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Thoughts on the new King Arthur trailer? https://www.youtub

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Thoughts on the new King Arthur trailer?

It's been done.

Why not Charlemagne or some shit.

Hollywood is dead.
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Some parts look ok, the heavy fantasy/dream sequence stuff seems a bit jarring.

I'm intrigued
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>its a classic european fantasy has a token black person in it episode
>aquatic tart . jpeg
I'm down. I can always appreciate some medieval kino, be it early, high or late.
All this weird, hyper-stylised and heavily altered fairytale shit is freaking me out.

We had those Alice in Wonderland films a few years back, then the Snow White shit, then they built onto that universe with the weird "Huntsman" stuff, then the Hansel & Gretel shit.

Who watches this stuff and who the fuck directs it? Garbage like Transformers I understand, but this just baffles me.
Remind me of those Children of the Forest from GoT.
This is trash
>Its another King Arthur movie with late medieval aesthetics and not sub-roman pre-dark-age aesthetics

Arthur movies are either Imperial Roman or late Medieval. Really grinds my gears.

Late Roman/ Early Dark Ages is best aesthetic.
why is there a black guy?
why is there rock music playing in the trailer?
why the anachronisms?
>King Arthur and his squire Kang Artha
Honestly, that looked pretty good, not like that means anything

You know what also had a great trailer?
After Earth.

where the fuck is rocknrolla 2 ritchie you fuck.
uh no late Eastern Roman Empire aesthetic best aesthetic
that armor looks hella gay

>Greatest Bana

If he's in the rest of the movie with Bane Hardy I'd purchase the tickets Senpai
>Bad guys throwing Nazi salutes
>Black sidekick

pol is gonna fucking aneurysm
Does Monty Python and the Holy Grail get it wrong as well?

Know any films with a good reference point of that aesthetic?

Maybe Hard to be a God

Oh shit I thought it was Baneman. NEver mind. Charlie Hunman can't act for shit. He's using the same character he always does.
>Nazi Salutes
>being so pleb you don't recognize that the Nazi salute is based off the Imperial Roman salute
I may see this because of Aiden Gillen
What have you done to me /tv/
I'll watch it for CIA
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>If I pull out that sword will you die?
>It would be extremely painful
>You're a big guy
>For you
>Imperial Roman Salutes
>Being so pleb you don't know that there is zero evidence it was used by the Romans
money, anon.

(((they))) do this every 10 or so years or sometimes sooner.
This is shlock. Did they ever read an Arthurian Legends? Arthurian tales are tales of romance, chivalry, and friendship. This is capeshit tier
It was invented by French painters.
The only real Roman gesture was the "adlocutio" and it was merely functional.
nah nah kang artha gon fuck dem hos

king foltest
They need to stop putting niggers everywhere
Ruins the immersion
So wait, is Jude Law supposed to be Arthur or Uther? If Arthrur then is the beefy lead Morgan? Cause that might b cool
How likely do you think it would have been for a couple of Nubians to have arrived in Britannia circa 500 AD, let alone join the army of Arthur? Arthur would have been in parts of England just a little past current Cornwall or Wales at the time, fighting the Saxons, Angles, and Jutes for every inch of land, for both glory and protecting the Britons from the recent invaders. A better, but nearly as exotic (for the time) choice would have been to include a couple of Slavic or Hunnic mercenaries to Arthur's retinue/army. The last King Arthur movie was almost along the lines of my suggestions, but they still missed a lot regarding historical accuracy of the period. This new King Arthur movie seems to be based on later medieval interpretations of the legend, which is not as appealing to me as the Late Roman and Dark Ages one that originated it. To truly do the Arthurian legend, it needs an atmosphere most similar to Total War: Attila (400s-500s AD), and not Medieval II: Total War (Beginning 1080 AD), in other words. At least Vortigern is supposed to make an appearance in this movie, who was a historical figure of the Arthurian time period. Mostly, I wish the weapons and armor were less Late Medieval looking, and more Late Roman and Dark Ages in style.
What are examples of movies that have been made about Emperor Charlemagne? I'm genuinely interested.

Considering the highly inaccurate armor displayed in those screenshots I imagine it doesn't really matter at all.

Just think of it all happening in a parallel universe.

not into this kind of stories but..

what's the point on showing the pulling out of the sword in the trailer?
wouldn't you want to make that scene the most thrilling and iconic of all in that kind of movie hence not showing it in the first trailer?

also guy ritchie's a hack. snatch was a decent fluke his other movies are trash tier.
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I guess I'll try to approach the movie more along the lines of the Lord of the Rings films. I wish a new high-budget movie was made featuring a reasonably accurate early Dark Ages atmosphere.
Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels is better than Snatch though
>Still no Cyrus the Great historical epic

Also are those little chain mail booties?

>using "Babe I'm Gonna Leave You" for the trailer music
>not "Battle of Evermore"

Jesus Christ, if you're going to spend the money on licensing a Led Zeppelin song you might as well get one that actually fits.
I think they're just cloth or wool socks, wrapped like puttees.
Fuck no, its been seen a thousand times. you go to a king arthur movie not knowing that cliched moment would happen ur an idiot. better to just sell it in the trailer
After the inaccuracies already present in the 2004 King Arthur movie, despite close-enough armor and weapons, and the general 5th century AD time period, I feel like we've regressed back to the "King Arthur is a late medieval English King" meme. He should be depicted more like an early Welsh/Romano-British leader.
why would you shoot arrows at a man before throwing him off a tower?
OK, but who plays Merlin? Are they gonna show us how Merlin grooms Artoria but instead of fucking him, gives her a dick to bone Morgana and create Mordred? Why is Arthur a grown man when pulling out Caliburn? Are they gonna show us how Lancelot grows up with the lady of the lake ad then tries to cuck his King? Are they gonna ned it with Artoria dying at the sword of her daughter????
On this one I can agree. The overall lefty sentiment and fear of overt signs of "rightist" shit makes it more authoritarian instead of something like Branagh's Henry V where it basks in nationalistic shit, "our king is godly, heil" etc

And yeah it feels really jewy or like a tumblr potter fangirl view of leftism. Like star wars' nazi salute
Yeah, the movie's compromised by that, but I'll probably end up seeing it at some point because I'm interested in Arthurian legends.

that's the point? everyone knows the scene is going to happen.
an ambitious film maker will make the how it's happening into something special that has a new touch. it's not that hard since the best and only memorable arthur story we had was very much based in the realm of polished fantasm.

guess you just film 3 shots of nails getting hammered into hands and feet and skip to the part where he's dead right? moronic arugment
just because audience knows a certain scene is happening doesn't mean you should just skip telling the story your way.
Charlemagne would likely seem too right wing for Hollywood to make a movie about him. They wouldn't even go near Charles Martel, his grandfather, who defeated the Muslim army invading France at the Battle of Tours. Even Donald Trump was recently compared to Charlemagne, and it was not meant to be positive, despite a once widely-accepted positive view of Charlemagne himself, the founder of the Holy Roman Empire.
Apart from Merlin, none of this characters are going to appear in this film - at least according to the imdb casting.

No Morgana, Lancelot, Guinevere, etc…

>It is the first installment of a planned six film series

so expect them in the sequels I guess
They're quite optimistic about those sequels.
>Charlie Hunman
I'll skip it.
It would seem fitting for Hollywood to try to do a movie about the Persian Empire and Cyrus the Great, depicting them as reasonable, or even good, instead of the 300 style monstrous villains.
Ive commented to much on this piece of shit in earlier threads but the one thing that i still cant get over is that they got charlie hunman as the lead actor.

face blindness is a sign of autism
Charlemagne was basically a real life King Arthur.

/pol/ literally gets triggered 10,000 times a day. it's hilarious that they make fun of SJW's for getting offended all the time.
No its actually more autistic when youre good at recognizing people
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>king arthur

Fuck Hollywood
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said no one ever
Yeah pretty much this
Well yes because /pol/ gets offended for the right reason, unlike sjw's.
Actually i just did. You might want to understand that having a exceptionally great memory is a sign of advanced autism also known as AA.
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wtf is this?
>How likely do you think it would have been for a couple of Nubians to have arrived in Britannia circa 500 AD, let alone join the army of Arthur?

According to imdb that Nubian is Sir Bedivere. The movie will probably just say he is a Moor or something, because We Wuz Kangz n shiettt

getting triggered by everything you see is still fucking ridiculous and retarded. not everything is a jewish conspiracy.

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>Are you scared?
>You should be
What is the best King Arthur movie and why is it Monty Python
>If I pull out that sword will you die?

dude did you even watch the trailer?
Eric Bana was Uther and Charlie was Arthur

maybe this movie is a little too advanced for you
Well considering the source you gave me to back up this claim is a well known false information spreader in the autism psychology work help station operation community also known as the APWSOC, id be not that sure that simple retardation is a cause of thee good ol 'tism
A highly ranking knight? That sounds even more implausible, if not impossible. I'm trying to visualize what a sub-Saharan African of the early middle ages would be able to do to 1. reach Britain, 2. know enough of the language of Arthur's people (would it be Latin or Celtic Brythonic over there?), 3. to not only enlist but achieve the rank of a knight. Arthur was supposed to be from a time well before even the Arabs and the Berbers became Islamized, let alone recruited sub-Saharan African soldiers and mercenaries into their forces. While we're at it, we should have a far easterner from China serving with Arthur, which would balance out the diversity of his knightly order quite well.

lel, you clearly are autistic if you know this much about autisim. further proving my point that face blindness is a sign of autism.

>getting triggered every time you see a black person in a movie or on television is getting "offended for the right reason"

/pol/tards everybody. you can't make this shit up.
Whether i was diagnosed with autism at the age of 5 has nothing to do with you gettin trolled like a good little newfag.
That's Morgan Freeman's character when he was younger from Robin Hood

Looks like GOT meets Clash of the Titans.

I hope they go back to making movies like they did in the late 90's...have visual FX take a backseat to character development and plot.
some stories had Arthur fighting the Roman Emperor on the continent, probably some blacks were there
watching this just made me want a well scripted/well directed Witcher movie.

Although balance the action with a prominent horror element.
>No Goosefat Bill Wilson

Why even bother
I only want Asians and Pacific Islanders in my films

No mayos pls
It is a sub saharan african wearing a coif without an cloth padding, making it literally useless, wearing apparently a pot on his head which is what happens when you opt out of the apparently optional nasal guard of the classic Nasal Helm, and using what looks like a Heater shield with the bottom cut out for unknown reasons. The sword checks out, but the pommel looks like it has a wheel pommel, which would have us looking at early 14th century.

This, is what happens when you put a fucking sub saharan african in what is apparently late 12th century england.
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We seem to have come full circle with other decades, in making the typical hair styling mistakes against historical accuracy. I doubt many people, except for possibly some Germanic tribesmen, would have had hair approximating today's undercut haircut. His hair should be longer on the sides and back, or maybe give him a Caesar haircut instead.
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Why do movies feel the need to take so many liberties?

If they'd followed the Arthurian legends this could have been kino. Instead it is generic action shit.
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Damn, the young pope looks like THAT?!
Thats the worst part. This movie is an utter waste of Jude Law.
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Hollywood can't even do Arthurian legend right anymore. This is the end folks. Everything is a marvel movie now.
Yes. Charlemagne=King Arthur basically.
Looks kino
Better than the 2004 one?
Guy Ritchie is directing, it probably won't be that bad.
Umm sorry, but Guy Ritchie's style is a horrible choice for this kind of movie. You can tell by the trailer.
It looks retarded. It's not that hard to follow the Arthurian legends mate.

>Arthur pulls sword from stone
>Asshat refuses to accepts his rule and beats him within an inch of his life
>Arthur becomes badass king
>Arthur fucks his sister
>Murders all the babies so his incest son wont overthrow him as Merlin foretold
>Arthur v incest son
Looks like a CGI shit-fest
You actually can't

>It looks retarded. It's not that hard to follow the Arthurian legends mate.

You don't need to follow the same formula m8
This movie, right here is the best Arthur movie.

One of the most beautiful movies ever put on film.
Yes, you do. For one no one has actually done it. Secondly any time any media takes liberties with something that already exist it always becomes shit.
The trailer is literally Guy Ritchie thinking he's doing another British hip action movie (I like to call it Guy Richie's Tarantino impression). He literally plays Rock music in the trailer. This is the most popular mythology in the English language. Not a fucking hipster gangster movie.
people liked A Knights Tale a lot.

A) he didn't exist
B) the "King Arthur is a late medieval English King" meme was started by The Once and Future King, one of the greatest recent additions to the Arthurian lore, and a great contributor to modern versions of the tale. Another novel that does this is Kevin Crossley-Holland's The Seeing Stone, though in that there is a 12th century plot in which a young squire called Arthur living in the real world is given visions of a parallel life wherein he is King of the Britons.

There are lots of novels that 'accurately' place King Arthur in an actually realistic historical context, like Rosemary Sutcliff's The Lantern Bearers, Stephen R. Lawhead's The Pendragon Cycle, or Bernard Cornwell's The Warlord Chronicles, but often pre-modern works locate him in some unknown Medieval age analogous with the Age of Chivalry, like Tennyson's Idylls of the King.

Tolkien's The Fall of Arthur takes an almost Saxon approach in the storytelling, giving it a Beowulf vibe, which is also 'inaccurate'. If you're gonna get mad about every version of King Arthur you see taking place in a time when the myths were most popular rather than when they were supposed to happen, then just read the original Matter of Britain stuff, like the Mabinogion, the Annales Cambriae, the Historia Brittonum, and the writings of Gildas. Or just memorise the entirety of Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia Regum Britanniae.

Almost none of it is actually historically tenable, however. Ambrosius Aurelianus probably existed.
Looks good but the soundtrack really takes me out of the setting.
Nothing will ever surpass excalibur
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>"King Arthur is a late medieval English King" meme.

Almost every scholarly essay on Arthurian myth goes out of it's way to point out that actual fucking medieval writers never portrayed Arthurian times as in the 5th century. The stories have almost always been an anachronism reflecting the times they were written. Do you really think modern Hollywood invented this?
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Still no Sir Gawain and the Green Knight movie
Unironically KINO

Sadly, this. A classic.
>Still no Heracles and Gilgamesh bro team up movie





You're wrong, it's going to be great.


My only knowledge of this movie comes from a YT commercial trailer I saw 30 minutes ago.

I'll be honest, the Led Zeppelin made me want to see it.
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that's the only kind of movie he seems capable of anymore with the exception of Man From Uncle

blockheaded toothless """"lads"""" who get into violence and look like they smell of piss and beer
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You need to watch the short film Black Angel. Which inspired the look of Excalibur... oddly enough George Lucas commission it.

Tolkien took the Saxon approach because that is the time period of the original inspiration
By all means, I hope I'm wrong. The Once and Future King is one of my favorite books. I'm just saying, my expectations dropped big time once I heard Guy Ritchie and saw the trailer.
Well it was attached to Empire Strikes Back. Remember, we are talking Lucas' bread and butter. Star wars being a homage to classic cinema, was also inspired by short episodic films that would be attached to feature films in cinema. Not a suprise that he would want something like this. This type of Arthurian/medieval fantasy setting fits perfectly with star wars. It looks so good. Excalibur has some of my all time favorite cinematography.
First trailer was better

Like Guy Ritchie's style though. I might see a matinee.
Glad i'm not the only one who thoughed that.
I just can't get excited for a movie about Macklemore.
[heavy drums and gaelic chanting intensifies]
leftists are fucking retarded
Is that Lea Seydoux?
I'm willing to give it a shot because I like the names involved, but goddamn, nobody can make a good Arthur movie.
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nobody can make a good Arthur movie
false, pic related

I wonder what Martel would think of modern France.
He would destroy it and start over
I wasn't impressed, but it's shitty quality does lend itself to being praised here.
looks like a nigger to me

Is that the only Excalibur collage/screenshot there is?
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Oh fuck.
guess i have to watch it no matter what now
The only thing shitty about it is the acting... but they were predominantly stage actors.
>Young pope v.s Jax
nobody has the balls to make a super violent R rated king arthur like that today
So the acting is shitty but you liked it anyways. Great.
Just read the book, it's a million times better
I unironically liked the robert downy jr. sherlock holmes movies
which version?
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We Wuz Temerian an Shiet
>i want a salute that looks evil for my evil guy
say no more senpai
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No one has the balls to make an R rated movie today.

Normies on the internet have stifled free speech.

Movie execs are too afraid of criticism and SJWs need their safe spaces free of people who don't think like them.
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John wick was R, and its fantastic
Teen comedy movies use to be R

Now we get PG comic book movies for man children.
all the marvel movies are PG13
looks like i know what movie im watching tonight
I don't think people could take a sincere, straightforward adaptation of it seriously. It either needs to be overtly dark and gritty, or it has to be some sort of Tarantinoesque deconstruction. . It's a real shame. It's the same reason they can't make a good Robin hood film anymore.
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It will have a shitty last 1/3rd of the movie where Camelot's forces fight with Mordred's army and it will be a bunch of shitty CG crap and you won't be able to tell what's going on.

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i wouldnt have picked Jude Law to remind me of Foltest.

seems like a waste of alot of decent actors, but i'll see it nonetheless
Well Excalibur was dark and dirty in it's visuals and gore.

But the tone was very dream-like. I wouldn't say straightforward at all. It actually dealt with some more in-depth themes like the King being the God of the land... and not Jesus being God. And how his Kingdom would wither if he did...

You want a dry, straightforward Arthur movie, watch The First Knight.
Just like The Battle of the Five Armies.
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>No one has the balls to make an R rated movie today.
i miss the days of violently exploding squibs and blood packs and violent flashy gore being commonplace in R rated action movies like Robocop and Starship Troopers (normie examples)
now it's all fucking cgi blood and shitty sex jokes (fuck deadpool and fuck American Ultra)

where's my ultra violence?
where's my exploding squibs and fountains of blood?
the nazi salute and token nigger are really subtle
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you take what you can get with these nu-action movies
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We're living in an era where people think light bondage porn is "extreme."

Where anything remotely offensive to any minority is decried by self-loathing SJWs.

Where people actually think they have a right to not be offended by something... usually something they voluntarily consume.

All this because someone decided to let the normies on the internet.
Probably not. I didn't make it. You could find countless good stills from the film though.
When did Guy Ritchie start doing shit like this? Why can't he keep making more Snatch-like kino?

I remember seeing this one with just nine, or was it ten, screenshots made into a grid, it was pretty good.

Yours is a bit too spoilery.
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>Well Excalibur was dark and dirty in it's visuals and gore
But it's also is at times colorful, joyous, and beautiful. Today's films in medieval settings tend to be exclusively bleak and gritty. Excalibur wouldn't work if the film had the same tone as part in which they search for the grail.
>You want a dry, straightforward Arthur movie, watch The First Knight.
That's exactly what I don't want. I want something that's charming and fantastical. It's just that the methods of making it not dry are totally wrongheaded. I wish someone could make a medieval film like pic related, but I doubt anyone would be able to take it seriously.
>wearing chainmail over bare skin
Just fuck my shit up
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it's not even the normies taking offense to minor shit that annoys me, it's this overuse of CGI.
sure, these dumb cunts pushing a progressive agenda into entertainment is trash, but where's the violent substance in R rated movies?
where's the grit, the gore, the blood?

CGI ruined hollywood, not the jews, even if they are pushing this shit
he likes the money
All that grit isn't there because of the loud minority and that CGI gore is cheaper believe it or not since you don't have to do expensive retakes.
Aurthurian legend is very dark in a greek tragedy sense, but it can end in a very positive light. I'm tired of the crap we get today. It's always these morally grey heroes and villains. Nobody understands what a hero is anymore. This could have been a great opportunity to bring back the classic hero journey. This could have been Star Wars 1977 of our time and bring back the classic cinema and storytelling. It's such a missed opportunity. I don't mind deconstructing the story and having a hip film, but that's all we get these days.
how much does it suck that CIA is going to be typecast for medieval shit along with anyone from GOT?

i've seen 2 or 3 actors from GOT in the trailers already

also tfw would have been a better lead than Hunham
>cgi, cgi, black dude, cgi, autistic one liner, cgi cgi
it's gonna be great, can't wait
fuck your expenses, you should have gotten it right the first shoot, give me blood and gore
Fucking Neon Demon had more blood in it than the popular bunch of R movies

that whole scene was great, if a little pretentious and artsy

There's no art or passion in any Hollywood productions. It's made with corporate boardroom meetings and throwaway directors whipping 1000 chink CGI slaves with a few prostitutes in front of green screens.
Looks like absolute shit with shitty actors and shitty effects. Also why does a King Arthur tale have women and niggers in it, I can't remember either being very important to the story.

Damn, that sounds dense as fuck.
Stop being a cunt
>only one CIA image in this entire thread
/tv/ is dead
>women and niggers

Those are the only dumb people left who give their money to the Chinese who own Hollywood now.
But chinese hate women and niggers in movies?
I remember the first trailer being a lot of whiplash. It went from what I thought was going to be medieval Snatch to a cgi-heavy Arthurian fantasy epic in the span of like two minutes.

This trailer seems to be doubling down on the anachronistic music to emphasize that an off-kilter tone when approaching this material.

I'll probably go see it because I like Ritchie.
>No one has the balls to make an R rated movie today.
I mean if we just wanna talk action movies from the last 2 years, we've got kingsman, mad max, the accountant, the revenant, and deadpool doing well at the box office, and plenty of others that did alright.
Whelp the Chinese are buying up Hollywood and the SJW distortions are still appearing in Hollywood movies.
None of those had a lot of gore, or anything really controversial.
Grab the stirrups, we need to push them back again.
So they're "soft" R movies, imho.

Look at Robocop and look at the remake.
>4 out of 5 use CGI blooded
>from the Director of Sherlock Holmes

could you do a greentext story of the incest?
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Where is Lancelot?

My nigga

But Arthur wasn't Saxon. Tolkien took the Saxon approach because he had an autistic hard-on for Saxon poetry.
He wants to make like 5 or 6 or something parts of this Arthur story. When I read it I found it insane.

Law would be great playing in a Witcher movies though.
Pure kino
>Sir Blackedalot
Why is Arthur white?
Why does armor these days have to look so fucking stylized and plastic? Where is the good old heavy plate armor like this? >>79647447
she is my waifu
also this looks like CGI The Movie
>Arthurian Cinematic Universe

King Arthur 2 : Knights of the Round Table when?
King Arthur 3 : Return of Merlin when?
King Arthur 4 : Revenge of Lancelot when?
King Arthur 5 : Rise of Gawain when?
King Arthur 6 : Mordred Strike back when?
Too bombastic. Overcooked. I dont want to digest this much. Who's the target audience? Teenagers I assume.
>persians or any of the names people of modern day Iran had

Kys, history is of a different opinion. Civil war was the norm, just saying.

FFS do these people think the Carthaginians where sub saharan africans?
sadly, yes

maybe the italians could do another zany take or orlando furioso though, something akin to the adventures of baron munchausen
>Charlemagne was basically a real life King Arthur.
charlemagne's paladins, aka the 12 peers, were the inspiration for the knights of the round table

Looks fucking fine tbqh
Have you seen Excalibur? cause its obvious that they are wearing aluminum armor that doesn't cover all that much.
>black knight, literally
>evil guys are nazi parodies in medieval armor
I was kinda interest because of JACKIE BOY, but the new trailer kinda dampened it.

That was trailerkino right there
>hyperstylized as fuck

Serious candidate for popcorn MOTY

Mfw letho kills him
>black knight

Yes? I don't see how that matters as long as it looks good, and it looks significantly better than the garbage in this trailer.
Looks pretty good, why are you getting so triggered again? The BBC knight?
might matinee for jude law
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This thing has had its release date pushed three times in less than two years, it went through two pricey rounds of reshoots, and had its special effects and soundtrack/score completely redone from scratch. It was intended to launch a three-to-six film franchise before the dailies spooked the suits and it was hastily rewritten. It has also been recut at least once and had its title changed.

None of this inspires confidence. Warner Bros clearly knows it has an epic stinker on its hands.
why no charles martel movies?
the world could use a movie driving home the point that muslims are the enemy.
i'm an arthurian nut but excalibur is hokey shit

it's never been done well on film or tv. never.
>Guy Ritchie is directing, it probably won't be that bad.
haha what
tha fuck he warin
I will never understand Hollywood and it's inability to let things go. They just dig the hole deeper and deeper with every reshoot or rewrite and then the movie needs to make even MORE money to break even. I guess this is WB's tax write off for the year
Good trailer, may give it a go
>Charlemagne would likely seem too right wing for Hollywood to make a movie about him.

Why don't the French make a film about him then? Oh that's right, their movie industry is currently irrelevant. The UK is home to numerous film studios and world leading production crews, it's why Hollywood uses their facilities and makes stories based on the country.
Never. It's going to get crushed by Guardians of the Galaxy and Alien: Covenant
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Excalibur is a good film, probably because it's British. Great poster tbqh.
baka desu senpai
What is wrong with Eric Bana?
Dude is handsome and talented to be a huge star like Brad Pitt but somehow he only plays supporting roles.
>baka desu senpai
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I'm very disappointed in you, anon.
Deadpool, a movie that came out last year, is literally one of the highest grossing R rated movies ever.

You're actually retarded.
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>black person appears on screen
>/pol/ suddenly cares about historical accuracy in a fucking Guy Ritchie King Arthur movie

relly meks u thunk
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>that's what all the fuss is about?
>don't worry, you'll soon understand what all the fuss is about
connery is so goofy in it tho
I know I shouldn't be triggered by historical inaccuracies but
>King Arthur considered an ancient tale, even before the renaissance
>Meaning no one would have nearly as much plate as this, if any at all

I know I'm nitpicking but The Holy Grail is more accurate than that
Is that specifically about Sam Hyde* or /pol/tards more generally?

* It does look like him
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>best saber is not even a saber
How does it feel to get cucked again?
Saw a prescreening of this end of last year. I love Guy Ritchie but this was shit. Both me and my friend both commented how they gave him Robin Hood's origin. And we both were blown away when the writer of this is also writing Robin Hood : Origins

Also if Warners doesn't know its shit Ritchie sure does, this film obviously needs at least one sequel to even be King Arthur-esque and Ritchie has been booking other jobs so I doubt a sequel will happen.
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>literally plastic armour
>nazi salutes
Also Eric Bana is the literal stone in which the sword is in. He kneels and throws it up in the air, it lands in his back and he turns to stone.
>it's another episode of /pol/shit making up stuff to blame the "left"for everything
Here is the actual reason, like majority of Hollywood shit they just try to make cash appealing to retards, that's why they go for the most famous character instead of one that half of the Amerifats even heard about.
Now kill yourself and shove your SJW paranoia in your ass
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will bresson ever be topped?
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>Dr. Arthur, I'm Prisoner

there was a black knight of the round table, and an arab one too
looks like pure numale hollywood shit
Can we get a relatively faithful King Arthur adaptation for once instead of all this goblin wars shit?
shit movie

there can't be flames under water

fucking moron hollywood
How did they give him Robin Hood's origin?
I've never seen a trailer go downhill so fast.
The first 30 seconds had so much potential and then it immediately went to shit.
Don't forget the round one, Sir Cumference
>1,000 mile stare
>dusty, washed out
>"haunted but determined" eyes

Hmmm. Almonds: Begin pre-ignition sequence.
The first 20 minutes is how he steals money from basically the guards and what not his whole life. And he just stashes it instead of giving to the people. So i guess more of a selfish Robin Hood.

Is Arthur's adoptive brother Sir Kay even in this?
Sons of the monarchy eheheh.

Looks cool to me, something about this cgi seems grounded and powerful, kinda like it has weight behind it, so I'm down with watching it.
Honestly I dont know that much about Arthurian legend or even remember names but the only 2 people in Arthurs group at the end are basically Bane? and Who?
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now when you say "brother"...
why was gawain a girl (on left)
Looks like generic medieval fantasy schlock
>Oh that's right, their movie industry is currently irrelevant.
Hey don't make fun of our movies about wealthy parisians struggling with depression.
>Why not Charlemagne or some shit.
Because the average American has no clue about who big charlie boy was.
The movie industry likes to make money.
God damnit. I laughed
What? The armor in Excalibur was made by Terry English, an actual armorsmith
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>England's greatest king is a literal cuck
>medieval bad guys literally giving the hitler salute
Fucking garbage.
But then how else will people know they're the bad guys???
Production values BBC4 would be proud of.

>John Boorman is still alive and yet they do this.
>let me get a 2 on the sides and leave it long on top
Mate im a historian but its blatantly fantasy.
>Movie set in england during middle ages
>Blue Depressing Filter Activated

Every time
In Britain their media is called the BBC for a reason
When it showed the dude waking up in bed I legit thought it was some Assassin's Creed tier shit where King Arthur got reincarnated in some futuristic setting to save the country

Then I was disappointed
Pretty good.
>King Arthur movies
>Looks like it's set in the 1400's... AGAIN

Not that I was expecting it any differently, but setting it about millennia ago is the only way you're going to get me interested in King Arthur nowadays
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Colour didn't exist until the 20th century, anon. The entire length of human history was grimdark earth tones.

You can't hold the exclusive marketing rights for "Charlemagne".

This is capitalism, not communism. You don't make movies for the people, you make it for profit.
excalibur was fine
this is what I came to post.

It's utterly failed to capture the early medieval period that the King Arthur myth supposedly took place in. I see plate armor, 15th century swords, advanced chainmail/plate hybrids, a very well knit bed that looks like it was made last year, a city that has way too many people in it for the population levels of that era, etc.

history fags like me will never be satisfied with hollywood
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>most iconic arthurian legend written in the 15th century
>romanticized knights in shinning armour has always been the tradition
Anyone know the name of the program to make collages like this that are webms? Each square plays a short section of the movie and all the sections together is the entire movie.
Well hey! It look like crap to me!
>those textures
underrated post
Why do you leftists hate white people?
Martel kino directed by mel when?
It's okay to not be okay with something that is wrong. It's not okay to be not okay with something that is not wrong.
Goddamn, I can't take Aidan Gillen seriously in anything anymore. Every time I see that mickeys face I lose my shit
Why do the bad guys have Robocop visors on?
Why does Hollywood have to always try to put a hip spin on movies set in medieval/classic/ancient times

Like fuck, it's not that hard to take a collectively accepted Arthurian legend and just fucking run with it. I would personally choose Once and Future King simply because it's super comfy and I love the Merlin backwards time travel bullshit he describes. I would pay out the ass to see a live action pure OAFK film.

Tfw when you'll never get the fully fleshed out Lancelot the ill Made Knight story. Tfw no Merlin knowingly walking into a trap to get locked in a fucking cave because of good pussy. Tfw no Wart. Tfw no Robin Hood encounter. Tfw no Might is right debates. Tfw no sister fucking.

But that's just what I want.
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