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>It's been almost 3 years and they still haven'

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>It's been almost 3 years and they still haven't deleted his account.

Guess they know a supreme gentleman when they see one.

He's just waiting to make a come back
Why is his face always shiny?
This was the birth of Kino
he looks average, he could've gotten a gf if he didn't act so thirsty all the time
why couldn't he get women?

he was rich and honestly not that bad looking

i've never had a gf but i assumed for guys like him it would be easy
His standards were prob too high and I doubt he could interact at all socially
Manlet & lanklet who thought he was entitled to a blonde Stacey.
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Behold the inferiority of Asiatics. Elliot's hilarious tale has convinced me that I must never breed with a gook despite their seductive exotic powers.
IIRC, his failed attempt at a big shooting kind of fell under the media rug after a week. It wasn't anything racially charged or a mass shooting, it was just an autist with a low kill count.
Because he's a HAPPA
>why couldn't he get women?

Because he was gay and couldn't admit it.
Because unlike what meming virgins tell you, you can still seem like a creep even if you're halfway-attractive.
He was pretty ayy lmao looking. He just practiced selfies all day so he knew which angles to take to make him less ugly.
he could've been a massive dick irl
read his manifesto, he's a raging sperg
He was built like a 10 yrear old though.
he was an insecure cuck woman care much less about looks than men do
>almost 3 years
>still no movie adaptation

for fuck sake hollywood
Being a huge sperg and having a giant ego.

He could have gotten with that escort his dad offer him.
Honestly, outside of extreme cases money doesn't do much for you (sexually) until you hit your mid 20's or so and it actually starts to become a tangible concern for women in your age group. Also

>Manlet who doesn't even exercise
>Completely autistic
>No charisma
>Socially detached/No friends
>Incredibly bitter
>No interests/hobbies
>Not going anywhere in life

The combination of all of those negative traits was far to great to offset any boost he might have gotten from his wealth or decent facial aesthetics.
read his manifesto.
He was a creepy autist who never talked to anyone and would literally sit in public and expect girls to come up to him and have immediate sex with him.
Shia Lebouf as Elliot?
>the normie comments on his videos
Idris Elba.
>141 pages

No thanks.
It's a pretty great read desu. I marathoned it.
Your loss, its unironically a good read.
The weirdos on r9k actually make pilgrimages to where the videos where shot.

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Someone found his smashed up BMW in a junkyard last year. Pretty creepy stuff
he looks so much like someone i went to school with for 6 years that it's creepy

weirds me out every time i see him

although he's somehow much better looking than the guy i knew

ironically enough the much uglier dude was the polar opposite of elliot and was very successful with girls
For what purpose?

Autism. Women can smell it a mile away.
One guy flew in from Europe! These people are insane.

Social anxiety, insecurities, and being on the autism spectrum.
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>Pokemon video collection on your YouTube channel
>Wonder why you're a virgin

Really activates my almonds
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I loved it when WatchMojo did a Top 5 Elliot Rodger vid. Pure kino

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Of course they do. Fucking fags!
I dunno.

Why do Muslims visit mecca?
Very sobering
Autism isn't real.

This guy was just an arrogant manlet w/ shitty enabling parents.
Was Elmo a victim of BETA wave programming? (AKA Monarch brainwashing)

He seems more robot than man.
he was a speg with major psychological issues

he was bullied a lot during high school, which made him lash out at random people when he went to college

seriously, he would just go up to couples and fuck with them just because he was jealous, like throwing coffee at them near starbucks

he was prescribed medicine but he never took it
I read it in one sitting
It's manifest-kino
What the fuck is wrong with /r9k/? That's some weaponized autism right there.
What is it about hapas? They are some of the most insecure, self-hating, and spergy mixed people I've ever seen.
Thanks OP. I did us all a favor and reported it so it can be deleted.

Everyone else do the same.
This kid was a spoiled brat.
Nothing of value was lost
>my sides hurt
Nigga please, there's tons of absolute spergs who are seriously into pokemon and magic the gathering etc. who have girlfriends. Elliot just wasn't socially competent, had some problems in his brain.
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Shit parents
Nah. He went to middle school for a few weeks and dropped out because he said he was getting bullied. He was mostly home schooled.
who the fuck drew this it makes no sense
It's only hapa males though.
He played the game wrong.

He thought he was a 10/10 chad that just needed to exist and girls would fuck him

When in reality he's 6 or 7 that needed to flaunt his wealth, talk to girls without going /pol/, and put in the work
He failed at life and he failed in getting retribution

>couldn't into dorm.

Forever BTFO

moisturizer dude
I thought he had an SUV on his rampage?
BTFO by a locked door

He failed at everything.

Are there any good bits that I can skip to?
Who should play him in the netflix biopic?
God he kino taste in girl music. I'm always fighting my husband about music. If he wasn't such a crybaby fuck I would have dated him. Watching the sun set at the beach listening to Belinda Carlisle. Yes please.
Nah, it was his BMW. I saw an interview of one of the victims. She and some friends were going into their sorority house and he just pulled up and started shooting out the window. Mustn't have been a very good marksman cause she got shot 5 times and survived.
>downvoting a dead man
why are normies so fucking retarded?
He did go to high school. He went to Crispi Carmelite High and then moved around a bit until he graduated from Independence Continuation High
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Do the comments make anyone else sad?
They function at levels of consciousness that's more like unconsciousness and make us look like transcendental beings.
Read the whole thing. It's a page turner.
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>being a brainlet
Just fucking read
Certainly was racially charged. His specific targets were blonde, white women. He killed his Asian roomies so he could use his apt as a torture chamber for chads and stacies
He was a 4. I'd rather have sex with an obese fat lord who is cute in the face than Elliot. He was a pussy who dressed like a fag. The only thing he had going for him was being clean and well spoken and young women don't really give a shit about that until they mature a little more.
Yeah, but he did one of those work from home programs and played WoW all day.

I read his bio/manifesto.
he's a narcissist.
that's also why he went nuclear, narcissists can't handle when reality doesn't meet their expectations of their self.
I suddenly, right now, had a moment of realization that maybe everyone who knows me irl, must think I'm an actual autist or retard, and feels sorry for me.
That's why I love him. I wish there were movies with people like him as the main character. Would be really nice to have a main character I could relate to.
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Kinda funny but also kinda sad. I think people should probably leave his account alone or at least ask to have it deleted or something
Is this kino?
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Almost everything about his "rampage" went wrong. He barely killed anybody with all his shots and his crazy driving killed no one. His roommates got it the worst. RIP those guys
he was mentally ill
Don't worry r9k has extensive archives. Those videos aren't going anywhere.
It's like you want it to get taken down
Why would you want that? It's a public account
I reckon he was actually pretty good looking. He just wasn't good in social situations and seemed to blame others for this.

If I'm brutally honest, he did have a point about some of those sorority girls though.
What point? That they were obligated to be atrracted to him?

r9k ---->
Shit, I just read the wiki page about it. What the hell did his roommates to do deserve that? They were all asian guys like him, I thought he only hated blonde white girls.
He needed to be himself man, get /fit/, put in the effort etc..
Stop being a pussy and put in work brah
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>happa goes wack'er
Not at all. I'm just saying that if he changed his attitude a bit and got a more social he might have actually met some girls.
Gotta put in work and jus be urself
>be himself
That's a meme and I hope you know it. "just be yourself" doesn't work. Being yourself is the reason guys fail, it's because society builds an ideal and women aim for it. You have to actually change yourself and in other people's words, "improve" yourself.
He hated azns. Eliott had issues.
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>Autism isn't real
My best friend is an autist (or "on the spectrum", as they say), and everyone around him has known it since he was a child.
I've always known it, and I've learned to how to handle his sperging without hurting him.
The thing is, though - HE didn't know it. He has just been diagnosed at 25, and he explained it to me being all embarrassed and shocked.
If you think autism isn't real, you've either
1. Never encountered one
2. Never realized that you are one

"Normal" people see the world (and especially human interaction) very differently from how autists do. It's like having a friend who doesn't understand jokes - The autist will simply never be able to understand parts of how social interaction between human beings works, and it's pointless trying to explain it to him, because he'll just try to set up a set of "rules" based on what you explain. He will never be able to feel it, and therefore he can't recognize it.
r u a retartd?
What about "putting in work"?
What did you mean by this?
If only he didn't off himself he could've had qts visiting him in prison.
Which board do you think Elliot Rodger visited the most, if he used 4chan?

Well it looks like he's got a gf now. Only 3 years too late. . .
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Did you even follow the case? ER hated seeing Asian guys with White girls more than anything else in this world?

Dropping some redpills
Is this even a question?
this is why I will never impregnate my girlfriend, fuck happas.
how the fuck did elliot rodger manage to kill 3 people with a knife in the same room?
Asian women aren't famous for being particularly caring or nurturing. I'm not saying they are child abusing but they are pretty no nonsense and as there child what ever you want to go to them can't because they always had it worse than you and don't want to hear your shit and his dad is probably fucking gone 99% of the time to keep Elliot and his mother in BMW's. Sometimes you just need to listen and be there for your kids.

I'm 30 and still to this day my mom doesn't mind if I call her in the middle of the night because I need to talk. That's good parenting.
How do I know if I'm an autist? My therapist told me I'm not but I'm socially awkward as shit, most of the time, asexual but not aromantic, and don't understand "normies".
Nigga please. Stop falling for that jew bullshit.

If Elliot had a father figure who put his kid over his career he would have been fine.
what the fuck
Definately /pol/ >>80991539
>I call her in the middle of the night because I need to talk
gay nigga
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His descent in violence was started because he saw all these White girls with Asian guys in California. Here is how it started :

1. He went to party and saw ALL these White girls talking to Asian guys.
2. He tried to push some of these White girls off a cliff
3. The guys at the party chased him and beat him up / broke his leg
4. He became more isolated because of that incident, stopped taking his meds and a few months later, he went on his killing spree.
he hated pure asians guys because he thought being half white should make him a little better than them.
Seeing an asian guy be successful and liked made him think being half-race made him worse than both white people and asian people.

In reality he was just a narcissistic sperglord who wanted to categorize his bitch attitude as something unfair.
They were asian foreign exchange student nerds.
I mean, it started much earlier than that but sure. Did you even read the manifesto?
"I came across this Asian guy who was talking to a white girl. The sight of that filled me with rage. I never had that kind of attention from a white girl! And white girls are the only girls I’m attracted to, especially the blondes.How could an ugly Asian attract the attention of a white girl, while a beautiful Eurasian like myself never had any attention from them? I thought with rage. I glared at them for a bit, and then decided I had been insulted enough. I angrily walked toward them and bumped the Asian guy aside, trying to act cocky and arrogant to both the boy and the girl. My drunken state got the better of me, and I almost fell over to the floor after a few minutes of this. They said something along the lines that I was very drunk and that I needed to get some water, so I angrily left them and went out to the front yard, where the main partying happened. Rage fumed inside me as I realized that I just walked away from that confrontation, so I rushed back into the house and spitefully insulted the Asian before walking outside again"

>I'm 30 and still to this day my mom doesn't mind if I call her in the middle of the night because I need to talk. That's good parenting.

No that's weird as fuck. You have attachment issues.
Ya'll jus gotta get gud bro, you have to better yourself to be yourself. Put in work and you could get whoever you want
If you expect women to talk to you, you're out of your mind. You gotta put in work after work and then some overtime and some more on top of that
>Did you even read the manifesto?

His manifesto was his POV and he omitted tons of stuff about his life. He underwent tons of years of therapy, his father tried to hire coaches to teach him life, and ER never mentioned all the medication he was taking. His descent into violence started after he was beat up and broke his leg.

Try looking at the timeline and it is really apparent.

Psychology is bullshit. Asking a therapist if you have a disorder is like asking a barber if you need a haircut.
Let me ask you this: When you feel socially awkward, can you analyze the situation and explain WHY you felt like a retard and what you think you did awkwardly?
If yes, then you're probably not an autist. You're just an anti-social wreck like the rest of us.
Autists literally cannot see their autism objectively. They don't understand what it is that makes people cringe when do/say retarded shit.
>needs to call his mom to talk in the middle of the night in the first place
>claims he is a product of good parenting
What. R9k for sure.
So the Asian kid wants to date his own mother?
He was literally autistic and had unrealistic standards. Can you imagine having a conversation with the guy? He literally had tantrums whenever he saw couples walking together, and it could have even just been friends walking besides each other.

He regularly threw drinks on girls who didn't say hi to him and on couples he was driving past.
Looks and money are big when it comes to women, but it's not enough to get past being a violent autist
This is why we need to go back to sending the mentally ill across the country to a "boarding school." Have them mix with us is all well and good for them but it's always detrimental to us. I remember the windows lickers in my school got to mix with us "so they could have some sense of normalcy" but it was always very distracting to the normal children trying to learn and sometimes even dangerous.
He never really took meds.
That doesn't make sense, why would a barber tell me I DONT need a haircut?

Yes I think I can, thanks.
That's all in the manifesto.
>tfw I have realistic standards but still no gf
How can I tell if I have realistic standards? Should I post on /soc/?
>so attached to mommy at 30 that you have to call her at 4am so you don't get a panick attack
>good parenting
Autism isn't real.

Real diseases have physical manifestations.

It's sad how many people are duped into believing this bullshit.
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Here is the copy of the police report from that incident.

DAY OF HIS RAMPAGE : May 23, 2014
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Except he brings up all of that in the manifesto. Confirmed for not reading it, don't bother giving me another (You)
So in reality, the whole thing is a task. This is how it is: women = work. If you have an 8 hour day, think of it as a 24 hour day
If you can't handle this you need to better yourself by changing yourself. And by changing yourself you need to slave yourself
Then you can truly be yourself
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Are YOU an autist, Anon?


Scored 27 myself
It's not real? what about the kids that actually can't speak and start yelling? Or do you mean the meme definition of autism?
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Page 2 of the police report.
That's the point dipshit.

Psychologists/psychiatrists 'diagnose' everyone who walks through the door w/ something.

It's a scam.
What a whiny entitled bitch
calling him a faggot is something worth reporting ?
oh hate crime
>Race W
>Autism doesn't have physical manifestations
Autist detected.
Only autists can't see and recognize autism.
>race W
What did they mean by this?
What's your issue? I'm a well adjusted married femanon who just wants to talk to my mother for life advice when I have worries that keep me up at night. It's not my problem you have no love for or from the person that created you Elliot Jr. Trying to shame other people because your jealous of there happy family relationships. Call your mama nigger and quit making your autistim society's problem.
It is normal to feel rage at miscegenation
But my thereapist did NOT diagnose me anything, and he said I'm not autistic.

Meme definitions def not real. Millenials think anyone who is socially awkward or shy have a disease. And there are 'profesionals' who are more than happy to sell them drugs.

Severe 'cases' pron reaction to something else we're not being told about fluride etc.
>One of the suspects called him a faggot

Fucking kek
do you have big tits
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>Call your mama nigger and quit making your autistim society's problem.

fucking kek

funniest shit ive read all day
he was a /tv/ poster
Keep paying the Rockefeller drug cartel.

Has anyone ever died from 'autisim'? Has anyone ever been cured? Are there any physical symptoms?

It's bullshit that loser kids and shitty parents latch onto.
not him but i bet i'm way better looking than your husband

and i probably have better taste in movies too

leave him for me
>I'm a well adjusted married femanon who just wants to talk to my mother
Lily is that you?
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>well adjusted
>if you can't die or be cured from a disorder it's not real
So people born without legs aren't handicapped?
Got it.
Are you Jewish? Serious questions.

I used to work w/ a Jewish guy whose mom would call him lime 5+ times a day at work everyday.

And sorry anon, but that's not normal.
I dress like OP's photo often, now I'm worried girls might think I'm a huge creep.
Imagine having a conversation with him. He would have come across as incredibly creepy. Also tiny penis.
imagine what a mindfuck that would have been for Elliott?
This thread is comfy
I'm with the other anon. I got in trouble at school once and got sent to a shrink. After like litteraly 5 minutes he diagnosed me as bi-polar and prescribed me klonopin. I'm completely fine. Shit is a fucking joke.
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ER grew up only around white people. He was friends with only white people. When he went to college and saw all these Asian boys with 10/10 White girls, it drove him crazy because he couldnt have it.
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Maybe it would have been like pic related
10 apparently, but I'm spergy as fuck, I swear I'm a schizoid which is like half autist.
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Same couple as above
clearly gay with a humiliation fetish. was on his way to being a trap/cd
That's not a disease anon. Birth defect.

Stop blaming your problems on fake diseases.
holy shit you fucking reddit autist do you browse every board? i know your every move and i have documents exposing your shilling bitch ass
That guy is hot though.
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I said disorder, not disease.
You not knowing the difference is your own fault, spergo
probably would have been huge considering how ugly the guy i'm talking about is

i really don't understand how they can look so similar while still having such a gap between their appearances
He saw like 1.

Elliott was just a weak entitled faggot.
Once I learned this, life became easier.
What the fuck is a 'disorder'?

Start thinking critically.
This is the funniest shit about butthurt half-Asian dudes. They grow up in a culture that emasculates Asian dudes and deifies white jocks, sure, but they're all fixated on the notion that their moms 'chose the white race', and externalize all their beta worries onto them. Seriously, go on the reddit hapa page, it's hilarious. All they talk about is how they feel like their mothers can never understand their struggles because they supposedly implicitly devalued all Asian men in choosing a white partner. Shit is highly Freudian.

What's particularly weird is the fact that these hapas are all fixated on Aryan girls, probably because having a white girlfriend would symbolize their being inducted into white society, which is obviously their ultimate wish. Rodger made a ton of posts to the effect of 'Do I look more white or more asian?'

If these dudes stopped sperging out and feeling depressed about their prospects all the time, they would definitely be able to find girlfriends (as long as their standards weren't unreasonably high), probably white ones. The whole situation is just pathetic, and endlessly entertaining.
/r/asianmasculinity have been spamming obsessively since 10 Feb 2011

holy shit that city looks boring
This is a quality post. Thanks for the lol.
You compared a real congential physical handicap w/ your spergy behavioural nonsense. Please kill yourself.
A disorder is a permanent malfunction in your brain. A birth defect, as you so neatly put it in your previous post.

I'm sorry you're retarded. You'll just have to learn to live with it.
It makes sense
>Asian women aren't into asians, go for whites instead
>Then obviously the child comes out asian, and is being told to be proud of who he is even though the mother rejected asians her whole life
This anon gets it.
>sperg being triggered by finding out that he probably is a sperg
If you don't know what autism is, you have it.
>It makes sense
no it doesn't, reddit
>A dead autistic murderer get's more girls than me

My path is clear now
but how can the son see his moms attitude when he was still in her womb?
>barely 5'1

people aren't kidding when they say he's built like a 10 year old, christ
it's literally 10 seconds of road in middle of no where residential zone of santa barbara which is a small town and rural.

irrational california haters are so blatant it's hilarious. sorry no one knows where kansas is.
Yep. HAPPAs w/ asian dads/white moms are usually much better adjusted.
5'1 and 5'10 are different heights you stupid fuck
she's not going to fuck you littledicks
Imagine being famous for being a butthurt virgin who murdered girls that didnt like him. Is their anything more pathetic?
>tfw really bad at one on one social situations
>exactly zero game with women
Sometimes I wonder if I come across like this fag and it keeps me up at night.
Nigga please. There is ZERO evidence of any of that.

And what's the healthy brain these unhealthy brains are deviating from?

It's bullshit. And you're a sucker who is using this bullshit as a way to distance yourself from personal accountability and to deflect shame.
Not being famous
Wow a tautology. You really showed me.
do you throw shit at random couples passing by? if not then you're not like him
you would rather be a dead murderer than alive and having sex?
>Should I post on /soc/?
/Soc/ is literally nothing but attention whores and people looking to fuck or send nudes to each other.
Are you actually making an effort to meet someone, or are you just going through life hoping someone drops in your lap? This is the main thing to consider when you want a gf
always fun to read posts that are so obviously thirsty even under the veil of anonymity

and they still try to hide it
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Consider it other way, you are less worthy of fame than a murderer who couldn't kill his targets and you will die in obscurity having sex with hard 6s and 7s.
Shit guys I literally scheduled a psychiatric consultation this week

Do you think they'll just try to milk me?

I just genuinely want to be evaluated in case I have dissociative identity disorder or some kind of schizophrenia. I feel like I'm pretty self-aware so not full blown crazy but I was hoping a professional could help
>Nigga please. There is ZERO evidence of any of that.

>And what's the healthy brain these unhealthy brains are deviating from?
Normal people.

>It's bullshit. And you're a sucker who is using this bullshit as a way to distance yourself from personal accountability and to deflect shame.
I'm not autistic, though.

Stop being angry on the internet. That is a pretty tell-tale sign that you might be an autist, too.

Also, stop samefagging.
You know those times people seem to try to distance themselves from you? You know those times when it feels like you're unable to follow what the conversation is REALLY about? You know those times people make strange faces at each other and giggle a bit, and you don't get what's funny?
That's your autism.
Then I guess hope still remains
I dont care about being famous at all. Its a pathetic dream that millenials are obsessed with
Elliott Rodgers is a solid argument for spanking your kids.
>Normal people.
Not that anon, but you really need to read up on the scientific method.

>would throw tantrums in front of friends and family for literally no reason
>intentionally spilled drinks on random people
>got drunk like an asshole and broke his own foot
>would have to dramatically escape social situations and find closets to curl up and cry in

Money can't fix everything.
He's a solid argument for not having kids.
Best post. If ER's incompetent parent's understood this, things might have been different.
Give up, son.

It's OK to have autism.
It makes your life a bit harder than everyone else's, but it's not something you can't live with.
Knowing might actually help you - Try to reflect a bit over your actions and words after your next talk with a human being and see if you can find out what (if) you did something wrong, and if the other person reacted strangely to something.

Good luck.
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>thinking it's actually a woman
I know at least 20 women who browse /tv/
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Well at least I'm not a manlet
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>Elliot liked Sheev's speech
can't stop laughing
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>I know at least 20 women
How many of them weigh less than 200lbs?
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jesus christ
>Normal people.
Nigga please.

What's normal? What's a normal brain?

By your dummy logic anyone who is either a success, a failure, or any kind of deviation from an impossible to quantity mean has some sort of neurological 'disorder'.

I hope you're young and grow out of this obstinance. It's pathetic.
why didn't he just get a waifu
It's strange. He didn't even really have a oneitis.

Surely that's a mistake? Was he really that short? I can't tell from his pics cos no one else is in them
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the audio book to the manifesto is up on Youtube... its a good listen while you paint


>Nigga please.
Most people are very similar, Anon.

>What's normal? What's a normal brain?
One that seems to operate like most other brains.

>By your dummy logic anyone who is either a success, a failure, or any kind of deviation from an impossible to quantity mean has some sort of neurological 'disorder'.
Not at all.
It's like when you have one part of your brain damaged, so that you're unable to speak.
Autism is a fault in the brain preventing you from picking up on social ques and emotions in others, which leads to difficulties in engaging with other people.

>I hope you're young and grow out of this obstinance. It's pathetic.
Again, there's no point in being angry about it, Anon.
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I think we've all learnt one thing from this incident. . . .

Was this the work of R9K?
This kid had dissociative identity disorder. It's clear as day to me watching his cringe videos. He suffered a mental break at some point due to his disgust at his appearance and years of bullying which stemmed from his low self esteem and invented a grandiose (in his own mind) persona to cover it up. I noticed whenever he saw his own reflection he would make a comment about how obviously beautiful he is in a half-hearted manner then do a psychotic laugh. He was obsessed with his appearance. His face kind of looks like it was stitched together with features from other people's faces and just looks off. I went through the exact same thing (obviously not to his extreme) so maybe I'm projecting but the mannerisms and tells are strikingly similar. He was just bold enough to video tape his psychosis for the world to see instead of keeping it inside.
dude, you want to be sick so bad you've shut off your brain. you should check out r9k. you'd fit right in.
how did these get leaked?
I'm not an autist, Anon.
My friend is, though, and it's VERY obvious to everyone who talks to him.
All police reports are public. You can just ask for them.
Real brain diseases kill you anon. ie Alzheimer's. You're talking shit.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dO1rMeYnOmM ayuP
well that seems very safe

gg privacy in burgerlands
>This kid had dissociative identity disorder.
Another fake disease/disorder.

Why do people believe this shit? He had bad parents and a huge ego and was physically small. That's it.
Alpha male hormone overactive.
>Real brain diseases kill you anon
There are many disORDERS that don't kill you, just like there are many diseases that don't.
Do you expect to die every time you cough?
Do you expect to die from bad eyesight?
A lot of things can be problems, without being deadly.
It is. I don't know what you're getting at.
Disorders are just a fucking opinion. That's it. There are no physical symptoms whatsoever. It's 100% rhetorical.
bodybuilding forums aka misc.

google elliot rodger misc and youll find some of his posts on google images as his actual posts were deleted.

I used to post on misc at the time and posted in a few threads a couple days before he went on his shooting spree
>Can literally look up who ratted you out to the cops and see their full name
>This is somehow a good idea in burgerlands
Believe whatever you want to believe, if that helps you.
You're still objectively wrong.
Yeah he was on some PUA forums as well.
>what is an anonymous tip line
its not anonymous if anyone can literally look up the info in those 2 pics that got posted
I feel like Elliot would've despised his fellow robots. /r9k/ is built upon kinship.
Show me a symptom. A tumor, a rash, a lesion, a discoloration. Anything.

You can't because they don't exist.

And don't give me any of that bogus brainscan bullshit.
I thought the asian supremacist subreddits were pushing the "white ugly manlet poor english teacher who can't get white women" angle instead of the "godly white man, master of the universe and destroyer of asian pussy" thing. Why can't they just make up their minds?
>he doesn't understand how anonymous tips work
Woah...so this...is the power of...Britbongs...
Fuck! I can't even remember what I did last night. And I am a partial autist. Alcohol is a medicine.
Yeah, for sure. He would have thought he was above them.

He couldn't even except that he was a loser. If he humbled himself, maybe he would have made some progress.
Only if you're a whiny little bitch that strikes out with women of all races
They exist.
Symptoms of autism don't seem to exist to you, because you have autism. That's a symptom of the disorder.
You can understand words, but you often fail to understand or pick up on subtleties, implications and jokes.
>a mental break at some point due to his disgust at his appearance
you couldn't be more out of touch.

>He was just bold enough to video tape his psychosis for the world to see
yes, because he was narcissistic and believed that he should be adored by everyone
One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do D:
Oldfag here (40). 'Autism' didn't even exisit when I was in school. It's definitely not a physical disease. Academia/Big Pharma is so corrupt it's staggering.
>Symptoms of autism don't seem to exist to you, because you have autism. That's a symptom of the disorder.

lmao this is great
You're immature.
>Race W

Stop crying.
No it's not. It doesn't even make sense. Physical symptoms aren't subjective.

spotted the autismos
I feel like ER would have been made very happy by that. It's all he ever really wanted.
You could apply that same logic to any mixed family, but hapas are really the only ones who sperg out.
>Then obviously the child comes out asian
Another thing hapas seem to do is treat themselves as only being Asian. I guess it fulfills their victim complex more.
>even though the mother rejected asians her whole life
I wasn't aware that love for your children was based on attraction.
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You have to add in the fact that azn men are immasuclized in western society.

It's different if the father is azn.
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>tfw came late to a ER thread
I bet he had like a 3 inch dick
You don't get it. On a psychological level the child sees that the mother rejected Asian men, which then affects the 1/2 Asian child's feelings of self worth and sexual potency.
Oh for sure. All the signs are there.
>On a psychological level the child sees that the mother rejected _____
How is this not the case for every single mixed child?
It probably is on some level
>The average is 5.5? I thought it was 4. This is very unsettling.

should be on his grave desu
It probably is to some extent, but I think it's magnified for the Asian mother/non Asian father kids, becasue Asian men are already immasuclized in the West.
In my obviously anecdotal experience, it isn't even something you consider.

Plenty of mixed people develop an identity crisis of sorts, but only the online hapa hugbox communities act the way they do, which is hating literally anything that isn't AM/WF.
Yep. I have one friend who is Thai father/white mother, and he is normal and well adjusted.

I had a roommate who was Vietnamese mother/white father and he was a complete trainwreck.

He also kept talking like Patrick Bateman, clearly missing the point that talking like that is shorthand for telling people you're psychotic.

but he had too much self worth not too little
Not really though. It was fake. Dude never even really approached women.
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>hearing his manifesto right now

The best part is when he gets addicted to lottery tickets.
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Because he literally expected girls to throw themselves at him and got angry when they didn't
kek. he died a virgin because of his baby dick
wait wut ??? whats that's all about ?
>I know at least 20 women who browse /tv/
thinking trash tier women count

lmao at your life
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He decides that the only way he is going to be able to live the life he wants was to hit the lottery and become extremely wealthy.

So he starts spending thousands of dollars and driving hours to other states to buy lottery tickets.

It's pretty much the beginning of the end.
How do you think the mind works? Through magic?

Our psyche is the result of internal chemical processes, just like everything else in our body you fucking dumbass. The chemistry can fall out of wack in our brains just like with every other organ.

Fucking hell.
What's a healthy brain then? Are any two brains even the same? Nice pseudo-science.

People who fall for this stupid bullshit are like religious nuts in their faith.
>Are any two brains even the same?

Are any two lungs, or kidneys?

And hey, who's to say what a healthy lung or kidney is. They're just different!
>The chemistry can fall out of wack in our brains just like with every other organ.
Where are the physical symptoms then? When other organs fail their are tangible, observable physical symptoms. And real neurological diseases like Alzheimer's/Parkinson etc. have physical symptoms. These 'disorders' aren't physical diseases.
Wrong. If your liver fails, for example, there will be visible jaundice. If your heart fails you will die. etc. etc. etc.

All your have to offer is subjective behavioral evidence.

You bought into nonsense.
lul shills cant ever be so convincing.
>These 'disorders' aren't physical diseases.

By the literal definition of the word, yes, stupid, you're right.

Now do you really think that your every thought and feeling isn't ultimately a product of your brain chemistry? And that, if such key chemicals as serotonin were out of sync, your behavior wouldn't reflect that?

You are denying the science if psychiatry offhand and it's so stupid of you. Literally no different than a young-earth creationist denying the science of geology.
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I'm watching it for the first time

What a sperg "the cruelty of women" fuck off
elliot is literally what every male suffers while growing up
you get sold this ideas
>you will get integrated in society as soon as you ge to college
>you will get a gf while in college
>you will marry such gf
>you will get a job
>your job will be the one you want
>ot shitty job you hate
>job you kinda enjoy so it aint really working
>nice things to own mean im happy
>gunna get a house
>gunna get some kids
>everything is fine
this si the biggest lie of all time he saw it, he took measures to make a check mate on the normies who believe this
he is/was an hero
he will always be remembered

he was an hero.
"hey check it out, it's me, in all my fabulousness, hehehe I'm awesome"

shit even I'd bully this guy
It's how it works in movies.

He lived and died in Hollywood.
>this thread is still here

we /b/ now
kek I didn't realize it was possible to be this clucked by big pharma
Yes anon, because you are socially awkward and can't talk to girls you have a faulty brain.


That they teach this shit in schools, and prescribe medication for it, ought to be a crime.
Literal oxymoron. There is pretty much nothing about psychiatry that stands up to the scientific method.
Thankfully it's in autosage mode.
>denying the science if psychiatry offhan
Almost as ridiculous as denying the immortal science of Marxism-Leninism.
>I'm a well adjusted

t. someone posting in an eliot rodgers thread on a mock japanese anime image board teevee subreddit
But anon, literally all of those things happened to me. How can it be the 'biggest lie of all time'? Your edgelord is showing.
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>it happened to me it must be true
reddit tier post fag
you have to go back to where you belong
I think it happens to most people dude.
>Timid and shy
>Pushing girls
>Skinny build
>Looked like a kid well into his 20's
>Strange demeanour
>Not socialising with anyone at a party

All adds up, bake him away, toys.
fucking faggot.
>So he starts spending thousands of dollars and driving hours to other states to buy lottery tickets.
He's literally rich enough to waste thousands on lottery tickets, yet thinks his life will change if he wins the lottery?
Some people are beyond saving
what site is that he posted on?
seeing stuff like this makes me wonder if maybe 100% of the arguing on 4chan isn't just trolling....
they approached other guys though
Yeah, but notice how he leaves context out of that post. For all we know those girls already knew those guys and were friends. He says they "socialize" right in front of him, not that they introduced themselves
Is this thread seriously going to hit the fucking archive? It's not even pretending to be about tv or film.
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That's so fucking ironic. He gets a blonde girl worshipping him after he is dead.
Thread posts: 332
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