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Thread replies: 561
Thread images: 52

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come watch roasties. starts in about 5 mins.

What monstrosities are we going to see tonight?
>Twenty one-year-old Ray, from Swindon, is fed up of dating bad boys and wants to find a nice guy, not a player. Australian Jimmy has been travelling the world for eight years and has decided to settle down in Bristol. However, one thing is missing - a perfect partner. Anna Richardson assists both singletons
Looks like the 1st half is willies
Can't be much worse than what was served up to that ginger cunt last week
A nigger with a big dick, a fat lad, an even fatter lesbian and a tranny. Just like every other week.
>you will never go back to the golden age of /takemeout/ threads on /sp/

feels unemployed man
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>tfw I'm putting off driving to my brothers to watch Naked Attraction

d...do I have a problem?
Alright lads, did you remember to cancel all those plans you had with your friends to go out on a Friday night with?
>thought ray was a guy
Can you watch shows on this site after they air? I'm at work now.
oh, Ray is a girl
Fair enough
Cant wait to watch another episode of Chad wins
Her face is too fat for her to be that fussy.
few weeks ago it was
>21 year old Sophia is tired of dating her badboy gym partners and wants to date someone she can be in a more serious relationship with
>She chooses literally the only gymrat on show, a stupidly jacked low IQ animal
>he fucks her and they never talk again

This show just manages to find the most disgustingly thick cross section of British society
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>the absolute state of modern britain
>them teeth

Fucking hell, the state of British women
Ew, shes a 5.3/10 tops
brits are so gross
71% prefer foreskin
>no blacks

>cut fags btfo
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murrcunts with the jewsnip on suicide watch
how will jews ever recover?
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>don't like when there's too much foreskin
Get your piss flaps trimmed then you roastie whore.
If they already see your cock I doubt they care
How will cutfags ever recover?
>this girl

nice meme
Dodged a bullet there blue
I'm in America, it won't let me watch them. It lets me start the video but then its just a black rectangle.

Also, what the fuck is this show on Channel 4 about the brits who join ISIS? What the fuck are you people doing?
She ditched blue blaming his feet and not his cock, not fooling anyone there.
based genti
Not a lifter among them.
The nose knows
>would you take her out on a date
>they're all skinnyfat

the absolute state of bongland
amayzen badey
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we have definitely passed the precipice of oblivion
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Do they only show dicks or do the girls get nude too
channel 4 is the "hip", "modern" channel for "the youth of today"
ITV is more your speed
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this girl is clearly disappointed at the lack of BBC
He is deffo gay.
josh looks a lot older than 19
Post the girl with the multi colour hair
if they could've had a dark on they would've, she probably specified no nigs
>both guys have shat on her afterwards

He is white, they age a lot quicker
>in sales
>decides to get cock-nude on TV
>announce you're a virgin ( by choice of course)

Hi, I am new to this planet, what exactly is this?
Hold on, what the FUCK is this show? Is this on TV?
It would've been better if they all started out in CIA's powerstance and the one who delivers his line the best gets the grill
someone stop this absolute madman
It's naked kino
this is britain
Nude slags in the second half of the show, plus the one choosing has to get naked too.
Good wholesome family television
Man, if you have a CFNM fetish this show is God-tier.
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>decent looking teeth is all it takes for a brit girl to become sopping
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has anyone been called a big guy on this show yet?

surpirsed, she looks the type
that legoland commercial didnt have much diversity
no wonder the muzzies are planning to turn your island into a toilet. You all parade yourselves about on TV naked? I'm not even Muslim but I hope they win.
Clothed Female Naked Male

search for it on your preferred porn search engine
PureCFNM is best site
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>orpheus overture without cancan dance
clothed female, naked male
nice nose bitch, and that heavy make up covering the face creases
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>gorgeous girl

What did she mean by this?
Yellow looks like a cartoon character.
>would not shag this big bird
Isn't the woman supposed to get naked too?
Low testers on suicide watch
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Pick your poison
So a few good looking guys got drunk enough to have sex with her and now she thinks she's attractive?
patience my dog of war patience
It's channel 4. Lowest common denominator garbage. It's kind of like how the American cinema capitol produced The Emoji Movie.

i've unironically wanked to a part in one ep where the final two girls talk about the male contestant's massive dick...don't judge me
wew lad they're making some real trash today
>tfw I'd rather fuck any of these guys than her and I'm not even gay
>taxi driver
>from birmingham

What a disaster
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friendly reminder the next fashion statement of being nude could happen anytime now and wipe out beta once and for all
her nose is kill
>my island
nah mate im spanish
they plan to do the same here tho
bullet dodged
such is life on the island of great britain
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How you you britfags defend such degenerate television
Is he Finnish?
That was retarded
hahaha what the fuck was that?
why is there always one contestant on this show whos here for a quicky visa marriage
whats the point of this show?
This woman is too ugly for all of these men. When they fuck her off, she'll blame it on them being a "player".
his cock gargling noise
This show is like a fucking fever dream.
>he starts throat singing

Jesus christ.
>tfw you realise how ugly you would look if you were cross examined like this
wtf am I watching lmao
Is it always this ridiculous?

>I've made a terrible mistake
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it's essentially counter-propaganda to show muzzie teenagers "look how bad living in the caliphate is" since so many of them buy into ISIS propaganda
post-watershed floppers out for easy cheap ratings

shorter cocks and tattoos

interesting correlation
christ alive, what is wrong with my country
>got rid of green because he was too good

Fucking hell
"too perfect"
>he's too perfect

Woman logic
She knows that he will fuck and dump
>ugly slag
>gets rid of 9/10 Italian
It isn't even that strange, apparently they have naked dating shows all over europe.
Green has a nice face but his cock is utterly disgusting
time to see her skinny fat ugly body
are the chicks always busted?
better question, are they always British?
>gets rid of one with foreign accent
>"He was too perfect" ?
Has a foreigner ever got past the voice round?
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This girl is definitely the type of slag I could pick up at 3am outside a shit nightclub if I hadn't embraced the volcel lifestyle
oh shiiii is that an arabic tattoo on pink? the fucking sharia police gonna be after his white ass
This is probably a ridiculously cheap show to make.
>Fucking hell
It's because she's ugly as fuck you idiots, even these two are too good for her.
Nah, she's below average if we remove trannies from the convo
>club promoter
he's probably a drunken wifebeater teebs
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>he's a good lookin' lad
Pretty good body tbqh
Roasties btfo
ham beast with tiny tits
Face is busted but her body is decent
Probably pump and dump
>small tits
>nasty ass

she's actually not that bad looking nude, nix the ink
I feel like the only person my age without tattoos these days.
Meh tits. Would fuck one of the guys over her.
>pack of ham

thought she would be fatter
Fat with no tits and an ugly tat
shit tits
ugly tatoo
vagina aesthetics could be worse

Reminder that this degeneracy will be gone once Britain becomes an Islamic state.
roasty btfo
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chest tats are an awful meme
pump and dump incoming
Choice the guy with a bigger cock. Everytime.
This guy is compalining about roasties. Someone show him r9k if he loses. He would fit right in pretending to be a robot
The guys are more interested in each other than her
Nipple piercings are so gross
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>tfw have a nice body than all those guys

Feels good man
god i fucking hate ed sheeran
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shitty tats but i'd defo shag her
She looks awful in that pink top
>Cuddle buddy
Fucking hell, she is going to treat him like shit.

Ohh yeh. I think that happened a few years ago desu or even when "big brother" started airing. It's just become more recently apparent that there is definitely no turning back and those scary dystopian books from school are going to be reality within maximum 20 years. Might as well try enjoy it lads!
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>hope I can tame him
She seems like a pain in the fucking ass
>barely started talking
>already getting shitty with each other

I'm so glad I can watch this shit television programme with all of you. I love you all so much
she is a massive cunt... and so is he

perfect match
I feel like this cunt has a childhood friend that is actually attractive and she hasn't realized why she can't keep a guy after the first fuck

Always a bright side lad

Browns should sign her at OLB
Kek. The bongs have fallen far.
Her face looks like it's squished in
Her face is like an orc
omg i luv u 2 sistaaaaa
>this is a 10/10 in bongland
god she's an absolute dog
What a bitch.
love the pale as fuck top half of her forehead she forgot to fake tan
You still wouldn't find a decent girl in this shithole country
It'd be kind of hilarious to do this show and in your dressing room just... do a giant swastika 'tattoo' on your chest with a sharpee, for your naked reveal.
why choose him then ya boot
ugly slag would be lucky to drink my piss
Is this kino?`
literally just a chat up line, she's hideous.

>pumped and dumped

the state of women.
This stupid fucking slut.
hehehehehehehehehehe homie

stupid shlag
Shes built like a concrete wall that hasnt quite settled yet.

Enter the mind of the 2017 British female
>Fridge with no tits and a perma-smirk

No thanks
>she banged him

jesus christ
Who was in the right?
They both seem like cunts
kek what a slag
yas queen
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>that guy who who fucked her then didn't call her back because he said he didn't know how to use his new phone
I honestly think we're getting to the point of people posting their nudes on public social media being a normal thing.
perf for a dogging tbqphwy
Ugh...he's attractive so he can get away with being a jerk

Sucks man

>tfw manlet
>says that she hates him
>shags him anyway
What a fucking retard
>virtue signalled for the camera
>sneakily invites him round for a shag once the cameras stop rolling

Did she?
honestly m8, as a bong i can say safely she is 6 at best, but when under the influence of alcohol any girl can become an 8, this is where the girl on the show comes in, she has obviously been pumped by a few drunk lads and now thinks she's hot as fuck, neglecting the fact that all the boys who willingly copulated with her were either pissed odd their head or taking one for the team, probably both.
watching this makes me want to go out and get a mediocre slag to pump and dump but i'm literally autistic
Britbong car commercials sure suck
How has she not got 3 black kids yet by different fathers.
I hope that becomes the normal state. Pretty much everyone between the ages of 17 and 35 is avoiding politics because there are tons of people who have pictures of their dick/pussy
>the absolute state of this advert
Weird to see love honey advertising on TV.

dude she's a hard 5 at best. i'd say she's 3-4 as shes not my type, so
She's not Polish.
You better be fucking right. If the day comes where every man will be able to easily see their crush nude online, i could die happy. Itd be a massive win for men everywhere. Shit im pumped.
Most countries in the world aren't as crazy fundamentalist as America so they're not afraid to use condoms and coathangers
award winnen wines for five quid a bottle???
I'm starting to see more American commercials like M&Ms and Bud Light. There's so much difference and all the adverts are 10 years old
fuck off fake brit her face is legit 3/10 it is ugly
For those of you lacking in confidence, that is literally how easy it is to pick up a 6/10 thick as shit slag.
It's fanny time lads
Why do British women look like goblins? Ive never got with one just go for foreign girls
oh fucking jesus the state of this man
>shows that only exists for tits
>is only really valuable as advertising for sex toy companies
6 is very generous. The best thing you can say about her body is that she'd not obese, and her face is genuinely ugly.
my at best was based on someone being into all the things she has like tats and piercings, personally i wouldn't touch that shit with a ten foot pole
how the fuck is pansexual different to bisexual?
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>first half is a girl picking guys
>second half is a gay guy
>Giant beard

fucking typical.
>Pansexual aussie
He looks like Drake Bell with a fake beard and a shitty accent
Oh look Scarletts lost some weight. Always wanted to go in between those sexy thighs of hers
What a mess of a man
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wanna see my didgeridoo pan-sheila
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>Its another bearded cunt looking to settle down episode
you mean bisexual you dopey prick
Holy fuck I can't unsee it
Its... like.. pansexual is a "perfect" 50/50 in preference while bisexual can be skewed 30/70 or something. I think.
Incoming trannies.
no m8 it's just because it's channel 4, same reason they've had cripples on before
theres bound to be a gym hitting gay guy in the mix just waiting to tear open this bearded beta
you want to shag a pan mate? ahah absolute bonerman
Be honest. She's a 7 here.
This is ridiculous. We get dicks, an ugly girl and then probably trannies
I thought that was bi-sexual. Also his beards probably hiding an ugly face
it literally says he's a shitposter cunt m8
He's an Aussie
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Screens please
Slightly disappointed she's not naked. Everyone should be naked. All the time.

It's called naked attraction dammit.
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the state of anglo men
They consider trans its own thing. So into three types instead of two like a bi person.
I don't have them but someone has the one with the guy who is missing legs
4 dicks, one fatty and MAYBE one cute girl
This is fucking disgusting. We need Islam
That was a real shame. She was fucking mad too and didn't buy his bullshit for a second. That hybrid Texas/British accent was so cute too. She chose poorly.
literally shitposting irl
>4 cocks
>1 of the 'women' is a tranny

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>chicks are both fat

not at all. you prob just live in an ugly part of the country
The only girls are fatties
So asexual?
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>average british man
>identifies as pansexual
>gender doesn't matter to him
>"if it doesn't fit in your mouth then it won't fit in your bum"
>"i've learned from experience"

no britain is lost
As a British Muslim. I tell you this. Wait British "men" we will fix the problems.
>snail trail
There is nothing to enjoy
i like bush, guess i gotta go back to victorian time.
are these half chubs, or just showers?
gasping at the sight of the bbc
>if it doesn't fit in ur mouth
>doesn't fit in ur bum
Literally the worst episode of the entire series
He's Australian
>bun squats
No. Asexual is no sexual desires at all. Not not gay or straight. Nothing.
starting to think this guy is just gay desu
He's gonna eliminate both women before we get to see them isn't he
Christ I just started watching and I didn't know hes bi, I saw a vagina and looked away for a second and then theres a big black dangus there god damn it
his heart literally skipped a beat at the sight of the bbc
You're the same people you twat
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He is an aussie though.

I'm pretty sure that would drive most men insane with heartbreak etc. Deep down most men I know want a sweet innocent girl and don't like this culture, even the most laddy lads I know.
So it's what people who are virgins say to stay interesting?
>huge beard
>is turned off by hair

What a hypocrite
Good choice
She's a 7 here in Bristol and in the rest of Britain. Our women are ugly because the vikings tool all of the good looking ones.
I'd fug it
fuck she was cute too
That gut gross
why does he say "nice" like borat?
>we have pansexuals. black lives matter and antifa in the UK now
thanks america
Layla is cute from the chest up
shitty tats again but i'd defo shag her
I'd shagged her
fatty btfo
not effay at all
He's clearly just an old fashioned fag
That snail trail was disgusting though
heffalump body
>the empire is lost
full homo confirmed?
Aha, she was probably the most attractive one out of the lot.
Would fug smfh
cute face but snail trail is a no go
>all of them except one are men

he's a fucking QUEER
well this show is the biggest blue ball show ever. Waited the first half and the second half is still a cock show.

Yep, he eliminates the only human female up there.

Congrats Britain. Glad we broke away over tea and stamp prices. Your country is a joke. Enjoy your Cock show, fucking fags. Enjoy the Muslims breeding you out of existence.
I guess they could. They're a virgin on purpose.
>black guy is the biggest

God they all have ugly bodies
>tfw ginger


He's gonna pick yellow, calling it now
So is this show on a cable network or just regular broadcast TV?
>production found out how to get dicks more airtime
This guy is absolutely disgusting. Every time she mentions a body part, he starts talking about how he likes getting that part licked. He's a hidden gay, hiding behind this "pansexual"
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the fuck is wrong with british ppl? the fuck they put this on live TV? what the fuck
Why do the contestants on this show almost never fuck the person they choose? Seriously, what's the point?
yeah I don't mind a bush but that was basically chest hair
what a cunt, hope he has a horrible date

don't judge us by channel 4 or we'll judge you by Seth Meyers.
End is gonna be guy vs girl and hes gonna pick the guy

screencap this
then He should have been in the first half of the fucking show.

the women all get pumped and dumped
how come mixed race guys are okay but black men are ugly?
There is no fucking way that ginger study included anyone that wasn't white. White women age like milk
No aussie bum fun for the nigger.
I started working out since March and I'm bigger than all of these guys. Up until he just said the black guy had broad shoulders I was very self conscious of mine. I'M GONNA MAKE IT. I'M FIANLLY GONNA GET A GF
prob feared the bbc
Literally normal TV mate, Channel 4.
>black guy isnt even that much more bigger but they constantly keep talking about it
The black guy is handsome af
I could see that. Also jelousy. All your pals knowing what your girlfriends tits look like.
i'm not watching but usually hipster fakes being gay for diversity points then picks the girl
They're slight chubs. The way they're arching off the balls gives it away.
Okay, bets in while the ads are on.

Does he drop the chick or one of the guys?
No they don't? In the follow-up they're always saying shit like "there was no spark" as if the show's not 90% cock
>3.5 billion women on the planet

this is a problem
was he black? looked asian/mexican
>dat laugh
He's gonna kill someone before the day is over
Drop the chick 100%
this aussie is all about knobs
chick is uglier than the dropped chick so she most def goes home
definitely drops the chick this guy is a closet raging faggot
Imagine the pussy on a girl who needs size 4 on them
He will save the girl til last then choose the guy to keep up the """pansexual""" ruse
yeah i was thinking south/west SA
obviously black/white
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>animations starts playing with voice over
>"genetically, all black men are larger than tiny white men"
>shows animation of foot long black dick next to mircopenis
>"studies have shown white women find black penis up to 350% more pleasurable"
wouldn't give her more than a 4.
imagine how much shit we would get done
Does the average Britfag really believe in pansexual, nonbinary etc or is Naked Attraction just more propaganda?
Does anyone ever just go full on? Its a pretty stressful situation but it seems like especially in the first half of the show when the guys at the end see the girl it could happen
Hello Brits -- What show can I see Anna Richardson naked in?
>Little eggbert fipping though telly
>Sees knob pageant
>Turns gay
>Britans population plummets because too many gay boys
>Brits extinction
The average person would probably have no idea what any of that is
Do you shave your chest/ snail trail? I can't stand my snail trail, might shave it
Probably on her girlfriends phone
pretty sure I saw some semi boners in previous episodes
neither, it's channel 4 you dimwit. it's like wondering why something with alex jones involves raving about holograms hitting the world trade center and the subversion of our precious fluids
why is the office guy doing vodafone ads now ayyy
>Turns gay
Reminder that the only reason /pol/fags are straight is by forcing themselves to not enjoy penis
I'm hairy so it'd be too much to shave
If you turn gay because you see a few dicks then I have news for you....
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>tfw no celebrity naked attraction featuring lily allen
Hes gunna bumfuck red for sure
it's shit pushed by channels like this, the average Brit doesn't know or care about all these crazy terms like pansexual
Shave, it will get you more likely to be chosen while conscripted for an ep of Naked Attraction
i am bare hairy like thick dark hair head to toe except part of back altho have to shave rest, would basicly have to shave everything or it would look ridiculous so I just leave it, if the girl hates body ahir then it's never gona work just who i am
be nice to chris-chan he's a little
you know
>no father

No wonder
Fucking hell...
Oh my god, those are the four ugliest people i've ever seen
Girl is beat as fuck
LMAO they're all fucking hideous.


They all look like aliens.
Why were both of the girls tumbrlinas?
I'm only looking at the screencaps, but FFS why do they do this with ugly people? It should be attractive people choosing from other attractive people. Well, it shouldn't exist, but if it had to, THE PEOPLE SHOULD BE ATTRACTIVE. Britain is just fucking retarded.
Whats the opposite of a jackpot?
I wanna die
should've pick the bbc tbqh
The youth are very impressionable. All that rap making them swear and be rude. All those videogames making them violent. Why wouldnt 6 dicks make little timothy a flamimg faggot?
Why are brits so ugly? He got rid of the best looking guy and girl

christ alive, these people are fucking disgusting
I like the girl's hair desu
Attractive people don't need reality tv to get laid
>that final reveal

He's already lost, lads.
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top 5 strongest anime villains
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>this is why Muslims are winning
because you've already whittled it down to the channel 4 audience and you're further whittling it down to people who are sexually hopeless and then you're even further whittling it down to people who are willing to flop it out on television
Attractive people generally don't have to go on a show like this to meet other attractive people
fucking hell he looks like a generic 14th century peasant
Getting hit by a meteor
they'd never find actually attractive people who are sane enough to go on this show. the only ones that are willing are all fuck ugly and messed up in the head
50 years ago this guy would've been chemically castrated
why else would they want to meet a half gay guy?

Jeffrey Dahmer Jr
He looks like Jeffrey Dahmer
i'd rather drown than be saved by him.
>like a generic 14th century peasant
top kek
Remember when the orange haired model was on earlier this season?

How have we fallen so far?
Egghead is absolutely a fucking serial killer

You'd try to pretend you're ok with it, it's your pals after all. But after a few pints - "so what do you think of my gfs tits mate, you fucking love them I bet" , "no mate swear i don't look at her nudes" , "fucking liar mate cunt I'll fucking kick your teeth in!"
Good points. But if it''s gonna be trash, they just shouldn't make it.
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That bald guy looked like wojak personified
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>blues teeth

what the actual FUCK britain
well you're here talking about it, that's the power that "this TV show has flops and wingwangs" has. easiest ratings possible.
why aren't I suprised?
>European accent

Is England not in Europe...?
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What a load of bullshit, her eyes change colour when things are on her face...

The polish guy is definitely a trap, he's gonna leave the studio with him and get the shit beaten out of him by a gang of poles.
We all must be better looking than these
>gay as fuck
It fits
hes gonna pick the woman
>This monster was even uglier before plastic surgery
polish guy was cute wtf
I could say the same for Canada, Currie.
we use the word european to describe continentals
brexit m8. It's complicated
polish posture
>the woman are coal burners
>the men are gay hairdressers
Poland everyone
>the state of american education
lmao wtf is this
It's nothing to do with brexit, nobody in the UK would ever describe themselves as 'european'
Fucking called it

literally an elf
femra princess of power
>trailer park trash vs tumblrina
she looks like the son from the disney dinosaur sitcom
should have just watched babestation instead
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Jesus, his fucking pubes

European = not British
If she had a normal haircut she wouldn't be bad
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>White people look older than they are
What a surprise
Tiny Aussie Cock.
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Poland seems to have a pretty good grasp of things, if you ask me.
dat fucking worm dick

also id fuck blue

He looks exactly how I imagine Rasputin looked like
hahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaha hes got a pencil
LUL. He fluffed himself up a bit.
its fucking tiny
Smol kok

jesus it looks like his chest hair is growing into his face
what is THAT
i am 28 and still get ided and super white
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>that tiny cock
Why are white boys so small
>I don't like hair
>hairiest nigger on the planet
pencil dick
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absolutely fucking vile
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Where is it?
Her body is pretty decent. Hair is retarded though.
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fucking nuke us already
>is gay because he couldnt satisfy women

Rasputin had a monster dong though

kek nice


that fucking ass crack hair, jesus fucking christ
Called it
>that outfit

My god.
Did anyone screencap green licking his lips?
best girl
what the fuck is this....
This guy has a micro dick even when he's at half chub.
Fenrir looks hot desu.
"Looks like a catch". Fucks sake.
jeffrey dahmer of the 21st century
check his house for torsos
burger here, any episode where the chicks spread there asses or bend over or something?, public indecency is my fetish
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the absolute state of britain
And this faggot goes "ew hairy women"

What a cunt
ive been a waiter all me life...
as a fellow short lad, don't wear a long coat
I'm 27 and people think I'm 19.
Is there another round or is that it?
Fucking faggots man. Starting to hate them more than muslims
this is like watching a thin aris explore his sexuality 15 years ago
honestly that guy should have an automatic control order on whether they are allowed near children
G 4 Y
Is this not indecent enough?
that's it I'm afraid
I'd be scared of having that mess of a face near my dick.
The ginger actually isn't ugly, just really faggy
>2 rounds of cocks
>two rounds of DICKS

why even bother??

also why do almost done of the guys shave or trim? are they idiots
Britain is such a disgusting shit hole. I'm starting to understand why the politicians are encouraging mass immigration.
This is what the liberals want
>fags are the only one's looking for an actual relationship instead of just casual sex
Really joggins the noggin
>that fucking laugh
one of us should go on it for a laugh
I'm 40 and someone asked me for ID for cigarettes today.
What do we do now lads?
is there anything similar that we can see in britbong tv
I don't wanna go to sleep
who the fuck would agree to take part in this vile shite
>Expecting people outside of Britainistan to keep up with which one of their tv stations is which
We just watch the funny videos of you mutants that get posted here; we don't bother to learn the intricate details of life in your weird little cesspit of a country.
>I'm starting to understand why the politicians are encouraging mass immigration.
nice meme but keep up with current events you fucking dumbass
>if your single and looking for love channel4.com
well, there's your chance lads
>are they idiots
They get naked in front of millions of people and have people judge them, you decide.
unfortunately you don't give us the same courtesy because we have to learn your pop culture to know who the next "leader of the free world" is going to be
Someone start streaming an old episode that's not just two rounds of cocks
are these magnum ice creams made to taste nice or look good for adverts?
kill yourself
what episode was this? wanna check the last one which i missed
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What in the christ? I mean, I'm not a particularly meticulous groomer, but how do you even put pants on with that thicket?
you can find all the old episodes on ReleaseBB and and scene-rls. Use the Openload links, they almost always work.
I notice some fellow brits saying we aren't that ugly. Go down the highstreet of any small/medium town and take it in. Yes we are.
S02E08 I think
maybe its because i live in a uni city but i see multiple 8/10 everyday on the train.
No uglier than any other country desu
If you get on Naked Attraction you might actually have a shot at losing your virginity
The only people who think Brits aren't ugly are Brits, because they're so used to all of the monstrosities in the streets they think it's normal.

a culture of learning how to dress, eat, and exercise properly would maybe raise the average from a 4 to a 6
If you are the guy that called the ugly bitch a while ago a 6/10, then yeah I believe you when you think you see 8/10s around
Back - 6th Sept
Taskmaster - 13th
Fleabag - 2019 :(
Fleabag was a fucking great show.
by "Back" do you mean that's when Naked Attraction is back?
What is Taskmaster is it any good?
lol my parents are from spain, over there im like a 6 at best, been told im a solid 9 by girls over here, just a shame im still autismo
I do think it's generational. I live near a college and the girls are next level compared to what I grew up around.
this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWY1Zf1TUHA
looks shit but it's Mitchell and Webb
Taskmaster is pretty good yeah, binged the first few series desu

that's the class system for you
chubbier dolores
that really hit the nail on the head
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