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Ruined. When will they fucking stop? They are dedicating the

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Ruined. When will they fucking stop? They are dedicating the season to this shit.
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>voice of the resistance
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Why does the left think Trump is something they need to have a holy crusade over?
>the resistance
>antifa and the alt right larping the eastern front of world war 2 at Berkeley and at rallies around the country
>every damned game and movie is about America being invaded

Will someone just pop the USA's cherry already and let them work out their pent up lust for a major war? I swear this is getting embarrassing.

No. And they fail to realize this shit makes people turn to his side more.
They're living in a fantasy world if they think everyone hates them because of a vocal minority on social media.
You mean Donald Trump?
#Resist My brothers.
President Donald J Trump.
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They make this shit to appeal to "edgy" millennials, same with Rick and Morty which is the basic bitch pumpkin spice latte of TV shows.

Little do they know Gen Z is going to change everything.
Once again, people are projecting trump on to everyone and everything theses days, regardless if it's actually there or not. Will the show have anything to do with trump? Who the fuck knows. Are but hurt libs seeing him in every facet of their lives? Yep.
It's comical. They think they are resisting a dictatorship. When you don't have to worry about your family being put in prison for saying the wrong thing you're not oppressed or resisting anything.

You're not oppressed you're just an asshole.
>Nude protest
>litterly no one is nude
Not saying it's doesn't make it any less true sweety.
It's called Trump Derangement Syndrome.

It used to be Bush Derangement Syndrome.

Charles (((Krauthammer))) coined the phrase back when all the lefties were screaming "chimpeach bush" and "no blood for oil" back in 2004.

Some people who've been coddled their whole lives have trouble dealing with things that don't go their way.
Democrats, liberals and socialists need to realise they aren't cool anymore, this sort of show is so normiecore.
Did Rick and Morty even do a Trump reference at all?
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Aye Brother
The problem with these people is they all fell into a bandwagon because it's not about standing for your beliefs, but it's about not being anti-conformist enough to fuck people who have shallow opinions.
The problem with people is that they don't know jack shit about anything but the easy yes or no questions like marijuana legislation and gay marriage. What was Hillary's tax policy? What is Trumps? I can't answer that because it's not revealed in a digestible social media snippet or sound bite that will flood the internet.
There is no resistance, there's only adult children throwing fits and acting disgracefully. There is no revolution, just an orbit.
Trump or Hillary, there were no good choices - and I don't mean Bernie either.
Don't expect any choices next time either. The role of the common citizen in US politics is to provide populist legitimacy to whomever rubs the right corporate and political penises, not to determine policy.
We have no power, and we haven't had power for a long time. There is only one party, the money party.
>a vocal minority on social media
lol that's how everybody on the left viewed sjw's. keep ignoring the idiots spiraling out of control on your side, it's proven time and again to be a great idea
>Rick and Morty which is the basic bitch pumpkin spice latte of TV shows
lol that comparison was the basic bitch pumpkin spice latte of pseudointellectualism
That's fantastic. Now shut the fuck up and do your job, buy our products, and stop throwing your shit in everyone's face.
I personally love the Harry Potter reference meme
>trumpkiddies now regularly performing this roleplay with each other
just fuck already
The left have created a moral panic, this sort of thing is a sign of it.

Interestingly unlike previous moral panics such as 'muh satanism' in the 1980s it isn't the right creating them this time it is the progressive left.

This is a trend that can be seen not only in the US with Trump (Trump Derangement Syndrome) but also in Europe with 'muh Brexit is the return of fascism' scare stories.

What an interesting scenario we find ourselves in when the right aren't creating moral panics anymore but it is the left.

As with all moral panics the people pushing it (Democrats and the liberal elite) are going to look very stupid in about 6 months when everything calms down and Trump isn't the 'literal Hitler' they've been telling everyone he is.

Trump wins 2020 by a landslide, calling it now.
This just proves Rick and Morty is normiecore bullshit, it basically is a pumpkin spice latte.
imagine being such a sensitive little bitch that you get triggered by the very mention of a tv show parodying the months-long media spectacle that was the 2016 election
>y-you have to leev us aloan now cuz we win :(((
trump is the reason why you're all kissless
they'll never be blackpilled like us true channers amirite my /b/rother? SHADILAY XDD

Hopefully it will just be good. I know that this season was actually written before Trump became president, so I'm just wishing it is a general political satire rather than directed specifically at Trump.
>any election parody
The SJW/BLM shit is why trump is president. I was a 2 time obama voter and in 2014 when all the Hands up Don't shoot. You're a white male shit started happening my political view started to change. I actually Liked Hillary and still do. I don't like trump as a person I would have prefered jeb but the fact that trump is taking dodge charger to the far left makes me happy.
Here's one thing you've got to understand.

The same people post these political threads on /tv/ every single day. And the same people always wind up arguing in them.

Now science as proven that keeping yourself in a constantly agitated state is deadly for your body. It even leaves you vulnerable to horrible things like cancer.

So at some point you have to decide is this all worth it? Is it really worth your time arguing with the same five idiots about politics on a board that has nothing to do with politics?

It's a sad life for you all....
The irony is the anti-Trump resist meme isn't even edgy, it's conforming to the majority millennial opinion.

Getting an Uber into town to punch working-class Trump supporters in the face and call them "Nazis" and finishing it off with a trip to Starbucks isn't being radical. It's normiecore to the extreme.
Yeah its all made up it doesn't actually happen. Right?
>Rick and Morty which is the basic bitch pumpkin spice latte
Lol funny but I think it's more of the "NPR I only drink almond milk" kind of crowd.
typical cuck response
No i'm kissless because I'm gay and unable to come out of the closet.
>in about 6 months when everything calms down and Trump isn't the 'literal Hitler' they've been telling everyone he is.

He's already been in office more than 6 months, this stage should be long past now. The media are still pushing out false narratives about him as fast as they can run the printers. Maybe by the time he's winding down his second term they'll be ready to understand why they lost
>Sneed the Woodchuck
>The SJW/BLM shit is why trump is president
lol that's what your echo chamber told you, but the numbers don't add up
>I was a 2 time obama voter and in 2014 when all the Hands up Don't shoot. You're a white male shit started happening my political view started to change
i'm guessing you weren't the strongest liberal to begin with if you were swayed by entry level /pol/ baiting like this.
>trump is taking dodge charger to the far left makes me happy
ah, so you meant that you were a 2 time obama voter in your middle/high school's mock elections.
>save the environment
>live in a city, the epitome of Stuff > Environment
>y..yy..oure the triggered one not us.

Yeah you're right we're the ones who can't get over it and have to bring it up in just about everything.
lol what a dumb fag
>J-just lie down and submit y-you'll live longer
t. Triggered Redditard.
shows reference current events, this is not new
>b-but it's the guy that *I* like this tiem. IT MUST BE A FAEK NEWS JOOISH PLOT TO MAEK EVRYONE NOT LIEK WUT I LIEK
>he identifies with 4chan
>i'm guessing you weren't the strongest liberal to begin with if you were swayed by entry level /pol/ baiting like this.
Yeah all the safe space bullshit on college campuses. The Riots in multiple cities and the dozens of dead cops because some cop killed a thug are all in our heads.

The media won't calm down, they've hitched their wagon to the progressive Democrat meme and are going down with it even if it's running towards a cliff.

I'm thinking more your typical centrist type who probably didn't vote for Trump in 2016 but isn't a rabid progressive.
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>hamfisted political commentary in every form of media over the last 2 years
>drumpfcucks are le MAD
... so you're a trump supporter instead?
yes... yes they are
Tomorrow is going to be tons of REEEing when DACA gets shitcanned.

My hope is that we can tie any "Dreamer" Legislation to the new immigration reform. You want to keep the dreamers? Fine but from now on we're going to a Canada style immigration.
No I stopped being a leftist because it was against my own self interests.

There is no reason a white rich educated male should support anything the modern day left pushes for.
You sound like your typical pumpkin spiced Rick and Morty fan
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Please memepill me on the correlation between Donald Trump and the number 45.
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The backlash isn't because they insulted Trump, it's because insulting Trump is exhausting and uninspired. We get it, he's Hitler. I don't fucking care anymore.
I noticed this week the media and the democrat leadership pushed lots of anti-anti-fa kind of stuff. Almost engineered it was so forceful.
Trump is the 45th president of the USA. Some bitter lefty cucks say 45 because it's supposed to de legitimize him as president but they are still referring to him by his title as the 45th president.

I really don't get it either.
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lol did you just recently pick up on "pumpkin spiced" or something?
oh so you're one of those THEY'RE COMMING FOR TEH STRAIT WHIET MAELS !!!1 douches
>it's because insulting Trump is exhausting and uninspired
where as you memelord centrists are a fountain of originality and wit
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Now Bojack can join Hollywood, every news outlet besides Fox News, Info Wars and Breitbart, the music industry, congress, the senate, late night comedy shows, higher academia, and Silicon Valley in being #TheResistance.
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>45th president
Oh fuck me of course it's something obvious.
Guys Hitler lost like 70 years ago. Shitposting isn't going to bring him back to life, and trump is way too stupid to be the next Hitler for all of you
It's our plan to kill off all the libs.
>i dont subscribe to le status quo liek som blind brainwashed sheeple. i watch YOUTUBE CHANNELZ
I like "Dolt 45" personally
Did the abortion episode from season 3 make anyone else lean more towards pro life? Using juvenile humor to disarm what is and has been a very hot issue with many different sides, all equally as correct as they are incorrect, only works when you keep with the absurd humor. But the scene, where, post abortion, Princess Carolyn and Diane have a discussion that goes something like this

>Diane:God I feel like shit

>Carolyn:About the abortion?


or something like that, anyway having that one serious moment of the character being completely blind and deaf to the unnatural medical procedure they just had done on themselves completely ruins the 20 or so minutes of absurdist comedy preceding it.
>oh so you're one of those THEY'RE COMMING FOR TEH STRAIT WHIET MAELS !!!1 douches

yeah pretty much.
It's certainly calculated. Only a couple of weeks ago they were comparing Antifa to the men who stormed Normandy now a huge of 'actually Antifa are violent thugs and we totally didn't support them haha' articles drop all in the same couple of days. I suspect it's due to the DHS classifying them a domestic terrorist group recently.

It's damage control but it's too late they took ownership of Antifa when they made excuses for them and a lot of people see that.
lol your victim complex is a pretty powerful filter
Why do people type like this? Is this supposed to mask over their lack of an argument?
Neck yourself
It is damage control for the midterm elections. Either way the democrats are going to lose because, contrary to MSM lies, Trump's base is stronger than ever.
It's not my fault you love pumpkin spice lattes from Starbucks, it's nothing to be ashamed of. But it is very normiecore.
ive been informed that there is an over 50 percent chance you are a canada cuck and therefore i am forced to disregard your reply
dumb redditor
Trump's little cult is growing increasingly insular and driving away the independents that they needed to win the first time
At work there where some bees by the break table and I heard one co-worker say they are worse than Bush,then another co-worker got angry at trivializing how bad Bush was.
Also Bush getting blamed for a tsunami was probably my favorite.
damn, how can i overcome this barrage of scathing and verbose takedowns
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he will not divide us
Ironically the Democrats probably could have done ok in these upcoming Midterms if they have a coherent platform and organised. Instead they've been in utter chaos and are going to get stomped on again.

In addition to that the Democrats don't realise it but they have a bad image problem, the GOP had this exact same problem after 2008. Unlike the Dems they actually solved it, they nominated Trump who is still more popular than your average Democrat.

I mean seriously think about it, who could realistically beat Trump out of who are regarded as the 'leaders' in the Democratic movement?

All Trump needs is a mild recovery in the Rust Belt to win those states again in 2020, plus with Gen Z being able to vote for the first time in 2020 we'll see how large this voting bloc is. They are far more conservative than their Millennial counterparts.
They're not turning to the DNC because their message is still "Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people". The name Hillary Clinton is almost as toxic as Donald Trump. When they form solutions instead of insults, then we can worry.
Nailed it, senpai.
you dumb nigga i was verbose in >>87317784
this post right here and you were the one who went for the little "gotcha" reply. Im actually interested in discussion and a different viewpoint and you were the one to shit on my post you dopey fucking cunt
>In addition to that the Democrats don't realise it but they have a bad image problem, the GOP had this exact same problem after 2008. Unlike the Dems they actually solved it

Haha, no, their image problem(that of being a bunch of dumb racists) is now known to the entire world
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>oh so you're one of those THEY'RE COMMING FOR TEH STRAIT WHIET MAELS !!!1 douches
Yeah, everything from milk to ''okay'' handsigns are spun as white supremacy and the ACLU literally had to apologize for publishing an advertisement with a blonde child, but there's nothing to see here.
>They're not turning to the DNC because their message is still "Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people".

That was never their message, idiot
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Wow they fucking ruined my favorite Netflix show. Fucking leftist babies. I will not forget this.
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Yeah it's going to be about this subtle. These people don't know subtlety. All they know is hate.
>Which your average American thinks is complete hogwash

Remind me what Trump's approval rating is again?
I'm no leftist, but do you really think online surveillance, rapidly expanding gun regulations and having taxes that go towards welfare are not forms of oppression? The government is not your friend.
Where do you retards come from? Is there a direct link to /tv/ on tumblr or some shit?
it's called /pol/ and it's wrong.
wait, you came from /pol/? that's the opposite of what I expected
Are...are you serious
I didn't come from /pol/, but they all larp both sides of every retarded not-an-argument on every board. They're infected.
just watched it again, can confirm that it is basically one of those strawman webcomics that /pol/ likes to make fun of. Disgustingly preachy while invalidating any counter arguments by saying "its only a joke bro, dont get so mad :^)"
The hammer and sickle are shopped aren't they.
but that's racis
>literally had to apologize for publishing an advertisement with a blonde child
lol the astroturfers really love this one for some reason. guess it's because they know it sounds bad to the circlejerk and they wont actually research it on their own
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>your favorite cartoon is now another liberal propaganda piece
>i was verbose in >>87317784
lol good one
>your favorite board is full of nazis and anti-nazi-nazis
just leave this place, you have a containment board. Who cares what some shit cartoon shits out?
Who said I even voted trump?
>Who cares what some shit cartoon shits out?
trumpkiddies, obviously.
I like how they always call themselves The Resistance. You know full well they are on payroll by Disney, trying to keep the new Star Wars trilogy in public discourse.
If you voted you need to leave this board.
nobody, you just projected that into that post
alright, cut off all welfare for non-whites then

there save some moneu
The opportunity cost for this just skyrocketed if you give a shit about the show. How much character development just got scrapped or changed because they need characters to fit into this mold?
>How much character development just got scrapped or changed because they need characters to fit into this mold?
i dunno, im gonna say little to none? it was probably written as it was happening. you think there was a whole different season that got thrown in the trash because it didnt get approved by the EVIL JOOISH LIBRUL PROPAGANDA DEPT of netflix?
This season was likely under development before the election, so, maybe not entirely like the ridiculous strawman you present, but yes.
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