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/tv/ dubs Cat in the Hat: IT'S FINALLY DONE

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Thread replies: 227
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Well this took longer than it needed to. Thanks to everyone who contributed to this piece of shit.

Finally, 2 days in the works, and its done
Include me in the screenshot please
>not kupkike-inator
this was worth having to recite cat in the hat lines at 2am.
didn't even smile once, very cringey. God you faggots are worse than reddit now, fucking cuckholds
Pure kino. That one guy who said he was a voice actor did a great job
Unfunny reddit upvotethink twitter approved garbage.
I hate you all.
i'll get you, and it'll look like a fucking accident
Buzzwordese is not a language
This was awful until the 'I'll get you', then I just couldn't stop laughing.

Thx for the chuckle guys
i dont know a carton of eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeggggs
VA anon here, thanks guys. I've not got much work under my belt yet but it's always nice to get some positive feedback.
Lots of low energy voices, sad!
So is it a bunch of nasal low test voices and monotone fat autist voices?
This isn't even funny. What's the point of this?
Because we have nothing better to do.
name one /tv/ dubs that is actually funny
This is fucking trash and I'm glad I'm a part of it.
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I think its still fun seeing the scene with different voices. Somehow it triggers my autism when someone intentionally tries to make it funny. We should make a serious dub of a scene imo
It must be because I was 5 when i first saw it but,I love this movie,it feels really comfy and almost funny

>I wanna make cupcakes

Would've been funny if she said something like crystal meth
reddit please
that faggot even looks like Mike Myers in costume. I dont even need to look up the cast for this dumb shit cause there is no god damn way that isnt mike myers in that fucking suit
goodfellas and tdkr
No shit. How fucking young are you? Jesus.
And he's not even IN the hat. The hat is ON him, at best
/tv/ can't sing like other boards do.
Now compare this to /mu/'s The Death of Pablo and it should put into perspective the age/talent of each board's browsers. This is very embarrassing.
Americans have such ugly accents

this could have been done much better
This is cringe. Unironically would have been better if they had just thrown every Bane joke possible in. Wtf is even the point of this? If I wanted to hear weabs speaking I would join a random 4chan skype thread. If I wnated to watch this piece of shit movie I would pirate and watch it.

This is why /tv/ is so bad now. This has ascended to a new tier above Bane. This is pure Reddit garbage.
>heavily relies on kanye west samples
>that mcdonalds rap
>was made by like the same 3 anons
>structurally and soundwise is a ripoff of Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven by Godspeed You! Black Emperor
Try again
best line
God fucking damn, I had to turn this off after twenty seconds, the sounds of dozens of shameless autists repeating lines from a shit move gave me cringing headaches
These were great, but this CatintheHat was shit.
I agree.
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this one is good
>relies on kayne west samples
>is literally called the death of pablo

low energy argument
http://vocaroo.com/i/s1zRVo2OQj8Y was deadass the only good contributor to this
Everyone who worked on this should kill themselves post haste.
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>heavily relies on kanye west samples
as opposed to reading the entire script at low energy with minimal folly sounds added to make everything feel awkward
>that mcdonalds rap
yeah it wasn't good, not sure if it was supposed to be
>was made by like the same 3 anons
pic related
>structurally and soundwise is a ripoff of Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven by Godspeed You! Black Emperor
confirmed you have never listened to anything by GY!BE
The ones who try too hard to make their's funny ruin it.
And it is still a hundred times better than this garbage.

/co/ has an anon that writes a new episode of Spiderman using clips form TAS every Saturday, not to mention many aspiring Comic creators.

/mu/ has actual musicians that actually create music with eachother, terrible as it may be.

/v/ has actually spawned and inspired relatively successful game devs

/k/ has actual gun nuts with the balls to go and shoot some people (currently on trial for it lawl)

and lets not even get started on a board like /pol/ which as controversial as it is has assisted in military ops in locating enemy location and gotten them bombed and so on.

What has /tv/ ever fucking done? Nothing. Bane is its only memorable accomplishment and /tv/ has been milking it to death ever since like a washed up actor.

>Hey guys, Aaron Paul here, Remember how awesome Jesse Pinkman was in Breaking Bad?!? :D
>Hey guy's, /tv/ here. Remember BANE? :D

It's no different. Everyone else threw Bane away like the flavor of the month it was a long time ago. /tv/ has no real accomplishments or talent and is /r9k/ tier bad cancer.

A literal glorified [s4s] at this point.
Oh but I have. Nice Godspeed ripoff.
Kanye Speed You! Black Emperor
nah the one's with no inflection in their voice ruin it. this is OP btw
Will somebody get this hot head outta here?
Sorry, I'm a monotone fuckhead.
There should be something in between. Forgive me for using this word but the ones who do an overly loud, silly voice make me cringe. You can tell they're desperate for other anons to like them.
The only person I know who also browses /tv/ also browses /s4s/ exclusively, there's a lot of truth in what you say
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I dubbed the plane scene for /tv/


I just realized I did this nearly 3 years ago..
It's not good, but it's not bad

I think I can use it as a micspam on a random Canadian minecraft trade server in tf2
this isn't fucking funny. what the fuck are you doing faggot.
Even /trash/ has inspired some pretty fucking good artists.
if you're into zootopia

come on, /tv/ step up your game.
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Appreciate the creative spirit but this is really low nrg
I'm the monotone faggot that opens the video.

Rate my autism.
>acting like there was only one contributor
what the fuck are you doing faggot
never witnessed a meme killed dead on the spot. just deleted all my cat pictures and will not participate in this meme anymore. get fucked who made this. you ruined it.
>sheev's scream
i can't breathe
Thank God it's dead.
We need more cat kino.
I don't understand why the creator just jammed in the vocaroos the second they were made instead of waiting for one vocaroo that was good for each line
Now THIS is embarrassing
because it's /tv/ dubs, not 3 anons dub
it's because barely anyone was contributing
/tv/ made porn kino.

Twice like an actual pron production. Not to mention shilled for BLACKED.com
OP here. If anyone replies to this and gets dubs then I will delete the video because I'm fucking embarrassed for making this god awful shit.
If dubs you have to keep the video up
delete it
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no, it stays up and you live with the shame
Welcome to creation. Dubs you keep it.
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do it
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hahahahahaha wat
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Now let an admin delete the thread to get rid of the credence.

wow I really am autistic.
credence clearwater revival
Jokes on you, I already downloaded the video and audio and will be playing it as a micspam.

"it'll look like a fookin accident" anon here, who wants me to try and dub the entire thing myself
OP here. Please fucking do it.
you could just kill yourself instead
I browse /tv/ every day and I still don't see these threads asking for dubs. do they come in at 4am?
>video is private
have you even read any of this thread?
Why is /tv/ full of early twenty somethings? These are the idiots pretending to be jaded old people?
link is dead
no shit
Having trouble loading the video
tell us when you upload it
fuck you OP it was funny stop caring what people think
I'm glad this meme is dead now. Good job OP.
So is this the new ebin TV meme?
Looks like the link is dead.
upload it, I wanna to see this shit
>This video is private.

What did they mean by this?
Fuck, I didn't get a chance to contribute. And I memorized this scene by heart when I was a kid.

Didn't you only start the dub last night?
Next person who gets dubs makes OP upload the video again.

me out
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dubs says no one ever uploads it again
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dubs and OP reuploads and then chugs bleach until he loses consciousness
Check em
Dubs and OP re-uploads the video and posts pics of himself on here.
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OP here and FUCK
Cmon dude please, I wanna see how my voice made it sound.
You guys did this fucking shit and I didn't show up in time to do a voice?

fucking bullshit
This. I can't believe I always miss this shit.
Dubs and the video has to stay up forever.
these dubs are immune to any future dubs
Bring back the kino
ughhh so cringe I cant watch longer than 1 minute
KYS all of you
check the link you idiot
All you people are idiots.
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see this is why i privated the video
s4s has made like 3 albums actually
Simmer down you fucking puss.
this is awful. did you faggots even try? you all sound like you're on valium. low energy
oops it was still private for me, i think i forgot to refresh
sorry gents
fuck you
Apology accepted. Also, my mom caught me calling you the n-word, and told me to apologize to you. I'm sorry ;(
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>I need him! Noooo!
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>mfw everyone is probably downloading the video right now
>mfw this video will live on even if OP acts like a fag again
>mfw my dubs force OP to kill himself on camera
at least my voice isn't in it
so THIS is why this /tv/ is so shit, people like you faggots are crawling all over this board.
next do a video of all of you juming of the tallest building you can find.
fuck you have trips i guess we should do it
*le tips fedora*
Back the fuck off?!?
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can't argue against trips
better just fucking end it, bros
I can dubs too, look.

Don't do this
That's not the way you do it, you check them dubs on /tv/
lol scrub
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Nah, that ain't workin, this is how you do it.
you suck
OP here yet fucking again. This thread has been so split on this shitty video that I don't know what to do with it anymore. So, once again, the power of the dubs will decide the videos fate.

If the first dubs reply to this gets odd-numbered dubs, the video will go public and stay public.
If the first dubs reply to this gets even-numbered dubs, the video will be deleted. Not privated, but fully deleted.
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I already gave you the answer
no stop I haven't watched it yet

I had this tab open for ages but I couldn't find my earphones but then I did so I can watch it now

op no
>tfw this kid is more high energy than us https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqqM9Tnr2Z0
that's not jum, that's total fucking marmalade
if digits op must make video public
He has control of the SENATE and THE COURTS! He's too dangerous to be kept alive!
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oh god this is so cute and it looks like a labour of love, unlike OP's dishonest glib fascimile
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the fire rises
OP, care less about what other people think. just have fun bro
hey guys i just got here can some one tell me what it was thanks :^)
Upload that shit nigga it's time to get FAMOUS
dank shit:
Where can I watch the video if OP made it private?
Wasn't there another one with a different Sheev scream when he spins?
most people only made it 50 seconds in, its EXTREMELY cringey
makes you want to punch the voice overfags
/tv/ singlehandedly caused Ghostbusters (2016) to fail and is influential enough that paid shills for Disney, Warner, and other majors studios lurk here 24/7 trying to gauge and shape the boards' opinion.

And you fags made some yeezy remix with 800 views on youberg? Christ, /mu/ is cancer. How about memeing your idol into divorcing his fat nonwhite wife and praying that he draws Judge Snek?
OP, if you knew it was going to be shit, then surely you would've seen that during the editing process.

Why the fuck you upload it THEN post it on /tv/ informing us that it's done.

I've not even watched it because you removed it like a pussy bitch.
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>literal autsits spend hours dubbing a childs movie for a flavor of the week meme
>as expected from anyone who isn't a retard the majority reception from those not involved is "This is fucking garbage and cringey as shit"
>OP deletes the video because he sees how terrible of a decision the whole thing is and wants to bury it

I would feel bad for those who participated in this shit show but you all deserve to feel like complete losers
I'm reminded how shit that lightsaber battle is. How do you make a lightsaber fight look lame?
>it ain't me starts playing
dubbing is a time honored tradition
Upload it pls
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I'm keeping the memes they make alright reaction pics
Why can't I see
Some1 relink
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>doing without me
I like ur initiative famalans
so is no one gonna repost?
go away scriptfag
>doing edits without editfag
oh it shows, anon. it shows.
seriously, this one blew compared to sicario/ROTS
Editfag here who did the Senate and high ground dub.
Why can't I see the video?
It says user removed it
All natural, baby
5 minutes for reupload

sorry OP, but the people want it
read the thread

OP got bullied and deleted it like a fag
Let'a make another one faglord, I missed sicario
How about you do what OP did but better

What was the video? It was removed by the user.
aaaaaand saved. Fuck you OP this is here to stay
Oh it's here
Come, make a new thread, let's dub something
What >>78860202 said.
That "oh yeah"was high energy

hahaha you fucking autist
Weren't we supposed to dub the tipping scene from reservoir dogs?
Hi there, it's James Witherton of the 'Cat in the Hat' promotion league (CITHPL). The VP of the 4chan CITHPL marketing division brought this thread to my attention, and I must say that I agree with him. What the OP did is a total embarrassment, and as a result all of us in the league WILL be boycotting all 4chan promotion from here on out. So if you see any new threads, you can assume the author is a sick troll. Thank you to all the true fans out there.
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There were ppl who wanted to do
1.TDK (pencil magic scene)
2.Capekino (dawn of jewstice)
3.resorvoir dogs (I don't tip)

sounds like NPR dubbed it
Come on man, do it now, I'll get swaglord involved again
Its not quite cringe...it just is.
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Can't currently
I'll post schedules and shit like I did on
Being in Army makes memeing hard famalan
> blocked in copyright grounds

When's the next one?
>it's a nerds talk quietly so their parents don't listen to them episode
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>tfw you "sung" on a "/mu/ sings" album
I still listen to it sometimes, good memories
I miss the fake trailers /tv/ used to make.

>tfw you will never see Motherlove
What song and which singer?
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