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I've never seen a bigger piece of shit movie in my life.

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I've never seen a bigger piece of shit movie in my life. I don't know what I was thinking going to watch this, but it was just fucking awful, Reddit tier garbage from the first 30 seconds.

My gf and I have never walked out on a movie until we saw this.

And then I check the reviews and it has 95% on RT and high rating on IMDb.
Mike and Jay said it was good and they are never wrong. Explain
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>t. contrarianposting

Thanks op, but i dont think im going to save this as copypasta this time

better luck in a few hours after this thread 404s!
>My gf
You almost persuaded me fag

Takes 5 minutes for any plot development which is worn out and predictable anyway. Relies on stupid gimmicks like his music and sunglasses, as well as long tracking shots of him dancing. I can just picture normie fags laughing at the shitty "jokes" and thinking the main character is really cool and mysterious. The dialogue is dreadful and cringey. Stylistically it has potential as a straight up action film but there is nothing "real" about it. The characters don't seem real, and I didn't care about any of them.

Legit, the only reason we stayed longer than 30 mins was that the female love interest is really cute and I was hoping to see her naked.

Go see it if you want, I'm sure all the big paid shill reviews are right about it being great. Or you can listen to me. But you've been warned.

Literally fuck off shills
Really? No one else though this was shit?
I did. It was bland and generic
It was a good movie you pretentious dickbag. Get over yourself.

Seriously if you thought this movie was a piece of shit.

According to you, how often does a 'good' movie come around and hits the mainstream in your eyes? Once every 10 years?

Be fucking thankful that amongst rehashes, remakes and soft-reboots, we got something semi-original for a change.
Have you even seen any of the cornetto films? If you havent, watch that and come back
Ok if it was good, explain why.

This movie will be forgotten in a month, and rightly so. And no there are plenty of great films with less well known actors and much smaller budgets that come out several times a year. And maybe one of them makes a mainstream impact.

You've either "transcended" /tv/'s contrarianism, or you're an actual normie. Either way, you're out of touch with reality.


Sure thing pal
>breathes in the crisp morning air
Ahhh, just another day on 4chan and another OP being a massive faggot. All is well.

Just once I'd like someone to back up their opinion with arguments instead of calling OP a faggot. Ironically, you're the real problem with /tv/ discussions
everyone on 4chan thinks it's shit apart from the /fit/ and /sp/ crossposters whom are the only people that have been posting ITT so far
>"dadrock is cool, r-right guys?" the movie

You mean you are, mr. generic contrarian #4345. Once you see the thread shitting on it's box office you'll change your mind once you think it might be unpopular on here.
>only my autistic taste in music is objectively good
t. you
Not shit. It was fun and fresh. Style over substance sure but it was pretty entertaining. Sure it had plenty of schlocky moments but Edgar Wrights passion for film and music shines through imo. It didn't rely solely on action scenes and quippy humor in order to entertain.

Sorry it wasn't the 8 hour Malick/Tarkovsky/Tarr inspired high-art, intellectual borefest you were apparently expecting
never pinch the tip of your penis when you orgasm, you'll rejaculate all the sperm into your bladder and it burns for days.
Ok, I'll back up my opinion.
>nice soundtrack that fit the scenes (sometimes almost perfectly)
>well helmed chase scenes (both car and on foot)
>good humor - parts like him telling the crew to wait because he has to start the song over, mike Meyers masks, Was He Slow mixtape play session before the last heist, and baby searching for songs on the radio before the purse-throw. All of those scenes caused my entire theater to laugh out loud, including myself
>not a cash-grab capeshit flick and although the movie itself isn't the most original plot, it still has some original scenes
>also I'm kind of a sucker for drawn out action, well planned action sequences. The same reason I can still sit down and watch practically any Bruce Lee movie to this day. I just like shit like that.
So what's your reasons for not liking it?
Is this copy pasty? Cause it's top tier sarcasm

Jesus Christ on a bicycle!

Just because something is new/fresh doesn't mean it's good, or even original.

I bet you liked New Coke.
See >>85018509
Oh, our posts point out the exact same strengths and weaknesses. The only difference being the characters and jokes didn't resonate with you. Well, that's just your opinion, man. (thedude.jpg not found) I see no reason to make a thread about that. And oddly enough, whenever I do see these threads that talk bad about the movie I see most anons' posts defend the quality of the movie. As if everyone liked it except OP. Wait a second. Are you a shill? Are threads pike these a way of reverse psychology shilling.
>DON'T SEE THIS MOVIE. SUCKS. but now you know about it ;)
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