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This style was considered the GOAT aesthetically pleasing looking

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This style was considered the GOAT aesthetically pleasing looking modded car in 2000
You had to be there.


>last of the Supras

Pure kino.
it actually looks like vomit
>play midnight club 3 as kid
>fucking love my supra and win a shit ton with it
>friend says I should watch this movie because supra
>they give it this shitty mod color
I hate that this movie basically started ricer culture
>I hate that this movie basically started ricer culture
it's based on ricer culture
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>not goat

>I hate that this movie basically started ricer culture

What the fuck, it obviously was spawned by the existence of ricers.
Still the GOAT.
Wing is ironically gay.
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>You had to be there.

>also this

Modded cars were the shit in the late 90s/early 2000s
Ricer culture has been here longer than Initial D, you twat
This would have been GOAT without the decal
kid in my high school had a white supra and everyone was jealous as fuck
>muh fast cars

next you'll be telling me you fags drink coronas
>that Evo actually catching up that fast to that American muscle car

Shit was stupid as hell
Aside from the color, which can be fixed, what's wrong with it?
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>anything but matte-black
>any year
Fucking disgusting
stupid wing, ugly body kit, the dumb stickers.
Does Bryan still owe Dom a 10 second car? I don't believe he directly ever payed him back desu
>murdered out meme
You probably think plastidip looks good too.
This style never looked good.

Even as a young child I felt it was somehow being forced onto me for no real reason.
Take the spoiler and the retarded plastic addons and they objectively look much better. Basically make them the stock version of the car without all the ricer shit.
>anything but manufacture's color
>anything but country's color
>owing to your FAMILIA.
You must reply to this post if you tried recreating it in Need for Speed Underground.
I remember finding a mod to recreate >>77379579
in Underground. That shit was fucking awesome.
Are your serious? lmao
>No power steering
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How did they get away not having a front licence plate in their rides?

dont think the US requires them
Depends on the state.
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California does
In California if your car doesn't have a spot for the license plate on the front, you don't have to display one. When I was a kid my family had a Honda that only had the plate on the back.
This will spark a new civil war one day.
All the guns are on one side. Except Texas may pose a problem.
It was a different time.
>Black car with black rims
*tips fedora*
well it is awesome back then
>They made this scene look intense and funny


Nice estrogen dispencers you've got there, kid
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this is the GOAT F&F movie

if you disagree you're a tasteless cunt
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how does a movie franchise go from this >>77379362

to stuff like this

Goat scene
Not only is it the GOAT F&F, it also spawned the GOAT NFS.
the south got smacked down once, it will get smacked down again.

sherman did not go far enough.

nice AIDS dispenser
Trump's America doesn't waste money on frivolous front plates.
AE86 would could beat all these cars. This superior automobile can drift clean through corners because its chassis has been folded over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other car on earth.
> Donkey Kong?
>Muh Initial D

Fuck off weeb.
I think it still looks cool except for the color desu senpai.
what the fuck they're meant to face each other in this scene?
anyone else play this?


if I recall this car was FWD


Matte colors are gay as fuck now that every nigger with a spray can knows they murder out their camry
240sx is the superior drift car

everyone knows this
I did.

This game introduced me to Tubeway Army
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Exclusively the domain of brown douchebags. No.
I loved how Roman's Eclipse in this movie was probably the most hideous fucking car in the whole franchise
I like that it's one of the stupidest ones, and watching Lucas Black pretend to be a high school student kills me every time
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The 240sx is a piece of shit, the 180sx is the actual drift car
>already feeling nostalgia for the early 2000's
fuck me
This ricer shit is gay and weaboo af. It's why I prefer Dom's muscle cars.

>Familia tier

>Corona tier

>Buster tier

>Skelington tier

>Please be part of the familia one day tier
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there are kids living today posting on 4chan not knowing who ja rule was.
Overnight parts from Japan
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Who here /superstreet/
Back when f&f was a outracing in the real world not fucking magick wish magick heists featuring the rock
does /tv/ like cars that are blacked out?
I only like it when my women are blacked
>icy hot stuntaz

you from Jersey bro?
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my nigga
I always wanted the BMW M3 GTS from NFS:Most Wanted the most.

That game was pure kino.

I remember it being for sale like 4 years after the movie for $30,000
just because of the driving
i said forget about it cuh
Truly the plebiest of all decades
>wangan line

nice desu.
>spends 10,000 grand on a car to get its top speed to 140
>my 300 quid focus hits 125 unmodded

Where did you buy a focus for 300 squid?
When I first watched this even as a 9 year old it was ugly
it was probably owned by gypsies before
m8's nan's car innit m8
>those tiny brake discs.

Fucking disclets, when will they learn.
I still think it looks great
Had to be there. A lot of it was tongue in cheek, a lot of it was just to let everyone around you know a drag race was only an engine rev at a red light away
We used to put them in the windshield

Still got pulled over, but it wasn't a big deal
a lot of states don't use front plates, like mine, pennsylvania
>Bada dum dum dum, dum da da da da dum starts playing
we like our cars like we like our bulls
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>all windows in the house are wide open
supras are based af you know nothing numale cuck


Car-kino tier
>The Fast and the Furious (2001)
>Fast & Furious: Tokyo Drift (2006)

Enjoyable tier
>2Fast 2Furious (2003)
>Fast 5 (2011)

Shit man what have you done
>Fast & Furious (2009)
>Fast & Furious 6 (2013)
>Furious 7 (2015)

Shameless cashgrab tier
>Fate of the Furious (2018)
>driving film is the best because of the driving

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>>spends 10,000 grand on a car to get its top speed to 140
>>my 300 quid focus hits 125 unmodded
Has there ever been an MX5 in the background of one of these movies? I'd like to see a list of literally every model of car that appears in the Fast and the Furious franchise.
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>>spends 10,000 grand on a car to get its top speed to 140
>>my 300 quid focus hits 125 unmodded

Awful taste kid, come back when you're 25+
I subscribed to super Street and Sport Compact Car

> tfw re-selling boxes of ironlak for 3x the price to literal teenagers via facebook marketplace so they can get a 'sweet custom paint job'

May be played out, but i think a good rattlecan job can look great given the cost.
they don't put slow grandma cars in Fast and Furious
>tfw cars today are too expensive for most kids to own and too complicated to mod
>tfw car culture will never be mainstream again
>tfw they will only be basic, bone-stock conveyance appliances for 95+ percent of teens and 20-somethings
>tfw gen Z-ers will never be lovingly updating their CarDomain pages, working extra shifts to buy that next set of rims and lowering springs
>tfw you will never again see high schoolers spending their weekends lovingly tuning up their 10 year-old DSMs, Civics, Integras, 240sx's, GTIs, etc

I was in high school from 2000-2004, and while I hung out in euro car circles and absolutely hated the ricer culture of the time, I now look back on it with heartbroken nostalgia at the fact that it was probably the swan-song of mainstream gearhead/hot-rod culture, and we'll never again have a time where average, everyday people care about modding their shit.

You'd just think in all the shots in all the movies, even one set in Japan, not one in the background?
maybe if one of the hairdressers on the styling team's car got caught in a shot by accident
is that a blista compact?

my nigga
Nobody gives a shit about the front plate in CA anymore. Most new cars sold here now don't even have the holes drilled and only mount them if the customer requests it. This is especially true for luxury or sports cars. I don't even remember the last time I saw a Porsche or Tesla with a front plate here in San Diego.

It's probably possible to get a fix-it ticket if youre an asshole to a cop after being pulled over for a different offense, but I've never seen that happen.
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>it's a Ferrari

was he /ourguy/?
>proudly displaying your car parts shill stickers on the front

is this the car equivalent of having Razer/Shark Gaming/Alienware/Steelseries/Zowie/Nvidia stickers all over your computer
Can it handle the lightweight on the downhill?

I don't even recall what they did in F&F.
>Sport Compact Car

My nigga!
I had 3 years worth of issues that my parents threw away while I was out of state. Fuck I miss them.
my nigga
Something about a drug lord and Letty dying.
The 90s called, they want their shitbox car back.
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Tell me. Do street racers in SoCal act and behave like they do in Fast & Furious. Always angry, pent-up and always shouting and acting like big guys?
This movie is weird as fuck and is basically a F&F ripoff that is somehow included in the canon, but it did unquestionably have the best soundtrack.
The only one that focused on driving instead of a stupid heist or something.
The best
My negro
Used the snek in my last playthrough
do those spoilers actually do anything?
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I only liked the nsx.
If I ever got to have tuned car it will probably be nsx.
It looks good, but it's played out unfortunately.
I think that's all southern Californians in general.

ricers are exactly like memes

everyone's trying to outdo everyone else thinking it will make them cool but really its ALL just shit
Put the weight down on the back of the car. So, yes?
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>tfw 2intelligent2furious
End of first film

Gives him keys to a car he just proved is a 10second car by racing dom
What happened to this one anyway? I always thought they'd dig it out for the final confrontation in Furious 7 like with Dom's Charger but instead Brian had some stock-looking new model Skyline.
Torque > Fast & Furious

A short list of ways this Scene is ridiculously impossible:
1. At that Speed he would easily die over lack of Oxygen.
2. It would be impossible to control a Bike of that Speed.
3. His arms would be gruesomely detached from his body.
4. To be able to see at that Speed would be impossible.
5. A simple pebble would have the Velocity of a bullet.
6. The Air Pressure would simply knock him off the bike.
7. He impossibly broke the Sound Barrier in 0.2 Seconds.
8. His Sun Glasses would crush his Skull inwards.
9. To dodge traffic at that Speed is impossible.
10. This bike would NEVER be available to the Market.
You get the point this entire scene is Bullshit.... And that's what makes it go SO DAMN HARD!!!!!!!!!
name a more kino scene than this
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Renault Clio is fucking gay. Even the sport version. 500 Abarth is manlier.
is lucas black going to be in f8 of the furious?

i hate how they ignore his character and movie even though its the only reason fast and furious stayed relevant

If you at least said Underground
ja rule blows
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>All this pleb cars

The ideal car was built years ago.
It hasn't change, because you can't improve perfection.
Only reason anyone remembers it is because Vin was at the end
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what is this expression attempting to convey
Can you not say such rude things about my car please.
It looks scared.
More than you can afford, PAL!
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They do it for you.
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>tfw no midnight club 3: dub edition remake with better graphics
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only cars like this one



midnight club 2 had the best soundtrack, tho

I only got TWO WORDS


my nigga
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