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New Half in the Bag: Power Rangers and Life. https://www.yo

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Thread replies: 328
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New Half in the Bag: Power Rangers and Life.

Cuckmann is better.
Dubs and OP fucking dies
it's a good day

> tfw i can watch this at work
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Wonder why they're sleeping on King Kong when it's pure Mike bait. Pretty sure he's gonna call it one of his favorites in their yearly catch-up video.

You can't even cover all of the shitty blockbuster sin your shitty blockbuster show if you make a video every three weeks.
I hated it.
>State of Wisconsin vs. Jerry J Bauman


tfw Jay is a criminal
They probably didn't see it because they didn't care about it.
it was uploaded 7 minutes ago.
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>traffic forfeiture
speeding or DUI then?
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>tfw I can watch this at work too but want to wait until i get out so i can get comfy on my couch, smoke weed, and laugh with the guys

my existence is miserable.
You realize that IMDB is like Wikipedia and anyone can add information right? Jay's not that short.
>my husbando is shorter than me
cute! CUTE!!!
Hi Jay you short bastard. go wank over your cameras
Vehicular homicide
He got a citation for driving without insurance but it was dismissed which just means that he had insurance but didn't have proof of it on him when he got pulled over. WOW IT'S NOTHING.
>born on 9/1/1980
really desperate to round up
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holy shit he's getting fatter each time.
>new episode comes out
>no one talks about it
/tv/ is lame
Mike has literally looked exactly the same for at least four years now, yet every thread has a comment like this.
nigga people are watching it, it was uploaded a few mins ago and it's 37 minutes long.
Everyone's watching the episode, dumb fuck.
t. Mike
your points are almost totally irrelevant except the first, second and third.
I haven't watched a second of any episode. I come here to trigger autists who love these guys
okay the Chips bit made me laugh
did scientists find life on Mars yet?
my virtual friends <3
pink for what? what did mike say? why was it sensored?
Definitely agreed, Life just comes off as a B-movie with big budget

nothing about it makes sense to me
>that bit about Species
my sides
Yo I had the same Power Rangers fanclub video tape.
It warms my little heart that Mike continues to be a /pol/-tier racist even after so many years of backlash
>that get out reference
Mike literally telling fags to kill themselves.
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>it is like in star trek
>saying all weightlifters are dumb

i am outraged
>Rockford Files

used to watch that with my grandpa growing up
>Reddit Letter Media
If you watch this friend-simulator shit you should probably kill yourself
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>Murder She Tweeted
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I'm pretty much a meathead desu.
Jay is not that short, he's at least 5'7 or 5'8

Mike is the same height as Tim Heidecker, who's 6 feet tall
This Plinkett/Jay marriage plotline is awful
>haha look at this funny biography I edited x))

mike liked power rangers, just like every other youtuber.

and yet some fags still scream shills
why are you obsessed with reddit you cuck
but he didnt like the power rangers scenes
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>Embarassing 90's hairstyle
>mike liked power rangers
Yes he had nothing but high praise for it.
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yes, because half in the bag plotlines are known for their good writing.
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>not skipping through the comedy skits
Yeah I was waiting on the Kong HitB since it's such a mixed bag
Oh well
>making fun of erectile dysfunction

they've hit a new low lol
not even 10 mintues, and Mike talks about Star Trek... literally Alzheimer
it looks alrighty
I mean it is fucking pwoer rangers what the fuck can you expect
anything better than dragon ball super is a win
>Literally said blacks were superior on the last half and the bag
He's full cuck
Do you feel targeted?
hit too close to home, anon?
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pink for feminine penis I guess

captcha: thimble otismo
That makes him 36, which is about right.

Both Mike and Rich are nearly 40.
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god damn it /tv/
instead of one good KK review, we have 2 shitty blockbusters
>make a video every three weeks
Here's what they've done so far in 2017.

Jan 1 - 7
Two videos. Mr. Plinkett Responds and Nerd Crew.

Jan 8 - 14
Two videos. True Stories re:View and Fuck You It's January 2017.

Jan 15 - 21
Zero videos.

Jan 22 - 28
Two videos. HitB 122 and Nerd Crew 2.

Jan 29 - Feb 4
Zero videos.

Feb 5 - 11
One video. BotW 48. I'll throw out the Richard Hatch video since it's 2011 footage and more of a bonus thing.

Feb 12 - 18
One video. Starship Troopers re:View.

Feb 19 - 25
One video. BotW: Carnosaurs 2, The Skateboard Kid 2, and Future Zone.

Feb 26 - Mar 4
Zero videos.

Mar 5 - Mar 11
One video. HitB 123.

Mar 12 - Mar 20
One video: BotW 50

Mar 21 - Mar 27
One Video: HITB 124

This averages out to 1 video a week. There were three weeks (not in a row) where they released no videos, but two of those three weeks were preceded by a week where they put out two new videos (and one where it was sandwiched between two weeks of two videos).

Ultimately, I think one video a week is fine for them.
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How can you be a friendless loser when you use RLM as a friend simulator?
I heard the monster's face in Life looks dumb
anyone have any webm's of that orreynold's or the first guy death I dont remember someone said it was gory
Dude. That's like exactly how old he is.
hi Jack
First post worst post.
The thing with the new Plinkett is that it's not about the new Star Wars, it's about Mike. You see, he's obviously having some sort of middle life crisis and made this video for an ego boost: "I invented the star wars reviews posted on youtube!" "TFA is a decent film because of MY contributions!" "millenials BTFO!" You will start to realize some lines in the video like "I AM the internet" may not have as many layers of irony as you thought.

It's the reason why a fat, balding man was the only one to point out the supposed lack of sex in the film, as he lacks sex himself (ED or Jesse simply doesn't want him physically anymore) and projected his crisis into the movie .Other youtube reviewers didn't notice this, because they can easily cum with their gfs or porn.

He is feeling old, and can't properly critize TFA because it makes him feel the same way he felt as he watched A New Hope for the very first time. He'll leave the movie alone but make fun of younger fans who are just having fun (like the guys in the convention), presenting them as obssesed fanboys, while the Ring Theory segment ironically exposes him as an obssesed nerd who has probably seen every Star Wars film 50 times or more.

He became George Lucas. He became Plinkett.
>New York 1997 (1981)
What? It's called ESCAPE FROM New York.
This pasta is really stale, senpai.
I'm in Norway so imdb displays the Norwegian version of the title
So is the RLM "review" but that hasn't stopped that autistic obsessive faggot from posting it endlessly for five years now.
>le copypaste->copypasta->pasta = food that should be cooked joke
>Ultimately, I think one video a week is fine for them.

Come on, they're making good money on this stuff. It doesn't take 80 man-hours to make one of these videos, Mike and Jay could EASILY edit two per week.
Woops forgot my trip

With the english title literally 2 cm under it. Dumbass.

norweigan streetsign captcha

What does that have to do with the Power Rangers?
>Mike and Jay could EASILY edit two per week.
You clearly have zero video production experience. You're essentially asking for RLM to rush the one element of their production process that makes their videos distinct and funny.
It doesn't take 40 hours to edit a shitty 30 minute web series.
They also write, film, and perform in these videos. They're not editing full time. Plus Best of the Worst episodes are a lot more complicated.
HitB reviews are not entertaining anymore. They should just invest all their time making Best of the Worst videos.
>They also write

speak for yourself
Their editing takes several hours, if they started pumping out a new video every few days they would either have to sacrifice their social lives or start rushing everything. I'm perfectly happy with them sticking to their current schedule.
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Frens back.
>Their editing takes several hours
That's...just a tiny bit of an understatement.
>pop culture references aren't jokes. They're just references.
Wow. /tv/ hates these guys? They're fucking right.
10secondman is better
Cmon guys
>/tv/ hates these guys?
Nope, most of this board likes them. Most of the RLM hate is spammed by a handful of faggots who are pissed off that RLM doesn't have the same opinions as them.
>I hated Life because it's not Star Trek

Why can't Mike stop doing this?
Do you think Jay felt awkward about making fun of weightlifting because he's secretly trying to get a six-pack?
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>So is the RLM "review"
stale but unrefuted
>Their editing takes several hours
Did you know that for every 30 minute Half in the Bag, they shoot over 8 1/2 hours worth of video and then have to whittle it down to something useable? No? That's because you have no video production experience. (RLM has 50 years experience combined)
He already has visible abs.
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He's a Trekkie. They literally cannot stop talking about Star Trek.
Funny how they say SPOILER at some point [spoiling] spoiling the monster makes it to earth, appearently [/spoiling] while they already spoilered a whole lot of the movie [spoiling] e.g. this that there is a one after the other killing (not in the trailer, but okay you might have guessed it) and how some monster breaks an arm followed by a cruel kill etc etc [/spoiling].

I liked Power Rangers in that I liked it as a kid and was pleased they "took it seriously". The filmmakers weren't ironic about it and the fight scenes kind of tried to keep the shaky cam similar to the old show.
The hunger games woman for Rita was extremely bad casting.
Learn to spoiler tag, newfag.
I'm here since 2008, not sure what happened. But I thought the inevitable bump is worth not reposting
>exactly the same
but fatter
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Do you think they wanted this? How disappointed fo you think they are? Or is this their goal?


It's worse than the other bad plot lines they tried before like the blimp and the bottom of the ocean thing that went nowhere.
Lets seem them then.
>Jay ready for Mike to say he won't recommend it
>he says "yes"
>Jay is shocked and changes his opinion to "I'm on the fence about it"
based faggots
guys the kong review was deleted by warner during that 2 week drought, they uploaded it elsewhere but I don't have the link right now
>Jay: I hated this movie
>Mike: Really? I thought it was okay
>Jay: well I didn't HATE it but...
Why do you guys complain about the lack of content when you don't even support their patreon?

Fucking done with this cuck show
can you name one episode where this happens?
trying too hard.
>lack of content
>Mr. Plinkett Responds to Comments on his Video Commenting on Disney’s Star Wars Rogue One!
>The Nerd Crew
>True Stories re:View
>Fuck You It's January
>Half in the Bag: La La Land and Bye Bye Man
>The Nerd Crew 2

>Pre Rec: Abstract-mo-tron
>Best of the Worst: Plinketto 3
>Starship Troopers re:View
>Best of the Worst: Carnosaur 2, The Skateboard Kid 2, and Future Zone

>Half in the Bag: Get Out and Logan
>Pre Rec: Horizon Zero Dawn
>Best of the Worst: Biohazard, Slaughter High, and Kill Point
>Half in the Bag: Life and Power Rangers
>Pre Rec

Fuck you
Daily reminder Jay Bauman is Jewish.
>It's not real RLM content unless I say it is
That's now what I meant, pre recorded is unwatchable for the most part and is a black eye on the brand in general.
>mike and rich unmarried with no kids at near 40
Anyone else feel like they're reading this very thread. I feel paranoid.
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wheres the chips review damn it. The boys are sleeping on chips, its coming back up!
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Is this blatant advertising?
they said they are preparing themselves in case they ever need to tell the public about aliens and some clickbait faggots said it was the actual thing
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>deleted by warner
you meant by their Disney ma$ters
>mfw GitS ad before the video and "They took my life. I'll take my revenge!"
Fixing Pre-Rec is very easy, they should just dedicate a certain part of the video to actually talking about the game they play. Usually even if Rich is invested in the game Jack just starts talking about some inane shit (see the Space Marine videos. They could have talked about 40k, but whenever Rich said stuff he knew about 40k Jack was just like "wew ok").
>he doesn't have adblock on
t. Jack "Shill My Shit Up Famm" Packard
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>he wants Mike and Jay to starve
It's like oil and water, they have no chemistry or overlapping tastes in games and neither seems particularly happy to be playing video games in their stream.
spoiler, not spoiling

>tfw I unmarried with no kids at near 40
Power Rangers and Life, Jurassic World, et al.
>Power Rangers and Life, Jurassic World
this isn't one episode.
I think it depends on the game for Rich, he was actually really happy in the Spess vid. I remember he also enjoyed Dead Space. The Mr. President video also had both working well, IMO.
I also think they work well together during the reviews. Jack's terrible habit of caring more about "interacting with the stream" is the main detractor all the time they stream.
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mfw some Laotian shadow puppet show did this better in half hour than a full Hollywood movie does
too much proof that your idols are full of shit, Sunny Boy?
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Kong + T2 review when?


why did 2002 mike think that punks wear tartan pyjamas? he managed to pull of a perfect british(?) accent but those PJs fucked it up at the last hurdle
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forgot my half Chinese ink painting music video

So what are some old franchises that we could make grittier reboots of, and it would work?

I think a serious Quantum Leap movie could be great in the right hands.
Boring and unfunny. These guys need to stop trying
we need to spam this motherfuckers to give us kong, doesn't matter if it's not a fresh movie anymore. faggots reviewed Pacific Rim way later and they even said they should have talked about it earlier because it was underperforming

Nothing that is 50% Jack could ever be considered good
That includes his children
Charles in Charge
that should fuck his face up
Jack isn't paid by RLM.
Lassie, let the Army Dog memes come to life
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>Charles in Charge
They already did. It was called Aquarius.
Is there a HitB drinking game?
i.e. drink when:
>jay hates it but mike likes it because it's schlock
>"it's like that Star Trek episode when.."
>jay dislikes, mike likes, jay immediately backpedals
>they "humorously" refer to the movie by the wrong name
He does it for free?
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or does Evangelion count?
We Got It Made, co-starring Matt McCoy (Devinoni Ral from Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 3 Episode 8 "The Price")
How did they see Life when Life isn't due out until Memorial Day?
critic pass
no that's the other alien rip-off made by a hack
>both got their gfs that they constantly bang
>working for themselves and their friends doing what they love
Yeah, the definiton of JUST
I just need to mention that Jessi is 10/10
>hire intern to edit videos
>more time to shoot videos
>more videos generate more revenue
>>hire intern to edit videos
That's a terrible idea and you know it. An intern wouldn't have RLM's sense of rhythm or sense of humor.
>pre recorded is unwatchable
Yeah, exactly. And the fact that they are wasting time producing that shit instead of stuff people actually want to see is inexcusable.
>hire intern to edit videos
But RLM is famous almost entirely for their editing. Why would they want to jeopardize their brand?
no hes saying that falsely claiming trump supporters are homophobes will get you on ellen
>they are wasting time producing that shit
Mike and Jay have almost nothing to do with Pre Rec and it is not paid for by Patreon money. Also, Jack is not paid by RLM.
I don't care what it is I want it gone.
Then murder Jack.
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I will do whatever it takes.
>spend money for someone to do something worse than you can do yourself

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Who're ready for Murder She Tweeted ?
>jay dislikes, mike likes, jay immediately backpedals
this happens so often and i laugh cringe every time
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My Two Dads
Now they are homosexual and fighting homophobic Trump supporters who live next door.
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How could Hollywood fuck up Cheers?
>hire intern to edit videos
Did you know that it takes at least 4 hours to edit one minute of video? (Probably not. You strike me as a non-pro, at least in the realm of video editing). RLM are doing well on Patreon but not good enough to afford farming out this arduous task.
The Polka Dot Door
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Double Trouble
I'm 5'3", and appreciate Jay making manlets like even more a commodity. Lankies, when will they ever learn.
The Bye Bye Man

>don't say his name
>don't even think it

>Woah! Watch out for that jump scare, folks! She closed the mirror and there was a spooky ghost behind her! Uh oh! I didn't see that one coming!
>Mike unironically compared Life to Star Trek
>They didn't even call it out

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don't say it don't think it
don't say it don't think it
don't say it don't think it
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We are sick of them being shilled here.

The mods blocked direct links to RLM's website because they were literally shilling their videos here
hi two months ago. Put money on the Patriots and Moonlight.

it's still funny
If anybody here unironically pays them money on Patreon, can you ask them to review chips so they actually have to go and watch it and talk about it for 15 minutes? Potential gold right there
>people discussing a popular film review series is a conspiracy
i ironically pay them money on patreon. they don't even know i'm mocking them. idiots.
>38 votes
The jokes on them, I pay $10 a month because I just know it'll be spent on Mike's alcohol addiction and send him spiraling further into depression
If you're into midwestern sows with manjaws.
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I'm done watching this fucking garbage. Its the same inane shit EVERY-FUCKING-TIME.


I set myself free, /tv/ I suggest you do the same.
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RLM are the living embodiment of the smug, detached Gen-X ethos.

I'd venture to guess none of them has felt a single sincere conviction about anything since childhood. They exist as polyps upon the colon of culture, satiating themselves on the perceived failures of others (i.e. "The Man") while adding nothing new to the discourse aside from ironic complaint.

They're a group of insecure, lost, rapidly aging burnouts who silently believe they could do a better job of making films than the professionals in the industry. Yet they lack the ambition and ability to actually enter the very industry they're obsessed with. They choose instead to fuck around and make student film piss-takes well into middle age.

They are awful, awful people. I've met thousands just like them, and the last thing we need is for these people to gain any attention for their navel gazing.

Please, /tv/, do not aspire to become anything like these people. Theirs is a lonely and pathetic road leading to depression and a life devoid of real purpose.

I hope they disappear and their disaffected followers stop subsidizing their lifestyle. Perhaps that would force them to do something productive with themselves
Jay Bauman? Is that you?

Jay, I can't and won't make this any simpler for you.

You failed at life. You failed. When one thinks of what man is capable of, pushing himself to the limits physically, mentally and emotionally to achieve heights of success never before mentioned, your name will not be whispered in the same, reverent fashion that others have.

Nobody will remember Jay Bauman. You aren't even a header or a footer in the career of someone else. You are nobody. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

In short, you are an enormous failure.

Jay, being that you're about 30 years old and your brain has probably hard-wired itself to accept such failures by now and write off such criticism by being "flippant", really suggests that you've passed beyond the proverbial breaking-point. There's no turning back. This is your career, this is what defines you and this is what you'll defend to the end.

The abhorrent failure that is Red Letter Media, Jay Bauman, that is your legacy.

Maybe I'm over-reaching, however. Who knows? People CAN change. Maybe you'll read this, Jay, and think long and hard about what a wasteful life you've led. Maybe you'll think, "wow. It's incredible just how abysmal and pathetic I really AM!" Maybe you'll lift some weights in the morning. Maybe you'll take a self-help class.

Maybe in a couple of years, Jay, you'll have learned from this failure. I doubt it, though.

I genuinely doubt it.
There's a lot of exicitement, there's a lot of buzz and it doesn't make a lot of sense to me because I have no interest in intentionally shitty movies. The best bad movies are the ones where the people making it didn't realize they were making a bad movie.

- Jay Bauman, director / star of Space Cop
go to bed gramps
Hahaha RLM are so funny!! XDD The way they're completely sarcastic about everything and say the opposite of what they really mean!

LOL did you see Mike and Jay breaking the 4th wall and pretending to be bad actors!!

Absolutely brilliant! Upvote if you agree, plebs won't understand this!!!!
>L-Look, guys, I posted my epic pastas again.
RLM fans might be the most autistic people on the internet. Do any of them ever actually disagree with Mike/Jay and form their own opinions?
Yes. Pretty regularly.
RLM fans are worse than Sonic and MLP fans, they act arrogant but in reality they are hated by everyone, even RLM themselves hate RLM fans, but they never realize it, even Sonic and MLP fans have learned how much the rest of the world hates them, RLM fans think they're really smart.
Not even memeing, you literally sound autistic.
Oh, a new half in the bag episode removes noose from neck Half in the baaaaaag! Get out of my car and into my dreams!!! Oh my gaaaawd! What's wrong with your faaaace?I Hack frauds IT BROKE NEW GROWND!!! Is this replacing Susan?! Email me if you want a pizza-roll! AAAAAIIIIIIDDDSSS! IT TOOK 12 YEARS TO MAKE! Well me personally, I really liked this movie it was so dense every frame had so much going on, it's like poetry, it rhymes, it's gonna be great... What is it with Ricks? That's right Jay! FUCK MOVIES! Fuck you it's january! Fuck you it's year! Fuck you it's FOREVER!!! I FUCKING LOVE STAR WARS! Speaking of reference, have you seen movie?! part time Thaaat's right Mike! AT-ST's AT-ST's I'm gonna cum! ENDLESS TRASH! Paul Blart Mall Plart part 2, he's a funnier character than we've ever had before, if we can get him working... THESE MEN ARE PAWNS I have put a price of twenty-thousand dirham on their heads! Next they will be hailed as the true messenger of GOD! Ahhhhhh They were just a couple of song writers who came to Ishtar to break into show business. Easy boy, easy, boy, easy boy, easy boy! What the hell's the matter with him? Is he blind?!? Well yeah he is, bu-but he's in perfect condition. So how did they end up on everybody's hit list? Your life is in danger. Behave normally, we have guns pointed at your backs. No, don't put your hands up you idiot. Oh little Darlin'. My little Darlin'.Oh where, a-are you? Do it. Ayyiyiyiyiyiyiyi schmechahii buttahotsfayaaah! I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere I feel like RLM needs a new fanbase, I got fahckin' Jokes-Redundancy-Stress-Disorder ovah here! I guess I have to... FUCK THE PAIN AWAY! Mmmmmm... I like to fuck my cat... What were these guys smoking? CIGARETTES? And I thought it was a really odd note to just end the movie on 10 minutes of news photage of 9/11. You might not have noticed it, but your brain did... You read this comment. What are next? And Kevin Bacon
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>they talk about movies and tv
>/tv/ - Television & Film

After one full year away of /tv/ I thought you guys were getting better than /v/ but no...
>you took the time and actually typed that out on a 15 year old japanese cartoon pedophilia internet imageboard
>I've met thousands just like them

online doesn't count
Advertising your own website/youtube channel is banned on /tv/. That's why the mods banned RLM's website links, because Jack was coming here and viral marketing.

Doesn't matter if it's /v/, /tv/ or wherever, advertisements are against the rules
>Sincerely replying to copypasta that's been posted literally hundreds of times.
Yes, which is more time than Mike and Jay spend making their videos
>Jack was coming here and viral marketing.
How do you know this? Do you have a source? Proof? Or are you just autistic and legitimately think that anyone discussing something you're not interested in MUST be a shill?
I can't take your reply seriously because you sound like you just got here. If you have seen RLM and at least check out their forum, they really don't give a flying fuck about "shilling" their shit here.

Specially here.

4chan is not a good place to shill anything. You need to understand that and move on.
>4chan is not a good place to shill anything
Somebody get this memo to Warner Bros.
They shill on reddit, because RLM is reddit and should stay there.
Not even your tiny dick believe this. Stop trying so hard to troll them, is worthless. Like your life.
go back to r/redlettermedia
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You need to grow the fuck up already.
>How do you know this? Do you have a source? Proof?

Again, why do you think the mods banned links to their website? They were shilling it here non stop
So where's that proof that Jack was shilling here?

Do you know what "proof" is?
This. It got really transparent when pre rec started up which is why jack gets blamed for these threads.
Let it go lad. They've lost their lives, you haven't.

Let go.
next HitB is Chips + King Kong.
screencap me
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>liking RLM
If they haven't done Kong yet, they're not going to.
So why are you here, nigga? Are you feeling so alone?
By midwestern standards, yeah.
They did La La Land a month after it came out.
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Oh no! I thought I still enjoyed their sense of humor and their perspective but your autistic all caps post has totally changed my mind!
I'm gonna be honest I'm a newfag and when I first came on here like a week ago I was so surprised that this board loves RLM this much, like there are multiple RLM threads everyday, I love these guy but I gotta ask why?
>I gotta ask why?
Because /tv/ is full of friendless permavirgin losers and RLM are the closest they have to actual friends.
You still enjoy the exact same joke after so many years. And you call others autistic?

Viral marketing, RLM are known to viral their shit here so people are tricked into thinking we like them
Some do. When they do, RLM make multiple videos acting pissy about it.
>You still enjoy the exact same joke after so many years.
You don't actually watch RLM do you? You realize they have actual discussions right? It isn't literally the same joke over and over.
This, they never used to be so insecure, but mike got butthurt when his hypocrisy over star wars was pointed out and they spent a month whining about it
>all these people shilling against RLM
>I still pay them $16 a month and enjoy their videos

Stay mad nerds :^)
>they spent a month whining about it
I'm loving that the whole of /tv/ is still so incredibly buttock-blasted over their Rogue One videos. Will they ever get over it?!?
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I'm a contributor on patreon and love their work.
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i don't understand what you guys like about these videos. mr. plinkett is funny but half in the bag does nothing for me
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they are just repilled
I still enjoy RLM. Stay mad, faggot lol!
Its well known that Jay hates the fans and thinks they're """internet nerds"""

Do you think we could harass and annoy/nit pick him enough for him to consider suicide?

Hes already a manlet twinkfag
>Its well known that Jay hates the fans and thinks they're """internet nerds"""
How is this well known? Source?
Check the pre rec Nioh stream 44:32:52
What in the fuck are you even babbling about?
and the average dick size is like 5 inches that doesn't make it acceptable to women.
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sounds painful desu
There is no proof. It's just /tv/ slandering a great guy who is very funny and talented.
Did you miss the backlash here when Mike said he liked The Force Awakens?
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that actually is kind of fucked up :(
It's not '/tv/', it's one autist who probably likes the new Star Wars movies, and spergs out over the fact that most of /tv/ culture loves (and have always loved) RLM and tries to write it all off as "shilling".
What's fucked up about it? Not everyone wants to have kids.

I guess it's just strange for a permavirgin like yourself to accept the fact that some men can actively attract women but still don't want to settle down.
>Not everyone wants to have kids.
the one-way ticket to a meaningless life
Bullshit, their website is banned for a reason

They're annoying viral marketers
Speak for yourself autismo
Clooney's wife is pregnant right now, so tkae him off this list
Jesus Christ, you've never left your basement, have you?
theres plenty of miserable people with children they dont want out there
See, there he is again. It's ONE guy saying the same thing.

Listen. People here actually like the channel. We're not all viral marketers. You simply dislike the channel and autistically need to rationalize others' like of it as just shilling.

You're an autist.
>his hypocrisy over star wars
The what? His review of TFA was pretty even-handed. I guess people just got used to Plinkett shitting all over the prequels, which is like shooting fish in a fucking barrel. Star Wars fans confirmed for eternally assfractured.

I've disagreed with them on plenty of things, and so have people here. Shit, you're in a thread where people are actively complaining about shit in general, which is pretty much every thread. Also, they sometimes get split on movies so this statement isn't even accurate in many cases.
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>yes goy, you have no purpose other than cumming
fuck, millenials are grotesquely impaired. Sad!
I've never seen a bigger autist
childless dead-end to billions of years of reproduction detected
Jurassic World
lol hes gona start looking like hes 70 soon
good point. why even try? all those video games won't play themselves, plus all those great shows to binge-watch
yeah. He should have just stuck with banging euro models
Mr. Ed.
He stomps someone to death.
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>everyone is either a happy person with kids or a miserable childless failure
God, youre fucking dumb
Mike is the dad we never had
>would watch movies and Star Trek with you
>would take you to a packers game

Jay is handsome

Rich makes you feel less hatred for yourself because you can't be worse then Rich Evens

Now I got it
HITB is pretty dull. Their best non-Plinkett stuff is Best of the Worst, due to the movies they watch, and probably Re:View.
I just leave bottles of thunderbird and manicheviz on his doorstep.
half in the bag is usually great when its about something they hate. like an adam sandler movie or last years ghostbusters
These are both correct. Without total schlock, it's just a traditional review video with maybe some irreverent comment from Mike.
How long before Mike ends up on My 600-lb Life?
>>Not everyone wants to have kids.
>the one-way ticket to a meaningless life

You're forgetting they're all over 40. Every year past 35 increases the likelihood of developmental disorders.
re:View is the dullest thing they have ever made
Not before Rich.
For women.
Rich will be consumed by his diabetes long before that happens.
men and women


>The genetic quality of sperm, as well as its volume and motility, all may decrease with age,[4][5] leading the population geneticist James F. Crow to claim that the "greatest mutational health hazard to the human genome is fertile older males".[6]
>all this manchildren in denial mad that their Power Rangers movie is garbage
>official AMV

Bruce Willis is a detective that spends his nights hunting down the serial killer that murdered his daughter. Forced to hide his revenge plan from the police and his wife.
That's...not what's going on in this thread. At all.
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Nowhere Man is already pretty gritty.
What do Jay's feet smell like?
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>unironically wanting gritty reboots of 80s-90s trash
looks like you missed the point of this hitb!
I wished they would review king kong
why is everyone so adamant about them reviewing king kong?
they reviewed the last godzilla
The last godzilla was the nip one.
they keep celebrating "goofy shlock" in their reviews, that's exactly what that movie was
you know what I mean you asshole. the 2014 godzilla thats in the same universe as the new king kong
I'd support their Patreon if they dropped that Aids Moby fuck from BOTW.
Only show I never watch of theirs and it's because of him.
beardfat wizard is much worse then aids moby
I like Jack.
Who the fuck is AIDS moby? Rich?
I want that Phuck Filadelphia shirt so bad
Me too.
Jack. the bald guy
Whatever happened to Jessi?
Half in the bag is pretty boring when they like the movie or it's a movie they don't care about.
I honestly and unequivocally love you.
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rich "fat piece of shit" evans scared them all away
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Sweet Christ, I love when others use my pasta. Makes me genuinely feel warm and tingly.
Jay said he didn't watch power rangers but competed amazing Spider-Man two to a power rangers episode
>my pasta
ha ha afraid not, my fried
I am NOT your "fried".
i've never watched power rangers either but I know what their cheesy spandex fight scenes look like
Get 'em on board, I'll call it in.
He's a great guy. Very talented & funny.
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Yeah, lets forget the times when the mods sticked their videos.
kong when?
stickying is not an honor you redditor
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