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Let's cut the bullshit: is it any good? Thinking about seeing

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Let's cut the bullshit: is it any good? Thinking about seeing it but it seems hard to get a real opinion on it that isn't "I loved/hated this because feminism." Genuinely don't care about politics, just want to know if the damn thing is any fun.
You can tell exactly what the movie is from the trailers.
Do you enjoy cuckoldry, misandry and degeneracy? Do you hate western culture? If the answer is yes then dont wait another minute. Go see the movie.
t. false flagging pajeet
it's the modern marvel/superhero formula with some lingering snyder aesthetic. fine/passable but nothing amazing.
I want to lick her clavicle
think of it like this, the bar has been set so low that the fact that WB made a super hero movie that happens to be coherent is why it's good.

Otherwise it's a fairly generic movie, with good parts, no real bad parts but many mediocre parts, if WW didn't have her name attached it would be in and out of theaters in 2 weeks.
Any opinion that includes "feminism" or "sjw" is retarded, so discard those. It's enjoyable, up to you if you want to watch it.
Wonder Woman is Captain America: The First Avenger but good. It's worth at least one watch.
Saw it with my sister (who's not really into capeshit)

She was curious because of all the controversies this film had buzzing around but she was grateful it's not another MUH FEMALE POWER BS.

Anyway it's great.

8.7/10 a breath of fresh air among a sea of capeshit these past years.
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Grace Randolph in "Beyond The Trailer" points out the opening records of ticket sales, is somehow modulate comparing with the another DC inputs : https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mEi-sEd3lfw But it also is the record breaking number for female director in general. Sooo I don't really know what all this come down to just yet. A friend of mine has checked it & told me that it is awesome flick. So I can't wait to check whole. Why don't you, anon make the thread afterwards you check this film ?
this. good action, so so acting, formulaic but enjoyable. worth a watch.
You aren't posting to seeing if it's good, You're looking to see what /tv/ thinks so you know what to say, you stupid faggot. Use your own judgment, I'm sure you would know if you want to see it or not.
It's like a good version of a marvel movie

It's capeshit. Literally all of these films are terrible if you're not a child.
I think this movie might beat Winter Soldier for best capeshit fist fights.
shilling would be a better word
i dont think you understand what a false flag is
It's good. Good pacing, good action.
A bit too much Zack Snyder slomo, but not too much.
I finally saw it today and it made me cry twice.. no homo. I'm a huge fan of the comics though. I own 30+ of her comics and tons of Justice Leagues. To see such a great adaption was magical for me. I think it was a master piece. It's my new favorite super hero film. It's a great story about war and what it means to be human.

Go see it.
I liked the trailers more than the movie. Didn't like the beginning. CGI was bad particularly anytime anything was in the air. Liked Chris Pine and he often seemed like lead character. Ending was so so.

Only saw it once, no desire to see it again. I had a better time watching RAMBO First Blood Part II today on TV.
>good action
What? The action was slow-motion takes and pans, gangly Gadot walking around deflecting bullets and shit. Then the final battle was 99% crap cgi. The action was a WEAK POINT.
It was decent. Nothing exceptional about it, not bad either. You might be turned off by the CGI though.
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It's as good as Iron Man, take that as you will
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Look at that perfect axilla, I could fucking bite it.
dont c it.

oh man those fucking thighs.... hnnnnng

do you catch many shots of her panties in the film?
t. Shlomo Goldstein
I couldn't tell if they were really arguing or just joking. Pine seemed weirdly defensive about armpit hair.
>do you catch many shots of her panties in the film?
Patty Jenkins makes sure to give us upskirts when needed.
Margot Robbie got no tits either but nobody whined. People just don't Wonder Woman to be an anorexic rat who can't speak english or act.
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do they look like this?
Surprisingly yes, they do a few nice fan service shots, but if you blink you will miss them.
General consensus from trusted sources is that it is basically exactly "any good". Like apparently the main actors are good (and Gadot herself actually pulls the role off pretty well) but the directing is pretty weak and the ending goes fully retarded with the same giant blue lazer in the sky you always see. Basically Patty Jenkins is good with actors but can't direct action for shit. Sort of the opposite of Snyder
*wondrous BRAAAPPPPP*
>People just don't Wonder Woman to be an anorexic rat who can't speak english or act.
You mean /pol/edditors
>Margot Robbie got no tits either but nobody whined
>what is fridgeposting
>I couldn't tell if they were really arguing or just joking.
Are you autistic, anon?

I don't even know if Diana wears panties at all.
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I bet she doesn't. I bet it's blacked out with CGI and all you faggots shilling the upskirts are really just shills.
>I don't even know if Diana wears panties at all.


Maybe if you live on the internet and take it more seriously than real life.
You've become what you hate, you're a feminist now.
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>I bet she doesn't. I bet it's blacked out with CGI and all you faggots shilling the upskirts are really just shills.
I'm waiting for a camrip to show you how wrong you are.
You are both the same on the annoyance spectrum.
When the dude started saying "German are the bad guy, I'm the good guy" (it's WW1, there is not really a good guy bad guy.) I started to feelING something wrong. Then i sure seen how wonder woman got influenced by this "war propaganda". And animalized the enemy.
Glad she realized the true of this bullcrap at the end. And with german gas mask wearing soldiers took off their mask, they were just some innocent young men who was just 'Doing Their Jobs"
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>thinks all of his cheer leading for media constructed social issues isn't pointless
the dude is so weird
If you like capeshit in the firstplace kill yourself.
>make political shitposts
>someone tells you to fuck off

Actual autism.
This is so much truth, someone make him a prophet.
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>you have to side with one of two insufferable faggots or else you are a centrist
nice one /pol/ddit. i don't like capeshit, does that make me a centrist because I'm not a DC or Marvel cuck?
surprised anyone on /tv/ is mature enough to understand this
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>if you're not on the autistic spectrum you're a centrist
imagine being this helplessly stupid
>tfw retards saying Galdodot will be nominated for an Oscar
>tfw it's ridiculous but it might just happen
>tfw no face
>I just found out the media milks movies and makes shitty articles so I'm going to chimp out
shouldn't you be in high school?

>only nominated

So people who can watch a movie without the autistic lens of identity politics like you and SJ types and just want to know if it's worth watching. But you didn't read OP's post, you just saw the picture and flipped the fuck out.


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>tfw newfags think the 'f' in tfw stands for face and not feel
>he types meaningless bullshit in all caps
shit, so you're not a kid, you're just a lost demented old man. Sorry about the school thing.
What the hell people are seeing on Gadot's performance? At her best she's mediocre
>he found out massive budget superhero movies made for teenagers are politically correct and pandered to teenagers so he's sperging out about it
what the fuck is it you want? for them to teach them your retarded backwards values? for superhero movies to sound like they were directed by your embarrassing grandpa? values. both your retarded ones and mine, are taught at home not at the movies
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>And with german gas mask wearing soldiers took off their mask, they were just some innocent young men who was just 'Doing Their Jobs"
That was indeed a great scene.
>hey look I reposted (for the millionth time) the same picture about this joke of a site that panders to tweens! I totally proved them wrong!
there's nothing to guess and nothing to guess and nothing to rebut. I'm not arguing with a mentally ill person. I already blew you the fuck out with almost empty replies
It's obvious that these people are broken.
When she breaks down and runs into the no mans land, or walking through the gas and freaks out at the dead children.
I got a little choked up. Those scenes were done really well.
I notice they're professionals with jobs and you're wasting your time doing nothing for free but think you're doing something.
It's decent. The only DCEU movie that isn't complete shit.
It's not great tho.
OP here. Made this thread and came back to see quite a few replies. Thanks for giving your real opinion on this (at least, thanks to those who did). From the sounds of it, it'll be alright. I guess I'll give it a go. Again, thanks for the help.
Any clips from Dr. Poison?
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>every movie today
you are cringy asf
>When she breaks down and runs into the no mans land

You mean "how can you say that" and "that's what I'm going to do"?

Because that's her best, and it's still just ok
It genuinely felt like a comic book come to life. Which is more than I can say for every movie Marvel's shat out the past 9 years.

Above average for sure.
your mind is the ill one.
>grown ass liberals
the majority of huffpo types are either young and naive or lonely. Just like you. You think you're any better? lol
all tumblrinas might be left wing, but not all of the left wing are tumblrinas. Just like not all of the right wing are hopeless retards who deserve no respect (i.e. you). Not all of the left wing even supports Hillary Cunton and you're just being a small minded generalizing dunce
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My sentiments aswel.
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none of this makes any sense at all
I almost feel bad for you
oh yeah sorry I forgot you're the one with a realistic outlook of to world and certainly not an insane person who saves tons of pictures of the feminist boogeyman
there's literally no logical way to come to this conclusion. Take your meds
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>Take your meds
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stop quoting me on things I never said for the sake of your argument you lying prick.
upgrade your memes /r/the_donald
Why are you replying to an obviously mentally deranged person?
So how do they explain WW2 after this movie then?
What do you mean?
Ares isn't dead obviously, but on a side note it was cool how they worked in to the story that almost everyone she met died in hence how she kept her secret identity
Doesn't her Commandos and Etta survive? That's pretty much everyone that got to actually know her besides Steve
My sister liked it

and she doesn't give a shit about feminism and social commentary/justice like my younger sister does
Yea there was like 2-3 people (smugglers and swindlers), but the town and soldiers all dying explained why her identity was kept secret all of those years.
It's one of those things that would have bugged me had they not done that.
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>Wonder Womans most suprising feminist moments

What.. holding a baby, trying on dresses or beating up bad guys? The stuff female flick characters have been doing for 100 years?
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It's almost the same as one of Marvel's phase 1 films: fun build up but features a weak villain & has a flat third act. From the DCEU POV it's not a disjointed, badly edited, gloomy mess like their previous entries. As for what others are saying it isn't an SJW propaganda piece - it's refreshingly clean of all that. Solid strong 6/10, maybe verging on a 7.
>it isn't an SJW propaganda piece - it's refreshingly clean of all that.
Tumblr please
People keep mentioning "at least it's not a mess like the rest of the DCEU" but Man of Steel wasn't a mess. Nobody had a problem with the plot of MoS and it was pretty clear and straightforward.

In fact the whole 3rd act of this movie is probably more bloated, in how it communicates with the previous acts.
>not being a decker
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spoiler alert
what if someone have beliefs on things but they dont typically all align with one side?
If you liked Man of Steel and Batman v Superman, then you will not enjoy Wonder Woman.

If you like Marvel's movies you will enjoy Wonder Woman
I think WW's Steve was the one played by the actor named Chris.
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Are you sure?
I make a point not to watch trailers. They spoil the movie
The No Man's Land scene is 95% in the trailers, and the other 5% is not even relevant
I was fine with it
More like if you liked Man of Steel and Batman v Superman you will shit yourself over this.
It's pretty gay how every haggard, down on her luck actress is shilling this movie in hopes Patty Jenkins notices them
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>DC's first success comes from copying Marvel
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I heard there were some dorky cute scenes where Diana was trying to fit in.
Thoughts on those?
It's fine, a little better than the typical capeshit. If you like these movies, you'll probably enjoy it. No one here will because we are all patrician.
>a little better than the typical capeshit.
Top kek
Luke Evans is playing the creator of Wonder Woman in that biographic film by Sony
She was adorable. Ironically another actress couldn't have pulled it off.
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I know.
Seriously, why are these people doing this? I don't see it happening with other hit films, specially capeshit

And all these actors praising Gadot... They want her dick don't they?
I don't generally like capeshit but I went to see it Friday with a grill who does, I thought it was enjoyable, predictable fun like most capeshit is
I heard some girls I know complaining about that scene saying it was too silly, but it was brief and I liked seeing her in different outfits myself. I guess you can't please everybody no matter how hard you try.
autism, he just wants to fuck her anon
Why are people complaining about a sexy hero? It's like people want to stare at dudes all day. She's a breath of fresh hare and restoring balance to the force.
I liked it mostly, the ending almost ruins it though. It's like the worst thing you could do for that climax.
>Ironically another actress couldn't have pulled it off.

Because you are thinking in terms of "she's an autist in real life so it fits".

Any good actress could pull it off, but I will give it to you that it's hard to find one these days that also looks the bare minimum like the character.

not her waifuist but I think Bridget Regan could pull it off even better.
Bridget Regan has the cuteness in her (without sounding retarded as a plus) and looks better
I like Bridget but I can't see her doing what Gal did in those scenes. Her face is too stoic.
She's a beautiful woman but looks 10 years older than Gal though. Would've been ridiculous having her as young Diana, especially at the beginning of the movie.
>Skiny jew
>sexy hero
I can see her doing a non psychotic Dottie
Gal Gadot will never be the cutest Wonder Woman

Yea not sexy at all.. I think you and about 5 other people on earth think that.
Nepotism doesn't make your women attractive, sorry Schmoolie
Literally has absolutely nothing to do with nepotism. Grasp harder, you'll find something someday.
yep. it was absolutely amazing. just saw it yesterday.
i liked it because it wasn't drawn out. it just cut to the chase and she btfo him. i hate overly long action sequences.
i wouldn't call it capeshit. it's more about greek mythology and humanity vs desire for war.
>we hired this braindead "model" with barely any acting history, no acting school, whose past movies have been flops apart from a cheesy action flick and made her a major protagonist in these multi-million dollar movies
>amd her being Jewish had no bearing on that decision
Who do you think you are fooling here? Seriously. Even the cuckiest liberal knows Jews own Hollywood and actively promote other Jews in their industry. This isn't some secret Chaim.
Yea that was the surprise of the movie really. You really feel her coming to terms with humanity.
>barely any acting history
Yea true, only 13 movies

The rest of your comments is anti semitic drivel.. do you ever listen to yourself?
t. jidf hollywood div.
>comments is
aaaand we're done here. thanks for trying better luck next time.
These are all accurate, reasonable opinions.
Underrated post.
It's surprisingly good. Cgi at times is a bit questionable. But for the most part has good action. And the pacing is a little fast but it's still a solid 8.5-9/10.
>tfw no face
holy shit. kys.

this is the most accurate summation of the movie i have seen.
A top tier superhero film IMO, the lack of overly supernatural powers until the final battle made the fight very satisfying to watch. It had a great final act with a weak start to the film. Also I hated the main guy's too heroic stance on everything, as its too unrealistic and makes me break immersion.
>as its too unrealistic
It's a 7.5 film, the ending scenes are awkward and seem rushed.
It's good, but it won't blow you away.

Too much slow motion action, especially when the amazons trained, and then fought the germans. Germans are of course depicted as being super evil who kill and enslave innocents.

Most of the humor is the same, that Diana does not understand the culture and society of humans.

Like other DC movies, all colors look gray and dull, except Themyscira, which looked great and colorful.

The main villain was boring and quite a letdown. How he was defeated was such a ass pull.

Diana is never hurt (not physically at least). Heroes who are unstoppable and never get hurt are boring. It removes the tension in fights.

The romance between Diana and Trevor felt so forced. Him saying "I love you" at the end was cliche.
It was ok.

Cliche ending, and the german guy was a better villain than Ares
back to /pol/

Pretty much this.

The first two-thirds of the movie is okay, but it falls apart on a few fronts.

They make the Germans out to be evil, which is weird and not really resolved except for about thirty seconds at the end.

Snyder overseeing this just had to squeeze in another shitty fucking christ-pose during the fight, which looks so bad and makes no sense.
>They make the Germans out to be evil
They don't, if anything the Brits are portrayed as extremely callous. Rememer that scene where Diana didn't understand why she couldn't speak to the "general".

Except Ludendorff (who was goaded by Ares), the Germans wanted the armistice and at the end they were revealed as kids who got thrown in the war, and even hugged their enemies.
>Diana was never hurt physically

That's actually something I'd like to bring up here. Does this WW have invulnerability or not? She was cut on the arm at the beginning of the movie which magically healed up later, but she never shown actually getting hit by bullets and what not
She blocks all bullets with her wrist armor and shield. She was cut in the beginning before her powers had fully matured. She apparently has really fast healing. Despite being punched and knocked into buildings and the ground by Ares, she doesn't get a single bruise on her skin. Even her hair still looks perfect.
To clarify, I think the last bit of hte movie is awkward because things are just too convenient.

The ludendorf guy chilling conveniently in an isolated tower that no one can hear or see vicious hand to hand fighting and stabbing from?

Gal Gadot landing 3 feet from Chris Pine just before he hijacks the plane and destroys instead of landing it somewhere and deactivating the payload?

People complain about the CG but that's not what brings the movie down - it's standard fair if you are watching a super hero movie.
She's got enhanced healing but vulnerability to piercing weapons.
What an inefficient attack combo. Women fighters not even once.

It's a passable comic book movie, a passable DC movie. But like all things in life, women are graded less harshly. So because a woman directed it, and a woman stars in it, suddenly it's some amazing movie.

That also ignores that marriage during WW1 actually meant something. When Chris Pine is asked if people actually stay till death do us part, he said most don't, which is true in 1917 but not back then.
Cg was pretty good imo

I just thought there were too many slo mo action sequences
>women are graded less harshly. So because a woman directed it, and a woman stars in it, suddenly it's some amazing movie.

This. A lot of male actors and directors are praising Gal and the one who directed Wonder Woman (forgot her name). They are treating them like they are special kids.
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Forgot pic.
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Why is everyone shitting their pants like if this was the first feminist action movie in history?

Is this just some retarded marketing strategy? Pretending that nobody did it before?
Dispensing with ALL the bullshit it's like 6-7/10. Thor 2 territory except with more likeable throwaway characters
With a budget of 150 million dollars, how much box office must the movie earn for it to be a success? It has made 228 million so far. About how much more do you think it will it get?

Around 500 million until it starts making $. It's probably going to make over 600.
AT least 300 without China
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If you're a guy it's just a generic superhero movie. The only good theater near me is a 40 movie drive away. So fuck this flick. Shame that the theater in town is so dogshit.
>They are treating them like they are special kids.
Pointing this out makes you a monster.
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>big guy
> good action
You need fucking glasses anon.
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>Gal Gadot is a former soldier for the Israel Defense Forces, and, in 2014, she posted a picture on Facebook, declaring her support for the Israelian military. Although Gadot received backlash for her post, she was still cast as Wonder Woman, a character that symbolizes female empowerment and femininity in the superhero world.

>Gadot has been open about serving and supporting the Israeli military, yet many self-proclaimed feminists choose to ignore that. They still see Gadot as an inspiring and empowering woman playing an equally empowering character. They have chosen to ignore the fact that Gadot supports the atrocious war crimes committed against innocent Palestinian civilians. In an ironic twist, however, her shaved armpits in the new Wonder Woman trailer is what angered these “feminists”.

> White feminists love to say that they are for all women, while ignoring real issues that impact different women around the world in different ways, while getting angry at extremely minuscule problems.

>How can you praise the new Wonder Woman movie when she is being played by someone who condones the horrible crimes committed by Israel for years? How can the new Wonder Woman be someone who dedicated a portion of her life to serving in that military, which goes against the character’s values and beliefs?
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it is false flagging though, it's meant to tarnish the enemy's reputation.

Why the hell would feminists care if she supports jew military or not? How is that relevant to women's rights? If anything jew military is the most feminized one on the planet so they should be happy.
I didn't like any of the DCEU thus far.
I adored Wonder Woman.
It's everything I hoped a DC movie could be without coming off like a Marvel movie to do so.
>jew military is the most feminized one on the planet
Well nope, actually IDF have only one female unit and they didn't allow them to do anything serious

Are you stupid? They have female draft.

Oh please. The island of women is invisible and exists to bring peace to the world.
Yeah and they never send them to the fight or guard some important stuff
And again there is only one female unit of IDF
>makes no sense

You do realize the film's script is taken straight from the bible and Christian dogma.

God created man in his image. Ares is jealous of Zues love for man and decides to corrupt them with original sin so they will destroy themselves. Man is corrupted by Lucifer the god of war. Zues sends his child Jesus to stop Ares corruption from destroying man. Wonder Woman then proceeds to make a christ-pose to save is from War.
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> im his secretary - ooh so you are his slave

> Men only function is to make Babies not to give pleasure

> Men are the great evil

/TV/ told me theres no pandering to feminism in this movie ....why u lie?

Best DC movie to date. Middle of the pack compared to Marvel movies. Not terrible. Worth the price of admission.

Don't you get it? It's No MAN'S Land. Only a woman could walk through No Man's Land. #feminism
>> im his secretary - ooh so you are his slave
It was more like
>"I'm his secretary." "What's a secretary?" "I do what he tells me to do." "Where I come from that's called slavery." "Yeah but I get paid well." I assume that in Themyscira Diana had servants and associated "he tells me what I have to do" with that, she wasn't being malicious.

>> Men only function is to make Babies not to give pleasure
Nope. She tells Steve she knows about sex from 12 books written by the Amazons which sajd that it is necessary for reproduction but not for pleasure. But Diana clearly doesn't think the same since she has sex with Steve.

>> Men are the great evil
Nope. Diana thinks throughout the whole movie that men are good and Ares is the one creating wars. Which is ultimately proven true, since Ares was planting the seed of evil.
>Only a woman could walk through No Man's Land.

Diana could only walk through that because she could deflect bullets, not because she's a woman. During the scene she acted like a human shield so Steve and the others could advance.
Hi tumblr, go back tumblr
>Diana thinks throughout the whole movie that men are good and Ares is the one creating wars. Which is ultimately proven true, since Ares was planting the seed of evil.
Yeah and she kills them with smile and all males showed as weak, stupid warmongering manlets except jewish american (technically invader)
>all males showed as weak, stupid warmongering manlets
But that's a lie you flaming faggot.
It's capeshit. It's exactly what you would expect.
Look, if the movie was that good, people wouldn't be debating on whether it's feminist or not.
It's a fucking movie. Plus it's a superhero movie.
>Hi tumblr, go back tumblr
Hell of an argument to anything he said.
I just got out the theater.
I liked a lot of themes I touched upon.
Could have cut down all the Dianna and Steve scenes.
Otherwise it was enjoyable.
It's a legit good movie. It's not a jaw-droppingly great cinematic masterpiece, but it's a good, enjoyable film with some very positive themes.

Not at all as feminist as you'd expect, either, unless you're a sperg and totally can't into subtext.
Why do you hate love, anon?
It opened very badly in China.
It's good not great. Diana's cute naivete borders on annoying stupidity. And Gadot's acting doesn't help.
It seems everyone is giving it better than it deserves in reviews just because they had a good time with it. Chris Pine is definitely a highlight and arguably the best part of the film. Villains are pretty much there. Moreover there is an unnecessary "twist" near the end.
It's really cheesy at times.
There seems to be some kind of theme or moral (that not everything is as black and white as we want it to be) that gets thrown out the window come the end of the movie. Instead we end up getting "friendship is magic" or whatever.

>>83627082 sums it up well enough
At least it wasn't Catwoman/10
God I fucking hate women.
What did your mother, aunt and older sisters do to you as a kid?
>assuming he doesn't have gay dads
>DC makes a success out of material that made for one of the least liked Marvel movies
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>Collider: The superhero genre is the most popular genre on the planet. Had you been approached, or had you been interested in doing a superhero movie prior to this one. How did this come about for you?
>DANNY HUSTON: I wasn’t. I was in London, I was editing a film that I just finished directing and I got a call that Patty Jenkins wanted to meet me, she’s making Wonder Woman. I had dinner with her a good hour and a half, two hour dinner and she told me the story. Then she brought up General Ludendorff, looked him up and she showed me some photographs that sort of down turned mouth that he has, and sort of stubborn arrogance and we delved in a little bit more, as far as who he is and was as I said he was a General in the first World War. A pragmatist, realist, patriotic, fighting for his country, he lost his son on the German front lines and was just quite tortured, diabolical, stubborn and believes that what he’s doing is for the betterment of mankind.

>Like all good villains.
>HUSTON: Yeah, and the interesting angle that she had in regards to Ludendorff is that through the eyes of this demigod Wonder Woman, belongs to Greek Mythology we examine mankind and mankind’s weaknesses. Ludendorff is a believer that war is a natural habitat for humans, and in that sense it’s a little bit of a cautionary tale and Greek Mythology works in those terms in so far as being able to examine what we are and what we’re about, and what our weaknesses are and the danger of war. I think this is an anti-war film, and somebody like Ludendorff would probably think that the idea that love conquers all is quite a naïve concept. But finally it’s true and sometimes the best way to examine mankind is from another perspective, and that’s where Greek Mythology works.

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>Had you seen a lot of the comic book movies prior to getting involved in Wonder Woman, were you a fan of the genre?

>HUSTON: I’m a fan of the genre, but I wasn’t really that knowledgeable in regards to Wonder Woman. I knew the theme and I had some sort of memory of the lasso and the invisible airplane, which we don’t have in this version but Patty Jenkins was very committed to giving this a sense of realism in regards to mankind, human nature. Even though we were entering through a fantastical world.

>When you think back on the making of the film, is there a day or two that you will always remember, memorable moments from filming?

>HUSTON: Well yeah, I was very nervous about waltzing with Gal Gadot because I wanted to impress her. I wanted to impress her as Wonder Woman, and I wanted to impress Gal as well. So that was a nerve-wracking day for me, because not only did I want to impress her, but I also wanted to remember my lines. I didn’t want to disappoint anybody, but I certainly wanted to impress Gal and I did my best. After a few takes, I was like a fighter in the sort of 10th round, literally hanging on her neck and she managed to keep me upright and looking powerful. But that in a way was my most challenging day.
I like the part where Chris Pine pretends to be a German officer and his Turk friend pretends to be his chauffeur, it feels like most movies shy away from simple, non-politically charged racial humor like that nowadays
The trailers spoiled all the action and the rest is cheesy. It also ends with a "love is the answer" message
I hate it when germans speak english only because people don't want to read subtitles.
Hey look mom! A shill!
I liked how Chief matter-of-factly told her that Trevor's people were responsible for the eradication of his people. There was no malice or hatred in it, just a statement of fact. Chief didn't try to hold Trevor directly accountable for it, because he sees Trevor as a human being, not just a race.

It would have been real easy to butcher that message, but they didn't. Chief only had a small role, but it was very well done.
She did both just fine.
>demigod Wonder Woman,
>belongs to Greek Mythology
Please, send this burger Iliada copy so he/she read about how amazons history ended
Reminds me of a certain Clark.
That bothered me in Man of Steel. Despite all the punches and attacks he takes, he never gets injured. His hair and uniform remain perfect. It made the fighting really boring.
I'm a straight racist and misogynist /pol ack and it was a good movie. It has nothing to do with feminism.
THIGH and spaghetti
>any fun
If you're just looking for fun, I'd say you'll be satisfied.
The baby bit was the best.
Why is Steve such a mansplainer bros?

A BABY! >>83639274
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That was very cute.

One of my favorite things during the movie was when she was in the tower getting her weapons and the bodice caught her eye.

My gf leaned over and said, "She may not know it, but she's shopping."
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>as its too unrealistic and makes me break immersion.
Not that one, but that was a good scene, too. Etta was perfect in it.
It's good if you are under 18.
Then this one.

Please put the sword down, Diana. DIANA!
It's pretty good. Solid 6/10. Miles better than BvS. It's very watchable and can be really fun at times. Characters are the best part of the movie and keep the film going when things like visual effects fall flat.
>Characters are the best part of the movie and keep the film going
Yeah, and this is something I missed from superhero and just general action movies for a long time.
They're all from a time when women were women. And didn't think that little girls needed IDF role models to be stronk.
island stuff 9/10
london stuff 7/10
trenches stuff 8/10
end stuff 5/10
compared to other recent superhero films it was amazing.

compared to an actually good film it was alright.
I'd switch the island and London stuff ratings (and maybe make London an 8) but pretty much agree with this.
>It has nothing to do with feminism.

>island of strong independent women warriors who don't need no man
>island of women that exists to bring peace to the world, unlike those warlike men
>secretaries are slaves
>women aren't allowed in the war room
>men only function to make babies
>men are the great evil
>why do people get married lol?

yeah ok
island had colors, originality, wonder
both the queen and the general were interesting characters and gave good performances
the training bits were cool
The characters are the best part of the film by far and it really is refreshing. I actually liked Wonder Woman. Like I would see another movie about her simply because I find the character endearing. Also, she had a genuine arc in which she learned about herself and the world. It was really nice to see. I can't remember the last superhero film in which I actually liked the characters.
I agree with the colors, but I didn't find the Amazons all that interesting.

best capeshit by far
Logan>>Man of Steel>BvS>>>>>>Avenger shit

Now that you understand my tastes, I saw Wonder Woman yesterday, and it's pretty mediocre. She was too busy being a pretty superhero to really get down and dirty. The final fight with her in BvS was far superior.

Go see it but don't expect to be amazed by anything... the directing was okay, but the dialogue could've been better. The writing is uninspired and hamfisted.
It's capeshit. It will be a solid 7 at best and fun to make fun of at worst.
>a baby!
Diana is adorable holy shit.
>likes BvS
>complains about hamfisted dialogue
You got a learning disability?
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>I didn't find the Amazons all that interesting
The extras were the most interesting thing in the film.

this shit angers me so much. here is a movie that is trying to genuinely tell a story and of course they have to politicize it. stupid fucking airheads only contributing to the problem
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There's not a single goddamned quotable line in all of the Wonder Woman movie. At least BvS had tons of them i.e. the line about batman's parents dying in the gutter for no reason at all contrasting with superman's parents having given him a reason to strive for something better. "The world only makes sense if you force it to," shit was great.

BvS will always be up there among the great superhero films if you can look beyond it's slightly technical errors. Artistically, BvS is the goddamned masterpiece of capeshit.

Wonder Woman was simple and superficial- a cosmetic choice of dialogue for a powerful superhero in the DC universe. It was disappointing and given the people who probably love the bright colors of Marvel's Avengers, I knew I'd probably be disappointed going in.

I would also like to add to my comment here >>83640678
that the Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Comic-con Trailer is better than the entire Wonder Woman movie.


You can't deny this, but you will try.
Why the fuck did she not have muscles.
Why the FUCK did she not have muscles.
I cannot bear to even watch this movie. Did anyone involved give a shit that on the most fundamental visual level this doesn't work because the amazonian princess is a scrawny supermodel?
>no quotable lines so the script was shit
are you actually fucking retarded? is your full judgment of a film's dialogue based off of whether or not you can quote it? There are some absolutely fantastic films where nothing is "quotable." BvS is just babby tier moral posturing in which is what most of Snyder's films are.

Technical problems are the least of the film's worries. The overbearing moral points and just general lack of cohesion are the real fucking problem. How many times does Jesus symbology have to be shoved down the audience's throat? We fucking get it, Zach. It's obvious. It's so fucking painfully obvious. And then just logical inconsistencies and lack of clear character decision. Fuck, that movie is so retarded at times.4

Superficial? Dude, you're like a case study of the Dunning-Kruger effect. Wonder Woman handled its philosophy so much better than BvS. BvS shoved jesus and objectivism down the audience's throat every chance it got. Wonder Woman introduced themes organically and didn't try to beat you over the fucking head with it. It's not perfect but BvS is almost the perfect example of how not to handle themes and philosophy.

Trailers mean fucking nothing. Trailers are edited by an entirely different team of people. Suicide Squad's trailer was better than Suicide Squad. This argument is both irrelevant and retarded.
Another cute scene, but I was talking about the one where she's still in Themyscira retrieving the sword, the shield, the lasso, and then on her way out, the bodice catches her eye.
Literally perfect jewish pits

The problem with this line of thinking is that BvS is quotable for the wrong reasons. It's quotable in the sense that the Bane For You scene is quotable, because it's cringey and memetastic. No one quotes Batman's "you're not brave, grrrrr men are brave" out of admiration, but out of irony.

There's a couple that stuck with me. That will always be with me:

>"If you go, you may never return."
>"Who will I be if I stay?"

>"They do not deserve you."

That's top-tier right there. Look beyond the superficial feminist implications and remember that Amazons are not and never have been humans. It's essentially like a female Legolas defying the wishes of his father to go out and defend Men after "the strength of Men failed."

Good shit.

>tfw you'll never hang out with jew goddess that wants to hold your hand.

You're better at insulting me and BvS than providing any clear evidence as to how Wonder Woman conveyed it's themes in any potent and lasting way; how it's "moral posturing" wasn't equally trite and comparable to your opinions of BvS.

BvS handled philosophy perfectly fine. Perhaps you only saw the Jesus and objectivism references to the degree that you did because those are the only things that you're overly familiar with. Despite those things, BvS told it's story in a compelling way. WW did none of that. WW is on par with any Avengers movie in it's relationship to holding any actual depth. Stop pretending things exist where there are none.
I also liked Wonder Woman more than Thor when I was 12-14
mainly because of reasons
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>in a comic book movie

You should change that to "its philosophy"
>BvS handled philosophy perfectly fine
Go back.
>BvS shoved jesus and objectivism down the audience's throat every chance it got. Wonder Woman introduced themes organically and didn't try to beat you over the fucking head with it.

Oh, so Wonder Woman in a Christ pose was "organic" and didn't try to beat audience's over the head that only love/women is the antidote to war/men?
Not him but frankly, no.
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>doesn't understand the nature of philosophy
>thinking any comic book writer is smart enough to create these themes themselves
>don't realize these writers are pulling from actual thinkers in regards to constructing their narratives about the limitations and abuses of power

as you apparently didn't know this already, it's not surprising that the capeshit the masses enjoy the most tend to be the most dumbed down explanations for comics' various delving into their particular borrowed philosophical concepts.
I was keeping away from news and discussion regarding this movie until I got to see it. I didn't even know there was political "controversy" around it, but I guess it's to be expected. There's nothing in the movie itself to warrant it though, it was quite fair.
Yeah dude, flipping that angel devil painting upside down was really subtle and well done. And what else was there in BvS? The movie is shallow. Can you even point to another aspect of its philosophy beyond religion and objectivism?

Wonder Woman is not a particularly deep film but it did what it wanted to do well. It's a story about a person who holds a black and white view of morality learning there are shades of gray in the world. It's a fine arc and they handled it with as much care as needed. It's not mind blowing but it was never stupid.

That was a weaker moment but that wasn't what I was referring to. I was referring more to how they handled Diana learning that good people aren't always good and bad people aren't always evil. Jesus symbolism is a tumor on the DCU under the name of Snyder.

Do you people seriously think there isn't established philosophy being explored in these films? How did you miss it? It's not handled well but it's there. You have to be blind or stupid to miss it.
>What the hell people are seeing on Gadot's performance? At her best she's mediocre

I have absolutely no clue. She was mediocre at best. There was just something so manufactured about it like guided by an instruction manual. I felt nothing during her scenes; she didn't feel fearless. She felt crafted as if to serve a singular purpose and maybe that's just who WW's supposed to be as a character- a one dimensional heroine.
>She felt crafted as if to serve a singular purpose
It's not like they didn't explicitly said this in the movie or anything.
The movie is her slowly learning there's more than that.
>Yeah dude, flipping that angel devil painting upside down was really subtle and well done.

And it wasn't? Perhaps devils do come from the sky, perhaps conventional wisdom is just a mockup to cover it's own ignorance. Lex's character means to pose an inverted view of the world that's equally likely to exist. How much of an super hero film audience had even considered an ontological argument to any real meaningful conclusion? What you saw in the film as basic bullshit, I saw as the beginnings to a much more complicated and detailed framework that given the reception of BvS, comic movies will never engage in trying to explain.
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>Yeah dude, flipping that angel devil painting upside down was really subtle and well done. And what else was there in BvS? The movie is shallow. Can you even point to another aspect of its philosophy beyond religion and objectivism?

Not him, but how about the fact that all three principals' arcs revolve around them either confronting or avoiding truths about themselves, and each one's first dialogue scenes involve them telling at least one lie?

>"Now is a time for truth."
Holy shit please never do that again.
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She was honestly too cute at times in this movie.
You act like this is some deep revelation the film wove throughout. Lex fucking explains this to the audience.
>How much of an super hero film audience had even considered an ontological argument to any real meaningful conclusion?
No, we all got it. The movie stopped and explained it to us. It's fucking obvious.
The painting flip was obvious and hamfisted. The movie wasn't new, inventive, or deep. I just don't think you've ever seen anything like it before.

That is kind of interesting. I mean, them all telling lies in their first real scenes. The other thing I recognized already.
Not everything in BvS is bad. But its terrible things outweigh the good.
>No, we all got it.

Says the guy who praises WW for revealing war has gray areas. Why even bother arguing about this shit. I liked the way it was handled in BvS along with the imagery it provided. WW seemed truly uninspired and formulaic. There's nothing to talk about which is why you continually refer to BvS.

Im 32 minutes in and sofar its one of the biggest pieces of shit Ive ever seen. I loved MoS and enjoyed BvS, but this is garbage.

This is a feminist power fantasy with a Israeli nationalist killing EVIL WW1 soldiers, because theyre German.

Mind boggling who wrote this deluded piece of shit.
I got you famalam.
>Im 32 minutes in
>killing EVIL WW1 soldiers, because theyre German.

Stop lying, you haven't even watched the movie yet.
>32 minutes in
>"this is a feminist power fantasy with a Israeli nationalist killing EVIL WW1 soldiers, because theyre German."
>32 minutes in they're still in Themyscira
Sure you're watching.
>please stop attacking the thing i like
>im out of arguments
>your thing is worse

Wonder Woman's themes are not deep or new. That's not why I'm praising it. I'm praising it for its execution of themes. The movie didn't stop to explain it. The movie didn't put an obvious symbol on the wall and then make the film stop to stare at it until everyone gets it. Wonder Woman did it through genuine character interaction. This was revealed through dialogue and action. It was woven into the plot and character personalities in a more realistic and genuine way. It's nothing new or inventive. It's nothing mind blowing. It's just way better than what BvS managed to do.

A stream just dropped famalam.

Right now her mom is wishing her the best, as shes "escaping" the feminist utopia with mr. "above average".

>killing Germans at the beach min 25
>flashback scene with the dr. poison drops bomb on poison factory min 32.

Ok lad.
>min 25: flashback to Steve escaping
>min 32: Steve and Diana talking
What the fuck are you watching?

Ugh. Not only were you attacking BvS, you also made it your mission to attack me as well; neither of which made your argument any better than "BvS explained things that were so obvious and it made me sick" tripe.

>character interaction
Holy shit. Are you seriously praising that garbage as well? I have plenty of arguments, none of which I'm willing to waste on you more than I have already.

Right now theyre on the boat and she wants him to sleep "with him" and hes sperging out.

Stop being autistic please.
Oh, so you're bitching about them fighting the invaders that are shooting at them?
Those evil women!

Leave now. Except for a few action scenes, it doesn't get any better.

I'm saying this as a fellow lover of MoS and BvS.

Yeah Ludendorff just snorted some shit. Im done.

What utter fucking tripe. I find it ironic that the most Marvel-esque piece of shit, is also the one doing so well in the box office.

Im out.
>youre a bully!
>i have proof but you dont get to see!
>you were mean to BvS!

Yeah, I'm attacking BvS because it's hot garbage dude. The movie is a farce. I sat through the thing and laughed the entire run time.

It's a pretty transparent move to say you can argue something but you choose not to because it's not "worth your time." If that's true, just stop replying man. You have the strength in you. If I'm not worth it, just don't reply. It's kind of retarded to sit there and brag about how you're not replying.
Ah, the butthurt Snyderfags.
How nice would it be when they realize that they're undoing as much as they can from the JL movie with Whedon and he'll fuck off entirely after that, except for some contract mandated "producer" credits.
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Do you get paid by the word or by the hour?

I'd only argue that you might stay so you have plenty of ammo to argue against these other marvel-tier drones that's trying to kill good DC movies.
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>likes BvS
>What utter fucking tripe.
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>this amount of samefagging
>liking BvS
>good DC movies
Name one.
>liking Thor in the first place
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>understanding metaphors

pick 1
It was pretty clear cut. She goes ahead to act as a decoy and the others can advance without getting killed.
41min in and it seems surprisingly good for a capeshit movie. The slowmow shit is very Snyder but it's easier to care about the characters, and kid Diana was so fucking cute. The music was pretty good too. It's way above MoS or BvS shit and above SS due the emotional side. The visuals could be cooler though.

6/10 so far.
no its fucking shit
this is too awkward. not in a charming way. probably because they are making it up as they go along.
>The visuals could be cooler though.
That camrip's quality is a turd, too. I'd reserve comments on the visuals because of that.
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i saw it was mediocre at best

and then there's
>muh muslim actor
>muh native american put in there JUST to say "white man stole my land"
>muh random black soldiers
>muh muslim actor complaining how white people oppressed him
>muh oppressed women
oh you don't care about politics

well also the ending fight was absolute garbage snore fest and the actor for the main villain was a stupid choice
glad i got someone else to pay for me
it was better than a captain america movie though but that's not saying much
I just don't buy that she, having JUST realized her powers could defeat mother fucking ares,
the god who killed all other gods, and that the king of the gods couldn't permanently put down it made no sense

Also do all the amazons have super strength and shit or just Diana? Because if she was the only one then shouldn't that have been a big deal a long time before the events of the movie?
pick one
It's shit but still allows enough room to judge the framing of shots and the likes IMO. First POTC camrip had horrible quality too but it did ... suggest some sweet stuff here and there.

Besides, it helps the male lead. The guy looks so annoying in the trailers.
What the hell are you doing?
I liked it. The film was more complex than I had previously considered and it is guaranteed to enrage feminists.
yeah Ares shoots god killing lightning at her
the same lightning that knocked him down to earth
it doesnt affect her AT ALL and she just shoots it back at him and for some reason it kills him instantly
>girl power
Ares the god of war who killed all the other gods and he just gets stomped on that easily it's almost as bad as when Rey beat Kylo Ren
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Don't mind me. I'm just posting the superior warrior princess to Gal Gadot's WW.

WW looked more like a model than a fighter throughout the entire thing and considering her lack of experience, the end battle should've at least shown her take some real damage outside of some slight hearing loss. Wtf was that about anyway? I mean... what?!
It's not because "girl power", it's because she's Zeus' daughter.
It's okay. Solid 5/10. Could have been 6/10 if it weren't for the awful villain, ebin twist and cgi punchathon at the end.
Ares is Zeus' son.
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generic fish out of water humor, thor did it better.
Guardians 2 is more comic book than this imo
Xena always came off as yeasty and her standing toe to toe with Sorbocles was unbelievable.
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>second reply
>STILL not understanding the definition of a false flag
Diana is infinitely cuter.
They needed the punchathon. How else was she supposed to become the Kwzaatz Haderach
i feel like that's a spoiler
and also see this >>83645477
Hemsworth is a better actor. At least he can speak English properly and has some charisma. Got to disagree with everyone, I thought Gal "Palestine will be ashes" Gadot was awful.
Charisma is subjective of course, but I think he has it. He's not a great actor but he has a lot of confidence and is charming.
Just finished this.

Its the worst cape shit Ive seen since Thor 2.
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>BvS will always be up there among the great superhero films if you can look beyond it's slightly technical errors.
>Artistically, BvS is the goddamned masterpiece of capeshit.
>BvS will always be up there among the great superhero films if you can look beyond it's slightly technical errors. Artistically, BvS is the goddamned masterpiece of capeshit.

You are thinking of Man of Steel.
Luckily for Hemsworth his role didn't require taking on a weird greek infused accent.
I do agree with that, just the character he's portraying is hard to like, while Diana is very likeable and adorable.
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