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Alright, /tv/, time to prove you're not a pleb and that

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Thread replies: 233
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Alright, /tv/, time to prove you're not a pleb and that you watch more than capeshit and Star Wars. In this thread, list your favorite movie from every decade since the 1930's. Also, remember, this isn't necessarily the "best film" but your favorite.

I'll start.

Gone with the Wind


Rear Window

The Graduate

Star Wars (kek)

Stand By Me


Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring

Terrible choices. Like the most boring person on earth was choosing from high IMDb scores.

KYS my man.
What are your's then. Kin O.? Lemme guess.

The Third Man
Seven Samurai
2001: A Space Odyssey
Apocalypse Now or Clockwork Orange - can't decide because they both relate to you so much
John Carpenter's "The Thing"
The Big LELbewski
Mulholland Drive
Mad Max Fury Road
Isn't Life Wonderful?
Isle of Lost Ships
The Story of Louis Pasteur
Four Frightened People
Ace Drummond
Woman Chases Man
Zorro Rides Again
Uncertain Glory
12 Angry Men
Champagne for Caesar
The Flight of the Phoenix
The Arrangement
A Man for All Seasons
The Miracle Worker
Inherit the Wind
Tucker: The Man and His Dream
10's: The Witch
00's: Synecdoche
90's: Shawshank Redemption
80's: Amadeus
70's: Alien
60's: Rosemary's Baby
50's: 12 Angry Men
40's: N/A
30's: N/A

I don't really watch old movies. Pre-70's stuff is generally really boring and stilted.
>Alright, /tv/, time to prove you're not a pleb and that you watch more than capeshit and Star Wars.

>literally lists star wars
You are all autistic as fuck
>tfw you even know what year the films were made in
I bet you all analyze movies too.
Right? I thought the same thing. Who the fuck remembers if The Maltese Falcon or Inception came first? Fuckin' dorks.
Everything you list from the 70s onwards is super pleb. Here's my list:



12 Angry Men

Pierrot Le Fou

Taxi Driver or Apocalypse Now

Blade Runner


The Social Network

Maltese falcon was absolute shit.
Greed or Entr'acte

La Règle du jeu

Citizen Kane or Ladri di Biciclette

Seven Samurai

2001: A Space Odyssey

Full Metal Jacket

Forrest Gump
unrelated but I just realized why /tv/ has been so unbearably shitty for the past two weeks.

There are no big releases to talk about so the only people here are the usual shitpost autists and posters like OP who want to have a discussion but have nothing to talk about.

>the social network

You're joking, right?
Rear Window and Rosemary's Baby are both top tier kino
50s/60s confirmed best film era
Have you even seen it? The script is genius, the cinematography is beautiful, and the soundtrack is just fantastic.
the fact that you made this pleb test start in the 30s and not the 20s or 10s proves that you, op, are the pleb
Dude, the script is a mess, Trent Reznor is one of the worst, and every performance was like high school drama camp.

You're definitely right about cinematography though. Gotta give it that.
That sounded like I meant Trent Reznor was a performer - you know I meant soundtrack, but just to be sure.

Then again, Nine Inch Nails has always been an ear-abortion so there's that. I don't know how famous or popular the name "Trent Reznor" is so, whatever.
This is too difficult to do, a decade is a long time. But watevs

The Gold Rush

Only Angels Have Wings

>40s (this is really difficult)
The Philadelphia Story

Singin' in the Rain

Good the Bad and the Ugly

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

Rain Man


Inglourious Basterds

Hateful Eight
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The Rules of the Game

A Matter of Life and Death
(Blu-ray when?)

12 Angry Men

My Fair Lady

Annie Hall

Paris, Texas

Beauty and the Beast

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

I've seen an embarrassingly small amount of films from the current decade, so I'm not even going to list one.
Fun thread.

The Shop Around the Corner

Heaven Can Wait

The Night of the Hunter

Breakfast at Tiffany's

Star Wars

The Princess Bride

The Talented Mr. Ripley

(500) Days of Summer


Also I'd pick Metropolis for 20s.
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30's: M

40's: The Treasure of the Sierra Madre

50's: Paths of Glory

60's: Dr. Strangelove

70's: Suspiria

80's: Blue Velvet

90's: Barton Fink

00's: There Will Be Blood

10's: The Master

Man With a Movie Camera


The Shop Around the Corner


The Battle of Algiers

Taxi Driver

Blade Runner

Eyes Wide Shut

Memories of Murder

Before Midnight
20s - Nosferatu

30s - Mr Smith Goes To Washington

40s - Casablanca

50s - The Third Man

60s - Dr. Strangelove

70s - Blazing Saddles/Monty Python and the Holy Grail

80s - Spaceballs/Johnny Dangerously

90s - Jurassic Park

00s - Idiocracy

10s - The Winter Soldier (so sue me)
30's King Kong
40's Secret Life of Walter Mitty
50's The Asphalt Jungle
60's How to Steal a Million
70's Texas Chainsaw Massacre
80's Robocop
90's JFK
00's Shadow of the Vampire
10's nuffin yet
It's a wonderful life

Don't have anything else that stands out to me

Shop Around the Corner is kino but it's from 1940
All Quiet On The Western Front
Samson and Delilah
Seven Samurai
2001: A Space Odyssey
Apocalypse Now
The Thing
Eyes Wide Shut
No Country For Old Men
Every movie posted ITT is average at best. You guys have really low standards...
Shit. That's why you should look these things up before clicking post, I guess.
Alright, put me down for Gone with the Wind for the 30s then, I suppose.
>I hate everything! Am I patrician now?
A Trip To The Moon
A Dog's Life
The Phantom Of The Opera
Chandu The Magician
Its A Wonderful Life
Seventh Seal
Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid
First Blood
The Celebration
Old School
Inside Llywen Davis
>reckons he's seen every single film ITT
>thinks they're all 5/10 or below
>doesn't post his own list
Opinion discarded, you colossal fuckstick.
Stop replying to trolls, fucktards.
10s: Broken Blossoms
20s: Nanook
30s: Blood of a Poet
40s: Meshes of the afternoon
50s: Seventh seal
60s: Last year at Marienbad? Or The face of another
70s: Belladona of Sadness or Claire's Knee
80s: Amadeus
90s: Home Alone or Metropolitan
00s: Yi Yi
10s: La Grande Bellezza
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Citizen Kane
The Great Dictator
East of Eden
Dr Strangelove
The Conversation
pilot movie for Knight Rider
Wolf of Wall Street
>Fun thread.
How are list threads fun?

This thread is the worst thread currently on /tv/.

Wow, lists of things and no images. Real "fun" thread for a imageboard with the option for discussion.
Dishonest post
I forgot that I reference Metropolis more than Nosferatu.
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20s The General
30s The Adventures of Robin Hood
40s The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
50s The Big Country
Rest are pic related.
More fun than the typical capeshit circle jerk or pedo thread.
The Front Page

Arsenic and Old Lace

Beyond a Reasonable Doubt

Point Blank

Sitting Target

Back to the Future

Fallen Angels


The Big Short
Do you also prefer picture-books to novels?
Words can be just as fun as images, pal. You'll get that when you're older.

This thread is a bunch of anons sharing what they enjoy from the beginning of cinema to the modern day.
You saying that it's worse than the eleven capeshit threads, four Star Wars threads and five threads that all open with the same image of a dude with a goatee in a fedora is ludicrous.
Pretty much every thread up right now is pure garbage

But you're right that list threads are also pure garbage. There's no discussion. People just post their shit and move on. It's fucking stupid.
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L' Atalante
The Third Man
Singin' in the Rain
Lawrence of Arabia
Apocalypse Now
Brade Runner
There Will Be Blood
The Social Network
Gone with the Wind, although i think ive only seen it and M from 30s

Really hard one, either Ladri di biciclette or Casablanca i guess.

Paths of Glory, still the best war movie imo

Lawrence of Arabia

Cant decide, Barry Lyndon or Alien or One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest or Apocalypose Now... too many great ones to choose from.

The Thing or Die Hard

Goodfellas or Reservoir Dogs... or Matrix

Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring or There Will Be Blood

The Master or The Hunt
>pilot movie for Knight Rider
Best thing to come out of the 80s? Big call. Oldfag?

That's not even true, there's plenty of discussion happening. Did you actually look at the thread?
What's the best discussion currently ongoing ITT, besides the discussion about how this thread is fucking garbage?
The Gold Rush
Die Dreigroschenoper
the Lost Weekend
Lavender Hill Mob
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
McCabe and Mrs. Miller
A Room With a View
Chungking Express
Les Miserables
Thats not true though, ive watched several great movies thanks to these threads. These threads have brilliant recommendations that you can often relate to and pick the interesting ones.
>That's not even true, there's plenty of discussion happening. Did you actually look at the thread?
Look at the number of these lists that gets no responses. It's like over 80%. The only real discussion are the 4 posts about The Social Network, and that's basically
>this movie is good
>No it's bad
>really? I think it's good
>No, here are some reasons why it's bad

Every single list thread ever has been the same level of shit
Hmm, I guess it is fair to say there's no ongoing discussion, what I meant to say I guess is that there are plenty of people replying to entries on others' lists.
There isn't much more to say other than "That's a good pick" and "that movie is shit", but there also doesn't need really need to be, does there? OP wanted to know what everyone's favourite entries were from each decade, so we told him. The thread is going exactly as planned, there doesn't need to be derailment of other anons coming in and telling us that we're shit because we're taking up room that would otherwise be used for capeshit thread number 12.
70's and 90's have so many good one's
Ill just say
Taxi driver
The big Lebowski
If you want discussion then start it or fuck off. You're not much better than anyone else itt.
>starting with the 30s
found the fucking pleb
>whining bout this thread
Even if nobody replied or discussed any of these posts it's still better then 99% of these waifu threads/shitposts/blacked porn spamming retards/pedo spamming retards/meme spamming retards shitting up the board day and night. Depressingly awful board nobody respects, at least someone is trying to make some discussion.
Sorry to shit up your thread anon.

just get really frustrated with the state of /tv/ and the knowledge that if I make a thread about a movie and actually try to have a discussion it will get 5 responses over 2 hours.
Nobody gives a shit about Dr. Mabuse
I make those threads once a week when I go see my weekly film at the cinema.
You're right, sometimes they go well and sometimes they don't. My Power Rangers thread got 226 replies last week, and my Loving thread the week before got 5.
Just the way it goes.
30s: The 39 Steps
40s: Citizen Kane
50s: Seven Samurai
60s: The Wild Bunch
70s: Barry Lyndon
80s: Breaker Morant
90s: Chungking Express
00s: Twilight Samurai
10s: Tree of Life
The 20s one or the Testament of? Either way you're wrong.
No, a list thread isn't good just because /tv/ is full of worse awful shit.
The Treasure of Sierra Madre
Rear Window
The Apartment
Three Days of the Condor
Big Trouble in Little China
Terminator 2: Judgement Day
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring
Late Quartet
Then make a better thread. Noone is stopping you.
>disrespecting Trent
>disrespecting NIN
get the fuck out

Les Vampires
Gone With the Wind desu, i am very boring i know
Citizen Kino, again, very boring
Sunset Boulevard
Lawrence of Arabia
A Woman Under the Influence
Paris, Texas
Chungking Express or A Brighter Summer Day, followed closely by Barton Fink
Mulholland Drive or Love Exposure
Inside Llewyn Davis

>Yi Yi in the 00s
ah, i see you are a man of taste as well
wait i fucked up Les Vampires is from the mid 10s isn't it?
Les Vampires
Das Cabinet of you know the title, those sets were beautiful
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>Twilight Samurai
Excellent choice.
I already have made several better threads, and I'm also going to continue criticizing this one.

What are you going to do about it, chump?
Make Way for Tomorrow
It's a Wonderful Life
Wild Strawberries
The Godfather Part II
Paris, Texas
Princess Mononoke
Synecdoche, New York

top pleb
The Big Sleep
Dreams That Money Can Buy
In A Lonely Place
Sweet Smell Of Success
Peeping Tom
Magnum Force
The Long Goodbye

brain is going quiet for the other decades will have to come back to it
Link your thread then. I want to see it.
idk if i have watched this old of a film

i cant remember

The Hidden Fortress



Stranger Than Paradise

Perfect Blue

Inland Empire, Coffee and Cigarettes

Nothing has impressed me yet

Gf got me into Lynch, Kon, Herzog and Kurosawa. Love that nerd
All Quiet on the Western Front/Story of the Last Chrysanthemum
Treasure of the Sierra Madre
ivan's childhood/the hustler
stalker/taxi driver
short circuit/police story
meteor man
I heart huckabees
end of watch
Yes, I'm going to link to my multiple successful threads so that some dumb listthreader can raid it with subpar posts in an attempt to ruin it.

I'm on the verge of posting a link, please hold your breath waiting for it.
>unrelated but I just realized why /tv/ has been so unbearably shitty for the past two weeks.
>There are no big releases to talk about

What are you, fucking stupid?

Coming off Logan, Kong, Beauty & The Beast, Power Rangers, Ghost in the Shell.
Shows like Expanse, Riverdale, Legion. Iron Fist /tv/'s on a high,

and that's the shitty part... it's the same stuff, over and over again.
>this thread is shit
>i make good threads i have the best threads
>no i cant provide links the threads to this time, they're under audit by the IRS
This thread IS shit.

My threads, and also President Trump, have nothing to do with the solid fact that list threads are garbagio.
While personally i wouldnt put it to my top list, I still think the heist sequence is the best of its kind in entire crime/thriller subgenre. Brilliantly filmed undramatized professionalism with great sense of suspense.
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Can't we just make a classic movie thread?
Whether the thread is shit or not, you are a liar and a hypocrite. Opinion discarded.
A simple image and a question like that could make for a great thread. Adding the list element is what ruins it, every time.
You make nonsensical posts and you're dumb.
You do realize that you are the only person shitting up this thread? The rest of it is more interesting than 95% of stuff that gets posted on this board. I atleast contributed myself and am downloading 2 good recommendations at the moment.
The thread is shit because of the lists of movies.

My posts have permitted some personal interaction between posters, which is literally the only worthwhile part of this thread.

You don't know how to analyse threads
the third man
last year at marienbad
barry lyndon
blade runner
the double life of veronique
the prestige
to the wonder

The fact that the entire robbery scene is done in silence is brilliant way to create tension.
Asphalt Jungle also has a good heist sequence,similar movies too
>TFW you found out Cary Grant was an LSD fiend.
He was also supposedly gay with his hairdresser.
>listthreaders forced to engage in gossip out of shame over the poor nature of this thread
>multiple anons asking you to please leave them alone to enjoy their thread without you shitting it up
>personal interaction
Well, you're a waste, but at least you're a glass-half-full waste.
I'm not the only anon ITT who has expressed disdain over the nature of list threads, monomaniac asshole.

But sure, I'll leave you alone. Goodbye.

A Trip to the Moon

The Birth of a Nation


La Grande Illusion

The Treasure of the Sierra Madre

The Bridge on the River Kwai

Lawrence de Arabia

Pat Garrett and Billy The Kid

The Thing

Starship Troopers

The Lord of the Rings

The Circus
Children of Paradise
Nights of Cabiria/Umberto D
China is Near
The Day of The Jackal/Accatone
The Color of Money
Eyes Wide Shut
The Prestige
I'd just like to say that I'm pleased as punch at how much love this move gets.
why? its a great fucking movie
The Third Man
Rear Window
Dr. Strangelove
The Warriors
National Lampoon's Senior Trip
Life Aquatic
I don't have an answer
Presumably, that's why he's pleased.
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I didn't say I was surprised, nigger.
This was like watching a massive shit extrude out of an anus. Suspenseful, colorful sure but still shit.

This has to be bait.

>The Great Dictator
muh Hitler was a dumbhead
>The Conversation
muh extremely paranoid and horny person - the character study
>Wolf of Wall Street
muh greed and impulsiveness aren't good
List so good it compelled me to put Rope on my to-watch list
are you a grill or fag?
Neither. Fuck you.
Snow White


Lady and the Tramp

Sound of Music

Joachim, put it in the Machine

Breakfast Club

Shawshank Redemption

Casino Royale

The Winter Soldier
A Trip to the Moon
haven't seen anything here, open to recs
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
Meshes of the Afternoon
12 Angry Men
2001: A Space Odyssey
Le Samourai
Fanny and Alexander
Inland Empire
The Tree of Life
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>Inland Empire
Come back when you've fucked more women than you can count. That is the list of someone who can only have sex by accident and will never recognize patterns.
Die Nibelungen: Siegfried

All Quiet on the Western Front

Ivan The Terrible, Part I


The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Rocky 1



LotR: Fellowship

>haven't seen anything here, open to recs

Give a try to A Trip to Mars and The Birth of a Nation
Well, I know the number of women I've had sex with, but none of it was accidental.
What's the betting that not only has OP never seen Gone with the Wind, it's the only movie from the 1930s he's heard of?
I think most people have seen Gone with the Wind.
Have you not?
>"time to prove you're not a pleb"
>proves he's a pleb

What did OP mean by this?
utter rubbish.
thanks, will do
The Thin Man; never was there a better screen couple till the Addams Family movie
Arsenic and Old Lace
Rear Window
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Return of the King
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington


Rear Window

Planet of the Apes


Back to the Future



hipster silliness meme movie
I'm leaving hitchcock out because he'd just take over most of my list

I don't have one

Dark Passage,
the first act being shot in first person is still fucking cool to see

The Night of the Hunter,
the movie really feels like a fable/fairy-tail, it's fantastic

Once Upon a Time in the West,
favourite western bar none (actually closely contested by TGTB&TU but that's practically the default favourite western)

I don't even know. None really jump out at me, it feels like I have a weird gap. Looking through the thread, The Long Goodbye, The Warriors, Le Samourai and Alien were all movies I really liked but none take the spot of a favourite for me. Maybe I just don't like that period idk

I just fucking love it, I'm not even going to defend the pick.

The Matrix,
I just rewatched this one recently and it's so much weirder than I remembered. Shit like the belly-button bug and all that. I think this might be the perfect action movie.

The Way of the Gun
everything about this is fucking fantastic, the characters make it feel like a contemporary western. If it weren't this it would be Memories of a Murder. Actually it might deserve it a little more. Inglorious Basterds comes in right afterwards.

Dragon Tattoo
the american remake. It really works for me, it was just a completely satisfying movie
Oh, I'm sorry, OP said to only take my opinion into consideration. I didn't even think to ask for your input.
ITT Everyone in this thread goes onto google and searches for "movies made before 1997."
>The Matrix
it's merely the male "headhunted fantasy" mixed with the allegory of the cave thought experiment.
>Dragon Tattoo
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Fuck that.

Edison's Frankenstein
The Wolf Man
Abbott and Costello Meet the Mummy
The Haunting
The Exorcist
Fright Night
The Blair Witch Project
Ju-On: The Grudge
That's J Searle Dawley's Frankenstein. Damned near every single '10's movie was legally required to be an Edison production.
>Heaven Can Wait
>The Night of the Hunter
fucking good taste

>The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

a really good choice that I'd totally forgotten about

>Casino Royale
what an unironically good choice
really cant get behind The Winter Soldier though

>rope was shit
I genuinely can't see how it's possible to dislike rope
it's like a fantastic play translated into a movie
then again it looks like you also hate The Great Dictator and Wolf of Walstreet for no other reason than their messages weren't obscure enough?

>Eyes Wide Shut
should I just fucking watch it
>>Eyes Wide Shut
>should I just fucking watch it
Or alternatively it could be that most people just watch the critically acclaimed and high rated classics because unlike you (where is your superior list?), we dont have time to watch the filmography of every half-decent director ever.

Im not even ashamed to admit that i probably havent seen a single pre-70's movie that isnt 7.0+ on imdb.
It's not my favorite 30s film but I see nothing wrong with it being someone else's. It's definitely up there. The large scale production and story is timeless.
You say obscure, I say accurate. And Rope is based on a total misunderstanding of Nietzsche's philosophy by a Christian Feminist.
>haven't seen anything here, open to recs
Shoulder Arms, Broken Blossoms, Cabinet of Dr. Caligari and Keaton, Linder, Chaplin and Lloyd shorts are all worth watching.
James Rolfe is that you?
Not many folks on /tv/ have seen The Night of the Hunter, and you are literally the first I've known to have seen Heaven Can Wait.
Such a nice movie.
Oh I never claimed to be smart, I'm just saying you're all stupid.
That wasn't the case for me, I even got one of my entries' years wrong because I was just going off the top of my head.
I'm sure plenty of other posters were the same.
Well thanks for that hella epic contribution to this thread.
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Mr. Smith Goes To Washington
White Heat
Dial M For Murder
Dr. Strangelove
The Godfather
Rocky III
Jackie Brown
The Departed
I'm pretty sure the guy is a turbopleb that implied nobody actually watches movies "before 1997", not that your choices are well known.
oh, we knew you are stupid when you assumed wrongly that everyone is like you.
30s: n/a
40s: How Green Was My Valley
50s: Ben Hur or the 10 Commandments
60s: 2001
70s: Star Wars
80s: Raiders of the Lost Ark
90s: Pulp Fiction
00s: There Will be Blood
10s: n/a
Night of the hunter was my pick for the 50's, too: >>80959661
your list seems to be in line with my tastes which makes me curious about The Shop Around the Corner, which I haven't seen. What's the movie about/like?
Not him but it's your typical Lubitsch romantic comedy about two Hungarian employees who detest each other openly but secretly love each other. If you like the "Lubitsch touch" you'll love it.
Have you seen You've Got Mail? That's a remake of The Shop Around the Corner.
They're penpals instead of friends in a chat room, obviously. And the humour is more like Heaven Can Wait and less Dave Chapelle.
The Adventures of Robin Hood


Singin' in the Rain

Once Upon a Time in the West

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

Blue Velvet


The Royal Tenenbaums

Also, Once Upon a Time in the West was my second pick for 60s. I even know Harmonica's theme on the harmonica
>Heaven Can Wait
At first I thought you guys were talking about Here Comes Mr. Jordan, but now I see there was another. And it's got Laird Cregar in it! He was amazing in his all too brief lifetime. Check out The Lodger if you haven't.
Yeah, so Here Comes Mr. Jordan got a remake in the 70s with Warren Beatty called Heaven Can Wait, but those two are entirely unrelated from the 1943 film Heaven Can Wait. Bit confusing.

The 1943 Lubitsch Heaven Can Wait is about a dude who dies and knows he won't get into Heaven so is down recounting his life to the Devil to see if he'll be allowed in there instead. And yeah, Cregar is Lucifer. And he's fucking perfect.
Gonna check that out soon, thanks. And a big fan of the Beatty version. It's a rare example of a remake improving on an original.
Modern Times
Sunset Blvd.
12 Angry Men
2001: A Space Odyssey
A Clockwork Orange
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
I'm not sure yet
You're welcome. I'm going to watch it right now.
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A Voyage Around a Star


Storm Over Asia


He Walked by Night

Under the Olive Tree

The Warped Ones

Goodbye CP

Betty Blue
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I already made a 3x3 for this.
>Sunset Blvd.
Good film, but it's 1950 release.
>The Rules of the Game
It's like a Wes Anderson film except even more boring.
>Good film, but it's 1950 release.
Well Shit...
50s: 12 Angry Men/Vertigo
60s: The Apartment
70s: Moonraker
80s: Scarface
90s: Pulp Fiction
00s: Avatar/In Bruges
10s: Mad Max/Guardians of the Galaxy
>70s: Moonraker
The best Bond movie.
Schindler's List

Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

The Dark Knight Rises
So much Hitchcock itt makes me happy


The Third Man




The Thing

Eyes Wide Shut

Mulholland Drive

The Skin I Live In
t. pleb
>Citizen Kane
>Seven Samurai
>The Good, The Nad and The Ugly
>Taxi Driver
>Once Upon A Time in America
>Mulholland Drive
Anne Hathaway will forever be the loveliest woman on this planet. God bless her soul. My platonic love for her will never waver and I wish for her only success and love.

Carry on with your thread, please.
Yeah, you're just a hater.
30s - Triumph des Willens (no nazi)
40s - Ivan the Terrible
50s - Ben Hur
60s - Fail Safe
70s - Taxi Driver
80s - Amadeus
90s - Usual Suspects
00s - There Will Be Blood
10s - Not sure yet, Silence have just taken the lead
Looking at Wiki allowed?
Double Indemnity
Paths of Glory
Cool Hand Luke
The Deer Hunter
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: The Secret of the Ooze
Dawn of The Planet of the Apes
10's Birdman
00's Mean Girls
90's The Craft
80's The Land Before Time
70's Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
60's Breakfast at Tiffany's
50's Sabrina
>I genuinely can't see how it's possible to dislike rope

Hitch himself said it best: it's a failed experiment. It's a delightful as an idea, and would quite easily work as a stage play, but shooting it like one just made it boring.

Third Man

Seven Samurai


Dog Day Afternoon (Alien and Apocalypse Now close contenders, but said favourite, not what we consider strictly best)

Raging Bull

The Thin Red Line

City of God or Synechdoque, New York

>Have you seen You've Got Mail? That's a remake of The Shop Around the Corner.

You've Got Mail is comfy as fuck romcom. I actually saw it when it was in theaters. Geez, I had no idea it was a remake, I just figured it was a cash in nostalgia bait for people that saw Sleepless in Seattle. I just might need to track the original movie down.
Good list


The Third Man

Wild Strawberries
Dobrý Voják Švejk
Poslušne Hlásim

La Dolce Vita
Lemonade Joe

The Godfather
The Godfather II
Autumn Sonata

Waiter, Scarper
Das Boot
Fanny and Alexander

Three Colours: Red
Funny games
Cosy Dens

There Will Be Blood
The White Ribbon
Werckmeister Harmonies

Manchester by the Sea
The Hunt
That list is a joke, right? That's so fucking pleb than hurts lol
>nobody posted Battleship Potemkin
tfw is wrong with /tv/ nowadays?
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Hercules in New York

Stay Hungry


True Lies

Collateral Damage

Escape Plan

Citizen Kane

On The Waterfront or Throne Of Blood

8 1/2, La'vventura or Through A Glass Darkly

The Godfather

Blue Velvet or Bladerunner

Three Colors Blue or Chungking Express

Mulholland Drive

Tree Of Life
The Conversation is GOAT, I trust you've had a chance to hear it on a decent surround sound system?
383 best movies/personal favorites from 1925 onward:

Seven Chances – 1925
The Gold Rush – 1925
The General – 1926
Metropolis – 1927
Steamboat Bill, Jr. – 1928
The Cameraman – 1928
The Circus – 1928
383 best movies/personal favorites from 1925 onward:

All Quiet on the Western Front – 1930
City Lights – 1931
M – 1931
It Happened One Night – 1934
Modern Times – 1936
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs – 1937
You Can’t Take It With You – 1938
Gone with the Wind – 1939
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington – 1939
The Wizard of Oz – 1939
Wuthering Heights – 1939
383 best movies/personal favorites from 1925 onward:

Pinocchio – 1940
Rebecca – 1940
The Grapes of Wrath – 1940
The Great Dictator – 1940
The Philadelphia Story – 1940
Citizen Kane – 1941
The Maltese Falcon – 1941
Dumbo – 1941
Bambi – 1942
Casablanca – 1942
Arsenic and Old Lace – 1944
Double Indemnity – 1944
It’s a Wonderful Life – 1946
Notorious – 1946
The Best Years of Our Lives – 1946
The Big Sleep – 1946
Bicycle Thieves – 1948
Rope – 1948
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre – 1948
The Third Man – 1949
>the script is a mess
Even the plebbiest of plebs would recognise that the script is easily the best thing about that movie.
383 best movies/personal favorites from 1925 onward:

All About Eve – 1950
Cinderella – 1950
Harvey – 1950
Rashomon – 1950
Sunset Blvd. – 1950
A Streetcar Named Desire – 1951
Alice in Wonderland – 1951
Strangers on a Train – 1951
The African Queen – 1951
High Noon – 1952
Singin’ in the Rain – 1952
From Here to Eternity – 1953
Julius Caesar – 1953
Peter Pan – 1953
Roman Holiday – 1953
Dial M for Murder – 1954
On the Waterfront – 1954
Rear Window – 1954
Seven Samurai – 1954
East of Eden – 1955
Lady and the Tramp – 1955
Rebel Without a Cause – 1955
The Ten Commandments – 1956
12 Angry Men – 1957
Paths of Glory – 1957
The Bridge on the River Kwai – 1957
The Seventh Seal – 1957
Witness for the Prosecution – 1957
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof – 1958
Touch of Evil – 1958
Vertigo – 1958
Anatomy of a Murder – 1959
Ben-Hur – 1959
North by Northwest – 1959
Rio Bravo – 1959
Sleeping Beauty – 1959
Some Like it Hot – 1959
384 (forgot one) best movies/personal favorites from 1925 onward:

Psycho – 1960
The Apartment – 1960
The Magnificent Seven – 1960
101 Dalmatians – 1961
Judgment at Nuremberg – 1961
The Guns of Navarone – 1961
West Side Story – 1961
Lawrence of Arabia – 1962
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance – 1962
To Kill a Mockingbird – 1962
The Birds - 1963
The Great Escape – 1963
The Sword in the Stone – 1963
A Fistful of Dollars – 1964
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb – 1964
Marry Poppins – 1964
My Fair Lady – 1964
Doctory Zhivago – 1965
The Sound of Music – 1965
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly – 1966
Cool Hand Luke – 1967
The Graduate – 1967
The Jungle Book – 1967
2001: A Space Odyssey – 1968
Once Upon a Time in the West – 1968
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid – 1969
Midnight Cowboy – 1969
The Wild Bunch – 1969
They Shoot Horses, Don’t They? – 1969
True Grit – 1969
384 best movies/personal favorites from 1925 onward:

Patton – 1970
The AristoCats – 1970
A Clockwork Orange – 1971
Bananas – 1971
Dirty Harry – 1971
Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory – 1971
Jeremiah Johnson – 1972
Silent Running – 1972
The Cowboys – 1972
The Godfather – 1972
American Graffiti – 1973
Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid – 1973
Robin Hood – 1973
Sleeper – 1973
The Exorcist – 1973
The Sting – 1973
Blazing Saddles – 1974
Chinatown – 1974
The Godfather: Part II - 1974
Young Frankenstein – 1974
Jaws – 1975
Monty Python and the Holy Grail – 1975
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest – 1975
All the President’s Men – 1976
Logan’s Run – 1976
Rocky – 1976
Taxi Driver – 1976
The Outlaw Josey Wales – 1976
Annie Hall – 1977
Star Wars – 1977
The Duellists – 1977
The Rescuers – 1977
Animal House – 1978
Superman – 1978
The Deer Hunter – 1978
Alien – 1979
Apocalypse Now – 1979
Escape from Alcatraz – 1979
Life of Brian – 1979
Manhattan – 1979
Star Trek: The Motion Picture – 1979
385 (forgot another one) best movies/personal favorites from 1925 onward:

Airplane – 1980
Raging Bull – 1980
The Blues Brothers – 1980
The Empire Strikes Back – 1980
The Elephant Man – 1980
The Shining – 1980
Das Boot – 1981
History of the World: Part I – 1981
Raiders of the Lost Ark – 1981
Stripes – 1981
The Fox and the Hound – 1981
Airplane II: The Sequel – 1982
Blade Runner – 1982
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial – 1982
Gandhi – 1982
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan – 1982
The Secret of NIMH – 1982
The Thing – 1982
Scarface – 1983
Return of the Jedi – 1983
The Meaning of Life – 1983
The Outsiders – 1983
Amadeus – 1984
Ghostbusters – 1984
Gremlins – 1984
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom – 1984
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind – 1984
Once Upon a Time in America – 1984
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock – 1984
The Terminator – 1984
Back to the Future – 1985
The Breakfast Club – 1985
The Color Purple – 1985
Aliens – 1986
An American Tail – 1986
The Mission – 1986
Platoon – 1986
Stand by Me – 1986
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home – 1986
Full Metal Jacket – 1987
Planes, Trains & Automobiles – 1987
Good Morning, Vietnam – 1987
RoboCop – 1987
Spaceballs – 1987
Akira – 1988
Die Hard – 1988
Grave of the Fireflies – 1988
My Neighbor Totoro – 1988
Rain Man – 1988
Scrooged – 1988
The Great Outdoors – 1988
The Land Before Time – 1988
The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad! – 1988
All Dogs Go to Heaven – 1989
Batman – 1989
Dead Poets Society – 1989
Ghostbusters II – 1989
Glory – 1989
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade – 1989
The Abyss – 1989
The Little Mermaid – 1989
385 best movies/personal favorites from 1925 onward:

Dances with Wolves – 1990
Die Hard 2 – 1990
Goodfellas – 1990
The Hunt for Red October – 1990
An American Tail: Fievel Goes West – 1991
Beauty and the Beast – 1991
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves – 1991
Terminator 2: Judgment Day – 1991
The Silence of the Lambs – 1991
Aladdin – 1992
Batman Returns – 1992
Of Mice and Men – 1992
Reservoir Dogs – 1992
Unforgiven – 1992
Gettysburg – 1993
Groundhog Day – 1993
Jurassic Park – 1993
Robin Hood: Men in Tights – 1993
Schindler’s List – 1993
Forrest Gump – 1994
Léon: The Professional – 1994
Pulp Fiction – 1994
The Lion King – 1994
The Shawshank Redemption – 1994
Apollo 13 – 1995
Braveheart – 1995
Die Hard: With a Vengeance – 1995
Ghost in the Shell – 1995
Pride and Prejudice – 1995
Se7en – 1995
The Usual Suspects – 1995
Toy Story – 1995
Fargo – 1996
Independence Day – 1996
Mission Impossible – 1996
Sling Blade – 1996
Star Trek: First Contact – 1996
The Hunchback of Notre Dame – 1996
Trainspotting – 1996
Amistad – 1997
Anastasia – 1997
Good Will Hunting – 1997
Life is Beautiful – 1997
Princess Mononoke – 1997
A Bug’s Life – 1998
American History X – 1998
Following – 1998
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels – 1998
Mulan – 1998
Rushmore – 1998
Saving Private Ryan – 1998
The Big Lebowski – 1998
The Prince of Egypt – 1998
The Truman Show – 1998
American Beauty – 1999
Fight Club – 1999
Tarzan – 1999
The Green Mile – 1999
The Matrix – 1999
The Sixth Sense – 1999
385 best movies/personal favorites from 1925 onward:

Cast Away – 2000
Chicken Run – 2000
Gladiator – 2000
Joseph: King of Dreams – 2000
Memento – 2000
Pitch Black – 2000
Requiem for a Dream – 2000
U-571 – 2000
A Beautiful Mind – 2001
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone – 2001
Monsters, Inc. – 2001
Spirited Away – 2001
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring – 2001
The Royal Tenenbaums – 2001
Zoolander – 2001
City of God – 2002
Gangs of New York – 2002
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets – 2002
Insomnia – 2002
Lilo & Stitch – 2002
Minority Report – 2002
Road to Perdition – 2002
Spider-Man – 2002
Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron – 2002
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers – 2002
The Pianist – 2002
Treasure Planet – 2002
Finding Nemo – 2003
Kill Bill: Vol. 1 – 2003
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl – 2003
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King – 2003
Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy – 2004
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind – 2004
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban – 2004
Howl’s Moving Castle – 2004
Kill Bill: Vol. 2 – 2004
Napoleon Dynamite – 2004
The Incredibles – 2004
Batman Begins – 2005
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire – 2005
Pride & Prejudice – 2005
Sin City – 2005
The 40-Year-Old Virgin – 2005
The Curse of the Were-Rabbit – 2005
V for Vendetta – 2005
300 – 2006
Little Miss Sunshine – 2006
The Departed – 2006
The Prestige – 2006
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix – 2007
Live Free or Die Hard – 2007
No Country for Old Men – 2007
Superbad – 2007
There Will Be Blood – 2007
Step Brothers – 2008
The Dark Knight – 2008
WALL*E – 2008
Fantastic Mr. Fox – 2009
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince – 2009
Star Trek – 2009
Watchmen – 2009
Zombieland – 2009
385 best movies/personal favorites from 1925 onward:

Four Lions – 2010
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 – 2010
Inception – 2010
Kick-Ass – 2010
The King’s Speech – 2010
The Other Guys – 2010
True Grit – 2010
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 – 2011
Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol – 2011
The Avengers – 2012
Django Unchained – 2012
Moonrise Kingdom – 2012
Mud – 2012
The Dark Knight Rises – 2012
12 Years a Slave – 2013
Dallas Buyers Club – 2013
Gravity – 2013
Her – 2013
Birdman: Or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) – 2014
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes – 2014
Foxcatcher – 2014
Fury – 2014
Godzilla – 2014
Interstellar – 2014
John Wick – 2014
Nightcrawler – 2014
The Grand Budapest Hotel – 2014
The Imitation Game – 2014
X-Men: Days of Future Past – 2014
Whiplash – 2014
Ant Man – 2015
Avengers: Age of Ultron – 2015
Bone Tomahawk – 2015
Call Me Lucky – 2015
Creed – 2015
Ex Machina – 2015
Eye In The Sky – 2015
Inside Out – 2015
Kingsman: The Secret Service – 2015
Macbeth – 2015
Mad Max: Fury Road – 2015
Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation – 2015
Spy – 2015
Star Wars: The Force Awakens – 2015
Straight Outta Compton – 2015
The Big Short – 2015
The Hateful Eight – 2015
The Martian – 2015
The Revenant – 2015
All The Way – 2016
Deadpool – 2016
Star Trek: Beyond – 2016
The Jungle Book – 2016
The Nice Guys – 2016
John Wick: Chapter 2 – 2017
Logan – 2017

Currently working my way through this list. Any suggested additions would be appreciated.
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Your lists are worthless because you have what is easily one of the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises in there. Each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the seriesüf only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but itüfs certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books are g-g-good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King
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The Grapes of Wrath
The Bridge on the River Kwai
The Guns of Navarone
LA Confidential
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
Inside Llewyn Davis
Thank you. Legit thought about removing the series from the list thanks to your posting.
Mr Smith Goes to Washington (It's da shit!), The Wizard of Oz, anything with Charlie Chaplin,

Yankee Doodle Dandy or Miracle on 34th Street or The Maltese Falcon or It's a Wonderful Life (Shit, this was a good decade for movies)

>'50s Ben-Hur, Singin in the Rain, and Some Like it Hot (Run hotactresses.exe)

Cool Hand Luke, Dr Strangelove, Psycho, and To Kill a Mockingbird

Young Frankenstein, Blazing Saddles, Rocky, and Rocky Horror Picture Show

Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Coming to America, The Untouchables, Full Metal Jacket, Die Hard, The Goonies, The Princess Bride, The Evil Dead, Blade Runner, and Ferris Bueller's Day Off

Goodfellas, Pulp Fiction, Shawshank Redemption, Se7en, Silence of the Lambs, Reservoir Dogs, Toy Story, Fight Club, Saving Private Ryan, Good Will Hunting, and The Truman Show.

Donnie Darko, Dark Knight, The Departed, Wall-E, American Psycho, Batman Begins, Iron Man (I'm a cape fag, so sue me)

The Social Network, Whiplash, Logan, How To Train Your Dragon, Captain America:Civil War, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (My favorite movie ever right there)

Yeah, I know the request was for one from each decade, but I love these movies so much I can't just pick one!
>The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
Good choice.
Out of these choices, my favorites would be:


All Quiet on the Western Front

The Great Dictator

12 Angry Men

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Star Wars/Monty Python and the Holy Grail

The Empire Strikes Back/Die Hard

The Hunt for Red October

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring/The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King/The Dark Knight/Watchmen

True Grit
20s: ?
30s: All Quiet on the Western Front
40s: Rope
50s: The Wages of Fear
60s: Seconds
70s: Rollerball
80s: Thief
90s: Goodfellas
00s: The Departed
10s: Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

Pretty hard to pick only one each
Day the earth stood still
The Terminator
The Matrix
>Inception is abysmal
I mean come on. I get that it's not everyone's movie, but abysmal? No.
Snow White
Aniki Bobo
High Noon
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Taxi Driver
Blade Runner
Gran Torino
Hell Or High Water
I really can't be bothered. But rest assured, I know for a fact that I have better taste than all of you.
>they both relate to you so much
Yeah, I too used to be the leader of a youth gang, until the government brainwashed me and sent me to kill a warlord in Cambodja
okay then, you can fuck off now
A wild faggot patrician appears!
Birth of a Nation
Man with a Movie Camera
City Lights or More
Fantasia or Rebecca
Black Orpheus or Touch of Evil
The Apartment or Z
Monty Python and The Holy Grail or Stalker
My Neighbor Totoro or The Shining
Man Bites Dog or Perfect Blue
Control or Shelter
Mad Max Fury Road or Prisoners
Its a pretty shit movie.
Its a pretty shitty movie.
your post is so much cancer anon
get the fuck out and never come back
Inception is great. Ignore these faggets
But all my favourite pre 60's movies are film noir and a few frankenstein movies.
He's right though it was pretty boring.
The big sleep was a fucking masterpiece though based humphrey desu.
Only thing good about it is the music.
My list feels pretty reddit to be perfectly honest with you mi familia

His Girl Friday
Lawrence of Arabia
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning
>having favorites

That in itself is pleb as fuck.
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The Wizard of Oz


The African Queen

2001: A Space Odyssey

Apocalypse Now




Mad Max: Fury Road
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>mfw OP's just a pleb in every decade
Gone With the Wind
Black Narcisus
Twelve Angry Men
The Wild Bunch
Apocalypse Now
The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover or Once Upon a Time in New York
Wild at Heart and Lost Highway
Synecdoche New York
Tree of Life
Just because these are widely celebrated and known films?

Really, anything you people would (and do) find a reason to shit on.
Do people really like Synecdoche, New York? I mean really, does anybody ever sit down and say: "You know what, I'm really in the mood for some overblown emotionless garbage with an aging PTH, I could really go for some of that right now"? This also happens to be your favorite film of the aughts? I'm a fucking pleb, but at least I'm not a pseudo patrician faggot

Nah, you're alright OP for starting an interesting thread. Nothing egregious in your post desu, although I haven't seen Gone with the Wind, and don't like Nolan. Just shitposting.
you're a fucking pimp
I haven't seen Hateful Eight. Is it good?
Are you asking for the guy who listed it as a favorite from the decade if it's good? lel

Not him but I think it's pretty good, but not on Tarantula's top 5. Also a bit repetitive.
you disgust me
It's shit
Many people got shitposts here unfairly, but you are really an absolute faggot pleb
9/10 would friend
Citizen Kane
Seven Samurai
Lawrence of Arabia
Adrift in Tokyo
Shin Godzilla

I don't really watch much 30s and 40s movies because they tend to be super boring.
not the dude but I think it's really great
Lost Horizon
North by Northwest
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Mad Max
The Abyss
Heat or Demolition Man
Van Helsing
Not sure yet, so I'll go with Sicario
Okay then

I was born but
The Third Man
400 blows
La Jetee or High and Low
Taxi Driver
Tetsuo The Iron Man or Sans Soleil
Chungking Express
Mulholland Drive
Certified Copy or Other side of Hope

60s is my favorite decade in movies
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Passion of Joan of Arc

Wizard of Oz


La Strata
Wild Strawberries

West Side Story
Andrei Rublev

Annie Hall

Planes, Trains & Automobiles

Good Will Hunting
Jerry Maguire

Mulholland Drive

Social Network
Turin Horse
>a thread on /tv/ that's talking about actual movies and tv

also I'm too pleb to like Lawrence of arabia and every time I read it picked on a favourite list it's like rubbing salt in the wound
Thread posts: 233
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