a sexbot out of mud
That first image was accurate then and it's still accurate now for the most part.
A dirty sexbot~
even worse when youtube itself deletes the channel without an explanation and the owner doesn't have any backups
You are severely autistic, dude.
I know bro, can you imagine a time when we didn't know what kind of president Obama was going to be? Everything was in the horizon, yet to be experienced. The public had just found out the internet as an actually competent thing. Now it feels like we have seen it all, everything the internet era had to give. Nothing left to wait but for the nazis to take over and lead us into a new cycle.
>comparing people who didn't have any technology whatsoever to a dude who uploads videos on youtube and can easily look up "how to" on google
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Speaking from someone whose happiest time in his life was in 2007, I can confirm that the internet culture was exactly the same as it was in the early 2000's. Even better I'd say. Things didn't go to shit, their lives just went to shit and they tried to shift the blame to "lol what if phones but too much"
this image is basically my room right now including whats outside the window

so that harassers like Sargon have to face consequences for their hate.
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Daily Reminder.
why is she in a wheelchair now?
It used to have a ton of fresh, quality foot fetish content.
Yeah, what happened? I don't see anything wrong with youtube, seriously. You faggots are just back at your contrarian cunt thinking again. Youtube got big, that's what happened. Of course that the things that appeal to the broadest spectre of audience will be on top. The same shit is going on on every branch of entertaining industry. If you're not happy with what's popular, dig deeper and find yourselves in produce that suits you.

Seriously, are you all fucking retarded, thirteen, or both?
I don't know, faggot
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Youtube wasn't any better back then. Remeber, this shitkid was the most subscribed for a while, not to mention unfunny shit like smosh.
a mixture of getting it's ass sued by Viacom + getting bought out by Google
>early 2000s was internet kino only rich upper class people

This is how you were a baby back then.

Everyone in the developed world had internet in the early 2000's.
Because the consequences were never the same.
who even watched this shit though? I reckon most boys wouldn't watch it, it was fucking gay
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fred actually came out as gay a while back
Girls aged 10-17
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>this guy has clearly researched all kinds of shit about the ground and plants around where he lives to see if doing this stuff is viable
>how come some guys in a desert can't do it?
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>this thread
How is that not true of any generation in general?
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>she made thousands of Disney unboxing videos for toddlers

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Reply girls is one of the few things I'm glad they fixed. Now the entire place is sanitized.
Depends, there are pockets of people in America who still live like it's the 80's.
>muh /v/ tourist
kill yourself newfriendo
>That one video that you can remember everything about but the title and cant ever find it again

>The US government should have stopped them a long time ago.
muh net neutrality
i lold at the photo anons, its alright im still here
I'm literally from a little village in a second world Eastern European country and we had internet in the early 2000's.
Because it is
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Is he the Bill Hicks of classic YouTube?
estonia > deep south texas on the border.

be grateful, were I live it's like a third world country.
Newfag 09.
learned about 4chan through some friends in HS.
'07 was the underage era. The cancer went terminal with tech-illiterate 40-year-olds in 2012.
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>tfw no football videos this year
Hearing him bitch about how shit the Eagles are playing always puts a smile on my face
I'm sad seeing this.
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To be honest, Youtube first went to shit in 2009 when they changed the channel design.
Youtube was dead by the end of summer 2006. It's only good time was late 2005 - may 2006
Looking back at old YTMND's gives me the sad nostalgia feeling so bad. Even more so since the site is pretty much dead now.
They spend more time on YouTube than anyone
Its not a net neutrality thing, Google is basically a monopoly at this point. An anti-trust lawsuit would be completely justified. Fuck, Google Analytics alone powers advertising for the entire internet.

The US Government pursued a case in the 90s against Microsoft and almost broke it up into three different companies, but Gates barely managed to avert it.
What's wrong with tumblr
ITT: capitalism hating commies
Even the merchant memes are made by Google's Deepmind™...
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you know, we all know.
I've been looking for a certain image for years. It's a screencap of a greentext. The guy works at a fast food place. A gay couple walks in. He means to say something (sorry for your wait, I believe). What he actually says is "sorry for your AIDS". Does anyone have it?
I think it's a good thing for youtube, all things considered. The advertising bubble brought in a lot of content creators, most of which have made some great stuff. Hadn't it been for that monetary incentive I think people wouldn't have taken the initial initiative and youtube would be nothing but youtube poop, uploads of copyrighted content, and the odd poorly produced channel here and there.

On the flip side, the advertising has indeed brought on a lot of "normies" that make terrible content solely to pander to 8-15 year olds. But it's not all like that, thankfully. Maybe if you spent some time outside of the shit content you'll realize that there are many great channels out there.
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>tfw i came here because of project chanology
stayed for the anime
lurk moar
I'll always miss the star rating system.
My youtube page is covered with Opie and Anthony, Norm MacDonald, Artie Lange, and Howard Stern.
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somebody linked this on /b/
Because it is you retard.

Reddit always hangs onto types of comedy that 4chan sheds like a snake, just like normies are now getting into "lol i want to die" memes
>created by based white and asian man
>bought and ruined by jews

really makes you think
I have a very hard time believing the majority of these replies are actually from people who were here before 2012-2016. That is if these people weren't underage 10-15 year olds back then.
nothing. the coding is bad and the fanbase is shit, that is it. there are plenty of funny pages and posts that aren't political or genderwashed or whatever the fuck people say these days
I started browsing while underage, yeah
11 years ago
Yes, that is what I was insinuating. It perfectly explains why the site is the way it is now.
Literally me, I had videos with 100s of thousands of views and one day during the Big Lawsuit against YouTube all my videos were deleted without any fucking notice at all. And I was too poor at the time to keep any backups.
Oldfag (basically cancer to the originalfags). I'm also a 35 y/o oldfag IRL, married with kids and a house, what the fuck am I still doing on 4chan.
I got here in 07 from ytmnd and livejournal
My main memory of that time was 4chan basically creating Caturday memes (i can haz food) until that fucking cancer site icanhazcheeseburger popped up and ruined them for all of us. Also original rage threads before reddit ruined slowly ruined them by turning them into high school blog posts.
the modern flavor of neoliberalist capitalism

its eating everything and shitting out what doesn't make someone in the oligarchy rich
Everything but the first part is true. There's no conspiracy to keep people poor.

I work at Pinterest, AMA. I know what the script is.
Old fag 05
>neoliberalist capitalism
You leftists are so fucking brainwashed I swear to fuck.

Neoliberalism is the dumbest leftist buzzword and it makes no sense.
Why do you retards even exist?
>I work at Pinterest, AMA. I know what the script is.
Why can't a view a simple image without signing up for your horrible annoying website?
>the modern flavor of neoliberalist capitalism
Why don't you utter wastes of life go move to Venezuela?
Pewdiepie ruined Youtube with his clickbaits and shit.
He's right. Neoliberalism is basically companies using SJWism and a veneer of leftism to maintain their power and keep the poor fighting amongst each other. I say veneer because these companies fight for uncontrolled immigration and globalist policies that actually hurt the vulnerable in America, they use complicated borderline-illegal schemes to avoid paying corporate taxes, and the people at the top actively hate SJWs but are willing to keep them as pets to give them liberal creds (remember most of these big tech companies are founded mainly by libertarians).
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>Google ruins everything they touch. They [XXX XXXXXX XX] control the internet by censoring.

Between their search engine and jewtoob, Google is able to manipulate so much information to the masses that they already effectively control the internet, and that's dangerous as fuck. Combine them with fauxbook and twitter, and you have essentially created the conditions from Orwell's 1984.
You can now in the USA, we used to throw up a signup page for the same reason FB won't let you view much without signing up, we were pursuing growth. We hit 200M/mo users this week, so it worked.

Some countries still get that signup page. I've always hated it and fought against it, there's a lot of internal conflict about it and we want to phase it out entirely in all countries.
I love Pewdiepie but this is true. He didn't ruin it though, it would've been ruined regardless.
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>He's right.
He's wrong.
Neoliberalism doesn't exist.
It's a leftist strawman argument.
If you use it unironically you need to be thrown from a helicopter.
We aren't living in any form of economic liberalism whatsoever, also there is nothing new(neo) about the current central bank dominated financial and economic system.

>they use complicated borderline-illegal schemes to avoid paying corporate taxes
Maybe you shouldn't tax them so much?
They should have never removed the video length cap so loser Let's Players and the Skeptic™ Community would have to make Part (1/13) videos instead of this long format trash sucking up views.
?? I'm not sure what you're saying. We're arguing semantics. I'm saying companies in the USA are inherently conservative, but when they do stuff like, say, the Pepsi ad or Twitter banning conservatives, it's all virtue signalling.

I didn't know leftists used it as a strawman argument, I agree that actual leftists should be gassed.
>I'm saying companies in the USA are inherently conservativ
not really

they push leftist bullshit all of the time

viacom, time warner, GE etc

>I agree that actual leftists should be gassed.
so should national (((socialists)))

You don't even know what a strawman is lol.
you don't even know what a central bank is
Anything past 2011 should be classified as reddit.
>implying any of those videos are good
How is she doing these days ?
It got much bigger.
As much as you fags love to meme about nostalgia, YT is better today for still having all those old videos while also having millions of new ones. And it's still fast and free.
Pretty much every song ever made is on there too. Google did the world a favor by adopting such a huge, bandwidth-sucking money-losing service and still committing to keep it free, no matter how big it got
Real national socialists are just id-pol leftists. Most people who call themselves nat-soc are actually just in favor of controlling the border which isn't nat-soc at all, it's just common sense law and order.
This is true. YouTube is basically run at a loss, that's why they're pushing YouTube Red so hard.
You done goofed
controlling the border is racist

Amazing what people can whine about.
Ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny
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I know you're being ironic, but this is what some people have been brainwashed to believe, because globalist corps want cheap labor. So you have some people with common-sense border control ideas being called racist, and they begin to internalize it and think they're actually nazis.
If controlling the border is racist, then Japan is extremely racist.

Liberals are fucking insane.
You are wrong and probably and underage.
So are most countries. The USA has one of the most porous borders in the world. The problem with unchecked immigration has nothing to do with the color of people's skin but with the ability of the host nation to assimilate them.
>Liberals are fucking insane.
Their goal is to destroy the solidarity and control of the Christian white majority in the west, and they are succeeding. They aren't insane.
You're right they aren't insane, their policies make sense when you realize that (i.e. feminists and Islamists allying). The problem is that once you tear down the white Christian majority, you are not going to get a liberal utopia. They think that "voting for Democrat party policies" = "getting Democrat party outcomes". More likely they will get Sharia law (in the case of unchecked Islamic immigration), or latin American-style failed socialism (in the case of unchecked latin American immigration).

These liberals really want the USA to be like a democratic-socialist European country such as Finland, Norway, or Sweden, but you can't get those countries just by voting in the same policies.
Additionally, it remains very unclear what you get when you remove the Judeo-Christian foundational underpinnings of Western society. I think the best-case scenario is some sort of benevolent technocracy run by globalists mega-corporations that protect our rights (a la Apple). The worst-case scenario is violent revolution. The most likely case is a slow slide into balkanization and civil strife (as we are currently seeing with the unprecedented hate for a democratically elected President).
What the fuck?
>once you tear down the white Christian majority, you are not going to get a liberal utopia.

No you will not, as EVERY single commie nation has demonstrated. What you get instead is murder and suffering.

>you can't get those countries

....in a nation of 300+ million.
Now theres a place on the decline
>These liberals really want the USA to be like a democratic-socialist European country such as Finland, Norway, or Sweden, but you can't get those countries just by voting in the same policies.
They don't realize that these countries are MORE free market than USA is.
Kevin Berlau?
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Huh will always be a filthy newfag i guess.
Right, but again even assuming we voted in the same policies those countries have, we would not have the same outcome. Our country is too big, too diverse, too culturally different. Democrats are arrogant enough to think that just because they can get Democratic votes by bringing in massive hispanic immigration, that they can get the permanent majority needed to lead us to those countries. The problem is the average Mexican immigrant is poor and stays poor for generations. They don't generate the wealth you need for a Finland/Norway/Swedish outcome. Nevermind the huge cultural differences (hispanic immigrants live in another universe, culturally. Western cultural ideals are alien to them and they need more time to assimilate than European immigrants.)
>That is if these people weren't underage 10-15 year olds back then.
I started browsing in 2006 and I was 13. Is that really surprising, considering moot himself was like 15 when he founded the place?
>moot himself was like 15 when he founded the place?
For example, take a look at San Francisco (where I live). Full of homeless. The Mexicans almost exclusively live in the dole. We're only viable because we have Google/Apple/Facebook propping up the tax base. Do you think Alabama is rich enough to tolerate the amount of welfare San Francisco (or even California) gives out? Hell, even California won't pass single-payer healthcare because we know it would bankrupt us, and we're hella rich as a state.
>tfw you're in your mid 20's and discussing with a bunch of retarded teenagers barely out of their diapers

This explains so much, yet still seriously irritating.
>10th most subbed of all time

damn forgot how popular he used to be
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>unironic christfags on 4chan
How far we've fallen
>gorgeous red-head has massive orgasm

Video featured a red-head that resembled someone I actually knew in high school too,I'm 98% sure it was her! I never saw here again after graduation ;_;
It's funny because when I joined 4chan as an oldfag I was a hardcore Atheist leftist type. I'm still nonreligious but watching the world over the past decade I've began to realize that the christfags had a point, even if they didn't understand their point. Throwing away a thousand years of tradition in a single generation is going to have huge consequences, whether you're religious or not. A lot of the values of Western society stem directly from Christian traditions.
Why the fuck would you care about 'traditional values' when you're one click away from girls fucking each other with giant horsecocks? Do you know where you are?
the only stuff i remember about old youtube is youtube atheists arguing with each other and then they had a meetup once and someone got drunk and pulled a knife or a gun, and then later one of them slept with another one's ugly girlfriend, and some dude lied about committing suicide but really moved to brazil or some shit. he also like never brushed his teeth because in every video he made his teeth were notably yellow.
I'm not religious, but you don't have to be an Atheist to understand that western white society was created by Christians, or that it's been under attack by jews since...forever. It is this blatant attack that largely created the NAZI party in Germany.
Your understanding of traditional values is very shallow. Sin has always been an option. It's more that it's being celebrated and accelerating. This is how empires fall, and Islam is looking like our most likely successor.
>It's more that it's being celebrated and accelerating
That applies to a large portion of this site and it's culture as well. Are there no alternative forums that don't tolerate it?
I'm not sure what you mean by celebrated. People who break the rules here are still banned. Despite how shitty even /tv/ is, we don't have people defending BLACKED posters against bans and saying how much they culturally enrich us.
Was on youtube since 05, didn't discover 4chan till 08. so Im a newfag
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And now the "nazis" and "kkk" you see are all a bunch of jews larping to keep their victim status and resulting immunity from criticism rolling on so the gibs just keep on coming.

If you believe nothing else, you can believe this: Whenever you see any kind of race baiting, you can be sure that 99 times out of 100 it's a stinking jew doing it.
It used to be that I had at least heard of all the top channels and knew who they were.
Now there are literally countless of youtube channels with anywhere from 1 million to 20 million subscribers that I have never even heard of and have no idea what sort of people watch their content.

It's bizarre.
I didn't realize all these things happened at the same time.
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I just got back in the habit of creating YTMNDs. I now visit the site everyday.
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A lot of other things changed in 2007 too
>youtube would be nothing but youtube poop

And this is bad why?
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Can't believe the old site is gone,still remember my page like it was yesterday
>now the "nazis" and "kkk" you see are all a bunch of jews larping to keep their victim status and resulting immunity from criticism

Funny how that works, isn't it?

The western world completely ignores the fact that the Jewish state of Israel is doing the same shit the NAZI's were, and that criticizing them, or any Jew, is met with the same backlash as criticizing Hitler was back in the day. The west fought German NAZI's only to replace them with Jewish NAZI's.
08 i was 14
>I think people wouldn't have taken the initial initiative and youtube would be nothing but youtube poop, uploads of copyrighted content, and the odd poorly produced channel here and there.

Thats why I liked the old youtube.

>AMVs (Well edited ones)
>Gif Completions
>Funny Animations
>Political Channels
>Lego Stop Motion Videos
>GMOD Videos

In terms of content old youtube was on par with being as original as 4chan and YTMND. If I had to trade in old youtube for this

>Top 10 Channels
>SJW Feminist Channels
>Youtube's Leftist Recomendations
>Game Theory
>Spiderman and Elsa bullshit
>MSM having a there own channels.

I would fucking choose old youtube 999,999,999 times out of 1,000,000,000
>youtube's "new design"
>clicking on videos is now some HTML 5 thing where the page doesn't reload, meaning the video rarely loads properly
>about twice as slow as the previous version
>fucking buggy as shit and the chat box sometimes grinds my computer to a halt
>pressing pause does not in fact pause the video
>sometimes when you go to a userpage and search through their videos the channel trailer will play despite not being on the screen
>refuse to put a google (((cookie))) on my computer so have to "restore classic youtube" every session
I don't know. I started using 4chan in early 2013/late 2012 at around age 14. Now I am 19.

But I have been exposed to internet culture long before I even visted this website. I have been going on youtube to watch Youtube poops since late 2006 at age 8, which exposed me to quite a bit of Internet culture at an early age.

So I am somewhere between oldfag and newfag.
I distinctly remember twitter's astronomic rise from nowhere. It started getting casually mentioned on BBC programs where the presenters would say shit like "send us your thoughts on twitter", which seems innocuous now but sounded very odd at the time when it was pretty much an unknown site and barely anyone was using.
>political content
>stefan molyneux

>"hurr durr jewtube is leftist now"
>recent influx of fags like sargon and BPS

YOU are the cancer killing 4chan
Well youtube is leftist now. If you haven't been paying attention to what they have been doing they have been targeting smaller and less notable conservative and libertarian channels and demonetizing them, shadow banning them, and flag spamming their videos. Plus the websites main channel is full of nothing but SJW nonsense.

When I mentioned leftist bullshit I mean content like Feminist Frequency and Laci Green.
It doesn't make any sense what you say, since youtube has also been doing the same shit to communist channels. But yeah, you're kinda right on the whole corporation itself being liberal now. I'm sorry.
YouTube the company is leftist, because it's based in SV which is fag mecca. But YouTube the site is probably the most conservative mainstream website.
madness combat 4 on newgrounds
ray william johnson happened
Started coming during the Casey Anthony trial, stayed permanently after Chocolate Rambo and the Zim-Zam.
kek'd and check'd
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