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How come this movie has such a good reviews? I just watched

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How come this movie has such a good reviews?

I just watched it. Yes, it's a good movie, strong 7/10, but nothing else. I thought there will be some crazy twist, that movie will take a different turn halfway through, but no, it played out exactly like I thought it would, trailer revealed pretty much everything.

Did I not get something? Someone explain this shit.
He killed dem white folks hell yeah
really makes you think, doesn't it?
desu I enjoyed this part, but I'd enjoy watching it regardless of their race
I think we just like seeing bad people being punished in a not-so-nice way. But it has been done in so many movies, yet this one has 99% on RT. I don't get it.

Op if you give it a 7/10 and you're in the bell curve that is how it gets such high reviews. That would be a positive review according to Rotten Tomatoes so that explains the 99% approval.

are you fucking retarded?
so it's just The Stepford Wives with black people?
Well he made it out of those mindfuckers so yeah.
I'm just a single example. There are many movies I would give 9/10 and their AVERAGE rating is not that high. People have different tastes and opinions, so it's natural. Get Out is called at least a good movie by EVERYONE. It's weird.

>Get Out is called at least a good movie by EVERYONE. It's weird.
do you realize how dumb your argument is?

>i liked it.
>why did everyone else like it?
RT is pass fail. if 20 critics saw it and 20 critics rated critic rated it 7/10, it'd get a 100% fresh.
I realize you don't understand basic dynamics of movie reviews and concepts of single unit and group.

But to make it easier for you - forget about RT. Look at IMDB score. I rate it 7/10, but 7.00 on IMDB is a movie I usually would rate around 8-9 (ratings are, in most cases, deflated, due to people who didn't particularly enjoyed it and rate it 1-2 because of that).

I'll make it even simpler for you - Get Out got an average score way higher than what I would expect movie like that would get. It happens regularly that I give a movie, say 4-6, but its average score is higher. I don't agree with it, but I see why many people (critics or viewers) liked it more, I can see what made majority of people rate it high. In this case, I have no idea what is it.
maybe next time lead with your premise then. your explanation of your position makes sense after it was literally pulled from your slacked jaw.
It's very well made. Like a 1.5 hour twilight zone episode.
I found the """""explanation""""" for why they only choose black people to be really weak and basically make no sense. Also I'm not american so I feel all the racial context went over my head. Good acting from the main guy though.
No, anyone with half a brain would understand what's the point. It's just your advanced autism didn't allow you to pass on an occasion to nitpick totally irrelevant detail in attempt to try to pretend to be smart, while all you did was prove you are either socially handicapped or can't understand a simple question without having every tine detail spoon-fed to him.

But yeah, the movie is way overrated imo.
>Leaves a home full of dead white people
>fingerprints on the rifle
>Armitage DNA all over him.
>Happy Ending

I don't think so. That nigger's done for.
>trailer revealed pretty much everything

all trailers do that since they have Z E R O to do with the movie production company, just dont watch trailers if you dont want to get spoiled and dont blame the movie for it

eg the trailers revealing that fucking john coner is a terminator in terminator genysis thus ruining the whole movie much to the ire of the director
it's been a while since i saw it but wasn't the explanation that blacks were "in style" preferable to them being a slave class?

It doesn't deserve an 8.1 on IMDB. 8s are usually pretty amazing films.

I realize this is a /pol/ thread in disguise and there are too many of them on /tv/ but it does seem like the film got an inflated rating due to having black protagonist.

polite sage so as to not bump.
>Questioning Get Out's reviews
>/pol/ thread

/pol/ bogeyman is everywhere you look, isn't it, snowflake?
Agreed on the acting and you might be right about non-Americans missing the whole racial context thing.
1. Modern film criticism is hugely informed by the movie's sociopolitical themes. If a movie has a message that's deemed important, it gets a higher score. It matters for lots of common people, too.

2. Then there's the author/celebrity factor. If this wasn't Peele's debut it wouldn't have gotten such high reviews. People know him, like him, liked the movie, nudge the score up by a point because they want to support him and see more of his movie.

3. The current state of cinema is so abysmally bad that what would have passed for a good/decent movie 20-30 years ago, is stellar now. It had an original premise, a different take, it harkened back to an older type of horror movie (more thriller/psychological than the typical modern gore/jumpscare).

All those factors and more bumped its score up by a point of two. Not really surprising. Maybe your 7/10 is "objective" from a purely technical/moviemaking aspect, but most people vote subjectively based on how much the enjoyed the movie or how much they support it, for whatever reason. Someone giving it a 8/10 over 7/10 is basically just saying "I want to see more movies like this."
>pol bogyman

Pol boggyman would be something /pol/ would say. Snowflake is what lefties say. Special snowflake is what /pol/ used to say but seems to have been forgotten.

You are mixing up your memes. Lurk moar.
you misunderstood

I'm not mad that plot was revealed to me in the trailer (and not all trailers do that, there are many decent trailers that elegantly show what the movie is about, but don't reveal much; yes Terminator G. trailer was a retarded decision and director had all the right to be apeshit mad).

I'm saying that plot wasn't that good. It was fun, yes, but nothing that would bump the score for the movie that high. Trailer told me it's a movie about white rich people hypnotizing black people for their evil deeds and that's what it was about. The ending doesn't matter (it could be happy or bad ending), because it doesn't change the fact what the whole movie was about. No extra layer to the plot, no change of pace, nothing really new or fresh.
Thanks for normal, reasonable and sound reply.

Point (2) was not known to me, I have no idea who Peele is and might be the answer I was actually looking for (I'm aware of the rest of things you pointed out and took them under consideration).

Like I said earlier, I'm aware of how RT works, but you would think that movies like Logan or Manchester by the Sea, even if not perfect and not everyone's cup of tea, would get at least slightly positive review, because these definitely weren't bad movies. Yet they do. I'm not surprised by that fact, it's natural that there will be people who just don't like some movies, no matter how many people think they are actually good. But by understanding that simple fact it was mind-boggling to me to see that literally one one reviewer didn't like Get Out.
>he thinks lefties invented snowflake

It's the equivalent of "n-no, you are" when lefties use it, just like the new fad of calling /pol/ SJWs even though it makes zero sense. You're mixing up reality with whatever it is going on inside your head.
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Couldn't they at least have chosen a good-looking dude to play the part? He looks like ass, not even coalburners would touch that turd.
The film is incredibly well made, everything from the solid script and acting to the cinematography. By those merits alone this film deserves the praise it has gotten.

You most likely don't want to admit that though because you want to be special.

>muh twist
Fucking kill yourself. It's people like you who are killing cinema.
>The film is incredibly well made
remove the "incredibly"-part and you'll be right
I actually enjoyed the movie until the part where they put him in the basement i was hoping it was a satirical movie about racial tensions and the kicker would be that the white people weren't really evil after all but being african american is scary because you see brothas from the hood become statistics n shiet knowhumsayin? a message about getting along

then it turned into kill whitey: the feature film

i'm very disappointed i don't know why i expected better from a fucking nigger

i hope the movie makes black men scared of dating white women though that's something i can get behind
Your post makes zero sense and your assumption couldn't be further from the truth.
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>Did I not get something?
black protagonist = progressive
heroic black man killing evil whites = super progressive
many critics (more than you think) will rate progressive movies higher (see pic related). true, not all critics are like this. I'm guessing some of the other critics gave it points for being an original movie in a sea of sequels, reboots, and obvious knockoffs

>supposed to be a horror movie
>ends up being a comedy

The horror genre is deader the dead.

>I actually enjoyed the movie until the part where they put him in the basement i was hoping it was a satirical movie about racial tensions and the kicker would be that the white people weren't really evil after all but being african american is scary because you see brothas from the hood become statistics n shiet knowhumsayin? a message about getting along


I still DID enjoy watching baddies getting their deserved punishment, but it was just standard, well made horror movie about bad guys, good guy escaping and dishing out some justice. Again, I probably deceived myself by looking at those ratings and reviews.

One of my workmates even said
>I enjoyed it because it was something I didn't expect
It was exactly what I expected it to be.
Don't think you missed anything- Other than The daughter being in on it I guessed the plot-beat-for-beat whilst the dad was touring the house "I'm a surgeon, so's my son, we keep a bit of my mom here- cut to reveal the maid with her brain standing there
I'd say it got great reviews because it was tight and scary without losing its sense of humour- as tense as Green Room but without the suffocating bleakness. Plus the satire on culture vultures is good- basic, but funny and nowhere near as belaboured as, say, Black Mirror. Also it came out at the right time- Critics are fucking desperate to like a film written by, starring, and about being blacks, and they're aware that people see through their reviews for shit like the Ghostbusters reboot.
This was a reliably solid, clever + funny Blumhouse thriller which came out at exactly the right time to get praise heaped on it for being "diverse" and "woke". If the acclaim means more flicks like this + less like Ghostbusters, good by me
I should clarify- Good by me because a good film's getting praised, the "wokeness" + "diversity" shit can't die quick enough. But that trend's on its last legs, no one wants to be associated with losers. Glad a good writer like Peele took advantage of it since talent-less shitheads having been dining on it for years
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