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>when the established order is called the "Resistance"

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>when the established order is called the "Resistance" and the empire is stronger than when it was overthrown in Episode VI.
I kinda feel like they've complete undermined everything the characters fought and struggled for in the originals.
Why is there a resistance when the Empire is destroyed?

How powerful is the New Order actually? They say it's the remnants of the Empire yet the Empire didn't have the means to build a Death Star the size of a planet.

What's the deal with the Republic? Who are they and why isn't Leia with them?

Why did Hux hold a speech for his men before firing the death star? It's not like they're marching to war. For the guys, it's just another day at the office.

Why did this movie make such a big deal out of the Republic being destroyed when we don't even know what the Republic actually was?

How could a stormtrooper janitor use a lightsaber efficiently to the point of holding quite well against a Sith disciple?

Why was Finn who just experienced PTSD during combat act so joyful when he was killing his former friends and colleagues escaping?

How could an untrained girl defeat a Sith disciple when she didn't know about the Force until 30 minutes ago and this was her first time using a lightsaber?

What was the point of the aliens released in the cargo? It had no impact on the movie at all save that scene.

Why were Finn and Poe such good friends when they met? They had spent a total of five minutes together, with four of them consisting of Poe doubting Finn's abilites.

What was the point of Luke making it so hard to find him and why did R2D2 wake up at such a convenient time of the story?

Why is the Empire still building death stars with massive weak points?

Why is Hux leading the New Order when he looks like he's in High School? Surely there is someone with more experience than him around.

What is the point of Maz? They say she's some pirate but why would someone like that be of value to a jedi like Luke?

Is Luke really that indifferent to the galaxy that he's willing to let four planets blow up rather than intervene himself?

Why was the Millenium Falcon so conveniently placed there? Did someone forget to take the car keys?
Why didn't the Empire build their own weapons defense systems? Once the war was over, they could've invested heavily in a standing military to avoid having to rely on a "ragtag group of rebels" in the event of a Sith resurgence.
no shit why do think so many people dont like the movie?
The starkiller base look like a giant one-eyed droid in this screenshot

>stronger than when it was overthrown
Schrödinger First Order : powerful enough to destroy entire star systems, weak enough to die to a bunch of X-Wings.
Just stop watching the crap. Once the actual fans stop caring, all they'll have left are the plebs that were just there for 'le nerdy culture XD' and they won't be enough to sustain the huge production and marketing costs and maybe Disney will sell the IP to someone who gives a shit about the franchise.
They went waaay overboard by not wanting to include politics.
>burn my dread starts playing
>Did someone forget to take the car keys?

That's a good point actually, why are there no spaceship keys? It would certainly stop random people walking into your ship and steal it.
> Once the actual fans stop caring, all they'll have left are the plebs that were just there for 'le nerdy culture XD'

That's already true, 'le nerd culture' normies massively outnumber fans of the OT and will continue to eat up Star Wars and Capeshit until the day they die.

You don't honestly believe Star Wars fans are the target audience of these movies do you?
>Why was Finn so joyful when he was killing his former friends and colleagues escaping
That's easy, niggers have no souls.
I there's a Resistance , why is there still a Republic? Who's in charge of it? Why aren't they fighting the First Order? Why isn't the First Order fighting them instead of anihilating them with a mega weapon out of the blue? WHat does the Fiorst Order want? A bunch of STar Destroyers patroling in space destroying planets without trying to control them?
>Empire could have wiped out the rebel fleet and won easily in Episode 6.
>No one complains about this.
>Why were Finn and Poe such good friends when they met? They had spent a total of five minutes together, with four of them consisting of Poe doubting Finn's abilites.
They are homos

The bigger question involving the Millenium Falcon is why the hell it wasnt put in a museum? Who in their right minds would put such an iconic space craft on a scrapheap?
This. What the actual fuck happened between RotJ and tFA that everyone forgot about the Force.

I'm beginning to think that the new trilogy should've been set like 200 years after the last one with a completely new antagonist.
>I'm beginning to think
if you were doing that you'd realise the entire movie is fucking shit, are you a bit slow anon?
>What the actual fuck happened between RotJ and tFA that everyone forgot about the Force.

Just like everybody forgot about it and the Jedi between the prequels and the OT. The memory of the galaxy is wiped every 20 years it seems.
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The Reistance wasn't Stronger than the Empire, they just had one big gun, it's like if someone makes a big dirty bomb to blow up as revenge or a back-up plan for their nation losing a war. The First Order wasn't even a governing body outside of one planet,
bail sends leia to pick up a jedi, the rebels talk about the force, tarkin remembers the jedi, jabba knows about the jedi
the new order should've been like a terrorist organisation. kinda like the rebels were in rogue one.
Jj is a hack and stats wars is for manchildren
Look I'm not saying the movie is good, you don't have to like it or anything, but you guys are being stupid on purpose to pretend it's worse than it actually is. In the movie TFO are a small splinter faction trying to regain control using a weapon they built on one planet, the Resistance is a small army secretly operating under the non-violent Republic, and the movie is set in a grungy ungoverned backwater sector, which is why not everything is done according to procedure and signed in triplicate at your local BMV.

Seriously you do have to like it but you guys keep saying stupid stuff that isn't true, and that is actually in the movie, in order to diss it. I can already hear you whining that it doesn't count if you missed it, or were too busy daydreaming about the (You)s you might get to actually watch the movie in good faith.
>Reys dreams of leaving the planet
>"pile of junk" Falcon just sitting there her whole life

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>the new order should've been like a terrorist organisation. kinda like the rebels were
Han laughs at Ben Kenobi's ancient superstition, and he was in his late teens when Order 66 happened. The guy who gets chocked by Vader makes fun of it too, and a guy in his position should have some idea of what that whole thing was about.
Sorry bud but VII was complete trash. Rogue One was infinitely better, which is not good news for your franchise.
Bigger twist is that the Death Star isnt working and the Executor and the star destroyers engage the rebs head on. Akbar, mon mothma, Leia, han, and landos heads are placed on spikes of the imperial palace.
Imperial propaganda. Han was an imperial officer once I think
trillions of sentients and only ten thousand jedi, most never me one
>Rogue One
was also shit
damn, that thing really looks plastic. I know that it born to be a toy, but at least in screen should look more real
>What was the point of the aliens released in the cargo? It had no impact on the movie at all save that scene.

Amusingly enough the exact same thing can be said about the whole Starkiller base incident. The entry point and main quest of the movie was to get that map and find Luke. The Starkiller stuff just popped up like a distraction and gotten taken care off as such, then in the last 10 minutes of the movie, we're back to the main issue, that gets resolved by R2D2 waking up randomly. The main plotline would have worked exactly the same if Starkiller base hadn't happened.

On that note, why even cut out a chunk of the map if R2D2 could have just kept the whole map? Apparently, throughout all the years of frantic searching for Luke Skywalker, no one deemed it necessary or was capable of getting the map out of a powered down maintenance droid.
The movie did a pretty bad job of establishing the political status quo. In ANH, we got the round table with Tarkin, where he established the political setting over the course of the scene. The emperor took control of the senate, resistance will be beaten down with the death star, further establishing it as a threat that has to be taken down. Bonus points for setting up Alderaan as home of princess Leia, so it had at least some meaning on a personal level when it got blown up.

In TFA, we get none of that. We don't know anything about the state of the republic, or how they managed to let things slip up so far that they now need a "resistance" fleet against the first order. The starkiller base isn't on anyone's radar and once it destroyed 5 planets, we're given no context what that means. Should we care about those 5 planets? If they're important, why weren't they mentioned? Do I need to buy 2 novels and 5 variant cover comics for it to have meaning?

As a reentry point into the universe after a 30 year time gap, the movie does a rather shitty job to set up the stage.
Red Letter Media talks about Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
Since it's a carbon copy of ANH I imagine most audiences just assume that everything is run the same in as in the original trilogy. Obviously if you stop and think about it for longer than two seconds it stops making sense though.
The Force Awakens is basically a soft reboot.
Wish they had copied ANH on the storytelling bits as well, not just the superficial flashy stuff.
>That's why there will always be two pleasing films and nothing more.
im an autist that cant sleep

>Why is there a resistance when the Empire is destroyed?
because the new order is expanding. if you resist their expansion youre part of a resistance

>How powerful is the New Order actually? They say it's the remnants of the Empire yet the Empire didn't have the means to build a Death Star the size of a planet.
this is speculation from finishing the thrawn novel and its barely implied at best in the unknown regions (which is hard to access because blackholes and shit), there a large swath of space controlled by the chiss accendensy. they send thrawn to study the republic/empire and make decide if they can be an ally to help with threats in their part of the galaxy. the last of the empire retreats to unknown space (where they have allies) and its implied they are being proped up. no idea how they have a super death star tho. i think thats actually easier to make imo

>What's the deal with the Republic? Who are they and why isn't Leia with them?
they are just planets/systems forming a democratic government. leia left the republic because she discovered the first order existed and needed to created a military resistance (from the bloodline novel)

>Why did Hux hold a speech for his men before firing the death star? It's not like they're marching to war. For the guys, it's just another day at the office.
wut the whole thing was just an ego stroke, literally "dude you guys made this thing its so awesome lol looky at what it can do"

>Why did this movie make such a big deal out of the Republic being destroyed when we don't even know what the Republic actually was?
speaks for itself. people that arent retarded generally understand if the capital assplodes theres a lot of chaos and confusion

>How could a stormtrooper janitor use a lightsaber efficiently to the point of holding quite well against a Sith disciple?
he's not a sith and he got shot, killed his dad and was a bitch and had training in melee weapons
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> Have this much knowledge a power to hold your own in a junkard planet for years
> Not using your mary sue powers to become the new junkard queen and slave the shit out of everyone
>Why was Finn who just experienced PTSD during combat act so joyful when he was killing his former friends and colleagues escaping?
i dont think it was ptsd. just insubordination

>How could an untrained girl defeat a Sith disciple when she didn't know about the Force until 30 minutes ago and this was her first time using a lightsaber?
mary sure. and above answers from finn duel

>What was the point of the aliens released in the cargo? It had no impact on the movie at all save that scene.
showing reys force reflexes and the force guiding her

>Why were Finn and Poe such good friends when they met? They had spent a total of five minutes together, with four of them consisting of Poe doubting Finn's abilites.
well one guy got rescued and one guy escaped. youd be bros with someone in that setting too

>What was the point of Luke making it so hard to find him and why did R2D2 wake up at such a convenient time of the story?
so he doesnt get caught. good point about r2 no idea
>Why is the Empire still building death stars with massive weak points?
they actually fixed it. it took a ground team who was their by accident to actually destroy the weak point

>Why is Hux leading the New Order when he looks like he's in High School? Surely there is someone with more experience than him around.
hux is the son of an imperial general (from aftermath novels). his age is age he happened to be when shit went down

>What is the point of Maz? They say she's some pirate but why would someone like that be of value to a jedi like Luke?
no sure runs a bar. not sure how youre connecting her to luke

>Is Luke really that indifferent to the galaxy that he's willing to let four planets blow up rather than intervene himself?
they didn't know about starkiller base until it fired

>Why was the Millenium Falcon so conveniently placed there? Did someone forget to take the car keys?
it was parked in the spaceship parking lot. as good a place as any
There wasn't any secret anything. J.J's a hack

There is no Resisting Anything, J.J's a hack

Yeah, Hux is crap because J.J wanted a White Nazi, piss on J.J because he's a hack

Bullshit, he easily defeated an acutally trained soldier. In fact he played with him and took him out like a bitch. Rey's a mary sue. And J.J's a hack.
Bitch had no business using the force, being loved by everyone including being allowed to go Luke, a mission that was vital to the survival of the resister ohm; say it with me, J.J's a fucking hack

No more talk, you little bitch, let's dance to the fag group, Baltimora and do the tarzan boy.


Be sure to raise your ass into air like you just don't care, for you are the tarzan boy, and you're about to gimme the other
and what about the fact there was that old jedi on the same planet and they never saw each other or have any relation
he could've been some protector but muh plans again
>Why is there a resistance when the Empire is destroyed?
The resistance isnt actually part of any governments military. They are a third party aligning themselves with the New Republic, which disbanded it's military after the empire was destroyed and they had assumed peace in the galaxy.
>How powerful is the New Order actually? They say it's the remnants of the Empire yet the Empire didn't have the means to build a Death Star the size of a planet.
They are about a fraction of the size of the empire but it's hard to say at this point just how powerful. They are much more manageable than the empire was, but they are all concentrated into one spot unlike the empire, sprawled out across the galaxy
>What's the deal with the Republic? Who are they and why isn't Leia with them?
What the rebellion turned into after the GCW. Leia isn't with them because she joined the Resistance after becoming enraged that Mon Mothma disbanded the military, despite the first order clearly gaining power
>Why did Hux hold a speech for his men before firing the death star? It's not like they're marching to war. For the guys, it's just another day at the office.
It's a big deal. I'm sure there was a pretty solid speach before the 9/11 terror attacks too
>Why did this movie make such a big deal out of the Republic being destroyed when we don't even know what the Republic actually was?
JJ is a hack writer
>How could a stormtrooper janitor use a lightsaber efficiently to the point of holding quite well against a Sith disciple?
He didn't hold his own against Kylo at all. He gets curb stomped. Even a generic stormy kicks his ass with the vibroblade. Either way, he's not a "janator". All stormtroopers get military training before being assigned to a post. Fin just so happened to be assigned to clean up after he graduated.
>Why was Finn who just experienced PTSD during combat act so joyful when he was killing his former friends and colleagues escaping?
He's black. Also jj is a hack writer.
>How could an untrained girl defeat a Sith disciple when she didn't know about the Force until 30 minutes ago and this was her first time using a lightsaber?
Aside from Kylos massive wound and having just murdered his father, we don't really know reys real power yet. If she is just a generic Jedi girl, I agree this is fucking stupid and JJ is a hack, but I think there is more than that we aren't going to see until 8 and 9
>What was the point of the aliens released in the cargo? It had no impact on the movie at all save that scene.
JJ is a hack. It does a pretty solid job establishing what Han and Chewie have been doing since 6 though. If they just showed up with no evidence they ever really left, they probably would have felt shoehorned
>Why were Finn and Poe such good friends when they met? They had spent a total of five minutes together, with four of them consisting of Poe doubting Finn's abilites.
Escaping death is a pretty good bonding experience
>What was the point of Luke making it so hard to find him and why did R2D2 wake up at such a convenient time of the story?
We won't know until 8. He was in hiding for a reason. For R2, JJ is a hack writer. The in-universe reason though probably has something to to with BB8 waking him up at a convenient time for the movie. Hopefully this gets SOME sort of actual explanation.
>Why is the Empire still building death stars with massive weak points?
To be fair, the only reason they were able to take down the shields was because fin defected, something that Hux's child soldier indoxrination program was supposed to prevent
>Why is Hux leading the New Order when he looks like he's in High School? Surely there is someone with more experience than him around.
He was the son of one of the founders of the first order
>What is the point of Maz? They say she's some pirate but why would someone like that be of value to a jedi like Luke?
Her and Luke might not have any connections at all. She's just a side character.
>Is Luke really that indifferent to the galaxy that he's willing to let four planets blow up rather than intervene himself?
Let's wait till 8 and find out together.
>Why was the Millenium Falcon so conveniently placed there? Did someone forget to take the car keys?
Ships are comedically easy to steal in star wars, but yea, the mf being there is pure JJ Coincidence â„¢
Taking in account Rey's fighting prowess and intelligence, why was she living like a poorfag in the first place? She could have easily beaten the shit out of anyone in Jakku and live like a queen.

> Can barely get enough junk to sell for like half a meal
> But SOMEHOW can afford to use flight simulators

Nothing about her life on Jakku makes sense. Also if her skin adapted to intense UV radiation why is her skin perfectly light and clear?
>the New Republic, which disbanded it's military after the empire was destroyed and they had assumed peace in the galaxy

If they were planning on being that retarded, they may as well have let the Emperor continue to run things.
Pretty much. This is what happens when you let a cenile old hag run things.

Leia would agree with you. That's why she told Mon Mothma to shove it and went off to make the resistance
to be fair. the old republic didnt have a military either hence the clones.
J.J's such a hack he fucked up the Engine Room in Enterprise. It didn't feel right when I first saw it but it wasn't until someone actually did the measurements. It's like when Finn looked up and saw the death star attacking wherever it was and he's like, light years away. J.J's a hack.


Have some Ricky to scrub away the filth of Mickey.
>To be fair, the only reason they were able to take down the shields was because fin defected

Actually, it was because the writers chose to turn Phasma into a complete joke, by making her fold faster under a bit of pressure than it takes Han Solo to traverse 10 meters in hyperspace. I can't see how they plan to recover her character in ep9.
Not that anon. But for example, my parents who are big fans of the OT and who have passed on their appreciation of Star Wars down to me really enjoyed TFA. However they did not like Rogue One all too much.
So they'll definitely go watch Last Jedi, maybe even a few times.
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>J.J's such a hack he fucked up the Engine Room in Enterprise.

He literally used a real Fusion reactor to depict the engine of the Enterprise.

>He was the son of one of the founders of the first order

I'm just taking this senence as a showcase, but fuck, how I hate that reliance on supplementary material in the new SW movies. It's ok to give a bit more depth to characters in novels and comics, or shine a new light on them, but with the new movies, I get the impression they're either getting lazy in their storytelling ("haha, we can just fill in the holes with novels!") or outright angling to make you buy other stuff to get the whole picture. It wouldn't have killed them to spend a scene or two to establish Hux and how he fits into the whole thing, especially since he seems so out of place in that speech. There was even an old grizzled dude in the back during his speech that looked more like a leader than him. Same as I roll my eyes when people say "You gotta read Catalyst, only then you can truly appreciate Rogue One!". Put it in the fucking movie.
I bet he thought it would have been cool. Logistically it's a nightmare for one who knows sizes but J.J never let a little thing called logic get in his way. Super 8 failed for this very reason.
Even as someone who loves the books and comics, I can agree. I dont think Hux's father is exactly something I would have thought is ESSENCIAL for the movie, but episode 7 leaves out important details regarding the republic, first order, and resistance that aren't in the film at all. It's frustrating
>Logistically it's a nightmare for one who knows sizes

What the fuck does this even mean?
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> Inmune to extreme UV radiation
> Knows all the languages in the world
> Expert pilot
> Genius mechanic
> Built her own speedster and home
> Repairs and pilots the millennium falcon with ease
> Expert fighter in top physical shape
> Powerful force user at first try, only getting stronger
> Now sole pilot and owner of the Millennium Falcon
> Owns her own lightsaber
> Has the entire Resistance on her side
> Chewie is her new sidekick
> Literally has unlimited resources to work with

What the fuck is she going to do in TLJ? Beat the same people again? What is the point anymore?
But weren't they? I had the impression that they were pretty much outside the system and were formed by those who fled after the Emperor's death, they had no diplomatic ties to anyone within the New Republic and their goal was to destroy them to recreate the old order to it's full glory.
The resistance was a continuation of Rebels to represent a defense system so it wouldn't have to e held back by diplomatic treaties when it came down to it and shit couldn't wait.
It's been a while since I last saw TFA and haven't read any comics of books so I could be completely wrong, it's just what I gathered from the movie.
>But weren't they?
no, they owned a fleet and a death star the size of a fucking planet. it's like Al-Kaida owned aircraft carriers and nuclear weapons
Yes, that's what I was trying to convey. Establishing these things wouldn't have taken much effort or screentime, just a few more talking head scenes. You're right that Hux' heritage wasn't exactly essential, but it would have smoothed things out. I wasn't really a fan of his overacting, especially during the speech. Let's say they had added another sentence to the speech like "and lead the Order to its rightful path, as my father did before me" ore somesuch to fit the occasion and we, the audience, would have a) known why he seems to be a bigwig at such a young age and b) that it's personal for him.
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It's a bit pointless to compare a fantasy setting to real life. Their actions define them as terrorists, the over-funding/resources for their shit is another factor. Though they certainly don't view themselves as the terrorists in this scenario.
>maybe Disney will sell the IP to someone who gives a shit about the franchise.

Disney bought the IP at FAR below market value. The legwork they've done with the past two movies, several games, TV shows, and various promotional endeavors has only increased the Star Wars brand. Selling for anything less than several times what they bought it for would be idiotic. Bear in mind that movie rights to the Original and Prequel trilogies still haven't transferred to Disney (won't happen until 2020)
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