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How were they able to get away with this? Was it because he just

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How were they able to get away with this? Was it because he just starting to play Iron Man?
>He was nominated for an Oscar for this performance

Hollywood doesn't give a shit about racism as long as it's not towards the jews.
It was a different time. A better time for comedy.
It was for a role within a role

Hollywood doesn't shit on method acting

Truly aa different time
>greenlit in 2007
Wow, Obama really does ruin everything
Wasn't this a Ben Stiller film?

You know how they got away with it?


They probably cut a check to the major coon rights groups to not chimp out about it.
Because it was 2008.

The 00s were like a weird window of time where political correctness took a holiday, maybe everyone just couldn't work up the muster so soon after 9/11 and just wanted to laugh even if it was "politically incorrect" humor.

I don't know the reason but it was nice while it lasted before political correctness came rushing back with a fucking vengeance.

But this movie proves how bullshit it all is, it's all just bandwagon hopping, no one gets offended unless they're told they should be offended, could you imagine all the thinkpieces and Twitter outrage if the movie came out today? Ugh, it makes me ill just thinking about it.
Because the joke isn't look at the cartoonish portrayal of a black man.
The joke is the length that RDJ's character will go for a role.

Would he have been the first guy to win for a comedic role?
That was just before the time the recession happened and Occupy Wall Street-types started to become more vocal about their identity politics butthurt.

Sure, but that wouldn't stop people from getting angry over "blackface" and Robert Downey Jr. using the word "nigga" and "retard"

These idiots don't get humor, plain and simple/
You can get away with quite a lot when you don't give a fuck.
People were actually doing protests against RDJ doing black face. The difference was no one took those people seriously back then.

Wow, I forgot about that.

Different times indeed, what's weird is 2008 doesn't feel like it should be that long ago.
this desu meta comedy done right is hard.
it isn't making fun of blacks
it is making fun of actors

same thing with the 'full retard' line
it's mocking actors not retards

Ben Stiller was still trying to push the envelope though of what he could get away with.
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>It could never happen today.
Tropic Thunder is pretty much the last great comedy to come out of mainstream Hollywood.
This. The same reason Birdman and 30 Rock kind of shit on the industry in general, but the industry loved it, because they're there to entertain, and they don't take themselves that seriously. If you're anywhere near The Industry, you can recognize how ridiculous it is.
Because it came out a little before anyone gave a shit about that stuff
Was Step Brothers before or after TT. I really liked both of them.

Step Brothers was right before I think, but both were the same year.

Hot Tub Time Machine was decent, but it's been downhill for comedy movies since then.
You're being too edgy right now. The Other Guys game out years later and it's a lot funnier in my eyes than Tropic Thunder.

I thought The Other Guys was pretty meh, sorry.
>obama hadn't been elected yet
>iphones were still new so normies hadn't completely invaded all corners of the internet
it wasn't racist at all, compare it with Marlon Brando's japanese impression
It was something called "satire"
It's a comedic concept used to highlight hypocrisies in society in a light-hearted way
What we do in the Shadows is the best recent comedy.
This guy gets it
There's several jokes about how "wrong" blackface is in the episodes with that, and half the jokes are tongue-in-cheek about how racist blackface is
It was before Obama's psyops kicked in and millennials became complete pussies. Niggers don't chimp out unless the top monkeys tell them to.
>Everyone besides me is stupid and doesn't enjoy movies on the same level I do, so therefore this movie's success can be deemed an anomaly because the general public receiving it well does not fit within the bounds of my personal narrative

Christ you're some kind of genetically engineered mega faggot dude.

The movie succeeded because it was a good, funny movie. Robert in blackface wasn't intended as a mocking representation of black people and therefore nobody took offense.

But you've spent so long being inundated by wave after wave of shitposts regarding cherry picked articles from overly sensitive people that you've conditioned yourself to think that the vast majority operate this way when that's very apparently not the case.

get your head out of your ass please jesus.
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100% wrong. This movie COULD be made today. They got away with it because the jokes weren't about black people, they were about Hollywood. And Hollywood eats that shit up. As long as it managed to be funny, nobody was going to bitch. Much.

Also because RDJ is a charming motherfucker that pulled it off perfectly.
Because in 2007, things were funny.
>This movie COULD be made today. They got away with it because the jokes weren't about black people, they were about Hollywood. And Hollywood eats that shit up.

They would run you the fuck out of town with some whitesplaining shit over that comment. You may not even be white, but they'll figure out a way to do it.
Oh shit we got a real hollywood insider here
Moviegoers don't give a fuck about some bitch on twitter.
>When you end up so paranoid due to internet echo chamber shitposting that you genuinely believe the rest of humanity is collectively incapable of understanding the nuances of complex issues and passing judgment on a case by case basis
Tumblr didnt have the same power it does today. Their basically 4chan but their views are taken seriously because "they arent racist,sexist ect"
you have got to stop basing your perception of reality on shit you read on /pol/
stay mad nigger

You're deluded if you think this movie wouldn't cause an outrage today..

Context doesn't matter to these people, yes the movie is making fun of actors, not black people, but just by virtue of the fact that it's a white actor in black face would be enough to cause outrage because repeat after me, CONTEXT DOES NOT MATTER.

Outrage has practically become a culture and industry unto itself, no movie or pop culture themed website is complete these days without bitching over something.
>Outrage has practically become a culture and industry unto itself
Words can not describe how much I miss the days before outrage culture and constant race baiting.

Like the term "white washing", what kind of bullshit is that? As if white people are something inherently bad.

It's like, who gives a shit? Nobody didn't watch Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon because it starred Chinese people, so why should anyone give a fuck if a movie stars white people?
Most of the movie sucked, it only had a couple funny lines.
It was done right at the nexus of p.c. race baiting politics taking over.
The question is - why do I allow YOUR existence? Shut the fuck up
I never thought I'd miss the 00s as much as I do but I didn't know what the 20s had in store.

It feels weird to say but it was a simpler time or at least people had more important things to worry about.
lol thats what people say about the 50-80's.

But it's true, people have really gone off the rails in the 2010s for whatever reason.


It mattered here, TT had blackface and wasn't considered racist, and still isn't, that's why we're having this discussion. Between this and It's Always Sunny's blackface episodes I think there are plenty of possible contexts where these ideas can be referenced where the audience agrees is not racist.

Great contribution.
Because it wasn't played seriously, it was a joke about method acting.
Not really mainstream Hollywood though.
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I think as much as people in this thread are saying that in context it wasn't offensive and that's why they got a pass on it are looking at it from today's angle. I think in the 2000s there was much less of a kerfuffle over blackface in general. Case in point Roger Daltrey on the CSI episode he was in where he was dressed as a black woman. If there was any issue over that it must have been minor because I can't find anything on it.
Yeah, but that's not exactly mainstream either. Also, when did black dynamite come out in relation to thunder

wow only a year later.
Wait seriously? No one's won an oscar for a comedic role?

Fucking drama faggots.

It's a shame the movie itself isn't that funny.
As a black, the only thing racist about this movie was the people who liked it just because they want to be edgy.
It wasn't that good desu.
>[a /pol/ comment and/or buzzword will follow]
There was a real black man on the cast reacting to him. He was also the wacky mentally ill thespian. The context is pretty good...
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If he wiped that off would he die?
Why the fuck are you crying about this newfag. It was supposed to be funny that an australian actor(in the movie) gets black faced. It wasn't purely offensive stereotypical shit.
Depends if you consider satire comedy. Peter Finch won for the lead in Network.

But no one has won for a pure comedy film.
Is nu-/tv/ too young to remember the whole controversy about the retard line? Seems so

Have you even watched the movie where, you know, he does yellowface AND whiteface?
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I found it hilarious, and I'm black. You guys are too scared of Tumblr's reaction about anything.
Kevin Kline for A Fish Called Wanda
>holding any power at all

Woah woah woah, what about A Very Harold & Kumar Christmas ?
Tumblr itself might not hole much power, but "tumblrthink" certainly does. If people start calling something "racist" or "sexist" over social media, it's immediately considered evil by many people, with little actual critical thinking being done.

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>social media
Clark Gable for "It Happened One Night"
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>implying 4chan isn't also guilty
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> He really believe that SJW have sensible reason when they get offended
> He really thinks that they tought about it
> He really believe they care about anything other than "MUH BLACK FACE"

Well meme'd son
> same thing with the 'full retard' line
it's mocking actors not retards

Yeaah and whatabbout the bits where ben stiller litteraly plays a retard for people to laugh at ?
You're just a redditor who got lost trying to defend SJW.
Don't bother my man, they weren't any outrage because stupid people were kept in check back then
I can guarante you this movies wouldn't have 10% on rotten tomatoes if he came out today
Stop kidding yourself kiddo
>Yeaah and whatabbout the bits where ben stiller litteraly plays a retard for people to laugh at ?
Again, its not making fun of retards, its making fun of actors and their oscarbait movies.
Red pilled kek
Last night I listened to the commentaries of this movie and let me tell you THEY WERE AWESOME. RDJ was in character the whole time and just shooting the shit with it, great fun.
There is multiple layer to a joke but you are right.
But it's funny we have this discussion right now when 1 week before Iron fist released and got shit on because it featured a white guy doing kung fu
He wasn't even dressed like a geisha or anything he just did kung fu

You all damn know tropic thunder wouldn't get greenlight today. I don't know why you persist that way
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I can think of Sling Blade and Rainman, have any other retards won Oscars?
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Is this a joke about actors or people with embarrassing fat children?
Bad father
>How were they able to get away with this?
It was made literally before the rise of the SJW's where no black person cared and they just went on with their daily lives.

I miss those days.
It was done well. Made people forget the other "real" black guy was queer.
Not really, back in 2008 Gawker and the feminist blogs were already up. Once people learned the context the rage died down. It's making fun of the actors.>>80753636

I haven't seen it but I was wondering whether Iron Fist got bad reviews just because of the fact that it stars a white guy.

Since when are martial arts off limits to non-Asians? What are these people fucking smoking?

Then again it might just be a bad show, but you can't tell anymore whether critics pan something because it's bad or because of political correctness and that fucking sucks.


>>I miss those days.

I miss them too, what has gone wrong with society where this shit become so standard?

They might have existed but they were obscure.

I never heard dick about feminism until the "slut walk" thing in 2011 and especially when the Tropes vs Women Kickstarter launched.
It was popular enough, Kotaku and even Jezabel were ok early on. Between 2009-11 they went nuts. I hate Kotaku so much now.

Between 2009-11? Was it really all because of Obama?

Strange, very strange.

Nice Science Court image, lad.
I remember a bunch of protests about the full retard joke
old movies dont count
Did something ever come out from his collab with Ben Hur?
>iron fisters
How appropriate.
>never heard of feminism until 2011
you live under a rock, boy? it's been in the popular consciousness since the late '60s
>this movie would cause an outrage today because I want it to
This is probably the most delusional thread on an imageboard I've seen in a while
>Sure, but that wouldn't stop people from getting angry over "blackface" and Robert Downey Jr. using the word "nigga" and "retard"
But it did
RDJ did not say "nigga" in Tropic Thunder
I remember that
I also remember that Johnny Knoxville was for a short time a retard Savior because his movie about him joining the special Olympics represented the tards better than what RDJ said. But TT will always be remembered Knoxville movie really isn't
every movie causes outrage

the only difference is now all of that outrage is visible to you personally.

No one ever got away with anything.
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>the rest of humanity is collectively incapable of understanding the nuances of complex issues and passing judgment on a case by case basis

... while the SJW boogeyman is bullshit and the level of control/influence people have over anything is extremely exaggerated (on purpose so people don't realize how powerless they are) ... how is the quoted segment not true?
I am sam
My left foot
There was. People even complained about RDJ in blackface BEFORE the movie released but anyone who saw the movie realized it wasn't being hateful.
Not to mention america had more pressing issues to worry about, we didn't need dog whistles to distract people.
>Between 2009-11 they went nuts
So, NOT during the time Tropic Thunder came out then?
>tfw I actually though it was a black actor and not iron manlet
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