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>having a girl over tonight I need a good kino that's

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>having a girl over tonight

I need a good kino that's guaranteed to get me laid
Ex Machina
anything with classic Paul Dano
Bridge to Terabithia.
HARRy potter
Mean Girls.
Ghost Dad
Harry Potter. The one where Harry kisses Hermione
freddy got fingered
la la land
Any horror
American beauty gets any bitch with daddy issues horny anon.
Master and Commander
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Spanish soup operas, I don't know what it is, but they work like a fucking charm, that's the secret for the hispanics birthrates.
put on transformers and try to time your cumshot with optimus yelling autobots roll out
My niBBa Wes Anderson got me laid 3 times last year. The casual sex scene in The Darjeeling Limited is the best for it.
Wizards or American Pop both directed by Ralph Bakshi
Women will never understand
Blue is the Warmest Color
Back Door Sluts 5
Jack and Jill
>I need a good kino that's guaranteed to get me laid

Try pairing literally any movie ever made that doesn't feature graphic rape and isn't fedoracore with you being a stable likable decent human being.
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
>have a girl over
>decide to put some a romantic bullshit flick to get laid
>put breakfast at tiffany's
>During the final kiss scene the girl went for the kiss but she stopped when she saw me cry

No need to say that I didn't get laid that night
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just watch In Bruges anon.
Unironic non-meme answer: Moonrise Kingdom

Sweet, comfy, shows you're sensitive, but also with a tinge of innocent youthful sexuality
50 shades of grey
watch the leftovers. The main dude will get her soakin and if it goes well you have an easy second date.
But the actual show (the first season anyway) is ridiculously depressing. Not really a good tone setter
your a fag
latest episode of BLACKED.
Gone girl
Tucker & Dale vs Evil

Trust me
>your a fag

You're, you fucking yokel.
>girl went for the kiss
learn to take control m80
Bronson or Mean Girls
Deep Throat
The Girl Next Door. The one with Elisha Cuthbert, not the one about torture rape.

>rom-com in disguise
>very sexual
Sunshine of the spotless mind
you're not supposed to watch kino with a girl
horror movies or romcoms are the way to go

I dislike both but horror can at least be bearable
Something easy to understand
fucking kek this would dry up pussy like a raisin but OP would enjoy the shit out of it
Show her your an alpha, no pussy shit:
Boondock Saints
American History X
Fight Club
The Dark Knight
>nerd shit
this. it's a pussy magnet.
The greatest story never told.
horror works well

30 mins into the movie youll both stop paying atention and you cant start groping her
Lost in translation or one of those crappy movies with Hugh Grant, despite of what the internet may say, girls don't care for action movies, sci fi or capeshit.
>The VVitch
>She will shriek in terror and dread
>She will grab onto you and hold you close
>You will say, 'ok, it's ok, i'm here,' and console her
>And the rest, as they say, is history
Triumph of the Will
Das Boot
This and Synecdoche NY for sure
The Notebook, anon.
This works. It has no dialogue and nice imagery so you can talk over it. Make sure you have a bottle of good wine with you.
For all intensive purposes, proper grammar is for fags like you.
You may as well tattoo "Reddit" onto your head.
If she's already willing to watch a movie, she's already made up her mind to fuck you. Just skip the movie and fuck her when she comes over after giving her a few drinks
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Watch metropolis or something to pretend that you are a sophisticated human being.

50 first dates
>bust our you classiest fedora, OP, bitches love rebbit!
>Shes gonna be inside your house.
Unless you sperg out, bitch gonna fuck you.

Never show her Drive. You have to pretend to be Ryan Gosling from Drive without her knowing that you're impersonating the character.
so none of them?
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And tough guy rubes with no cinematic intelligence like you are a diamond dozen!


Only permavirgins think any girl is interested in Kino

Put on some dumb action comedy and get youself laid faggot
this, dumb enough for a girl and yet you can make her think it's kino
>L'illusionniste, a French Oscar-nominated cartoon
>not sophisticated cartoon
either you are a pleb or underage.
Watch a horror movie with a empowered woman, Alien for example. shell ride your cock to the moon
Any Blacked kino.
This was the first movie I watched with an ex.

It became strangely appropriate with the way things worked out.
A Kiarostami film such as The Wind Will Carry Us or Taste of Cherry, I doubt you'll make it all the way through without a little hanky panky if you know what i mean.
literally anything with jackie chan in it. not even joking
The first Alien movie. Calm and slow burning and with sexual themes that'll make for some perfect queues for cuddles when the cat jumpscares happen.
Sleepless in Seattle.
Annie Hall. Anything by Woody Allen.
Black Dynamite
American Horror Story Season 1
Just spooky enough to make her hold your hand, just sexy enough to nudge her in that direction. It's not a kino, so you can joke around and crack wise, showing her your trademark wit.
that was the joke, thank you for commenting. Try another website, maybe.
How do you guys even cum from sex? Pussy feels good but it just doesn't have enough friction to get me over the edge
This, classic choice, but the 'anything' applies to women of some intelligence as they just wouldnt get many of his films. Normal/limited female intelligence, i'd go with the light, comfy Midnight in Paris.
you'd pick a movie where the girl is cheating on the guy?
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Imagination/touching her feet
Same here, i'm a chronic masturbator so i am unable to cum, although i never tried it raw
sweet home alabama
Brokeback Mountain. I'm serious.

It worked 3 times for me.

It's also a good film
Which are you referring to, cant remember if Rachel McAdams was cheating on Owen Wilson, but yea, we're not talking about marriage here, just a night of some cheeky kino and kisses. It's romantic.
once you get bored go super fast and imagine she's someone else that's more attractive
>soup operas
in midnight in paris she is cheating. tho it really doesnt matter because you should be doing the fun stuff within 30 min
She's an 18 year old 8/10 with a 10/10 ass. I still can't blow
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>How do you guys even cum from sex? Pussy feels good but it just doesn't have enough friction to get me over the edge

>she cums first
>you're nowhere near close
>she's over it, drying up 'are you gonna cum???'
>You can tell she hates it, you're stressing out
>Your erection's gone, It's over
go sanic speeds when you want it to end
Take the condom off and spank it onto her belly or butt my man
have you tried men
You dont have to cum dude, just let her know it takes a while and youre glad she got hers, no reason to be embarrassed
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I don't even wear condoms not circumsized either
try have her dirty talk to you and kiss/bite you
This is true. Horror is top tier. Plus if it's good she will be all over you and you'll enjoy it anyway.

My vote goes to Sinister. Legit scary, good acting with based Ethan, and peppered in jump scares to get her heart going.

How often do you jack off? Try not jacking off for a 7-10 days before you next bang.

sometimes jerking off too much desensitises your weiner
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this kino
stop choking your penis to death when you masturbate
Damn son... you probably do need to lay off the porn for a while if you wanna get serious about it. It is fucked up how it's twisted out brains/physiology.
isnt that movie about a guy that kills kids
Ive never had sex, but thats probably what my future has in store
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>/tv/ has sex and you don't
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>American Horror Story Season 1
>not kino

I liked it a lot, i just meant it's not a film, during which i'd be more inclined to silent viewing, as a shorter tv series it allows for more banter
At the very end the kid kills the whole family. But it's a horror movie. Girls don't actually get all boohooey over shit like that especially after a 1.5 hour horror movie.

If you have a girl that gets like that dump her ass because she's probably got weird issues where she baby talks all the time and acts like a child.
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Was i just rused?
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Watch something from the "At (time of day)" trilogy. You'll both enjoy it
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Always this.
Yeah, that's not gonna happen.
look like were at the precipice of a dynamic crossroads, you and me. Just remember--a pint of blood costs more then a gallon of gold.
blade runner
maximum feels
why do you think youll even get that far?
he's optimistic
OP here, what do i do if its going good and i think we can have sex now?
make a move. Don't ask for her permission. It kills the mood for the girl.
put you phone away for a start you gigantic faggot
TDKR Opening scene. You can later reenact it in bed.
Wait for the movie to end and ask to read Rotten Tomatoes reviews to her to see if she likes it. Afterwards you should be good.
go for the kiss
You're good to go, have fun. Just take a quick video with your phone of her clearly expressing her consent.
>believing everything you read

Gullible as fuck
Just lie and pretend you did
Solid advice.
Also I think Lucky Number Slevin would be good.
swiss army man would be bretty appropriate
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I would take not being able to cum over cumming too fast any day
Take a small percocet mane, a 5mg wouldnt really effect you cognitively, or get you high, but would slow your ejac down most likely.
she probably feels worse about this than you do desu

It's intents and purposes you goddamn nigger
did you guys try having a foreskin?
Out 1

That'll get you laid for sure
so the normie infestastation is real after all
Ask her explicitly "Can I please insert my weenus into your fish slit, my dear?" This works for me 7 times out of 10.
this, if you've been here less than 3 months you're a newfag and need to lurk more often
>mfw I live in a doggy dog world and these fags can't stop hating on my steez
We're just having a laugh, no one's ever actually "had" sex.
its all lies you idiot. its either a fake story or the "girl" is a guy dressed up as one
>the "girl" is a guy dressed up as one

this, in my case at least
>hey femanon, i've been into dog porn lately, have you seen those?
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I used to watch Making a Murderer with my girlfriend

We normally ended up fucking mid-episode
Sometimes she gave me head as I watched Steven Averys crying face, was a little weird
American Psycho
I like 7 best.
Jesus, that's pretty funny but i hate that shit, gotta turn the tv off or mute or something bc i cant help but focus on that and it ruins it
Check em
the only right answer in this thread
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>invite girl over
>she drinks too much and pees on my couch
>I have to explain the plot to her after she comes back from the restroom

never again
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look her in the eyes and give a Sieg Heil
the pilot to twin peaks
spike her drink (not a movie)
What does boobs feel like?
>spikes her drink
>it crashes on the other side of the room
>"hey anon this character is just like you"
Why are you apologizing for not cumming when she came first? She should be apologizing for not trying hard enough.
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rubber bags of salty milk
LMAO you guys need to teach your girl ONE THING, RIGHT NOW


Seriously, a good girl can grip your dick with her vag and squeeze it so tight you'll never want to leave
Teach her how to arch her back properly in doggystyle, how to use those pc muscles to make her pussy tighter than a 12-year olds

Trust me, even the loosest roastie can feel amazing, just teach her how to

Nice Pepe image. What is this, 2014?
The Dark Knight Rises

And you better update us, faggot.
only virgin girls are tight, women are a disposable, one use commodity
Crazy, Stupid, Love is a good one

But A Walk to Remember is a great one
Literally watched it twice in my life and I got laid both times
Lawrence of Arabia
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A Serbian Film. Trust me, this is from experience.
I like to go with Moonrise Kingdom
>no responses
circumcised fags eternally BTFO
Big Trouble in Little China. This movie is godlike.
My girlfriend hated that film, but she hates films not because they're bad but because they make her feel certain emotions. She believes in God and we have two kids so it was a horrible experience for her I guess. I like to mess with her by whispering in her ear as she's falling asleep 'Wouldst thou like to live deliciously?'
nice memes
but that's a film women could never understand
>watching kino
>girl tries to kiss me
what the fuck is wrong with women?
Literally the only sane thing to do.
You've Got Mail

Women love that movie
Fine, put on cuck and the city like the smarmy little faggot your father always knew you'd turn out to be wants to
This is the only correct answer. She'll definitely fuck you just so she doesn't have to endure the next 7 hours.
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A Serbian Film
Enter the Void
>nearly 200 replies
>not one (1) of them reccomends Amelie
/tv/ truly has become a feast for plebs. That movie has gotten me laid so many times I can practically speak French now.
The first kisses I've gotten while watching movies were Pulp Fiction and that garbage recent Dracula Untold movie. Probably doesn't help.

It depends what the girl is like though anon so only you can know. Think of what genre of movie and what sort of plot will get her panties soggy. Romcoms? Erotic Thrillers? This is about getting laid so don't pick something for you, pick it for her.
>admiring a kinographic spectacle
>strumpet begins stroking my penis

Fucking unsophisticated whore! I banished her thenceforth and forbade her ever to be in my presence thereafter.
Enter the Void.

She'll spread 'em for you right when the incest action hits.
>calls others plebs

is that way, friendo
This. She'll want to know if people really radiate neon when they fuck and you'll be there for her to try it with.
The Cuckold
go to /ck/ and cook her a nice good dinner... well, don't go to /ck/ cause they're wankers who don't cook, but the latter stands
>Cook her a nice dinner
I assume /ck/ stands for cuck, right?
A Serbian Film
Make sure you time your flirting moves around the time when the newborn infant gets anal rape infront of the mother
just put on some porn
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I have the same problem can have sex for hours but can't cum ;_;
If she's more than a one night stand you should get her to finish you off with her hands/mouth or you jerk off on her tits/face, it's only fair.
I don't want to mimic your style
desu zootopia
Backdoor Sluts 9 makes Crotch Capers 3 look like Naughy Nurses 2 tbqhwu
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>soup operas
1. It wasn't a joke, you're just stupid
2. It happens in oje of the deathly hallow films during an illusion made by a horcrux.
so OP did this fake story not happen already? or is it still havent not happened and will only not happen tomorrow
wedding crashers. it's never failed me.
So, this post got me to ask: I've gotten a bruise on my dick after fucking this qt from work who is literally 1.5m tall and weights maybe 40kg. Was it her being tight, us not knowing how to fuck like people or some weird STD I've caught?

her pusy was too rough for you little whiteboi dick
>wasting kino on a female

Come on, now.

What you want is some mindless drivel, but not with anyone that looks better than you (let's say prime Johnny Depp), as her vagina will reflexively tighten the next time she lays eyes on you, as she's already layed eyes on an alpha male.

The plot should have little or nothing to do with the human condition, intergalactic travel, combat or Zack Snyder, as those are all equally pussy repellent.

As you've probably realized at this point, you're going to be bored out of your mind whatever the case, so you may as well go for a chick flick or something equally asinine.

Also, asking her what she would like is 100% guaranteed to lock her flower mound up tighter than a Jew in a recession.
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fucking kek'd, this is me
alpha male detected
Based pusyman!
you better back down, white boy
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This is how it went for me the one time I had sex, over six years ago.



It really doesn't matter as long as you don't put something on that is too overly gory or something that can kill a mood. JUst go with some stupid Rom com or light horror. She has probably already decided whether you are going to fuck or not.

triumph of the will
So much this.
Bill Cosby's specials.
Synecdoche, New York
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Just fake it.


Girls get super hurt about this shit. Happened to me, I also have said no to sex. She started crying.

>Bawwww u think im ugly
100% this, trips don't lie
Prison time sounds nice.
cinema paradiso
if multiple repeating digits you watch zootopia
Only a small segment of utter whores would react like that. Most women will freak out if they can't make you cum because they instantly believe it's because you think she's ugly.
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>I need a good kino that's guaranteed to get me laid
This tbqhwy senpai

watching movies with women is a meme
Er ist Wieder Da
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same famalams

you are my favorite anon
My mum likes that film>>83220645
Stop watching porn

Of course if you are addicted to 4chan thats almost impossible
was it autism?
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obviously the right answer, if OP can sit through it.

Casablanca may be more watchable.
>americans ITT whining about not being able to cum

this is why foreskins are necessary
>Sunshine of the spotless mind

I really don't know why you guys are suggesting this one, it's depressing and dread inducing, about heartbreak, memories, it's good, don't get me wrong, but a date's like an advertising pitch, you don't want your client to think those kinda negative thoughts.
>this is why foreskins are necessary

Then how do you explain this guy?

>I don't even wear condoms not circumsized either

I don't know what to believe.
Women don't process those thoughts like men
My nigga
The only right answer
airplane, trust me on this

>A date's like an advertising pitch

not necessarily, 4chan may have infected your mind on this matter. Sometimes a date is where you and a girl have FUN, being yourselves, what a crazy concept I know

You would never know from the shit the autists here think, but in the real world people, even romantic prospects, are not constantly judging your every move
American Sniper, trust me, throw everything else out.
i don't get dating advice from this website, believe me. I agree w/ you 100%- just not really for what sounds like a first date. Maybe if she's already 'into' cinema, but a lot of normie chicks might be put off by how dark it is.
No but seriously, the only right answer is some hack horror with decent production value like The Conjuring?
Everyone knows this, right?
t. khv
Apocalypse now.

If shes artsy then Eternal Sunshine.

If you want guaranteed panty-dropper then play deathcab for cutey.
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Big Fish

It will have her crying and then you can 'comfort' her and fuck her brains out.
It's a meme, but it's true:
Quit masturbating, quit watching porn. Honest truth. Sex becomes 1000x better.
did op ever got laid?
Space Jam. Tell your mom I said hi.
He died, actually. Sad stuff. Very sad.
What? That shit turned me off women for a good couple days.

Might as well just grab a random horror film.
I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.
The Room

Not memeing, I tried Ex Machina for a second date. It was too boring, not good! Later we saw Coherence
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This. The facehugger down the guy's throat made me horny as fuck.
Made it awkward watching it with my mother-in-law.
Fantastic Mr Fox

Lala Land

trust me
>date wanted to watch suicide squad: extended cut
>i made us watch james gray's the immigrant instead
>knew full well she was a turbo-pleb, but i still insisted
>kino starts playing
>keeps checking her phone all the way through
>gets up to go the bathroom
>go to pause it
>"lol don't pause it anon, i'll be quick"
>try to make a move near the end
>movie's over, she asks how i liked it
>well, this is one of my favorite films. tavener, coppola, blah blah blah
>"i hated it. the characters made no sense and it was soooo fucking boring."
>it was the last time i ever saw her
NEVER, I repeat, NEVER show a normie girl anything other than a normie flick when you have her over.
She'd leave halfway through and he wouldn't even notice.
La La Land seems like it might make a woman resent a man. At the very least that ending ain't gettin' any rivers flowing.
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nigger that's a fucking 2 hour film you think women really have the attention span for that shit?
american psycho. Literally has never failed me the 3 times I've had a girl over
Tinder expert here.
I always put on drive because they get so bored they'd rather fuck me.
American Pie has worked for me every single time.
Did no one seriously mention Dirty Dancing? I promise you half way through the movie the temperature in the room will go up dramatically because of her.
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it don't matter none of this matters. watching a movie is code for sex. but this is still OP trying to hit home plate
>Two kids

Someone's going to hell, and it's your bastard children and your whore gf.
I know, I goofed.
Just relating my experience so other anons don't make the same mistakes I did.
Dude who cares, you got the job done

Rub one out in the living room like a champion
Is sex something that's out of the realm of possibility to you?
Honestly dependent on what she likes about you.
Schindlers list
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yes, if you count an obese 4/10 who smells like rotting skin odour as having sex. Lets be honest, its only really getting laid if shes at least a 7/10
A Cock on Lips now
>lol don't pause it anon, i'll be quick
This should have given it away that
>try to make a move near the end
would be a bad idea.

Heaven's Gate
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Unironically best choice. Worked for me earlier tonight
I lost my virginity to season 1, episode 3 of curb your enthusiasm last week
Happened to me. You have to fuck her ass.
After a few orgasms of her own to put her in the mood plus low self esteem for not making you cum, she will say yes.
Lilya 4ever is a good aphrodisiac. A romantic and erotic movie
Fire walk with me
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underestimate post
Stranger by the Lake
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Just fuck her you idiot
>I have to quickly stop licking it up after she comes back from the restroom
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