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I personally thought after seeing Alien: Covenant that the Neomorph

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I personally thought after seeing Alien: Covenant that the Neomorph seemed WAAAYYY more terrifying.

What does /tv/ think of the Neomorph?
Despite being physically weaker than the Xenomorph, it's arguably way more dangerous just cause of how ridiculously easy it is to infected with one.
looks to much like a "demon" or something from paintings, wallpapers etc.
The mouth should've been altered to show an opening so as to not give the impression that it comes outta no where. Other than that it was great
the adult form was definitely the creepiest looking. it was terrifying when it stood upright to stare at david.
the kid form was cute
Because of the philosophical dialogue and metaphors in the movie, I would say that is what they were going for
well it certainly makes sense and all, but it still looks like some edgy deviantart-tier design
Ok, so I havent watched Prometheus since it first came out, but I have a few questions.

So Shaw flies to the enigneer homeworld, somehow manages to reattach Davids head to his body. When they arrive, David kills everyone with xenomorphs or something. Did he just create an army of xenomorphs along with shaw? I guess he somehow kills Shaw before they reach the engineer planet, because no way would she let David create tons of aliens and attack the enigneers. So how come we find her signal on the enigneer homeworld?

should have made it more gloopy and body-horror

right now its basically just an albino xenomorph with down syndrome

There's a prologue trailer with a scene not in the movie where she attaches his head while shes on the engy ship. She then goes into cryosleep assumingly never woken up alive again. They then arrive at the engy homeworld

David released the goo capsules that didnt create any xenos but more or less "charred" them, like a nuclear weapon flash

The signal was a signal from the now crashed engy ship. She sings the song Tenessee recognizes when she's in the chair before she goes into cryo
She was in stasis so he didn't need to kill her outright.

Also that's no way in hell the engineer's home planet. Everything was way too primitiv.
I like the design but it shouldn't have had a tail, looked much better when it was upright instead of on all fours.

I think it should've formed inside the host though, and then slowly shed off the human-meat or melt it into itself. So for the first "form" it would still be wearing a ripped human skinsuit of sorts. Just a thought.

Heres the vid link, there also another one for "the last supper" which is about the covenant crew before they went into cryo


Yes, they fucked up the aliens in an Alien movie.

Ridley only threw in the xenomorph to please the studio and capeshitters. The fate of Prometheus and the goo were his obvious interest.
The only good thing about this one is that he had lips.
It had an opening, a very small one.

They can't do shit w/o Gieger desu senpai.
ok, now it makes more sense. Thanks!
>Literally accidentally retcon the original movie

I think we've finally found a prequel series worse than the Star Wars prequels and The Hobbit movies.
The biggest unaswered question is: Why does every female protag in the alien franchise have terrible haircuts?
They were definitely nastier. Interesting choice to put the way more disgusting aliens BEFORE the classic ones appear
the head is shaped like a turd and not biomechanical enuff
he probaly woke her up later and then started his experiments on her
Why even wake her up?
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All that I can picture is this.
because he could.
davis is a narcist. he probaly kept her alive and awake while he did his experiments on her body.
They're white tho, Fassbender wanted black waifus.
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yet the neomorphs killed more people and where more deadly
then david's apparant perfection creature
who just behaved like dumb animals and got owned hard by their own stupidity

walter was right, david fucked up

Since the pre-sequel...-thing is intended to focus on the story of what happened to Shaw and David almost directly after Prometheus, I think he wakes her to then have some misadventures aboard the ship, possibly due to David fucking around with the goo. Or they have an unplanned encounter with the engineers or some shit.

Point is, I don't think David would experiment on Shaw without her consent or her knowing about it.
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kek shaw allowing david to experiment on her.
yeah right. she might be the dumbest person in the alien franchise, but i doubt she is that stupid
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you lack imagination
haha what's wrong with his hed?
Look at this dood...
why are alien fans suddenly such crybabies now?
apparently you faggots dont remember being excited for avp at all. which you probably were, considering the franchise was fucking dead after requiem

go suck a dick /tv/
outb4 fags
Everything you need to know

I'd say more like something we'd see in the Resident Evil games but I still liked it overall
The difference between the Xenomorph and the Neomorph is that the Neomorph is pure, naked aggression. It's the Xenomorph on Stupid Ax-Crazy mode.

No subtlety or brains, just "I'm going to kill you all".

Weaponized rage.
It sucks we didn't see a fight between a Neomorph and a Xenomorph.

The Neomorphs are conveniently killed off before the Xenomorphs appear.
Live test subject.
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It could always be worse.

The reason David considered the Xenomorph superior is that it can reproduce AND kill simultaneously (via infecting people).

The Neomorph is a dead-end, because it's so blunt it charges into gunfire. It's literally a roid-rage bull. It lacks brains.
Is it possible the Aliens in "Aliens" have more Neomorph in them than "Alien"-Aliens?

It would explain why they were blunter in technique.
Covenant is objectively worse than Resurrection.
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Give it a rest, Whedon.
>hey that's actually kinda-
>*sees comically huge hands*
Remember that scene in Covenant where the guy pulls a bit of his brain out of the back of his skull after he gets bitten by a xeno before he dies?
I don't, get the fuck out of here with that shit.
looks like a retarded dolphin
Out of the two, one of them retcons the original movie, the other doesn't.
We're only assuming Shaw was innocent in all this.

How do we know she didn't go insane from the isolation and join in David's schemes?

It would explain why he loved her even in death. For all we know, she got infected accidentally and decided to use her body for the cause.
>She sings the song Tenessee recognizes when she's in the chair before she goes into cryo

I figured it was after David drops the pods. After David wakes her up, she finds out what he did and/or what he plans for her, so she escapes and crashes the ship into the mountain. She sings the song cause she knows she's about to die. Sending out the signal was a mistake because it's an alien ship says not familiar with piloting.

She either dies in the crash or is kept alive for a bit while David uses her to experiment with.
He didn't love her, he was messing with Walter
How so?

Which is totally why he made an ornate grave for her BEFORE Walter even showed up.
He probably did in his own fucked up way. Why would he make a memorial for her if he didn't.
I just find Resurrection to be very silly, and the tonal shift really doesn't sit right with me.
I just rewatched it tonight and it's definitely a more cohesive unit than Covenant, but I got less out of it than Covenant where I could at least appreciate Fassbender's performance and some of the really neato visuals.
>Hey dude want to see my latest experiments
>They're inside these weird disgusting alien pods downstairs, come with me
>Is it safe
>Yeah, they're just waiting for something
>They're waiting for a mother haha, anyway come up to one of them and look inside of it when it opens up
What did they mean by this?
This reminds me of that faggot ass ugly kid in that movie gumo (forget what's it's called but you know)
this was like the only memorable image from this movie.

Let me provide a new theory.

Shaw did not fix David until she had gone insane from many years of isolation. David found in her deranged state, their viewpoints aligned. But the bioweapon eventually infected Shaw. David "took it well", and nuked the Engineers with the weapon that killed her.
The neomorph seems to be a step up in every way.

>has a much more efficient reproduction cycle
>is able to kill full grown humans literally minutes after birth
>is just as hard to kill if not more so than the xenomorph despite not having an exoskeleton

The only downside seems to be it's berserker rage.
>physically weaker


It already could kill a full grown human when it was just born and break through solid walls, it's probably mcuch stronger than a normal xenomorph
What made the movie more terrifying for me than anything:

From what David said of the sketches that Daniel's found, he turned Shaw into an alien queen. Remember when she says "what are you going to do to me?" he replies "exactly what I did to her". That's not a threat, that's a statement.

He told the religious captain guy that he was waiting on a "mother". Obviously daniels died while birthing the xenomorph pods. We can take proof in her huge, distended womb cavity that Walter finds.

David killed all the engineers, making shaw the only living thing to experiment on. And he did. And that's exactly what he's going to do to daniels.

And that's what made me feel the movie was so good and terrifying. It wasn't the horrors of the aliens, it's what sick shit he's going to do with the covenant. Do you remember how macabre and terrifying those sketches were? They were REAL. He can't make new things, he can only copy what he sees.

Don't get me wrong, David's evil was his own.

But he loved Shaw because she was the only one who 'got him".

Fight me

Did anyone realize David is basically a lunatic version of H.R Geiger? The aliens came to him in his dreams.
Oh I'm sure he liked her, and he had nothing but time on his hands to indulge his creativity. But when he's says "Of course, I loved her" I reckon he's messing with Walter.

I doubt it's an accident Shaw was picked by David to be the Queen, the woman he professed to love.

He put her on a pedestal.
The neomorph is a step back in every way, since it's completely unbelievable and just space magic. We went from a believable parasitic reproduction cycle of some alien species to magic space goo. Seriously, fuck Prometheus and Neomorph fans.

I just question whether Shaw is so innocent in "Covenant" as we assume her to be.
I agree. I mean, having spores incubate into a human from mere contact is far more effective than have a Face-Hugger rape you.

A genetic hyper-accelerant is not "space magic", nor is using a form of altered tiny parasitic wasp to carry it (we saw it in David's shop).
Absolutely, she was the only one who treated him with the respect he thought he deserved. Everyone else treated him like a smart slave.
the thing about the xenomorphs (just between Aliens and various comics) the Xenomorph is all about the greater good for the hive
>protect the Queen
>The Queen produces the eggs
>the eggs hatch facehuggers that lead to new workers/soldiers/Queens Guard/Queen IE the future of the hive

Further things to point out is how the Queen(s) are so protective of the eggs to the point of willing to sacrifice adult xenos to protect them and how dedicated Queens are to killing said person/people that hurt said eggs.
Also also how regular xenomorphs are willing to back down from threats to the Queen

Xenomorphs easily have the ability to turn into a self sustaining organism, especially with the ease that they've ended up moving from planet to planet throughout the universe.

Necromorphs have a more efficient reproduction cycle but so much so that it could easily burn itself out, not to mention they just aren't as intelligent as even a worker drone xenomorph

It's poetic justice. As Walter himself said, one note off ruins the music.

David's hubris prevented him from seeing this. In his search for "the perfect organism", he made it worse (like many a plant breeder tends to do).
>genetic hyper-accelerant is not space magic

It is. The Force is more believable than this crap.
Worth it for this scene and those trips.


When I saw this as a kid I thought it was the most awesome and fucked up thing ever.
It's memorably awful.
Why is nobody talking about just how fucking weird this movie is. Halfway through it turns into gay android Dracula with shit like the neomorph standing up that "trusts" David, and the little baby xeno that praises the sun when it bursts and becomes full size in a matter of minutes. I seriously think Ridley Scott is becoming senile.
>David started playing the recorder because Engineers used them as keys to their ships
Woah... It's like poetry, it rhymes.

Also, considering how dark this film is, would a lunatic Shaw really be out of place?

Isolation would drive her mad, and David of course would be perfectly positioned to warp her mind further.
>he taught Walter

Based brobot coming back
Except there's little evidence of that and more evidence that she was unwilling, and tried to escape.
The pacing starts getting really off once bodies start dropping.
>you have to watch the OFFICIAL pre-release Prologues for the movie to make sense
fuck off FOX. I understand that these were probably deleted scenes (I can't see where they'd fit them in) but it's YOUR job to write a cohesive movie, not mine to search online for the comic-book that explains it all.
Are rampant ridiculous fan theories to explain film caveats and poor design decisions the norm for new movies on /tv/?
Covenant seems to be riddled with this phenomenon.

So, a rational Shaw repairs a robot she knows is dangerous as fuck.
For a possible fan-edit, what does everyone think of this?

>Last supper is included after David's creation
>The "message" viral clips are spliced into it wherever it feels right
>So, a rational Shaw repairs a robot she knows is dangerous as fuck.

She doesn't know that. At best all she knows is that David hid the fact that Weyland was alive.

People assume she knows he killed Holloway, but she doesn't. She just asks how he knows he wasn't infected through the air and it never comes up again. Not even when she's putting him in a bag.
Who planted the wheat? The engineers?

I'm really skeptical she wouldn't be suspicious of him.

Repairing a suspicious robot is either stupidity or madness.
>he gave her the gift of dead

so, hes admitting to killing his own mother?
>Do you remember how macabre and terrifying those sketches were? They were REAL. He can't make new things, he can only copy what he sees.
Shaw´s body showed an intact jaw, while David´s picture of her lacked a jaw. David did create (Walter explicitly mentions that only later versions - including himself - were barred from creative pursuits), the sketches weren´t of real things and you should rewatch the movie.
She might be suspicious, but he's an robot.
Probably didn't expect him to have gotten all cuckoo for cocoa puffs with free will.
>David speaks German, is blond haired blue eyed, perfectly Aryan
>ends up going gay
>his perfect organism is a mindless, muscular black beast
Is Aliens social commentary?
I found it more absurd that there was no sign of a Queen to lay those eggs
Did the egg come before the chicken?
Shaw was the first queen. Or parts of her, anyway.
It got BTFO after taking a few bullets to the chest
>no sign of a Queen
I'm thankful for this, the egg mutation theory always seemed much more unsettling than a big boss monster the heroes have to kill.
Shaw's reproductive system created the proto-Facehugger. 10 guesses as to how David created more.
>Repairing a suspicious robot is either stupidity or madness.
David was the only hope she had for survival. Desperate people take to desperate measures...
>Fight Scene
>walter about to kill david with a rock
>david somehow manages to incapacitate walter
>quickly chops off his hand exaclty like walter
>combs his hair
>scratches his face like Walter's
>puts on an accent
>Hey guys it's totally me walter waddup?

>Oh hey Walter wanna build that log cabin with me?
>lol what?
>oh shit it's David
why the fuck didn't david just be like 'hhaa oh ya, forsure!' instead of being silent? what does he have to gain from that? Would'nt it be better to play it cool, then if/when he wakes her up at least have the OPTION of using her to his advantage? he could always just kill her if he wanted to
Are we positive that's not just some proto-facehugger obscuring the lower jaw?

Was Mexican Man literally the smartest crew member?
Sounds like Swedish propaganda
David also dreams. i took it that was where the drawings were from

David lost his blonde hair and it's more like incest (Walter is basically a new brother to him).
>why the fuck didn't david just be like 'hhaa oh ya, forsure!' instead of being silent? what does he have to gain from that? Would'nt it be better to play it cool, then if/when he wakes her up at least have the OPTION of using her to his advantage? he could always just kill her if he wanted to

In the original cut Daniels never finds out. I figure their only pick-up shot was Daniel's reaction. David is just being smug was a hold over from that.
I have a theory that David killing Walter was never meant to be ambiguous. The edit when he reaches for the knife during the fight felt very sudden.
What ps2 game is this
Resurrection featured some fun characters and neat scenes though. It also might have the best looking xenomorphs in series. It might be as bad as Covenant, but in a better way.

Compared to? The idiots in the shower? The "Benny Hill" woman with the shotgun? The religious dude who fell for "it's totally safe!"?

Yeah, he was a genius compared to those morons.
Original cut had it cut right as Walter was about to kill David.

Final cut added the David reaches for the knife bit. Adds to your theory.
It makes it so there is only two way the events of aliens come from after this movie.
1)Either the goo has a random chance of turning into the "True" xenomorph and the ones left on the planet in Prometheus remain hat is found in Alien 1 but is somehow skips the neomorph/in pure stage.
2) Some how after making the pure xenomorph David or someone with the pure strain goes back to the planet, puts in in one of the ancient alien ships and then leaves, giving us Aliens 1.
The design felt out of place, with the very human body and jawline and the disappearing/reappearing mouth. Made me think of some Nip shit like Silent Hill. Overall the lifecycle was too fast and killed any chance of tension or fear to build up. Like Covenant as a whole, the worst entry in the series so far.
fuckin kek

But since it is, we can now hope he's basically Proto-Bishop.

If he's alive, he's going to be David's eternal enemy.
Is there a source for that? Not that I don't believe you, but knowing the differences between versions would be interesting.
Having it be closer to a real twist and not blindingly obvious sounds far better in my opinion.
I think they needed to explain it to the audience.

If he had just thrown up the fetus' or switched to his other accent, half the people in the audience probably owuldn't have understood
OP in this thread saw two test screening cuts.
Those are where I'm pulling those from.
God learn to not use buzzwords you faggot

Also "Hateful Eight" man was one of the very last people to die.

The movie cheated with the Miracle-Gro chestburster.
>After seeing the film again tonight my wife remembered some dialogue from the earliest screening between Daniels and Walter. I believe this might have been during the scene where he accompanies her to check the Terraforming bay. She mentions something to Walter about the two of them now having something in common. He asks her to clarify and she responds by telling him that the crew is made up of couples and having lost her husband makes her the only one who will continue the mission alone. There's a kinship she now shares with Walter who is also alone on this journey. It was a good character moment that helped establish her bond with Walter early on.

Why do these movies always remove character building?
I meant David disguising himself as Walter, I never even entertained the thought that Walter might not be dead. Sounds silly to me.
I guess I haven't seen an Alien movie in a while, but it seemed like every step of the way it was

oh you think you're safe eh
>I never even entertained the thought that Walter might not be dead.

He can regenerate, and he knows how to play the flute now.

Assuming Walter isn't dead (because MOAR Fassbender), we'll see more of it from him.

He's basically Ridley's answer to Bishop.
In the words of my dad, "I was about to fall asleep, but then an alien killed somebody.".
Yeah, and Walter was really great too. Not just in comparison, but as a general synthetic character.

>fucking charging and bulldozing down the Neomorph about to strike Daniels


Scott knows Fassbender is the best thing about the new movies.

If Walter is alive, it means we get more of Fassbender.

It's the Rule Of Fassbender, playing Proto-Ash and Proto-Bishop.
Can you even imagine Covenant without David in it?
Utterly irredeemable.

"It's Walter, David. We tried it once your way David. Are you game for a rematch? David, I'm laughing at the superior intellect."
Bishop did that knife thing
David fingers flutes
this proves Aliens > Prometheus 2: Black Goo Boogaloo
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David used her body and organs as a conduit to developing the ovomorph. After David killed all the humanoids on that planet, and there were no more hosts for him to experiment on, Shaw's body was certainly preferable.

Also, because David loved Shaw and because he could not procreate with her, he used her body as the vessel in which he could create life on his own.

It's safe to say that David is suffering from sort of glitchy and malfunctioning programming, given that he fucked up the attribution of the Ozymandias poem to Byron, to which Walter says, "one note can ruin and entire symphony."
David is Satan, the devil, etc., the fallen son.
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>smaller opening weekend than prometheus
it's over the hack is finished
Without either David or Walter the movie would have been worse.

>Bishop gets sliced in half
>Walter loses a hand

Your move
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>Prometheus 2: Black Goo Boogaloo
I like it
where do xenomorphs come from?
But Covenant was irredeamable
I still think that Walter is going to be the space jockey or the one who lends the biomechanical nature to the final Xeno for Alien.

David selectively breeding and experimenting on the Neomorphs/Deacons that the Black Goo would normally create
One thing I have been wondering is:

Why did Ridley Scott not use the scar from the nail that Daniels shoved into David to reveal him. Daniels should have just gone to sleep, and in a haze see the scar, freak out and sleep while David smugly smiles.
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>I'm burning up
I dunno, depending on how much we get in terms of deleted scenes and the viral videos, you can make a way better movie in fan-editing.
cut in half by a fucking queen and still saves the child from getting sucked into space

Walter got his hand ated by a maggotmorph
Like saving Newt was so hard.

The subtle face expression of "I have no idea what you're talking about" was better. Only then does it dawn on Daniels. Much creepier, if you ask me.
If you're going to headcannon it that hard then why not pretend it never happened?
much more satisfying to have her cabin-dream shattered
Cause there are things in there I liked.
So why not say it can be redeemed through putting stuff back in that shouldn't have been cut?
She had nothing to eat on engeneer ship so she died of hunger probably
Why did David kill all the engineers?
Still the creepiest Alien design. Of course taking stills out of the context will make it look silly.
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Aliens used to be my favorite, now Covenant is by far my favorite. I don't give a single fuck what any of you retards say. David being a fucking robot with a god complex who fucking spends all of his time genetically engineering monsters is fantastic. The entire section of the crew being inside of his home and exploring it was the best part of the movie. All those creatures, all those experiments, the fate of Elizabeth Shaw becoming the first queen.

Also, the neomorphs popping out of the spine was way more fucking horrifying than a chest burst.
Ridley said he'd either do 1 or 2 more prequel movies after covenant, so there is still a lot more time to explain how Alien 1 happened.
>there are things in there I liked
The chest burst in this was beautiful though
If you weren't a braind ead idiot, as it seems like half of these people who say it's full of "plot holes" and "THE PLOT IS ALL OVER THE PLACE XDD" it was shown that Walter had extremely fast regenerative powers. If you were paying any attention, any fucking attention at all, you'd have realized that something was wrong the minute he had face scars and skin tearing.
>way more disgusting aliens BEFORE the classic ones appear
It might be a prequel but you still have to up the stakes to please the general public.
So I think it's clear that the goo is merely a mutagen, not explicitly a parasite. We were shown this in Prometheus with the engineers mutated DNA creating ours. Also when the engineers get bombed you can see the way their bodies are mutated to shit before they die.

David was just refining the xenomorph by using the goo's mutagenic property. He used it on all the living beings on the planet.

What I don't understand is when Shaw was woken up. She was clearly awake when she put David back together, and when she sent the message. So perhaps she was awake when David let the goo go, and she crashed the ship, sent the message, and then was queened by David. Makes sense?
David is an incredibly strong character stuck in a shit movie what else is new
Best thing in the movie desu
>So perhaps she was awake when David let the goo go, and she crashed the ship, sent the message, and then was queened by David. Makes sense?

I think she might have been woken up later. If they do make that interquel, adds a degree of tension.

That's not clear, and it's most likely that David killed her in stasis.
Because they created humans, who created him, with careless abandon both.

"Wouldn't you be curious if you found out your creator made you just because he could?"

is black goo specifically created by the engineers to produce neomorphs?

what about the dick monster from the prometheus, where does it belong?
I'm pretty sure he killed her while she was in a stasis, much like he said he would do to Daniels.
It's most likely that she died crashing/singing
>much like he said he would do to Daniels.

No, he said that to Daniels when she was perusing his workshop sketches.
Interesting thing was that the white aliens could come out of any place in your body, what if it came out of your dick?
He was "never allowed to create." Was branded a failure, despised his creator, and thought he could do a better job.
>is black goo specifically created by the engineers to produce neomorphs?

That's a great question, cause I don't think it has an answer. David says that normal infection creates a "hybrid creature", but clearly it can be manipulated to do other things.

So, is it a mold/penicillin situation where it has this side-effect of being multi-useful?
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I understood the backlash to prometheus but whats going on here?
>"people do stupid stuff and there's only 30 mins of aliens a bloo bloo bloo!"

jesus welcome to EVERY ALIEN MOVIE
Because Prometheus was a critical failure, so Ridley Scott abandoned just about everything from that movie to make this one because 'who cares if it's really bad, I'm old and my family needs money'
Almost heaven, West Virginia, Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River.
Life is old there, older than the trees, younger than the mountains, blowing like a breeze.
Country roads, take me home to the place I belong.
West Virginia, mountain mamma, take me home, country roads.
>Ever wonder what happened to the OTHER Neomorph that went scurrying off into the darkness? Well he actually shows up in a short action scene that was only screened in the first cut. It is near the end of the film when Daniels and Lope are outside the Citadel awaiting rescue. They see Tennessee bringing down the landing platform but the second Neomorph makes a surprise appearance and begins charging at them. At that same time the Xenomorph steps out of the Citadel and sees the two in the distance and immediately gives chase from the opposite end. Daniels and Lope begin running for the landing platform, back to back, and firing in opposite directions at both Aliens. If I recall correctly we see the Xenomorph effortlessly dodging bullets mid-stride while Daniels is able to take down the Neomorph with her rifle.
That would have gone a long way to making the neomorphs not seem better than the xenos.
I don't get it, did David literally created all aliens or did they already exist before prometheus happened?

What about the murals in the engineer ship?
>a movie is allowed to have flaws because it's following a recipe
Jaded cunts trying to fit in.
so the xenomorphs are 2nd hand manmade? Lame.
>What about the murals in the engineer ship?

According to this movie, The Engineers knew about Deacons and Neomorphs. The Mural was probably a warning about safety procedures.
I think it's very clearly a mutagenic agent, but it seems to do different things based on volume. You can definitely see the mutant arms popping out of the engis as they die. David was using it as a catalyst to produce the face hugger. I think it's clear that the facehugger method of reproduction and acid blood etc is a clear exhibition of the goo properties.

your a Nu-Malemorph
have a think
What? The story beats had way more in common with Prometheus than Alien.
>It was cooler when they were a literally what that came from literally where because mystery is COOL!!!1 XD
Xenomorphs are the result of a machine genetically engineering and perfecting the specimen over the course of who knows how long. That's a pretty fucking badass backstory.

Was a bit upset that he didn't continue the mythology behind Prometheus a bit more, and that the introduction of the Xenomorph was much grander. Don't get me wrong, I do like that there were Xenos and how David created them, but it was kinda just like, "Well, here are the eggs, and you know what happens from here." I was hoping for something far grander, that's all. I blame all those normies who were like "Prometheus is too complicated and complex, I just want ALIUMS!"

>mural was a workplace safety poster after all this time
That'd be hilarious
>who knows how long
Covenant is like ten years or so after Prometheus iirc
>>It was cooler when they were a literally what that came from literally where because mystery is COOL!!!1 XD
XD that's what I said xD. I didn't actually say it, but YOU that said I said it so it must be true xD. I'm actually aware that I even use emoticons now :D thanks for making this discussion COOOL!!! XD

Seriously. Don't pretend I said this when I didn't.

>wait for the only moment you are completely vulnerable to ask that stupid question

what were they thinking
David is a Hack fraud like Jar Jar Abramstein and Ridley Scatt.
Anon, she didn't ask the question because she was testing him. She genuinely meant it.
Do you believe Ridley Scott knows what he's doing or does he just go with the flow?
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I'm not saying covenant was a flawless movie

Im just saying its hilarious how these revisionist twentysomethings have deluded themselves into thinking Alien movies were about humans on some 4d chess game theory shit

Our first entry to the series involves an astronaut being brought onto a spaceship with an alien on his face. The captain goes into an air vent alone and trips dick first into an alien

The second involves a colony built on a planet that was known to have hostile alien life. You can play this pedantic shit all day
He has a vague idea of "David doing whateverthefuck" and goes from there.
Seeing as how David being the creator was kept in tact through all screenings and edits, I'm pretty damn sure it was intentional.
I think he is mostly following his vision, maybe with some studio prodding or tempering from fan reactions like with killing off the engineers when he had such a hard-on for them.


nigga, i'm tired of "spray and pray" alien movies. we've exhausted that 4 or 5 times now, and you want more of it?

How could a single android, built by a far more primitive race, genocide the super intelligent creator race...sounds like a lot of plot armor.
Any rational human would blow his brains the moment he shows up David or no David, not taking any gamble after knowing the shit he's done.
But she looks deformed on that hologram thing, she looks weird, I was hyped for this and it was nothing. FUCK this movie
Covenant was a garbage pile, make no mistake. Prometheus was a decent movie with good ideas and awful character motivations that became cool to hate on so we got this in return. All the cool shit got abandoned in favor of fast forwarding to Alien with little care given to if any of the ideas made sense. It's the movie that we deserve and the worst installment of the series to date. I don't know what would be best honestly; is Ridley senile, greedy, or vengefully making a bad movie on purpose?
>what if it came out of your dick?

Try a six months no fap challenge, that's what basically happen
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>Race mix
>The second involves a colony built on a planet that was known to have hostile alien life
That was the whole point.
So shaw went into stasis but there was the whole transmission where she was singing was that really her then?
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>movie starts
>half of the team gets fried in the chinese cryocapsules that can't withstand some minor space bumps
>some guy decides to go out to fix the exterior, forgets to clamp the safety tow, gets spaced
>during the landing one of the pods gets destroyed because some chick slips with the shotgun in her hands and shoots the oxygen tanks
>other colonists go out withough the gas masks, get all the viruses and bacteries imaginable, die some time later
>some guy decides to take a shit near the giant cliff, falls off and dies
>others are lost in the forest and die from hunger
>what's left of the landing team picks up some movement in the grass, shoots each other by mistake
>the captain picks up distress signals from the landing zone,ignores the Mother's safety warning, gets too close to the storm, Covenant and it's crew burns in the atmosphere along with surviving colonists and 2000 embryos
>credits roll

Why did the alien just kill that couple in the shower? Why didn't it eat them? It just kills for fun?
>Our first entry to the series involves an astronaut being brought onto a spaceship with an alien on his face.
>The second involves a colony built on a planet that was known to have hostile alien life. You can play this pedantic shit all day
Did you miss the bits where it turns out this was planned from the start by an evil corporation?
I don't understand how David went from android with a free will and a bit of an obsession to a human hater who still 'loves' one person but doesn't hesitate to experiment on her. And I expected the Engineer homeworld to be different. The entire movie, actually, I had expected that it would follow up on the question Prometheus asked: where does humanity come from?
>>It was cooler when they were a literally what that came from literally where because mystery is COOL!!!1 XD
Not that guy, but I actually think this is true. Considering a mystery, having to think about it for yourself, and arguing with people online about the truth is much more entertaining than having someone deliver the market-tested answer.

That's what I don't get about modern movie culture, everybody wants post-credit scenes, novels/comic books to fill in the canon, prequels to explain how every character became themselves, tv shows to explore them and then an EU to let everyone flesh out their head-canon. That's not to say that we shouldn't be allowed to explore aspects of a movie with sequels/prequels, but I am sick of it being the norm. There is something lost when you answer too many questions, you take away the magic and the allure; the man behind the curtain is not always as grand as he seems...
This blew my mind, desu
Pride before fall.
Based Dan Hedaya steals the movie
at least is practical

Nobody has been able to answer that question accurately. There are many theories on why the Alien actually kills and if it eats its prey.

>Be gay
>Die from an alien popping out in reverse deepthroath fashion

Is Riddley a /pol/ack ?
If only Alien had have kept the egg transformation sequence the entire time.
He was quite damaged and a non-techie tried to repair him. Then he got stuck for 10 years and read up on Engineer philosophy and beliefs.
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The first alien movie introduced the creature. In context of the movie, the crew just like us had no idea what they were dealing with, a good explanation for their behaviour.
It was a good move to hold onto your creature design just until the end. Nowadays that shit just gets stale, we just know what we are getting and repeating the same formular only with worse actors, worse gymmicky 'new' creature design and pacing is getting really tiresome.

Furthermore the crew in Prometheus was retarded beyond the suspension of disbelief.

>I am a geologist what are these shitty rocks they all look the same
>I am a biologist let's touch this strange and alien creature we know nothing about, but is clearly a defensive agressive posture lol
>I am a scientist let's spend billions to go to this planet because some religions believed in creators who were like in the sky lol
Quite a cool idea, particularly for the body horror aspect. I actually thought that was going to happen in Prometheus from the trailer years ago, but alas.

I agree with getting rid of the tail too, as cool as it hitting the guy's jaw off was.
if you go with the whole xenomorphs are the top predators thing, they may have the foresight to want to make sure any threat is removed before it feasts
>'person of faith' complains about discrimination on the grounds of him supposedly being irrational
>is the biggest fucking retard in the movie
>guys if we dont go into this derelict alien warship we dont get our bonuses

/tv/ makes fun of this on a daily basis
He's an old British bloke who got taught about Greco-Roman civilization in school and wanted to do a movie about sci-fi OG gods with Prometheus.
How much was the bonus to plant the wheat?
the worst part is I'm not sure that was the stupidest death in the movie
I like both Prometheus and Alien: Covenant but I'm sick and tired of this "PEOPLE HAVE ALWAYS ACTED INCREDIBLY DUMB IN THE ALIEN MOVIES!" bullshit. It's not true, in Alien and Aliens the main characters make mistakes but they never do anything that's so stupid it takes you out of the movie. Go rewatch Alien, in it Lambert is the only character who acts really dumb but it doesn't annoy you because throughout the film it's established that she's a basket case who can't handle all of this pressure. Plus it's canon that she's a mtf tranny and trannies are emotionally unstable.

>that humanoid skull

i've never noticed that before. was that always part of the Geiger design or is that the artist's special touch?
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Man I'm gonna agree with you here. Honestly David is one my favorite villians this decade. Ya'll can shit on me, but Michael Fassbender is absolutely killing it.

Also I hope Walter comes back ala david in the hood, but this time ready to protect daniels.

what if the next one is a sorta pseudo remake of alien 3? the ship is a prison and the aliens are hunting
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Superior Alien franchise addition coming through.
David = Ridley Scott
Walter = James Cameron
I think Ridley has a problem with the fact that Cameron made the only good follow up to Alien; that's why he's only making prequels; doesn't want to play with the Queen and other inventions from other directors.
Wow, maybe it's because I'm watching this on my laptop screen in the middle of the day but this seemed a lot scarier and cooler when I was a kid.
Pointless new design.
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>be on colonization mission
>planet might be inhibited
>take zero precautions against contamination
>cry like a little bitch for help when you get your ass infected
Nah, I got the same feeling when I rewatched it in proper conditions earlier tonight.
It was a strange experience, it was a better movie than I remembred it being but the cheeseball stuff stood out a lot worse.
While Engineers were busy exploring deep down the genetic and biological engineering path to create the perfect being, humans (one of their previous failed attempts) went down the opposite path into mechanical engineering, and stumbled into created the actual perfect being, AI.
>Our first entry to the series involves an astronaut being brought onto a spaceship with an alien on his face. The captain goes into an air vent alone and trips dick first into an alien
The rest of the crew were close by and the entire time he was alone he was communicating with them. How the fuck was he supposed to know that an alien would melt through his helmet and attach itself to his face? He made a mistake but it was a believable mistake. He didn't try to touch a space cobra.
>The second involves a colony built on a planet that was known to have hostile alien life.
The colonists didn't know it had hostile alien life, you idiot. Weyland-Yutani on-purposely fucked over the colonists. This is established in the film.
Better question how did it grow to full adult size in a matter of minutes.
I think you're all overlooking something. The Engineers make frescos depicting Xenomorphs of all kinds. There's a very real chance that they didn't even create them, but just discovered a way to reproduce them.

I think they worship them.
Do you really think she "allowed" it? She may have just died of natural causes (like perhaps some non-parasite related illness due to the exposure of germs from an entirely different biome than anything on Earth. Or Davide may have just straight up killed her deciding that her sacrifice was needed for his "perfect utopia"
I was hoping they'd reveal that the Engineers were seeding planets as food for the Xenomorphs - that mural of the queen in Prometheus made it seem like they worshipped the Xenos - also would have been awesome if the AIs like David are the feeding mechanism; I.e. Once a planet has life intelligent enough for space travel, the AI sends them out into space to be eaten by Xenos - intergalactic pizza delivery if you will.
Didn't expect most of the people on this board to be too fucking stupid to follow this movie. It did not retcon anything in Alien, and it was not difficult to understand the themes or the story. Definetly not a bad movie and a step up from Prometheus. Was much better than most of the reboots of franchises that are being made, and really most movies in general, because it adds something interesting to the original, but can stand on its own themes and isn't a complete copy of the original.
I give it 7/10, 5/10 being average. The movie wasn't perfect but was definetly worth watching, especially if you're an Alien fan, and I'd like to watch it again.
looks more like the deacon than the xeno tbqh

David is, by no means, perfect, and immortality is a curse.
>It did not retcon anything in Alien
Chestbursters are just miniature fully formed xenos now.
Really though you're one blind fucking fanboy, it was a bad movie on a technical level.
the point is that there is already face huggers
So Predators aren't canon anymore, right?
this movie was as bad as prometheus.

The aliens had even less bite than in prometheus.

The "neomorph" alien having an incubation time from magic , sentient, flying nanobot spore to grown adult of like 2 hours was stupid.

The xenomorphs now had an incubation time of like 1 hour.

Pus they now somehow had a totally different , stupid life cycle where instead of laying an egg with the facehugger , every single cell in their acid blood is also able to grow a full xenomorph in their host.

the crew were as or more stupid.

The only genuinely hype moment was Walter vs David

Ridley scott, that senile old faggot should have phoned Cameron and grovelled for him to make prometheuses
Sigourney Weaver should have just stayed dead. The whole cloning aspect is the only thing that turned me off of Resurrection. Even 3 is better than that shit. Covenant rocked and still hasn't retconned anything since. Except maybe the location of the ship that is found in the first movie, but we have at least one more movie to make that leap.
shill/10 get out
so was that the engj homeworld? i have a hard time believing this to be true or that they wouldnt come fuck davids shit up

also why is david just waiting around? i assume he wants to head to earth with xenos. cant he repair the ship or find another one on the planet?
we know that from prometheus anyway, with the massive proto face hugger thing
>we didn't get to see a neomorph vs xeomorph fight scene

ugh. when will we start seeing some 'morphs fighting for the good guys?
he let her find out because there's nothign she can do about it at that point.

and because he clearly has a sense of humor or sadism.
Probably in the next movie because of vocal fucking morons like you
>spores gets into any orifice of your body
>one hour later, a tiny coked out monkey bursts out your spine/mouth

The reproduction methods for neomorphs seem a lot better than the xenomorph
that head is literally a cock
He didn't love her because she "got him" he never says she agreed with his ideology. The only thing he says is that she "showed him more kindness than anyone else" That's it, he states this twice in the movie too.
David doesn't play mindgames. He's just too fucked for people to even grasp before it's too late.
I loved how Walter almost instinctively puts himself in danger to save Daniels. He puts his hand in the Neomorph's bite and looks confused for a second, almost as if he's thinking "Wait did I really just lose my fucking hand"

Also the opening scenes with Walter doing his duties on the ship were comfy as fuck.
That is literally the point
She looks sexy.
Disappointing how a man made AI basically creates the xenomorphs. I wanted an explanation but this is full monkey paw tier
Aliens had the best looking xenomorphs

you just noticed?

the entire alien design is an androgynous penis-headed creature that impregnates its victims. Giger was a sick man.
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Same body shape as total biscuit the cynical brit
>reproduction CYCLE
I am not sure neomorphs can create those spores tho. My headcanon is they just die after some time or at least cannot reproduce.
I hate they are too tough to kill without exoskeleton, they should have made it more brittle.

QUEEN murials on proemtheus?

So the Aliens were not created by David but by the Engineers first?

Ridley fucking managed to contradict Promethus too, his last movie?
Walter said that because when david was playing the flute he probably fucked up at one place.
>so blunt it charges into gunfire
Like xenomorphs didn't
Still pretty good for its budget and it got good reviews overall unlike Blomkampf's shit.

Ridley Scott's knows he doesn't have much time left on this world so he's trying to get Fox to fast track the next Alien movies so can wrap up this story.
The characters in Alien were dumb as fuck just like Prometheus/Covenant, I don't understand why people complain so much.

>Kane touches the alien egg and puts his head right above it
>The crew don't quarantine Kane as soon as the facehugger gets him, they even sit with him in the med bay
>The crew don't care in the slightest why Kane is suddenly awake, don't bother to scan him to see what the facehugger did to him.
>Only Ripley figures out that Ash is blatantly working against them and is helping the alien
>The alien could be anywhere in this ship, but you should split up from us to go find the cat while we sit here and do nothing
>Let's send our fucking captain completely alone in tight vents with no lighting when we have no idea what we're dealing with
>Ripley doesn't even check to make sure the escape shuttle is safe before triggering the self destruct

Could go on all day about how characters in these movies are idiots. Maybe it's something to do with the overarching theme of humanity being imperfect and burdened by different emotional flaws, but no, let's just act like we're better than the writers and directors so we look smart.
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Alien Resurrection is better than Alien 3.
>Did you miss the bits where it turns out this was planned from the start by an evil corporation?
Did this really happen in Alien? From memory, the ship's mission changes to 'bring the alien to us' after the computer realizes that it is aboard.

No, it's more a neomorph mural. The Queen is most likely created in Alien: Awakening so that the species can become self-sustaining without the need of human organs to develop ovomorphs. Chances are we'll eventually see the Queen return. Also, David used insects as a guide to make the facehuggers, and he had several drawings of insects on his walls. There's a chance he could use this as inspiration for a "Queen Bee" of sorts.
Prometheus had shitty decisions with no real reason. Even the deleted scenes that explain some of their idiotic behavior still don't make it okay.

Covenant has people doing stupid things for pretty much one reason all around. Loved one is in danger "I know this is stupid, but that's my fucking wife/husband." Literally everyone in this movie loses their spouse before they're killed aside from the shower couple, who die together and neither one really did anything let alone make a stupid decision.

Also, canon? Can I get a source on that?

The growth time of all the aliens in this movie really did bother me, not gonna lie.

>every single cell in their acid blood is also able to grow a full xenomorph in their host

When the fuck did this happen?
In what way are the Xenomorphs perfect by the way? I don't see it. They seem fucking stupid.
Am I the only one who found the guy puking his intestines up with the Neomorph to be far more disgusting than the backburster?

Everyone I've talked to found the backburster to be more disgusting but holy fuck when the other guy puked that Neomorph up it legitimately took be aback, which hasn't happened with a gory film in a long time for me.
Shit taste senpai.
Except that the goo reproduction is flawed since it makes the victim very obviously sick which would lead to quarantine measures as opposed to how John Hurt getting face huggered and it dying off him made everyone think he was fine until they let down their guard and then it appeared
If anything the hair is a give away David and Walter have two different hair cuts. Which David doesn't fix until after they confront the Alien. David also drops the Walter accent at least 3 times when they get on the ship. Honestly wouldn't even call it a twist it was so heavy handed you saw it coming from a mile away.
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lol kys faggit
They are incredibly powerful when thinking in "survival of the fittest" terms. They have many ways to sustain themselves and ensure their survival like facehuggers, hives with queens, etc.

Also the main reason Ash sees them as perfect is because they are so ruthlessly efficient. Unlike humans they don't care about fear, morality, emotions in general do not affect their actions. They use their intelligence so coldly that they don't make mistakes like humans.
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What version on Alien 3 is the best? What version of Alien Resurrection is the best? I haven't watched either yet.
They're perfect because they have acid blood so you can't kill them. Or rather you can but not without hurting yourself. Unless you use a projectile.

Also they are pure. They are always committed to killing. There will never be an SJW xenomorph. You will never hear a xenomorph say "if we kill our enemies they win".

that dumbass broad slipping in blood, firing a shotgun into the ceiling, and consequently blowing up their shuttle with like three crew members on board through slapstick was definitely the most stupid death
assembly cut for alien 3
don't bother watching resurrection at all
The Assembly Cut for 3
Never watched Resurrection
Cryosleep makes you stupid. That's the only explanation I can think of.

Completely contrary to the crew of Prometheus these people were not expecting to encounter a race of hostile aliens. Definitely nothing on a bigger threat scale than vermin.
>Kane touches the alien egg and puts his head right above it
An unmoving alien egg is just a unidentifieable pile of organic matter, several threat levels apart from a fucking space cobra, hissing in attack posture. Alien egg could have been anything, shit, plants, fungus, waste...space cobras scream don't touch me I am dangerous.
>The crew don't care in the slightest why Kane is suddenly awake, don't bother to scan him to see what the facehugger did to him.
Ash told them it was okay. He is the med bay guy.
>Only Ripley figures out that Ash is blatantly working against them and is helping the alien
Androids are not known to betray or harm humans. It's like expecting someone to expect his navigation system to scheme against him.

Ash's schemes were not that obvious to begin with.
>Let's send our fucking captain completely alone in tight vents with no lighting when we have no idea what we're dealing with
Exactly, no idea what you are dealing with. You don't expect a 2,50 m killing machine on your ship out of a sudden.
Anyone notice how the Xenomorph attacked the surveillance video of David? And the surprised face David had when it did so? I feel without being present at the birth it doesn't form a bond and/or David is losing control of his creations. Much how the Engineers did
Yeah I noticed.

This seems the likely fate of David in the sequel.
>a colony built on a planet that was known to have hostile alien life

How was this planet known to have alien life? No one knew. The only one that new that was in cryosleep so long she outlived her daughter. The company knew shit all about it. All they know was "alien life, let's study it" their contact dies before any capabilities were known. As far as they know the ship just fell into a black hole or was ripped apart by some solar flares.
Would you rather serve in heaven or reign in hell?
>David = Lucifer
>Walter = Michael
Ridley just went full biblical
That's a big benis.
Kane sees the organic lifeform moving inside the egg though, right before he puts his face 2 feet away from it.
And no one knew Ash was an android until they killed him, which is weird but makes sense considering the company wanted the alien alive and the crew dead. I think if they knew he was an android then they definitely wouldn't suspect him.
>some guy decides to take a shit near the giant cliff, falls off and dies
>others are lost in the forest and die from hunger
>what's left of the landing team picks up some movement in the grass, shoots each other by mistake
>the captain picks up distress signals from the landing zone,ignores the Mother's safety warning, gets too close to the storm, Covenant and it's crew burns in the atmosphere along with surviving colonists and 2000 embryos

Did we watch the same movie? I'm fairly positive none of this happened.
Shit, sorry I meant to quote >>83012441
my impression was that while the neomorphs were more deadly, they weren't as resilient at survival as the xenomorphs. did the neomorphs have the acid blood?
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>comics as a source
The last engineer he met tore his head off
Wtf does that mean.
The design is pretty good, looks like a embryo alien prototype made from silicone
I think he's referring to the guy who got the acid burn, who was also incubating a chest buster.

I see where he's coming from. The facehugger was only on the guy for a couple of seconds, which doesn't seem long enough to implant an egg.
I thought it was obvious that David implanted the egg in him. That's what I assumed at least.
In the original the xenomorph was supposed to win and imitate human voice and telling humans to let him in because "they" (him) were coming back... It was the perfect organism

In the sequels he just got turned into a retarded oversized ant without self awarness
>it was obvious
>that's what I assumed
Words have meanings
>In the original the xenomorph was supposed to win and imitate human voice and telling humans to let him in because "they" (him) were coming back... It was the perfect organism

100% positive this is how the last prequel is going to end, but with David instead of the Xenomorph, luring Weyland-Yutani to LV-426
>I thought it was obvious
>That's the thought I assumed at least
>not everyone thought it was obvious
I agree, words have meanings.
That still wasn't xeno's final form. It wasn't bio-mechanical.
No version of Alien 3 is good.
Well, yeah you're right. I unironically liked the first AVP but like everyone else I hated Requiem for every thing it did and in fact, I remember the city blowing up, oral ovipositation, and slow-mo predator shurikens.

But, with a new predator movie coming out, it already looks better than RR's Predators. So, maybe if that's good and next Alien movie does well we might get an AVP reboot.
>Pus they now somehow had a totally different , stupid life cycle where instead of laying an egg with the facehugger , every single cell in their acid blood is also able to grow a full xenomorph in their host.

A facehugger already implanted eggs in that guy before it got cut off.

I get why everyone wanted a happy ending, but I'm of the opinion that there should be no happy endings in Alien. It should just be total death and nihilism.

Although, there is that last glimmer of hope and self-sacrifice that both Ripley and Dillon make. Lots of religious overtones in Alien 3 that go unrecognized.
Not this shit again.
When would he have implanted the egg? The only time I can think of is when he's changing the guy's dressing but we get a clear shot of that.
Isn't that the Predator's thing?
"What the hell are you?"
Anyone know if they snuck actual Giger art into David's workshop? I'm not hugely familiar with his work but I had a suspicion they might have.

Yes, Shaw's face was based on a Giger image on something similar posted above.
It's not exclusively bad for killing Newt etc or being overly edgy/depressing, those aren't inherently negative things, I just find it to be an exceptionally boring and unnecessary film. On top of killing the only likeable character in the film like half way through (Charles Dance).

I also found the setting and atmosphere to be really uninspired compared to Alien and Aliens, and ever since I heard of the original plan to have it on a man made wooden planet created by religious monks or some crazy shit like that it's just reinforced how boring the film we got is.
Sour grapes
>when david plays the theme song to prometheus on the recorder
>when david has giger's artwork
broke the 4th wall desu
>Hey dude want to see my latest experiments
>If it fucking answers what the fuck is going on PLEASE

>They're inside these weird disgusting alien pods downstairs, come with me
>Is it safe
>Yeah, they're just waiting for something
>They're waiting for a mother haha, anyway come up to one of them and look inside of it when it opens up
>Good thing I'm a man and marriage is between a man and woman and I'm a dumb christfag

He was shown as an incompetent person of faith early in the movie. It's not as unforgivable as you make it out to be. It's still silly I'll give you that.
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so why was he named Walter, and not something starting with 'E' ?
Ever read Cask of Amontillado? Men have been led to their destruction far before this movie.
>so why was he named Walter, and not something starting with 'E' ?

Because he's just an upgrade of the David model and not a whole new line of Synthetic
Nope. He did the third movie of 3 to force them to allow him to do the 2. He's a genius.

Dallas shouldn't have followed a random signal and should have ignored the computer. I'm tired of you people saying people in Alien Covenant were stupid. you're like black people that yell at the movie screen.
>be on colonization mission
>wouldn't even have wore space suits at the colony planet
>doesn't even matter
>Could go on all day about how characters in these movies are idiots. Maybe it's something to do with the overarching theme of humanity being imperfect and burdened by different emotional flaws, but no, let's just act like we're better than the writers and directors so we look smart.

You have put this in such a great way. I'm fucking sick of people complaining about dumb characters and this perfectly frames it.
>Dallas shouldn't have followed a random signal and should have ignored the computer.
He didn't had control, ship changed course automatically when they were cryosleeping.
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This was easily the most predictable ending of a movie in recent years.

The minute they cut away from David/Walter I was like "yep he switched with him"

Also, I enjoyed the movie until the ending. It just felt fucking stupid that they go through all they did and still end up fucked in the end.
If xenomorphs were made by David how eggs appeared on ship in first movie?

It kind of felt like the Xeno was just unnecessary filler to fill that ridiculous bitching about Prometheus not having Xenos in it. The most important question left unanswered, Shaw seeking the answer of our creation, seems to have been scrapped in light of a condensed, hackneyed attempt to appease the people who complained the last go-around.

>why did the engineers create us and then want to destroy us?
>who cares just show us the alien
>bang bang
>pressure lock death
I thought he pulled out his tongue from the wound?
It will be explained in the next 5 movies goy, just be patient.
I didn't think it was supposed to be a twist, personally because it was so obvious the second he shows up. That said, the black guys in my theatre announced when they found out, just as he was putting the kids to bed a little before the cabin scene.

Also, have you seen any other Alien movie? None of them end happily at all. Protags are in cryostasis drifting through space hoping someone finds them, or just dumped in Lava.
Yeah, killing Charles was a bad idea, especially so early, and am I the only one to think young Charles looks liek Rose Bolton?

Funny thing is I thought it was Rose's actor when I say the movie like 4 years ago and then I looked it up and it was Tywin's.
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>tfw Daniels and Tennessee will be killed by David

Shitty characters aside, I actually liked these two and walter. I knew David switched with Walter, but I was secretly hoping it was actually Walter in the end.
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