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Where did Marvel go so wrong?

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Where did Marvel go so wrong?
remember when DC marketing started trying to force a brand war because that was easier than defending the DCEU?
Go back to spamming the catalog, Marlet. Maybe you'll finally get that Oscar.
lol, decent point
>DC marketing started trying to force a brand war
Wrong. It's disney marlets who started it with retarded RT scores and memes about DC being bad.
While all critics on marvel flicks is pretty much constructive. They all look bad and cheap, full of reddit tier quips and very forgettable. Marvel had Iron Man 1, that was good. But then they decided to go full disney mode and turned into shit.
And now, when they see another 2 DCkinos incoming this year, they cry in panic. Marvel just got nothing to give. Only same forgettable quipfests.
You'd have to be clinically retarded to defend the MCU as a self-respecting adult. No wonder the shitposters pretend they don't even watch Marvel as they relentlessly shitpost DC as if Disney had their families by the gun.
>memes about DC being bad
I'm pretty sure it was Snyder who started that by making awful movies.
Stick to your CGI airports Marlet.
MCUcks on suicide watch
Yeah they really fucked up that scene.

I'm not eating every shit served to me because it has <insert brand name here> on it.
They've fucked up every movie since Disney bought them and killied director authority.
It's Disney being Disney. What do you expect?
At least they're competent at it.
The mind boggles at WB's decisions.
WB atleast allows Snyder to do his own stuff. Meanwhile every competent director has long ago ditched Marvel.
Yeah, that's why Snyder who used to simply copy the source frame-by-frame now tries to turn everything into a Nolan Batman movie.
That's surely own decision with no studio pressure.
Snyder films are far beyond anything the MCU has shat in every possible way. A single scene in BvS tells more than entire MCU movies. Glad WB atleast allows its directors to, you know, direct.
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>the smelly disneylets are this triggered
>they cant just disappear into their Step Up: Galaxy Edition Vol 2 general because they die within 10 posts because no one wants to discuss them
>they have to pop in this thread and attempt their smear campaign just to relax
This is the saddest thing. If they just talked about the films they liked, nobody would mind. But look at the catalog. A dozen threads forcing JL smear campaigns and not a single Marvel thread. They don't even bother talking Marvel anymore. They are a cancer to this board, they desire nothing more than Tortanic-like smear campaigns. They are dangerous.
They've already made a dozen shit MCU movies.

Also why are you posting youtube comments here?
The worst Marvel movie is 3x better than the best DC movie

Daily reminder that reddit-tier Guardians of the Galaxy was better and did better than fucking BATMAN VS SUPERMAN
>shilling youtube comments
Oh marvel, how the mighty have fallen
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>Daily reminder that reddit-tier Guardians of the Galaxy was better and did better than fucking BATMAN VS SUPERMAN
Imagine being this much up Disney's cock. Imagine how sad this person is.
>There are no Disney shills on 4chan

Look, uh, I'm not really taking sides in this, I don't care. But like it or not it's not hard to see that GotG2 is going to make like a billion dollars. If thats what you guys are using to push back JL criticism I think you should use something else. Like that movie is going to make ridiculous money. Did you see the normie reaction to the trailer?
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Friendly reminder that DC fags are the only ones who care about this shit.

If you like DC thats fine, but your autistic rage at Marvel is unbecoming.
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No, if you like any comic publisher you should fuck off to /co/.
I have a question for anons who enjoy marvel. Do you even re-watch any of those? Have you even tried?
I did. It's just boring. Really. Those movies are lame and weak.
And go watch MoS or BvS again, every shot is decent. Sure, they're not flawless, but they are fucking good.
Don't meme yourself they're not.
As soon as DC finds the sweet spot between its current grittiness and "fun" they'll blow Marvel away completely. DC has two iconic heroes who are besically the first thing every single child and man think about when you mention superhero: Superman and Batman. Marvel realized this so they introduced their iconic hero, Spiderman, to compete.

The problem with DC is that they are too traditional and serious for current social climate, and they are for people with a bit of masochism. Marvel is for people who don't like to torture themselves that much and just want to enjoy relaxing action. It all depends on the person but as I wrote abowe, in current triggering climate it's just a matter of time before mental self-torture becomes hip and DC will ultimately win.
Way farther than when DC did.
>muh box office
Like clockwork. They can't even say why they like this trash.
>The problem with DC is that they are too traditional and serious for current social climate
It's not a problem when it results in better films. It's just critics being retard liberals.
The mource material is terrrible
The only interesting stories in all Marvelverse revolves around Galactus and several other cosmic entities
While what DC questions is always relevant: What is Superman (a so far "benevolent" super power) decides to become totalitarian depending on the circumstances he is forced to. Should men succumb to a false notion of peace or should they fight at the expense of labelled as terrorists?
the only good things coming from DC are the cartoon movies, but even those have been shit lately.
Both of your franchises are equally shitty for opposing reasons.

Marvel does cookie cutter family friendly shit because it understands its target audience is children. It's shitty on purpose because it gets shit-taste kids' asses in seats.

DC hired an idiot with the directorial skill of James fucking Franco and told him to produce kino, and it ends up being predictably fucking awful.

You faggots deserve each other.
Those critics are a part of the social climate, so DC has to adapt a bit before they are able to dictate trends towards their style.
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>implying Snyder is competent
>Still being this mad Snyder destroyed their CGI airports
Moreso than any MCU director ever.
Yes, because I hate Marvel, I sure am jealous of DC also trying and falling on its face.

You fucks are the reason Fox is actually making a comeback, Jesus Christ.
Kek. That's subtle, I like it.
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DCucks have gone full retard. They think losing is winning.
Then why can't he make a good movie when he's given full control?
I actually enjoy both.
I can't tell if this is shitposting or delusion
Most of this board does, it's just /tv/ bantz.
He's made better than the MCU combined.
Uh, no.
I own all the marvel movies on DVD, Blu-Ray and 3D Blu-Ray where available. I also have them available on-demand from various services so I can watch them with friends whenever need be.

Marvel movies are fun, have good plots and great character interaction. DC movies are garbage. My girlfriend walked out of batman vs superman and I don't blame her, it was purile garbage.
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Popular audiences lack the proper foundation in art history to understand the kino-imagistic language of Snyder's films. We laugh at their puerile rejection of what they fail to understand.
I'm now studying Ancient Greek philosophy. Can someone post info graph showing BvS parallels with Greek philosophy ?
> the kino-imagistic language of Snyder's films
Would be perfect it the films themselves actually made sense.
Kino audiences, on the other hand, have full understanding of art history and are fluent in kino-imagistic language, and laugh at Snyder's total lack of understanding of both.

This is why nobody fucking likes the DC capeshit universe.
>WB atleast allows Snyder to do his own stuff
>JL is literally dark-filtered marlel quipfest
Top lel. Snyderfags are delusional
>JL is literally dark-filtered marlel quipfest
Can't wait till all they can do is pretend that the quips are ironic satire.
>I own all the marvel movies on DVD, Blu-Ray and 3D Blu-Ray where available
D*mn right /b/ro!!! And you fellow /tv/ - Television & Film should do just the same!! We the 4chan.org AnonyMouse Legion (expect us!) all want FUN movies we can enjoy we all our family, and only Disney Entertainment Inc. provides these!! Go ahead and buy some Baby Groot™ if you don't want to be a Reddit.com or a c*ck!!! And may the 4th be with you hahah!!
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Around four movies in.

As opposed to DC's 1.
>Can't wait till all they can do is pretend that the quips are ironic satire.
>absolutely breathtaking cinematic shots
>constant reference to history
>explores the concept of man vs God
>portrays Superman as a god to humanity, but people are doubtful of him
>Batman is troubled with his past, his parents dying still scars him and the Joker killing his sidekick has turned him into a ruthless killer
>Suicide Squad was their only total flop
>it still made a fuck load of money and won an Oscar

>"I AM GROOOOOT" *farts*
>comically bad fighting and CGI
>keeps expanding their roster and makes 3-4 movies for each fucking character
>flops consist of:
Ironman 3
Thor 2
Age of Ultron
Dr. Strange
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Trips fucking confirm.

Watch a real film, dumbasses.
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>calling Iron Man 3, the kinoest kino of the whole MCU, a "flop"
Weak b8, m80.
>absolutely breathtaking cinematic shots
>any capeshit

Have you people even watched a motion picture?
Iron Man 3 is better than Avengers and Civil War. All awful mind you, but still

Jesus you guys are touchy. I didn't even like GotG1.

It's going to make a billion dollars because they have the formula down and they have every single archetype in place, and they actually use talented people who could make real quality movies to make their capeshit.

I would have loved to see the DCU turn out great. They had more iconic characters, I thought they would be just as successful as the MCU or more. It's not my fault they took solid gold and threw it in the gutter.
You tried, you need to go back.
>Marvel/DC thread
>Nobody even bothers talking about Marvel movies
Says it all really.
But DC does more than OK in the box office too so why bring it up?
>talented people who could make real quality movies
Are still talking about the MCU here? Most of them are just Disney puppets. Talent like Jon Favreu already ditched the shitshow because Disney is so oppressive.
state of this newfag
Snyder's cape""""""""kino"""""""" is like an exquisite high-class car, that leather upholstery, expensive wood decoration, eye-catching design, all sorts of top-notch built-in gadgets - but just wouldn't start because its engine is made of shit and acorns.
>movie about two most iconic superheroes of all time
>title is a literally ticketbait
>the most anticipated capeshit of 2016
>still made less than a life of the pets
>much less than a civil skirmish
Yeah, right
BvS is still being talked about a year later with new touches still being found.

Marvel movies like Civil War are buried week after the opening. Even the fanbase seems very insecure about them, proudly declaring their lack of meaning as meaningful.
>new touches still being found
Civil War had a bigger budget and the entire MCU cast combined + Spidey shoehorned in at the last second.
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>Do you even re-watch any of those? Have you even tried?

Most of them are terrible on re-watching. GotG for example. Both Thors. Avengers 2. A bunch more. The only ones I can watch more than once and still enjoy it are Winter Soldier and the first Iron Man.

>And go watch MoS or BvS again

I know this like a religious thing for you guys and you have become completely divorced from reality and literally delusional, but I'll try anyway. MoS is a dark, gloomy, depressing movie that took everything people love about Superman the character, his pure goodness, love and positivity, and pissed on it. That's why people don't like MoS, not because its some holy war and they love marvel and they want to troll you guys. Because it's a depressing downer of a movie made about the most positive superhero who has ever existed. BvS is worse in every way, the fight at the center of the film is great and I enjoyed the hell out of those ten minutes. The other couple of hours surrounding it are utter fucking dogshit and I'm sorry you guys can't see that but it's true. They didn't bad metacritic/rottentomatoes/aggregate numbers because critics were paid off, they got them because they were bad films. Worse than bad. Terrible. And so was SS. And almost certainly Justice League will be as well. Not because of the source material, its great. It's awesome. But because the people they put in charge of bringing this great universe to life are some of the least talented, most retarded hacks working in the industry and have fumbled and mismanaged nearly everything from the first step out of the gate until now.
RDJ alone cost more than the entire BvS cast combined. DC spends budget on the actual films, Disney spends it on actors and marketing and various shilling firms in third-world countries.

Christ, all i said is don't use GotG2 boxoffice as your measuring stick against JL boxoffice because if you do you are going to get fucking creamed. I was trying to be helpful,
Look, Im being fair. The DC Movies are OK but they pale in comparison to the MCU. Snyder will not make a movie as family friendly and applauded by the masses as Marvel's Captain AmericaMan 3: The Dispute of Ideologies and Subsequent Squabble Feat. Robert Downey Jr. FACT.
>Civil War had a bigger budget
Do you have any proof?
>entire MCU cast combined
Batman can do billion ALONE nowdays if movie is, at least, above average. Also don't forget The Secret Life of Pets.
>Muh RT
Marvel online warriors starting to sound lke broken machines at this point. Funny when they sperged so hard after Iron Fist got destroyed.
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>Spidey shoehorned in at the last second
Shhhhhh... Here in DCEU threads we don't bring up shoehorning. It's unsafe.
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BvS was written from ground up with JL in mind by Terrio. JL is not the focus of BvS which is why they're only being hinted at. They didn't use that scene for marketing.
>Do you have any proof?
Yes the entire airport scene was reshooted after the Sony deal, we have pics of them shooting on a real airport AND in the green room after Spidey was. So add some 50 millions to the 250 reported budget
They hinted with an unnecessarily shoehorned scene?

Sounds like shitty direction and writing to me.
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Shit comics/source material + shit movie that's somewhat alright + literally who characters that are portrayed by somewhat charismatic actors + shit villains + shit action + shit memes + Marvel brand stamp + will never get Fox's licenses + have gained it's audience's trust + no expectation cause it's safe + formula + fun + quips = Instant blockbuster films that are only good for 1 watching which you'll probably forget within a year or two.

>With DC

Great comics + iconic characters that equates to higher expectations + great cast + lives in the shadow of it's former movies + shitty adaptation + Snyder needs a great script/writer + great visuals + very rushed + too serious + prone to knee jerk reactions + gets screwed by the studio alot + people are doubting next DC film + people loyal and hopeful that DC will finally have an acclaimed and non-polarizing movie + WON AN OSCAR + dark + too deep for normies + symbolisms + syllogisms + KINO + meme factory + Halloween costume generator =
Blockbuster with average 24% rt score but will probably live on as classics.
>Spidey was added to the flick*
>green screen*
Maybe I should sleep a little more
It wasn't unneccessary. Hell Flash even appears from the future to warn Bruce of Superman. They play a small but still a vital role. They weren't shoehorned in for marketing unlike Civil War that reshot large parts of the film because Sony accepted their millions. BvS was never reshot.
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>Nietzsche on the DC side
>implying Snyder understood Nietzschean ideas
And still CW made about 280 mill more so these 50 million doesn't change situation much even if we considering fact that theaters take half of money
Civil War cost more than 50 million when you also factor in expensive reshoots that also included RDJ.
>They weren't shoehorned in for marketing

You're actually delusional if you unironically believe that bullshit. Of course all the producers give a shit about is making money, and of course Snyder's at their beck and call.

DC isn't some innocent little angel just because Marvel's does the same shit.
>the scene come out of nowhere
>for no reason
>with no effect on the story
>it's not at least an after-credits scene, in which case it'd be totally fine
>"look, these are JL characters"
>"they already have their symbols, so that you don't get confused"
>"look what they can do"
>"alright, back to 9/11 - I mean, Wonder Woman - I mean, the Doomsday - I mean, Batman v Superman"
Yeah but it was more expensive, that was that anon was asking.
>implying you're not him moving goalposts
I guess one would think this when a character like Lex Luthor boggles them
>Acting retarded on purpose
Or atleast I hope you are.
So which trailer featured Aquaman for BvS? Or Cyborg? Of course it's a trilogy and not hinting at JL at all would've also been weird. They did fine, they hinted at the heroes without going full reshoot retard like MCU.
It's like you poor sad fuckers were trained wrong as a joke. If you're gonna pretend a shitty movie is good, at least pick one with a redeeming quality. Like The Room.
Marvel is a lot better than DC. Not good. But better. At least Marvel movies know what they are. They're cheesy formulaic action comedies that manage to be consistantly inoffensive.

And then you got something like Batman vs. Superman that has ambition, god does it have ambition, but no idea how to live up to it. It looks good, most of the time, but knowing how to comspose a shot doesn't mean you'r even halfway there at making a good movie. Then you got the wooden dialogue, the badly written characters and the plotlines that sacrifice structure for symbolism.

And don't get me started on Suicide Squad, it's the worst of both worlds. You have thoe affected grittiness and the douchy characters and then they pile the stupid humor, the corny oneliners and the pop music on top of it.
Do you have actual digits, not just your
No, they went full retard without the need for reshoots.
That's why I find that part of OP-pic a nice subtle joke. Nietzsche nowadays is basically a fedoracore-edgelord-"my intellect is fucking superior, nevermind the fact that I watch capeshit and anime"-tier figure.
Marvel is capeshit

DC is poorly made capeshit.

You are beyond redemption you sad Marlet.
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Imagine being this mad that all you can shill is CGI airports and dance off memes.
I know, no matter how hard you try I'll always have good taste. Keep trying to tell me your favorite pile of shit is good, though. WB'll appreciate it.

The last Marvel movie I saw was Iron Man 3 and it was a lot more functional movie than anything DC has put out after probably Dark Knight. Dark Knight Rises, if we're being generous.
He is right, you know. JL trailers and WW has literally zero inpact in the story. There is not a single reason to add them except setup for the JL.
>this delusional smelly disneylet
>inb4 a triggered dcuck says "muh rt"
>I'll always have good taste.
Yeah man did you see that crazy fight at the CGI airport that made Seagal flicks look competent in comparison?
Refer to this>>80959359. We have pictures, fucking pictures of the last minute full CGI getting RDJ out of bed tier expensive reshoots.
See, that's what I mean. You're so delusional that you think anybody who calls your shitty movies out for the shitty movies they are, then they must like their shitty competition instead.
You can't even imagine a world where somebody doesn't like capeshit and wants it all to die out.

You are the absolute lowest tier of filmgoer, even worse than the idiots who pay to see Transformers.
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Goddamn. It doesn't matter what critics say or what the box office is. Avatar is a terrible fucking movie and it made almost 3 billion and most critics loved it.

Look, just use this test. Take all the capeshit, all the costumes, the characters, the powers out of the film and how well does the story stand up on its own? Without comic-book elements. If you do that for Winter Soldier for example its still holds up incredibly well as a spy thriller action flick, it would just be gunfights instead of cap throwing a shield around and black widow would just be a russian spy who turned and worked for the CIA. It would still be a quality enjoyable summer movie because the fucking framework is solid, the story is solid, the pacing is solid, its an incredibly strong foundation that they put the superhero stuff ON TOP OF. They drape the fucking capes on it.

You can't even do it at all with something like BvS because it's the opposite, the foundation of that movie IS capeshit. You can't take it out without the movie becoming nothing at all.

This is why your universe failed. This is why DCU films are bad and people are happy leaving MCU movies about second and third string properties like fucking Rocket Racoon and Groot and Dr Strange, because they hired people who knew what they were actually fucking doing to make them instead of zakk fucking snyder one of the biggest hacks in the fucking industry and they worked inside an incredibly detailed fucking plan that had every phase, character, and tv show intertwined. Because they took it seriously! And your guys didn't.
Do MCUcks unironically think Marvel hired Spidey and massive reshoots for free? Civil War is the most expensive direct-to-DVD movie ever made.
Get this:
You can hate Marvel for being generic AND DC for being tryhard faggots who fail at themeing and symbolism.
>probably live on as classics

You better be trolling or you are literally clinically retarded.
Snyder is just trying (and failing) to be Nolan
Imagine how hard this Marvel Paki is leaking poo typing that in uncontrolled rage.
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Today I will remind them

>>0 (zero; BrE: /ˈzJərəʊ/ or AmE: /ˈziːroʊ/) is both a number[1] and the numerical digit used to represent that number in numerals. The number 0 fulfills a central role in mathematics as the additive identity of the integers, real numbers, and many other algebraic structures. As a digit, 0 is used as a placeholder in place value systems. Names for the number 0 in English include zero, nought or (US) naught (/ˈnɔːt/), nil, or—in contexts where at least one adjacent digit distinguishes it from the letter "O"—oh or o (/ˈoʊ/). Informal or slang terms for zero include zilch and zip.[2] Ought and aught (/ˈɔːt/),[3] as well as cipher,[4] have also been used historically.[5]
>people say what they like about a film
>you sperg in 'no its shitty, its a shitty movie youre delusional'
state of you.
Every fucking time, posting pointless ratings and acting like they fucking matter

Nobody uses rotten tomatoes, but everybody watches the oscars and only a DC movie won those. Fucking pathetic shills
Well, good thing it made a shitton of money then.
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>The word zero came into the English language via French zéro from Italian zero, Italian contraction of Venetian zevero form of 'Italian zefiro via ṣafira or ṣifr.[6] In pre-Islamic time the word ṣifr (Arabic صفر) had the meaning 'empty'.[7] Sifr evolved to mean zero when it was used to translate śūnya (Sanskrit: शून्य) from India.[7] The first known English use of zero was in 1598.[8]
>The Italian mathematician Fibonacci (c.1170–1250), who grew up in North Africa and is credited with introducing the decimal system to Europe, used the term zephyrum. This became zefiro in Italian, and was then contracted to zero in Venetian. The Italian word zefiro was already in existence (meaning "west wind" from Latin and Greek zephyrus) and may have influenced the spelling when transcribing Arabic ṣifr.[9]
Marvel's great sin is being boring and predictable, what else can you really say about them? DC on the other hand are utterly hilarious in how shit they are and how they fail on every single level imaginable. I mean "Martha", what the hell was that?
No he's not you mad samefagging marlel.
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>0 is the integer immediately preceding 1. Zero is an even number,[42] because it is divisible by 2 with no remainder. 0 is neither positive nor negative. By most definitions[43] 0 is a natural number, and then the only natural number not to be positive. Zero is a number which quantifies a count or an amount of null size. In most cultures, 0 was identified before the idea of negative things, or quantities less than zero, was accepted.
>The value, or number, zero is not the same as the digit zero, used in numeral systems using positional notation. Successive positions of digits have higher weights, so inside a numeral the digit zero is used to skip a position and give appropriate weights to the preceding and following digits. A zero digit is not always necessary in a positional number system, for example, in the number 02. In some instances, a leading zero may be used to distinguish a number.
Same old debunked arguments by the mad Marvel manchild. No wonder he refuses to learn, considering he is stimulated by Marvel's visual garbage.
I used to feel the same way, but when Iron Fist came out, DC fans convinced me that RT does in fact matter and is 100% accurate.
That's not how this chain of posts happened at all.
>somebody shows a clear case of BvS not understanding how to blend companion films into its narrative
>some dumbass defends it because it wasn't a reshoot, like that magically makes it a good scene
>next post tries to spell it out for that dumbshit
>instant insult replies because they can't counter logic
>I come in calling you both faggots
>you instantly assume that people who hate DC love Marvel, my favorite fallacy
>I call that bullshit out
>now you're pretending the conversation was completely different in a desperate attempt to win

Since pretending is all you idiots can manage to do, I'm sure you'll come up with some bullshit reply to get the last word.
I would love to know Sony's cut on Civil War's money. They basically gave away their only succesful (at least financially) franchise. It must have been serious cash
They didn't. If you don't like the marvel movies that's fine I can understand why but commercially they have done wayy better. At the end of the day it doesn't matter if some 4chan board thinks marvel sucks cause they are making mad bank.
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>Marcucks: 0 oscar with their ''best rated'' flicks
>DC: 1 oscar with their worst movie ever

How can Marvelcucks even compete?
Marvel sucks, and so does DC. All capeshit is shit.
>It's not forced when it means they have to reshoot large parts of the movie into a CGI mess just so Spidey can drop some quips
>It's forced when BvS hints at JL without letting it impact the fil through last-minute reshoots
What did the Disney online warriors mean by this?
Probably a similar cut Marvel is getting for lending their biggest star to the new Spiderman movie.
>Yes the entire airport scene was reshooted after the Sony deal, we have pics of them shooting on a real airport AND in the green room after Spidey was. So add some 50 millions to the 250 reported budget
So, still Ciwil skirmish made mich more money even if you considered reshoots.
You embarrass your ancestors.
for someone who thinks this movie is shitty, you spend a lot of time talking about it. Are you one of these marvel paki's, or do you actually do this for free?
They literally won the most meaningless Oscar m80
Marvel makes a lot of series and movies while DC used to make ok movies but only makes shit now.

But for the thing that actually matters(you know, COMICS) DC is far way better than Marvel.

You dare impune my whiteness? I am an Englishman of Anglo-Saxon stock born in England sir. That it as white as it gets. Your beady brown-eyes and shabby off-color shambling physical form have betrayed you once again and led you into delusion.

Also, I'm not even mad. I mostly feel sorry for you guys. I'm a comic fan. I always liked both DC and Marvel. The best case scenario for me would have been both sides making great movies. I'm as sad as anyone that DC dropped the ball. And you guys, carrying this soiled banner into war, its pathetic. Riding to the sound of King Snyder's trumpet? You should sooner fall on your own sword and be done with it sir. There would be more dignity in it.
The Spiderman airport scenes were the best part of the movie and were fun to watch. The JL hints in BvS were basically youtube teasers that had no point or purpose. Obviously if a reshoot improves the movie, its a good thing for the audience. Why wouldn't it be?
When the fuck did anybody in that conversation ever say that Civil War's reshoots were excusable or that the movie itself was even worth watching?

I knew you'd make shit up when you couldn't formulate a decent counter. This is embarrassing.
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>Zero (0) Oscar
>muh RT ratyngs
>muh Buxx officeeee
>they're latching onto "Best Makeup"

I guess Snyder really is the best if he's so good at rubbing shit on peoples' faces.
>still posting RT shit
You didn't learn anything from Iron Fist did you?
I guess the oscars only matter if it's convenient for you.
Let me post this real quick:
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>This confuses and angers the Redditors
I was honestly surprised they finally came to their senses and crucified it. Hopefully it'll domino onto every other fuckawful netflix series.
its all they have as a form of banter. Bit strange how they cant reference story, set pieces, or any sort of creative input as a form of boasting.
If DC could trade in their make-up oscar for Marvel's success at the box office and their fan reception, I assure you, they would in a heartbeat.
>hipsters made a fanposter and that's why it's great!
>DC Extended Edition Universe
Probably for DC shareholders, but would DC fans think the same?
Did they go with this or is this fanart?

Great poster either way. MoS' trailers still give me feels and chills
Those barely even exist, who gives a shit about them?
Why wouldn't DC want more money?
Because they care about the artistic qualities of the films they produce above all.

*uncontrollable laughter*
The JL trailer is about to hit 15 million views in 48 hours, not bad for a franchise without fans is it?
ofcourse the company would, but Im talking about the fans.
>normies that'll watch anything with bright lights are fans now

Do you have a list of Transformers' cinematic themes as well?
Sorry I can't read for shit though you just said dc
For perspective, this is a 3 months old trailer:
And it's the one with most views according to youtube
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t. confused and angry redditor
I think the agreement was more that they let marvel films use the character, in return they will produce solo movies for sony and split the box office in exchange for not continuing to damage the property.
DC flicks are so terrible I can't even get through the trailers let alone the cinematic abortions themselves. Warner Bros are like the planned parenthood of cinema they're responsible for so many of those at this point..
post the poop peee pooo trailer

The saddest thing of all is they always had more fans than marvel, they had the better properties, the most iconic characters, and already had much more brand recognition. Everyone already knows who Superman is, who Batman is, who Wonder Woman is.

Everything was in place. All they had to do was make good movies. Not even that. All they had to do was make non-terrible movies.
Do you guys ever stop being asspained? Not just with capeshit, but movies and tv in general? You can't pretend this is all tongue in cheek.
>that top comment
even youtube comments are aware how awful that film was
I won't soil a DC thread doing such thing
Isn't it says against DCEU? I mean, it depreciates award since the movie is utter shit. But if you considered it as a good thing - then MoS and BvS are WORSE than SS. Also BvS is a literally worst because of razzies. Whatever you say about this razzies "award", SS didn't got any, while BvS did.
Now show me the minimalist one.
Razzies aren't real awards though, you may as well count Nickelodeon awards for Marvel
still guardians of the Galaxy 2 is far from Marvel's most popular trailer.
>half of the razzies go to a antishillary doc and the other half to the "trump of movies"
>both disney and hillary have confirmed shills all over the internet
Really fires up my thinky thinky!
They're the only negative award ceremony out there. That essentially means they're shit equivalent to the oscars.
Still, if we follow "the Oscars are cool" logic, SS is the best DCEU movie, which is literally GotG rip-off.
>What are your superpowers again?
>I'm rich!

Defend this.
It's fun.
So which cinematic universe has an Oscar win again?
>Just like a bat! I dig it.
>Maybe temporary.

Sure, if you think quips are fun.
That one I didn't like that much. Some quips are better than others. The "I'm rich" one was fun
And when did Oscars indicate quality and not liberal agenda all of a sudden?

I can only imagine what would happen if a marvel movie won an oscar. Wouldn't be so special then, would it?
You're actually okay with DC taking notes from Marvel? Really?
You're gonna endorse the Snyderverse turning DC into quipshit?
>and not liberal agenda all of a sudden?

Sure.because Disney has never tried to push a liberal agenda before. I also remember when half the cast of the Avengers made a video about how ebiiilll xDD Trump was.
Derrière devastated marveldrone detected
Why not? People didn't like a political confrontation between superhero archetypes so they should try something else. I already have BvS and MoS, I don't need 14 more. The issue with Marvel is that their quips are fucking awful, but as long as they work in the movie I'm not against it. They were awful in Suicide Squad too btw
>And when did Oscars indicate quality and not liberal agenda all of a sudden?
This year when Casey "Wherever I go I must rape" Affleck won
Just don't be surprised if the quips don't get any better with bvs. That kind of action comedy was never really Snyder's strength, and further emphasizing quips just shows dishonest filmmaking on his part.
You mean the vegan? When the vegan won?
Snyder didn't write this. If they turn the DCEU in a "Lobo, just Lobo? Like Beyonce *laugh tracks*" shit I will hate it just as much as I hate the MCU, I promise you that

>being vegan cancels out being accused of sexual assault
The sad part is that I don't even know if this is considered absurd or not anymore, SJWs are distancing themselves from reality too much
Being a boy is thinking Marvel won

Being a man is knowing DC is playing the long game and will ultimately prevail

prove me wrong
Liberals love sexual assault. It's the only logical reason to support radical Islam the way they do.
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How Can I Prove You Wrong If You're Right?
DC'll do just fine proving you wrong without me. Their track record so far is unconvincing.
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A painting turned to life

>Civil War
A videogame turned to life
>Take all the capeshit, all the costumes, the characters, the powers out of the film and how well does the story stand up on its own?
Iron Man - holds up
The Incredible Hulk - doesn't, pure shlock
Iron Man 2 - shit
Thor - meh at best
Captain America: The First Avenger - kinda works as a WW2 movie
Marvel's The Avengers - pure unadulterated shit
Iron Man 3 - pure shit
Thor: The Dark World - pure shit
Captain America: The Winter Soldier - holds up, but pussies out halfway through and deteriorates into a bog standard quipfest
Guardians of the Galaxy - a shit story about the characters we don't care about engaged in a pointless conflict
Avengers: Age of Ultron - pure shit (see Avengers)
Ant-Man - holds up
Captain America: Civil War - pure shit (see Avengers)
Doctor Strange - holds up surprisingly well

Are you seeing a pattern here? Only the origin stories usually turn out to be good movies, because they show the superheroes human side. You can easily relate to a depressed billionnaire, a lanky dude who desperately wants to be a soldier like his best buddy or a great surgeon coping with his disability to operate.
Why people still insist on filming and attending ridiculous over the top team ups against some new villain that wants to destroy/enslave earth (for the 367th time) is fucking beyond me.
who wrote the script for Civil Handbags? That is who to blame for this. No details in building the scene.
Suicide Squad is the worst fucking one
Judging by prior Marvel movies, probably just some Disney stockholders bossing some no-name script writers around. The ultimate flaw of MCU is systemic, and the cause of the sepsis is Disney the parasite.
>A painting turned to life

Who was the painting by? Chumlee from pawn stars?
The Thor films could've worked if their were done in a LotR style fantasy

Instead they went for quips
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What is the Marvel equivalent to

>They were hunters.
>that awful rendition of a dumb song for a quip
How low can you go?
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Alex Ross

On a sidenote, anyone has that image that compares BvS and Civil War to comic books? Civil War looks sterile and lifeless as fuck compared to the vivid comics. It's so tragic. And even moreso seeing their rabid online fanboys defend piss poor direction.
>Where did Marvel go so wrong?
Marvel went wrong at the beginning with Ang Lee's Incredible Hulk, but they were quick to realize and admit their mistake and try to improve. For a while, their movies were usually pretty good, but I'd say Avengers 2: Age of Ultron was the end of the honeymoon period. That was the turning point for a lot of people, and while their movies are still financially successful, people just don't like them as much.

DC is in the same boat: they went wrong right off the bat with Man of Steel. Unfortunately, unlike Marvel, they were unwilling to admit their mistakes and continued their missteps with BvS and Suicide Squad, and it looks like they still haven't learned with Wonder Woman. But like Marvel, their movies are still financially successful.

I feel like we're one really, truly bad superhero movie away from the demise of the genre (they'll still keep pumping them out, but they won't be as financially successful and they'll eventually pull the plug). Maybe it'll be the Wonder Woman movie, or maybe it'll be the Spider-Man movie, or maybe it'll be both.
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Lee's Hulk was brave. And a brave film that's flawed is always better than safe focus-tested garbage. Eventually the safe shit becomes boring and you'll beg and scream for the brave and flawed to return.

What's funny is that the CGI of a 2003 movie is far beyond anything made by Marvel. Hulk looks amazing. And the film is just as colorful as the comics instead of shades of grey that Marvel Films are.

It does become even better when you realize that a safe and inoffensive movie is always going to be mildly entertaining whereas a bold film can range from bad to great. And once you grow tired of the mildly entertaining (after 14 Marvel quipfests, you do), then you suddenly yearn back to the days where filmmakers took risks and didn't fear mistakes.

Disney hire yes-men directors for a reason. They don't care about the artistic integrity of a film. All Disney cares is a slave that abides to the results of their focus-tests and political agenda. A person like Ang Lee would never abide under them.

Look how the Disney shills are bragging about how well GOTG2 is doing in focus tests. This is how far the superhero genre has fallen. All safe focus-tested garbage with a set amount of jokes, CGI and ham-fisted characterization. Look how much they shit on the only auteurs that blessed their brand in favor of Disney focus-tests.

>I feel like we're one really, truly bad superhero movie away from the demise of the genre
Well, nope. Half of X-men movies are trash, but still making money. FF was utter garbage and it didn't affect other capeshit in any way.
Sadly, DC is repeating the exact same mistake.
They had a good thing going with MOS and BVS if they just had the balls to let Snyder do his thing. Instead we're probably getting treated by 3 to 5 new Suicide Squads.
You can plainly see studios testing waters with video game and anime IPs. Capeshit days are numbered.
I'm a new fag and I want to see again BvS, where can I download?
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Can somebody explain to me the point of brand warfare like this? I like Batman, Superman, Spider-Man and the X-Men. I like some of the Spider-Man, X-Men, and Batman movies. I like most of the Marvel movies, although half are passable, 3 out of 5 entertainment at best.

But the DCEU is just shit. Man of Steel is, at best, as mediocre as Thor or The Incredible Hulk. Batman vs Superman is terrible. I watched one scene of Suicide Squad and the editing is so bad that I am not going to watch that shitshow ever. Is it really some giant conspiracy between fans and critics to feel this way? And for what gain? I'm not getting paid. I'm not getting free tickets to Disney movies. I couldn't care less how much money any of these movies gross.

I don't even see why so many people want to ally themselves with one multi-billion dollar company over another, as if either one gives a shit about them.
>Look how the Disney shills are bragging about how well GOTG2 is doing in focus tests
This was bad but the thing with the trailer I don't understand. I swear I read them say GotG2 trailer was the most watched video on youtube ever or something but now that JL trailers is out, I've compared and it isn't not even among the most watched capeshit trailers. In fact it was pretty low on the view count. Anyone can explain this? They were outright lying or what?
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it's so sad that Hack Snyder's pretentious bullshit actually tricks morons that DC movies are "smart"
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>samefagging Marlel simply can't stop
You're not fooling anyone. Everyone can tell by the way you type.
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>When the illiterate Disney Pakis didn't catch the reference
Sad! No wonder they can only consume Disney's watered down garbage for retards.
Shows a decided lack of creativity.

Calling Snyder a master is applauding his parroting of Alex Ross, an actual artist.
They have been caught outright lying so many times.

One time they insisted that SS cost way more than what IMDB said due to reshoots. And when it was pointed out that Dr Strange also had last-minute reshoots and should therefore also have inflated budgets, they turned tail and hid themselves behind the veil of anonymity again. What cancerous shills.
Half of posters in these threads are unpaid interns in some nameless Brand Market Perception Adjustment company, the other half are mentally ill manchildren addicted to comic book characters while being in their 30s.
A handful of guys just like movies and talk about interesting stuff like unconventional characters (Faora) or scattered bits of salvageable story (act I of dr. strange).
You can stop now. You've already been exposed as a retard who spouts shit just so you can please the Disney overlords that have your daily food quota as hostage.
That's why it's still alive even after Batman and Robin and marlel making new Spider-man franchise with Sony?
X-Men movies have never made that much money, good or bad.

Fant-four-stic is one of the reasons people have become disenchanted with the superhero genre. If something like it were released again today, especially under either the MCU of DCU, it would totally bring the genre to a grinding halt.
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When the Marvel shills desperately try to lower MoS to Thor's standards and fail every time
Of course it's not going to disappear overnight, the inertia of a billion dollar system is too great. But the signs are all here. Creative bankruptcy, extremely aggressive marketing, multiple reshoots and director changes.
Remember when every studio was scrambling for superhero stuff?

Now the only people who do capeshit are Marvel, DC, and Fox with their X-Men stuff.
And how much time do you think capeshit will be alive? 10 years? 20? I mean, even if it fade away for some reason, it could easily rise again. Like IM and TDK. As you know Superman and Batman movies were huge hit before sequels turned series into shit.
Each one is thinking they're making the other angry. Trolls trolling trolls.
I'd say Infinity War will be MCU's swan song. Harder to tell with DCU, those retards insist on throwing away money.
I don't believe anyone in this thread claiming to be a DC fan is being genuine. I think you're all just trolling. It's not funny.
It's because the budgets for these movies are insane. 300 million dollar to make Civil War, what. the. fuck. GotG costed 230 millions. BvS costed 250 millions too. Just having one CGI character in the movie like that meme raccoon or Cyborg probably cost more than your favourite movie. It's just insane. How come the CGI is getting shittier and more expensive every year?
Why not just settle this with a straw poll or shit and be finally done with this for once desu
>I'd say Infinity War will be MCU's swan song
I dunno, mate. Harry Potter and Fast and Furious is still alive.
>those retards insist on throwing away money.
Well, they're not throwing away anything. They have incredibly popular characters which will bring profit no matter what. All DCEU movies were profitable even if had potential to bring much more if wasn't meh or shit.
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Already been. 600 votes later and BvS won decisively while Civil War didn't even get 5% of the vote.


Remember, the Marvel shills are a vocal whiny minority of Pakis. That's all.
It's already pretty well faded with only like three studios doing anything.

I don't think Fox will repeat its success with Deadpool, and the X-Men movies have never been big money makers for them, so I imagine they won't last very long. I think they'll make Deadpool 2, another X-Men, and then call it quits.

With Marvel, they've already scaled back by saying Infinity War (or whatever it's been renamed to) has been merged into a two-parter. I think we'll get it, but not much else after it. They'll kill off all the expensive actors (Iron Man is definitely fucking dead) and if they keep it up, it'll probably be small scale direct-to-video stuff.

With DC, that's a ticking time bomb that could explode at any moment. Wonder Woman could be their last big project if it flops hard enough. I get the feeling we'll get one more solo flick after Wonder Woman if we're good little boys and girls, and then Justice League, and then nothing.

But I'm not a time traveler and I'm not a fortune teller, and if you want to think these movies will go on forever, that's for you to believe, but audiences are burnt out on them and have been for a while.
Is it throwing away if they made it all back plus like a 100% ROI?
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>mfw BvS made more than Civil War at the blu-ray sales despite costing 100 million less and while also keeping artistic integrity alive


How does Snyder do it?
>he thinks DC will stop now
Nope. Every film they've done have been massively successful. They reap massive profits off BvS and SS, despite what /tv/ shills desperately try to paint.

Even if Wonder Woman makes absolutely zero, it's still a net profit for them by a huge chunk.
That just shows that /tv/ are just bunch of plebs, mate. Half of the list is much better than any 2016 capeshit.
Still, 100 votes for BvS, 20 for Civil War.

What does that tell you about /tv/ preference? These Marvel shills scream loud and make ton of noice by spamming the category 24/7 but they're just a vocal minority of paid Pakis.
The Harry Potter and the Fast and Furious franchises have had about one new movie every two years each over the course of about two decades.

MCU has had almost two new movies every year over the course of about a decade. Plus the TV/Netflix shows. Plus it's not the only thing in the genre.
OK, so, we have
>console wars
>iPhone/Android wars
>amd/Intel wars
>GPU wars
>€\£\¥\$ wars
>war wars
>book/TV or movie adaptation wars
and now we have,not capeshit wars, but comic publication ip right houses wars
Whats next?
This war is actually far older than any of those things you mentioned.
If Wonder Woman and their next solo film do poorly, we'll be lucky to get Justice League at all.

They'll cut and run if it looks like the genre is done, and the genre is drying up.
And it shows that /tv/ is bunch of contrarians. Just compare IMDb, Metacritic, other huge movie site audience score. Its /tv/ who are minority, not malel shills. BvS as shitty as CW though, but didn't have tons of solo movies to back up.
Emma wars.

Big guy wars
>i-it's /tv/ that's wrong!!
Go back to Réddit if you feel they echo your opinions. /tv/ is not such a place. Civil War has been soundly rejected on this board. And you spamming the catalog 24/7 with smear campaign isn't changing that.
Justice League is already in post producting and coming out in november no matter what.
What is this Marvel fear propaganda? DC is extremely confident in what they have. They didn't even reshoot BvS unlike what Disney does routinely to its own films. Justice League is coming, whether you like it or not.
>bringed some facts
>y-you're so r-reddit!
Pathetic. I can't care less about campaign wars because DC is obviously superior. It's just DCEU which losing to marlel quipfest. You should quit your imaginary world where DCEU is winning anything.
Huh? Are you ignoring where I said Marvel was also done?
Nietzsche is really highly overrated,
he and Machiavelli talk big but they alone couldn't be able to stand behind their ideas.
Whole concept comes from idea that's easy to lift heavy with someone else back.
If you hate what /tv/ thinks, don't stay here. Go back to where you came, which is some dark pit on Reddit I guess.
>They didn't even reshoot BvS
They reshot Suicide Squad and Wonder Woman and Justice League.
Source on JL reshoots?

>>still made less than a life of the pets
Did you even read your own source, retard?

>While this will likely spark reshoot speculation, it’s possible that Momoa has been called in to provide ADR, the process of re-recording dialogue to improve audio quality. In January, Justice League director Zack Snyder shared a photo of Gal Gadot during her ADR session.
>it could be adr
>but i have no proof
>snyder shared a photo of godot doing adr when the thing was in production and not post-production
Even though they did reshoots on their two last films? Okay, man.
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>It could be reshoot
>but I have no proof
>even though it's most likely isn't
How far the Marlel reaches for some validation. I wonder if he goes this far to dig up info on the ever-present reshoots of MCU.

Hey, maybe you'll finally get 1 (one) complete movie without studios butchering it with reshoots. Just One. Maybe.
Nah, /tv/ is funny place. Shitposting right after first RT screens for popular movies is precious.
>most likely isn't
According to your best wishes, which mean nothing.

Also, as far as being a Marvelcuck goes, you're a bigger Marvelcuck than I am. I'm just about the only motherfucker in this thread who's said Marvel is finished. You ain't said shit on them so as far as I'm concerned you've got Disney's cock in whatever orifice of yours DC ain't using.
>it most likely is
According to your best wishes, which means nothing. It most likely isn't as the actors aren't even brought together collectively but individually.
Yeah, man, DC would never do reshoots on any of their movies except for you know Wonder Woman and Suicide Squad and Batman v Superman.
>calling just Mamoa
Not reshoots
>reshooting Momoa's scenes isn't reshoots because anon can't spell his homeboy's name right
>confirmed that they have been doing ADRs
>let's reshoot the scenes with this one guy and nothing else
Nah not reshoots.
There were never even reshoots for BvS. Now you're just spitting lies to strengthen a lie.
>Lel Beyonce song oogachaka oogachaka

>Granny's peach tea
Wrong, its DC marketing starting a brand war
You give Snyder way too much credit. Snyder is only good at adapting a story. Give him a fresh script, and he'll fuck it up. BvS was shit, and you have way too much faith for Justice League
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JK Simmons is DCEU actor now. He loves Snyder too.

>Zack [Snyder] runs sort of a big, happy family and it’s obviously, in many ways, a very different work environment when you’re working on a big, giant movie like that than a relatively small movie like The Meddler. But at the end of the day, the director is the one who sets the tone. And one of the things that Zack and [The Meddler director] Lorene [Scafaria] have in common is they’re just nice, smart, competent, fun people that you don’t mind spending a 12-hour day with.

How do Marlels feel that literally anyone with the slight artistic backbone chooses DC over Marvel?
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Run it Peter.
Everybody in the industry loves Snyder though, even the director of Doctor Strange praised him
So did James Gunn ,despite being an unlikeable cunt.
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The final redpill, they both suck.
This entire Marvel/DC war on here has always amused me, since the start Marvel has always been at a constant in their cinematic universe with their goofy but enjoyable films, however DC has rushed into things and just been disappointing so far with the exception of Man of Steel which was alright, I can't see them getting any better really.
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hello Pajeet
>People actually watch capeshit
>it's ok when they're retarded on purpose
BvS without the superhero shit is basically heat with superman as al pacino and batman as robert de niro. So its pure KINO.
What are you talking about?
>Avatar is a terrible fucking movie
Opinion discarded.
Marvel: horrible fast food that the masses love and shovel down, basically garbage food for people with no taste looking for a quick meal (meal = flick to watch)
DC: gourmet food made by a A class Chef, but the masses don't hold the experienced tongue required to enjoy it fully, thinking fast food is better. Gets the mind thinking about the exquisite taste for a long time after eating, just like DC movies with their pure artistic kino
>but enjoyable films
My thoughts exactly.

DC is like a fine wine, for a more refined palate.
is /tv/ the official reddit board?
not even /v/ is this bad
More like DC is pretentious "food" like a dainty piece of uncooked meat. But you fafgots think its steak tartare.

But no its just rotten uncooked meat slapped on with spices and sold for cheap because DC wants to compete with Marvel fast food
>66 ips 300 posts
nevermind its just one redditor thinking people care about capeshit here
Being competently made does not equal pretentious you sad Marvel drone.
Kek, this.
People who eat that shit also act the exact same way as the DC fans.
>You just don't understand it!
>It's a refined taste!
DCEU is for a more refined palate though.

I cant force you to understand the genius behind Snyder

People just hate what they cant understand.
Le you don't understand meme
>svens already been here for 10 hours samefagging
How many people are still analyzing or at least talking about Civil War or any Marvel flick from last year compared to BvS ? These DC films will be remembered amd talked about for years to come and theres nothing you can do about it
Yeah people are analyzing them trying to find something about them that is not complete shit.
White people like DC movies Pajeet, better get used to it
Mexicans and swedes aren't white
Nigger detected
the marvel vs dc is my favorite meme right now on /tv/

dont even watch capeshit
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