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movie is good. however why did Ego manifest himself as a human

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movie is good.
however why did Ego manifest himself as a human before he ever saw one?
Because he explains it in the movie
because the audience can't sympathize with tall duck beaked slug thing with a jamaican accent even if it is indeed alien.
>movie is good
nah, it really wasn't. The first one was a cheesy flick but they couldn't recreate that twice.
Watch StarCrash instead
Imagine if it didn't have that gay ass cgi fight at the end
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>Character is called Ego
>He has an ego the size of a planet
Chris Pratt's transformation from chubby comic relief to male model is still bizarre.

Well it's not meant to be a particularly deep series.
I didn't like it

Batista and groot ruined it for me
The story was simple I liked that
His dad was a weak

Batista magical turned 100 times more autistic and groot was designed to impress the children not (you)
are you having a stroke
>Taserface scene
Man this was just painfully bad. I know these movies are goofy and for kids (despite some language) but I dont want to be insulted for watching this
i turned it off and watched Post Tenebras Lux instead
Batista was fucking great, but yeah groot was retarded child pandering
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>never seen a human life form
>manifests as a human with every organ to a tee
>travels across galaxy sexing it up with aliens in human form
>finds Earth that happens to have human life form on which in turn he happens to find a human whose child happens to become a half celestial finally, meanwhile he failed with all other life forms to create one
>Chris Pratt's transformation from chubby comic relief to male model is still bizarre.
post the transformation?

I don't watch movies
left was for guardians 1?
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Left: Chris Pratt while filming Parks and Rec
Right: Chris Pratt while filming Guardians of the Galaxy
At this point in life he lost his wife
>implying he didn't dump her now that he's an A-list hollywood hunk who can get any pussy he wants

Anna Faris was a step up for him when he was the fat comic relief on Parks and Rec, he's above her now.
She was ugly anyway. Now he can have any wife he wants.
I thought humans were made in the Celestial's image.

So he manifested in the form which humans were based off of.
>watch capeshit
>expect good writing

Why didn't Ego encase his brain is a couple of kilometeres of diamond or some shit? Why make it easily accessible?
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not impressive at all when you can afford the best personal trainers, nutritionists, do roids and most importantly it's your fucking job
I think being rich will make average fat person with lack of self-control only fatter. Stop making excuses.
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>its your job to go to the gym
>for acting
Why is every single alien in the galaxy looking like HUMAN?!
He most likely didn't. He was putting things in terms that Peter could relate to.
made by celestials too, you dum dumb
Only if being in shape isn't tied to being rich.
>amy schummer
He also says in the movie he chose the form that would most appeal to Starlord. He then changes into Hasslehoff.

But then I'm reminded he shows an image of his human self sexing it up with alien bitches.

So now I'm just confused.
Wife wanted him to settle down and have kids.
He didn't want to have kids yet.
So they divorce.
She will spend the next 10 years trying to find someone to give her that life, every guy knowing she'll be an easy lay but understanding its cuz she's trying to lure them in long term.
Chris will meet someone else and in 10 years be ready to settle down a bit and have kids.
Anna will be lucky to have found a long term relationship at that time.
It's inevitable.
She screwed the pooch.
Yes, it's implied he changed his form to every species he met. He kept the image of himself as human so Starlord understood that it was Ego and not just some random male/female coupling.
I think Pratt would do just fine being fat and funny. He has lovable personality.
No it's better than the first one.
her entire shtick is "lol i'm a fat ugly cunt!"
Being fat was Jonah Hill's bread and butter and he managed to lose weight.
>those forearms
I feel his pain
how does one fixes that?
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>movie is good.
It clearly showed him having sex with the different alien species while transformed into that particular species, he probably got to earth and then assumed a human form, just like he did with the countless worlds he visited before.

He explained that he just assumed a form close to what he thought intelligent life would be like in the Universe, which was a blank slate bi-pedal life form.
I like how you're just ignoring his "fat dumb guy" career was basically over.
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I just didn't see any indications. Movies with him as fat dumb guy kept coming out.
What do you mean by that? He made a fat dumb movie like a year or two ago. He was literally golden for life.

There must always be a fat jewish dumb white man in the Hollywood market. Why in the name of fuck would he purposely lose his shtick? Now Hollywood would have to find another one.
This. There must always be a Lich King...I mean fat dumb guy.

This is why you people are alone and unhappy. You think anyone is above anyone else because of looks or celebrity
did you lose track of what you were trying to argue? You claimed money would make people fat, then started talking about people who built careers on being fat.
Or non meme exercises
>Or non meme exercises
What does that even means?
who da fuck are you
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What is Drax's expression trying to convey here?
My point was that average /tv/ poster won't use his millions to become fit, which was the response to anon claiming that it was easy for Pratt to lose weight because he's rich. Jonah Hill was the example of good self control without motivation in form of material goods lack of which was also mentioned by anon as another excuse for ordinary person to be a fat fuck.
Trying to wrap my head around convoluted logic of this discussion really hurt my brain, but I'm sure it makes sense somehow.
He literally wanted to impregnate every planet in the universe
the point you kinda missed/ignored is tying a level of physical fitness to wealth would be a pretty strong motivator to maintain that level of physical fitness.
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>mfw capeshit babbies don't remember Everwood
no it's definitely trash
I've never been able to see what the big deal with Chris Pratt is. He's a packet of soy sauce mixed into a carton of white rice to me.

The movie made it pretty clear he was lying.

Big problem for me was how the golden people found them on Ego. Taserface sent them the coordinates to the ship that blew up, not where they were running to.
Which is why I mentioned Jonah Hill. He has the opposite situation, where he makes money by being fat and still wants to become fit. As for Pratt, yes, I guess it's true. It should have been just a banter, something like "Don't fool yourself. You would just stuff your face with burgers if you had his money.", but I decided to make it less personal and it became more complicated than I planned.
>It clearly showed him having sex with the different alien species while transformed into that particular species

No, he was doing that in his human form. Watch it again.
Human life is based on Celestials.
Perhaps he's a fucking liar?
Considering the fact that I lack intellectual capacity to understand your analogy, my guess is you just have more refined taste in actors.
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Serious talk, am I the only one who thinks that turning the giant smurf into a father figure was ham-fisted? How the fuck could anyone cry for that.
normal person can look half, and i mean half, as good as him with self control and discipline
Ya you are a fucking idot
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what was the point of her fruit being not ripe? Was that a reference to something?
Well, since he was setup as the Father figure from the get go ... yeah, obviously you didn't pay much attention to the movie.

Hell, do you not realize it's been a main part of the ravagers storyline regarding quill?
Recall part one; "You've always been soft on him!"
Right there at the beginning of the movie.
Part 1 starts off telling you Yondu is Quill's surrogate Father.
He lied.

Most of these guys work out an hour or two a day, unless you're the Rock and you go 3 hours a day.

Eat a healthy protein rich meal, helps build the muscle. Plenty of cardio.

24 hours in a day. 9-5 job is 8 hours + 8 hours sleep = 16 hours; 24 - 16 hours = 8 hours.

You have 8 hours a day for your self.
Anyone can donate 30 mins at any given period of time twice a day to be in decent looking shape.
Problem is most people really don't want to.
Some of the most fit people I've known donate 4 15 minute periods to exercise daily.
Then every 2-3 days go hardcore for an hour or two.
It all depends what you want to look like.
Holy shit when she finally says it wasnt ripe, people in my theater started clapping and a few actually yelled out their reddit usernames
>Problem is most people really don't want to.

Which is the core of the issue. Why bother?
Your math is fucking awful.

Drive time to and from job, getting dressed for job, eating breakfast/dinner

Most normal people have 2-3 hours total for themselves at home, and thats on 7 hours of sleep

Meanwhile rich people have an extra 8-10 hours a DAY to do whatever they want

Thats 60+ hours a week of EXTRA LIVING
is Ego actually a celestial? I thought celestials were far above regular gods

Ego is just a powerful living thing, not a god at all
I'm beginning to suspect this movie was literally made to target young children.
It's meant to say that she does things out of spite more than because she think it's right.
Foreshadowing her reconciliation with Gamora
>Shows a baby getting brutally beaten by space pirates
He is a celestial.
>Most normal people have 2-3 hours total for themselves at home
Most people make bad decisions and settle in life with just being content.
Cooking doesn't take long at all, most food is a 10-20 min prep and then it cooks.

>Getting dressed
Unless you're obese then putting on clothes takes less than 10 mins.

Thats false. I work with people who make 500k - 1mil and they put in long hours, if not longer, and work just like the rest. The benefit is that they have stacks of cash waiting for them unlike the rest. Now how much of their work is equivalent to the rest of the cubical slaves is something else
To manipulate them. Like he is manipulating Peter. He's an unreliable narrator.
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