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Badly describe a movie & others guess what movie it is.

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Badly describe a movie & others guess what movie it is.
teddy bears vs nazis
Return of the Jedi?
no friends are allowed for 10 minutes, then for two hours nothing happens
If you watch it backwards it's about a magic boat that goes around saving people.

Bell doesn't have a mental illness
overly-flamboyant kid joins some random old man,a garbage can and his partner, a criminal and his pet to go help some chick that a black guy stole.
Set in the fictional world of Middle-earth, this film follows the hobbit Frodo Baggins (Elijah Wood) as he and a Fellowship embark on a quest to destroy the One Ring, and thus ensure the destruction of its maker, the Dark Lord Sauron (Sala Baker). The Fellowship becomes divided and Frodo continues the quest together with his loyal companion Sam (Sean Astin) and the treacherous Gollum (Andy Serkis). Meanwhile, Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen), heir in exile to the throne of Gondor, and the wizard Gandalf (Ian McKellen) unite and rally the Free Peoples of Middle-earth in the War of the Ring.
Warcraft movie. Next?

an ex-Nazi gets cucked by an Arab
The joke is she's imagining the furniture talking because she's actually crazy.

It's called describe a movie's plot BADLY for a reason, fuckwit.
Star wars
The spongebob squarepants movie
nigger cop is rude to his neighbors
I kid tries not to fuck his mom while an old guy tries to electrocute his car
Yeah she does, she's a woman
Family Matters
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blast from the past

only one woman for his 30 years of life
he had to have thought about fucking his mom
Lakeview Terrace
Shut up Katrina before I pop you in the lip.
Katrina you dumb whore who told you to open your mouth
fuck off joy, you stupid republicunt, keep being a servant to your husband
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She is a furry
I guarantee nobody will guess this:

Guy goes on a fetch quest then time travels.

Yes, it's a movie, no, it's not Ocarina of Time.
was belle a furry?
Dude wants to bang a chick so he impregnates her with a general who will send him back in time to impregnate her

If she was, she was in for one hell of a disappointment.
Dude discovers homolust for his friend when a lesbian has sex on his couch
Voldemort and Mad eye Moody call each other cunts
she looks like she is dying on the inside
she wanted the bbc (big beast cock)
Black Knight

Two cops in a small town
hot fuzz
Memento ?
Lost highway ?
You got it

A girl is bored while her parents blog about gardening.
A cowboy struggles to win over the affections of a young boy
reverse TAoJJbtCRR ?
majoras mask
Jesus kills shrek

Batman v Superman
/tv/ finds Bill Wilson
You have to describe it badly.
The protagonist has layers
Man of Steel
in bruge, but fuck you that wasnt even funny
i have no idea but im intrigued
this one big guy is being an asshole to a bunch of people so they bring his brother back from the dead to stop him
Bill Wilson
Funny looking guy yeah ?
Nah, you're in the right millennia tho
Actually, I'm not so sure anyone is going to get this one, so I'll tell you it was stopmotion animation and it was released in the last 10 years.
Two guys go into a box and put another box in it then come out of the box out of the box to go back into the box.
When foreigners break into their home and abduct their child, it's up to this power duo to track down those responsible and bring him back.
The lost world
Well, just saying it's an animation makes it obvious...
Bugs Bunny vs. The KKK

Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
Chasing Amy
not even close
Featuring an awful song by Shakira.

How is that not even close? It's an animated rabbit who is fighting against a racist who wants to destroy them.
a better tomorrow 2

I never said the movie was animated.

Bugs is, so is Roger, it fits. I'm right, moving on.
No, but you're in the right continent
You're not right. Just guess again, no need to get so angry.
Der Aufstieg des Dunklen Ritters
Toy Story
Laughingly bad CG in the first minute but overall a pretty good film.
Attack of the clones
Belgium negotiates with Puerto Rico over human rights.
A guy fucks a whole family and then leaves
I didn't say laughingly bad CG during the whole movie.
So it's AotC right ?
Kingsman ?
I'd have said TFA but you said pretty good film so that can't be it
Fat man and his two ungrateful children live in a close quarters situation

Alternatively: The Japs fucked up in two universes.
a man and a woman who just met each other go to the top of a really big building

Fight Club. Too easy.
King Kong

also wrong
A doctor helps bring 3 people closer together
sleepless in seatle
Human Centipede

haha that's a good one
Heh, it's not 50 Shades Of Grey but my name worked
you got it

A kid underused his natural talent because being he couldn't be bothered
Bunch of LARPers are so immerse they don't even know they are LARPers.

The Village.
Well what do you think it is, then?
Shoot 'Em Up?
Donnie darko
Are they literal children, or are they children in the sense that they're dependant on the fat man? If it's the latter, then I'm gonna go with 10 Cloverfield Lane.
A man who can't hold a legit job helps another man to rob his own company
Bad Santa
A guy wakes up and visit his girlfriend and finds out he accidentally a baby.
Dammit, you got it.
Knocked Up
i watched the whole boring thing just for 2 minutes of kate at the end
No, it's not a comedy
A guy hates his office job.
A guy talks to his assassins hired to kill him for an hour
spongebob: sponge out of water
Emotionally unstable man shoots people for wanting to medicate him.
A father tries to get his rebellious deadbeat son to help him at work.
People disagree and use logical fallacies to argue each other. Someone gets hit by a car.
Empire Strikes Back
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Star Wars. Rebellious makes it too easy.
Falling Down?
Buttons for eyes

God is not Dead.
2 frogs are lesbos and they get into a relationship
he drives
No. Not emotionally unstable one anyway.
No one was getting it so I reposted an easier one here >>67757786 but good job.
Love Actually
9 or 6 or something like that

Deuce Bigalow.
No to the office job
neet virgin ruins a holiday then learns a lesson

Obvious: Office Space
Less obvious: Fight Club
the goonies
2 children and a man with his eyes closed eternally fight with a psychic fetus against a clone of the psychic fetus while the clone takes control of woodland creatures to aid him.
No, someone already got it. It's Coraline.
A man is murdered for double-crossing terrorists forcing his friend to flee in pimped-out car.
Back to the Future
i am legit scared after buyin a liter instead of a fifth. I do't watn to die of aids
>In the end, I really was, a Blast from the past.

t. Brandon
>Office Space
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So does he.
Two kids get their sandwich stolen and become men.
A taxi driver uses his last match

Fifth Element.
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it was this you dumb retards
It took 12 years to make
A crazy guy meets an equally crazy girl
that's a plot?
Journey To The Center Of The Earth
A man finds out he was resurrected. But he didn't die to begin with.
JUSTice League part 1
Pokémon: The First Movie
A man stranded on an island befriends a corpse that has a boner.
you got it
Is this a new movie that stars either Daniel Redcliffe or Elija Wood? I forgot which one.
Satan is gay
I don't think this is an actual movie yet.
Has Daniel. You technically got it, it's called Swiss Army Man.
southpark the "movie"
12 years a slave
Beavis and Butthead Do America

You guys are never guessing this one.
ey bb did you like how sassy I was when I put "movie" in quotes ;3
Frozen guy is defrosted to fight another defrosted guy
a flakey military officer tries to stop WW3

You're gonna regret that post for the rest of your life. Both seconds of it.
Beaver and Buttface
Fuck, how did you guess?
Every second on 4chan is regrettable
she kills people


Kill Bill.
A man who trains zombies for a living tries to get his dick sucked and helps bring down a super zombie.
Tim Burton casts Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter in a slightly macabre tale.
An antisocial young woman has a mental breakdown and almost kills everybody.
If you but it, something comes out.

Office Space
Meant to say

If you rub it, something comes out.
Guy sells weapons
A blond guy and fatass cross the country to get revenge, and also other shit happens

Lord of War.
Yeah fuck you too

Government agent kills a few niggers and gets scolded

Niggeress poops in baked goods.

Under the Skin
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back?
A professional athlete dedicates his career to his wife and son.
Crackpot scientist realizes that carvings in shape of constellations probably represent constellations.

That's the one.
Boobs get held hostage in Hollywood.
Demolition man
vanilla sky
Professor Snape causes problems for local business owners.
It's a 5 part epic series about a guy who climbs a snowy mountain and cuts down a tree.
This was way funnier than it should have been. I was caught off guard by this post.
hunt for red october
No, let me explain more

After learning that he accidentally a baby, he has to have his Girlfriend (now wife) move in and take care of the ugly little shit. His Girlfriend gets pissed and leaves, leaving him to go insane
die hard?

That probably could work but not what I had in mind.
>A father tries to get his rebellious deadbeat son to help him at work
4chan: The Movie?
A complex female character fights an evil overlord
Our fathers have given up on us a long time ago
Fuck, nevermind too obvious
Nobody trying this one out ?
An old man takes advantage of a young kid's good will and places him into labour work for his own benefit.
Harry Potter
Alien eats cucks
Semi-mute stunt double gets cucked into saving milf's son, goes full autist rampage before driving away into the distance.
After the 2nd amendment puts its foot up his ass, shit gets metal
I found it from the first 6 words but the rest belittles my success
two guys pretends to be cops and murders a bunch of gang members
Did I go overboard?

>autist rampage
>driving away

Way too easy man

>stunt double gets cucked into saving milf's son
damn. Here let me try again.

Countries send people to play dress up to save human from aliens.
Lord of the Rings
A bunch of gooks remember the same thing differently
Some SJW cucks release a criminal because they're not 100% sure

Gone Girl.
A dog meets another dog, hangin' round in the streets.

12 Angry Men
>12 Angry Men

Good call.
>12 Angry Men
the ayyys come and only will smith can stop them
A young girl is lost, meets up with three strange men and kills a woman in an argument over shoes.
Time bandits?
Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory
Nicholas Cage teaches the stereotypical Mexican guy from Antman the secret to surviving completely certain death.
gran torino?
freedom day?
guy gets asked favours alot, family has to help.
Jokes on you. There is no single movie with this plot. The text is explaining the entire trilogy, so yeah, you lose
Two brothers from another/same mother are secretly faggots and inspire an entire generation of faggots with their explosive buttfaggotry.
ID4 And/Or MiB
Operation Paperclip goes wrong. The flag saves the day.
guy broke up with ex-gf then people started chasing them then they go to a bar
Robot meets fat people for the first time.
fucking wall-e come on man.
Talking bunny realises that she likes to have sex with a talking fox.
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Killer Joe?
An average guy finds an ancient artifact and and teams up with a liberal arts student and a senile wizard to go on a quest to use it to stop another ancient artifact from destroying his world.
A guy pisses of his rich wife by fighting all the time, but then they lose everything in a war. His fighting continues to get him into trouble.
A nigger gets stolen from his family and put into a cotton field until rescued by Bradd Pitt

12 years a nigger
Farmer saves the world then his daughter dies
Not him, but the point is to describe a film plot badly but still saying actual truthful things.

To say Belle had a mental illness is not true and so not really how the game works
1. A young woman goes ASS TO ASS in order to score smack, unwittingly making the world a better place.

2. Spanish Peasants from Resident Evil 4 won't stop trying to fuck with a dashing leading man, and they try to entrap him with a sexy Negress who is secretly one of the peasants herself.

3. One family struggles to overcome the failings of one Mongoloid son until they finally become so fed up they take him out on the lake and shotgun him but only after his brother makes out with him.
mercs destory poor country murica style kills of best character halfway but then he turns up at the end all OK.
Rambo 3?
Except the OP sets the standard and defacto rules with that picture
Most of the movie is on a boat.
The Karate Kid
Not even close.
Master & Commander?
#3 Godfather Pt. 2
Inglorious Basterds
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Two friends have a feature-length journey to the gift shop.
Guy is in the gambling business while a midget fucks shit up

Batman v. Superman
Some guys sit around and talk for 90 minutes
Grown man refuses the cunny and gets ostracized and hated by his whole town because of it.
A bunch of religious people freak out
Twins trick a man into painfully killing himself over and over and over again.

The Mist?
Totalitarian Dictator kills and captures whoever he pleases so he can have father-son time.
Empire Strikes Back
The Witch
OK, here's a harder one: Sequel opens up with a shitty explanation for a sequel involving the events of the last film being a marketing stunt
A disabled scientist attempts to hide his multiple erections during a government meeting
A lonely gullible collage student decides to shoot a woman, and then kills himself.
This is correct.
Back to the future
A guy gets cancer and then says meme stuff

But that's not a 'poor description', this is literally what happens
My first guess was Breaking Bad, but that isn't a movie.
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A big robot and a gang of autists try to defeat smaller robots and another autist
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Totalbiscuit's Youtube channel
Big Hero 6
Movie, anon.
Here's a hint, /tv/ would not shut the fuck about it when it came out. They said it was reddit, and making a thread about it was guaranteed replies. Even more so if you said "fuck you guys, I liked it."
No and no.
This is the one I was thinking of.
Dr Strangelove
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