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>british >"ads" https://www.youtube.com/wat

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Thread replies: 226
Thread images: 46

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Would you give her your number, /tv/?
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>tfw someone has undoubtedly fucked this little disabled goblin creature
Yeah, he was black. They did a series about it on the BBC (I'm not even making this up)
>even goblins only want the BBC
How can white men compete?
nuclear bomb over the uk when?
Where can I buy one?
The radiation will just fuck things up even more. Just napalm us to the stone age.
i dont even want to compete over a goblin DESU idk about you
Is that CGI? I refuse to believe a real person can look like this.
>I left with the best man's number
This is just sad.

Of course. Do you have any idea the amount of free money the UK government would give you if you claim her as a dependent?
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pol nightmare.png
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>Not bagging yourself a goblin and milking it for all the benefits.
Wow how diverse!
Is she paying him?!

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Niggas fuck anything
alright who the fuck opened the black lodge
when is this midget gonna start dancing
ok guys. now imagine that thing...
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ben happy.jpg
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I've seen enough efukt videos to know how goblins fuck. It aint very pretty.
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id roll it off a cliff mate
The future looks bright
Yeah sure it's 07770 774 914
shit, the compression on that jpeg is so bad
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>normalizing the physically-disabled and genetically-cursed
Maltesers are like some sort of next level shitposter
jesus why did they make more
this one is even pretty trashy
>"This is the future liberals want"
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wow that is super fucking stupid

> Be a chocolate company
> Want to make an advertisment for your chocolate
> Make an advert about a girl with cerebral palsy jerking a guy off

I just don't get it guys.
Reminds me of that Jap ad that turns the black dude asian
I think she's pretty cute desu
>Ywn pick her up and use her as a living Fleshlight
>Ywn hear her tiny squeaks as you fuck her
dare to be different - just like Maltesers

You make an ad based something people will talk about, like and share.

Increases brand awareness
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I think it's a satire of the Italian one, it even has the same music

doesnt matter how aware people get. Doesnt make anybody want to buy their shitty chocolate
I laffd at ur post
If it were a white guy it would make more sense
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i dont want you to breed if those are your standards.
being horrible about somebody for how they look is low but give me strength she looks like the dwarf in dont look now
>Her and Maisie Williams are 10/10 in Bongistan
shes gonna stab you
do you not understand the fact that that dude is gay and virtue signalling on his insta for cock?

So what I'm getting from these ads is, maltesers is for retarded people.
Well, they are forced as cheap surplus on old/disabled people in care homes so you're not exactly wrong.
seriously, Uk seems to be like the only western country where these conditions seems common. I've never seen a polish, german, french, etc, documentary about these people. It's always the UK who has the rarest of diseases
>not this one
You had one job OP

Is there anything worse than being british?
Damn, Goblins look like THAT?
How can black men compete
The Nazis killed all the defects.
a male asian, everyone in africa
Being American
>being in the richest, most powerful country on earth is the worst thing ever
being from an irrelevant country
yeah but you have to live somewhere 44% non-white
>be in the richest, most powerful country on earth
>get shot
there no safe space from guns
tfw you will never worship at the sacred goblet of the techno-goblin
>the YouTube comments

Holy shit
What does this have to do with Star Wars?
>being in the richest, most powerful country on earth
>getting so desperately frustrated with the deepening flaws in your country that you elect an apolitical business oligarch who can barely keep focused on stringing coherent sentences together, nevermind on coherent economic or social policies.

Honestly, the US will remain a good place to be in the top 1% of earners, and will always be a centre of innovation due to its large population, but the rest of the country and its culture has devolved into such painful mediocrity at this point that there really is no recourse now other than to point to its large military and gdp, and try to convince yourself that those things constitute a worthwhile civilisation.
What better way to sell chocolate than to associate it with a retarded girl jerking her boyfriend off?
America is sinking in debt's
where are you from and whats so great about it?

>that feel when i was horny enough to cum inside a traps butthole but wouldn't let a wheelchair bound goblin suck my penis.
who isn't?
>america v britain

Being Anthony Burch
Being Swedish, German, French, or Canadian.

Being a country with barely any history.
wherever youre from is worse
Is this modern day Lord of the Rings? Looks kino to me.
septs beat trips
Americans seem nicer at least.

And do not stink.
those numbers support the claim

Happa, who was raised in the UK.
not being british
nah she's actually that size
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He was probably a vet that's why he gave it his number
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>scientists have composed an image of the average 2077 couple and it's glorious!
Wtf is wrong with british candy commercials. They all suck and have nothing to do with the product.


>frog-faced girl wiggles her eyebrows for 60 seconds
I'm okay with this

They weren't as vague back in the day.

>not wanting your own sex goblin

It's like you hate making love or something
serious answer: the nhs. Since our disabled people get proper care and welfare they are culturally relevant. Also why we dominate the paralympics
W-we don't smell do we?
>becomes Israel's puppet
jesus christ
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Fried chicken
JUST cuck my shut up
It is if you're not a kike
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Being Australian or Canadian
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The fruits were Chads?
>British people smell like Fried chicken
Is this real????
Sorry, anon. I am very very tired and sleepy.
It's ok, go have a nap
chad minorities
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>Australian or Canadian

You wouldn't think he had a dark side, would you?
Gas the juice.
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It's spelled womb, dumbass.
With juice, you lose.
i look at her and just the The Man From Another Place
super unnerving
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A German teenage girl who lives near the refugee camp.
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Pur kino
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Why are people getting butthurt about this. It's basically 4chan humour. Can imagine it in a greentext story.
how would the drow-hobbit even fuck anyone
how would it go down
I mean the face is fuck ugly, too
wait is she paying him
This you slippery cunt you.

I bet you claim ESA for "depression" amirite? lel
Why does she even put makeup on?
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to attract proper men
wow, mememasters irl, gonna buy some fucking maltesers now and get me some retarded pussy
>>being in the richest, most powerful country on earth is the worst thing ever
>"oh your kids have cancer and you're poor? sorry bub your kid will have to die, this is the price of freedom"
>getting brutalized by militarized police
>africa-tier rate of gun violence
>fake "democracy" that's oligarchy in all but name
>send sons overseas to die for some bullshit cause in order for oligarchs to make them war monies
>country is divided in nearly every important issue
>high rate of violence
>on-going racial tension
>literally no culture or history older than like 100 years
>no free higher education like any other developed country
>higher education is expensive as fuck for no other reason than profit
can't say im jealous desu
kek under rated
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The Fucking image in my mind
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>being this triggered by the US
Not being British
nah im good
Damn, Maisie Williams looks like THAT?!
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i would give her A number.
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>6gorillion jews killed
>numbers on their arms only go to 100,000 at most
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>all 6 milion jews were in the same camp at once
>believing stormfront and /pol/tards over virtually every single historian in existence
I not the biggest fan of maltesers but fuck this pic has made me never want to touch one ever again.
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You should see the car insurance comparison website adverts.

One set follows the epic adventures of a rich Russian Meerkat.
why would you spend time tattooing someone you're just going to kill
how many autopsies of the victims showed that their were killed in gas chambers?
>it's a Lindybeige gets radicalised episode
He's Cuban.
The same reason Auschwitz had a swimming pool.
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Hey there Schlomo
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Niggers will really fuck anything
I don't understand is this the official chocolate for handicapped people in wheelchairs?
Shitposting IRL
why is this one getting a decent amount of likes, but OPs is getting shat on?
I thought goblins would be like Incase goblins...
3DPD allways
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I'm fucking going to hell, god damn.
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Bureaucratic control, also, most of them were going to be work out for the war effort anyway.
>Is there anything worse than being british?
Yes - not being British. You poor, pitiable foreign savages.
For electrocuting 20,000 Jews at once?
Why would you spend the time gathering them and relocating them to a camp across the country if you're just going to kill them
Because Himmler thought bullets were messy and the gas vans were too inefficient, he was a bit autistic about the whole thing tbqh
Who cares, let her screw up the negroe's genetics
What's the difference between the USA and yogurt?

Yogurt develops a culture after 300 years
Everybody memes about how great Germany was in the war, had the best everything. When in fact, Germany did the same shit as in WW1. Got lucky. Germany was terribly autistic about everything. When Germany invaded Russia, leaving only UK in the fight, they STILL hadn't centralised their economy or turned it to the war effort. German factories still produced butter instead of guns. The Germans invaded every country without proper mechanised support or logistics (bar the propaganda videos ones). The only reason Germany was able to fight as long as it did was down to pure dumb luck. The Minister for Arms and Ammounitions was refusing to work with the other guys and they were all fucking autistic and said "WE'RE THE MOST IMPORTANT SO WE GET PRIORITY" and then argued with Hitler when they didn't get the supply of ore for their tanks or whatever. But Fritz Todt ended up dying in an air crash and this allowed Speer to get in charge and he eventually got control of the majority of the factories and shit. But even then it was difficult.

tl;dr Germany is autistic when it comes to bureaucracy and Himmler wanted to prove how many Jews he killed to Hitler, so he marked them down.
Luck isn't accurate, it's more about a totally autistic approach to command focusing on objectives, then they decided to attack the SU and the objectives changed every month so you ended up with this total clusterfuck of priorities
>We need to take Moscow!
>No now it's Kiev
>No now it's Leningrad
>No now it's Moscow again
>No now it's Leningrad again
>No now it's the Caucasus
>No now it's Stalingrad
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don't forget by the end of the war they were spending about half their fuel on continuing the V2 rocket project. it wasn't like it was strategically essential or anything, it was just to satisfy hitler's autistic need for some kind of superweapon. basically it was a huge and expensive boondoggle that might as well have been done to sabotage the German war effort much like the F-35, Amerikkka
At least the Germans didn't need to paint their tankers white to stop the fucking fuel from exploding I guess
What's the problem here? Just an average British woman enjoying a meal with her two ethnic friends.
it was a joke senpai
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>All those mouthbreathing /pol/faggots in the comments
Jesus Christ you alt-rightards are cringy.
>this is a 9/10 in bongland.
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>this is slim in murica
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I like this one. I mean, it still has that annoying SJW theme of diversity, but if I squint a bit and try to judge it on its own, it's almost as if they hired David Lynch to direct a commercial

The first one with the midget would have been better if it didn't talk with a British accent. Make it even more bizarre, have her talk with a German or Russian accent
this one is actually somewhat funny

the other is forced as FUCK
I'd fuck her
Not even an ugly black guy.

He could get some fat white woman or an average looking black girl.

The fuck is dis niggga's end game?
>pol nightmare

But she's a jew?

It's a dream!

hey dumbfuck, that's actually petite
/tv/ gets cucked again
Always happens, they can't find one waifu that hasn't taken the BBC
Not one.

that's the death sound effect from the N64 Mission Impossible Game
The second one is actually pretty funny.

what food have you purchased solely on an advertisement or commercial?

meant for

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I stare into those beady eyes and listen to this every night
>he thinks there will be any whites left in Britain in 2077
Why is it always female mongoloids? Male mongoloids get no love
>Debilitating illness
>No use of entire lower body
>Suffer spasms
>Still has a boyfriend.

God. Fucking. Damnit.

spotted the frog
>Not even an ugly black guy.
What? That guys hideous. Are you retarded?
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>/pol/'s nightmare
All I see are two degenerates in need of some good old Zyklon
Why are the only non-GoT tv threads with replies about race?
you just know
Who gives a shit about makeup, she's wearing shoes for fucks sake.
>deleted scenes from the battle of the five armies


Disabled people tend to be the worst.
Everyone always gives them what they want, they're the most entitled people.
her hands and mouth still work
Any porn involving people with her disability?
So many layers, had to watch it twice and go look at the comment section to get it
>Cuckoldry (sex)
>Cuckoldry (procreation)
Truly a jewish masterpiece.
Damn, The Jim Henson Company has really stepped their shit up. So hyped for The Dark Crystal 2, even more now!

Maybe he is lowkey pedo and fucking that tiny chick is the closest thing he can come to fucking a loli without getting in trouble.
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had to go to the archive to find this post from the last time a thread was up discussing this ad

fucking died
>Make it even more bizarre, have her talk with a German or Russian accent

fucking creased up laughing
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the alt right nu-tube can't take a joke lol
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I remember this. It was gold.
God bless Britain and her people.
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Thread posts: 226
Thread images: 46

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