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i cant stop crying
I wasn't a fan
Tried not to cry. Just wish her monologue was actually shown, but holy shit
Disappointed this isn't about Holy Motors.
did laurie's baby fetus get raptured into an empty room
So what the heck happened it was parallel universe?
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I love everything about this ending other than Laurie not having killed herself. That seemed like a really terrible cheat to me. I love low key finales and enjoyed the slow, isolated nature of this finale but that decisions kind of left me cold on the whole thing.
it was kino tho

I could see why she didn't kill herself though, those calls with Jill and Tom stopped her from doing it probably
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I knew it
Yeah because kino means shit.
What do you expect the audience to think? If you had to put a number, like 60 percent think she’s telling the truth, 40 don’t?

I guess what I’m at least learning conversationally as people are starting to watch the finale, or I’m getting interviewed about it, is that there’s a larger proportion of people who haven’t even considered the possibility that she’s not telling the truth than I anticipated. If I ask if they believed her, they go, “What?” That’s surprising to me. At the very least, I thought her story would smell fishy and then people would decide whether or not to believe it. The fact that they just take it completely and totally at face value that it’s the truth has been surprising to me.
You Dont Know About True Kino, Such As That Which has Been Witnessed Tonight
What happened? Give me spoilers, young man.
Wow. That was disappointing.
sounds like it
Is that image supposed to accomplish something?

It doesn't deter me from using the word kino
If you think Nora is telling the truth, even for a second, you are completely retarded.

>But there's no evidence of that she's lying

Yes there is

1. The entire theme of the show is uncertainty and a lack of answers in the face of an existential crisis. Having Nora see the "other side" completely undoes the point of the show on a thematic level.

2. We never see Nora ACTUALLY go under. It's wholly possible she backed out at the last second, somehow. Or that the entire thing was a scam as she initially suspected.

3. Kevin's lying about his past creates a thread that is completed by Nora lying about hers.

4. "It's just a nice story."

Nora lied. She didn't see didn't go to the other side.
Literally nothing happened
You are definitely triggered my redditor friend. Try to calm down. It's just a joke.
What did she say when she was in the fish bowl I couldn't make it out
>all the shit slurpers crying KINO

Prayn 4 you
No explanation of the departure?
>Totally non committal ending that leads to nothing.

Whoa! Never saw that coming. Oh wait...
Thought it was great.
h i r e b d i t
Nora zaps herself and claims to go to where the 2% went. They are living in the world and in their version of the world, 98% of the population disappeared.
i think its real TO HER. the same way the hotel escapades are real to Kevin. Maybe they're real, maybe they're hallucinations. But to them its real and thats what matters.
It's completely open for interpretation, there's no answers to the departure.
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Either Nora lies and didn't go or if she's telling the truth it was a parallel universe
Yeah. When I first met Perrotta, I asked, “Do you know where they went? I know you say you’re never going to answer, but do you know?” He goes, “I have to be honest with you, I don’t really even think about it.” I was like, “I don’t know if I can work on the show if I don’t have an answer. Even though I don’t ever want to tell, I need to kind of know.” We always approached that space, whether theoretical or real, as a space that was very easy to understand, which is, we just flipped. Therefore it’s not an afterlife or even an alternate dimension, it’s just the 2% are occupying the same physical space that we are, but we’re not there. It’s as Nora explains: where they went, they lost all of us.
The worst series finale in TV history. A new low even for HBO standards.
Leftovers is an anagram of "LOST Fever"
It was all a LOST-inspired feverdream.
>he didn't get it
LOL, it literally ties together all the show's themes flawlessly.

Only weak element was that the kevin-jesus shit was poorly explained.
Ending basically:
>Kevin comes out of the afterlife or whatever it was the episode previously and nothing comes of it
>Nora gets into the departure machine, it fills up, we don't see her depart
>Nora has shown to lie throughout the whole series
>She comes up a story "it's just a nice story" which isn't true, she did not depart
>she woke up naked and embarrassed that she got scammed and didn't wanna return to her life because of said embarrassment

What a disappointment of a finale. Literally nothing happened
The liquid was already over her, I she tried to say something she'd have died. She did it.

The Pidgeons are literally the metaphor for it.
Lindeldork just fucking fleeced us AGAIN
>they lost all of us

I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't disappointed. I felt like Kevin and Nora's reconciliation was unearned - especially since (for whatever reason), Nora was still talking to Laurie but never contacted the supposed love of her life.

90% of the episode was filler, with the major conflict resolved by the two characters just admitting that they still loved each other.
The Kevin Jesus shit wasn't really explained at all

Stay mad kid

Hear Fear the Walking Dead is back tonight, might be more up your alley ;)
Yeah I'm just biased because my dad killed himself almost 2 years ago and I was really just trying to get an extra emotional connection with Laurie and conflate it with my dad's suicide
You are putting more thought into this than anyone who worked on it.
I mean, you can kind of say "oh kevin has a weird heart condition and just survived all that shit the old fashioned way." And it's still meaningful thematically.
Probably will be more up my alley, doesn't pretend to be as intelligent and high brow as leftovers. It was 3 seasons of build up to absolutely nothing
>2 deep 4 u argument

Now that's some nice butt hurt.

This. Even if they didn't provide an explanation for his Jesus powers, the fact that they didn't even bother to resolve that plot line was very dissatisfying.
Yeah. Basically this.
ooh srry about that anon that sucks

> I mean, you can kind of say "oh kevin has a weird heart condition and just survived all that shit the old fashioned way."

No you can't. He died repeatedly and then resurrected. He went to a purgatory that contained characters he had never met before (Christopher Sunday is the most obvious example) and knew things that he couldn't have known.

He was supernatural.
>nun lying about fucking the motorcycle man
>nun lying to newlyweds about where the doves go
>kevin lying to nora about not remembering, because it's a better story that way
>religion itself existing as a lie to help us cope with the unknown

On top of all of that, the machine Nora gets into is designed so that they'll be able to stop it if she wants to back out. That's why they can communicate to her when she's in it. I think the ambiguity of the final monologue is set up beautifully, and ties perfectly with the show's theme of religion.
Is it me or is the second to last eposide of every series better then the last one? The second to last eposide of this series was amazing

The last was meh
>nora didn't go anywhere
>she yelled out "STOP" right before the liquid covered her
>told Matt not to tell Kevin or anyone she didn't go through with it
>began to live in Australia isolated
>called Laurie for counseling
>Kevin never gave up that she might be alive and began looking for her
>This. Even if they didn't provide an explanation for his Jesus powers, the fact that they didn't even bother to resolve that plot line was very dissatisfying.

I think we're supposed to understand that he was never dead - his heart condition only made it SEEM like he was dead when he wasn't.

The afterlife was a hallucination caused by the low-level of blood flow to his brain.

This is why he never learned anything new in the "afterlife" besides the insights into himself.
But where was he when he died? He was also buried and dead for eight hours in powerful adversary. How could he have just survived that?
As someone pointed out in the other thread, the camera is not trustworthy - when the camera shows Evie, it's actually just some random woman. The "Christopher Sunday" he supposedly saw could have been some random dude, but it was displayed to the viewer accurately.
Thanks for saying so.

I'm warming up to it. The finale was perfect really.
>>she woke up naked and embarrassed that she got scammed and didn't wanna return to her life because of said embarrassment

Nah, I don't think so. The story she told about living on the other side, getting the professor to build a new machine, etc would have taken years. Meanwhile, Kevin is spending every year (for decades) trying to find her. Obviously, he would have found Nora much earlier if she was around, but she wasn't, she spent years on the other side.
Can a heart condition let you survive a bullet to the chest?
so which world would you rather live in, /tv/? the 2% or the 98%?
That would ruin the duality of the show though, and the underlying premise that the departure cannot be explained
>Kevin's vacation was 2 weeks per year
>been at least 20 years
>that's only 40 weeks of actual searching

Do you know how big Australia is anon?
>Obviously, he would have found Nora much earlier if she was around

How? Literally looking for one foreigner in the entire continent of Australia. It's entirely possible he searched for 20+ years

>I think we're supposed to understand that he was never dead - his heart condition only made it SEEM like he was dead when he wasn't.

That would maybe be the least satisfying explanation of all time. Why would he be able to revive himself after being drowned repeatedly - how would that affect his heart?
Yeah, that's what bugged me, no explanation for insane shit like that.

Let the mystery be
You don't need a special heart condition to "come back to life" after drowning. Especially on tv.
everyone needs to stop asking for explanations, you just need to ACCEPT THE MYSTERY
That's why I'm choosing to believe he was dying and coming back.

According to Leddit there have been interviews with Lindelof and Perrota where they explained that they made sure that there was a medical reason for Kevin not really "dying" everytime he "died."

Him having a heart condition explains why others, like his Dad, may have also assumed he had died when he actually hadn't.
The 98%. 2% of the entire earth population cannot keep the world running. This is why I think Nora's story is bullshit. 140 million or so people running the planet as effectively as 7 billion? No chance

It's not trustworthy all the time (there's no reason to doubt it in most scenes), and when it displays inaccurate information - it does so from the perspective of the main character (Ex. the audience saw Evie because Kevin, who was having a psychotic episode, saw Evie). Why on Earth would Kevin imagine some random guy who happened to look exactly like a dead Aboriginal that Kevin had never seen before?
That 2% world be irradiated to shit because if they don't even have enough pilots, they damn sure don't have enough people to maintain all the nuclear reactors in the world.
The Heart condition happened with the purgatory thing, when Kevin removes the briefcase thing for the nukes.
nora lying fagos are empty inside. the point is that her story is as absurd as kevin going to a hotel to be an international assassin. she wouldn't have believed him back then, but she'd believe him now because she actually went over to the other place.
>Hey Laurie, I dunno if Nora told you this, but your fetus just teleported into a random hospital bed somewhere, pretty cool right?

This is pathetic dude. It's literally just a four letter word.
sorry, i should be more specific. she went to where they all departed to.
looking 2 weeks a year though, for 15+ years

How fucked is it that Laurie supposedly told Kevin about Patti shitting on her husband's chest but didn't tell Kevin about nora for 20 years and 20 vacations
hey remember wayne?

lindelof doesn't

he got shot in a spot that wasn't fatal
The Wayne shit was totally resolved though. He was just a kook like everyone else.

Also Nora explicitly mentions getting hugged by holy men in the final monologue, so obviously Lindelof does remember.
i dont understand why people care so much about wayne. i always saw it as another guy who thought he has special powers and maybe he did but its ambiguous.
Reminder the whole episode was center around lies.

>Nora accused of lying from the scientists in the beginning
>Nora says "I don't lie"
>Nora notoriously is actually a liar
>Nora lies to the nun about knowing Kevin
>Kevin lies to Nora about their past
>The nun lies to Nora about fucking the motorcycle guy
>The nun lies to the newly weds about where the doves go

and then it follows

>Nora lies to Kevin about where she went after she got into the machine
Actually I like the National Geographic concept.
Basically a National Geographic has so much information in it, that any one page could have some meaningful connection to your life. It's sort of a statement on confirmation bias.
because he's a pretty big part of season 1 and it seemed like what he did was going to be significant in some way, but it wasn't

let the mystery b

bravo lindelof
it's gonna take a bit to process, but i think the fact that people are arguing whether or not Nora lied is the perfect ending to the show. At the end of the day we have to either believe or not believe in these things. I personally believe Kevin visiting the hotel was real. Doesn't mean he's a jesus figure, just that weird supernatural shit happens to certain people in the leftovers.

With Nora's story, part of me thinks that world was her own version of the hotel, and the end was her resolving her inner conflict, hence the beads and the goats.
I like to think that Nora went to a "hotel"-like mental place ala Kevin, where she was able to resolve her inner turmoil much like Kevin did in s3e7.
It wasn't real, but it felt real, and gave her the closure to move on. This is why Kevin believes her.
Is this what autism looks like?
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Kevin's story is the same as Jesus's right down to whether you choose to believe it.
You're ignoring that at the end they are totally shedding all the artifice (much in the same way the goat sheds the sins). Nora wears the beads for a minute and takes them off. Kevin tells her the truth about how he tracked her down. Nora tells the truth.
He should have bled to death then
I think you're trying too hard. She went to the other world and just told Kevin about it, they started telling the truth to each other at the end of the episode. And if she had quit on the machine, Matt would've noticed and warned Kevin. Plus the Machine was already full of liquid, if she tried to say something she'd have died.The pidgeons are the metaphor of their relationship.

It seems that you guys appeal to the smallest details and forget to actually abstract a bit.
>the camp of 'nora is lying' fags forget the show is literally predicated on 2% OF THE WORLD DISAPPEARING

she told the truth
Matt explicitly says he'll tell people anything Nora wants him to tell people. If she told Matt not to tell Kevin about her, that's what Matt would do.

>It seems that you guys appeal to the smallest details
>the Machine was already full of liquid, if she tried to say something she'd have died
I think they cut away as late as possible whilst keeping it ambiguous. This is like saying that the top wobbling at the end of Inception means it was going to fall over. It's obviously meant to be ambiguous, and editing a cut half-a-second earlier or later doesn't change that.

>the camp of 'nora is lying' fags forget the show is literally predicated on 2% OF THE WORLD DISAPPEARING

And what does this explain?
The show is written in a way where both "sides" are valid.
2% of the world disappearing makes just as much sense as 2% of the population splitting off from this universe, clothes and all, and living in a functioning society in bizarro world.
It means that we should accept any bullshit story since a literally impossible event already happened.
But Matt says that Nora is on Australia or she went into the machine to Kevin IIRC.

>It seems that you guys appeal to the smallest details
>the Machine was already full of liquid, if she tried to say something she'd have died

They literally showed that she'd died if she said something, it's not a small detail.
When Nora came back from the other side, did she rematerialize into her "fossil"? I'm having trouble wrapping my head around this

she wasn't pressed up against the roof of the machine dumbass. there was a solid 5-6 more seconds before she was submurged
If it happened, she probably showed up naked in whatever geographic location she ported over from in the 2% land.
I like this answer
how did Kevin know his dad was tripping on acid with hippies in Australia?
so its literally The Life of Pi then, and posts like this >>83578486 are the equivalent of arguing about whether bananas float
So what I got from this finale was that the people didn't actually get transported to another universe, but shruken down with a massive shrink ray
that ending was garbage, twin peaks was far better
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>tfw it's over
So we all can agree the best part of this show were the Kevin and Patti scenes
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Would have liked if these 7 and 8 were flipped or something. Kevin getting over his inner turmoil, Kevin's delusion/purgatory or w/e that place is in much more detail after hearing Norah's version of it and etc.
this, wouldve been so much better
So, does it even matter if Nora is telling the truth or not? Either way, I think she came to the conclusion she was saying, so that if the machine did actually work, she wouldn't belong there, and anybody there had likely moved on.

Whether what she said was true or if she backed out at the last moment for that fear and took a long time to fully accept it, I think the point of the story has a truth to it.
>all these people trying to fill in the blanks as to what really happened
>episode opens with mad libs

>TVLINE | In interviews with me and other journalists, you have been very upfront from the beginning that this was not an “answers” type of show, like Lost. You let the audience know from the outset that the series was not going to be about solving the mystery of what happened to the Departed. Yet, in the finale, I feel like, through Nora, we were given a pretty clear explanation of what happened.

We’ve always said we were not going to explain where everybody went and why they went and what was the purpose behind it all. I think those things all still live in a highly interpretive space. Also, I have a very evolving and interesting read on the last scene of the series that has changed from when we discussed it as writers to when we wrote it to when Carrie performed it on the set to how it exists now in the show. There is, I wouldn’t say a cynical, but a slightly different read on Nora’s story, which is that it didn’t actually happen. That it’s not true. That she didn’t go through the [portal], but she’s telling the story to Kevin for other reasons. But when I sat there on the set and watched Carrie perform that final monologue I was like, “I’m satisfied with that answer.”

>TVLINE | I believed every word she said. It didn’t even dawn on me that she could’ve been making the whole thing up.

And she certainly seems to believe it. And, what’s most important, is that Kevin believes it.

>TVLINE | But, ultimately, for me anyway, the show and the series was not about getting that answer.

And there will be those [viewers] who migrate to the belief system that they didn’t get an answer. But [hopefully they] got answers to the most important questions, which were, “How did all the characters that I care about turn out? Did I leave them in a better place than in which I found them? Does it feel like they completed a journey through suffering and, at the end of the suffering, [found] grace?”
Not true. The whole episode is themed on lies.

The episode begins with Nora being accused of being insincere and yells "I never lie!"
There is the whole lying to the wedding about the birds.
The nun lies about fucking that guy on the motorcycle.
The nun claims lying to Nora about the birds crates a "nicer story"
Kevin lies about his whole past and then Nora does the same at the end of the episode.

If you really believe the show creators didn't do that on purpose you're an idiot.
even beyond not explaining anything which isn't that big a deal, it wasnt a good ep,
>plebs didn't understand the finale

Why people accept Kevin's hotel and president stuff but can't do the same for Nora's inner self trip?
You're retarded.
why the fuck would kevin lie to nora when he found her? that's fucking stupid
face it man it was shit
more like a tear in reality.

the world got duplicated but the population got divided between the old world and the new. to observers it seemed like the others just disappeared.
Patrycja, for a while down the line after I've made you watch this show with me and once we finally finish the finale: I LOVE YOU my best friend'o. :)
I thought it was okay, saw I mile away how it would end

However, there's one thing that I like about this episode

Carrie Coon did full frontal. THAT ALONE makes up for all of it. Perfect body, perfect tits. Perfect everything. Shame about the rest of the show
So are the dykes a couple of psycho murderers or what actually happened to the people who went through the machine?

Because we actually see Kevin's purgatory, which contains details that Kevin would not have access too (knowing that his father was smoking God's Tongue, Christopher Sunday's face and explanation for why he couldn't stop the rain, etc.).

Also, Kevin is a verifiably supernatural character in the show's universe - he dies repeatedly (getting shot, drowning, being poisoned) but is always resurrected. Nora's only encounter with the supernatural was when she was hugged by Holy Wayne.

Also, Nora lies literally all the time.
I just finished it. Holy shit that was something, I'm still processing it. I teared up at the end, great finale overall.
What did you think? I'm gonna guess that the plebs who wanted everything answered are mad and bringing up Lost.
Kevin dad says he is fucked up on God's Tongue in Australia on the television in International Assassin which was confirmed to be true this season. We even see the burning mattress, etc. That one scene proves he had information he shouldn't have had if it was all in his head.
let the mystery b

Fuck this show, will never recommend to anyone
even kek agrees

lindelof btfo
I want to drain Kevin's nutsack in my mouth.
What did you want?
>Kevin wearing his assassin suit in Nora's dreamworld

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Matt's scene cut deep. I'm 28 years old, I have lupus and metastatic testicular cancer. I've had chemo previsouly for my kidneys and the thought of getting it again for the cancer terrifies me. On top of all of this I have a 16 month old daughter that I'm trying to spend as much time as possible with because I'm scared of her forgetting me if the poison doesn't work.
I liked this but if Nora was writing fiction I don't think she'd assume 2% of the population would be hunky dory. That's not enough to run a civilization, not spread out over the planet. They would die or revert to primitive behavior.
that was just lindelof rusing us
>as effectively as 7 billion
She explicitly said the opposite of that, mouth-breather.
If you watched the show without figuring out that there's no true answer to everything and everyone is entitled to their own interpretation amd narrative then you did it wrong. The whole point is that you could be right or wrong and it's equally valid.
damn homie hope shit gets better for you anon
>all these plebs didn't get it
made me feel emotions n shit
>everyone involved in the show says they not gonna explain the depuarture for the 4 years the show was airing
>this retard still expected an explanation
Jesus, that sounds tough as hell. Do you have any life advice for me, anon?
but it did get explained during an exposition dump
Getting sick and tired of all these redditors shilling their shit show on my board.
What did you wanted to happen? Every character storyline got wrapped perfectly
lol think of how many people end up raising another couple's kids in the 2% world, it's literally a world of cucks
Still doesn't explain how he survived poison, let alone multiple drownings and a chest wound for 24 hrs with no medical attention.
boring post
Why did they CGI Nora on that bike ride around 29 minutes? It was pretty jarring, it looked terrible.
tommy's and jills story were wrapped up perfectly?

more like DROPPED
it's called not being a pussy
What did you expect?
So were Tommy and Jill fucking or something?

They were super friendly and shit for a pair of step siblings
>Nora's only encounter with the supernatural was when she was hugged by Holy Wayne.
>thinking Holy Wayne was actually supernatural
no. there was just so much theater surrounding it, and Wayne was so invested in it. even skeptics like Nora and the Senator or whatever need to believe in it, they need that resolution. That's why Laurie and John run their little scam. It's the same shit with different window dressing. Except they refuse to profit of it, like Wayne, who is just a sleazeball who maybe deluded himself into believing he is Jesus.
Everything got wrapped up in the previous episodes. This was to give closure to Nora and Kevin's relationship.
he granted kevin's wish at the end of season 1 though
This season should've had two more episodes. One to wrap up Jill and Tom's story arc and the other on Meg and the guilty remnant.
What storyline? What loose ends did they leave with Tommy and Jill?
Did he though? Or is he just lucky?

Kevin wanted to be with his family and circumstance gave him that.

I honestly don't. I know i'm still young, but I feel like an old man and I've come to the conclusion that life never makes sense. I met my wife when I was getting the chemo for my lupus/kidneys, she's a nurse. Years later we got married and wanted to try to have children to see if the chemo made me sterile. Turns out it didn't and now we have a beautiful daughter. The irony comes when I now have testicular cancer that might of been caused by the chemo I got years ago, and now after the surgeries I will be 100% be sterile.
you just made the season even worse
Nora describing the other side was too much. I've lost a few people and didn't realize how I've been focused on myself and how it's effected me. Sure, maybe there isn't an afterlife, whatever. But if there is, those people I've lost are there alone. They've lost all of us. That's devastating to think about. Inb4 atheist edgemeisters try to take a shit on everything because 'muh science'.
lmao are you like 14 years old
They explained (not showed) where they ended, just that. Why still don't know what the Departure was, how and why it happened.
why would you have a kid if you know you got shitty cancer genes?
yes but it doesnt really matter

everything surrounding kevin on the other hand...
The 2% were not hunky dory. She was just saying her family (husband and kids) were happy because in their world, where 98% of people disappeared, the three of them still miraculously had eachother.
the only good end for jill story would have been getting BLACKED by Michael.

Shame, because the episode clearly states jill married some white boy. Fucking Lindelof, he ruins everything.
It's funny because we all think maybe you go somewhere. Either you go to the void or you go the Heaven or Hell or a Hotel or something. But really, the world ends.

You don't end, the world ends.

We got pregnant after the lupus but before the cancer. Lupus isn't proven to be caused by genetics but that thought did cross my minds.
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Imagine watching three seasons of a character driven show but focusing instead on the plot and the mysteries, which are used as a vehicle to explore themes and achieve emotional depth, and complaining that in the end "nothing happened". Imagine being this level of pleb. This show was always kino and the finale was good.
can't have loose ends if you drop the entire character like they were never a part of the show in the first place

>there is a world where 98% of the population disappeared
>Some science bitches figure out how to get there
>They figure out a way to get back, but don't share it with everyone and just let Nora go back
So will there ever be an explanation for Nora and the demon Azrael?
I'm sticking with this. Anything else is too literal and such a huge departure from the rest of the series that I can't believe they would sincerely have her go to the other side and meet everyone to have that small epiphany
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They're GoT redditors who have snuck in once they heard the show was good. They're easy to ignore because they get bored quick
Yeah she was making it up and it was a weak end. It's easy to write yourself into a corner on the spot.

Maybe it's a metaphor for her therapy with Laurie
Now that the dust has settled we can all agree

Explain how they were dropped. Their storylines literally concluded. Jill didn't get the BBC and she went to college. Tommy got a family again which helped him get over his existential crisis and we saw him be happy in this season's premiere. What did you want?

nice bait

In all seriousness

2 > 3 > 1

All three seasons are 8+/10 though
Gosh, it's almost like Nora made the whole thing up.
It was so nice seeing Kevin smile this episode ;_;
How do we know she was making it up?

Nora: What will you tell them? About what happened here?

Matt: Whatever you want me to, Nora.

Matt was willing to lie for her, because he loved her. Just as Nora was willing to lie, to herself and to Kevin, about going through

Seasons 2 and 3 were confused messes, they had no clue where to go after S1.

S1 had a better structure and build up, great use of music before it became they became "overplayed", better smaller moments, a great cathartic release at the end. You can't say the same about Seasons 2 and 3 which had, at their best, some incredibly strong moments. But the lacked a good backbone to bride either of them, they were a bit aimless.
Should have just ended with episode 7
The most disappointing thing I have ever watched on tv.
explain how they weren't dropped

all of it happened off screen. this show is supposed to be about the characters and not the mysteries, right? well, for a show that is supposed to be about the characters, it sure does love to rush through their story when it becomes an inconvenience and they don't know what the fuck to do with them.
Season 2 is almost tonally jarring. I think the moment you can argue it errs, it Kevin and his supernatural journey. It's a huge can of worms that is very difficult to reconcile with everything else. The only solution I can come to, judging from his abject failure to actually carry out his quests on his return, is the whole thing was a NDE, or a delusion.

The story was so absurd, and Kevin is such a basic guy. It's the kind of pulp he might come up with if he was making a plot in his head.
False Kevin wished for his family to be together again. It just took till the end of season 2 for it to happen.
fuck you, I was watching the show to see jill getting blacked and what do I get? I get old cunt laurie getting blacked is lindelof serious with this shit?
My only solid critique of this season overall is the shortened episode count divided among the cast made the gap between Nora and Kevin a teeny bit too sudden, and their reunion that much less poignant. I felt the same about Laurie but who really cared about her anyway

Still mulling over the finale, and while I'm down with the whole theme of people telling themselves whatever they need to to try and stay alive, I didn't like the execution. Real or imagined or lied, her monologue is way too on the nose. Kevin's sometimes obvious epiphanies are at least wrapped in convoluted genre homage and dream logic to worm their way into you. This was too blunt a way to come to a conclusion the audience did long ago (they're gone and to be with them is to abandon everything you still have left) in a way that isn't particularly engaging outside of Coon's performance.

season 2 finale is much better satisfying finale than season 3 finale. Prove me wrong. you fucking can't. all of you fucking can't
Except it was all shown. Both Jill and Tommy suffered because even though they didn't lose anyone in the departure, their family was broken. In the season 2 finale everyone came together and started new happy lives. Hell, Jill's storyline was resolved already by he end of season 1. Tommy foubd his family again and found purpose (remember how he followed Holly Wayne around becahse he wasnted his life to have purpose?), he's a cop now and he's happy. You still haven't specified what wasn't concluded with their storylines according to you, just that they were "dropped"

inb4 asking about Holly Wayne
Sure, however this season took every character to their logical conclusions, which was something season 2 couldn't do: Kevin Sr finds the truth about his delusions, Matt quite literally talks to God and steers his belief in a new way, Laurie faces suicide, Kevin pulls the plug on his alternate world and his death desires, Norah goes to find her kids. Their character arcs where completed with this season.
Didn't Wayne die and appear in Kevin's death-dream world? What are people asking about him for?
It's especially poignant for Nora since she is a determined and passionate truth-seeker and teller. She hates lying. Her husband was a cheater, this was revealed by Matt. She takes her duties as a Departure investigator very seriously. But she also WANTS to believe in spectacular things, and is often frustrated instead by very benign things like technology. Perhaps the machine didn't work for her, and she had to make peace with her loss on her own.

A theme of the episode is the ugly truth and the "nice stories" people tell to make things ok. For Nora the ugly truth is never knowing. The story is her way of getting over it.
is season 3 worth watching?
Let's settle this

yes if you stop on episode 7
>Perhaps the machine didn't work for her, and she had to make peace with her loss on her own.
That's fucking hilarious, I hadn't even considered that
it's almost like another show i can think of where they went on past the book(s)
Holy shit, you made it all the way to the finale thinking the Holy Wayne stuff wasn't resolved? You're a complete moron. Stop watching tv.

I've thought the same too, GoT season 5 felt unnecessary and all over the place.
They probably still need an explicit explanation of wheter he had powers and what was the yellow fever about.
I don't know how they would end this series, but I can't say I felt like that was a good ending. I was on board with this show as a character driven thing for the first season, watched it play with dramatic plot and the supernatural in the second, and then felt confused but let it do its thing during the third when it threw a bunch of supernatural with some decent character bits and hoped it'd come together in the finale. I don't think it did, and I can say I am disappointed, but not angry.

I don't believe Nora.
Why? The finale gives closure to Norah's character arc and her relationship with Kevin in a very good way.
Black people always have yellow eyes like that though
Really? It's been universally agreed on that season 2 was more focused than season 1.
I like the idea of her finding peace and disrobing her "bulletproof vests", and since I literally don't believe her story about her traveling through dimensions I honestly can't see any believable reason why she should have found that peace. The story was kind of ridiculous, even if it was kind of interesting. I liked the idea of her being a ghost who didn't belong, but I just don't believe her.
Season 3 was more about debunking the supernatural than reaffirming it.

A theme of the show is seemingly insurmountable people, things and mysteries being really quite basic and uninspiring in reality. Dean the dog killer is a crackpot. The "God" on the boat gets eaten by a lion at the end of the episode. Kevin's journey to a dreamworld has nothing to do with the quest given to him: Evie doesn't know who John is, the Playford children don't know where their shoes are, and Christopher Sunday never gives him the song. The world doesn't end. And Nora doesn't go anywhere.

It was all a dream bro
no, it was very unearned
What was supernatural about season 3?
I guess I just wish that there was something more clever than subversion of expectations. I already had thought from the beginning of this season that everything would be subverted so I guess it wasn't a very interesting finale for me.
It was easily as ridiculous, if less comic-booky then Kevin's journey which is absurd. He's an assassin AND the twin brother of the President, who is GR and has a plan to destroy to world with Patti?? And the assassin volunteered to have the key for the nukes implanted in his chest right behind the heart?

It's LITERALLY a comic book story, something a real basic guy like Kevin might have come up with or cobbled together from popular fiction.
Use your head, infer for yourself. Or, if you're rearing for an internet fight, pick someone else!
There was only the seventh episode which was nothing new since International Assassin did the same. That and the machine, probably.
Yeah except one was a verified experience, and the other felt like a exposition dump.
>a verified experience
>trusting the fantasies of a dying man

Kevin cannot die, so he can never have a dying experience.
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Which one was verified?

May I remind you Kevin is the only source of veracity for his own journeys. Powerful delusions feel real to the person experiencing them and Kevin has a literal waking delusion this season. Patti's ghost was probably a delusion. He literally has head problems, like his dad.
Lol x 1000
If there was a machine on the other side that would let the departures return more people would use it and it would be a big deal.

Nora lied.
It is verified for having been depicted in the show, and for Kevin Sr.'s interactions with Kevin Jr. You may also take the info about Patti shitting on her husband's chest as *possibly* being derived from this place, and Laurie only assuming she told him.
Not if it was constructed in secret, like the machine in the show's "reality".
the nun literally says
>it may not be real but it makes for a better story.
Hey man, at least you've been able to pass your legacy on before disease took that away from you. Sucks that you'll be sterile, but you made something.
>Not if it was constructed in secret, like the machine in the show's "reality".

Why would the dude build it in secret. Why would he built another one just for Nora. You don't think anyone other other side wants to get back even more than Nora?

Nora lied
>it was shown therefore it happened

We see Evie on the streets of London and that is shown to be a delusion.

Kevin's story in the other world is so fantastical, it makes no sense.
>I like to get a little LOST
Why would Kevin lie to Nora? It doesn't make any fucking sense.
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I liked the finale, I thought it was entertaining and wrapped everything up pretty nicely. But I totally understand where people won't like it/won't like the direction it went in.

Personally, I would have been satisfied with Episode 7 being the series finale. Ending on the roof with Kevin Sr. saying "now what?". I think that answered more questions than this episode did.

It wasn't bad, and it wasn't wrong. I'm just not 100% sure I agree with the direction it took. It's like an epilogue.
It was built only by the guy who once invented it which is probably not as good as having an entire team of physicist and money, so it probably would've broken after one use. And they built it in the exact place where she used it first, which according to her was a wasteland in the alt world, so it's would be hard to carry people there from all over the world.
Also, why did the first guy who invented the machine not use it to go back himself? They told Nora to find him, was this because they knew she wouldn't want to stay there?

One other thing, while taping her parting quote before entering the machine, she says "I don't lie", so was she lying to Kevin?
>the show shows us, doesn't mean it is verified
>but when the show SHOWS us it is a delusion, then it is verified.
Meant for >>83581820
The story smacks of pulp just like Kevin's story. In pulp stories, there are frequently dormant but powerful NPCs that exist only to fulfill a character's desires or provide them with a quest. The idea a scientist man, the guy who made the machine that traverses realities, would ONLY build a machine at Nora's request and only because she asked him, is a bit asinine. But it's typical of pulp where wizards and kings sit around doing nothing until the hero shows up and needs a favor.
Yeah the alt-world is like desolate, according to Nora, who lied anyway. I just don't think this part of the story is what calls her out.
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I need a Carrie Coon folder halp
It wasn't really about answering questions and you're right. It's more a Norah episode than a finale, more like an epilogue.
I agree with this, but I don't think this is the reason to suspect that her story isn't true.
holy shit that was the worst finale ever
what the fucking shit what a waste of time WHAT THE FUCK
The 'machine' was just a way bigger version of the con Laurie and John were running. They give the whole process a sense of gravitas by playing 'hard to get' and making the person pursue them aggressively. They wheel out the 'fossil' to scare them. They make them repeat their lines in the video almost as if its a form of brainwashing. They are investing them SO MUCH in the fantasy of it all that by the end they're just willing to lie about it to comfort themselves and others. Nothing happened to anyone who went into the machine. They just found closure (even if that closure is just a giant lite) and went back to their lives

The physicists probably lit all the money Nora gave them on fire.
Go back to watching Big Brother and Family Feud, pleb
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Doves in the old testament were sacrificed as sin offerings. The imagery in the new testament of the holy spirit coming down in the form of a dove to bless Jesus, who was the ultimate sin offering. Doves carrying messages of love, in atonement of sin.

This show was a vindication. I'm satisfied.
Nora tried to locate every single person in those files she had of people going through and couldn't track down a single one.
There's also the fact that she admits to staying in touch with Laurie. I would think Laurie would be more than a little curious where she'd been for several years.

Also Nora has a place and a house, apparently Grace's house, though I'm not sure. It looked similar. So if she was gone and presumed dead for years she got her property and income stream resumed right quick to be on her feet so stable at that point in her life. It must be 10 - 20 or so years after the event.
This is fucking stupid dude. You don't just find closure by being blatantly conned, at least that wouldn't work for Nora. Nor would it explain the disappearances of everyone who "went through". Seriously stupid thinking.
fuck off retards
Ive been defending and promoting this show for years and this finale was the biggest ass pull of the century.
how can people praise this and condemn the ending of lost? blows my fucking mind
>Nora freeing the goat and putting the sin beads on her shoulders just as the music swells
That was nice, if a bit too obvious.
this, i fucking loved the entire show up to this point. episode 8 was a mistake

Doesn't mean they died. They're just not as 'noisy' after the experience because they don't care about the departure anymore. No one was able to track down Nora for god knows how long after she did it.
If you don't explain why do you think that you're just another pleb shitposter mad that they didn't get plebfiltered earlier.
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That was a cute goat
belligerent retards. post in another thread.
You're cute too anon

hold me :(
Yeah this was definitely on par with a giant fucking cork blocking up the asshole of the universe on an island that moves around the globe. Or whatever.

The ending of Lost made clear they never knew where they were going with it, but it didn't matter. If they had good actors they could sell any horseshit.

In the Leftovers the creatives acknowledged they couldn't give good answers. Tom Perotta didn't have an answer.
why dont you explain?
episode 8 was a fucking waste of time following nora who is the WORST character on the show.
why couldn't they tie up any plot lines with ANY OTHER CHARACTER rather than waste 60 minutes following nora doing fuck all because she didn't go through the machine
you'll face the truth sooner or later
You guys are forgetting about that aussie "God" guy
I don't mind the departure as explained by Nora. The Kevin Jesus crazy dad shit isn't resolved and makes no real sense.
Good point. Nora had to be one of the worst characters besides Kevin's kids (Tommy and Jill).



I haven't. It's called a red herring.

He wasn't really God, he was just clever, or had special knowledge or something. Why he appears in Kevin's dreamworld, and to Matt on the boat, is another mystery.
Like how Kevin can't die? The show is confirmed supernatural, it's just how things worked.
She made it up you simps. If her story was true the physicist could just send everyone back.
What about him? He was shown to be fraudulent.
>nora who is the WORST character on the show
Stopped reading there
It is explicitly shown she yells before the liquid over takes her, we know they can hear her. The foreign scientist said 5 times Nora wasnt serious about going through. She was right.
His dad was obviously delusional, lost and looking for meaning. He fails in his quest and the world doesn't end.

What more do you need to know? Kevin was also probably crazy, but his delusions are so powerful and clearly demonstrated to us, they MUST be real.
>show is confirmed supernatural
wtf does this even mean
Tell me now /tv/ Should I start the show? Worth to watch the 3 seasons?
who gives a shit? what does it matter if she told the truth or lied?
What character plot lines weren't tied up according to you?

The guy on the boat was a fraud. The guy Kevin saw in the hotel was the fraud's twin brother, who may or may not be god.
It shows how people can make anyone into a Jesus figure and begin to have faith.
Yes, just don't watch episode 8.
What about Kevin Sr wasn't explained? He was probably crazy and he had his own delusional narrative about saving the world that in the end didn't come true.
Can someone explain the ending of episode 7? Was there an actual flood that was occurring? Did Kevin stop it?
Cheeky anon

For a while there I thought maybe Nora was a twinner and that's why shit was weird with Kevin.
she lied
From which season
Because the silly sci-fi explaination would ruin the fucking show?
Kind of horrifically cruel to force everybody to live in a destroyed society
If they did what nora did, the story still makes sense. I think the machine forces people to choose if they truly still want to be in early earth.
Yes. Ignore the plebs.
it's shit like this that has made me stay clear of any show whose main premise revolves around a sci-fi/supernatural mystery scenario. The good will that the audience gives to the show is abused with red herrings and ass-pulls galore.
>Was there an actual flood that was occurring? There was a heavy storm. They happen. The first episode set this up. The prophesied rains come and the world doesn't end for the lady.

>Did Kevin stop it?
Nothing to stop.
the show is ruined regardless
he didn't put them there
Why was Nora back in Australia if she crossed over in the USA?

You can watch Season 1, which is good, and not watch the others.
We don't know. Kevin Sr is probably crazy or everything he said was real, angels talked to him and he unknowingly stopped the flood by sacrificing his only son with his own hands. The point of the show is that we don't know for sure and whatever explanation makes you feel better is the best.
The only season with supernatural overtures is Season 2, which seems to have really set people up for more of the same nature. To have the rug pulled out from under them is understandably frustrating.

I knew there would never be a supernatural explanation, or irrefutable evidence that things are this way, or whatever.

The last episode's title them is Let the Mystery Be for chrissake.
most inconsistent, dishonest and hacky finale of the 2010's?
why isnt the scientist doctor guy teleporting the 2% back to the other world?

is he some kind of asshole?
Yea season one was okay then it all went to shit.
clarify please
The scientist probably lived in Australia in the mirror world
>/tv/ didn't like the finale

thank god, that means I am correct in loving it.
Yea no shit. I imagine 80-90% of those people would rather be back all things considered. Statistically most of those people are likely Indian or Chinese too. They're like roaches.
Nope. Show was great. Lived up to expections and kept with show runners word of a 90% real life 10% super natural show that would not explain the departure.
I would say this show is on par with this and last season of House of Cards. Hot garbage.
I'm talking bout him appearing in Kevin's "purgatory" under the assumption that he died and came back like Kevin and I guess went to the hotel. Maybe he was dead while Kevin was there in season 2...then next time we see him he is definitely dead. Kevin never knew of or met him, why else would he be there?
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They explicitly say he was in the USA. Nora says she was told to "look him up" since she was headed that way (United States) anyway.

But she made it up.

I wish the Gary Busey storyline got tied up; that's a big loose end for me.
Man /tv/ never really liked the show. Of course they would end hating it. Nobody here has the emotional commitment and investment required to understand it, which is why everyone's complaining about non existent loose ends and lack of answers.
Maybe there was a reason why the machine was in Australia and he constructed it there.
it's not the lack of answers, that's not important. the departure isnt important.
literally doing a time skip on the series finale to waste all this time on the worst character in the show being exposed as the liar she always was.
He was king of 2% world...did you really miss that?
who gives a shit about the deperature or the supernatural aspects, it really doesn't resolve anything with the characters satisfyingly, it seems like the writers were trying too hard to be smart and come up with some meaningful ending more than making it actually work
We can't be sure that person Kevin sees is the person we are seeing. He sees a random Muslim woman and it's Evie. He sees Christopher Sunday in his dream world despite having NO IDEA what he looks like. It could be anyone, to him. To us, it's supposed to be Christopher Sunday, so that's who we see him seeing.

The voice of the man, the one at the bridge, the bar, the boat and finally a voice in his ear, could be anyone as well. That he looks and sounds like the man who claimed to be God. The main who claimed to die and came back. That's debateable.

If you believe Kevin went somewhere, then I guess you could go with this. I am of the feeling now it was all bullshit, like Nora's story. But Nora knows her story is a lie, and Kevin think his isn't.
>worst character
That's your opinion (she's universally considered the best character)

That's your own interpretation. It's okay.
what was the goat about?
>liar she always was
that's grossly unfair to Nora, since she was arguably the only character that never lied to anyone (until the end... perhaps). She might have fibbed once, like when she smuggled money. But that was for a purpose and the money rule is really fucking stupid statist bullshit.
>it really doesn't resolve anything with the characters satisfyingly

I get the feeling that you're the same guy saying that no character got a satisfactory resolution when that is just wrong and gives evasive replies whenever asked what wasn't resolved. You're just shitposting.
For you.

Nora and Kevin had a huge fallout cause of their fucked up problems and rekindled their relationship. Laurie realized shes not a Judas and had something to live for. The priest accepted he didnt have the answers, went home to be with his family and died. The kids turned out alright.

What more do you want? A shoot out?
The goat was Satan

God failed them all so Satan gave Nora what she always wanted.
yet you cant even respond with anything?
Don't answer to him, he's probably baiting. He clearly doesn't know what he's talking about (calling Nora the worst character and a liar).
No, Laurie got a satisfactory resolution, arguably Matt too, Tom.

Kevin was basically treated as a non-entity in the finale.
Because you haven't specified what you think was left unresolved. You haven't asked a single question.
Thank you! I can't believe they just fucking explained it!
Did Matt become a skeptic or was he still a true believer?

I have the feeling his beliefs were fundamentally broken. A man totally invested in God would not fear dying, right? Unless there was a tiny skeptic in him saying maybe this life is the only one.
Kevin got his resolution when he blew up his fantasy world where he went when he died, thus getting rid of his asphixiation fetish, and realized that being with Nora is what he really wants.
What thing?
She took the burden of everybody's sins upon herself in the end. She the one who is actually Jesus.
So he wasn't actually mentally ill, it was just an elaborate fantasy? Very insincere ending to what was a really harrowing story about mental illness..
The more I think about it, the more I think Kevin taking poison and being buried was just a bad move for the show. His entire death and rebirth should have been more ambiguous.

That and Ericka with the bird in the box just made people think there's a strong supernatural element to this show. And the creators, realizing that, took pains to debunk the supernatural at every turn this season. But they had to balance that with making the story interesting.
It really seemed to me like she was about to yell stop while in the machine, not just take in a breath.
No, idiot, the important part about it is not answering if he was mentally ill or his other world was real or a fantasy or a dream, the point lf it is that he took the desicion to end it all.
I'd live in Busey World. I was originally calling it 2% World but Busey World is so much better.
What if she fully intended to go but it failed and they had to abort.

Nora and technology don't seem to mix well.
>plebs still thinking there are definitive answers for all the mysteries and questions of the show
>not realizing that the show is about personal narratives and that whatever version you believe is the correct one if it helps you feel better
but you can't just "end" mental illness, and if it was just a fantasy/dream, it guts the depth of huge parts of the show, it takes the meaning from kevin's struggle to overcome his mental illness and and be with his family
This one.
He was definitely mentally ill.

>dad has delusions
>whole family is filled with loons
>Jill: "is this the house where all the fucked-up people live?"
And who says the hallucinations ended? What ended was Kevin's desire to die.
great reading comprehension buddy
There was a news story about him in Season 2, that's how Kevin "knew" him.
Evie was holding a sign with some quote from the Quran about the end of the world. Kevin Sr said angels talked to him and had a mission for him and that Kevin was special (which came true). You can believe this or you can believe that they are both crazy and BOTH INTERPRETATIONS ARE FINE SINCE THAT'S WHAT THE SHOW IS ABOUT.
She never hesitated with the hookers shooting her. I like to think she did it even though I know she probably didn't.
Not so great dodging abilities buddy.
>What ended was Kevin's desire to die.
Where do you get this from? Kevin had a strong desire to LIVE. That's even how he frames his deciding to go to Laurie.

>"Where I went, it was so... it was real. And.. I have never felt so alive. So no, I'm not scared."

I saw it more as proof that everyone had moved on and healed after the departure. People used to fucking slit a goat's throat in the middle of a restaurant because they thought it was lucky.

Time moved on, though, and people healed and went, hey, maybe we don't need to murder goats every day. That's what I gathered when they mentioned how no one really cares about Jarden anymore.
>where I went

Exactly. He only felt alive when he went to the afterlife world. And he loved to asphixiate. He decided to put an end to that in ep 7.
exactly, the finale would've been so much better had it been from kevin's POV showing him after accepting his mental illness, but instead they spend most of 77 minutes on nora doing not much worth thinking about.
Patti was dead so fuck her.
You're probably right about that but I was more referring to the imagery of her taking the beads that represented the sins of the folk at the wedding from the trapped goat and donning them herself.
Hail Satan!

Except Kevin really was immortal. Nora didn't actually go to the other side.
He got an entire episode right before hers, what do you want.

His whole journey and the way he "accomplishes" his tasks imply it wasn't really real. He gains no explicit knowledge that he could not know but the others can verify as true, thereby validating his claims.
anyone got a screencap of when kevin was standing at the end of the dance? made me feel some feels
>kevin was immortal
He had a fucking heart attack, how did you miss this. "A bad one".

According to his cardiologist he was on the verge and needed a pacemaker.
The more you think on Nora's story the more obvious it is that it's bullshit.

>If the creator really did go over and find his family why wouldn't he come back or even broach the subject to the rest o the 2% who are still without family?
>Losing 2% of the population immediately is catastrophic losing 98% is world ending
fuck your dubdubs it's my board
That and the idea Laurie's fetus got popped into an empty room and died quickly from exposure and blood loss.
One thing that wasn't clear to me was, was she saying that the 'world' she went to was a place where 98% of the population disappeared and they were left behind?

Or was it just a place where the 2% went?
Parallel universe where the opposite happen (the ones that departed in the original where the Leftovers in the other), not that the departed where "carried" there.
none of them would call out the con?

i dunno man
I was just hoping the main plot of the show would have appropriate relevance at the end of it, most of the episode was a waste of time.

He got shot in the chest and drowned you fucking mong. When he cut the code out of his twin THAT was when he became mortal again and this heart condition happened.
>people finding inconsistencies in both versions og wheter Nora lied or it was all true

It's almost like there's no definitive answer and you can interpret the show however you want. Welcome to watching The Leftovers the right way.
the whole point is to not tie them up

consider yourself filtered, pleb
a universe split off of the original, so the 2% got teleported there, and from their perspective everyone else disappeared. or it was the opposite, we don't know
What did you want to happen?
>He got shot in the chest and drowned you fucking mong. When he cut the code out of his twin THAT was when he became mortal again and this heart condition happened.
So what was the relevance of his journeys. He was supernaturally inclined and he used his powers to conquer his own demons? Seems a bit obtuse.


Maybe they left the experience with elaborate stories to justify everything and were content with that, just like Nora and just like everyone who left Laurie/John's. You really think EVERYONE who went there thought they could speak to the dead through a handprint? No, but they were willing to believe it and it gave them comfort.
Nora says to the others (the Departed) it was like we all vanished.

>Kevin: Is Nora gone?
>Laurie: We're all gone.

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>all these mad plebs that got filtered in the last fucking episode

Stay mad. You deserve it.
you know what i mean queer
And how would you solve Nora's character arc and her relationship with Kevin before last weeks episode? It just can't happen. Last episode was the ending everyone wanted. This one was an epilogue focused on Nora and giving her a halpy ending with Kevin.
Expected to see the usual /got/ /v/edditor cros/sp/osters saying the ending is shit and using WACKY LE BLEOWOWNTFO spam to overcompensate for being literal blue ribbon retards that just don't get it and was not disappointed with half of the posts ITT. Good job enjoy me skipping giving all of you (You)'s
That's because Kevin's kind of a selfish asshole. He's not the Jesus figure. Nora is.

The show has always, to some extent, been about Nora more than Kevin.
you easily could have retained that without, what, 50 minutes of nora doing fuck all?
People believe what they want to believe.

Matt saying that he'd tell people whatever she wanted was a huge red flag. And I can believe that she'd convince herself that her kids and husband were alive on the other side and they were happy without her and that was okay.

Yeah, the more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that she was telling a story.
How do you get an emotional pay off if we don't see what Nora's life has become. And the stuff with the doves and the goat was thematically necessary too. Like I said, it's more like an epilogue.
Also, their mom was a mean bitch and they were finally free of her.
Can't believe the theme for the fucking show is LET THE MYSTERY BE and they literally answered every fucking thing including what happened to the departed.

And yes, Lindeloff already confirmed that the 98% are in an alt reality regardless of whether Nora was lying or not that part is true, which desu makes it more likely Nora was telling the truth which makes the ending even shittier.
The show is literally made up of succinct scenes that expand on character's mind states yet it really needed that much time to show nora has found peace? so much so that the main character of the show (who is a far more interersting character) essentially gets sidelined?

they came up with an ending first and couldn't properly pave the way.
>people mad that they didn't explain le mysteries
>peopls mad that they would rather see Nora's adventures on the mirror world when that bit was supposed to be left to interpretation whether it's true or not
Never change, /tv/
It's the only explanation that seems remotely possible. Like, why would they just pop into space or Heaven or somewhere arbitrary. What if the Departed didn't go anywhere?

It's not an original story but it's more compelling than a Rapture
But Nora hasn't found peace. And Kevin didn't get sidelined. What else did you want with him? He was crazy, probably on meds now.
Yes she has, she's found some measure of it at least. And kevin clearly got sidelined, he was a side character to his own stories' epilogue.
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It's like one big game of Playerunknown's Battlegrounds, and the only who knows we're playing is me.
>And yes, Lindeloff already confirmed that the 98% are in an alt reality
Where did he confirm that?
>The baby Sam is probably adopted by the kid's dad who poofs in the market
>The Judge gets into a fatal accident with Matt's now-empty car
>Lauries fetus fucking dies in an empty room
>Planes falling out of sky, "lack of pilots"

What a shit world
Why is it such a huge crime that the finale wasn't focused on the protagonist? Is it some kind of rule that can't be broken?
Which baby Sam?
140 million spread around the globe is still pushing it.

I suppose they could survive more or less. It's a miracle she found someone who could navigate the ocean. The whole think sacks of cheap fiction.
No, but if you want to make an effective ending to your show you should probably focus on the story and character that received the most development.
from the first episode i think
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My issue is that for three seasons the show was never about Kevin and Nora's relationship. And then the finale of the entire thing comes down to only these two characters are important.
There was no way they could've finished Nora's story before Kevin's. Just no.
i never said they had to.
Romantic love is important to like 99% of people
>My issue is that for three seasons the show was never about Kevin and Nora's relationship
it also makes it seem like they didnt really care that deeply about each other, as patti said it was just damage control
>plebs now realizing that the episodes of the show where always focused on one or two characters but somehow they wanted the finale to be about EVERY character

What a mess

Lindelof must be the most pleb person in the show production. JUST LET THE FUCKING MYSTERY BE
>The afterlife was a hallucination caused by the low-level of blood flow to his brain.

It was pretty clear that it was all real.

In S02E04 they show in the TV for a brief moment an aussie that says that he came back from death and that he wandered an hotel-like place on the other side. And the Kevin Sr. episode from this season basically confirmed that the communication the two Kevins had in International Assassin also actually happened.

And that's why this season was pure shit.
The fact that the guy said it was like a hotel could have suggested Kevin to imagine the purgatory as a hotel. And his interaction with his dad was never confirmed. He doesn't recall talking to Kevin on the tv.

Captcha: Hotel pfalzburger

I'll conceded your first point, but the part about talking to his dad is pretty straightforward in my mind. They were burning a bunch of a shit in a hotel room, and Kevin saw a bunch of burning shit in the hotel room.
I know, it's just that you can't be sure if it was real or just a big coincidence.
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