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Today I watched Ghost in the Shell. What do you think about it?

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Today I watched Ghost in the Shell. What do you think about it?
It's shit

Haven't seen it
If it was made by intelligent people who were actually trying, and actually cared, it still would only have had a small chance of living up to its source material. But instead it was made by hack frauds cashing in on a semi-recognizable property.
Now they're fucking with anime, what's next? A live action western Ninja Scrolls?
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>watched ghost in the shell
>still thinks there is an 'i'
there weren't many people in cinema. Wonder why.

>A live action western Ninja Scrolls?

I would pay all the money to see this done well but fuck my life Hollywood would force Kagero as a love interest even though the MC turned down fucking her even if it meant saving his life.
i'm going to watch this in a few hours, i'm hyped.

i'm expecting a dumb action movie with cool visuals.
yea, it's simplified

it doesn't have the dececy to be a dumb action flick. prepare for boring dialogue, references that only make sense if you know the series and if you do they make no sense and establishment shot. SO. MANY. ESTABLISHMENT SHOTS.

I doubt they'd let The Thing clean her cervix out with his tongue either.
It was ok
Pretty much this.
Probably shit. Will most likely never watch it because of prejudice.
It wasn't that bad. A decent popcorn flick that might get people who aren't necessarily interested in philosophical cyborgs to watch this and sequels.
There needs to be a Batou/ Togusa story around Innocence wince it's miles better than GitS anyway.
I hate Scarjo so I'll do it with low expectations.
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She wasn't completely bad, but personally I think Rebecca Ferguson looks like the character more and is a better actress
That's exactly why I hate her, she's ugly and is a shit actress, everything played by her is always better played by anyone else.
I agree that the movie is KINDA riding on her screen presence, but if they wanted a better lead actress, Ferguson would have been perfect in every way, and she would have looked better in the skin tight thermoptic suit
I hear the ending was a big fuck you to the whitewashing controversy
She's one of those overrated actor that herself in this position because of shit movies, it's especially ironic with her because she got famous because of a series of children's movies
If I never saw the original GitS, will I enjoy it?
It is, but some people are getting even more butthurt because they think its even worse to have an Asian girl become white than to just change the character completely.
Yes, but you'd get more enjoyment for the minor details of the characters if you've watched the films.

>establishment shot. SO. MANY. ESTABLISHMENT SHOTS.
sounds like the oshii film desu
>25 years later
>Hundreds of millions of dollars
>Still nowhere near the source material both visually and story wise
Where did we go wrong, /tv/?
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It's movie as fuck
It's clear whoever made it cared a great deal about the source material. There are many nods to SAC, Second gig and Innocence.

But the reality is they were forced to make a Hollywood action film lasting 90 mins. There is really not much you can do with that.
got a show starting in 50 minutes by me - should i go?????? anon plz

just dub my shit up
With the way Hollywood is running it, mainstream action flicks will always be this way. Sad that they're the only ones with a big enough budget to do these kinds of films though.
>forced to make a Hollywood action film
If only
the movie is heavy on dialogue
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>Ghost in the Shell
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why she didn't go naked?
Wish it was R and that was her nude body.
why are the lower parts of the legs colored like that? seems like it's just made to recall women's leg socks or whatever those are called in english

fucking americans
It's a shame it's getting shit on, really.

Writing was weak and they made the ideas presented as easy-to-chew as possible for wider audiences, but from a visual standpoint it's beautiful, creative, and at the same time exists in awe of the original 95 movie and has a ton of respect for it. Lighting is great, and it was nice to see sci-fi fights that they actually bothered to hold the fucking camera still for.

It's not a 10/10 but nothing else looks like it and I think there's merit in that.


She wears those in the original because Shirow is a smutmonger.
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post what you are talking about to show us your trueness

fucking japs
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Spoiled for anime tiddies
You tell us you are the one who has watched it?
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>PG-13 cash grab
I'll pass
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holy shit /a/ and /v/eddit BLOWN THE FUCK OUT
why not?! Your the one that watches wierd shit on 4chan too.
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Live action Samurai Champloo is next.
Screencap this.
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errr i am literally shaking in absolute internet nerd rage fashion. I just broke my keyboard with my knee as I type this. Make way Angry Joe/Razorfist, there's new angry guy on the internet in town. I typing this message to convey how excruciatingly angry I am. In case if you haven't noticed, I'm angry.
>this gif while listening to Initil D's Bang on the rocks.

Alita's already shooting
Reminder that anyone who didn't see the whitewashing plot twist coming is a fucking moron.
Akira directed by Jordan Peele is next, wish I was joking.
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I saw it, it falls somewhere between "mediocre" and "okay".

It was basically just Robocop with the occasional visual throwback to the 1995 movie.

The plot twist is very amusing in light of the whitewashing controversy.
It was very pretty to look at, but like, that was it.

The script was shit, and the plot was somehow worse.

Also, what the fuck was with the literal NO BLOOD ANYWHERE

Even when obviously human characters were shot, no blood.
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They haven't even made a first decent vidya movie and now they doing an anime?
Motoko is in a suit in the anime too.
PG 13 !!!!
Why was Movie "Covered for his sexual offender friend" Bob so triggered by the twist?

In the whole movie you could see how the society depicted was 100% multicultural with no racism. Shouldn't that be the ideal?
Is Motoko physically able to have sex with guys?
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The screen was so visually busy it detracted from the movie. It felt like the movie had a lot of shots that were just excuses for adding cool looking background effects.

The giant hologram celebrities look fucking awful.
I don't know
Double Toasted were also offended by the twist. I personally think it was logical for sceintist to not make her body asian if they wanted to supress her momories. Also original director of the anime approved this movie.

I actually kind of liked the busy screen. Like, yeah, they did pack in the effects, but I guess a futuristic city is going to be busy as fuck, visually.

The giant hologram shiba inu made me burst out laughing
>The giant hologram shiba inu made me burst out laughing


The really unsubtle Honda product placement was embarrassing though.

I understand product placement is pretty much a necessary evil at this stage, but fucking hell.
Yeah, they fucked up big time here. The environments in the 1995 film had a really clear thematic presence and purpose, and compositionally the city was used really often to create a contrast between the people and the environment around them. It looks like they pretty much threw that idea out the window in the new movie.
Lewd and /ss/
I've actually seen a pirated cam rip. Its as bad as everyone assumed.

Could (you) at least try and stir up shit?

I saw it in theatres and it's not that bad.


Wow, I hate you.

That shit was the film's redeeming feature. The cityscapes and environments in general were great.
>live action samurai champloo
if wu tang clan made the soundtrack, I'd almost want this

t. Only watched the TV series
Mortal Kombat exists
only decent video game movie in existence, but it exists

PoP and Silent Hill are both a hundred miles ahead of MK.
I'm literally the movie and I was ok, please don't bully me.
Yes,Major is canon Japanese in the film before she became "Major"and her appearance is just the default model for the shell they created for her brain which is that of a japanese girl
No, she's in a suit in the 1995 movie
This is because the anime was created by artists, and the movie was created by directors. Live action will never ever fully capture an animated film.

The main comolaint about whitewashing by SHWs isn't representation or faithfulness to the character but "WAHH YOU COULD HAVE HIRED AN ASIAN ACTRESS STUPID WHITE BITCHES STEALING MY JOBS"

They don't care

You mean the one with nips all over the place?

Only if you're being pendantic and suggesting her body is a suit itself.
Instead of writing in a retarded plot twist that is a thinly veiled attack on whites they could have just fired a fucking Asian actress and made a faithful adaptation. But no, the Jew uses every chance he gets to spit venom at gentiles. No one in Hollywood gives a single fuck about making a good movie on its own merits.
No, I'm not being pedantic. She's literally in a skintight suit, although it's somewhat see through. See >>81124556 You can see it ripping.

ayy faggot
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It's a suit anon
Watch Stand-Alone Complex if you haven't, it's probably the best thing to have ever come out of the GitS franchise.
It looks cool and shit but that was the ugliest version of Japan i have ever seen in a movie.

Japanese cities are known to some as some of the most beautiful citys in the world and they dont need all that shit all over them.

EVERY FUCKING BUILDING had hooligrams on it.

Japan cities are already very condensed so i doubt they need even more junk to make the city seem even more compact than it already is.

I wonder if an actual Japanese residence would be okay if that was what the future of Japanese cities would look like.
its a suit
its just skin tight and skin coloured
Who is worse? Healey or that Sally Jane Black tranny-freak who makes every movie-review about how problematic everything is?
What is wrong with LB that people actually vote for what that creature has to say?
Literally just back from it.

I didn't like it, the dialogue was nothing but ham.

Some nice CGI backdrops, but inconsistent in quality.

Gimped by 13s rating. No bullet impact, it was like a tv movie where you would see the shot, hear the smoke, and then the guy would fall over. There's a part where Major shoots a guy, he falls on his back with a grenade, there's a close up of him. No bullet holes, no blood, nothing.

Lewd tbph
Healey because he's actually from this board
healey is from /tv/? someone should break his kneecaps with a pipe wrench for what he wrote in tha comment

With nipple detail

Under that "suit" is nothing but artificial muscle
Keke, did they really used cgi to make her look not fat?

That was HK you retard, not Japan
>being this new
Are you kidding? Both those flicks were garbage tier.
only here for movies that interest me. so about two times a year

CGI cashgrab explosionfest with fat-tress playing someone who's supposed to be attractive and somewhat fit.
They ruined muh favorite characters
batou was the only good character in this movie. Kuze got fucked because they thought it'd be a good idea to mix him with 2501 and leave out the origin story that made him interesting to begin with
were they actually trying to turn everyone white or something? Doesn't that go along with the overall theme of the original? That individuality doesn't matter and no one is special?
what was the plot twist?

Better than MK

Her original body was an asian girl named Motoko
Only Motoko and Batou were "whitewashed". Aramaki, Togusa, Saito, etc. are all still Asian.
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n-no really, what was the plot twist my friend. That can't be it
I didn't notice any Honda.
Why does that offend people? Were they given white shells on purpose?
no. and no one except retarded sjws cares about that. the problem of the movie are the shallow characters and story.

the questions about what it means to be human, individuality, the impact on technology on these topics are hardly scratched.

Shills are just saying this. The main problem is the movie was fucking garbage.
he's right, and it's fucking retarded.

no idea, the group of people complaining about shit like that is just retarded. they just casted white actors because it's hollywood, nothing bad about that

>muh anime

fuck off weeb nobody gives a shit about you or your shitty virgin stories
Aramaki is played by motherfucking Takeshi Kitano. You tell me that's whitewashing you uninformed waste of space.

>t. Someone who just got back from watching it and didn't hate it

The first Mortal Kombat is miles ahead better than PoP or Silent Hill.

My complaint wasn't even that the characters were whitewashed you pleb fuck. It was just a subpar adaptation that defecated on everything good about the 1995 movie while casting a fatass to play someone she can't.
Just came back from the theater.

I feel... Weird. First of all, the film is really pretty. They nail the 21st century cyberpunk aesthetic. Also the soundtrack is good. I usually hate trailers with serious and dour covers of old songs, but GitS trailer version of "Enjoy The Silence" is great.

But then we get to the bad parts. Acting was quite hit and miss in my opinion. The plot seemed like it tried to say something between the lines, but the in your face thoughts were clearly written by a committee. Also weird writing like how Kuze goes from luddite anarchist to singularity "kill all the meatbags" mode. Most offensive to me was when Major says in the end that "she knows who she is". Bull. Shit.

But why I feel weird? The recreations of old scenes. Part of me was giddy that they were made but another equal part of me groaned. One word that kept popping into my head throughout the film was "cosplay", 'cause that's what it felt like.

3/5 stars
t. Paramount Pictures
It's been a while, but didn't the anime pull off the cyberpunk aesthetic through a washed out, bleak daylight look? From what I've seen of the adaptation it looks like they traded that for generic Bladerunner dark city bullshit.
The only people hating it are liberals complaining about whitewashing
The best part is they don't understand the point of the original movie. If they did, they would understand why "whitewashing" means absolutely nothing.
Why the fuck did they cast Johansson? I just don't get it, which idiot thought it'd be a good idea?
I'm /pol/ as fuck and I can't stand racebending. It plays into the multiculturalist idea that all people are interchangeable and race is trivial (or doesn't exist at all). Asian roles for the Asians, white roles for whites, black roles for blacks, etc. Not to mention the entire plot reason behind her being white was to take a jab at whites. In other words they denied an Asian actress a perfectly good role solely to push an anti-white message. You're fucking retarded if you think liberals are the only ones complaining, even if they're complaining for all the wrong reasons.
the people that hate it are liberals complaining about whitewashing and people that know the source material and expected this move to do more than scratching the sourface while raping 4 different plots together. The former can be disregarded because they are only searching for something to bitch at without caring about the franchise anyways. Like the PC vultures they are they'll jump onto the next opportunity to bash whitey when they get the chance.

There are plenty of scenes in daylight, but yes, it's different than the original. Eventhough the lighting is there, the slight haze is missing. I'd attribute it more to the time period than design choices.
Spot on.

It didn't follow the original's lead at all in term of environments, but the one thing that most people are willing to give this film is that it's cyberpunk cityscape was gorgeous, well executed and unique.

It turns out that trying to copy visceral animation like GitS gives you a dulled version if the same thing, and branching off and doing yor own shit actually has potential to turn out well.
I don't know, Moviebob's got some annoying things to say on Twitter and such but this is the first time I've been disappointed with his actual work in a long time (I think there was some cringy video he made for In Bob We Trust a month or two ago, and the last time before that would've been like a year ago)
he acts like the movie didn't indicate that what happened was wrong
he acts like having your memories stolen is not as bad as having your race stolen, rather than it being the other way around
he acts like they need to fucking state "this is wrong, this is fucked up", he acts like it's relevant even though it can't specifically happen
he acts like it's not ripe for metaphor and quite possibly *on his side*
Do they state explicitly that the live action film is in HK?
The 95 film is set in Nihama prefecture Japan, and SAC is in Japan as well.
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What spectrum of autism do you have to be on to not think that this film was at least 7/10? It was a solid movie with only real flaw being the japanese squad commander not speaking english while everyone else did.

>b-b-but muh too simple plot
not everything have to be 2deep4u Oscar bait, it was solid, easy to follow plot.

Nigger, she literally knows who she is since she remembered what her name is and what happened to her before they turned her into a fnaf animatronic

Where did it say it was HK? Why would HK have japanese aesthetics and japanese officials?
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You are fucking retards, she is white like most people in the original, have you ever seen a blue eyed gook?
And neo-Tokio is suposed to be a white and asian city, even if it were full asian the japs would drawn them white because of their huge wester fetish.
She's a yellow bot. Get over it.
Her eyes are grey. Her skin color is identical to the asians in that very shot. Your post is 100% wrong.
This. The plot twist even explained this, technically she was an asian before westerns recreated her in their image.

Nice headcanon fuckboi.
>The plot twist even explained this, technically she was an asian before westerns recreated her in their image.
Kill yourself if you can't think that shoehorned "whites are evil" propagandist trash was in any way an acceptable tradeoff for having an accurate portrayal of the Major.

It really does seem like there were two different movies going on--there were some almost beat for beat scenes from the movie and SAC, but then it's surrounded by this shitty OC donut steel story that makes the inclusion of the scenes all that much worse.

But, I'm not really sure if it was some dude who really liked the original movie and series who pushed hard to make the scenes into the movie, or just a board meeting who combed the anime for iconic scenes and then just shoved them in the movie around their shitty original script.

I'll give you that it's an enjoyable book and hugely influential, but it's so quaint at this point. You can't read it without laughing at how absurdly cyberpunk it is, it's like a parody of itself.

None of the questions it poses are explored better than in the things it influenced, especially the original GitS.
The accurate portrail is a white Major since shes white
I still love Motoko's dub voice. Maybe just because my dad would watch SAC whenever it was on when I was a kid but goddamn it's sexy.
>another time

>same skin color as asians around her
>grey eyes because she's a fucking cyborg
>rough black hair
You're an idiot. Most anime characters you think are "white" are actually asian, and asian viewers view them as such.
They view themselves like that because they want to be white, has nothing to do with the fact that she is indeed white like most anime characters.
This ruins everything.
I'm about to see the movie later tonight. Can anyone who has seen it at least tell me if the spider tank scene was any good?

Don't really need to go into any detail about it other than if it was hype, cool, or well done.
You view them as white because you're projecting into the work. Watch anime with actual canon Westerners in it, white people in anime are not presented the same as the rest of the characters. A good example is the K-On movie when they go to London.
It's a mixed bag. They keep it relatively lowkey and don't go full Avengers trying to make it huge, which was good, and the tank itself looks good. But a few shots (you'll know them when you see them) have some badly blended CGI, and it's REALLY noticeable.
It's not every shot, not even most of them, but they're distracting and make me think they should have changed the scene more to accomodate for how they couldn't really capture the scene in live action.

The rest of the action is pretty great though.

It was coolish but if that's all you want just rewatch the '95 film, this is no better.
Thanks, Ken-sama.
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No, you kill yourself if you think you think that a live action ADAPTATION should pander your shitty headcanon. Show me a line in the anime/manga or the author that says that major is asian.

>"whites are evil" propaganda
oh so all the white members of the team 9 or what ever it was called were evil too? Only the business suits were evil whites and there and I saw more evil asian gangsters than evil white people, back to /pol/ you fucking retard.

>Implying animation studio would put funds to as autistic detail as a skin color difference between a western and an asian when there's next to none
>implying there's no black haired westerns
>what is author wanting readers to identify with the mc
isnt this way too buddhist for hollywood anyway?
I'd pay big money to watch Cowboy Bebop with its soundtrack and Reeves as Spike even if it was dogshit.
>not a cowboy bebop movie with bruce willis as jet

Yes, but that's not saying much.
postal was pretty fucking great.
incedentaly the only actually good uwe boll movie.
Then you are part of the problem.
It's obvious you know absolutely nothing about anime. The fact that there is little skin color difference between whties and asians only further proves my point. You are misinterpreting most anime characters as white when the asians who create them say they are asian and give them asian names. Westerners in anime are almost always portrayed with blonde hair and big noses. Black, blue, brown, and even most red, pink, and green-haired characters are almost always asian. Compare something like Berserk or Fullmetal Alchemist to something that has a Japanese setting, the difference is immediately apparent. Especially FMA since there are people from the equivalent of Asia in it and they look nothing like the white people. I'm sorry, but Motoko Kusanagi is not white, and neither are most anime protagonists in general.
It was nice to see good ol'Jimmy Darmody though.
Scarjo couldn't even bother to get somewhat fit for this role, instead they desperately gave her a big rubber condom to keep her body fat from hanging out.

42% on RT, it being beaten by Boss Baby (48%) and Power Rangers (47%), in other words beaten by a cheap 3d animated flick and a Krispy Kreme commercial...
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>Scarlet Johanson
>watching any movie in which she appears

It's almost as if this board has become the epitome of homosexuality.

That looks like a homeless and retarded Gordon Ramsay
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>he hasn't seen Under the Skin or Lost in Translation
>he thinks he can talk about movies on the internet

She's a good actress outside of Avengers where noobdy except for Robert Downey gives a shit about acting
Am I autistic and retarded if I thought it was Mads Mikkelsen until I looked it up?
No, it's literally a suit that she puts on.
boy what are you talking about, she's cute af in this movie
Most manga artists base their characters' faces on caucasians since asian faces can't show emotions to save their lives.

Besides, you base your argument on how other mangas do characters but you had still have failed to show me the part where it says that major was asian. Until someone proofs it, it's just pure speculation to one way or another.
That is literally the original film.
No point in shilling dude the returns are atrocious.

The cast, cinematography, and fight choreography look like absolute shit, is the plot at least good?

That was a staple of GiTS for me.
Kill yourself. I never played the SH video games but I loved the movie.

Maybe it wasn't a good translation of the source material but it was still great. The second was an abomination and Jon Snow is a shit.
Batou was always white, he served in the American Army Rangers and chose a white chassis when he cyberized.
>haven't seen the movie
>the cast and cinematography are shit!!!

The trailers were bad, I'll give you that, but given that they also used dubstep in those trailers and there was nothing of the sort in the movie (the music was actually pretty good for being original), give it the benefit of the doubt.

Scarlett does a good job, there's actually very few full-on fights and they're pretty quick so even if you hate the choreography it's whatever, and yes the plot is essentially the same as the original but with a few twists to trip up old fans.
Acting was at least decent and you can't say with a straight face that the beat up in the shallow water wasn't kino.
And the 1995 anime movie lacked the giant lesbian orgy Motoko has in the manga. Your point?

This movie wasn't great but if that's what you thought the problems were you haven't seen the film
She knows who she is in terms of facts but she doesn't know who she is philosophically speaking.

If you were told tomorrow (discounting the fact that it will be april fool's day) that you are actually a gorgeous supermodel living the high life but was mind wiped and planted to an anon's body, would you go "boy I sure do know who I am now, gee thanks!"

In the end she has pieces of the puzzle that is her past life, but she sure as shit hasn't removed her programmed memories and personality. She knows her fake self, she knows pieces of her original self, but what the fuck is she now?

Twists that slap the original in the face
I'm not paying to watch ScarJo as the major. For any reason. Ever.

The trailer ruined any chance I had of seeing this movie. GiTS in my mind should have been one of the easiest anime ports to pull of in terms of style and they completely fumbled it.
Why do you cunts start these threads without providing your own take on the film?
Do you watch capeshit? Be honest
How exactly did the twists slap anything in the face? Other than because you can't handle the idea of them changing anything whatsoever because muh sacred japanese cartoons.

Watch Under the Skin if you want proof. She plays an incredibly similar role and in no world is Under the Skin considered a bad movie, and she's really good in it. She's good at portraying the mannerisms of someone who isn't quite human.
that's wrong. He served in the japanese ground self defense force before joining section 9

Why are Weebs so sensitive about their baby cartoons?
You mean /v/eddit tourists
and tons of other things. The manga wouldn't have fitted into one movie. Instead they used it's elements to write an interesting plot while posing interesting questions and conflicts about transhumanism and what it means to be human.
>I never played the SH video games
You are part of the problem
>Maybe it wasn't a good translation of the source material but it was still great.
Confirmation you are part of the problem
>dat holocutie doing squats though
Being a huge shameless GitS fanboy I won't even watch this movie, not even ironically.
Fuck off weeb
>I'm /pol/ as fuck

Stopped reading.
Ninja Scroll was a pile of shit so you can't really ruin it.
since it's supposed to be based on SAC and i've only watched some episodes of SAC ... is SAC really that bad / did they really screw up everything GITS is about or is it just the movie ?
>since it's supposed to be based on SAC

It's not. They use a SAC villain, but he's pretty much merged together with Puppetmaster to make a new villain that's Kuze in name only.

SAC is kino though.

The movie is also good.
Where did you hear that it's supposed to be based on SAC?

And I loved SAC, it's one of my favorite anime ever, the movie just sucked.
ok, i thought so because of kuze. so the movie is just a fucked up merge of everything while dropping everything that GITS is about ?
Not really. It's pretty much all adapted from the original, they just threw in Kuze to change things up for the ending. The movie is fine dude, if you really want to know then just go see it. It's not high art but it's still got some soul in there. They kept the scene where she hires a prostitute just to touch her face, they wouldn't have kept that if they just wanted to make an action movie.
They also probably would have had more than three action scenes if they just wanted to make an action movie.

Because "we're not our memories, we're what we do!" is pretty much exactly the opposite of "one of the dangers of transhumanism is that people can fuck with your memories and then you're not you"
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just came back from cinema
solid 7.7/10 flick

- cinematography
- visual, concept design
- takeshi kitano
- trash guys
- the bad guy
- the bad guy hacker
- sound fx's
- some dialogues
- music
- ending
- geishas
- mother scene

- no original music
- too much exposition at some points
- scarlett is to THICC , ass is too big in some shots

go see it faggots so hollywood can put anime to compete and we get rid of capeshit

I'm going to see it multiple times just because I want neon cyberpunk to come back.
It changed something, yeah, but that doesn't automatically make it artistically inferior. Look at the argument presented by the movie and decide if it made it well, don't just go "it's not what the original said so it's worse."

I'll also say it's possible that the movie presented something incorrect on purpose. Considering "memories don't define you" was a line fed to major by someone attempting to keep her memories hidden, it's entirely possible that they'll make a sequel or some shit that completely contradicts that.

In other words what the character says =/= what the movie is saying.
>- takeshi kitano
>- cinematography
One thing they never really make clear in the original...can the Major reproduce?

The Puppet Master says he wants to merge with the Major so that he can spread his seed around the net. If she's just a brain in a cyborg body, how will she be able to help him out?
At least SJB has articulate opinions and tries to go beyond basic trash. Healey is just a really elaborate fanboy with lots of family dosh to spend on vain NY shit. Fucking hate the guy.

I never said anything about quality, though I will say it's much less challenging to the audience.

My point was that it's a slap in the face; it takes the stance that it can only take by saying "the original story was wrong, and I know better."

I don't for a second think that was the intent, I think the bubblegum shit was written by neckties to appeal to wide demographics and forced into the film, but that's the result we got.

You got an answer in /a/
most people are interchangeably shitty
It was an answer from someone who clearly hadn't seen the movie in a while.

The line in question is this: "You will bear our varied offspring into the net, just as humans leave their genetic imprints on their children.'

You got a clear no
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I swear to God, if I ever meet ScarJo in real life I will punch her in her stupid fucking mouth.

Movie was way better than I expected overall (granted, my expectations were in the dumpster), but ScarJo was even worse than I expected. Easily the best looking action movie of the decade, it was visually stunning. Was way too on the nose with the plot and thematization for Ghost in the Shell, but I never expected much depth from a Hollywood adaptation.
>gray eyes
they're hazel at best
I can only get so hard
Could that be more CGI filled if they tried?
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Nigga u wot

I feel like she did a good job of acting like she wasn't comfortable in her body
>have technology to make realistic android
>pick that tired old hag face
they're even bluer in this shot
>Easily the best looking action movie of the decade
How to spot a weeb who doesn't leave his basement.

Kill yourself honestly.
I don't understand your question? In the movie the major can't reproduce because the only thing that's left from her body are some parts of her brain. The puppetmaster can't either, he says something along the lines of him only being able to produce exact copies of his code, offering no individuality and being prone to getting wiped out by a single virus.

So they fuse together, the puppetmaster offering the reproduction part, the ability to somehow create AI offspring, the major the human/ghost part necessary for individuality and genetic/code diversity that allows them to have "real children" instead of exact copies of the parents.
Are there hologram buildings in the original movie?
No I haven't watched the animu yet.
Go ahead, name a better looking action movie from this decade. I'll wait.
weebs seem to hate this move because it tortures their source material
There's a shitload of practical effects and sets in the movies. There's more practical going on in that scene than you think. The water is at the very least real, and major's suit is real although definitely touched up with CG. Backgrounds are physical stuff with CG on top of them.
She's only capable of three different emotional states: monotone, sarcastic and yelling.
You know when I first saw GitS I didn't think it was that realistic that an advanced combat cyborg body would be designed with erect nipples. Then I remembered that it's set in Japan.
cause they had a chance to give the role to an Asian American Actress, that is the reason. I can see why Asian Americans would be upset but I dont think this movie is made for the US, totally a movie that is going to be carried by Japan/China so our feelings on it are moot.
Did you read the manga or watch SAC? There's actually background for that.
The major has a state of the art military prosthetic body that looks like a rather common civillian model because it allows her to blend in with the normal population.

What's better? Dredd maybe? That's all I can think of.
No I only watched the 1995 film. To this date I've only seen 3 different animes; GitS, Cowboy Bebop, and Girls und Panzer
>and major's suit is real although definitely touched up with CG.

That's mostly what I was talking about. The background being CG mix is understandable. The suit looks bad in that still, and it's because of the CG
Is ghost in the shell 2 shit?
No one ever talks about that one

There is a 2, right?.
>>At its core, "Ghost in the Shell" is about AI and what makes a person human and not a machine. Did that affect your view of technology?

>Part of what we're trying to say in this film is that humanity at some stage is gonna be absorbed more and more in technology. The important thing is that we figure out a way that humanity is needed by technology rather than the other way around. I think technology will evolve beyond us and [when that happens], what's the need for us? We're greedy, we're wasteful, we are destroying the environment that they would need to survive.

>Our film is much more about the hope that humanity will prevail amongst a technological revolution.

I assumed the bubblegum changes were neckties but now I think it was the director.
>the suit looks bad
I was really high when I watched it but all I remember is it was Batou and one of the other guys.. I think it was Togusa but it might have been the one with the beard.
and all they did was quote english literature at each other in japanese for 2 hours
Right? I can't get over the aesthetic and neon cyberpunky vibe the visuals give off in this.

We need more.
>fucking Asian actress
Fucking who?
It was great.
>in that still

you may give the two seasons of stand alone complex (and after that perhaps the solid state society movie) a shot. they're by far my favorite anime. Didn't watch much else though.
Tell that to my dick
Evil whitey.

Why does the suit look so much better here than in the film?

On the whole the film is gorgeous but the suit always looked awkward.
It's called innocence, i liked it and it generally recieved rather good critics.
Because it's mixed with shit CGI and touchups, which is what anon was saying
batou and togusa are running around as partners in that movie, the rest of section 9 gets little attention in that movie but they appear.
Going to see this one tomorrow, can someone please spoil the ending for me?

and the pot twist, is it true?
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>not Kanye as director

It will be shit
[/spoiler]evil guy ded, kuze dead, everyone happy

by plot twist you mean the major finding out she's a kidnapped japanese girl called motoko kusanagi? Yes it's true and its just as retarded as it sounds.[/spoiler]
>took a lot of effort designing it so it looks good!

It looks like cosplay trash
Wouldn't the rest of her memories return over time without the inhibitor drugs?
sure, but the manipulated ones stay and give you problems. At least that was a reoccuring team in the anime.
This doesn't answer the question

I like to think there's just a smooth cybernetic nothingness where her vagina would be.

>Care to find out?
>See? We can't. Now go to bed.
What day is it?
Innocence is pure kino, but be forewarned, it's the ultimate pleb filter.
Well to me I really enjoyed it. Batou was best part about. Loved all the references to 1995 and 2004 movie
according to the manga and arise she can't, at least not physically. She/anybody with cyberbrain can have cyber sex though. Nothing to penetrate. She apparently likes to fondle around though
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It was really funny when the Geisha robot attacked the guy and the nigra said "See this is what I'm talking about".
he still doesn't get together with the major. It's been more than 20 years god damn it, how long can he stay in the friendzone
When they raised that one place where scarjo met the previous experiment guy why did she shoot someone who was at a sink? Probably just washing their hands
>Follows the source material 90%
The only thing missing was no philosophical themes and Kuze could have had more philosophical dialogue to say otherwise they seriously stayed so close to the source material. I dont think any other person making this could have done the same.
why would they not have artificial sex organs?
Who the fuck would want to walk around as a living ken doll?
Its not an action movie at all. Its a drama with some action here and there.

If you enjoy origin stories then you should like it
>Kuze is in the movie
Do they include this scene/storyline?

Honestly there's a part of me that's almost more bummed out about the nerfing of the themes because of how great the presentation was. It could have been great. Instead, it's just okay.
because cyber sex is just as good and you can use the space for something else i assume? Also it's probably rather hard to build artificial genitals. In arise her boyfriend goes to a party with her and shows her a pregnant women with completly artificial body so at least in that version it seems to be possible
no. He appears out of nowhere, without background. He's also not really the Kuze we know from the second SAC season, they used his name and mixed him up with the puppetmaster/2501 from the 1995 movie.
It was fucking awful and I WANTED to enjoy myself. Even the visuals weren't great by 2017 standards.

4/10 movie for me.
I can't wait for the shitstorm when a live action evangelion finally happens
that'll never happen. Pacific rim was as close as hollywood dares to go to it
It would have been cool if at the end Sadako came out of the grave and punched Major's mom with the VHS tape.
Sadly, I tend to agree. This movie was like a big-budget (*) fan-film. There was nothing original or inventive about it. And it wasn't very fancy looking either. (*It had a big budget for a FAN film, that is.)

Whatever happened to PR2?
Very disappointing.

The world, visual effects, and the costumes looked really good, I liked how they basically did scenes straight out of the anime movies or tv show (with some changes) but the pacing and the story was pretty shit. I was bored in the first half just waiting for them to just move on.
>fan film
>fans hate it because the movie doesn't dare to touch the philosophical and ethical questions that made the original special
What did I think since I just got back home from it? WALL OF TEXT INCOMING. Well usually I can give movies a number rating out of 10. This one I can't. Its a competent movie, well made, and I could see what they were TRYING to do. The FX did a really great job of melding CGI with the abundant of practical FX that were in the movie. The actors as I saw it did a fairly good job of being who they are in the anime(s), though slighlt changes, such as Togusa being completely human, which isn't correct since he has mild brain augment. Though they "fixed" that with the thing around his neck and a ear piece.

The Movie also had some real nice ascetics as well, various scenes really showing this environment we are being taken into. Such as the geisha part or even just the camera flying around the city showing us the various ads. Which Asian cities have a lot of.

They also did a fairly alright job of combining sections and/or stories from the different sources of manga / movie / tv series. But alas this is also where it kind falls short. See while the actors, especially the jew woman, knew and understood the character, she tried to change motoko a little too much. This is also true with the script, since if you think on it, it has a simular vibe as the movie Silent Hill. Where they cram as much in as they can, and add that lovely (sarcasm) fan service into the movies. Though while some of those were amusing, many I found took me out of the movie. Such as the Garbage truck scene. It was extremely Jarring and wasn't needed in the type of film they were trying to make. Moments like that, hindered the movie, even if I understood the WHY in it.

The Camera work was well done as well. giving use time to see what was going on, and not have those shit cuts constantly. The ones we see in soooo many of today's North American films. Usually they're used in action to hide the shit acting and choreography. Part 1
The more I hear about the movies story, the less I want to see it. It seems like they ignore all the philosophical themes of the original movie in favour of some origin/lost memories/revenge plot, but they don't seem to even get that right.
no idea, was that ever planned? Hopefully it died
Forgot to add, they literally white washed a character. Kidnap some Asian and turn her into a white robot. I wasn't paying attention to the "im motoko" part, but was she adopted or was she actually asian?
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>I was bored in the first half just waiting for them to just move on

so it's ghost in the shell then
Fan-film, a film made by a fan. Someone who is an amateur.

Pretty much, but done horribly.
If there really is one, can someone tell me where?

Yeah it had a 2017 release date listed shortly after the PR1 release. Maybe a $$ issue.

Oh found it..it has a new name..never a good sign.


Just finished filming apparently.
Blade Runner did it much better 34 Years Ago
Pacific Rim was good though.

She was a gook. You see her when Major gets her memory back. There is a scene with Edgelord trying to grab her hand in the memory of the swat raid on the squat.
they did exactly that. And that's the movies main problem
Better than I thought it'd be.

Got tired of the city shots though. I used to wish that Bladerunner included more of those. Now I know why they didn't.
I knew it. They really did turn an asian person into a white person.

Wish they expanded more on section 9, but thats the problem with adapting a franchise like ghost in the shell into a movie and hope to fit everything inside.
oh, i thought you meant for fans
Don't even bother watching this shit movie if you have watched the animu. I can't even name on thing which stood out maybe the geishas and how they pulled the man back but this scene is already in the trailers.
The atmosphere is completely different from the animu where's in the animu you get a cold cyberpunk feeling and in the movie there's a clusterfuck of holograms and feels more "lively" and not dark/daunting.
Went in with low expectations but the movie managed to shit the bed even more than I thought.

Can't be worse than the rebuilds

Can't agree with the knock on the visuals.

There was some weak CG but from a compositional standpoint it was incredible.
Oh you say that now
Part 2
This movie really let you take in what was going on even if it was small and minute. Example of this was when Batu was going to feed some dogs. As Motoko and Batu are walking down this ally, the camera is in front of them you can see what is happening behind them, and this person gets up to a door and starts knocking on the door as Major and Batu are chatting away, You can also see little environment things as well. This sets things up to make the world feel very alive, which I have found in movies doesn't really happen that often.

I find if they had Not focused so much on who the major was, and just let the audience find out by showing us, instead of telling us. it would have been better. Which goes with How the movie was fairly dumb down. Honestly I really think that is what hinders the film the most. Since the dumbing down of the material to appeal to a wider audience cripples the movie. It also cripples some of the cinematography. Here is why, there would be scene were information in the original animated ghost in the shell. That would be extremely heavy with information. After those scenes we would be granted stunning visuals for 1-2 mins, those were done on purpose, to give us the audience time to think / reflect on what we had just scene or heard. In this live action, this happens as well, but not in the same way it should. Since the information is so dumb down, the shots after, of the city or an ally way with people walking. Go against the film and really just a buffer to extend the film time.
Feels more like they firstly picked the most icing scenes and then tried to find a way to tie them together in a different plot simpler and more straight forward than the original one, ending up butchering everything.

This is all accurate.
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The movie is completely dumbed down for Americans. They made a massive mistake revealing The Major's past.
I honestly can not imagine how they could fuck up eva more than it is now.
Part 3

Over all, its a competent film with well intentions, just some are poorly executed and as such hinders the film. Is it worth the standard price of admission? No. Is it worth to see on cheap night? Yes. But go in knowing that it has some issues.

Those that say this movie is this buzz phrase "white wash" are fucking retards. since the anime has Japanese names, but many characters look white. In the end who cares what a character looks like or their sex, or gender. Long as the character is well written it shouldn't really matter. Example is Ripley. Originally suppose to be a man. Last minute the actor was changed to a woman. FUCK YOU PCucks

Bladerunner was fantastic and did something that defined Cyberpunk for years to come.

GitS has an entirely different and unique look that--while I don't expect it to be nearly as influential--is a great expansion on what Bladerunner did and will be iconic of this movie whenever it's discussed.

The script was bungled but Sanders clearly has a talent for distinctive visuals, which also showed itself in Huntsman's costumes.

I don't think he should keep directing movies but I'd like to see him take some smaller capacity as a visual director or something.
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when she's walking away from the first action scene in that suit and that thick butt is moving
in IMAX i was licking my lips

They went with a much more modern view of cyberpunk which includes ads in your face 24/7 and I really don't think it's overhyping it to say they made something iconic. Even the most shit reviews of this movie have good things to say about the visuals.

The slopes actually loved her casting. It is non-nip perpetually outraged western homovan faggots that are mad.
True that. Which is really unfortunate. Because with what she was given, she played Motoko really well. Also wasn't afraid to Nude up.
i dislike how they changed the characters. Togusa is not the problem, he and the rest of section 9 barely got any screentime to begin with. Batous past as marine was important, him going full cyborg after getting wounded on the battlefield. The major is weak as fuck. There is like one example where she is completly vulnerable and dependent on outside intervention in the entire source material. Here she gets tased and kidnapped three times. Has problems in a fistfight with some random guy in a bar. It's a joke how weak she is.

The move barley touches any of the ethics/philosophy questions that made the source material stick out. And it botchers their plots together into something linear and boring.

The whitewashing problem is non existant and only retarded SJWs talk about it.

I know I'm supposed to hate Scarjo because she's a meme actress but I liked her portrayal of the major, at least in terms of body acting.

Except the scene where she woke the doctor up, that felt a little too hammed up.
>tfw film descends into a video game boss battle
>all the original planning, stealth and wits used in the original scene are lost.

Seriously watch the original scene. The live action fucked it up so badly. The score to this movie was atrocious.

I can respect that but the atmospheric feeling I got from watching the original harmonised better with the story. Also I personally missed the soundtrack where they showed the city.

Why are people copying/pasting posts from /a/ in here?
>body acting.

You mean walking like an autist everywhere?
>what're you gonna do now? argue with it?
>what? you've lost me! i don't know what the hell you're talking about!

i never realized the dub team knew exactly how confusing this shit would be to americans
The problem is that the scene was TOO similar. They couldn't pull off the same vibe or visuals, there was no way, but they did it anyway. I liked the movie but considering they changed a good amount of the story and characters, they really should have done the spider tank fight differently just so that it wouldn't have to compare so much to the original. The music was fine though, I don't know what you're talking about.

Like a person uncomfortable in their mechanical body, yes.
I enjoyed it, although I think I would have enjoyed a new GitS anime film more. Batou and Aramaki were great, and they did some things really well, but here is my list of criticisms:
ScarJo looks good as Major except she is not lean enough
Why no tilt rotor Osprey? Instead they used an airplane with a giant propeller on top.
The overhead city shots look like Hong Kong with excessive hologram billboards
The spider tank could have been better.
I thought Togusa should be more slim and young looking
Where is Pazu,and Ishikawa? instead we get a girl with a thick British accent
She's not human. She cannot have kids.
>The overhead city shots look like Hong Kong with excessive hologram billboards

It was literally Hong Kong
I agree, That is why I said the movie was dumb down. Those scene were major is tasered was to show she is vulnerable still and also not used to the body. To be honest it could have been better done instead of that scene.
How long had she had the body anyway? Didn't the mom character say Motoko was pronounced dead about a year ago? I felt the timeline wasn't clear at all.
MAD MAX: FURY ROAD came out in the last decade you idiot
After she's built there's a "ONE YEAR LATER" and the movie seems to take place over the course of just a few days or maybe a couple weeks.
Shit movie for dumb redditors.
Hmm, I see. But then, why was Motoko's room like a kid's room, wasn't it? With bright colours and some dolls on the shelf, if I saw correctly.

And how did she get to be a special agent in a year's time? Even in Arise it is noted that she has a special affinity with cyborg bodies, something which obviously doesn't apply to this movie.
That goes against her entire character. One of her defining traits is that she is good at being a cyborg.
>I only watch sophisticated action packed movies like John Wick

I loved Dredd but it wasn't the best action film
because she's been one since she was six. And that shouldn't have been changed. She's the glue that holds section 9 together, precisely because she's exceptional.
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