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I am considering going to the movies alone for the first time

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I am considering going to the movies alone for the first time ever, should I do it?
yeah, just sit in the back, and don't be a sperg

Wear an animu T-shirt
My falcon is allergic to anime
What's the point of doing this?

It wouldn't be at all a hard place to be on your own, you're in a very dark room full of other people all with their eyes fixed on anything but you, but what's the point?

Going to the movies just isn't something you do on your own, it's just a social thing

Going to the movies alone would be like going to a nice restaurant to eat alone - just stay in.

If you want to go to a cinema related event on your own go somewhere where you will actually be able to meet people like a smaller fan viewing or a movie club.
What movie?
Just try not to be as autistic as this guy.
>don't be a sperg
Its clearly too late for that
I'm 100% right
fuck it

went to see GitS alone only people who cared were the husband and wife couple I had to walk by going to my seat
Sit wherever the fuck you want, the bigger problem is that op has no reason to go to the theater now, it's all shit
Don't let them catch you!
>the movies are like a nice restaurant
crab legs aside, you're wrong
I just want to see the movie okay
I'm sure that's what Paul Reubens thought.
what country still allows this?
Just depends on what he's going to see. There might be a theater in his town that plays older releases and has a bar. Sometimes I go drop by mine, 'cause I can usually pick up a qt there doing the same.
So why would you creep in the back, have some confidence and sit where you want
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They'll probably throw you out because most theaters have a "no singles" policy.

yea it's not so bad i used to do it all the time as a heroin addict falling asleep in the back row was super comfy
What would you even see? There aren't any good movies out right now.
I go to movies alone sometimes. It's comfy as fuck. I hit up 7-11 right before and load up on munchies.

I'd go more often but movies are shit these days.
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did you like the movie?
I did actually. Loved it. Michael Pitt was awesome.
Except you're 100% wrong, the movies are a completely asocial experience. You're sitting in a room where it's considered rude to talk and interact with people around you, and you think that's a good thing for friends to do together? There's a reason going to a movie is considered a shitty first date. There's absolutely nothing wrong with going to the movies alone, and there's also nothing wrong with going out to a nice restaurant alone.
Also he doesn't want to meet people, he only wants to see a movie ffs


How did you know they cared?

When I was an expat I didn't give a shit about doing things alone and I loved it, but now that I'm back home I sweat bullets just thinking about leaving the house alone. It's a shame too because I live in a really nice town. I just don't want people from my own nationailty to think I'm a loser if that makes sense.

whats an expat?
I go to the movies alone all the time. It's no big deal.

The only bad part about it is when you realise that there's nothing to it, and you start getting used to it. Movies alone. Eating alone. Everything alone. You get used to being your own company, and that's the worst part.

You'll realise you don't really need to do anything with other people, and your life is just about the same. Your already limited social skills will atrophy even more, and you'll become more alien and unrelatable to those around you. And you really won't care, because you don't need them for comfort, or entertainment, or anything really. Other people end up just being a nuisance.

That's when you really start to question the point of existance, and you're one step closer to ending your miserable life, trying to escape a hell of your own design.

basically this. when my brother stopped having friends and a gf is when he killed himself.
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ive literally only ever done it once and i was really insecure about it but its only because i was an idiot and went to a movie that had been recently released.

i think if you wait a few weeks after release and catch a midday showing you have a pretty good chance of being able to sit alone and not have anyone give you looks.
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I do it from time to time, not a big deal. You have to realize the world doesn't revolve around you and nobody's going to care whether you came to the theater alone or not.
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>tfw lived alone for the last 2 years

>used to do this all the time
>go on /tv/
>find out it's apparently a big deal and lots of people are sperging out about it
>can't do it anymore
Just take your mom with you, what's the problem?
It's what I did when Force Awakens came out.
>the film doesn't matter, it's about going out with your friends and ... er ... sitting in silence

Ultimate /tv/ plebpost.
>most theaters have a "no singles" policy.
Not being a Murcan, can somebody explain this rank idiocy to me?

Why the fuck would theatres turn away paying customers?
They started pointing and laughing, then got up and got the security to remove me as a potential threat to the mentally healthy people
Because people are scared away by loners. They actually make more money by turning away the occasional loner so long as his presence doesn't scare a couple or family away.

Not to mention all the masturbation and occasional massacre.
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Just try persuading your buddies to come and see the entire Cremaster series with you ...

If you want to keep your friends, sometimes it's best to go alone.
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>going to movies alone

Sorry OP I already contacted the CIA (Cinema intelligence agency) and tracked your IP address. Don't make any fucking plans you sicko
it's not real
It isn't? Because it makes perfect sense. You're probably from some metropolitan pedo infested shithole
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Suit up and carry a briefcase
are you french
>Going to the movies just isn't something you do on your own, it's just a social thing

you need to fuck right off, pleb
Its real. Some theaters turn away singles, most just have an extra fee on the ticket.

I went to go see Beauty and the Beast alone. Got hit with a 6 dollar singles fee, a 9 dollar anti-pedophile fee on top of that due to the movie. Basically paid for 3 people's tickets.

It sucks but that's how theaters can stay in business.
If your local theaters don't have a no singles policy, you're probably from some shitty ass depressing cityscape where only lonely old pedos still go to the cinema. In most places, the benefit of banning creeps outweighs the cost.
singles policy isn't real, you dumb yuropoor retard
In classy areas it is.

Only shitholes let singles in without a fee. It's equivalent to underage drinking at a bar.
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he this bate wil work an get /tv/ vann&

I do this for independent films, often there are other loners or just old people. I feel too embarrassed to see a big film like Star Wars alone though.
you can get out of this, but you have to have a willpower to get through all kind of public embarrassments while you gain or regain your social skills.
watch it online
Chucky Cheese has a no singles policy.
(I just wanted to play Afterburner Climax while my car was in the shop across the street I didn't need judgemental stares and being escorted out by security).
just go. I do it all the time - I work odd days, and when I'm off on a weekday I'll usually go to a daytime IMAX screening and be one of the only people there. pretty comfy

autism. obviously going to see fast and furious on your own is weird because it's an inherently social experience. but there's nothing wrong with watching a movie you want to see on the big screen on your own, nor is there anything wrong with eating the food you want on your own. I know this is bait, but if you need someone to hold your hand to do the things you want to, or you want to hide from other people while doing them, you've got some introspection to do
Is going to watch cinemas alone that big if a deal to so many people? Watchhing movies is probably one of the most passive activities you can do unless you’re verbal shitposting
How is it a social thing? It's fun to hang out with friends after and before the movie. During the movie people are just watching the movie.
The greatest experience is not watching the movie with friends but discussing with them afterwards.
Read The Moviegoer by Walker Percy. Then you'll understand.

No it's not. That's not even a good thing
Or maybe you just live in a civilised country where all this paranoid shit isn't necessary.
Sounds cool.
I don't get why people get sad about being alone, the men in my family have a long-standing tradition of being loners with no real social life. Hell my great-uncle hides in the woods if he thinks there's someone coming to visit him.
why not? I go to movies alone all the time, so do most people I know, it is considered normal here. seriously are you guys memeing with this shit or do Americans have some kind of brain damage that they can't see a movie without company? why the hell would you need to go to the movies with people, you sit in the dark and can't talk anyways. I mean its nice to go with someone, but only because you can go to the pub with them later and talk about the movie, its really not necesary though
Yes OP, I honestly don't see why not.
If you are worried about what people will think remember that film critics go alone too (I guess). Take a pen and a notebook, and dress like a critic.
I've seen a bunch of movies by myself at the theatre and enjoyed it a lot, actually more than going with friends to be honest. If I'm not alone or with friends I go with my mother but she doesn't like what I like usually.
>greatest experience
Fuck off you colossal faggot.
This anon gives advice but don't bring a pen or notebook. Seriously, just go see it. No one cares and the ones that do will forget it the second the movie starts.

I'm probably going to see Alien Covenant for the third time tonight at a Dolby theater.
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Speaking of Colossal, is that movie worth watching?
how did they find other animals to mate with? are you a loser too?
>how did they find other animals to mate with?
Who said they did? It's the women who do the breeding.
>are you a loser too?
Well I am here.
Why is everyone here so fucking retarded? Why do you want to go to the movies WITH people is what confuses me

Films, especially if it's one your interested in, should be viewed in solitude so you're completely immersed and do t have to risk side dialogue or questions/comments.

My favorite time of the year is during the film festival closest to me (philly). I take a few days off of work plus weekends, and I go see 30 or so movies by myself, it's pure bliss.

I also have asspergers
I think the notebook and the outfit is a great idea, I think you should practice before though, maybe rehearse a few fake sophisticated guffaws and saying things like "Excellent" and "Hmmm yes! But of course I see now." as you scribble on your notepad be sure to bring along separate reading glasses along with your standard pair so that you really look legitimate when you are writing numerous pages frantically during scenes. And people will think you are stupid if you write in the dark so some kind of book light would be good if you can get a notepad thick enough.

I liked it. It's way darker than i thought it would be
If you go to the theater on your own, you're a potential shooter and you will be frisked, given a cavity search and most likely banned. A night in jail with Bubba up your ass and mace in your eyes isn't all that fun you know.
t. normie pleb
jesus christ
This is all true. I don't even invite friends out to the bars with me anymore, I value my time by myself too much.

A couple months ago I went and saw a shoegaze concert by myself, got really high/drunk and then went to a bar for a night cap before going home. Might have been the best day of my life.
Literally the worst part about going with people. This is fun to do with strangers cause you don't know what they're usual likes/dislikes are, but my friends are extremely normie and talking to them about film is suicide inducing
Same here, and I have to end up pretending I agree with them because otherwise they say I'm a contrarian that hates everything.
I wish I had friends I could have actual discussions about movies with, who actually put my thoughts to the test instead of just saying "what are you talking about the movie was fun! just turn off your brain idk lol"
I always go alone and the last couple of times i went there with my gf i just paid attention to the movie anyways.
I mean, i wanted to see the movie and tickets are expensive, if i just wanna make out i could do it outside for free.
Going alone is the best way to truly enjoy it, preferably on empty days.
Took a friend to see Hell or High Water and I was trying to talk about the point of the movie and how west Texas was a character of the film in its own right

"Yeah, and the camera work reminded me alot of Civil War 2. I'm so hype for the new Spiderman."

I just turned the radio up and drove home.
I used to go matinees all the time alone and it's not weird at all. There's usually a several old lonely people there too.

The only time i had a problem is when i went to live plays alone. I'm a litfag and love Shakespeare. Fucking normies all act weirded out if they see someone at a play by themselves. Intermissions are a bitch too, feels like everyone is staring at you and judging.
I wonder what turd-world shithole you crawled out of, that lets creepy single guys into public events behind closed doors.
I watch movies alone all the time. What's the fucking point of bringing friends if they'll just distract you from your viewing experience?
The no singles policy

Literally the only reason I keep a few friends around
>No singles policy???????
What kind of rule is that? Did the cinema owner watch The Lobster and thought the world presented was ideal?
As someone who goes alone to the cinema, it depends on what movie.
Weird artsy or foreing film: these are the safest, they uruaslly full of old people, other lonely neckbeards and hipsters. There are usually more singles that couples in these kinda movies.
Blockbuster: don't ever go on opening night, wait a few weeks until the hype dies out. Go on a weekday at morning, you're probably going to be almost alone.
Disney/DreamWorks/Kid's movies: Don't go unless you want to go to jail
I have gone to the cinema like three or four times alone. Yeah the first time is awkard and you feel bad watching other people with friends and you alone and all of that but once the movie starts you don't give a shit about that.

My advice is go when it's not the premiere, just some days later or at a session when there is no much people. Buy your ticket from home. Just go, sit and relax.

I watched the Black Knight alone with few people in the room and it was amazing. Watching a movie alone at the cinema feels very good because you can focus better in the movie and you apreciate better the movie.
Americans seem to be afraid of doing literally anything alone
Don't go in the weekend and everything will be fine.
But my discussions about movie with friends are always
>Did you liked it?
>Yeah it was ok
And thats because we only go see the latest blockbusters so its not like you can discuss a lot from Fast and the Furious
>Intermissions are a bitch too, feels like everyone is staring at you and judging.
>Not making up some lie about your brother Niles having a last minute professional emergency forcing you to go alone
>Not asking them about their sherry preferences
Jesus christ anon. Between Frasier and Three's Company there isn't a single awkward social situation I don't have contingency plans.
Ask me about the time I agreed to two different dates at the same resteraunt on accident.
Don't buy it. Unless someone is being disruptive no one pays attention to who else is in the theater.
How did you get out of the awkward situation it must have been that one time you agreed to two different dates at the same restaurant on accident?
My late cousin supposedly did this slot. Like he's dress in a suit and walk into a Bank with his briefcase, approach the counter
>I wanna make a deposit
>puts briefcase on counter and opens it
>one $5 Bill in side

He overdosed like, fuck, 2 months ago. They found him dead on the morning of his father's funeral. He would have been 30 just 2 weeks later.
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I'll buy that, because people don't want some lone creep hanging around whose gonna snatch thier kid
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You just called yourself a normie pleb and outed yourself as a redditor, fag
normally what I do is I go online and find what time and showing I want to go to, then its very important to check the weather to see if its going to rain, this is important for later and I get there 30 minutes early on the dot and I buy my ticket, normally they awkwardly try to tell me that I'm too soon but that short embarrassment is far easier than being seen alone in the cinema because as soon as I buy my ticket I turn swiftly and exit the vicinity of the previous encounter and leave the cinema. I wait in a good spot where I can stay hidden yet still see the entrance of the cinema (I'm very good at finding hiding spots because my hobbies are trainspotting and bird watching, so this is never a problem) and I watch the people who go in, I patiently watch as people go in when it should be time for the movie I want to see and I try to find a large group of friends (preferably girls, because there is less chance of them interacting with me and they smell nice) and I follow them into the cinema and stay close to their group and I follow them to the counter to get some tasty treats and the cashier is extra friendly to me for some reason after dealing with the group, I go to the ticket stub guy sticking like a magnet behind these girls and the ticket guy is extra friendly to me as well for some reason after the group goes in, I follow them to their seats and sit next to them with one seat space and put my coat down on the seat in between us, that way I can still pretend I'm waiting on someone and listen to their conversation throughout the movie, this tactic brings in many extra bonuses as you can see. Where I'm from there are many theaters and movies so I generally put them on rotation to alternate between them so I don't get recognized too much.
Sorry to hear that, that one story sounds like your cousin was cool and fun. I really wanna do something like that myself too now, kek. Thanks for the post.
Just bring a notepad and pen and pretend you're a film critics taking notes
Because I bumped into them while walking. They had the leg chairs up as well
b-b-but what if someone asks you who you work for or where do you publish your writings?
>"Here's my card"
Tell them to fuck off and mind their own god damn business

Fucking beta males.
What if it's a qt asking you?
Same response. It might even make her a bit moist.
Alright thanks for the advice anon!
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Eh movies becoming a social thing only applies if you're in a relationship. I dont go to the movies unless im with my gf or with the boys. Watching alone for me in a theater means watching it with my gf. Probably applies more when you have kids, since by then the only time you go to the movies is for capeshit or animated films, or if your wife wants to watch a shitty romcom. You never truly watch what you want in the theaters, and you just stay home to rent or pirate what you want.
>with my gf or with the boys
please kill yourself today
I like how everyone is disagreeing wit yet I'm sure the first thing they do when they get home is hop on /tv/ to either make or join a thread about the film they just saw. I know I do.
>/tv/ = friends
t. kissless virgin

It's only pleb to those who havent tasted pussy. It's like you being a virgin is having a bluepill effect on how you perceive certain activities such as going to the movies. It's a completely social experience. You know who really dabbles in watching in the theaters by themselves? Movie critics. You know what most of them are? Exactly, either they're autistic enough to watch movies alone or they're kissless virgins
LOL xDD upvoted
You can go to a nice restaurant yourself you aspie fuck
Whatever friendo. Going to the theaters alone is like going to amusement parks alone. You'll look likr a sad miserable fuck
You, caring so much about strangers seeing you alone is what's really sad.
you guys are my friends. I get along with the people who post here way more than anyone I've met in real life. I've had close friends before but none of them appreciate film and tv like I do and since this is one of my biggest hobbies and interests there's always been barrier since they only appreciate movies for basic surface level stuff and aren't interested in delving any deeper beyond liking the action and performances. They never want to discuss celebrity armpits and feet either.
Well I really can't disagree with you there, it's the exact same for me. It's the whole anonymity thing that makes this site so great. You don't worry about people taking your joke the wrong way, or insulting you, or people who seemed cool turning against you just to score points with some slightly more popular person that doesn't like you. And people are not afraid to criticize, which is the best way to aim for the best quality of anything.
i'd more readily go to a theme park alone than the cinema but I wouldn't mind either desu senpai
1. There is no good films on
2. How much of a loser do you have to be that you don't have anyone to to the movies with you?
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