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When this bombs at the box office and gets a 35% RT score, what

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When this bombs at the box office and gets a 35% RT score, what happens to the DCEU?

>Going to see a WW1 movie where a strong woman kills poor German soldiers and then fights a CGI fested monster

Of course they will try to please people with a Ben Affleck cameo but that's not going to save this movie.

I am so pissed they are doing a prequel WW movie first before the Batman movie when THAT should have been made before BvS
>meanwhile in the Clinton presidency timeline its the top rated movie of all time on RT
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>he thinks it's going to bomb at the box office
Nothing. They will release Justice League regardless of how well Wonder Woman does.

Now if THAT one fails, then yeah they are in trouble.
It might, the fatigue for that shit is strong, I do not see any person that is TA of this flick.
>has sexy women in sexy outfit
aka hetero vote

>has strong women fighting germans
has feminist,cucks,nu-males, antifa, and libs
>Wonder Woman

Captain Marvel is a superhero literally engineered for Hillary's America. Wonder Woman is beyond Hillary's band, safe "feminism." And the CEO of Marvel is a Trumpcuck.
>what happens to the DCEU?
they still have the JL movie which is the "fun" movie.

now if that fails then they'll probably consider rebooting the whole thing. idk what'll happen to the Aquaman movie since that has probably started production.

what they should have done, indeed, after MoS was a new Batman origin movie. skipping a lot of development for that character like what they did for BvS was a stupid idea. and the WW movie should NOT be taking place in World War I/II. just do it in modern times. this is literally not brain science yet they're fucking everything up so bad.
>the fatigue for that shit is strong

People have been saying that for years now.
Super hero movies are slowing down. Especially a character about a good woman doing good things for humanity.. oh man this had been over done so many times with super hero characters

I hated too how gal gadot said in an interview she wants this to show the strong beautiful side of woman...

>Justice League box office
>comes out a week before Coco
>I hated too how gal gadot said in an interview she wants this to show the strong beautiful side of woman...

In capeshit? Nah.
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>Gal Gadot

>inb4 Jew hater
I love Jewish woman like Natalie Portman.

Gadot is a smoking voice washed out actor
Disney animated movie about a dog and some skelly.
Justice League is almost 3 hours long too.

>2 hours 50 minutes
I bet the reviews will bring up how it feels boring
that's just not a sensible running time if you want to make money. the longer the movie, the less the per day screening. god.
It will be successful.

Screencap this.
Shut up with your concern trolling, Marvel drone. Your obsession with DCEU is pathological.
Snyder doesn't care about making money, he's making art.
I love it when Marvel drones pretend to be pissed off DC fans. Same posts every day. Same recycled posts. Literally kill yourself.
I fucking hate the MCU and Captain America is the worst character
You seem so excited to see this piece of shit movie. Are you one of the many Skeletal Gadot fans?
The numbers have been declining for years as well bud, it's about to hit unprofitability.
>Defending an anorexic strong woman killing poor soldiers who have no idea what the fuck is happening
If she was actually wonder woman she would be questioning why america and britain wanna kill these german soldiers and why the german soldiers wanna kill the american and british.

You know whats the ironic thing? This movie is just like man of steel.

We now have Woman of Murder or: Wonder Murder

This. Also Kong Skull Island only made $500 at box office.

Can we finally say Fuck off to cinematic universes and just focus on making good standalones that may or may not need a sequel?
Whats gonna happen is the DC shills will come back in here AGAIN to defend another Zack Snyder steaming pile of shit. The rest of us will have to sit through months of shitposts and autistic screeching
Gotta love how all the dc movies are transformers bad, but trying to be these profound , good movies. At last Michael bay is conscious of what hes doing and hasnt deluded himself, and his fanbase, to think that they are anything else then fun action flicks
>we are supposed to like a hero that goes into one of the bloodiest conflicts up to date and kills young men who were drafted into this war with no means to even scratch her
I generally like all capeshit movies but I just cannot see how this movie can be good
Reminder that reddit loves the Justice League

Next time people come here to defend this CGI fest trash, remind them of the dceu subreddit.

Mean while reddit hates Leto's Joker when to me he is the only thing I care about when it comes to the DCEU now. I really want to see an R Rated Joker film with Joker's henchmen.

Enough of this generic super hero saving the world trash
Batman and Gordon are in it
Do people actually seriously think BvS is Kino or is that just a meme? I confess that I did find the religious symbolism cool when it first came out but the more I thought of the movie in general the more problems I had with it
>Most white Americans have some German ancesry
>Watch hundreds of movies with Germans as enemies and being killed
German Nazis and WW1 Germans are not the same idiot
What is trumpcuck supposed to mean? They like him or hate him?
Are you fucking serious? I'm talking about the soldiers not the leaders dipshit.
Go to sleep you Marvel spic.
Like most things on this korean origami board, people come here to satirize and parody. Then, a bunch of autistic NEETs think its real and latch on.
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>There are people who think this is attractive
There's a reason there're very few WW1 wars. This movie will learn it the hard way.
Jesus you're a moron
>do ppl seriously like what I don't or what?

Stop embarrassing yoyrself
>and gets a 35% RT score
It may bomb at the box office but it sure as hell won't be panned by critics. It's a Jewish woman playing one of the most iconic American superheroes. Critics love that shit.
But that statue is pretty qt. What's wrong with you?
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>Captain Marvel is a superhero literally engineered for Hillary's America.

For a second there I got mad.
>It's a Jewish woman playing one of the most iconic American superheroes
Yeah and she's fighting in a conflict where she's inevitably going to end up killing poor young Jewish lads fighting for the fatherland.
He doesn't make art. He frees it from the shackles of uncertainty and places it into our reality unblemished and liberated.
With the competition it has, there's no hope for it, unless it gets great reviews.

If it opens on 85 million, it will not hit 200 domestic, and it will do less than 450 ww.
Imagine being this much of a Marvel shill.
>sexy women
>that poster/movie
Yea, about that, your homosexuality is showing...

Personally I don't know anybody who's excited for it. Hell I never knew anybody particularly excited for Man of Steel or BvS.

Actually that's not true now I think of it, I'm fairly certain a couple Tumblrina friends of mine might be hype for it, but purely because they read some dribble about it being feminist-friendly or something, most like.
>has feminist,cucks,nu-males, antifa, and libs
But, as Ghostbusters showed, those people don't go to the cinema.
You have wrong cap Marvel m8
lol Suicide Squad literally crushed Doctor Strange's head on the floor, box office wise
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