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>JUSTICE LEAGUE - Official Trailer 1 >uploaded March 25th

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>JUSTICE LEAGUE - Official Trailer 1
>uploaded March 25th
>current click count: 24.8 million

>IT - Official Teaser Trailer
>uploaded March 29th
>current click count: 24.5 million

>in terms of hype the biggest super hero movie of all time is neck and neck with a horror movie about a clown and a bunch of kids

How does this happen? How cucked is DC?
Don't forget IT was the most watched trailer in the first day ever
IT beat everything though, including Spider-Man.
The IT trailer was also objectively quite good. I couldn't even finish the Spiderman one.
WB distributing both so they chillin'
>The IT trailer was also objectively quite good

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People are getting tired of capeshit.
Simple as that.

For nostalgia fags this may be a downgrade from the miniseries but don't forget that theres an entire generation that haven't watched a proper horror film in ages.
It was.
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>How does this happen?

Allow me to explain.
Suicide Squad really was such an anomaly. Huge box office, an Oscar, sequels and spinoffs. It really makes me feel crazy because I didn't enjoy it and I'm wondering if I'm missing something. It doesn't even have that "subtext" argument that BVS has so I'm really confused.
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Outside of the stupid jumpscare to entice normies, the trailer was genuinely well done and didn't give away the entire story like other trailers.
It's a Hot Topic movie. Everyone has a character they can "identify" with asked in aesthetic. There's so much merchandise for Joker and Harley Quinn alone and a lot of people unironically like the soundtrack.
It was ok, some cringe moments in it though, like the kid yelling " they all float" sounded comical, and the pennywise / georgie scene is not as scary as the original
>georgie scene is not as scary as the original
You haven't even seen the whole scene.
>an Oscar
For makeup. It's not like it won best picture or anything. It's a notoriously shitty movie, with editing so bad even laymen thought it looked terrible. Normies don't care though. As long as there are big names, big explosions and pop music they'll enjoy it. Just look at the Transformers movies.
>Just look at the Transformers movies.
Transformers lack taste, not competence. SS is in a different (not better or worse) ballpark of bad.
>trailer that everyone is trying to pretend is shit has more views than trailer that is being heralded as the biggest horror film of all time and broke records for day one views

Looks like capekino is on the menu boys
> Huge box office

So do all of the Marlel flicks and transformers """""""movies"""""""".

>an Oscar

For makeup, and the dude who won basically got it as a legacy award. Not saying he didn't deserve it, but it's not like it got a prestige award.

>sequels and spinoffs.

Harley Quinn is easily one of the most popular comic book characters out there right now, and she'd never been in a movie. Of course she's getting a spin-off.

And I didn't even hate Suzy Sigh Skwa. Just saying I don't think you're missing anything if you didn't like it.
>Transformers lack taste, not competence.
I'd say it definitely lacks competence in the script and direction.
it appeals to people who like the edginess and randomness of comic-book films
(ie teenagers and sluts)
as soon as the first trailer leaked way back when, EVERYONE knew it was gonna be the no.1 halloween costume in a year and a half's time
it was obvious, always has been

what's a shame is that it wasn't a better film
but it was serviceable
The only complaint I would have about the direction is that it's tough to tell which robot is which when they fight.
The rest is style, which is subjective.
And not making me feel physically ill.
Why is this board so obsessed with corporations' bottom lines? I don't give a fuck about hype or box office
It was quipkino.
Capeshit is finally dead. I welcome our new horror cinematic universe overlords.
It didn't even do quips well.
Because what is popular/successful has an impact on what will be released in the future. Dumbshit.
Which is funny since it's one of the worst comic book movies ever made.
Eh, not really. They are exactly what Bay wants them to be, he's just a 12 year old mentally. They are competent in that they have a defined style and a definite purpose.

The problem is that the style is the camera panning around a 3d gray mesh of metalic shit, but that's just shitty taste, but you can't fault them for incompetence because that's exactly what they set out to do.
Horror is nowhere near as marketable as capeshit, unless you count shit like Jurassic Park as horror, which you might.
You mean all the times Will Smith said "You crazy, gurl!" to Harley didn't obliterate your sides?
nice meme but stephen king adaptations and superhero movies are shit out all the time and that's never gonna stop
>it was serviceable
I wouldn't even go that far. I've never seen a movie so fucked by it's editing.
Because this place is incapable of actually discussing the merits of a movie, so they just post images of big numbers to justify their love or hate for something.
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>mfw if he survives twenty years from now he'll come out talking about how he'd been fucked at some jew producer's pool party
Nah, but Killer Croc being an actual nigger that watches BET sent my sides into orbit.
Superhero movies and horror movies have been consistently made for decades, it's not going to stop. Fuck off with your shitty meme and just admit you don't have anything of substance to say and just want to shitpost.
It was fun
>doesn't name names
>pedos on /tv/ call him a liar
>justice league
>biggest superhero movie of all time

Nigga it won't even cross a billion.
nah, it will easily cross a billion. It's got fucking batman in it for fucks sake, it doesn't matter how terrible it is.
People keep saying this

It's almost as if they forget that BvS barely made 800m.

Justice League will make 900m MAX. People don't give a shit about Batman anymore.
Batman v Superman didn't cross a billion
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>tfw because pizzagate was fake people will dismiss actual pedophile allegations
>Batman v Superman didn't cross a billion
Well shit, I thought it did. Nevermind then, I'm retarded.
>People don't give a shit about Batman anymore.
That's not true at all anon.
>comparing by views
>not acknowledging different release dates
>no attempt at standard of deviation

Found the nigger
>People don't give a shit about Batman anymore.
Lego Batman says otherwise. Not even Batman and Robin could kill Batman's popularity.
>his last two cartoons have failed
>his last movie failed to reach a billion when it was projected to make near $1.5B
>nobody gives a shit about the comics
>nobody gives a shit about the animated movies

Normies don't give a fuck about Batman anymore.
>when it was projected to make near $1.5B
No one anywhere projected that.
Everyone predicted it would make that until it didn't
>>nobody gives a shit about the comics

>1 1 Star Wars Darth Maul 1 $4.99 Marvel 105,177
>2 5 Batman 16 $2.99 DC 102,096
>3 7 Batman 17 $2.99 DC 99,637
>4 4 Justice League of America 1* $2.99 DC 93,494
>5 3 Super Sons 1* $2.99 DC 90,345
>>6 8 Walking Dead 164 $2.99 Image 83,999
7 2 All Star Batman 7 $4.99 DC 77,096
>8 6 Star Wars 28 $3.99 Marvel 74,002
>9 11 Justice League of America Rebirth 1* $2.99 DC 73,397
>10 16 Justice League 14 $2.99 DC 65,458

6 of the top 10 best selling comics in February starred Batman. The only comic that beat him was a Star Wars #1 and his was well into its teens. Batman is still the king of comic book sales.
Except no one predicted that. You just assumed it would make that much because it was Batman and Superman.
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>mfw IT is pure Kingkino and saves horror movies

we have a better billionaire superhero now
Good, maybe horror movies will make a comeback and capeshit will go away.
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It always was
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Justice League? More like JUST kill my franchise the fHECK up family.
JUSTICE LEAGUE will crack a billion but not much more. It'll gross roughly the same as GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY 2.

Fanboys will latch onto the fact it'll outgross THOR: RAGNAROK.
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>JUSTICE LEAGUE will crack a billion
>It'll gross roughly the same as GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY 2.
>it'll outgross THOR: RAGNAROK.
It could easily outdo Thor, since not many people care about that series.
>t'll outgross THOR: RAGNAROK.

It will. Nobody cares about Thor
>>not acknowledging different release dates

JL has been stuck at around 24m for almost a week, and JL and SS hit 60 million views pretty quickly

boy are you two in for a surprise

JL will be lucky to come close to Spiderman Homecoming's gross

I honestly have no idea what people liked about the GoTG2 trailer. Everyone was obnoxious
It was funny and people enjoy the characters.

They might have overdosed on Drax a little bit tho.

Homecoming should cross a billion or it should be considered a failure. It has Spider-Man and Iron Man

Wait, are you fucking implying Thor would come close to homecoming?
>king likes it
Its already confirmed shit unless I'm thinking about dark tower being the one he likes
>Search "Justice League Trailer" on Youtube
>Doesn't have the Justice League WB Trailer even come up

Who could be behind it?
>Muh feelings and anecdotal evidence

>moaning about "jumpscares" in a trailer
I hate you kids.
It resonated really well with dumb people. Like Wal-Mart shoppers. Fat girls really like Harley Quinn. Guys who wear tapout gear really liked Joker.

They release these trailers on like 50 webpages including all those "Bob's Pro Comic Movie Trailers" channels and shit that just repost them with their own logo. No wonder they have less views.
>tfw it turns out to be an overrated and overhyped pile of hot shit like Babadook, Vvitch and Shit Follows
Only reason I watched the trailer, you may be onto something.
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