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Where can I find actual Television and Film discussion on the

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Where can I find actual Television and Film discussion on the Television and Film Board? Preferably that isn't uprooted by /pol/
Ill tell you if you give me the succ
despite it being formally against the rules,
4chan is for shitposting
>I cannot STAND being around these obnoxious political views that have nothing to do with tv or film
>I sure am glad these films are saturated with left wing ideology
Hahaha this is excellent satire of the liberal that pretends to care about television and film only when a /pol/ thread is up, but is perfectly fine with every other boards garbage being spammed

Shame most people won't get it
Nigger, I don't give a shit about politics in film unless it's the point of the film. If anything, I want them to go back to the day of Dirty Harry and Conan the Barbarian when everything was acceptable. Now every movie's a damp rag that tries to please everyone without doing anything creative or interesting.
Tried once honestly. It was a bunch of pretentious pricks who thought they knew everything and if you had a mildly contrary opinion, you'd be harassed.
Not all the time. I've had some genuinely good discussions here, but as of recent I've found nothing. Not even a good, original bane? thread.
But it's not just /pol/ I'm on about. It's the capeshit console wars, the constant obsession with celebrity's personal lives, people getting triggered about who said what on social media, etc. Nobody here actually seems to give a shit about TV and Film.
I thought you were baiting anon so apologies. I too preferred a time when all views could be freely expressed both through the media and on here. Times have changed. Can't quite put my finger on when but I do know /pol/ shit and most right wing stances are reactionary in nature, they only show up when the left has over extended. Hopefully we will settle back into a healthy balance soon.
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Why not just delete /pol/ then they'll just go to reddit donald or whatever
It was the election probably. Hopefully after trumps first year in office people will calm down a little on the political shit, but as of current, people seem to think that your political stance is what defines you as a person
Why is someone from twitter talking about deleting boards?
>Nobody gives a shit about TV and Film
>I know! Ill start a thread that isnt about TV and Film!
Fuck off if you cant ignore people. Its the internet, if you dont want to read it move on
I actually got the picture from /a/, 4chanx saves filenames.
t. visitor from /r/4chan
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The chon is dead. Bury it.
The election did seem to bring out the worst in people. Fuck you can't even go watch Youtube cooking videos without the comments being a blazing political shitstorm. Hopefully it passes because it's getting tiring.
>drumpfags are phone posters

They are just taking after him since he tweets everything he thinks
people complaining about the board are usually plebs who don't watch much tv. Start a thread about a movie instead of crying in a cancer meta one, you'll get lots of replies I promise.
Hey the one thread that upset you so bad you had to make this one got deleted
Are you feeling better now lad?
criterion threads always have comfy film discussions my dude
i made a thread about haven the other day and got one reply
But this thread actually did start some film discussion, mostly what's wrong with them these days, but it was discusses.
The part that bugs me about it, is that there's worse stuff going on in the world, but all anyone cares about, including the film industry, is how bad discrimination is. I'd rather watch a gritty movie depicting the civil war in Syria than some cheap Oscar-Bait about how blacks were NASA.
>Implying I don't
I usually post those "what did I think threads" in an attempt to start discussion. Watched the Third Man for the first time a couple months ago (call me a pleb, I know), and I got about 10 or so replies from, like 3 posters before the thread died. The only threads about movie discussion that seem to go well are thing threads. Alien threads are good, until people start getting worked up about how Ridley is a hack an how Caneron is better, completely derailing them. But how about a good discussion on a film like To Live and Die in LA, TGTBATU, or Apocalypse Now?
Kek. Ya I've noticed the destruction of film topics myself. It's either capeshit, remakes or race relation garbage that promotes division between people, sweeps the Oscars and gets 90%+ ratings from every critic. All the while saying nothing new and not being a great display of art at all. Worst thing of all is you're right there's a lot going on in the world we don't get coverage of. Film about the Syrian war has massive potential. Doubt it will ever be made. Got to get Iron Man 4 or Jurassic Park 5 out there. No point taking risks or trying to create something admirable.
Reality has a /pol/ bias.
Exactly. I mean, I'm sure a lot of people complained in the 80s when every other movie was an action or horror flick, but at least those all had something they were trying to achieve. They were different. Now even the special effects look the same. People say watch indie films, but most of those dot have the budget to capture what they attempt. It scares me, because as it seems the industry is going to crash. It's making money, sure, but there's an over-saturation of things. Even my normie friends are noticing it. The first thing one of them said about GOTG 2 was that it never let the audience think for themselves. It explained everything to them, and I can't agree with him more. This normie, in one sentence, captured everything wrong with the film industry today
>W-w-what if people see I'm on here and think I'm a big ol racist? :(
Have you not read any of the previous posts? This is entirely about the fact that nobody actually discusses films. Nothing to do with drumpf or what-not.
How new r u friend? :)
How new are you?
Get the fuck out of here with that shit.
>t. /pol/ack.
I've been here for years now
>libcuck jew lover thread

But I'm not a liberal, nor do I love Jews. I just want to talk about movies.
If you want to talk about how horrible libs and Jews are, there's a board just for you
Underage b&
You have no idea how hard you've exposed yourself through your posts. Please go back to where ever you came from.
Spot on. No mystery in film anymore - no sweeping backstories subtly hinted at, no great vistas shown and never expanded on. Everything fucking spoon fed to people. Nobody wants to use their imagination to fill in a gap anymore. Maybe that's beyond people now? Raised by constant sound and video. You're right about the industry too. Eventually F25T FURY won't break even. Not many films do anymore.
It's hilarious isn't it?
They expose themselves every time
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