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Which was worse?

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Which was worse?
Rogue One.

At least TFA didn't rely on nostalgia.
TFA, it's a rehash and the camera work is awful, it looks like a TV show
Rogue one but both were shittier than the prequels honestly.
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>At least TFA didn't rely on nostalgia
VII is easiestly the worst in the franchise

could be done on purpose. easily making VIII and IX better by default
Rogue One, but I enjoyed both.
I'm not even sure how TFA is considered in the same league as Rogue One.

R1 is the kind of Star Wars universe side story that we've all wanted for years. It's cheesy but enjoyable.

TFA is hot garbage throughout.
I have to admit that I was pretty pleased when I realized everyone was going to die in R1
rogue one was worse by a long shot
TFA no contest.
R1 felt like a fanmade youtube movie but it still captured how star wars should feel.
TFA felt like some crappy corporate plastic wrapped piece of fucking shit.
tbqh I thought I was going to hate the K2 droid, but he was less bad then BB
He's still just a literal quip machine
TFA because there were actual expectations for it at that point.
rogue one
he has less screen time than BB, but if his model were practical and not CG it may have swayed me a lil
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Both pretty much the same thing. R1 had the better British brunette actress lead, cause Ridley is awful

Vaders stuff was so stupid in that movie though
TFA was worse, because at least Rogue One was about something besides the same fucking incestuous jedi family line. It's not very good, but it's at least TRYING to diverge into what could be considered the "Disney EU". TFA is an act-for-act soft reboot and it's about the exact same shit as always, the MUH SKYWALKER BLUD timeline needs to fucking stop forever and we need to explore something other than the same 6 fucking planets or whatever. Let's see a movie about a totally new bounty hunter character or something.

>Han Solo origin movie

both are specieist shits

how come we can't have a lead who's a duros or rodian or bothan or something instead of a human or shitty droid sidekick repeat
>have a whole universe you could explore
>still focusing on the original shit

Kinda of excusable in the main episodes case, just to finish off lukes story or whatever, but even the spinoff film has to focus on original events
>cancer of the brain vs cancer of the heart

>Vader stuff is dumb
just like most normie service via callbacks

the veil was lifted 40 years ago, the energy has gone. also pretty dumb because of how engaged and fast he was. I liked Vader's power level when it was more mythos than displayed fact.

Rogue One starts slow but I like the ending act, whereas I didn't really like any of TFA.
Yeah it didn't make sense compared to how he acts in the OT but whatever. It was just lame and out of nowhere to randomly add his big scene right at the end of the movie
TFA was a retread of ANH

R1 was at the end completely pointless though since no one gave a fuck about how the deathstar went down so easy


it introduces an additional continuity error in that the 2nd deathstar is destroyed in the same way

you're telling me the empire examined the plans of the first one, scaled it up, and copied it exactly without checking to see if theres something that can cause it to go to tits up?
The plans for the second one were different, but were also stolen by rebel sympathizers. The 2nd time by Bothans. Hence "many Bothans died to bring us these plans".
both were worse than each other
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R1 had a better storyline, but TFA had better villains, so I'm optimistic about TLJ.
I'm gonna steal this bait for another thread. I need (You)s
Don't you mean better?
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I'd like to see the Mission Impossible director handle a full Star Wars movie sometime, although I hated the characters and dialogue in R1.
R1 was worse because I didn't care about anything that was happening or whom it was happening to
I couldn't care less about anyone from R1, so that one I guess.
Disney should remake 4-6 to fit in line with the Sequel Trilogy.
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Rogue One had a worse score than TFA, and TFA's was quite aberrant.
Why couldn't either movie just rip the music from the originals, or even the prequels?
Fuck you Disney.
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>Hallo there fellow Star Wars fans. Totally not a Disney employee here, but Lucas anything is bad and WRONG. Please reinforce this 100% non solicited idea and spread it like wildfire.

I actually teared up when everyone dropped like flies in rogue one.
I teared up with the hot twi'lek Jedi was killed by the clones in Revenge of the Sith.
4, 5 and 6 are 30+ years outdated.
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just for you Disnegger
In a vacuum, rogue one is worse. But VII is such a blatant inferior remake of IV that it becomes worse by default.

At least rogue one had an attempt
TFA, it's a pile of nostalgia bait garbage with mary sue female protag with cis white male villain.

RO was slightly better, but that's not really saying much.
TFA, no question. Rogue One was unironically a fantastic movie. My third favorite of the series.
TFA. At least rogue one had a different tone so stood out in some way.

Also it had a much better villain and I like the action more, but otherwise it still wasn't grear
Tfa no contest
RO at least killed off characters that sucked.
Rogue One at least TFA was entertaining.

Edgy vader fanboy is better than Orson Krennic?
Rogue One was a lot worse and TFA was bad.

I actually can't comprehend how anyone could like Rogue One besides children
Rogue One. There wasn't a single memorable thing about it.
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>captured how star wars should feel

So people like more a shitty remake of a good movie with a cringy villain and mary sue protag, than something that actually tried to to something different.
It was so unmemorable that halfway into the movie I forgot what happened in the first half because it was so unimportant and dull
You can unironically love Rogue One, but it is an objectively shit movie.
Rogue One. TFA is a better film by a longshot.
Do you people know what objectively means
>it's good because it's different

They were both absolute dogshit. Was there even a single good performance and scene in either one of these?
Yes. I'm more forgiving of a so-so soft reboot of a 40 year old movie than a complete waste of time
What are you talking about?

Remember when (I forget the name of the character) got mind-raped by the squid thing?

Man, the pay off to that scene was uh great. They wouldn't just put pointless scenes in the movie
>Rogue One starts slow but I like the ending act
The last 5-10 minutes were okay, Vader's fleet intercepting the rebel one was alright. Still shit though.
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>Rogue One starts slow but I like big explosions and cool lasers and Darth Vader bein a badass

Okay Timmy
>the 2nd deathstar is destroyed in the same way
No it's not, are you retarded?
i'm okay with mary sues
the villain is cringy though, not just Snoke but the entire First Order

no one's said in your replies that both movies are actually good though
Rogue One, that Darth Vader scene wasn't even good.
TFA was "worse"

I think TFA is a solid 8/10. Rogue One is much better.
Attack of the Clones
TFA was shit. RO was less shit.

Both are shit.
Jedi fags prefer TFA
Empire fags prefer Rogue One

prove me wrong
there's no Empire in TFA so it's hardly fair
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Rogue One
>character names are never really mentioned
>is pretty unmemorable at times
>but the character designs were memorable
>memorable settings (planet that was basically scottish highlands, vader castle, planet that was just archipelagos and atolls)
>original or at least interesting plot line
>rebel soldiers being fucking terrified of vader was cool
>vader pun was awful though

>no original settings (jakku is literally OC donut steel tattooine, planet with maz's castle is basically just endor, though the taiga environment of the starkiller base was nice, too bad it got fucking blown up)
>cringy quip dialogue that is worse than the prequels cheesy and awkward lines ("so who talks first i talk first you talk first? xD" "you gotta boyfriend rey huh? a cute boyfriend? :3")
>nazi allegories for first order are just in your fucking face and not subtle like it was for the empire
>rehashed death star (except its bigger and blows up solar systems!!! so cool and original!!!)
>rey is a mary sue, perfect at fucking everything
>leia isnt a goddamn jedi, wasted potential
>everyone thinks luke skywalker is a myth even though his fucking sister is the general of the resistance and all that shit happened THIRTY YEARS AGO
>leia feels when han dies through the force but cant use it to locate her brother
>leia hugs a complete stranger instead of chewbacca
>movie ends with awkward scene between luke and rey instead of ending it ambiguously with going off to find luke which would have been a better ending to lead to the next movie, but LOOK GUYS ITS LUKE SKYWALKER!!!!!!! NOSTALGIA!!!!!
>redeeming qualities...kylo ren has potential i guess

The Force Awakens is the worst fucking movie in the franchise by a long shot
i liked TFA more but hated daisy. loved felicity jones
>Leia hugs stranger
she obviously knows who Rey is. they are trying to push the lineage thing.
Felicity Jones is a pretty good actor, desu. Rogue One had some good talent. Shame the script was so shit.
Rogue One seemed to fit way more with the old Star Wars. TFA was like the worst fan fiction.
No, trust me, JJ is a hack, he actually had to apologise for that scene. There's no deeper meaning, the script is just THAT bad.
No, I like the jedi and I'm sick and tired of the Empire. I prefered Rogue One still.
TFA, but only because Rogue One had an ESB-tier dark ending and a deeper spirituality to the Force that I enjoy seeing in Star Wars. I actually loved both.

They also both have better original droids than the prequels.
Is Star Wars the franchise of which the fans hate each other the most for disagreeing about what each of them enjoyed and didn't like about it?
Snoke is the worst. Bad design, bad voice, probably a shitty backstory.

"The Droid you SEEK is ABOARD the MILLENNIUM FALCON, in the hands of YOUR FATHER, HAN..SOLOOO"

*Hey audience did you get that? So you know what's going on now?*
Nah, pretty much every Star Wars fan agrees that the original trilogy is far and away better than all other Star Wars related media.

The fans who like other stuff more than the OT are literally the 1%.
Yeah but the OT fans hate the prequel fans.
probably a tie between Wars and Trek. Trekkies seem to be more fact based and Warnerds are always fighting opinions with wrong opinions
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>Trekkies seem to be more fact based
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TFA could've used some of that Rogue One editing. RO had the better female lead too.
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He wasn't talking to the audience he was informing Kylo where the droid he sought was and who had it.
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>Trekkies seem to be more fact based
elaborate please
>everyone thinks luke skywalker is a myth even though his fucking sister is the general of the resistance and all that shit happened THIRTY YEARS AGO

This is just like how Han and Motti didn't remember the relatively recent era of people taking the force seriously. That galaxy is full of retards.

OTOH it might be that there is no news media in the galaxy and the kinship information we know from the movies isn't relayed to the plebs.
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The Farce Awakens
I saw THX today.

It was actually pretty decent, not sure why I didn't see it sooner.
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tfw you're the only one who likes Daisy Ridley
She's cute, I prefer Felicity's body though.
TFA should have had R1's cast
Both are pretty horrific, i hate them both equally.

Rouge one had a funny black robot
TFA had a funny round robot

Everything else was forgettable

Force awakens gets better with every viewing.

Rogue one gets worse.
Rogue One is what the SW sequel trilogy would be like if it were acquired by Warner Bros instead of Disney

so, still shit, but attempting to be dark and serious shit like the DCEU instead of formulaic quip shit like the MCU
lets get a side by side of the ladies feet to help us debate
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JAck Spicer
People shit on Rey for being a Mary Sue which is undeniable. However, she at least has likable moments.

Jyn is the dullest character is the history of Star Wars. She'd be more interesting comatose than the forgettable lump of nothing she was.


I like daisy's meaty ass but I think they're both unique QTs and enjoyed their performances
woudlnt have saved it

In retrospect Rogue 1 had almost no action until the very end. Pretty much the only fighting was that scene at Jaffa in the market, but that seemed stupid. Why would the rebels choose to fight in the most crowded area of the city, where there would be the highest collateral damage?
And other than those few seconds of the main characters just running away from that fight, we just saw the blind guy kill a bunch of people easily. It was fun to watch, but not really a fight scene.

I'll give The Force Awakens the win in the action category purely because there is actual fighting between Kylo and Finn/Rey. But the end scene in Rogue 1 is still better.

In terms of story, both were shit. TFA made the antagonist look like a complete chump, and made Rey way too powerful for the first part of a trilogy. The enjoyable part of a trilogy is to watch a character grow, and you can't see that with someone who beats the villain in the first installment.

Rogue 1 was also shit because it's an entire movie based off of like 5 seconds from another movie. And Jyn is basically the exact same person as Rey. It's ridiculous that they rehashed the same "little girl who lost her parents and grew up in a rough environment" story. But Rogue 1 also tells a complete story, since the cast dies at the end, and the entire thing is complete. -- I don't really care for how they make the character development so fasted paced though. There's only like 30 minutes in between "you don't care about this cause at all" and "rebellions live on hope." They did basically no character development or action for the majority of that movie. It's pretty awful. Then there's the fact that it's called "Rogue 1" and that's just a title they think of on the spot. If they had that name be relevant to something that took place earlier in the movie - similar to "Stardust" I'd be okay with it. But they literally just think of the name on the spot, it's garbage.

I guess The Force Awakens wins.
>TFA didn't rely on nostalgia.
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Both were terrible. The series is dead so pack your bags and move on. There will be no world-building that is worth following and no decent games will be created ever again. It's over.
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guaranteed (You)s
TFA had abysmal pacing, Williams' score was ass with the exception of one track, Rey was a horrendous character, the story and premise were a fucking trainwreck compared to the decades of fanfics/extended media, Harrison Ford already checked out, Fisher was barely clinging to life, and Hamill wasn't even in it. What a fucking disaster of a movie. Kylo Ren was its only saving grace.
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it was the first time we got bothan representation, that's something.
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TFA literally pissed me off

Rogue one was an ok action adventure flick but still not very good
Even mark hamill disagrees with you
remember when we all predicted these new disney movies would be terrible?

i certainly do
Both are shit, at least Rouge One's mary sue had the decency to die. Rey is going to be Mary Sueing the shit out of the series when we found out she's going to be the true chosen one to bring balance to the force.
lol ai everyone fucking dies and makes the whole movie completely pointless
was the Departed pointless?
>remember when we all predicted these new disney movies would be terrible?

adulthood is realizing 99% of sequels and remakes are garbage
Rogue One was fucking garbage.
Teenage me already knew the prequels where garbage muh dood
No because it was a stand alone film, not a fucking prequel
so it has bonus points because it is a prequel and therefore nothing is irrelevant
your mentally ill if you think Rouge One is anything but boring dogshit
i think it's dogshit because the music was bad, but not for any other reason
same thing can be said for any movie in the last decade

Fucking temp music!

I can't tell, both are trash
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>same thing can be said for any movie in the last decade
Drive was released in the last decade and had god-tier music.
>adulthood is realizing 99% of sequels and remakes are garbage
no that's edgy teenfag shit. adulthood is getting that it's garbage and either enjoying it for what it is or not giving a shit.

"adults" don't waste their time on anonymous imageboards being hypercritical and self-important about Disney kids movies.
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bullshit. rogue was the best star wars movie so far.
its about life when you get right down to it.
Honestly don't mind her at all.
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>At least TFA didn't rely on nostalgia.
>so-so soft reboot
its shit AND a waste of time though
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