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Thread replies: 378
Thread images: 71

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Shit, the Alien has been hitting the gym!
Absolutely nothing new. How is this scary?

it's headbutting the window!
If most of the crew will die to the white ayylmaos what's the point of the black ayylmao?

It's literally 2-3 people when the black ayylmao shows up and no room for killing

>white ayylmaos

>If most of the crew will die to the white ayylmaos
>It's literally 2-3 people when the black ayylmao shows up
wow alien murder whitewashed much?
From the trailer...

They land on a planet and find an Engineer's crashed ship.

They explore and find find some eggs.

One of the eggs hatches and some dummy sticks his face in there.

He's brought aboard their own ship against protocol.

There is an untrustworthy android on board.
It isn't. We know what the alien looks like for like 30 years, anon.


That's why it's there, faggot.
The Deacon is back and he's kicking some ass in the trailer.
its quite sad when you put it like that
Wow... It was a brave move for Daisy Ridley to go makeup-free for the latest Star Wars movie. Truly a woman to look up to.

I thought the Deacon was blue?
>that lame cgi while it is doing it.
i have already abandoned all hope
>using rlm to support your argument
So we get to see which is superior, the Deacon or the OG.

I really thought even for all his faults Ridley was above this.
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>my face when Gal is infinitely more Xeno than Daisy
It supposed to be a horror movie.
> oh look an egg on fucking alien planet. Lets fucking look into it instead of blasting it.
We already know the plot.

>Going to colony
>Ship is filled with human embryos which will vat grow to produce a viable population
>get emergency signal transmission
>it's from Prometheus
>they divert to go check it out
>Captain dies in accident
>his wife goes mental
>they land on the planet seen in Prometheus (Paradise)
>two people get infected by spores released by plants infected with Black Goo
>David saves them and tells them what happened with some lies
>Turns out David released the Black Goo to try and create the perfect organism
>They get attacked by NeoMorphs
>loads of people die
>they get back on ship, the shuttle gets blown up by stray fire
>two people die to facehuggers
>the two remaining people after loads of death work out David is evil, blow up his lab
>they escape and head onto the colony
>not realising that David has killed the colony ships android (who realised David was evil due to special implants David's creator gave him) and has replaced him
>surviving crew members go to hypersleep and David, pretending to be the original crew's android, implants the embryos of the 'perfect organism' into the ships human embryo storage
>set up the next film where the REAL Original type of xenomorph appears
top fucking kek
The entire thing is stupid, lad. See >>79942496
if you want to be spoiled.
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that shit better not be fucking real especially that shit about David.
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fuck you man
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>David has become the Albert Wesker of Aliens

Davis was just a head, so how could he replace anyone? or is it some SW tier android head switching shit?
I really hope they subvert expectations and go another direction with it. "You thought we were doing the Alien dinner table chestburster thing, but wow, look at this!" But they won't.

>huge duster coat
>will probably be teleporting around killing xenos


someone said he made a body out of black goo

this movie is already stomping noomi's character into the bedrock
Sorry forgot to say

>The two infected are killed by the chestbursters which turn into facehuggers
>one of them is locked in quarantine and the other I can't remember, but it's this one that kills most of the crew I think

I forgot lots of shit but nothing of any import.

tl;dr David has a God Complex, makes aliens over 10 years stuck in Paradise using local fauna and flora, uses the colony ship crew to escape

The problem I have with this, if it's true, is what the fuck was David going to do if all the crew died? Go back to Earth in the ship? What happens if the shuttle they used to get down to the planet gets blown up before they get back to the main ship?

He used the Black Goo in the Engineer Temples to rebuild and fix his body. It's a fucking ass pull I know, but he had 10 years to do it
Can someone give me a quick rundown on the cash me outside meme?
cgi monster attacks, my brain knows its cgi. not scared.
Some teenager on one of those Jeremy Kyle type shows basically got into an argument with somebody and basically said "Say that to my face, I'll kick your ass, let's go outside, right now!" but instead said "Cash me outside how bah dat"
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Why do normies make such awful memes?
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>member that supper scene?
>pizza commercial
>slasher shower scene
>qt gets BLACKED (lmao cuck memes)
>emphasized faggots
>franco dude
>aliens are redesigned AGAIN (sad pepe goes here)
>aliens are only wild animals
>fucking suspicious android
>sace jockeys are epic fail race, darwin award winners
It doesnt look like a bad flick though.

It will probably at least be less of mess than prometheus, and most likely better than 3 or Resurrection

>better than 3
space monks and bald Ripley? And dont thinks so. After 20 years I say sorry for talking shit about alien 3 and I take everything back. Thats how bad Prometheus and Covenant are.
>I really hope they subvert expectations and go another direction with it. "You thought we were doing the Alien dinner table chestburster thing, but wow, look at this!"
They already did that in the preview clip with the chick choking at the breakfast table.
>They already did
Fucking nowadays trailers.
how did they get redesigned?
muscles and rough surface
alien cubed is nice looking trash

it starts off pretty strong but it devolves into a generic monster movie. pretty much a rehash of the first except with bald brits and an orange filter. Its hard to get a grasp of what covenenant is, but you can pretty much tell its going to be an faster paced Alien, with more aliens.
Thats almost the plot of Aliens but this will have the direction of modern Scott instead of Cameron. Regardless I guess if the franchise can't die this is a better spot for it to be in than the AVP2 days
So this is a joke right?
I hope it bombs. Fucking old fart is trying to make some expensive blockbuster with a lot of CGI and explosions.
Franchize is wasted.
Nothing is interesting of what they can bring up.
They wasted all misteries Alien 1979 had. All of them ruined.
Covenant is just a lame attempt of old fart to restore his name. Won't happen. You should've worked on it. With good writers. With good designers.
And none of it is going to be in the flick.
What is? Your life? LOL.

No, but seriously, what do you think is the joke? The trailer? The film? The CGI? The story?
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It had "Ive seen some shit" Ripley, crazy christians, atheist doctor, rape scene (kinda), connection with previous parts, that feeling that its the end of series. If you look from current point of view it was quite decent
>You should've worked on it. With good writers. With good designers

if they had to make this a franchise again they should make a new alien.

im sure there's some modern designer out there who could come up with weird shit like Giger

I'm on a chromebook. I can't do proper screengrabs

Three items from the new trailer that I want to emphasize.

Image 1. Looks likes bodies mutated together.
Nice photoshop.
>I'm on a chromebook. I can't do proper screengrabs

woe be to us
Any good shots of the new alien?
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define "good"
>With good designers
It looked good anon.
i still wouldnt call it decent but more respectable than this movie, sure

certainly less pointless than covenant

2. I presume that this is an Engineer?
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>2. I presume that this is an Engineer?

I am fucking up attaching images tonight.
Enough visual data to assert a general idea of what it's structure is like.

I don't think that's it.
That'll be the Prometheus lady.
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>woe be to us
You're alright anon.
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3. This Engineer walking through a valley of... protoxenomporphs? I thought they were dead at first but some are moving.
a 100 years later?

I think a better question is what the fuck is the point of all this?
She's been eating her wheaties.
But they're not. They're literally not. They're called NeoMorphs or some shit. Seriously, look it up. The thing we see in OP is something called a Prime NeoMorph, it's the best organism that David has managed to create. He has managed to make an ACTUAL Xenomorph egg but needs human DNA to implant it. Hence why he kills the colony ships android and replaces him.

Fuck sake lad.

10 years.

Fuck knows lad. Soft-reboot for normies?

Probably David.
alien resurrection was so stupid that they need to try and come up with some overarching story but it needs to exist beforehand
where the fuck did you see the deacon
That's David.
What about that dude spazzing out with something tearing out of his back?
it was consistent with previous parts when it comes to who was presented, their behaviour and the environment
Alien 1 - scared workers
Alien 2 - badass space marines
Alien 3 - crazy cons
>Lets start making things out
Alien 4 - mercenaries?
Prometheus - idiots?
Covenant - more idiots?
He got infected by the spores you see in the first trailer. This causes a chestburster to plop out and turn into a facehugger. Two of them are infected. One is in quarantine and the other isn't and the facehugger kills people. All but 3 people you see die.
It's the backburster scene.
It's the same guy who got the spore in his ear in the trailer.
The Neomorph ( white ayylmaos ) burst out of his back
Not facehuggers tho, neomorph, white aliens you see jumping on people in the wheat !
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I thought that it was the Deacon. From 1.45 to 1.47 you see him attacking the female lead. It looks exactly like the Deacon but white instead of blue.

I can't get a good shot of him.

But Alien was built on comfy 70's retro-tech in a ship that felt like real people lived in it, with a cast that felt like real people. Alien was cool because the sci-fi elements were treated as normal and mundane. Hell they're landing the ship with visuals on old vector monitors for fucks sake, but it made the very concept of space travel seem sketchy and dangerous. The Nostromo buckles and squeaks as it lumbers down onto the surface. In these new alien movies they land on these planets in fast VTOL ships no problem, it removes the element of danger that Alien had.
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alien 3 and resurrection are retconned, no need to cry
Oh yeah I forgot. My bad.
thats a neomorph, they aint on LV223 no more, they on the engineer homeworld or paradise

IT LOOKS LIKE Alien Resurrection
I always liked the idea that the Star Pilot in the first Alien was an innocent victim and the aliens are sort of like a disease that spreads throughout the galaxy, the way New and Old World diseases spread through contact with explorers.

too bad we live in a time where everything MUST be explained.

wha cho profamity
>alien 3 and resurrection are retconned
fuck you anon
and now lets show kids how really scary movie should look like along with its trailer
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resurrection was pretty shit but I always loved the water scene

>those underwater explosion sounds
it was more original and fun than 3

its fine as schlock
i enjoyed the feel of 3 and the creature design of resurrection but they were in no way a good addition to the timeline or in any way were great movies
Alien3 is like an art project whereas Resurrection is like a simple action flick.
is it really not gonna have a token black guy?
Even better. Interracial couples. Part of the storyline is that the crew are actual romantic couples sent to populate this new Earth like planet.
more like 2 couples and 2 faggots. I honestly hope that Franco will be the sole survivor
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But also with Jeunet's uncanny antics which make Resurrection much more entertaining and fun or insufferable if you just hate him.
im fairly certain that he dies before the movie even starts
He was willing to cut off his fucking hand. He must survive
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meant to write that i like how it looks like a trapped face under the dome as compared to the skull like the original
Brad Dourif is kino
Your taste has no baring on anything. You're like those fags that say the prequels are no longer cannon. Bunch of fucking queers.
Where's Noomi Rapeface then?
>2 faggots
this just went full retard
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Why is no one pissed that the Alien is cgi?
I'm sorry. It was a typo.

Where is Roomy Rapeface then?
because it looks better than a stiff suit?
>because it looks better than a stiff suit?
you re fucking kidding me. this CGI alien looks fucking shit and computer generated.
Did you expect different anon?
Bite the pillow, blak boi.
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I know who you're talking about, but she's never been in anything related to Alien.
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absolutely savage
looks like an action packed movie, not the creepy fucked up psychological thriller i wanted. oh well.
I would still put my dick in that xenomorph mouth
i mean it looks okay

the cgi isnt bad but its still cgi, i hope the movie used practical when appropriate.

doesn't look as good as the xenos did with proper lighting but it looks better than whatever they did in alien 3 for sure
technology to make practical effects and props has improved too, anon.

between tiny computers and tiny R/C servos and gear it's possible to make a great alien suit that someone can wear and move around in freely, that does all the motions it needs to smoothly and realistically.

CGI is the cheap way out, thanks to being able to hire a bunch of chinks to do rote programming and have two or three talented people create virtually everything from the background to the characters.
Let's be honest anon, you'd fuck anything that would have you.
im not saying they were retconned because i didnt like the you fucking idiot, im saying that because after Alien 5 comes out, they wont be a part of the canon timeline anymore
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>mfw I've never seen the original Alien
Plebs don't give a fuck and that's who this shit is aimed at.
Isn't prometheus related to Alien?
watch that shit along with aliens and you'll be fine

Yes. Although, Noomi Rapace wasn't in it.
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>after Alien 5 comes out
If it ever fucking happens, that's a pretty big fucking if. dumb faggot.
shut up nigger
But xenomorphs were in Prometheus. There were some really ancient sculptures on walls and ayy lmao was on it.
Idea of David made them is retarded.
That's Rooney Mara. You're getting your Rooneys mixed up.
i was gonna say it looks exactly like prometheus.
>ppl hated engineer subplot
>ppl wanted more alienz
>make the exact same movie except take out most of the engineer shit and add in alienz
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Pretty nice photoshop
At least it will be pretty. All the scenes without aliens looked gorgeous.
Prometheus was also pretty
Yeah, I think it's the only reason why I enjoyed it.
>the movie was delayed by blomkamp because ridley scott asked him to wait til covenant was released to start shooting Alien 5
>thinking it was outright cancelled just because the shooting was postponed
Oblivion was pretty and fun depite being stupid. Prometheus was just pretty nad stupid
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>believing everything you read.
This picture is so stupid.
>assuming the worst
>calling people gay on the internet
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>assuming your idealised movie will come to fruition
>being this much of a 90's born faggot.
at least im not the one living in denial thinking alien 3 and resurrection were good enough to warrant this much arguing. get over it those movies werent good and theyre getting retconned, cry some more
>In January 2017, a fan on Twitter asked Blomkamp about the outlook of the film going into production, he responded by saying they were "slim".
Might be bullshit, though.
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the outlook of his original vision for the film sure, but
covenant is introducing a new plot point that would
make alien 5 not make any sense whatsoever. so
blomkamp may have had to change his script to adapt to the changes made in covenant
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>cgi is bad
>i would rather have rubber aliens which cant move and have a movie filled with shaky cams and dark still images so noone can see how shit it is

sorry but cgi is obviously the better choice.
It looks bad. Where are the condom lips? It going fully CGI is however a good decision as it will be able to move better.
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So this alien doesn't have teeth? Maybe its the first official Xenomorph and that explains it bashing the head cos it doesn't have the inner teeth.
where are all the ribbed tubes? looks like a first pass sculpt by the lazy concept artist from Prometheus
>shaky cams and dark still images so noone can see how shit it is
Thats basically Prometheus
>inb4 in the next one an moray eel becomes black goo'd and rapes a human to make the real xenomorph
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>that absolutely disgusting CGI
>that lame glass
>that inconsistent hits on glass
>theyre getting retconned,
I'll believe it when I see it youngfag
The xenos from aliens hold up very well
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>mfw my shitpost thread got 160 replies at non-peak hours
Good job /tv/
>sorry but cgi is obviously the better choice.
Sorry but you're a fucking retard anon.
this is what, 5 minutes before the end of the movie?
couple days ago Alien thread was alive for 2 days
>the glass is for once sturdy enough to not break
>fear turns to bewilderment turns to amusement
>'hey guys come see what this retarded space nigger's doing ahahah seriously though does the policy cover windshield replacement?"
probably the last scene. Welcome to the school of nowadays trailers
Fucking trailers man.
looks nice on rewatch. but not on movie from 2010s
tell me all the reasons why a rubber figure, or a man in spandex would make for better effects than cgi animation in a action scene.
I think Cgi just isn't there yet, you will always know something is Cgi thus making it not scary at all. As soon as they manage to make the lighting look actually realistic and the alien seem to actually be there it'll be worth putting into a movie. But right now it just isn't at that point yet.
Ideally it would be a suit touched up by cgi because flat out cgi never has the effort needed put in to it.
kek. so much this. I wish that kind of scene was there
does it look bad because it's CG or because you know its CG?
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CGI is there, it's just misused, and practicals aren't being used when they should be used.
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It was bound to become an Alien discussion thread...
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where do the dead/mummified engineers fit it, the ones we saw in early leaked set photos?
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How the fuck does an all-CG movie from 2009 look realer than this shit?
Spoiler tag please
Yeah, I guess shitposting that chandler thread last night made me realize how easy it is to bump trash on /tv/ I'm addicted to baiting and shitposting

the dude in the cape is David (engineer/god wannabe). is he responsible for killing all these wretched creatures around him, due to his experiments?
You only know it's cg because it looks like shit
If you watch the first trailer youll see its david

go to sleep Donald, you got a country to run
Because no effort is put in, they don't take pride in their work. They just pump out shit for morons.
Only part that made me curious was the 'theres wheat here' subplot.

Thats honestly kind of sad considering this is a fucking alien movie.
Just fuck off reddit, you're fucking pathetic.
>go to sleep Donald, you got a country to run

Jokes on you. The country runs itself.

Actually the president has very little say over domestic policy. He has broad powers over foreign policy though.
>tell me all the reasons why a rubber figure, or a man in spandex would make for better effects than cgi animation in a action scene.
Volumetric lighting has not been mastered in CGI. It is a natural element that convinces human type brains that things are real and comes packed in with rubber suits.

Good makeup effects touched up by CG > everything.
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its been there for years. You just notice bad cgi, everything else blends in and looks normal.
And Alien, as the monster, will never be scary again. doenst matter if its cgi or some other technique.
cant do it for every scene. fast moving aliens, which looks "natural" as the ultimate hunters they are, will never be possible with practicle effects.

but in pic-related scenes you can use plastic models.

The trailer gives that impression but that's not the story at all.
what ps3 game is this?

this is the most interesting shot so far. what are all these dead beings???
subvert expectations
>you might wanna subvert them yourself cause this movie sure as hell ain't gonna
the engineers, David used their own weapon against them
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>Why is no one pissed that the Alien is cgi?

I've learned to wait until I see the film in theatres before commenting on the CGI. It normally looks shit in the trailer then good on the big screen.

People have said the last thing to get finished is the CGI.
yea and then its only good if the artists get a bonus
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Damn, the Alien looks like THAT!
GOAT trailer
>*burst through chest*
>Finally I've become the Alien
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they all look humanoid, probably engineers.

my theory is that David saw that to the humans the Engineers are gods, so he decided to become a god to the Engineers....

David >>> Engineers >>> Humans

to break his inferiority complex due to being created by humans
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>my theory is that David saw that to the humans the Engineers are gods, so he decided to become a god to the Engineers....

Your theory is the exact same as the leaked story that's been around for months.

leak sauce?
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Did anyone else hear Predator's clicking sounds at 01:53?
The same reason Starship Troopers still looks pretty good
If the CGI guys have the time and the resources (read: almost never) they can make some really impressive shit, but people will go see the movie anyway even if the CGI sucks so why bother. Just like how people will go see it if the script sucks and nobody can act and nothing good happens.
>where do the dead/mummified engineers fit it, the ones we saw in early leaked set photos?
If Ridley Scott decided to cut all of this out of the final cut of Alien: Covenant and just have it Alien based with no Engineers insight at all then I will be fucking pissed

What's it holding onto with its right hand and why isn't is using its tail to puncture the glass?

See >>79942496

i meant, what is the original leak sauce. did the script leak?
some guy saw it
>why isn't is using its tail to puncture the glass?
because it's like the first alien who doesnt know anything.

it's basically a normie alien

In the first teaser that got released it showed the shower scene where you can see the tail reaching underneath their legs and the smash cut to that bitch splattered in blood.

so it's David >>> Xenos >>> Engineers >>> Humans

(humans are on the bottom of the food chain)
>>79945387From a screening
>every scene
Oh fuck off anon, no technique is perfect for every scene but they could have easily done it for that scene and i'm sure many others if they weren't lazy cheap fucks. It's doesn't matter though because stupid fucking faggots like you will just go along with whatever they shit out anyway.
Fuck yourselves niggers
>my theory is
you're a fucking queer anon
>I will be fucking pissed
No one cares.
Shut the fuck up stupid normal fag.
i bite dick anon
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>have a fast pace action scene where the monster moves in ways impossible to replicate with models
>hurr durr bad cgi. why not use rubber suit where the human moves like a roboter
sure would definitly look better
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can't wait for the Funko
DonĀ“t show it that much then. Tension is created by an invisible threat more than constantly having the monster on screen.
She's dead, the tag seen in the trailer has her name on it.
Dr E. Shaw
>that penis
>Prometheus and this movie are supposed to be prequels
>They have better technology in these movies than i the older movies that take place later in the universe

I fucking hate this cliche.
>keeping the alien legs from Resurrection

>She's dead, the tag seen in the trailer has her name on it.
Jesus. So its like killing Ripley before Aliens
Alien were using a Ford
Prom/Cov using Ferrari

What I mean is she could have at least have tossed his head into an active volcano or crushed it between her thighs instead of allowing him to some regain a body to fuck things up anew.
I'm still waiting for a good molecular acid kill in one of these movies
Wait, is this literally going to be the same movie again? What the fuck is Scott thinking?
this. they didnt have to use 70s tech but at least some normal keyboards.
That guy is obviously a fucking idiot.
Nah they just tossed another Ripley clone in the mix
>sort of but not really attractive female lead who goes from shrimp to badass and saves the day
>I'm still waiting for a good molecular acid kill in one of these movies

AVP2 has it

>alien pins human to ground
>Predator shoots it through the head
>acid blood melts his face off
>from shrimp to badass
Why dont they understand that Ripley was never a badass. She was just normal woman who just didnt do stupid shit
kill yourself faggot
Why do the aliens look so fucking bad in this trailer? Like they're so obviously cgi and that it's impossible to give a shit.
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Even though I never claimed AVP2 was good in anyway, you are very welcome.
Needs moar Space Axe

They will, Anon.
BACKbursters were already hinted on.
Oh, how scary!
The real question here is, how the fuck did he managed to pull that off if he was just a head in Noomi's bag, flying off the planet. A head cant' move, a head can't operate equimpent, a head cannot escape, a head cannot fight, a head cannot pilot ships. So how the fuck is this possible?
>invisible threat
sure. but besides alien1 every alien movie wasnt just a horror film. Covenant looks like it goes down the prometheus path and will be more of a action and mystery film. Which means that the basic Alien will get more screentime resulting in more cgi Aliens.
The scene with the alien on the window is more about how pissed and aggressive the alien is. It also shows how fucking strong and dangerous it is.
Its not about the "silent" and unknown Alien crawling through air corridors and preying on a few humans and killing them offscreen.
I dont know if an alien film, where the alien is a hunter and totally strange to the human, will be possible today.
he obviously convinced her to trust him and she repaired him for some reason
So now I'm thinking the Xenos were created by the engineers to prevent the humans from spreading outside Earth.


they showed it starting in the other trailer


probably tricked Noomi into sticking his head back on his body before he stabbed her in the butt.
Magic. Dont be too smart.
You guys should calm down a bit.
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that's what I mean, either shaw fucked up by allowing him to regain a body so they could continue their search further for some reason OR he pulled a DIO
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We already had "back"bursters in Dreamcatcher though.
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People who use the word xenomorph are the worst
this looks so bad

what a spineless soft reboot cash grab
almost. These who use the term neomorpth are much worse
>some not so near future
>guns still don't work underwater
silly fucking humans
He had 10 years to do it and time heals all wounds.

>they showed it starting in the other trailer
Absolut KEK

It better not be a case of "we had this old screenplay lying around here for ages, so lets slap on a (currently) hot name on and do it finally" case, because those are ending up being good very rarely.
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>You didn't like my masterpiece Prometheus because there was no aliens?
No, Ridley, it was just stupi~
>So I made a sequel with aliens.
Well, I guess it's allright then.
>There'll be expedition for colonization
>with suspicious android
>they find an alien egg, and it opens
>and one member of the crew bends over it
I think we saw it alre~
>But this time it is BACKBUSTER!
You have to be kidding me.
>No shit, man. Are you exited? Well, then get ready for
No, please.
>And remember engeneers and all that life source research?
>They are all dead, nobody gets any answers. Mistery. Like Gieger, right?
>And there are big explosions
>aliens chasing humans
>we even did shower sex scene turning into slasher
Why are you telling all this?
>Pfff, it's all in the trailers. And deaths of 70% of the crew.
I think I'm out.
>And we have homosexuals on board this time
wasn't the skull in one of the redesigns? it's a shitty idea desu
You didnt mention interracial couples you nazi pig

assbursters, Anon. assbursters.


>It better not be a case of "we had this old screenplay lying around here for ages, so lets slap on a (currently) hot name on and do it finally" case

Dreamcatcher was based on a Stephen King book he wrote while recovering from being hit by a van and having the shits, so it's probably not that kind of case.
i always loved ridley as the alienpsycho in alien4.

Not. Even. Close.
It's at the end of the second act. Tenessee rescues the last survivors on the planet before going back to the covenant and the xeno is fucking shit up.
THEN, the third act begins, the survivors think they're safe.
They aren't.

>shower scene
it really is kind of stupid
>glass designed to withstand space travel
>gets broken by some space nigger headbutting it
>What are the odds?
Of finding mother wheat that needs humans for it's reproduction on an different planet without previous human colonization? 0, literally zero.

Why can't they send scientists to scientific missions? why sent bumbling retards?!
I was mad at what they did with the the Thing sequel/prequel/remake/whatever.
I'm just indifferent now.
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So is this suppose to be Shaw?
I beg you . Please tell me it is not gonna be like that. I dont want to watch yet another teen horror movie
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>5 movies later
>bonus situation still not resolved
Nah, it was in the original. They changed it with aliens.
David. Shaw is dead, we knew this for quite a while.

>not bumbling retards when it comes to anything outside their area of expertise

Jaimie, pull up that clip of all the squares that match the description: castle. What is that, like all of them? That castle would fuck you up.
>People have said the last thing to get finished is the CGI.

The one huge advantage CG has is that you can have computer animators working on it concurrently with filming.

With practical effects you need a long-ass preproduction period because they CANNOT start filming if that stuff isn't ready.

they even had puppets. and decided to not use them
The worst part is that the alien is not even holding the frame. It is just hitting the glass with no force

you mean the ones they did use, and then the studio demanded CGI creatures be painted over the practical effects because reasons?
It's going to be like that. It's confirmed in the leaks :(. They're back on the covenant, they think they got rid of the xenos, so they start to relax, and then, shit happens and the xenos, who got on the ship ( don't ask me how, it's not leaked... yet ), start fucking everybody up, and McBride and NotRipley have a "cat and mouse" game with it.

It's David. Saving the Covenant crew from the Neomorphs in the grass.
>4 prequel movies all to explain the Space Jockey even though it was unnecessary to explain its background and there was no reason to give us some bullshit underwhelming backstory of black goo and engineers
>it was in the original
>Shaw is dead
No she isn't who told you this?
Dude, I'm a Structural Engineer in the making and even I know wild wheat looks nothing like domesticated wheat, and that domesticated wheat is like that because we made it and that it can't survive without human meddling.
The biggest problem I see with this movie from the trailer is that I've seen this exact movie at least 3 times now. At least Prometheus had different creatures/monsters (e.g. the Engineers, the snake thing, zombies), this is just literally Alien again.
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From alien 1.I think they changed it to not have the skull anymore with aliens.
I thought Rapace was only appearing in a flashback or something?
>First large scale colonization
>Brought like 7 couples and an andriod
See >>79946736 I fucked up my answer and answered myself
That's a legitimate thing in biology though. Animals lower on the food chain will go quiet when there's a predator around.
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>first large scale colonization
>bring gay couples

I don't think Scott thought this through...
There's hundred of peoples in cryosleep on the covenant.
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>artbook has a mega skull face ayylmao on it

what did he mean by this
What >>79945982 said. It'd make sense that the Prometheus and the Covenant would have better tech, since the former was a proper scientific expedition and the latter is a colonization effort. The Nostromo was a mining vessel, it's not going to be state of the art.
The original alien was bio mechanical. I think David made a new body out of Engineer tech and will eventually fuse himself with some sort of creature and be the progenitor of the xenomorphs.
What did they mean by this? I thought they were trying to point out how strange it is how they found this beautiful earth-like planet complete with forests and fields of wheat, but absolutely no animal life
I never noticed it was transparent in 1. I always thought the head was slick black.
From a practical point of view the awake crew should all be gays.

They're expendable.
Really? that escaped me, well, I feel like a retard now. Then yeah, a couple of gay couples is not a survivability problem anymore.
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The "babby alien" turns into the Deacon
I was rather saying about the Prometeus 2 being an adapted Dreamcatcher 2 script.

They had real animatronic automatons XXI Century would be proud of.

They were too scary and felt too real, innit.
>>artbook has a mega skull face ayylmao on it
The Alien has always had eyes. Did you not seriously know this?

A toy I bought of the Alien 15 years ago has the skull face with its eyes. His head just makes it invisible.
No matter how advanced the ship is you cannot have LCD keyboards onboard. Its just plain fedora.
I wish they'd stop with muh ridley when making the protag
I thought the eyes were that weird ring it has around its head.
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Fucking tail-lets i swear.
It's ok, is the perfect counter example for when feminists say there isn't a female protag on franchises
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NOOOOOOOOO it has always had eyes at the front.

>I thought the eyes were that weird ring it has around its head.
OMG I am literally speechless
this kind of post is why I still browse /tv/.
Why aren't trailers like this anymore? Seriously asking here. This movie came out in the 70's and the trailer is still insanely popular and talked about today. Wouldn't studios realize this and do it more often instead of giving away everything?
I bought the Alien 3 Expanded Score soundtrack and on the disc art was this Alien.

That triggered the autistic nerd in me so much
I can understand a top-of-the-line scientific expedition ship having better technology than a shitty mining vessel, but we're talking about what? A 100 year difference between the movies? It's like having people during WW2 on scientific expeditions with better technology than typical stuff from today.

If anything, this only excuses why the prometheus looks very clean and pretty, while the nostromo looks old and dirty. I get that. But the actual technology itself? No, bullshit. All Scott had to do was make everything NOT this holographic touch interface bullshit like from Minority Report.

I fucking hate it when prequels pull a Star Wars and make all the technology drastically more advanced.
too much cgi to show
i've had that toy since i was a kid, it also squeeks when you pull the lever to make the teeth come out
this. i would complain if the actress would be bad. but noomi was good in prometheus and the abortion scene was the best in the movie.
do a flip dumbass
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Reminder that Alien Covenant is a film made for the normies audience

>Gay couple
>Every one on the ship is a couple
>Female with boyish looks
I don't have anything wrong with that so I am not complaining but people like /pol/ here are going to scream so much when it gets released.

Unfortunately so much of cinema is normies now and not independent art anymore so I am just making this clear for those oldfags who wanna watch it.
Ridley is such a fucking hack. He keeps trying to recreate Alien by just following all the same plot points recycled again and again, but even then, he keeps fucking up because he fundamentally doesn't understand why it was good.

Alien wouldn't have been special if we all knew what the Alien was, what it looked like, about the facehuggers and chestbursters, etc before even walking into the theater. There was mystery and suspense. None of that is present here. This is just mental masturbation on Ridley's part.
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IĀ“ve heard that the aliens "head" wasnĀ“t see-through after alien 1 but iĀ“m not 100% sure. ItĀ“s kinda hard to see them in the darkness anyway.
Alright. Here you go guys, coming from trustworthy sources :

-Franco dies at the very beginning. The ship hit a solar wave and he burns alive in his cryosleep pod.
- This awake the crew. Crudup is now the new captain, but he is not respected among the crew. Only his wife takes him seriously.
- Tenessee (McBride) check his pilot room and discover and message, a FLUTE, coming from a planet nearby.
- They go check it out.
- They discover the planet etc... see trailer.
- Two guys ( one of them being one of the gay guy ) get infected with spores.
- One of the guy get sick, is taken on the medbay while the crew explore the Juggernaut and find Shaw's dogtag.
- On the medbay, a NEOMORPH burst out of the sick guy back, and start fucking everybody up. Tenessee's wife fire a weapon, but hit a gaz tank and the ship explode.
- The gay guy start getting sick, as the crew watch the spaceship burn, and a second neomorph burst out of his neck.
- The two neomorphs start killing everybody, but David saves the day.
- He takes the survivors in the engineer citadel, tell them about Shaw ( dead, sorry guys ), etc...
- Walter doesn't trust him.
- They soon discover David just wants DNA material to experiment with the black goo and the eggs he grew while doing experiments.
- Lure Crudup in the egg cavern, he get facehugged.
- Crudup"s son start killing the survivor as Tenessee, who was on the Covenant all along, save the day with a little dropship.
- The xeno try to get on the dropship, but is killed.
- They get back on the covenant, everybody think they're safe.
- They aren't.
- The xeno is not dead and is on the covenant too.
- Shower scene.
- Tenesse, Walter and NotRipley start hunting the xeno, ejecting into space.
- They go back into cryosleep.
- But... Walter, who's in reality DAVID, is still here, and put some alien embryos in the room with the hundreds of peoples in cryosleep, send to colonize planets.
- the end.

Sorry for my english.
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>go to watch Alien Covenant by myself
>Everyone in the cinema is a couple
>Everyone in the movie is a couple
They also have a WM+BF couple and a BM+WF couple. Thanks for the racemixing propaganda, Scott! I totally want to BLANDA UPP and make some mystery meat mulatto children now :^)
>independent art
wow i really like this masterpiece which is totally unknown to the public.
please be bait
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>Stacey is watching the trailer on her Iphone 6+
omg anon there is this new horror movie that looks like so sick!
Don't blame Ridley. He wouldn't have been allowed to make this movie if he told the studio that he didn't want a gay couple even though it makes no sense for these humans who have been chosen to populate a new planet and they choose a fucking gay couple?

>Two guys ( one of them being one of the gay guy ) get infected with spores.
Oh boy. So its like space HIV
>anons download camrip
>watch it and then post how certain dialogue and music is too loud
Adding to that last post, forgot some key points:

Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoffs
-In contact with aliens
-Possess psychic-like abilities
-Control france with an iron but fair fist
-Own castles & banks globally
-Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
-Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
-Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
-First designer babies will in all likelihood be Bogdanoff babies
-both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
-Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
-They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
-You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now
-The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leaderā€™s first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Bogdanoff bunker in Wilkes land?
-They learned fluent French in under a week
-Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. Thereā€™s no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff
-The twins are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
-In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We donā€™t know their ultimate plans yet. We hope theyā€™re benevolent beings.
Why the fuck would the aliens go from aerial spores to fucking eggs anyway? ItĀ“s basically an evolutionary step back.
I said Alien is no longer independent art like it was in the 70's. Re read what I said
Can I get some extended exposition on these guys?
That's not how HIV works you little shit
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>Crudup's son
This is R Rated right? Please don't tell me the studio will change it to PG 13
>HIV isn't space spores

Whoa there, we got a scientific genius over here.
shut up aids fag
Also :

-Some characters are here just to die, don't expect a lot of character development. Walter, McBride, David, NotRipley, and GayWishAMustacheGuy are the most likeable. The rest is MEAT.
- It's gory. Probably the most violent Alien movie ( more than AvP Requiem ). The backbuster is really fucked up.
- The whole movie is TENSE. not that scary, but apparently there's an atmosphere full of dread and tension.

And for the sad part :

Apparently, they reshot some stuff.
The flashback with the engineers being killed by David, and Shaw's scene are not in the movie anymore.
IKR. No, instead we get wonder women and mary sue's that know how to use everything and can run marathons minutes after alien abortions.
alien was never independent art. alien was always mainstream. just because giger made the the alien designs doesnt make it your independent arthouse flick.
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>The flashback with the engineers being killed by David, and Shaw's scene are not in the movie anymore
they had one fucking job
5h thread. 345 posts. I am proud /tv/
Don't worry. You still see some engineers.

Dead ones :^)
>lets keep the main character alive at the end of the first movie
>fuck it. lets kill her before sequel
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Guess they didnĀ“t learn from Alien 3.
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>The Alien has always had eyes.
>His head just makes it invisible.

well yeah, the artbook makes it look like they at least were considering an Alien in this movie that didn't hide the skull with the dome, and brought it out more.

>that fucking image.jpg
>HR Giger painting an actual human skull that was in the original costume (pretty sure it's in "The Book Of Alien")
at least he wasnt the main character. its like keeping him and killing off Ripley
Still, Hicks and Newt were great. Killing them offscreen just feels terribly cheap.
Wasn't the Deacon from Prom. It's a new alien.

>its like keeping Bishop and killing off Ripley then having Bishop be the villain for 3
for the last time
Biehn wanted too much money
Newt was too old
kek. Pretty much. Fuck I miss Bishop. He was a good andro
Also, there are rumpors that Sigourney Weaver is the spaceship's voice.
What's Lance Henriksen even doing nowadays?Direct to DVD shit?
It wouldnt help desu
Stick your dick in there son. I double dare you.
He's playing in a lot of bad direct to dvd shit, like you say.
But for an old man, he's still in good shape.
Kinda but show some respect
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I always thought it looked like he was wearing Apple earphones in that shot.
Bogdanoffs bow to the Barbarian Brothers, mostly Peter Palpin but sometimes brother David Paul as well.
>Also, there are rumpors that Sigourney Weaver is the spaceship's voice.
fucking retarded shit anon
It's a rumor.

And keep in mind Ridley thought Prometheus was a good idea.
He also thought cutting 30 minutes of GOOD scenes was a good idea.
It's not that retarded.
i thought the cutting of scenes was because fox wanted more showings per day?
>It's not that retarded.
Yes, it is.
That's a big alien.
Should've kept the move just a trailer then.
Really makes you think

are you going to pay 15 quid to see a trailer in 3d?
No, but a buncha morons probably would.
And if they'd ask for only $10 it would be a pretty big bunch, I reckon.
this isnt 1998
Maybe you're right.
Maybe the companies should sell movie trailers on iTunes for just a coupla bucks a pop.
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