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What do you think of Ana de Armas and her upcoming role in Blade

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Thread replies: 327
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What do you think of Ana de Armas and her upcoming role in Blade Runner 2049. /tv/?
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what did she mean by this?
she looks like she fucks black guys
She isn't getting fucked by enough niggers so DROPPED
wtf I love Cuba now
Nope, Cubans are racist as fuck.
>in OPs pic she looks like a loli
>look her up
>into the trash it goes
the poor man's lexi belle
Nigger the poorest man in the world would not go near Lexi Belle
Even when she was Taco Belle?
Was unrealistic and distracting when she was Miles Teller's gf in War Dogs and he still is unhappy with life
Perfect woman
She look fucking hot
ok chad
She has that look that lowkey pedophiles enjoy.
wanna eat her asshole
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>short hair
I wonder how her pussy tastes like
like bags of sand
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She's the most attractive actress I can think of currently.
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Are you actually retarded?

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her brapper?

Good. Fuck niggers and you too Krager you fucking cuck.
fake af shes not lurking this thread either
is that her natural hair color?
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>Blocks you're path

Ana would smother her to death with her asshole with minimal effort.
Put your damn Potter nostalgia away for once
She really was cute back in 'El Internado' desu
Her face looks like 15 year old's
all that baby fat
that eye color is fucking disgusting. the watson poster got it right.
Samefag insecure pleb. Get some taste.
Not even the same guy. Enjoy your runny duck shit eyes I guess.
Enjoy your pegging and feminist cheating wife, cuck.
How would one go about getting a girlfriend like her?
I'm talking about looks here. I win.
No you don't. Emma Watson is painfully ordinary

>be rich
>be handsome

there you go

She's hotter with blonde hair
dumb illiterate bitch, it's supposed to be daddy's
She's hotter with no clothes on
maybe men, spaniard women are some of the biggest coalburners ever.
Why are you people so obsessed with black men's penises?
outside of that
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I think she is highly attractive and I'd like to have copious amounts of sexual relations with her.
where did I mentioned a black man's penis? You know, black men are more than just their penises
Not to you weirdos they aren't
She looks terrible with blreached hair. Why do sluts always feel the need to be "blonde" even when it makes them look like cheap hookers?
This. I wish she was my girlfriend.
She's cute but she's not Aly Michalka in kinky tight leather levels of spooge inducing.
nice projections, black men are ripped, muscular SEX GODS who sweat pheromones like waterfalls and make white women ovulate within a 1000 miles radius of them. It's not just their penises m8.
>brown nips

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oooooooooooo bb giv me ur neckkk
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some ugly fat man is plowing your waifu right now
how does that make you feel
1. Those aren't brown
2. She's Cuban, what the fuck colour did you expect, orange?

To be honest Ana de Armas is dating Edgar Ramirez right now
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How does one suck tit?
I want to but It looks awkward
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feels good to be a cuck
She's relatively white looking so I expected her to have pink nips, but I guess those Moor genes got hold.
>amazing face
>shitball body

lol like always
Body double?
Look at >>84183354, they're pretty normal red
Yeah they called in Lexi Belle to do her sex scenes
you got no fucking chance
Yeah dude.

Just be yourself
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Lexi Belle wishes she had tits like that
Hottest white girl ever, wish she had a penis though.
play video games all day
watch others play video games
shit car
never go to gym

you got no chance fucker
...Isn't he going a bit hard for a movie? Were they dating irl or something?
more like ever
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are you spying on me?
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Those are normal colored nips shared by 90% of the "white" race. She clearly isn't albino ginger or Norwegian.
sitting in the very chair that brandon fraiser once JUSTed in
>Those are normal colored nips shared by 90% of the "white" race.

amerimutt detected, ACTUAL whites(not amerifats) only have pink nips:fact
Pink nips aren't normal for white girls either, they're for the very pale white girls. Most just have red coloured ones.
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mackenzie davis is superior
>body double
>in spanish cinema
hahahah, wait no, jajajajajajaja
Ultimate Hyper Pleb.MAX Ultra
Unlike almost all women, she actually does look better naked.
No that would be >>84182236
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>her nipples
Travel to Argentina, Uruguay or Spain and you'll find lots and lots who look like her

She's a rare one in Cuba so don't go to her native land
do you blame him?

>this guy GOT PAID to suck her tit
this was her best appearance, long hair, brunette, with meat around her bones
This late 30's numale got a master's in sucking young perky tits.
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I think highly of her appearance and hope to see more
Why did my mind immediately go to the Persona 5 opening
Yep. Fucking jews got the best girl.
I want to cum on her eyes, is that weird?
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she is a goddess
Like, in her eyes? Cos that would probably blind her for a while
more like a succubus
Is this what love feels like? Her eyes are all twinkling, it's mesmerizing
I want to make love to her
Hopefully one day I can travel there
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I'm shocked she's not a bigger deal. Just by how beautiful she is she should be getting parts thrown at her left right and centre.
Jesus Christ, I can't handle her beautifulness
She can just close them and take it on her eyelids.
is she gonna be nude in blade runner?
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I NEED to see her bare asshole NOW
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I feel nothing. I'm dead inside.
Well unless she does porn, I don't think you ever will. I'm sorry.
>tfw want to see her cute little asshole
>tfw want her to stay pure as well

Fuck this gay earth
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Life is unfaaair
Yeah, there's a three way with her (a hologram), a replicant prostitute she hired to super-imposes her hologram over, and Kay.
I dont think you've ever seen a girls tits irl have you?
Because they're redditors
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she does have that little something, bet she has a rape fetish
I did, and she was actually white not the mongrel shit you Americans consider that.
Why are women so appealing?
>her faces when she sees you're penis
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She doesn't burst out laughing and slam the door in that weebum
Lexi has way better boobs nowadays
Don't know mang. I wish I was born as a woman, I would be the biggest slut ever.
they're not much different
it's only awkward if you don't know how the girl feels about it

you just have to own it: you want to suck those tits so you grab them and suck them
oh ok
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last i heard she's fucking her agent, his name is franklin latt, he's at CAA which is one of the biggest talent agencies in hollywood. he probably got her all those good parts like blade runner recently.
>Latt began at CAA in 2008 assisting Jack Whigham and Kevin Huvane. In 2012 he was promoted to agent. Since then he’s signed Rosamund Pike, Boyd Holbrook, Peter Dinklage and Omar Sy. He also reps Meryl Streep, Stanley Tucci, Julia Roberts, Annette Bening, Glenn Close and Viola Davis. Latt played a key role in signing “The Fault in Our Stars” star Ansel Elgort. His client Alden Ehrenreich is the lead of Warren Beatty’s upcoming film and also stars in the Coen brothers’ “Hail, Caesar!” Most recently, Latt brokered a deal for Haley Bennett as the female lead in Antoine Fuqua’s remake of “The Magnificent Seven” and added Sarah Wright (“Mena”) to his list of leading ladies. “The goal for me is to stay curious. It’s about looking at anything and everything in all platforms.”
Good. I am an ugly fat man myself.
Hey, I could be that ugly fat man!
>white boy
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She's perfect
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man, that dude is fucking good at his job
Flawless tits
i know right? no wonder ana is getting all these parts after letting him fuck her. although i can see her becoming his trophy wife like Mrs. Ari in Entourage since Ana, like Mrs. Ari, is not a very good actress, she should focus on raising children. That latt dude will go places though, i'm sure of that.

>jumbo pencil eraser nips

just when i thought she couldn't be more perfect
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I agree. She is quite lovely.
She looks so young, you paedophiles.
that ring is to jerk a guy off, she's a naughty one.
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muh dick
The ring on her finger? Please explain.
she's goddess tier

young + female = sexy
I think he's referencing this
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Shes my jerkoff MVP. And she still has many more years and sex scenes to contribute
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Damn she's gone places since El Internado
Her as a mid-puberty babyfat teenager
Shes a fucking babe, ran into her a few months back at a beach here in California, she was nice .. will post pic when i get home
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thanks guy!
Blonde or brown hair?

natural is better
He fucked her.
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What did she mean by this?
based benicion if true, he's the latino chad of hollywood.
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>She will never be your qt gf
She's one of those beauties that you become enamored with whenever you see them and it just makes you sad because they don't even know you exist
If every single one of you was dragged into the street and savagely beaten to death the world would be a much better place
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Her face is incredible. Perfect shape and proportions, beautiful eyes and lips, the nose/mouth/chin are all ideal.
You couldn't design a more ideal face
According to feet connoisseurs even her feet are 10/10
calm down white boi, calm down we don't want another school shooting
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You say that like that isn't all one guy spamming.
wtf does she wear contracts? how many surgeries has she uddergone?
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It was a rumor. I don't think it was confirmed.
No she does not wear contacts, and no surgery.
It's called "finishing puberty", "losing some weight" and "not standing in a shadow"
Kino TV
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And Hispania, la Leyenda, of course.
fuck out of here with that anglo slut
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delete this
chad wins
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Help, my heart, it hurts. And it's not just my diet this time.
truth hurts lol
Ana threads just make me depressed, bros...i will never have her...
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>watching spic tv
Is it even possible to get a girlfriend like her? I'm a average looking manlet and I don't make a lot of money.
Absolutely not.
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>don't make a lot of money
Hey kid, want to x1,000 your money?
Buy DGB, it's going to be worth millions soon.
Don't tell the mods.
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Ana and Lorenza should be the next Bond girls
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that's what I was afraid the answer would be
Imagine this two standing doggy style ass to ass on a bed. And you sliding your dick from one to another.
I first knew about these two from Knock Knock and ana is obviously superior there, but lorenza is so incredibly qt in Green Inferno. It was distracting!
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Lorenza Izzo. Both her and Ana starred in Knock Knock
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Sounds interesting
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yeah she was super cute in Green Inferno. only good thing from that movie
Hey it's Eli Roth's wife who he tried to portray as being hotter than Ana, to questionable success.
I've been thinking the same thing for years now. Hollywood really is run by idiots.
Ana for sure should be one.
I would pay to watch that.
Do you guys think he has a really thick dick?
One of the few women who look better blonde
Natural hair color > unnatural hair color
she's adorable
just thinking about his bbc inside ana's pussy makes me rock hard
How do I find those softcore porn videos that were posted earlier I was in the chow hall and couldn't watch.
Welp shes cute and gonna be in a big movie. looks like /tv/ has a new waifu for a couple weeks. I will enjoy the webms of her from the movie 3 months later when the bd rip shows up
Pardon me, but I have racist inclinations and it thoroughly displeases me when people post commentary akin to that which you've posted. Could you please refrain from doing so in the future? I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.
I don't.
Do you think she likes anal?
she has top tier youthful genes

looks a shit tonne better than scarjo or mila kunis did at 29
I wish she hadgottenpicked up by hollywood earlier.

imagine if she had been starring in lead heroine roles since she was 20,
or even 24
>admitting you like teenage boys in a discussion about beautiful women
jesus, this is embarassing, anon
Thank you for my service
>Hollywood really is run by gay men.


even if you did, a more eligible male will steal her off you within a month

She let a man suck her tits on camera for money :/

she's dropped down in waifu status for me now.

I wish she had only done wholesome parts like Anna Sophia Robb.
>diarrhea coloured iris
if it weren't for a body as flat as a plank, it would be elle fanning
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Knock Knock was top 10 of 2015
Want to know how I know that you are a massive faggot?
Trying too hard.
izombie is far too self-wanky about how good looking they are. Every other sentence is about how major is attractive or Ravi has good hair or Peyton is beautiful, it pisses me off
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>It's a 200 post Ana thread

Sometimes you're okay /tv/
Her eyes are so lively. Like they set out to create the exact polar opposite of that "dead eyed" soulless look that many models have. Think Melania.
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I literally love her
Pleb choice.
Any pit pics?
She has very pretty eyes
Also i'd launch an invasion in her bay of pigs if you catch my drifto
I have the same eyes
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>wrinkles your path
You are a fucking idiot.
>Why do sluts always feel the need to be "blonde" even when it makes them look like cheap hookers?

Because she's an actress and it's for a part you dipshit
I wonder how much she sucked to get that role.
Hes right tho
Those aren't going away

shes pure
Those are nasolabial lines, a completely standard facial feature.
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Not all qts have them
4/10 pair
what's so great about them?
>shes pure
Not him, but
-perfect size
-perfect shape
-perfect sag
-perfect nipple shape
-acceptable nipple color
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>-perfect sag
but...there is no sag
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Enough to not look fake

Christ. Think of how many takes it took to get this scene done. How much time just munching on her titties. That sexual tension in all that time between takes when shes half naked too. And then you go home and get a paycheck in the mail.
white people are racists as fuck but also the main producer of cuckolding and interacial porn
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she looks like ryan newman and is like 10 years older
she is literally perfect bros. how do you guys live knowing a woman this beautiful will never want you?
>white people are racists as fuck but also the main producer of cuckolding and interacial porn
((((white people))))
So by white people with the multiple parentheses, you are referring to the reptilian jews?
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Please don't remind me
fucking diamonds™
>have an erection
>need to shit
Just store it under the seat for safekeeping
Yes, that is a man.
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What did he mean by this?
my goodness

Remember when Lexi Belle said she'd fuck men whilst daughter roleplaying for fathers who lost their real daughters in a hurricane?

What a woman.
>bath bubbles to hide the boob job scars

bravo eli
You're a fucking idiot.
she's still with no bubbles like 6 seconds after that shot
and she's been nude in loads of stuff for years
they're very obviously not fake
I literally have never hearded of her until now. She's a goddes. Fortunately there ar penty of nude scenes of her, so now I'm going to fap.
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>no one posted it yet
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>this thread is STILL going
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>literally me
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Best day on /tv/ ever
Post Paintable de Armas
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look at faces more dip
this is this qtest
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I hope it never ends
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Can you imagine the reaction you'd get if you brought her to your family reunion?

>Wow anon, you sure bagged yourself a looker
>Damn son, good job
>Sister in law: Sh-she's not that c-cute...
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she reminds me of maria valverde
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mai first waifu
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>mai first waifu

a waifu is for life, you philistine
Young 3D waifus "die" fast.
Think of Ryry, she was perfection.
retarded lexi belle
I was very happy to wake up to this too :)
She's not white enough for that.
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>open your door
>see this
You'd fuck up your life too.
she is one of those weird chicks that looks much much better clothed
That's 99% of girls. Ana is not one of them and should be forced to be nude all the time
Why are you so mean to me?
having a trophy is one of the best fucking feelings.

the only way it's bad is if while showing her off there's some weakness in the relationship that goes on display

You're a weird one, anon.
lo siento
she's got qt facial tics
wrong tic pic
She has qt everything.
Please stop doing this to yourself.
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Think I'll probably do
Working on a series of bathroom paintings to be hung above urinals in shitty bars.
You're actually getting orders now? Congratz pal.
Those are terrible
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Thanks bud. Not really getting orders know. Just know a few bar owners that think it's funny. Also thinking about printing out scale size versions as stickers and paying hobos to stick them under bridges.
pfft maybe i made them terrible on porpoise
She's a good actress. That is why they tolerate her horrible accent.
I'm surprised Ana's getting more work than Lorenzo. Keanu might have actually helped with her career

You'd think married to a director gets you ahead
More like the superior Spanish Belle
Thread posts: 327
Thread images: 106

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